all: shasums # List all the supported and built Pi platforms here. They get expanded # to names like 'raspi_2_buster.yaml' and 'raspi_3_bullseye.img.xz'. BUILD_FAMILIES := 1 2 3 4 BUILD_RELEASES := buster bullseye bookworm platforms := $(foreach plat, $(BUILD_FAMILIES),$(foreach rel, $(BUILD_RELEASES), raspi_$(plat)_$(rel))) shasums: $(addsuffix .img.sha256,$(platforms)) $(addsuffix .img.xz.sha256,$(platforms)) xzimages: $(addsuffix .img.xz,$(platforms)) images: $(addsuffix .img,$(platforms)) yaml: $(addsuffix .yaml,$(platforms)) ifeq ($(shell id -u),0) as_root = else ifneq (,$(wildcard /usr/bin/fakemachine)) $(warning "This should normally be run as root, but found 'fakemachine', so using that.") as_root = fakemachine -v $(CURDIR) -- env --chdir $(CURDIR) else $(error "This must be run as root") endif target_platforms: @echo $(platforms) # Generate targets based on all family * release combinations: define dynamic_yaml_target = raspi_$(1)_$(2).yaml: raspi_master.yaml raspi_$(1)_$(2).yaml: ./ $(1) $(2) endef $(foreach release,$(BUILD_RELEASES), \ $(foreach family,$(BUILD_FAMILIES), \ $(eval $(call dynamic_yaml_target,$(family),$(release))))) %.img.sha256: %.img echo $@ sha256sum $< > $@ %.img.xz.sha256: %.img.xz echo $@ sha256sum $< > $@ %.img.xz: %.img xz -f -k -z -9 $< %.img.bmap: %.img bmaptool create -o $@ $< %.img: %.yaml touch $(@:.img=.log) time nice $(as_root) vmdb2 --verbose --rootfs-tarball=$(subst .img,.tar.gz,$@) --output=$@ $(subst .img,.yaml,$@) --log $(subst .img,.log,$@) chmod 0644 $@ $(@,.img=.log) _ck_root: [ `whoami` = 'root' ] # Only root can summon vmdb2 ☹ _clean_yaml: rm -f $(addsuffix .yaml,$(platforms)) raspi_base_buster.yaml raspi_base_bullseye.yaml _clean_images: rm -f $(addsuffix .img,$(platforms)) _clean_xzimages: rm -f $(addsuffix .img.xz,$(platforms)) _clean_bmaps: rm -f $(addsuffix .img.bmap,$(platforms)) _clean_shasums: rm -f $(addsuffix .img.sha256,$(platforms)) $(addsuffix .img.xz.sha256,$(platforms)) _clean_logs: rm -f $(addsuffix .log,$(platforms)) _clean_tarballs: rm -f $(addsuffix .tar.gz,$(platforms)) clean: _clean_xzimages _clean_images _clean_shasums _clean_yaml _clean_tarballs _clean_logs _clean_bmaps .PHONY: _ck_root _build_img clean _clean_images _clean_yaml _clean_tarballs _clean_logs