baseURL: "" languageCode: en-GB theme: PaperModX enableRobotsTXT: true params: author: Hibby title: Hibbian Linux description: Debian, tailored for hams defaultTheme: auto homeInfoParams: Title: "Hibbian" Content: | Linux, tailored to hams. - Built on Strong Foundations - Built with Strong Opinions - Shipping up-to-date software To lean more, please head to the [Intro Post](articles/hibbian-announce). To get started, please head to the current [installation instructions]( outputFormats: RSS: mediatype: "application/rss" baseName: "feed" menu: main: - name: Home url: / weight: 1 - name: Install url: "" weight: 2 - name: News url: /news/ weight: 3 - name: Articles url: /articles/ weight: 4 - name: Guide url: "" weight: 5 - name: Git url: "" weight: 6 languages: en: languageName: "English" markup: goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true highlight: style: dracula lineNos: false noClasses: false