2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
// Inline definitions of stuff from HTMLPages
// These save users having to update HTMLPages every time something changes
// Doing it as functions instead of static text allows edit and continue debugging
# define BTNCOLOUR "red"
char * WebMailMsgtxt ( )
char Msg [ ] =
" <!-- Version 5 11/11/2019 --> "
" <!DOCTYPE html> "
" <html> "
" <head> "
" <meta http-equiv= \" content-type \" content= \" text/html; charset=UTF-8 \" /> "
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" function Reply(Num, Key) "
" { "
" var param = \" toolbar=yes,location=yes,directories=yes,status=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,titlebar=yes,toobar=yes \" ; "
" window.open( \" /WebMail/Reply/ \" + Num + \" ? \" + Key, \" _self \" ,param); "
" } \r \n "
" </script> \r \n "
" <title>WebMail</title> "
" </head> \r \n "
" <body background=/background.jpg onload=initialize(125) onresize=initialize(125)> "
" <h3 align=center> %s Webmail Interface - User %s - Message %d</h3> "
" <table align=center border=1 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=white><tr> "
" <td><a href= \" # \" onclick= \" Reply('%d' ,'%s'); return false; \" >Reply</a></td> "
" <td><a href=/WebMail/WMDel/%d?%s>Kill Message</a></td> "
" %s "
" <td><a href=/WebMail/WMNext?%s>Next</a></td> "
" <td><a href=/WebMail/WMPrev?%s>Previous</a></td> "
" <td><a href=/WebMail/WMSame?%s>Back to List</a></td> "
" </tr></table> "
" <br> "
" <div align=center id= \" main \" > "
" <%s id= \" txt \" style= \" overflow:auto; \" align=left>%s</%s> "
" </div> " ;
return _strdup ( Msg ) ;
char * FwdPagetxt ( )
char Msg [ ] =
" <!-- Version 4 11/11/2019 --> "
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2024-07-07 16:06:08 +01:00
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2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
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2024-07-07 16:06:08 +01:00
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2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
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2024-07-07 16:06:08 +01:00
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2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
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" } "
" </style> "
" <title>Edit Forwarding</title> "
" <script type= \" text/javascript \" > "
" var Details; "
" var Sidebar; "
" var fromleft; "
" var Outer; "
" var Key = \" %s \" \r \n "
" function initialize() "
" { "
" resize(); "
" Details = document.getElementById( \" main \" ); "
" Details.innerHTML = \" waiting for data... \" ; "
" GetData( \" \" ); "
" } \r \n "
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" Outer.style.left = fromleft + \" px \" ; "
" } \r \n "
" function save(form) "
" { "
" var msg; "
" var fn = \" FWDSave? \" + Key; "
" msg = "
" form.TO.value + \" | \" + "
" form.AT.value + \" | \" + "
" form.Times.value + \" | \" + "
" form.FWD.value + \" | \" + "
" form.HRB.value + \" | \" + "
" form.HRP.value + \" | \" + "
" form.BBSHA.value + \" | \" + "
" form.EnF.checked + \" | \" + "
" form.Interval.value + \" | \" + "
" form.EnR.checked + \" | \" + "
" form.RInterval.value + \" | \" + "
" form.NoWait.checked + \" | \" + "
" form.Blocked.checked + \" | \" + "
" form.FBBBlock.value + \" | \" + "
" form.Personal.checked + \" | \" + "
" form.Bin.checked + \" | \" + "
" form.B1.checked + \" | \" + "
" form.B2.checked + \" | \" + "
" form.CTRLZ.checked + \" | \" + "
" form.ConTimeOut.value + \" | \" ; "
" post(fn, msg); "
" } \r \n "
" function startf(form) "
" { "
" var fn = \" FWDSave? \" + Key; "
" post(fn, \" StartForward \" , \" \" ); "
" } \r \n "
" function copyf(form) "
" { "
" var msg; "
" var fn = \" FWDSave? \" + Key; "
" msg = \" CopyForward| \" + form.CopyCall.value; "
" post(fn, msg); "
" } \r \n "
" function post(url, data) "
" { "
" if (window.XMLHttpRequest){request=new XMLHttpRequest();}else{request=new ActiveXObject( \" Microsoft.XMLHTTP \" );} \r \n "
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" {if (request.readyState == 4){Details.innerHTML = request.responseText;}} \r \n "
" request.open( \" POST \" , url, true);request.send(data); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" function GetDetails(call) "
" { "
" var fn = \" FwdDetails? \" + Key; "
" post(fn, call); "
" } \r \n "
" function GetData() "
" { "
" if (window.XMLHttpRequest){request=new XMLHttpRequest();}else{request=new ActiveXObject( \" Microsoft.XMLHTTP \" );} "
" request.onreadystatechange = function() "
" { "
" if (request.readyState == 4) "
" { "
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" var infoArea = document.getElementById( \" sidebar \" ); "
" var strInfo = '<table>'; "
" while(i < lines.length - 1) \r \n "
" { "
" var clink = '<a href=javascript:GetDetails( \" ' + lines[i] + ' \" )>' + lines[i] + '</a>'; \r \n "
" var tableRow = '<tr><td>' + clink + '</td></tr>'; \r \n "
" strInfo += tableRow; \r \n "
" i=i+1; "
" } "
" infoArea.innerHTML = strInfo + \" </table> \" ; "
" GetDetails(lines[0]); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" request.open( \" POST \" , \" FwdList.txt?%s \" ,true); \r \n "
" request.send(); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" </script> \r \n "
" </head><body onload=initialize() onresize=resize() style= \" background-image: url(/background.jpg); \" > "
" <h3 align=center>BPQ32 BBS %s</h3> "
" <table align=center bgcolor=white border=1 cellpadding=2> "
" <tbody> "
" <tr> "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Status?%s \" >Status</a></td> "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Conf?%s \" >Configuration</a></td> "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Users?%s \" >Users</a></td> "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Msgs?%s \" >Messages</a></td> "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/FWD?%s \" >Forwarding</a></td> "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Wel?%s \" >Welcome Msgs & Prompts</a></td> "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/HK?%s \" >Housekeeping</a></td> "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/WP?%s \" >WP Update</a></td> "
2024-07-07 16:06:08 +01:00
" <td><a href=/Webmail>WebMail</a></td> "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" <td><a href= \" / \" >Node Menu</a></td> "
" </tr> "
" </tbody> "
" </table> "
" <br /> "
" <div id= \" outer \" > "
" <div id= \" left \" > "
" <div id= \" common \" > "
" <form style= \" font-family: monospace; text-align: center; \" method=post action=/Mail/FwdCommon?%s> "
" Max size to Send <input value=%d size=3 name=MaxTX><br> "
" <br> "
" Max Size to Receive <input value=%d size=3 name=MaxRX><br> "
" <br> "
" Max age for Bulls <input value=%d size=3 name=MaxAge><br> "
" <br> "
" Warn if no route<br> "
" for P or T <input %sname=WarnNoRoute type=checkbox /><br /> "
" <br /> "
" Use Local Time <input %sname=LocalTime type=checkbox /><br /> "
" <br /> "
" Send P Msgs to more than one BBS <input %sname=SendPtoMultiple type=checkbox /><br /> "
" <br /> "
2024-07-07 16:06:08 +01:00
" Use 4 Char Continent Codes <input %sname=FourCharCont type=checkbox /><br /> "
" <br /> "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" Aliases<br /> "
" <br /> "
" <textarea rows=8 cols=12 name=Aliases>%s</textarea><br><br> "
" <input name=Submit value=Update type=submit class='btn'> </form> "
" </div> "
" <div id= \" sidebar \" > </div> "
" </div> "
" <div id= \" main \" > </div> "
" </div> "
" </body></html> " ;
return _strdup ( Msg ) ;
char * FwdDetailtxt ( )
char Msg [ ] =
" <!-- Version 3 11/11/2019 --> \r \n "
" <h3 align= \" center \" >Forwarding Config for %s - %d Messages Queued</h3><form style= \" font-family: monospace; text-align: center \" method=post action=/Mail/FWD?%s> \r \n "
" TO AT \r \n "
" TIMES Connect Script<br> \r \n "
" <textarea wrap=hard rows=8 cols=10 name=TO>%s</textarea> \r \n "
" <textarea wrap=hard rows=8 cols=10 name=AT>%s</textarea> \r \n "
" <textarea wrap=hard rows=8 cols=10 name=Times>%s</textarea> \r \n "
" <textarea wrap=hard rows=8 cols=20 name=FWD>%s</textarea><br> \r \n "
" Hierarchical Routes (Flood Bulls) HR (Personals and Directed Bulls) \r \n "
" <textarea wrap=hard rows=8 cols=30 name=HRB>%s</textarea> \r \n "
" <textarea wrap=hard rows=8 cols=30 name=HRP>%s</textarea> \r \n "
" <br><br> \r \n "
" BBS HA <input value= \" %s \" size=50 name=BBSHA> <br> \r \n "
" Enable Forwarding <input %sname=EnF type=checkbox> Interval <input value=%d size=3 name=Interval>(Secs)<br> \r \n "
" Request Reverse <input %sname=EnR type=checkbox> Interval <input value=%d size=3 name=RInterval>(Secs)<br> \r \n "
" Send new messages without waiting for poll timer<input %sname=NoWait type=checkbox><br> \r \n "
" FBB Blocked <input %sname=Blocked type=checkbox>Max Block <input value=%d size=3 name=FBBBlock> \r \n "
" Send Personal Mail Only <input %sname=Personal type=checkbox><br> \r \n "
" Allow Binary <input %sname=Bin type=checkbox> Use B1 Protocol <input %sname=B1 type=checkbox> Use B2 Protocol<input %sname=B2 type=checkbox><br> \r \n "
" Send ctrl/Z instead of /ex in text mode forwarding <input %sname=CTRLZ type=checkbox><br> \r \n "
" Incoming Connect Timeout <input value=%d size=3 name=ConTimeOut>(Secs)<br> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" <input onclick=copyf(this.form) value= \" Copy from BBS \" type=button class='btn'> \r \n "
" <input value= \" \" size=3 name=CopyCall> \r \n "
" <input onclick=save(this.form) value=Update type=button class='btn'> \r \n "
" <input onclick=startf(this.form) value= \" Start Forwarding \" type=button class='btn'> \r \n "
" </form> \r \n " ;
return _strdup ( Msg ) ;
char * webscriptjs ( )
char Msg [ ] =
" <!-- Version 2 17/10/2018 --> \r \n "
" var Main \r \n "
" var fromleft; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function initialize(mainoffset) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var w=window,d=document,e=d.documentElement,g=d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; \r \n "
" x=w.innerWidth; //||e.clientWidth||g.clientWidth; \r \n "
" y=w.innerHeight; //||e.clientHeight||g.clientHeight; \r \n "
" Main = document.getElementById( \" main \" ); \r \n "
" w = x; \r \n "
" if (w > 920) {w = 920;} \r \n "
" fromleft = (x / 2) - (x - 150)/2; \r \n "
" if (fromleft < 0) {fromleft = 0;} \r \n "
" Main.style.left = fromleft + \" px \" ; \r \n "
" Main.style.width = x - 150 + \" px \" ; \r \n "
" Main.style.height = y - mainoffset + \" px \" ; \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" function newmsg(Key) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var param = \" toolbar=yes,location=yes,directories=yes,status=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,titlebar=yes,toobar=yes \" ; \r \n "
" window.open( \" /WebMail/NewMsg? \" + Key, \" _self \" ,param); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" function Reply(Num, Key) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var param = \" toolbar=yes,location=yes,directories=yes,status=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,titlebar=yes,toobar=yes \" ; \r \n "
" window.open( \" /WebMail/Reply/ \" + Num + \" ? \" + Key, \" _self \" ,param); \r \n "
" } \r \n " ;
return _strdup ( Msg ) ;
char * WebMailPagetxt ( )
char Msg [ ] =
" <!-- Version 6 8/11/2018 --> \r \n "
" <!DOCTYPE html> \r \n "
" <html xmlns= \" http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml \" xml:lang= \" en \" > \r \n "
" <head> \r \n "
" <meta http-equiv= \" content-type \" content= \" text/html; charset=UTF-8 \" /> \r \n "
2022-11-18 17:03:39 +00:00
" <meta http-equiv=refresh content=300> "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" <style type= \" text/css \" > \r \n "
" pre {margin-left: 4px;white-space: pre} \r \n "
" #main{width:700px;position:absolute;left:0px;border:2px solid;background-color: #ffffff;} \r \n "
" </style> \r \n "
" <script src= \" /WebMail/webscript.js \" ></script> \r \n "
" <title>WebMail</title> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" </head> \r \n "
" <body background=/background.jpg onload= \" initialize(120) \" onresize= \" initialize(120) \" > \r \n "
" <h3 align=center> %s Webmail Interface - User %s - Message List</h3> \r \n "
" <table align=center border=1 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=white><tr> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <td><a href=/WebMail/WMB?%s>Bulls</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/WebMail/WMP?%s>Personal</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/WebMail/WMT?%s>NTS</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/WebMail/WMALL?%s>All Types</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/WebMail/WMMine?%s>Mine</a></td> \r \n "
2024-02-23 21:36:36 +00:00
" <td><a href=/WebMail/WMfromMe?%s>My Sent</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/WebMail/WMtoMe?%s>My Rxed</a></td> \r \n "
2022-11-12 15:00:02 +00:00
" <td><a href=/WebMail/WMAuto?%s>Auto Refresh</a></td> \r \n "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" <td><a href= \" # \" onclick= \" newmsg('%s'); return false; \" >Send Message</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/WebMail/WMLogout?%s>Logout</a></td> \r \n "
2024-07-07 16:06:08 +01:00
" <td><a href=/Mail/Header>Mail Mgmt</a></td> \r \n "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" <td><a href=/>Node Menu</a></td></tr></table> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" <div align=left id= \" main \" style= \" overflow:scroll; \" > \r \n "
" <pre align=left>%s</pre> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" \r \n " ;
return _strdup ( Msg ) ;
char * MainConfigtxt ( )
char Msg [ ] =
" <!-- Version 7 2/1/2017 --> \r \n "
" <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \" -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN \" \" http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd \" > \r \n "
" <html><head><title>Main Configuration</title> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <style type= \" text/css \" > "
" input.btn:active {background:black;color:white;} "
" submit.btn:active {background:black;color:white;} "
2023-10-10 22:07:04 +01:00
" table, th, td {border: 1px solid black;border-collapse: collapse;} "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" </style> "
" <script type= \" text/javascript \" > \r \n "
" \r \n "
" var Main \r \n "
" var fromleft; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function initialize() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var w=window,d=document,e=d.documentElement,g=d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; \r \n "
" x=w.innerWidth||e.clientWidth||g.clientWidth; \r \n "
" fromleft = (x / 2) - 370; \r \n "
" if (fromleft < 0) {fromleft = 0;} \r \n "
" Main = document.getElementById( \" main \" ); \r \n "
" Main.style.left = fromleft + \" px \" ; \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" </script> \r \n "
" </head><body style= \" background-image: url(/background.jpg); \" onload= \" initialize() \" onresize= \" initialize() \" > \r \n "
" <h3 align= \" center \" >BPQ32 BBS %s</h3> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <table align= \" center \" bgcolor= \" white \" border= \" 1 \" cellpadding= \" 2 \" > \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Status?%s \" >Status</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Conf?%s \" >Configuration</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Users?%s \" >Users</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Msgs?%s \" >Messages</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/FWD?%s \" >Forwarding</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Wel?%s \" >Welcome Msgs & Prompts</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/HK?%s \" >Housekeeping</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/WP?%s \" >WP Update</a></td> \r \n "
2024-07-07 16:06:08 +01:00
" <td><a href=/Webmail>WebMail</a></td> "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" <td><a href= \" / \" >Node Menu</a></td> \r \n "
" </tr></table> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" <div style= \" text-align: center; \" ><font size= \" +1 \" ><span style= \" font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; \" >Main Configuration</span></font></div> \r \n "
" \r \n "
2023-10-10 22:07:04 +01:00
" <div id= \" main \" style= \" border: 2px solid ; overflow: auto; position: relative; top: 10px; height: 1180px; width: 740px; left: 86px; \" > \r \n "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" <form border= \" 1 \" style= \" font-family: monospace; \" method= \" post \" action= \" /Mail/Config?%s \" > \r \n "
" <h3> BBS Params</h3> \r \n "
" BBS Call <input value= \" %s \" name= \" BBSCall \" > SYSOP \r \n "
" Call <input value= \" %s \" name= \" SYSOPCall \" ><br> \r \n "
" H Route <input value= \" %s \" name= \" HRoute \" > \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" BBSToSYSOP \" type= \" checkbox \" > Redirect msgs to BBS Call to SYSOP Call<br> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" BBS APPL No <input value= \" %d \" size= \" 3 \" name= \" ApplNum \" > Streams \r \n "
" <input value= \" %d \" size= \" 3 \" name= \" Streams \" ><br> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" SysToSYSOP \" type= \" checkbox \" > Send System Msgs to \r \n "
" SYSOP Call<br> \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" RefuseBulls \" type= \" checkbox \" > Refuse Bulls<br> \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" EnUI \" type= \" checkbox \" > Enable FBB UI System<br> \r \n "
" Send Mail For Beacons every <input value= \" %d \" size= \" 3 \" name= \" UIInterval \" > Minutes <input name= \" ConfigUI \" value= \" Config UI Ports and Digis \" type=submit class='btn'><br> \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" DontHold \" type= \" checkbox \" > Don't Hold Messages From New Users<br> \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" DefaultNoWinlink \" type= \" checkbox \" > Set Don't add WINLINK.ORG flag on new users<br> \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" DontNeedName \" type= \" checkbox \" > Don't Request Name<br> \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" DontNeedHomeBBS \" type= \" checkbox \" > Don't Request Home BBS<br> \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" DontCheckFromCall \" type= \" checkbox \" > Dont Check From Call<br> \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" UserCantKillT \" type= \" checkbox \" > Allow users to kill T messages<br> \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" FWDtoMe \" type= \" checkbox \" > Forward Messages to BBS Call<br> \r \n "
2023-12-28 10:31:09 +00:00
" <input %sname= \" OnlyKnown \" type= \" checkbox \" > Don't allow unknown users<br> \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" Events \" type= \" checkbox \" > Enable Event Reporting<br><br> \r \n "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" POP3 Port <input value= \" %d \" size= \" 3 \" name= \" POP3Port \" > \r \n "
" SMTP Port <input value= \" %d \" size= \" 3 \" name= \" SMTPPort \" > NTPPort <input value= \" %d \" size= \" 3 \" name= \" NNTPPort \" > <input %sname= \" EnRemote \" type= \" checkbox \" > Enable Remote Access<br> \r \n "
" AMPR Address <input value= \" %s \" name= \" AMPRDomain \" > <input %sname= \" SendAMPR \" type= \" checkbox \" > Send AMPR Mail to AMPR host \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <h3> ISP Params</h3> \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" EnISP \" type= \" checkbox \" > Enable ISP \r \n "
" Interface<br> \r \n "
" My Domain <input value= \" %s \" name= \" ISPDomain \" > <br> \r \n "
" SMTP Server <input value= \" %s \" name= \" SMTPServer \" > Port <input value= \" %d \" size= \" 3 \" name= \" ISPSMTPPort \" > SMTP Domain <input value= \" %s \" name= \" ISPEHLOName \" ><br> \r \n "
" POP3 Server <input value= \" %s \" name= \" POP3Server \" > Port <input value= \" %d \" size= \" 3 \" name= \" ISPPOP3Port \" ><br> \r \n "
" ISP Account Name <input value= \" %s \" name= \" ISPAccount \" > \r \n "
" Password <input value= \" %s \" name= \" ISPPassword \" > <br> \r \n "
" POP3 Poll Interval <input value= \" %d \" size= \" 3 \" name= \" PollInterval \" > \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" ISPAuth \" type= \" checkbox \" > SMTP Server Requires Authentication \r \n "
" <h3> WP Params</h3> \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" EnWP \" type= \" checkbox \" > Send WPUpdates \r \n "
" <input %sname= \" RejWFBulls \" type= \" checkbox \" > Reject WP Bulls \r \n "
" Type B<input %s name= \" Type \" value= \" TypeB \" type= \" radio \" >Type P<input %s name= \" Type \" value= \" TypeP \" type= \" radio \" ><br><br> \r \n "
" WP Destinations<br> <textarea cols= \" 30 \" rows= \" 4 \" name= \" WPTO \" >%s</textarea><br> \r \n "
" <h3> Message Filters</h3> \r \n "
" Reject From Reject \r \n "
" To Reject At Reject BID  Hold "
" From Hold \r \n "
" To Hold At Hold BID<br> \r \n "
" <textarea cols= \" 8 \" rows= \" 5 \" name= \" Rfrom \" >%s</textarea> \r \n "
" <textarea cols= \" 8 \" rows= \" 5 \" name= \" Rto \" >%s</textarea> \r \n "
" <textarea cols= \" 8 \" rows= \" 5 \" name= \" Rat \" >%s</textarea> \r \n "
" <textarea cols= \" 8 \" rows= \" 5 \" name= \" RBID \" >%s</textarea> \r \n "
" <textarea cols= \" 8 \" rows= \" 5 \" name= \" Hfrom \" >%s</textarea> \r \n "
" <textarea cols= \" 8 \" rows= \" 5 \" name= \" Hto \" >%s</textarea> \r \n "
" <textarea cols= \" 8 \" rows= \" 5 \" name= \" Hat \" >%s</textarea> \r \n "
" <textarea cols= \" 8 \" rows= \" 5 \" name= \" HBID \" >%s</textarea> \r \n "
2023-10-10 22:07:04 +01:00
" <p></p> "
" FBB reject.sys type filters (all fields must match, wildcards allowed) \r \n "
" <p></p> "
" <div style='position: absolute; left: 20px;height: 120px; overflow:auto;'>%s</div> "
2023-12-28 10:31:09 +00:00
" <div style='position: absolute; top: 1120px;left: 300px; overflow:auto;'> "
2023-10-10 22:07:04 +01:00
" <input class='btn' name= \" Save \" value= \" Save \" type=submit class='btn'> <input class='btn' name= \" Cancel \" value= \" Cancel \" type=submit class='btn'> "
" </div> "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" </form> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n " ;
return _strdup ( Msg ) ;
char * MsgPagetxt ( )
char Msg [ ] =
" <!-- Version 2 7/5/2016 --> \r \n "
" <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \" -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN \" \" http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd \" > \r \n "
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" \r \n "
" <title>Edit Messages</title> \r \n "
" <script type= \" text/javascript \" > \r \n "
" \r \n "
" var Details \r \n "
" var Sel \r \n "
" var Sidebar \r \n "
" var fromleft; \r \n "
" var Outer; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function initialize() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" resize(); "
" Details = document.getElementById( \" main \" ); \r \n "
" Details.innerHTML = \" waiting for data... \" ; \r \n "
" // Details.style.left = fromleft + 150 + \" px \" ; \r \n "
" GetData( \" \" ); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" function resize() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
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" } \r \n "
" function ck(cell) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var fn = \" MsgFwdUpdate?%s \" ; \r \n "
" post(fn, cell); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function save(form) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var msg \r \n "
" msg = form.From.value + \" | \" + form.To.value+ \" | \" + form.BID.value+ \" | \" + form.EFROM.value + \" | \" + form.VIA.value+ \" | \" + form.Title.value+ \" | \" + form.Type.value + \" | \" + form.Status.value + \" | \" \r \n "
" var fn = \" MsgSave?%s \" ; \r \n "
" post(fn, msg); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function doit(param) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var fn = \" MsgAction?%s \" ; \r \n "
" post(fn, param); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function dofilter(form) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var val = form.FFrom.value + \" | \" + form.FTo.value + \" | \" + form.FVia.value+ \" | \" + form.FBid.value+ \" | \" \r \n "
" GetData(val); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function editmsg(url) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var param = \" toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,titlebar=no,toobar=no,width=800,height=600 \" ; \r \n "
" window.open(url, \" _blank \" , param); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" \r \n "
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" { \r \n "
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" request.onreadystatechange = function() \r \n "
" {if (request.readyState == 4){Details.innerHTML = request.responseText;}} \r \n "
" request.open( \" POST \" , url, true);request.send(data); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" function GetDetails(call) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var fn = \" MsgDetails?%s \" ; \r \n "
" post(fn, call); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" function GetData(filter) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" if (window.XMLHttpRequest){request=new XMLHttpRequest();}else{request=new ActiveXObject( \" Microsoft.XMLHTTP \" );} \r \n "
" \r \n "
" request.onreadystatechange = function() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" if (request.readyState == 4) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var text = request.responseText; \r \n "
" var lines = text.split( \" | \" ); \r \n "
" var i = 0; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" var infoArea = document.getElementById( \" sidebar \" ); \r \n "
" var strInfo = '<table>'; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" while(i < lines.length - 1) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var clink = '<a href=javascript:GetDetails( \" ' + lines[i] + ' \" )>' + lines[i] + '</a>'; \r \n "
" var tableRow = '<tr><td>' + clink + '</td></tr>'; \r \n "
" strInfo += tableRow; \r \n "
" i=i+1; \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" infoArea.innerHTML = strInfo + \" </table> \" ; \r \n "
" GetDetails(lines[0]); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" request.open( \" POST \" , \" MsgInfo.txt?%s \" ,true); \r \n "
" request.send(filter); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" </script> \r \n "
" </head> \r \n "
" <body background=/background.jpg onload= \" initialize() \" onresize= \" resize() \" > \r \n "
" <h3 align=center>BPQ32 BBS %s</h3> \r \n "
" <table align= \" center \" bgcolor= \" white \" border= \" 1 \" cellpadding= \" 2 \" > \r \n "
" <tbody> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Status?%s \" >Status</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Conf?%s \" >Configuration</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Users?%s \" >Users</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Msgs?%s \" >Messages</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/FWD?%s \" >Forwarding</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Wel?%s \" >Welcome Msgs & Prompts</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/HK?%s \" >Housekeeping</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/WP?%s \" >WP Update</a></td> \r \n "
2024-07-07 16:06:08 +01:00
" <td><a href=/Webmail>WebMail</a></td> "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" <td><a href= \" / \" >Node Menu</a></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" </tbody> \r \n "
" </table> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <div id= \" outer \" > \r \n "
" <div align=center style= \" font-family: monospace; \" id= \" sidebar \" ></div> \r \n "
" <div align=center style= \" font-family: monospace; \" id= \" main \" ></div> \r \n "
" <div style= \" font-family: monospace; \" id= \" sel \" > \r \n "
" <form style= \" font-family: monospace; \" ><div style= \" text-align: center; \" ><span \r \n "
" style= \" font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; \" >Filter</span></div> \r \n "
" From <input style= \" font-family: monospace; \" size= \" 7 \" name= \" FFrom \" value= \" \" onkeyup=dofilter(this.form)><br> \r \n "
" To <input style= \" font-family: monospace; \" size= \" 7 \" name= \" FTo \" value= \" \" onkeyup=dofilter(this.form)<br> \r \n "
" Via <input style= \" font-family: monospace; \" size= \" 7 \" name= \" FVia \" value= \" \" onkeyup=dofilter(this.form)><br> \r \n "
" BID <input style= \" font-family: monospace; \" size= \" 7 \" name= \" FBid \" value= \" \" onkeyup=dofilter(this.form)> \r \n "
" </form> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" </span> \r \n "
" \r \n " ;
return _strdup ( Msg ) ;
char * UserDetailtxt ( )
char Msg [ ] =
" <!-- Version 4 10/10/2015 --> \r \n "
" <form style= \" font-family: monospace; \" method= \" post \" action= \" /Mail/UserSave?%s \" > \r \n "
" <h3 align=center>Update User %s</h3> \r \n "
" <div style= \" position:absolute; left:10px; \" > <table style= \" text-align: left; height: 156px; \" cellpadding= \" 2 \" cellspacing= \" 0 \" > \r \n "
" <tbody> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td style= \" vertical-align: middle; width: 20px; \" ><input %sname= \" BBS \" type= \" checkbox \" ></td> \r \n "
" <td style= \" width: 250px; \" >BBS</td> \r \n "
" <td style= \" width: 20px; \" ><input %s name= \" PermitEmail \" type= \" checkbox \" ></td> \r \n "
" <td style= \" width: 250px; \" >Permit Email</td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td style= \" vertical-align: middle; width: 20px; \" ><input %sname= \" PMS \" type= \" checkbox \" ></td> \r \n "
" <td>PMS</td> \r \n "
" <td style= \" width: 20px; \" ><input %sname= \" RMSExUser \" type= \" checkbox \" ></td> \r \n "
" <td>RMS Express User</td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td style= \" vertical-align: middle; width: 20px; \" ><input %sname= \" SYSOP \" type= \" checkbox \" ></td> \r \n "
" <td>SYSOP</td> \r \n "
" <td style= \" width: 20px; \" ><input %s name= \" PollRMS \" type= \" checkbox \" ></td> \r \n "
" <td>Poll RMS</td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td style= \" vertical-align: middle; width: 20px; \" ><input %sname= \" Expert \" type= \" checkbox \" ></td> \r \n "
" <td>Expert</td> \r \n "
" <td colspan= \" 2 \" rowspan= \" 1 \" > For SSID's \r \n "
" <input style= \" width: 15px; \" name= \" SSID1 \" value= \" %s \" > \r \n "
" <input style= \" width: 15px; \" name= \" SSID2 \" value= \" %s \" > \r \n "
" <input style= \" width: 15px; \" name= \" SSID3 \" value= \" %s \" > \r \n "
" <input style= \" width: 15px; \" name= \" SSID4 \" value= \" %s \" ></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td style= \" vertical-align: top; width: 19px; \" ><input %sname= \" Excluded \" type= \" checkbox \" ></td> \r \n "
" <td>Excluded</td> \r \n "
" <td style= \" width: 20px; \" ><input %sname= \" Hold \" type= \" checkbox \" ></td> \r \n "
" <td>Hold Messages</td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td style= \" vertical-align: top; width: 19px; \" ><input %sname= \" SYSOPLM \" type= \" checkbox \" ></td> \r \n "
" <td>Include SYSOP msgs in LM </td> \r \n "
" <td style= \" width: 20px; \" ><input %sname= \" NOWINLINK \" type= \" checkbox \" ></td> \r \n "
" <td>Don't add @winlink.org</td> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td><br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td style= \" width: 20px; \" ><input %sname= \" ALLOWBULLS \" type= \" checkbox \" ></td> \r \n "
" <td>Allow Sending Bulls</td> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td style= \" width: 20px; \" ><input %sname= \" NTSMPS \" type= \" checkbox \" ></td> \r \n "
" <td>NTS MPS</td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <td style= \" width: 20px; \" ><input %sname= \" RMSREDIR \" type= \" checkbox \" ></td> \r \n "
" <td>Redirect to RMS</td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr><td><input %sname=APRSMFOR type=checkbox></td> "
" <td>Send APRS Mail For to SSID "
" <input style= \" width: 15px; \" name=APRSSSID value=%s></td> "
" </tr> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" </tbody> "
" </table> "
" <br> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" <table style= \" text-align: left; \" border= \" 0 \" cellpadding= \" 2 \" cellspacing= \" 0 \" > \r \n "
" <tbody> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Connects In<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td style= \" width: 60px; \" >%d<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td>Msgs in<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td style= \" width: 50px; \" >%d<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td>Rejects In<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td style= \" width: 50px; \" >%d<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Connects Out<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td>%d<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td>Msgs Out<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td>%d<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td>Rejects Out<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td>%d<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Bytes In <br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td>%d<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td>Last Connect</td> \r \n "
" <td colspan= \" 3 \" rowspan= \" 1 \" >%s</td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Bytes Out<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td>%d</td> \r \n "
" <td><br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td><br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td style= \" text-align: center; \" >Last Listed<br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" <td><input style= \" width: 40px; \" name= \" LastListed \" value= \" %d \" ><br> \r \n "
" </td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" </tbody> \r \n "
" </table> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" Name <input style= \" width:200px; \" name= \" Name \" value= \" %s \" ><br> \r \n "
" Password <input style= \" width:120px; \" name= \" Password \" value= \" %s \" > \r \n "
" CMS Pass <input name= \" CMSPass \" value= \" %s \" > \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" QTH <input style= \" width:260px; \" name= \" QTH \" value= \" %s \" > ZIP <input style= \" width:80px; \" name= \" ZIP \" value= \" %s \" ><br> \r \n "
" Home BBS <input style= \" width:360px; \" name= \" HomeBBS \" value= \" %s \" ><br> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" <div align= \" center \" ><input class='btn' onclick=save(this.form) value=Update type=button class='btn'> \r \n "
" <input class='btn' onclick=del(this.form) value=Delete type=button class='btn'> \r \n "
" <input class='btn' onclick=add(this.form) value=Add type=button class='btn'> \r \n "
" <input style= \" width:60px; text-transform:uppercase; \" name= \" NewCall \" > \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" </form> \r \n "
" \r \n " ;
return _strdup ( Msg ) ;
char * UserPagetxt ( )
char Msg [ ] =
" <!-- Version 4 10/10/2015 --> \r \n "
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" \r \n "
" </style> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <title>Edit Users</title> \r \n "
" <script type= \" text/javascript \" > \r \n "
" \r \n "
" var Details \r \n "
" var Sidebar \r \n "
" var fromleft; \r \n "
" var Outer; \r \n "
" var Key = \" %s \" \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function initialize() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" resize(); "
" Details = document.getElementById( \" main \" ); \r \n "
" Details.innerHTML = \" waiting for data... \" ; \r \n "
" GetData( \" \" ); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function resize() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
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" Outer.style.left = fromleft + \" px \" ; \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function save(form) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var msg \r \n "
" var fn = \" UserSave? \" + Key; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" msg = \r \n "
" form.BBS.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.PermitEmail.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.PMS.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.RMSExUser.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.SYSOP.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.PollRMS.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.Expert.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.SSID1.value + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.SSID2.value + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.SSID3.value + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.SSID4.value + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.Excluded.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.Hold.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.SYSOPLM.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.NOWINLINK.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.ALLOWBULLS.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.NTSMPS.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.RMSREDIR.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.APRSMFOR.checked + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.APRSSSID.value + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.LastListed.value + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.Name.value + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.Password.value + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.CMSPass.value + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.QTH.value + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.ZIP.value + \" | \" + \r \n "
" form.HomeBBS.value + \" | \" \r \n "
" post(fn, msg); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function del(form) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var fn = \" UserSave? \" + Key; \r \n "
" xpost(fn, \" Delete \" , \" \" ); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function add(form) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var fn = \" UserSave? \" + Key; \r \n "
" xpost(fn, \" Add= \" + form.NewCall.value, form.NewCall.value); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function post(url, data) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" if (window.XMLHttpRequest){request=new XMLHttpRequest();}else{request=new ActiveXObject( \" Microsoft.XMLHTTP \" );} \r \n "
" request.onreadystatechange = function() \r \n "
" {if (request.readyState == 4){Details.innerHTML = request.responseText;}} \r \n "
" request.open( \" POST \" , url, true);request.send(data); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function xpost(url, data, call) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" if (window.XMLHttpRequest){request=new XMLHttpRequest();}else{request=new ActiveXObject( \" Microsoft.XMLHTTP \" );} \r \n "
" request.onreadystatechange = function() \r \n "
" {if (request.readyState == 4){ \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var text = request.responseText; \r \n "
" var lines = text.split( \" | \" ); \r \n "
" var i = 0; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" var infoArea = document.getElementById( \" sidebar \" ); \r \n "
" var strInfo = '<table>'; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" while(i < lines.length - 1) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var clink = '<a href=javascript:GetDetails( \" ' + lines[i] + ' \" )>' + lines[i] + '</a>'; \r \n "
" var tableRow = '<tr><td>' + clink + '</td></tr>'; \r \n "
" strInfo += tableRow; \r \n "
" i=i+1; \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" infoArea.innerHTML = strInfo + \" </table> \" ; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" if (call == \" \" ) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" GetDetails(lines[0]); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" else \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" GetDetails(call); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" \r \n "
" }} \r \n "
" request.open( \" POST \" , url, true);request.send(data); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function GetDetails(call) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var fn = \" UserDetails? \" + Key; \r \n "
" post(fn, call); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" function GetData() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" if (window.XMLHttpRequest){request=new XMLHttpRequest();}else{request=new ActiveXObject( \" Microsoft.XMLHTTP \" );} \r \n "
" \r \n "
" request.onreadystatechange = function() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" if (request.readyState == 4) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var text = request.responseText; \r \n "
" var lines = text.split( \" | \" ); \r \n "
" var i = 0; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" var infoArea = document.getElementById( \" sidebar \" ); \r \n "
" var strInfo = '<table>'; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" while(i < lines.length - 1) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var clink = '<a href=javascript:GetDetails( \" ' + lines[i] + ' \" )>' + lines[i] + '</a>'; \r \n "
" var tableRow = '<tr><td>' + clink + '</td></tr>'; \r \n "
" strInfo += tableRow; \r \n "
" i=i+1; \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" infoArea.innerHTML = strInfo + \" </table> \" ; \r \n "
" GetDetails(lines[0]); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" request.open( \" POST \" , \" UserList.txt?%s \" ,true); \r \n "
" request.send(); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" </script> \r \n "
" </head> \r \n "
" <body background=/background.jpg onload= \" initialize() \" onresize= \" resize() \" > \r \n "
" <h3 align=center>BPQ32 BBS %s</h3> \r \n "
" <table align=center border=1 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=white><tr> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/Status?%s>Status</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/Conf?%s>Configuration</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/Users?%s>Users</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/Msgs?%s>Messages</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/FWD?%s>Forwarding</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/Wel?%s>Welcome Msgs & Prompts</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/HK?%s>Housekeeping</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/WP?%s>WP Update</a></td> \r \n "
2024-07-07 16:06:08 +01:00
" <td><a href=/Webmail>WebMail</a></td> "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" <td><a href=/>Node Menu</a></td></tr></table> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" <div id= \" outer \" > \r \n "
" <div id= \" sidebar \" ></div> \r \n "
" <div id= \" main \" ></div> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" \r \n " ;
return _strdup ( Msg ) ;
char * Housekeepingtxt ( )
char Msg [ ] =
" <!-- Version 2 2/1/2016 --> \r \n "
" <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \" -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN \" \" http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd \" > \r \n "
" <html xmlns= \" http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml \" xml:lang= \" en \" ><head> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <meta content= \" text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 \" http-equiv= \" content-type \" /> \r \n "
" <title>Housekeeping</title> \r \n "
" <style type= \" text/css \" > "
" input.btn:active {background:black;color:white;} "
" submit.btn:active {background:black;color:white;} "
" </style> "
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" \r \n "
" var Main \r \n "
" var fromleft; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function initialize() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
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" \r \n "
" // Main.style.width = (x - fromleft) + \" px \" ; \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" </script> \r \n "
" </head> \r \n "
" <body background=/background.jpg onload= \" initialize() \" onresize= \" initialize() \" > \r \n "
" <h3 align=center>BPQ32 BBS %s</h3> \r \n "
" <span align=center><table align=center border=1 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=white><tr> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/Status?%s>Status</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/Conf?%s>Configuration</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/Users?%s>Users</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/Msgs?%s>Messages</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/FWD?%s>Forwarding</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/Wel?%s>Welcome Msgs & Prompts</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/HK?%s>Housekeeping</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href=/Mail/WP?%s>WP Update</a></td> \r \n "
2024-07-07 16:06:08 +01:00
" <td><a href=/Webmail>WebMail</a></td> "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" <td><a href=/>Node Menu</a></td></tr></table> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" <div style= \" text-align: center; \" ><font size= \" +1 \" ><span style= \" font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; \" >Housekeeping</span></font></div> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <form style= \" font-family: monospace; \" method= \" post \" action= \" /Mail/HK?%s \" name= \" HK \" > \r \n "
" <div id= \" main \" style= \" position: relative; top:10px; height:550px; width:940px; overflow: auto \" > \r \n "
" <div style= \" border: 2px solid ; width: 270px; height: 510px; \" ><div style= \" text-align: center; \" ><font size= \" +1 \" ><span style= \" font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; \" >Parameters</span></font></div><br> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" <table style= \" text-align: left; width: 264px; height: 116px; \" border= \" 0 \" cellpadding= \" 2 \" cellspacing= \" 2 \" > \r \n "
" <tbody> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Maintenance Time (UTC)</td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 3 \" name= \" MTTime \" value= \" %04d \" /></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Maintenance Interval (Hrs)</td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 3 \" name= \" MTInt \" value= \" %d \" /></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Max Message Number </td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 3 \" name= \" MAXMSG \" value= \" %d \" /></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>BID Lifetime (Days)</td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 3 \" name= \" BIDLife \" value= \" %d \" > </td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Log File Lifetime (days)</td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 3 \" name= \" LogLife \" value= \" %d \" ></td> \r \n "
" </tr><tr> \r \n "
" <td>Delete Inactive Users (days)</td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 3 \" name= \" UserLife \" value= \" %d \" ></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" </tbody> \r \n "
" </table> \r \n "
" <br /> \r \n "
" Delete Messages and logs<br> \r \n "
" to recycle bin <input %sname= \" Deltobin \" value= \" Deltobin \" type= \" checkbox \" ><br> \r \n "
" <br /> \r \n "
" Send Non-delivery Notifications<br> \r \n "
" for P and T messages <input %sname= \" SendND \" value= \" SendND \" type= \" checkbox \" /><br> \r \n "
" <br /> \r \n "
2024-12-16 17:54:16 +00:00
" Suppress Mailing of<br> \r \n "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" Housekeeping Result <input %sname= \" NoMail \" value= \" Yes \" type= \" checkbox \" ><br><br> \r \n "
" Generate Traffic Report<input %sname= \" GenTraffic \" value= \" Yes \" type= \" checkbox \" ><br><br> \r \n "
" <div style= \" text-align: center; \" ><input class='btn' name=RunNow value= \" Run Housekeeping \" type=submit class='btn'></div> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" <div style= \" border: 2px solid ; overflow: auto; position: absolute; left: 285px; width: 585px; height: 511px; top: 0px; \" ><div style= \" text-align: center; \" ><font size= \" +1 \" ><span \r \n "
" style= \" font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; \" >Lifetimes (Days)</span></font><br> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <div style= \" border: 2px solid ; overflow: auto; position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 10px; width: 180px; height: 150px; \" ><div style= \" text-align: center; \" ><span \r \n "
" style= \" font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; \" >Personals</span> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" <table style= \" text-align: left; width: 177px; \" border= \" 0 \" cellpadding= \" 2 \" cellspacing= \" 2 \" > \r \n "
" <tbody> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Read</td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 2 \" name= \" PR \" value= \" %.2f \" ></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Unread </td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 2 \" name= \" PUR \" value= \" %.2f \" ></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Forwarded </td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 2 \" name= \" PF \" value= \" %.2f \" ></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Unforwarded </td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 2 \" name= \" PUF \" value= \" %.2f \" ></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" </tbody> \r \n "
" </table> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" <div style= \" border: 2px solid ; overflow: auto; position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 200px; width: 180px; height: 150px; \" ><div style= \" text-align: center; \" ><span \r \n "
" style= \" font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; \" >Bulletins</span> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" <table style= \" text-align: left; width: 177px; \" border= \" 0 \" cellpadding= \" 2 \" cellspacing= \" 2 \" > \r \n "
" <tbody> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Forwarded</td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 2 \" name= \" BF \" value= \" %d \" ></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Unforwarded</td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 2 \" name= \" BUF \" value= \" %d \" ></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" </tbody> \r \n "
" </table> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <div style= \" border: 2px solid ; overflow: auto; position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 390px; width: 180px; height: 150px; \" ><div style= \" text-align: center; \" ><span \r \n "
" style= \" font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; \" >NTS</span> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" <table style= \" text-align: left; width: 177px; \" border= \" 0 \" cellpadding= \" 2 \" cellspacing= \" 2 \" > \r \n "
" <tbody> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Delivered</td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 2 \" name= \" NTSD \" value= \" %d \" ></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Forwarded</td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 2 \" name= \" NTSF \" value= \" %d \" ></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td>Unforwarded</td> \r \n "
" <td><input size= \" 2 \" name= \" NTSU \" value= \" %d \" ></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" </tbody> \r \n "
" </table> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" \r \n "
" \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <div style= \" border: 0px solid ; overflow: auto; position: absolute; top: 180px; left: 10px; width: 550px; height: 310px; \" >The following boxes allow you to specify different \r \n "
" values for different Bulletin origins and destinations. Normally these apply to Sent Messages. To apply to unsent, check box below.<br><br> \r \n "
" Specify Call, Lifetime....eg ALL, 10<br><br> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" From \r \n "
" \r \n "
" To \r \n "
" At<br /> \r \n "
" <textarea cols= \" 12 \" rows= \" 8 \" name= \" From \" >%s</textarea> <textarea cols= \" 12 \" rows= \" 8 \" name= \" To \" >%s</textarea> <textarea cols= \" 12 \" rows= \" 8 \" name= \" At \" >%s</textarea> <br /> \r \n "
" <br /> \r \n "
" Apply Overrides to unsent Bulls <input name= \" OvUnsent \" %svalue= \" OvUnsent \" type= \" checkbox \" ><br> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" <div style= \" position: absolute;left: 370px;top: 520px; \" ><input class='btn' name=Save value=Save type=submit class='btn'> <input name=Cancel value=Cancel type=submit class='btn'></div> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" </form> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n " ;
return _strdup ( Msg ) ;
char * WPtxt ( )
char Msg [ ] =
" <!-- Version 1 13/3/2014 --> \r \n "
" <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \" -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN \" \" http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd \" > \r \n "
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" input.btn:active {background:black;color:white;} "
" submit.btn:active {background:black;color:white;} "
" </style> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <title>Edit WP</title> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <script type= \" text/javascript \" > \r \n "
" \r \n "
" var Details \r \n "
" var Sidebar \r \n "
" var fromleft; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function initialize() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var w=window,d=document,e=d.documentElement,g=d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; \r \n "
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" Details = document.getElementById( \" main \" ); \r \n "
" Details.innerHTML = \" waiting for data... \" ; \r \n "
" Details.style.left = fromleft + 105 + \" px \" ; \r \n "
" GetData(); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function save(form) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var msg \r \n "
" msg = form.Name.value + \" | \" + form.Home1.value+ \" | \" + form.Home2.value+ \" | \" + form.QTH1.value+ \" | \" + form.QTH2.value+ \" | \" + form.ZIP1.value + \" | \" + form.ZIP2.value + \" | \" \r \n "
" var fn = \" WPSave?%s \" ; \r \n "
" post(fn, msg); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function del(form) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var msg \r \n "
" msg = form.Name.value + \" | \" + form.Home1.value+ \" | \" + form.Home2.value+ \" | \" + form.QTH1.value+ \" | \" + form.QTH2.value+ \" | \" + form.ZIP1.value + \" | \" + form.ZIP2.value + \" | \" \r \n "
" var fn = \" WPSave?%s \" ; \r \n "
" post(fn, \" Delete \" ); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function post(url, data) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" if (window.XMLHttpRequest){request=new XMLHttpRequest();}else{request=new ActiveXObject( \" Microsoft.XMLHTTP \" );} \r \n "
" request.onreadystatechange = function() \r \n "
" {if (request.readyState == 4){Details.innerHTML = request.responseText;}} \r \n "
" request.open( \" POST \" , url, true);request.send(data); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" function GetDetails(call) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var fn = \" WPDetails?%s \" ; \r \n "
" post(fn, call); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" function GetData() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" if (window.XMLHttpRequest){request=new XMLHttpRequest();}else{request=new ActiveXObject( \" Microsoft.XMLHTTP \" );} \r \n "
" \r \n "
" request.onreadystatechange = function() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" if (request.readyState == 4) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var text = request.responseText; \r \n "
" var lines = text.split( \" | \" ); \r \n "
" var i = 0; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" var infoArea = document.getElementById( \" sidebar \" ); \r \n "
" var strInfo = '<table>'; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" while(i < lines.length - 1) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var clink = '<a href=javascript:GetDetails( \" ' + lines[i] + ' \" )>' + lines[i] + '</a>'; \r \n "
" var tableRow = '<tr><td>' + clink + '</td></tr>'; \r \n "
" strInfo += tableRow; \r \n "
" i=i+1; \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" infoArea.innerHTML = strInfo + \" </table> \" ; \r \n "
" GetDetails(lines[0]); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" request.open( \" GET \" , \" WPInfo.txt?%s \" ,true); \r \n "
" request.send(); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" </script> \r \n "
" </head><body background=/background.jpg onload= \" initialize() \" > \r \n "
" <h3 align= \" center \" >BPQ32 BBS %s</h3> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <span align= \" center \" > \r \n "
" <table align= \" center \" bgcolor= \" white \" border= \" 1 \" cellpadding= \" 2 \" > \r \n "
" <tbody> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Status?%s \" >Status</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Conf?%s \" >Configuration</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Users?%s \" >Users</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Msgs?%s \" >Messages</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/FWD?%s \" >Forwarding</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/Wel?%s \" >Welcome Msgs & Prompts</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/HK?%s \" >Housekeeping</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Mail/WP?%s \" >WP Update</a></td> \r \n "
2024-07-07 16:06:08 +01:00
" <td><a href=/Webmail>WebMail</a></td> "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" <td><a href= \" / \" >Node Menu</a></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" </tbody> \r \n "
" </table> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" <div style= \" text-align: center; \" ><font size= \" +1 \" ><span style= \" font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; \" >White Pages</span></font></div> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" <div style= \" font-family: monospace; \" id= \" sidebar \" align= \" center \" > </div> \r \n "
" <div style= \" font-family: monospace; \" id= \" main \" align= \" center \" > </div> \r \n "
" </span> \r \n "
" </body></html> \r \n " ;
return _strdup ( Msg ) ;
char * ChatConfigtxt ( )
char Msg [ ] =
" <!-- Version 2 1/3/2016 --> \r \n "
" <html> \r \n "
" <style type= \" text/css \" > "
" input.btn:active {background:black;color:white;} "
" submit.btn:active {background:black;color:white;} "
" </style> "
" <head> \r \n "
" <title>Chat Configuration</title> \r \n "
" <script type= \" text/javascript \" > var Main \r \n "
" var fromleft; \r \n "
" var Pos; \r \n "
" var Poptext; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function initialize() \r \n "
" { var \r \n "
" w=window,d=document,e=d.documentElement,g=d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; \r \n "
" x=w.innerWidth||e.clientWidth||g.clientWidth; fromleft = (x / 2) - 310; \r \n "
" if (fromleft < 0) {fromleft = 0;} \r \n "
" Main = document.getElementById( \" main \" ); \r \n "
" Main.style.left = fromleft + \" px \" ; \r \n "
" Pos = document.getElementById( \" pos \" ); \r \n "
" Poptext = document.getElementById( \" poptext \" ); \r \n "
" \r \n "
" \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" function CheckLen() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var len = Pos.value.length + Poptext.value.length; \r \n "
" if (len > 245) \r \n "
" {alert( \" Combinded length of Location and Popup Text must not exceed 245. Now \" + len);} \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" </script> \r \n "
" <title></title> \r \n "
" <title>ChatP</title> \r \n "
" </head> \r \n "
" <body style= \" background-image: url(/background.jpg); \" \r \n "
" onload= \" initialize() \" onresize= \" initialize() \" > \r \n "
" <h3 align= \" center \" >BPQ32 Chat Node %s</h3> \r \n "
" <table align= \" center \" bgcolor= \" white \" border= \" 1 \" cellpadding= \" 2 \" > \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Chat/ChatStatus?%s \" >Status</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Chat/ChatConf?%s \" >Configuration</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" / \" >Node Menu</a></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" </table> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" <div style= \" text-align: center; \" ><font size= \" +1 \" ><span \r \n "
" style= \" font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; \" >Chat Configuration</span></font></div> \r \n "
" <div id= \" main \" \r \n "
2023-12-28 10:31:09 +00:00
" style= \" align: center; border: 2px solid ; overflow: auto; text-align: center; position: relative; top: 10px; height: 650px; width: 700px; left: 96.5px; \" > \r \n "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" <form border= \" 1 \" style= \" font-family: monospace; \" method= \" post \" \r \n "
" action= \" /Chat/ChatConfig?%s \" > \r \n "
" <h3> Chat Server Params<span style= \" font-family: monospace; \" ></span></h3> \r \n "
" <span style= \" font-family: monospace; \" ></span>Chat APPL No \r \n "
" <input value= \" %d \" size= \" 3 \" name= \" ApplNum \" ><br> \r \n "
" <span style= \" font-family: monospace; \" ></span>Streams \r \n "
" <input value= \" %d \" size= \" 3 \" name= \" Streams \" ><br> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
2023-12-28 10:31:09 +00:00
" <input %sname= \" Events \" type= \" checkbox \" > Enable Event Reporting<br><br> \r \n "
2022-12-09 11:05:49 +00:00
" <div style= \" text-align: left; width: 680px; margin: auto; \" >The Nodes to link to box defines which other Chat Nodes should be connected to, or from which "
" connections may be accepted. The format is ALIAS:CALL, eg BPQCHT:G8BPQ-4. If the node is not directly "
" connectable (ie is not in your NODES table) you can add a connect script. This consists of a series of commands "
2024-12-16 17:54:16 +00:00
" separared by |, eg NOTCHT:G8BPQ-4|C 3 GM8BPQ-9|CHAT "
2022-12-09 11:05:49 +00:00
" <br><br>The Callsign of the Chat Node is not defined here - it is obtained from the bpq32.cfg APPLICATION line corresponding to the Chat Appl Number.<br> \r \n "
2023-04-06 13:41:09 +01:00
" <br></div> \n "
2023-10-10 22:07:04 +01:00
" Nodes to link to<br> "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" <textarea cols= \" 70 \" rows= \" 5 \" name= \" nodes \" >%s</textarea><br> \r \n "
2023-10-10 22:07:04 +01:00
" <span style= \" font-family: monospace; \" ></span>Node to Node Link PACLEN \r \n "
" <input value= \" %d \" size= \" 3 \" name= \" Paclen \" ><br><br> \r \n "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" Map Position <input onchange=CheckLen() maxlength= \" 80 \" value= \" %s \" size= \" 20 \" name= \" Posn \" id=pos> <br> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" Popup Type Hover <input %s name= \" PopType \" value= \" Hover \" \r \n "
" type= \" radio \" > \r \n "
" Click <input %s name= \" PopType \" value= \" Click \" type= \" radio \" ><br> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" Map Popup Text<br> \r \n "
" <input onchange=CheckLen() maxlength= \" 250 \" value= \" %s \" size= \" 90 \" name= \" MapText \" id=poptext> \r \n "
" <br><br>Welcome Message<br> \r \n "
" <textarea cols= \" 80 \" rows= \" 5 \" name= \" welcome \" >%s</textarea><br> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" \r \n "
2023-12-28 10:31:09 +00:00
" <div style= \" position: absolute; left: 150px; top: 620px; \" > \r \n "
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
" <input name= \" Save \" value= \" Save \" type=submit class='btn'> \r \n "
" <input name= \" UpdateMap \" value= \" Update Map \" type=submit class='btn'> \r \n "
" <input name= \" Restart \" value= \" Restart Links \" type=submit class='btn'> \r \n "
" <input name= \" Cancel \" value= \" Cancel \" \r \n "
" type=submit class='btn'></div> \r \n "
" </form> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n " ;
return _strdup ( Msg ) ;
char * ChatStatustxt ( )
char Msg [ ] =
" <!-- Version 1 13/3/2014 --> \r \n "
" <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \" -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN \" \" http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd \" > \r \n "
" <style type= \" text/css \" > "
" input.btn:active {background:black;color:white;} "
" submit.btn:active {background:black;color:white;} "
" </style> "
" <html><head> \r \n "
" <style type= \" text/css \" > \r \n "
" #outer {width:720px;height:700px;position:absolute;border:0px solid;font-family: monospace;} \r \n "
" #streams {width:360px;position:absolute;height:300px;left:2px;border:2px solid;overflow: auto} \r \n "
" #users {position: absolute;top:307px;left:2px;width:710px;height:350px;border:2px solid;overflow: auto;} \r \n "
" #links {position: absolute;left:370px;width:341px;height:300px;border:2px solid;overflow: auto;} \r \n "
" </style> \r \n "
" <title>%s's Chat Server</title> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <script type= \" text/javascript \" > \r \n "
" \r \n "
" var Outer; \r \n "
" var Selected; \r \n "
" var Inpval; \r \n "
" var SelectedStream = 0; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function initialize() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var w=window,d=document,e=d.documentElement,g=d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; \r \n "
" x=w.innerWidth||e.clientWidth||g.clientWidth; \r \n "
" y=w.innerHeight||e.clientHeight||g.clientHeight; \r \n "
" fromleft = (x / 2) - 360; \r \n "
" \r \n "
" if (fromleft < 0) {fromleft = 0;} \r \n "
" Outer = document.getElementById( \" outer \" ); \r \n "
" Outer.style.left = fromleft + \" px \" ; \r \n "
" Inpval = document.getElementById( \" inpval \" ); \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function SelectRow(newRow) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" var cell=document.getElementById( \" cell_ \" + newRow); \r \n "
" var Last = Selected; \r \n "
" Selected = cell; \r \n "
" SelectedStream = newRow \r \n "
" cell.style.background= \" #AAF \" ; \r \n "
" if (Last) \r \n "
" {Last.style.background= \" #FFF \" }; \r \n "
" if (cell == Last) \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" SelectedStream = 0; \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" Inpval.value = SelectedStream; \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" function condRefresh() \r \n "
" { \r \n "
" if (SelectedStream == 0) \r \n "
" {location.reload(true);} \r \n "
" } \r \n "
" \r \n "
" window.setInterval(condRefresh, 10000); \r \n "
" \r \n "
" </script> \r \n "
" </head><body onload= \" initialize() \" onresize= \" initialize() \" style= \" background-image: url(/background.jpg); \" > \r \n "
" <h3 align= \" center \" >BPQ32 Chat Server %s</h3> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <table align= \" center \" bgcolor= \" white \" border= \" 1 \" cellpadding= \" 2 \" > \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <tbody> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Chat/ChatStatus?%s \" >Status</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" /Chat/ChatConf?%s \" >Configuration</a></td> \r \n "
" <td><a href= \" / \" >Node Menu</a></td> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" </tbody> \r \n "
" </table> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" \r \n "
" <div style= \" left: 160px; \" id= \" outer \" > \r \n "
" <div id= \" streams \" > \r \n "
" <form style= \" font-family: monospace; text-align: center; \" method= \" post \" action= \" /Chat/ChatDisSession?%s \" > \r \n "
" <table style= \" font-family: monospace; background-color: white; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; \" tabindex= \" 1 \" border= \" 1 \" cellpadding= \" 2 \" > \r \n "
" <tbody> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <th style= \" width: 120px; \" >User</th> \r \n "
" <th style= \" width: 75px; \" >Callsign</th> \r \n "
" <th>Stream</th> \r \n "
" <th style= \" width: 80px; \" >Topic</th> \r \n "
" <th>Queue</th> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" %s \r \n "
" </tbody> \r \n "
" </table> \r \n "
" <input type= \" hidden \" name=Stream value=99 id=inpval> \r \n "
" <input align = center value=Disconnect type=submit class='btn'> \r \n "
" <br> \r \n "
" </form> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" <div id= \" users \" > \r \n "
" <table style= \" font-family: monospace; background-color: white; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; \" tabindex= \" 1 \" border= \" 1 \" cellpadding= \" 2 \" > \r \n "
" <tbody> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <th style= \" width: 75px; \" >Callsign</th> \r \n "
" <th style= \" width: 75px; \" >Node</th> \r \n "
" <th style= \" width: 80px; \" >Name</th> \r \n "
" <th style= \" width: 80px; \" >Topic</th> \r \n "
" <th>Idle</th> \r \n "
" <th style= \" width: 320px; \" >QTH</th> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" %s \r \n "
" </tbody> \r \n "
" </table> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" <div id= \" links \" > \r \n "
" <table style= \" font-family: monospace; background-color: white; text-align: left; tabindex= \" 1 \" border= \" 1 \" cellpadding= \" 2 \" > \r \n "
" <tbody> \r \n "
" <tr> \r \n "
" <th style= \" width: 80px; \" >Callsign</th> \r \n "
" <th style= \" width: 110px; \" >State</th> \r \n "
" <th style= \" width: 75px; \" >Nodes</th> \r \n "
" <th>Users</th> \r \n "
" </tr> \r \n "
" %s \r \n "
" </tbody> \r \n "
" </table> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n "
" </div> \r \n " ;
return _strdup ( Msg ) ;