2382 lines
50 KiB
2382 lines
50 KiB
![]() |
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include "winsock.h"
#define ioctl ioctlsocket
#define SOCKET int
#define BOOL int
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define strtok_s strtok_r
#define _memicmp memicmp
#define _stricmp stricmp
#define _strdup strdup
#define _strupr strupr
#define _strlwr strlwr
#define WSAGetLastError() errno
#define GetLastError() errno
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
char * strupr(char* s)
char* p = s;
if (s == 0)
return 0;
while (*p = toupper( *p )) p++;
return s;
char * strlwr(char* s)
char* p = s;
while (*p = tolower( *p )) p++;
return s;
struct ChatNodeData
char Call[10];
char NAlias[10];
double Lat;
double Lon;
double derivedLat;
double derivedLon;
int PopupMode;
char Comment[512];
int hasLinks;
int derivedPosn;
time_t LastHeard;
struct ChatLink
struct ChatNodeData * Call1;
struct ChatNodeData * Call2;
int Call1State; // reported state from each end
int Call2State;
time_t LastHeard1;
time_t LastHeard2;
struct ModeItem
int Mode;
int Interlock;
double Freq;
time_t LastHeard;
struct ModeEntries
struct ModeItem * Mode[32]; // One per port
struct FreqItem
int Interlock;
char * Freqs; // Store as text as that is what the web page will want
time_t LastHeard;
struct FreqEntries
struct FreqItem * Freq[32]; // One per interlock group
struct ChatNodeData ** ChatNodes = NULL;
int NumberOfChatNodes = 0;
struct ChatLink ** ChatLinks = NULL;
int NumberOfChatLinks = 0;
struct NodeData
char Call[10];
double Lat;
double Lon;
int PopupMode;
char Comment[512];
time_t LastHeard;
int onlyHeard; // Station heard but not reporting
struct HeardItem * HeardBy;
struct HeardItem * Heard;
struct ModeEntries * Modes;
struct FreqEntries * Freqs;
struct NodeData ** Nodes = NULL;
int NumberOfNodes = 0;
struct NodeLink
struct NodeData * Call1;
struct NodeData * Call2;
int Type;
time_t LastHeard;
struct NodeLink ** NodeLinks = NULL;
int NumberOfNodeLinks = 0;
struct HeardItem
struct HeardItem * Next; // Chein of heard calls
struct HeardItem * NextBy; // Chain of heardby calls
time_t Time;
struct NodeData * ReportingCall;
struct NodeData * HeardCall;
char Freq[16];
char Flags[16];
struct HeardData
struct NodeData * CallSign;
struct HeardItem * HeardItems;
struct HeardByData
struct NodeData * CallSign;
struct HeardItem * HeardItems;
SOCKET sock, chatsock;
time_t LastUpdate = 0;
int ConvFromAX25(unsigned char * incall, char * outcall);
void GenerateOutputFiles(time_t Now);
void UpdateHeardData(struct NodeData * Node, struct NodeData * Call, char * Freq, char * LOC, char * Flags);
char * strlop(char * buf, char delim);
void ProcessChatUpdate(char * From, char * Msg);
void ProcessNodeUpdate(char * From, char * Msg);
struct NodeData * FindNode(char * Call)
struct NodeData * Node;
int i;
// Find, and if not found add
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfNodes; i++)
if (strcmp(Nodes[i]->Call, Call) == 0)
return Nodes[i];
Node = malloc(sizeof(struct NodeData));
memset (Node, 0, sizeof(struct NodeData))
Nodes = realloc(Nodes, (NumberOfNodes + 1) * sizeof(void *));
Nodes[NumberOfNodes++] = Node;
strcpy(Node->Call, Call);
strcpy(Node->Comment, Call);
return Node;
struct NodeData * FindBaseCall(char * Call)
// See if we have any other ssid of the requested call
char FindCall[12]= "";
char compareCall[12] = "";
int i;
if (strlen(Call) > 9)
return NULL;
if (strcmp(Call, "PE1NNZ-8") == 0)
i = 0;
memcpy(FindCall, Call, 10);
strlop(FindCall, '-');
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfNodes; i++)
memcpy(compareCall, Nodes[i]->Call, 10);
strlop(compareCall, '-');
if (strcmp(compareCall, FindCall) == 0 && Nodes[i]->Lat != 0.0)
return Nodes[i];
return NULL;
struct NodeLink * FindLink(char * Call1, char * Call2, int Type)
struct NodeLink * Link;
struct NodeData * Node;
int i;
// Find, and if not found add
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfNodeLinks; i++)
// We only want one copy, whichever end it is reported from
Link = NodeLinks[i];
if (strcmp(Link->Call1->Call, Call1) == 0 && Link->Type == Type && strcmp(Link->Call2->Call, Call2) == 0)
return Link;
if (strcmp(Link->Call1->Call, Call2) == 0 && Link->Type == Type && strcmp(Link->Call2->Call, Call1) == 0)
return Link;
Link = malloc(sizeof(struct NodeLink));
memset (Link, 0, sizeof(struct NodeLink))
NodeLinks = realloc(NodeLinks, (NumberOfNodeLinks + 1) * sizeof(void *));
NodeLinks[NumberOfNodeLinks++] = Link;
Node = FindNode(Call1);
Node->onlyHeard = 0; // Reported
Link->Call1 = Node;
Node = FindNode(Call2);
Node->onlyHeard = 0; // Reported
Link->Call2 = Node;
Link->Type = Type;
return Link;
struct ChatNodeData * FindChatNode(char * Call)
struct ChatNodeData * Node;
int i;
if (strcmp("KD8MJL-11", Call) == 0)
int xx = 1;
// Find, and if not found add
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfChatNodes; i++)
if (strcmp(ChatNodes[i]->Call, Call) == 0)
return ChatNodes[i];
Node = malloc(sizeof(struct ChatNodeData));
memset (Node, 0, sizeof(struct ChatNodeData))
ChatNodes = realloc(ChatNodes, (NumberOfChatNodes + 1) * sizeof(void *));
ChatNodes[NumberOfChatNodes++] = Node;
strcpy(Node->Call, Call);
strcpy(Node->Comment, Call);
return Node;
struct ChatLink * FindChatLink(char * Call1, char * Call2, int State, time_t Time)
struct ChatLink * Link;
struct ChatNodeData * Node;
int i;
// Find, and if not found add
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfChatLinks; i++)
// We only want one copy, whichever end it is reported from
Link = ChatLinks[i];
if (strcmp(Link->Call1->Call, Call1) == 0 && strcmp(Link->Call2->Call, Call2) == 0)
Link->Call1State = State;
Link->LastHeard1 = Time;
return Link;
if (strcmp(Link->Call1->Call, Call2) == 0 && strcmp(Link->Call2->Call, Call1) == 0)
Link->Call2State = State;
Link->LastHeard2 = Time;
return Link;
Link = malloc(sizeof(struct ChatLink));
memset (Link, 0, sizeof(struct ChatLink));
ChatLinks = realloc(ChatLinks, (NumberOfChatLinks + 1) * sizeof(void *));
ChatLinks[NumberOfChatLinks++] = Link;
Node = FindChatNode(Call1);
Link->Call1 = Node;
Node->hasLinks = 1;
Node = FindChatNode(Call2);
Link->Call2 = Node;
Link->Call1State = State;
Link->Call2State = -1;
Node->hasLinks = 1;
return Link;
int CompareChatCalls(const struct ChatNodeData ** a, const struct ChatNodeData ** b)
return memcmp(a[0]->Call, b[0]->Call, 7);
int FromLOC(char * Locator, double * pLat, double * pLon)
double i;
double Lat, Lon;
*pLon = 0;
*pLat = 0; // in case invalid
// The first pair (a field) encodes with base 18 and the letters "A" to "R".
// The second pair (square) encodes with base 10 and the digits "0" to "9".
// The third pair (subsquare) encodes with base 24 and the letters "a" to "x".
i = Locator[0];
if (i < 'A' || i > 'R')
return 0;
Lon = (i - 65) * 20;
i = Locator[2];
if (i < '0' || i > '9')
return 0;
Lon = Lon + (i - 48) * 2;
i = Locator[4];
if (i < 'A' || i > 'X')
return 0;
Lon = Lon + (i - 65) / 12;
i = Locator[1];
if (i < 'A' || i > 'R')
return 0;
Lat = (i - 65) * 10;
i = Locator[3];
if (i < '0' || i > '9')
return 0;
Lat = Lat + (i - 48);
i = Locator[5];
if (i < 'A' || i > 'X')
return 0;
Lat = Lat + (i - 65) / 24;
if (Lon < 0 || Lon > 360)
Lon = 180;
if (Lat < 0 || Lat > 180)
Lat = 90;
*pLon = Lon - 180;
*pLat = Lat - 90;
return 1;
char * strlop(char * buf, char delim)
// Terminate buf at delim, and return rest of string
char * ptr;
if (buf == NULL) return NULL; // Protect
ptr = strchr(buf, delim);
if (ptr == NULL) return NULL;
*(ptr)++ = 0;
return ptr;
void * zalloc(int len)
// malloc and clear
void * ptr;
ptr = malloc(len);
if (ptr)
memset(ptr, 0, len);
return ptr;
FILE * logFile;
time_t Now;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
char RXBUFFER[512];
struct NodeData * Node;
struct ChatNodeData * ChatNode;
struct NodeData * HeardNode;
struct NodeData * HeardByNode;
struct NodeLink * Link;
struct ChatLink * ChatLink;
char * Msg = &RXBUFFER[16];
struct sockaddr_in rxaddr, txaddr, txaddr2;
int addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
u_long param = 1;
BOOL bcopt=TRUE;
struct sockaddr_in sinx;
int nLength;
struct hostent * HostEnt1, * HostEnt2;
char * Context;
FILE * pFile;
char Line[65536];
char * pCall;
char * pCall2;
char * pComment;
char * pLat, * pLon;
char * pPopupMode;
char * pLastHeard;
char * pType;
char * pHeardOnly;
char * pHeard;
char * pHeardby;
char * pModes;
char * pFreqs;
char * Next;
char * pHeardCall;
char * pFreq;
char * pFlags;
char * pHeardTime = "0";
char * pInterLock;
char * pTime;
char * pMode;
char * pPort;
char * pStatus1;
char * pStatus2;
double Lat, Lon;
struct HeardItem * Item;
struct HeardItem * lastItem = NULL;
SOCKET maxsock;
fd_set readfd, writefd, exceptfd;
struct timeval timeout;
int retval;
char * ptr;
time_t restartTime = 0;
#ifdef WIN32
WSADATA WsaData; // receives data from WSAStartup
WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &WsaData);
timeout.tv_sec = 60;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
logFile = fopen("nodelog.txt","ab");
// Read Saved Nodes
pFile = fopen("savenodes.txt","r");
while (pFile)
if (fgets(Line, 65535, pFile) == NULL)
pFile = NULL;
int j;
pCall = strtok_s(Line, ",", &Context);
if (strcmp(pCall, "EI5HBB-10") == 0)
int i = 1;
pLat = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
pLon = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
pPopupMode = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
pComment = strtok_s(NULL, "|", &Context);
pLastHeard = strtok_s(NULL, "|", &Context);
// Can't use strtok from here as fields may be missing
pHeardOnly = Context;
pHeard = strlop(pHeardOnly, '|');
if (pLastHeard == NULL)
Node = FindNode(pCall);
Lat = atof(pLat);
Lon = atof(pLon);
if (Lat > 90.0 || Lon > 180.0 || Lat < -90.0 || Lon < -180.0)
Lat = 0.0;
Lon = 0.0;
Node->Lat = Lat;
Node->Lon = Lon;
Node->PopupMode = atoi(pPopupMode);
Node->LastHeard = atoi(pLastHeard);
Node->onlyHeard = atoi(pHeardOnly);
if (strlen(pComment) > 510)
pComment[510] = 0;
strcpy(Node->Comment, pComment);
pHeardby = strlop(pHeard, '|');
// Look for heard/heard by entries
// Each heard entry is five comma delimited fields, ending with /
while (pHeard && strlen(pHeard) > 2)
Next = strlop(pHeard, '/');
pHeardCall = strlop(pHeard, ',');
pFreq = strlop(pHeardCall, ',');
pFlags = strlop(pFreq, ',');
pHeardTime = strlop(pFlags, ',');
if (pFlags && strlen(pFlags) > 14)
HeardNode = FindNode(pHeard);
if (HeardNode->LastHeard == 0)
HeardNode->onlyHeard = 1; // So far not reported
// See if we already have it
Item = Node->Heard;
while (Item)
if (Item->HeardCall->Call == HeardNode->Call && strcmp(Item->Freq, pFreq) == 0 && strcmp(Item->Flags, pFlags) == 0)
Item = Item->Next;
if (Item == NULL)
Item = malloc(sizeof(struct HeardItem));
Item->ReportingCall = Node;
Item->HeardCall = HeardNode;
strcpy(Item->Freq, pFreq);
strcpy(Item->Flags, pFlags);
if (pHeardTime)
Item->Time = atoi(pHeardTime);
Item->Next = 0;
Item->NextBy = 0;
if (Node->Heard == NULL) // First
Node->Heard = Item;
lastItem->Next = Item;
lastItem = Item;
pHeard = Next;
// Now do heard by
pHeard = pHeardby;
pModes = strlop(pHeard, '|');
while (pHeard && strlen(pHeard) > 2)
Next = strlop(pHeard, '/');
pHeardCall = strlop(pHeard, ',');
pFreq = strlop(pHeardCall, ',');
pFlags = strlop(pFreq, ',');
pHeardTime = strlop(pFlags, ',');
if (pFlags && strlen(pFlags) > 14)
if (pHeardCall == NULL)
HeardByNode = FindNode(pHeardCall);
if (HeardByNode->LastHeard == 0)
HeardByNode->onlyHeard = 1; // So far not reported
HeardNode = FindNode(pHeard);
// See if we already have it
Item = Node->HeardBy;
while (Item)
if (Item->HeardCall->Call == HeardNode->Call && strcmp(Item->Freq, pFreq) == 0 && strcmp(Item->Flags, pFlags) == 0)
Item = Item->NextBy;
if (Item == NULL)
Item = malloc(sizeof(struct HeardItem));
Item->ReportingCall = HeardByNode;
Item->HeardCall = HeardNode;
strcpy(Item->Freq, pFreq);
strcpy(Item->Flags, pFlags);
if (pHeardTime)
Item->Time = atoi(pHeardTime);
Item->Next = 0;
Item->NextBy = 0;
if (Node->HeardBy == NULL) // First
Node->HeardBy = Item;
lastItem->Next = Item;
lastItem = Item;
pHeard = Next;
pFreqs = strlop(pModes, '|');
while (pModes && strlen(pModes) > 2)
struct ModeEntries * Modes;
struct ModeItem * Mode;
Next = strlop(pModes, '/');
pPort = pModes;
pMode = strlop(pPort, ',');
pInterLock = strlop(pMode, ',');
pHeardTime = strlop(pInterLock, ',');
pFreq = strlop(pHeardTime, ',');
if (pHeardTime)
int Port = atoi(pPort);
if (Port < 32)
Modes = Node->Modes;
if (Modes == NULL)
Modes = Node->Modes = (struct ModeEntries *)zalloc(sizeof(struct ModeEntries));
Mode = Modes->Mode[Port];
if (Mode == NULL)
Mode = Modes->Mode[Port] = (struct ModeItem *)zalloc(sizeof(struct ModeItem));
Mode->LastHeard = atoi(pHeardTime);
Mode->Mode = atoi(pMode);
Mode->Interlock = atoi(pInterLock);
if (pFreq)
Mode->Freq = atof(pFreq);
pModes = Next;
strlop(pFreqs, '|');
j = 0;
while (pFreqs && strlen(pFreqs) > 2)
struct FreqItem * FreqItem;
Next = strlop(pFreqs, '&');
pInterLock = pFreqs;
pTime = strlop(pInterLock, ',');
pHeardTime = strlop(pTime, ',');
if (pHeardTime)
if (Node->Freqs == NULL)
Node->Freqs = (struct FreqEntries *)zalloc(sizeof(struct FreqEntries));
FreqItem = Node->Freqs->Freq[j] = (struct FreqItem *)zalloc(sizeof(struct FreqItem));
FreqItem->Interlock = atoi(pInterLock);
FreqItem->LastHeard = atoi(pHeardTime);
FreqItem->Freqs = _strdup(pTime);
pFreqs = Next;
if (Node->Heard == 0 && Node->HeardBy && Node->LastHeard == 0)
Node->onlyHeard = 1;
pFile = fopen("savelinks.txt","r");
while (pFile)
if (fgets(Line, 499, pFile) == NULL)
pFile = NULL;
pCall = strtok_s(Line, ",", &Context);
pCall2 = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
pType = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
pLastHeard = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
if (pLastHeard == NULL)
Link = FindLink(pCall, pCall2, atoi(pType));
Link->LastHeard = atoi(pLastHeard);
// Read Chat Files
pFile = fopen("savechat.txt","r");
while (pFile)
if (fgets(Line, 16383, pFile) == NULL)
pFile = NULL;
pCall = strtok_s(Line, ",", &Context);
pLat = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
pLon = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
pPopupMode = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
// Can't use strtok from here as fields may be missing
pComment = Context;
pLastHeard = strlop(pComment, '|');
if (pLastHeard == NULL)
ChatNode = FindChatNode(pCall);
Lat = atof(pLat);
Lon = atof(pLon);
if (Lat > 90.0 || Lon > 180.0 || Lat < -90.0 || Lon < -180.0)
Lat = 0.0;
Lon = 0.0;
ChatNode->Lat = Lat;
ChatNode->Lon = Lon;
ChatNode->derivedLat = Lat;
ChatNode->derivedLon = Lon;
ChatNode->PopupMode = atoi(pPopupMode);
ChatNode->LastHeard = atoi(pLastHeard);
if (strlen(pComment) > 510)
pComment[510] = 0;
strcpy(ChatNode->Comment, pComment);
pFile = fopen("savechatlinks.txt","r");
while (pFile)
if (fgets(Line, 16383, pFile) == NULL)
pFile = NULL;
pCall = strtok_s(Line, ",", &Context);
pCall2 = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
pStatus1 = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
pStatus2 = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
pHeardTime = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
if (pHeardTime == NULL)
ChatLink = FindChatLink(pCall, pCall2, atoi(pStatus1), 0);
ChatLink->LastHeard1 = atoi(pHeardTime);
pHeardTime = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
if (pHeardTime)
ChatLink->LastHeard2 = atoi(pHeardTime);
LastUpdate = Now = time(NULL);
sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
chatsock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
maxsock = sock;
if (chatsock > sock)
maxsock = chatsock;
ioctl(sock, FIONBIO, ¶m);
ioctl(chatsock, FIONBIO, ¶m);
// ioctl(sock, FIONBIO, ¶m);
setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (const char *)&bcopt,4);
sinx.sin_family = AF_INET;
sinx.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
sinx.sin_port = htons(81);
txaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
txaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
txaddr.sin_port = htons(81);
txaddr2.sin_family = AF_INET;
txaddr2.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
txaddr2.sin_port = htons(81);
// Resolve name to address
printf("Resolving %s\n", "guardian.no-ip.org.");
HostEnt1 = gethostbyname ("guardian.no-ip.org.");
if (HostEnt1)
printf("Resolve %s Failed\r\n", "guardian.no-ip.org.");
restartTime = time(NULL) + 120; // Restart in 2 mins
HostEnt2 = gethostbyname ("");
if (HostEnt2)
if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sinx, sizeof(sinx)) != 0 )
// Bind Failed
int err = GetLastError();
printf("Bind Failed for UDP port %d - error code = %d", 81, err);
sinx.sin_port = htons(10090);
if (bind(chatsock, (struct sockaddr *) &sinx, sizeof(sinx)) != 0 )
// Bind Failed
int err = GetLastError();
printf("Bind Failed for UDP port %d - error code = %d", 10090, err);
printf("Map Update Started\n");
while (1)
int ret = 0;
if (time(NULL) > restartTime)
return 0;
FD_SET(sock, &readfd);
FD_SET(chatsock, &readfd);
timeout.tv_sec = 60;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
retval = select((int)maxsock + 1, &readfd, &writefd, &exceptfd, &timeout);
if (retval == -1)
if (retval)
// see who has data
if (FD_ISSET(sock, &readfd))
nLength = recvfrom(sock, RXBUFFER, 512, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&rxaddr, &addrlen);
else if (FD_ISSET(chatsock, &readfd))
nLength = recvfrom(chatsock, RXBUFFER, 512, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&rxaddr, &addrlen);
nLength = 0;
if (nLength < 0)
int err = WSAGetLastError();
// if (err != 11)
// printf("KISS Error %d %d\n", nLength, err);
nLength = 0;
if (nLength == 0)
// ret = sendto(sock, RXBUFFER, nLength, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&txaddr2, sizeof(txaddr));
if (ret == -1)
perror("sendto 1");
RXBUFFER[nLength - 2] = 0;
if (memcmp(&RXBUFFER[16], "LINK ", 5) != 0 && memcmp(&RXBUFFER[16], "INFO ", 5) != 0 && memcmp(&RXBUFFER[16], "FREQ ", 5) != 0)
ptr = &RXBUFFER[16];
while (ptr = strchr(Msg, '|'))
*ptr = '/';
if (memcmp(&RXBUFFER[16], "LINK ", 5) != 0)
if (HostEnt1)
ret = sendto(sock, RXBUFFER, nLength, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&txaddr, sizeof(txaddr));
if (ret == -1)
perror("sendto 1");
#ifdef WIN32
if (strstr(RXBUFFER, "ctl"))
// return;
Now = time(NULL);
if ((Now - LastUpdate) > 60)
RXBUFFER[nLength - 2] = 0;
if (RXBUFFER[14] == 3) // UI
char From[10], To[10];
From[ConvFromAX25((unsigned char *)&RXBUFFER[7], From)] = 0;
To[ConvFromAX25((unsigned char *)&RXBUFFER[0], To)] = 0;
if (strcmp(To, "DUMMY") == 0)
ProcessChatUpdate(From, Msg);
if (strcmp(To, "DUMMY-1") == 0)
ProcessNodeUpdate(From, Msg);
#define H_WINMOR 1
#define H_SCS 2
#define H_KAM 3
#define H_AEA 4
#define H_HAL 5
#define H_TELNET 6
#define H_TRK 7
#define H_TRKM 7
#define H_V4 8
#define H_UZ7HO 9
#define H_MPSK 10
#define H_FLDIGI 11
#define H_UIARQ 12
#define H_ARDOP 13
#define H_VARA 14
#define H_SERIAL 15
#define H_KISSHF 16
#define H_WINRPR 17
#define H_HSMODEM 18
char ModeNames[20][16] = {
void ProcessNodeUpdate(char * From, char * Msg)
struct NodeData * Node;
char * ptr, *Context;
char * pHeardTime = "0";
char * Comment, * Version;
double Lat, Lon;
struct HeardItem * lastItem = NULL;
if (strcmp("KO0OOO-8", From) == 0)
int i = 1;
Node = FindNode(From);
Node->LastHeard = Now;
Node->onlyHeard = 0; // Reported
// printf("%s %s\n", From, Msg);
// fprintf(logFile, "%s %s %s\n", From, To, Msg);
if (memcmp(Msg, "MH ", 3) == 0)
// There are 4 fields - Call, Freq, Loc, Flags
char * Call, * Freq = 0, * LOC = 0, * Flags = 0;
struct NodeData * heardCall;
// I think strlop will work - cant use strtok with null fields
Call = &Msg[3];
Freq = strlop(Call, ',');
LOC = strlop(Freq, ',');
Flags = strlop(LOC, ',');
if (strstr(Call, " to ") || strlen(Call) > 10) // Node sending duff report
strlop(Call, ' ');
if (Flags == NULL)
return; // Corrupt
heardCall = FindNode(Call);
if (heardCall->LastHeard == 0) // First time, so set onlyHeard
// Maybe also add position if LOC supplied
Node->onlyHeard = 1;
if (LOC[0] && heardCall->Lat == 0.0 && heardCall->Lon == 0.0)
double Lat, Lon;
if (FromLOC(LOC, &Lat, &Lon))
heardCall->Lat = Lat;
heardCall->Lon = Lon;
Node->LastHeard = Now;
UpdateHeardData(Node, heardCall, Freq, LOC, Flags);
if (memcmp(Msg, "LINK ", 3) == 0)
// GM8BPQ-2 DUMMY-1 LINK LU1HVK-4,16,YU4ZED-4,16,AE5E-14,16,
char * Call;
int Type;
struct NodeLink * Link;
ptr = strtok_s(Msg, " ", &Context);
while (Context && Context[0])
Call = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
ptr = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context);
if (ptr == 0)
Type = atoi(ptr);
Link = FindLink(From, Call, Type);
Link->LastHeard = Now;
if (memcmp(Msg, "MODE ", 5) == 0)
char * pPort, * pType, * pInterlock, * pFreq;
int Port;
int Type;
int Interlock;
struct ModeEntries * Modes;
struct ModeItem * Mode;
char * nextBit = strlop(Msg, '/');
Msg += 5;
while (strlen(Msg) > 3)
pPort = Msg;
pType = strlop(pPort, ',');
pInterlock = strlop(pType, ',');
pFreq = strlop(pInterlock, ',');
if (pInterlock == NULL)
Port = atoi(pPort);
Type = atoi(pType);
Interlock = atoi(pInterlock);
if (Port == 0)
if (pFreq)
printf("%s %d %s %d %s\n", From, Port, ModeNames[Type], Interlock, pFreq);
printf("%s %d %s %d\n", From, Port, ModeNames[Type], Interlock);
Port--; // Index from zero
Modes = Node->Modes;
if (Modes == NULL)
Modes = Node->Modes = (struct ModeEntries *)zalloc(sizeof(struct ModeEntries));
Mode = Modes->Mode[Port];
if (Mode == NULL)
Mode = Modes->Mode[Port] = (struct ModeItem *)zalloc(sizeof(struct ModeItem));
Mode->LastHeard = Now;
Mode->Mode = Type;
Mode->Interlock = Interlock;
if (pFreq)
Mode->Freq = atof(pFreq);
Msg = nextBit;
nextBit = strlop(Msg, '/');
if (memcmp(Msg, "FREQ ", 5) == 0)
int Interlock = 0;
double Freq;
char TimeBand[16];
char * nextBit;
char * pInterlock, * pTime, *pFreq;
struct FreqEntries * Freqs;
struct FreqItem * FreqItem;
int n;
char Line[16384];
int lineLen = 0;
char freqString[256];
printf("%s %s\r\n", From, Msg);
if (strcmp("GM8BPQ-2", From) == 0)
n = 0;
nextBit = strlop(Msg, '|');
Msg += 5;
while (Msg && Msg[0])
char * nextTime;
lineLen = 0;
pInterlock = Msg;
pTime = strlop(pInterlock, '/');
Interlock = atoi(pInterlock);
if (Interlock < 0)
// Try to convert to new format report
int Port = -Interlock;
struct ModeItem * Mode;
char * FreqPtr = strlop(pTime, '/');
if (Node->Modes)
Mode = Node->Modes->Mode[Port - 1];
if (Mode && FreqPtr)
Mode->Freq = atof(FreqPtr) / 1000000.0;
Msg = nextBit;
nextBit = strlop(Msg, '|');
if (Node->Freqs == NULL)
Node->Freqs = (struct FreqEntries *)zalloc(sizeof(struct FreqEntries));
Freqs = Node->Freqs;
// Do we have a record for this group?
for (n = 0; n < 32; n++)
FreqItem = Node->Freqs->Freq[n];
if (FreqItem == NULL || FreqItem->Interlock == Interlock)
// We have either found it or first free slot
if (FreqItem == NULL) // Not found
FreqItem = Node->Freqs->Freq[n] = (struct FreqItem *)zalloc(sizeof(struct FreqItem));
FreqItem->Interlock = Interlock;
FreqItem->LastHeard = Now;
nextTime = strlop(pTime, '\\');
while (pTime && pTime[0])
pFreq = strlop(pTime, '/');
if (pTime)
strcpy(TimeBand, pTime);
lineLen += sprintf(&Line[lineLen], "%s ", TimeBand);
while (pFreq && pFreq[0])
Freq = atof(pFreq);
pFreq = strlop(pFreq, ',');
sprintf(freqString, "%.6f", Freq/1000000.0);
while (freqString[strlen(freqString) - 1] == '0')
freqString[strlen(freqString) - 1] = 0;
lineLen += sprintf(&Line[lineLen], "%s ", freqString);
lineLen += sprintf(&Line[lineLen], "/ ");
pTime = nextTime;
nextTime = strlop(pTime, '\\');
if (FreqItem->Freqs)
free (FreqItem->Freqs);
Line[strlen(Line) -2] = 0;
FreqItem->Freqs = _strdup(Line);
Msg = nextBit;
nextBit = strlop(Msg, '|');
// Node Info Message
// Location Space Version<br>Comment. Location and version may contain spaces!
// There is always <br> between Version and Comment
Comment = strstr(Msg, "<br>");
if (Comment == 0)
return; // Corrupt
*(Comment)= 0;
Comment += 4;
// We now have Location and Version, both of which may contain spaces
// Actually, looks like node always reformats lat and lon with colon but no spaces
ptr = strtok_s(Msg, " ,:", &Context);
if ((strlen(ptr) == 6 || strlen(ptr) == 10) && FromLOC(ptr, &Lat, &Lon)) // Valid Locator
// Rest must be version
Version = Context;
// See if Space Comma or Colon Separated Lat Lon
char * ptr2 = strtok_s(NULL, " ,:", &Context);
if (ptr2 == NULL)
return; // Invalid
Lat = atof(ptr);
Lon = atof(ptr2);
if (Lat == 0.0 || Lon == 0.0)
return; // Invalid
if (Lat > 90.0 || Lon > 180.0 || Lat < -90.0 || Lon < -180.0)
return; // Invalid
// Rest should be version
Version = Context;
Node->Lat = Lat;
Node->Lon = Lon;
// Check Comment for Embedded | which will mess up javascript
while (ptr = strchr(Comment, '|'))
*ptr = '/';
sprintf(Node->Comment, "%s %s<br>%s", From, Version, Comment);
int ConvFromAX25(unsigned char * incall, char * outcall)
int in,out=0;
unsigned char chr;
for (in=0;in<6;in++)
if (chr == 0x40)
chr >>= 1;
chr = incall[6]; // ssid
if (chr == 0x42)
return out;
if (chr == 0x44)
return out;
chr >>= 1;
chr &= 15;
if (chr > 0)
if (chr > 9)
return (out);
void UpdateHeardData(struct NodeData * HeardBy, struct NodeData * Heard, char * Freq, char * LOC, char * Flags)
// I think the logic should be to keep only the latest record for any
// Call, Reporting Call Pair, Freq, Flags combination
// I think I'll just store that and postprocess to link to nodes when NodeStatus.txt is generated
// No, on reflection better to chain heard and heard by records off the Node record
// Is a linked list best? Maybe, as we'll have to follow the list anyway to see if
// we aleady have it. Will also remove old entries from front
struct HeardItem * Item = HeardBy->Heard;
struct HeardItem * lastItem = Item;
struct HeardItem * NewItem;
while (Item)
if (Item->HeardCall == Heard && strcmp(Item->Freq, Freq) == 0 && strcmp(Item->Flags, Flags) == 0)
// Already have it - just update time
Item->Time = Now;
lastItem = Item;
Item = Item->Next;
// Not found - add
NewItem = malloc(sizeof(struct HeardItem));
memset(NewItem, 0, sizeof(struct HeardItem));
NewItem->Time = Now;
NewItem->ReportingCall = HeardBy;
NewItem->HeardCall = Heard;
strcpy(NewItem->Freq, Freq);
strcpy(NewItem->Flags, Flags);
NewItem->Next = 0;
NewItem->NextBy = 0;
if (HeardBy->Heard == NULL) // First
HeardBy->Heard = NewItem;
lastItem->Next = NewItem;
// Now add to heardby
// Why do we have two copies?
// Shouldn't there just be one record chained to the hearing node as heard and the heard node as heardby
// Which I think means two chains
// If we only have one copy, then if we find and update on heard, it will also exist on heardby
Item = Heard->HeardBy;
if (Item == NULL)
Heard->HeardBy = NewItem;
// Find end of chain
while (Item->NextBy)
Item = Item->NextBy;
Item->NextBy = NewItem;
// Not found - add
// Why do we have two copies?
// Shouldn't there just be one record chained to the hearing node as heard and the heard node as heardby
// Which I think means two chains
Item = malloc(sizeof(struct HeardItem));
Item->Time = Now;
Item->ReportingCall = HeardBy;
Item->HeardCall = Heard;
strcpy(Item->Freq, Freq);
strcpy(Item->Flags, Flags);
Item->Next = 0;
if (Heard->HeardBy == NULL) // First
Heard->HeardBy = Item;
lastItem->Next = Item;
5/9/2021 2:36:18 PM - 618 Active Nodes
|N3HYM-5,-77.5036,39.42477,greenmarker.png,0,N3HYM-5 Ver <br>BBS N3HYM,CHAT N3HYM-1,NODE
|RSNOD,27.57229,61.46665,redmarker.png,0,RSNOD KP31SL Ver <br>APRS on 27.235 ,0,
static char *month[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
char reportHeader[] =
"<html><body><h1>Chat Configuration Report</h1>"
"This lists the status of all known Chat nodes. This includes all nodes sending"
" reports and all nodes which a reporting node is configured to link to. "
"The latter may not exist if there is a configuration error. Stations that have no configured"
" links are listed, though this isn't necessarily an error.<br><br>";
void GenerateOutputFiles(time_t Now)
struct tm * TM;
struct NodeData * Node;
struct NodeLink * Link;
int i, j;
FILE * pFile;
int activeNodes = 0;
char HeardString[16384];
char HeardCalls[16384];
char ModesString[16384];
char FreqsString[16384];
int ModesLen;
int FreqsLen;
double Lat, Lon;
char Colour, State;
struct ChatNodeData * ChatNode;
struct ChatLink * ChatLink;
FILE * errFile;
int noPosition;
int Age;
int hl = 0;
struct HeardItem * Heard;
char * startofHeardBy;
LastUpdate = Now;
logFile = fopen("nodelog.txt","ab");
pFile = fopen("nodestatus.txt","wb");
if (pFile == NULL)
TM = gmtime(&Now);
// Count active nodes
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfNodes; i++)
if ((Now - Nodes[i]->LastHeard) < 3600) // Only count green stations
fprintf(pFile, "%04d/%02d/%.2d %02d:%02d:%02d - %d Active Nodes\r\n|",
TM->tm_year + 1900, TM->tm_mon + 1, TM->tm_mday, TM->tm_hour,
TM->tm_min, TM->tm_sec, activeNodes);
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfNodes; i++)
Node = Nodes[i];
Age = (int)(Now - Node->LastHeard);
if (strcmp("KF4YMC-3", Node->Call) == 0)
i = i;
// if (Node->onlyHeard)
// continue; // Only heard, not reported
// We need unheard nodes in the file for the MH list. Display on main map in blue
if (Age < 3600)
Colour = 'G';
else if (Age < 86400)
Colour ='R';
if (Node->Lat != 0.0 && Node->Lon != 0.0 && Node->LastHeard == 0)
Colour = 'B';
Colour ='0';
HeardString[0] = 0;
hl = 0;
HeardCalls[0] = 0;
hl = sprintf(&HeardString[0], "%s<br>", Node->Call);
if (Node->Heard || Node->HeardBy)
Heard = Node->Heard;
hl += sprintf(&HeardString[hl], "Heard<br>");
while (Heard)
if ((Now - Heard->Time) < 4 * 86400) // Less than 4 days old
TM = gmtime(&Heard->Time);
strcat(HeardCalls, Heard->HeardCall->Call);
strcat(HeardCalls, "%");
hl += sprintf(&HeardString[hl], "%04d/%02d/%.2d %02d:%02d:%02d %s %s %s<br>",
TM->tm_year + 1900, TM->tm_mon + 1, TM->tm_mday, TM->tm_hour,
TM->tm_min, TM->tm_sec, Heard->HeardCall, Heard->Freq, Heard->Flags);
Heard = Heard->Next;
startofHeardBy = &HeardString[hl];
hl += sprintf(&HeardString[hl], "Heard By<br>");
Heard = Node->HeardBy;
while (Heard)
if ((Now - Heard->Time) < 4 * 86400) // Less than 4 days old
if (strstr(startofHeardBy, Heard->ReportingCall->Call))
Heard = Heard->NextBy;
continue; // only a call add once
strcat(HeardCalls, Heard->ReportingCall->Call);
strcat(HeardCalls, "%");
hl += sprintf(&HeardString[hl], "%s<br>", Heard->ReportingCall);
Heard = Heard->NextBy;
// Build Mode List
ModesString[0] = 0;
ModesLen = 0;
if (Node->Modes)
struct ModeEntries * Modes = Node->Modes;
for (j = 0; j < 32; j++)
if (Modes->Mode[j])
struct ModeItem * Mode = Modes->Mode[j];
if (Now - Mode->LastHeard < 2400)
if (Mode->Freq)
char freqString[256];
int freqLen = sprintf(freqString, "%.6f", Mode->Freq);
while (freqString[--freqLen] == '0')
freqString[freqLen] = 0;
ModesLen += sprintf(&ModesString[ModesLen], "%02d:%d:%s/", Mode->Mode, Mode->Interlock, freqString);
ModesLen += sprintf(&ModesString[ModesLen], "%02d:%d/", Mode->Mode, Mode->Interlock);
// Build Freq List
FreqsString[0] = 0;
FreqsLen = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 32; j++)
if (Node->Freqs)
struct FreqEntries * Freqs = Node->Freqs;
if (Freqs->Freq[j])
struct FreqItem * Freq = Freqs->Freq[j];
FreqsLen += sprintf(&FreqsString[FreqsLen], "%02d!%s\\", Freq->Interlock, &Freq->Freqs[6]);
Lat = Node->Lat;
Lon = Node->Lon;
if (Lat == 0.0 && Lon == 0.0)
struct NodeData * x = FindBaseCall(Node->Call);
if (x)
Lat = x->Lat;
Lon = x->Lon;
fprintf(pFile, "%s,%f,%f,%c,%d,%s,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s\r\n|",
Node->Call, Lon, Lat, Colour, Node->PopupMode, Node->Comment, (HeardCalls[0] != 0), HeardString, HeardCalls, ModesString, FreqsString);
// printf("%s,%f,%f,%c,%d,%s,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s\r\n|",
// Node->Call, Lon, Lat, Colour, Node->PopupMode, Node->Comment, (HeardCalls[0] != 0), HeardString, HeardCalls, ModesString, FreqsString);
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfNodeLinks; i++)
Link = NodeLinks[i];
if ((Now - Link->LastHeard) > 86400) // > One day old - don't show
if ((Link->Call1->Lat == 0.0 && Link->Call1->Lon == 0.0) || (Link->Call2->Lat == 0.0 && Link->Call2->Lon == 0.0))
fprintf(pFile, "Link,%s,%s,%f,%f,%f,%f,red,\r\n|",
Link->Call1->Call, Link->Call2->Call, Link->Call1->Lat, Link->Call1->Lon, Link->Call2->Lat, Link->Call2->Lon);
else if (Link->Type == 16)
fprintf(pFile, "Link,%s,%s,%f,%f,%f,%f,green,\r\n|",
Link->Call1->Call, Link->Call2->Call, Link->Call1->Lat, Link->Call1->Lon, Link->Call2->Lat, Link->Call2->Lon);
fprintf(pFile, "Link,%s,%s,%f,%f,%f,%f,blue,\r\n|",
Link->Call1->Call, Link->Call2->Call, Link->Call1->Lat, Link->Call1->Lon, Link->Call2->Lat, Link->Call2->Lon);
// Generate Chat File
// Sort Calls for error report
qsort((void *)ChatNodes, NumberOfChatNodes, sizeof(void *), CompareChatCalls);
pFile = fopen("status.txt","wb");
if (pFile == NULL)
errFile = fopen("ChatErrors.html","wb");
if (errFile == NULL)
fprintf(errFile, reportHeader);
activeNodes = 0;
// Count active nodes
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfChatNodes; i++)
if ((Now - ChatNodes[i]->LastHeard) < 3600) // Only current
TM = gmtime(&Now);
fprintf(pFile, "%04d/%02d/%.2d %02d:%02d:%02d - %d Active Nodes\r\n|",
TM->tm_year + 1900, TM->tm_mon + 1, TM->tm_mday, TM->tm_hour,
TM->tm_min, TM->tm_sec, activeNodes);
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfChatNodes; i++)
ChatNode = ChatNodes[i];
noPosition = 0;
Age = Now - ChatNode->LastHeard;
if (strcmp(ChatNode->Call, "KG4FZR-1") == 0)
i = i;
// |GM8BPQ-4,-6.21863670150439,58.4901567374667,GM8BPQ.ok.png,0,BPQ Chat Node, Skigersta, |
// derivedLat/Lon will be overwritten if a real report is received, so if that
// is set use it
if (Age > 86400 && ChatNode->LastHeard != 0)
Lat = ChatNode->Lat;
Lon = ChatNode->Lon;
// If we don't have a real lat/lon, try to find one from other ssid's of call.
// If still not found generate randomised position around 0, 0
if (Lat == 0.0 && Lon == 0.0)
struct NodeData * x = FindBaseCall(ChatNode->Call);
noPosition = 1;
if (x)
Lat = x->Lat;
Lon = x->Lon;
ChatNode->Lat = Lat;
ChatNode->Lon = Lon;
ChatNode->derivedLat = Lat;
ChatNode->derivedLon = Lon;
ChatNode->derivedPosn = 1;
noPosition = 0;
if (Lat == 0.0 && Lon == 0.0)
// Radmomise unknown posn around 0, 0
Lat += (rand() * 0.1) / RAND_MAX;
Lon += (rand() * 0.1) / RAND_MAX;
ChatNode->derivedLat = Lat;
ChatNode->derivedLon = Lon;
// Try with error file as a status file, so include all calls and
// list after any misconfigured links
fprintf(errFile, "<b>%s</b>", ChatNode->Call);
if (noPosition)
fprintf(errFile, " Unknown position");
if (ChatNode->LastHeard == 0)
fprintf(errFile, " Not Reporting");
if (ChatNode->hasLinks == 0)
fprintf(errFile, " No Links");
// Check through links for any mismatches
struct ChatLink * Link;
char * Call = ChatNode->Call;
char * OtherCall;
int reported = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfChatLinks; i++)
Link = ChatLinks[i];
if (strcmp(Link->Call1->Call, Call) == 0)
OtherCall = Link->Call2->Call;
else if (strcmp(Link->Call2->Call, Call) == 0)
OtherCall = Link->Call1->Call;
if ((Now - Link->LastHeard1) < 3600 && Link->Call1State != Link->Call2State )
if (reported == 0)
fprintf(errFile, " Mismatched Links");
reported = 1;
fprintf(errFile, " %s", OtherCall);
fprintf(errFile, "<br>");
if (ChatNode->LastHeard == 0) // Don't display if not reporting
if (ChatNode->hasLinks == 0)
if (noPosition && ChatNode->hasLinks == 0)
continue; // Don't display if no posn and no links
if ((Now - ChatNode->LastHeard) < 86400)
if ((Now - ChatNode->LastHeard) < 3600)
fprintf(pFile, "%s,%f,%f,xx.ok.,%d,%s,\r\n|",
ChatNode->Call, Lon, Lat, ChatNode->PopupMode, ChatNode->Comment);
fprintf(pFile, "%s,%f,%f,xx.down.,%d,%s,\r\n|",
ChatNode->Call, Lon, Lat, ChatNode->PopupMode, ChatNode->Comment);
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfChatLinks; i++)
ChatLink = ChatLinks[i];
// |Line,-122.1225,47.6891666666667, -93.294332,36.620264,#000000,2
if ((Now - ChatLink->LastHeard1) < 3600)
if (ChatLink->Call1State == 0 && ChatLink->Call2State == -1)
State = 3; // Down Mismatch
else if (ChatLink->Call1State == -1 && ChatLink->Call2State == 0)
State = 3;
else if (ChatLink->Call1State == 2 && ChatLink->Call2State == 2)
State = 2; // Up
else if (ChatLink->Call1State == 2 || (ChatLink->Call2State == 2 && (Now - ChatLink->LastHeard2) < 3600))
State = 1;
State = 0;
if (State == 1 || State == 2 || State == 0)
fprintf(pFile, "Line,%f,%f,%f,%f,%d,%s,%s\r\n|",
ChatLink->Call1->derivedLon, ChatLink->Call1->derivedLat,
ChatLink->Call2->derivedLon, ChatLink->Call2->derivedLat,
State, ChatLink->Call1->Call, ChatLink->Call2->Call);
// if (State == 1 || State == 3)
// fprintf(errFile, "Config Mismatch %s > %s<br>", ChatLink->Call1->Call, ChatLink->Call2->Call);
fprintf(errFile, "</body></html>\r\n");
// Save status for restart
pFile = fopen("savenodes.txt","wb");
if (pFile == NULL)
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfNodes; i++)
Node = Nodes[i];
if ((Now - Node->LastHeard) < 30 * 86400) // Drop very old records
struct HeardItem * Heard = Node->Heard;
fprintf(pFile, "%s,%f,%f,%d,%s|%d|%d|", Node->Call, Node->Lat, Node->Lon, Node->PopupMode, Node->Comment, Node->LastHeard, Node->onlyHeard);
while (Heard)
if ((Now - Heard->Time) < 4 * 86400) // Less than 4 days old
fprintf(pFile, "%s,%s,%s,%s,%d/", Heard->HeardCall, Heard->ReportingCall, Heard->Freq, Heard->Flags, Heard->Time);
Heard = Heard->Next;
fprintf(pFile, "|");
Heard = Node->HeardBy;
while (Heard)
if ((Now - Heard->Time) < 4 * 86400) // Less than 4 days old
fprintf(pFile, "%s,%s,%s,%s,%d/", Heard->HeardCall, Heard->ReportingCall, Heard->Freq, Heard->Flags, Heard->Time);
Heard = Heard->NextBy;
fprintf(pFile, "|");
// Do Modes
for (j = 0; j < 32; j++)
if (Node->Modes)
struct ModeEntries * Modes = Node->Modes;
if (Modes->Mode[j])
struct ModeItem * Mode = Modes->Mode[j];
if (Now - Mode->LastHeard < 2400)
if (Mode->Freq)
fprintf(pFile, "%d,%d,%d,%lld,%f/", j, Mode->Mode, Mode->Interlock, Mode->LastHeard, Mode->Freq);
fprintf(pFile, "%d,%d,%d,%d/", j, Mode->Mode, Mode->Interlock, Mode->LastHeard);
fprintf(pFile, "|");
// Do Frequencies
if (Node->Freqs)
struct FreqEntries * Freqs = Node->Freqs;
for (j = 0; j < 32; j++)
struct FreqItem * Freq = Freqs->Freq[j];
if (Freq)
if (Now - Freq->LastHeard < 86400)
fprintf(pFile, "%d,%s,%d&", Freq->Interlock, Freq->Freqs, Freq->LastHeard);
fprintf(pFile, "|\r\n");
pFile = fopen("savelinks.txt","wb");
if (pFile == NULL)
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfNodeLinks; i++)
Link = NodeLinks[i];
if ((Now - Link->LastHeard) < 86400) // Less than a days old
fprintf(pFile, "%s,%s,%d,%d\r\n", Link->Call1->Call, Link->Call2->Call, Link->Type, Link->LastHeard);
// Save Chat Info
pFile = fopen("savechat.txt","wb");
if (pFile == NULL)
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfChatNodes; i++)
ChatNode = ChatNodes[i];
if ((Now - ChatNode->LastHeard) < 30 * 86400) // Drop very old records
fprintf(pFile, "%s,%f,%f,%d,%s|%d|\r\n",
ChatNode->Call, ChatNode->Lat, ChatNode->Lon, ChatNode->PopupMode, ChatNode->Comment, ChatNode->LastHeard);
pFile = fopen("savechatlinks.txt","wb");
if (pFile == NULL)
for (i = 0; i < NumberOfChatLinks; i++)
ChatLink = ChatLinks[i];
if ((Now - ChatLink->LastHeard1) < 30 * 86400 || (Now - ChatLink->LastHeard2) < 30 * 86400) // Drop very old records
fprintf(pFile, "%s,%s,%d,%d,%lld,%lld\r\n",
ChatLink->Call1->Call, ChatLink->Call2->Call, ChatLink->Call1State, ChatLink->Call2State, ChatLink->LastHeard1, ChatLink->LastHeard2);
void ProcessChatUpdate(char * From, char * Msg)
struct ChatNodeData * Node = FindChatNode(From);
struct ChatNodeData * OtherNode;
struct ChatLink * Link;
char * p1, * p2, * p3, * p4, * context;
int NewState;
Node->LastHeard = Now;
if (memcmp(Msg, "INFO", 4) == 0)
int i = 0;
char * latstring;
char * Popup;
char * PopupMode;
double Lat, Lon;
// printf("%s %s\r\n", From, Msg);
if (memcmp(&Msg[5], "MapPosition=", 12) == 0)
Msg += 12;
latstring = &Msg[5];
Popup = strlop(latstring, '|');
PopupMode = strlop(Popup, '|');
if (strlen(latstring) == 6)
// Most Likely a Lccator
if (FromLOC(latstring, &Lat, &Lon))
// printf("**%s %s %f %f\r\n", From, latstring, Lat, Lon);
goto gotPos;
// Split latstring into up to 4 components
p1 = strtok_s(latstring, " ,", &context);
p2 = strtok_s(NULL, " ,", &context);
p3 = strtok_s(NULL, " ,", &context);
p4 = strtok_s(NULL, " ,", &context);
if (p1 == 0 || p2 == 0)
if (p3 == 0 || p3[0] == 0)
// Only two - Lat and Lon. May have NS or EW on end, and may be aprs format
char * dot = strchr(p1, '.');
if (dot && (dot - p1) == 4)
// APRS Format (probably)
char NS, EW;
char LatDeg[3], LonDeg[4];
NS = p1[7];
EW = p2[8];
// Standard format ddmm.mmN/dddmm.mmE?
memcpy(LatDeg, p1,2);
Lat = atof(LatDeg) + (atof(p1+2) / 60);
if (NS == 'S')
Lat = -Lat;
memcpy(LonDeg,p2, 3);
Lon = atof(LonDeg) + (atof(p2+3) / 60);
if (EW == 'W')
Lon = -Lon;
// printf("APRS %s %f %f\r\n", From, Lat, Lon);
goto gotPos;
Lat = atof(p1);
Lon = atof(p2);
if (Lat > 90.0 || Lon > 180.0 || Lat < -90.0 || Lon < -180.0)
printf("**%s Corrupt %s %s \r\n", From, p1, p2);
// See if NS/EW
if (strchr(p1, 'S'))
Lat -= Lat;
if (strchr(p2, 'W'))
Lon -= Lon;
// printf("**%s %f %f\r\n", From, Lat, Lon);
goto gotPos;
if (p3 && p4 && strchr(p2, 'N') || strchr(p2, 'S'))
char * min;
// Spaces between lat and n/s, lon e/s
// Could be decimal degrees or deg min or seg min s
if (strchr(p1, '\xb0'))
min = strlop(p1, '\xb0');
Lat = atof(p1) + atof(min) /60;
if (strchr(p2, 'S'))
Lat -= Lat;
if (strchr(p3, '\xb0'))
min = strlop(p3, '\xb0');
Lon = atof(p3) + atof(min) /60;
if (strchr(p4, 'W'))
Lon -= Lon;
if (Lat > 90.0 || Lat < -90.0)
Node->derivedLat = Node->Lat = Lat;
Node->derivedLon = Node->Lon = Lon;
Node->derivedPosn = 0;
strcpy(Node->Comment, Popup);
Node->PopupMode = atoi(PopupMode);
// Link Info
// Call / State Pairs
// printf("%s\r\n", Msg);
p1 = strtok_s(Msg, " \r", &context);
p2 = strtok_s(NULL, " \r", &context);
while (p1 && p2)
// printf("%s %s\r\n", p1, p2);
if (strcmp(From, "KG4FZR-1") == 0 || strcmp(p1, "KG4FZR-1") == 0)
printf("%s\r\n", Msg);
NewState = atoi(p2);
// Ignore down reports if target doesn't exist
if (NewState != 4) // 4 is setting up
OtherNode = FindChatNode(p1);
Link = FindChatLink(From, p1, NewState, Now);
p1 = strtok_s(NULL, " \r", &context);
p2 = strtok_s(NULL, " \r", &context);