
1653 lines
53 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
#ifndef WINVER // Allow use of features specific to Windows XP or later.
#define WINVER 0x0501 // Change this to the appropriate value to target other versions of Windows.
#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT // Allow use of features specific to Windows XP or later.
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 // Change this to the appropriate value to target other versions of Windows.
#ifndef _WIN32_WINDOWS // Allow use of features specific to Windows 98 or later.
#define _WIN32_WINDOWS 0x0410 // Change this to the appropriate value to target Windows Me or later.
#ifndef _WIN32_IE // Allow use of features specific to IE 6.0 or later.
#define _WIN32_IE 0x0600 // Change this to the appropriate value to target other versions of IE.
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
2022-12-09 11:05:49 +00:00
#include <libconfig.h>
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
2023-10-10 22:07:04 +01:00
#ifndef WIN32
#include <iconv.h>
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
#include "compatbits.h"
#ifndef LINBPQ
#include "bpq32.h"
#include "BPQMailrc.h"
#include "dbghelp.h"
2025-02-03 22:18:58 +00:00
#include "cheaders.h"
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
#include "asmstrucs.h"
2023-07-29 07:23:11 +01:00
#define MaxBPQPortNo 63 // Port 64 reserved for BBS Mon
#define MAXBPQPORTS 63
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
2024-07-07 16:06:08 +01:00
extern int FOURCHARCONT;
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
// Standard __except handler for try/except
VOID CheckProgramErrors();
VOID WriteMiniDump();
extern int ProgramErrors;
extern struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS exinfox;
#ifdef WIN32
2024-11-05 21:03:15 +00:00
void Dump_Process_State(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * exinfo, char * Msg);
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
#define My__except_Routine(Message) \
__except(memcpy(&exinfo, GetExceptionInformation(), sizeof(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS)), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER)\
Debugprintf("MAILCHAT *** Program Error %x at %x in %s EAX %x EBX %x ECX %x EDX %x ESI %x EDI %x",\
exinfo.ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, exinfo.ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, Message,\
exinfo.ContextRecord->Eax, exinfo.ContextRecord->Ebx, exinfo.ContextRecord->Ecx,\
exinfo.ContextRecord->Edx, exinfo.ContextRecord->Esi, exinfo.ContextRecord->Edi);\
#define My__except_Routine(Message) \
__except(memcpy(&exinfox, GetExceptionInformation(), sizeof(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS)), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER)\
Dump_Process_State(&exinfox, Message);\
#define My__except_RoutineWithDisconnect(Message) \
__except(memcpy(&exinfo, GetExceptionInformation(), sizeof(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS)), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER)\
Debugprintf("MAILCHAT *** Program Error %x at %x in %s EAX %x EBX %x ECX %x EDX %x ESI %x EDI %x",\
exinfo.ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, exinfo.ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, Message,\
exinfo.ContextRecord->Eax, exinfo.ContextRecord->Ebx, exinfo.ContextRecord->Ecx,\
exinfo.ContextRecord->Edx, exinfo.ContextRecord->Esi, exinfo.ContextRecord->Edi);\
if (conn->BPQStream < 0)\
#define My_except_RoutineWithDiscBBS(Message) \
__except(memcpy(&exinfo, GetExceptionInformation(), sizeof(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS)), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER)\
Debugprintf("MAILCHAT *** Program Error %x at %x in %s EAX %x EBX %x ECX %x EDX %x ESI %x EDI %x",\
exinfo.ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, exinfo.ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, Message,\
exinfo.ContextRecord->Eax, exinfo.ContextRecord->Ebx, exinfo.ContextRecord->Ecx,\
exinfo.ContextRecord->Edx, exinfo.ContextRecord->Esi, exinfo.ContextRecord->Edi);\
if (conn->BPQStream < 0)\
#define WSA_ACCEPT WM_USER + 1
#define WSA_DATA WM_USER + 3
#define NNTP_DATA WM_USER + 5
#ifdef _DEBUG
VOID * _malloc_dbg_trace(int len, int type, char * file, int line);
#define malloc(s) _malloc_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define calloc(c, s) _calloc_dbg(c, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define realloc(p, s) _realloc_dbg(p, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _recalloc(p, c, s) _recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _expand(p, s) _expand_dbg(p, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define free(p) _free_dbg(p, _NORMAL_BLOCK)
#define _strdup(s) _strdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define zalloc(s) _zalloc_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define zalloc(s) _zalloc(s)
#ifdef LINBPQ
#undef zalloc
#define zalloc _zalloc
VOID * _zalloc_dbg(size_t len, int type, char * file, int line);
#define LOG_BBS 0
#define LOG_CHAT 1
#define LOG_TCP 2
#define LOG_DEBUG_X 3
//Chat Duplicate suppression Code
#define MAXDUPS 10 // Number to keep
#define DUPSECONDS 5 // TIme to Keep
struct DUPINFO
time_t DupTime;
char DupUser[10];
char DupText[100];
struct UserRec
char * Callsign;
char * UserName;
char * Password;
typedef struct ConnectionInfo_S
struct ConnectionInfo_S *next;
PROC *proc;
UCHAR RadioOnlyMode; // T or R flag for Radio Only mode.
int Number; // Number of record - for Connections display
BOOL Active;
int BPQStream;
int paclen;
UCHAR Callsign[11]; // Station call including SSID
BOOL GotHeader;
UCHAR InputMode; // Line by Line or Binary or YAPP
UCHAR * InputBuffer;
int InputBufferLen;
int InputLen; // Data we have already = Offset of end of an incomplete packet;
struct UserInfo * UserPointer;
int Retries;
int LoginState; // 1 = user ok, 2 = password ok
int Flags;
// Data to the user is kept in a malloc'd buffer. This can be appended to,
// and data sucked out under both terminal and system flow control. PACLEN is
// enfored when sending to node.
UCHAR * OutputQueue; // Messages to user
int OutputQueueLength; // Total Malloc'ed size. Also Put Pointer for next Message
int OutputGetPointer; // Next byte to send. When Getpointer = Queue Length all is sent - free the buffer and start again.
int CloseAfterFlush; // Close session when all sent. Set to 100ms intervals to wait.
int ErrorCount; // Invalid Command count
BOOL Paging; // Set if user wants paging
int LinesSent; // Count when paging
int PageLen; // Lines per page
UCHAR * MailBuffer; // Mail Message being received
UCHAR * CopyBuffer; // Mail Message being forwarded
int MailBufferSize; // Total Malloc'ed size. Actual size in in Msg Struct
long lastmsg; // Last Listed. Stored here, updated in user record only on clean close
BOOL sysop; // Set if user is authenticated as a sysop
BOOL Secure_Session; // Set if Local Terminal, or Telnet connect with SYSOP status
UINT BBSFlags; // Set if defined as a bbs and SID received
struct MsgInfo * TempMsg; // Header while message is being received
struct MsgInfo * FwdMsg; // Header while message is being forwarded
char ** To; // May be several Recipients
int ToCount;
int BBSNumber; // The BBS number (offset into bitlist of BBSes to forward a message to
int NextMessagetoForward; // Next index to check in forward cycle
BOOL BPQBBS; // Set if SID indicates other end is BPQ
BOOL SendT; // Send T messages
BOOL SendP; // Send P messages
BOOL SendB; // Send Bulls
BOOL SendWL2KFW; // send ;FW:
int MaxBLen; // Max Size for this session
int MaxPLen; // Max Size for this session
int MaxTLen; // Max Size for this session
BOOL DoReverse; // Request Reverse Forward
char LastForwardType; // Last type of messages forwarded
struct FBBHeaderLine * FBBHeaders; // The Headers from an FFB forward block
char FBBReplyChars[36]; //The +-=!nnnn chars for the 5 proposals
int FBBReplyIndex; // current Reply Pointer
int FBBIndex; // current propopsal number
int RestartFrom; // Restart position
BOOL NeedRestartHeader; // Set if waiting for 6 byte restart header
BOOL DontSaveRestartData; // Set if corrupt data received
BOOL FBBMsgsSent; // Messages need to be maked as complete when next command received
UCHAR FBBChecksum; // Header Checksum
BOOL OpenBCM; // OpenBCM mode (escape -xFF chars)
BOOL InTelnetExcape; // Last Char was 0xff
BOOL LocalMsg; // Set if current Send command is for a local user
BOOL NewUser; // Set if first time user has accessed BBS
BOOL Paclink; // Set if receiving messages from Paclink
BOOL RMSExpress; // Set if receiving messages from RMS Express
BOOL WL2K; // Set if communicating with a CMS
BOOL PAT; // Set if communicating with PAT
char ** PacLinkCalls; // Calls we are getting messages for
BOOL SkipPrompt; // Set if a remote node sends a > at the end of his CTEXT
BOOL SkipConn; // Node sends "connected" in its CTEXT
int Watchdog; // Hung Circuit Detect.
int SessType; // BPQ32 sesstype bits
#define Sess_L2LINK 1
#define Sess_SESSION 2
#define Sess_UPLINK 4
#define Sess_DOWNLINK 8
#define Sess_BPQHOST 0x20
#define Sess_PACTOR 0x40
HANDLE DebugHandle; // File Handle for session-based debugging
char ARQFilename[256]; // Filename from ARQ:FILE:: Header
int ARQClearCount; // To make sure queues are flushed when sending
int SIDResponseTimer; // Used to detect incomplete handshake
char PQChallenge[20]; // Secure User logon challange
char SecureMsg[20]; // CMS Secure Signon Response
int MCastListenTime; // Time to run session for
int YAPPLen; // Bytes sent/received of YAPP Message
long YAPPDate; // Date for received file - if set enables YAPPC
int SyncCompressedLen;
int SyncXMLLen;
int SyncMsgLen;
2023-03-02 09:33:47 +00:00
char * SyncHost; // Saved so can send "request sync"
int SyncPort;
2023-02-05 11:01:05 +00:00
UCHAR * SyncMessage; // Compressed SYNC message to send
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
// These are used to detect CRLF split over a packet boundary
int usingCR; // Session is (normally) using CR as terminator
int lastLineEnd; // Terminator for current line
struct ConnectionInfo_S * SysopChatStream; // Stream sysop is chatting to
} ConnectionInfo, CIRCUIT;
// Flags Equates
#define GETTINGBBS 2
#define CHATMODE 4
#define CHATLINK 32 // Link to another Chat Node
#define SENDTITLE 64
#define SENDBODY 128
#define WAITPROMPT 256 // Waiting for prompt after message
2023-02-05 11:01:05 +00:00
#define PROPOSINGSYNCMSG 512 // Sent proposal to SYNC, waiting response
2023-03-02 09:33:47 +00:00
#define SENDINGSYNCMSG 1024 // Sent message to SYNC, waiting response
#define GETTINGSYNCMESSAGE 4096 // Receiving body of a SYNC message
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
// BBSFlags Equates
#define BBS 1
#define FBBForwarding 2
#define FBBCompressed 4
#define FBBB1Mode 8
#define FBBB2Mode 16
#define RunningConnectScript 32
#define MBLFORWARDING 64 // MBL Style Frwarding- waiting for OK/NO or Prompt following message
#define TEXTFORWARDING 128 // Plain Text forwarding
#define OUTWARDCONNECT 256 // We connected to them
#define FLARQMODE 512 // Message from FLARQ
#define FLARQMAIL 1024 // Sending FLARQ Format Message
#define ARQMAILACK 2048 // Waiting for all data to be acked
#define NEEDLF 4096 // Add LF to forward script commands (fro Telnet
#define MCASTRX 8192 // Stream in Multicast RX Mode
#define DISCONNECTING 16384 // Disconnect sent to Node
#define YAPPTX 0x008000 // Sending YAPP file
#define SYSOPCHAT 0x010000 // Chatting to BBS console
#define WINLINKRO 0x020000 // WL2K RO (no J in SID)
#define SYNCMODE 0x040000 // RMS RELAY SYNC
#define MFJMODE 0x080000 // MFJ PMS
2023-05-16 16:40:12 +01:00
#define NEWPACCOM 0x100000 // PACCOM PMS 3.2
#define SETCALLTOSENDER 0x200000 // Set calling call to message sender
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
struct FBBRestartData
struct MsgInfo * TempMsg; // Header while message is being received
struct UserInfo * UserPointer;
UCHAR * MailBuffer; // Mail Message being received
int MailBufferSize; // Total Malloc'ed size. Actual size in in Msg Struct
int Count; // Give up if too many restarts
// We need to keep the B2Message file for B2 messages we are sending until the messages is acked, so
// we can restart it. Otherwise the file may change, resulting in a checksum error
struct B2RestartData
int CSize; // Compresses Size (B2 proto)
UCHAR * CompressedMsg; // Compressed Body fo B2
struct MsgInfo * FwdMsg;
struct UserInfo * UserPointer;
int Count; // Give up if too many restarts
2023-06-21 08:21:04 +01:00
//------ TAJ -----
typedef struct PGARGS
CIRCUIT * conn;
struct UserInfo * user;
char InputBuffer[80];
int Len;
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
#pragma pack(1)
struct TempUserInfo
int LastAuthCode; // Protect against playback attack
// Fields used to allow interrupting and resuming a paged listing
BOOL ListActive; // Doing a list
BOOL ListSuspended; // Paused doing a list
int LastListedInPagedMode;
char LastListCommand[80];
char LastListParams[80];
int LinesSent;
char SendFullFrom;
char ListType;
char ListDirn;
char ListStatus;
char ListSelector; // < > @ etc
int ListRangeStart;
int ListRangeEnd;
int LLCount; // Number still to send in List Last N
int UpdateLatest; // if set, save last listed as latest
BOOL IncludeKilled; // Show Killed Messages if SYSOP
2023-06-21 08:21:04 +01:00
//--- TAJ ---
int PG_INDEX; // current index of PG server
int PG_SERVER; // PG server to run
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
#define PMSG 1
#define BMSG 2
#define TMSG 3
struct OldUserInfo
// Old format - without message type specific traffic counts
char Call[10]; // Connected call without SSID
// indicat relai[8]; /* 64 Digis path */
int lastmsg; /* 4 Last L number */
int ConnectsIn; /* 4 Number of connexions in*/
int TimeLastConnected; //Last connexion date */
// long lastyap __a2__ ; /* 4 Last YN date */
ULONG flags ; /* 4 Flags */
UCHAR PageLen; // Lines Per Page
UCHAR lang ; /* 1 Language */
int Xnewbanner; /* 4 Last Banner date */
short Xdownload ; /* 2 download size (KB) = 100 */
char POP3Locked ; // Nonzero if POP3 server has locked this user (stops other pop3 connections, or BBS user killing messages)
char BBSNumber; // BBS Bitmap Index Number
struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo;
struct UserInfo * BBSNext; // links BBS record
struct TempUserInfo * Temp; // Working Fields - not saved in user file
char xfree[6]; /* 6 Spare */
char Xtheme; /* 1 Current topic */
char Name[18]; /* 18 1st Name */
char Address[61]; /* 61 Address */
// Stats. Was City[31]; /* 31 City */
int MsgsReceived;
int MsgsSent;
int MsgsRejectedIn; // Messages we reject
int MsgsRejectedOut; // Messages Rejectd by other end
int BytesForwardedIn;
int BytesForwardedOut;
int ConnectsOut; // Forwarding Connects Out
USHORT RMSSSIDBits; // SSID's to poll in RMS
char Spare1;
char HomeBBS[41]; /* 41 home BBS */
char QRA[7]; /* 7 Qth Locator */
char pass[13]; /* 13 Password */
char ZIP[9]; /* 9 Zipcode */
BOOL spare;
} ; /* Total : 360 bytes */
struct MsgStats
int ConnectsIn; /* 4 Number of connexions in*/
int ConnectsOut; // Forwarding Connects Out
// Stats saveed by message type
int MsgsReceived[4];
int MsgsSent[4];
int MsgsRejectedIn[4]; // Messages we reject
int MsgsRejectedOut[4]; // Messages Rejectd by other end
int BytesForwardedIn[4];
int BytesForwardedOut[4];
struct UserInfo
// New Format - with stats maintained by message type and unused fields removed.
2024-12-16 17:54:16 +00:00
// This is no longer a fixed length record so can't be saved as a binarl
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
char Call[10]; // Connected call without SSID
int Length; // To make subsequent format changes easier
int lastmsg; /* 4 Last L number */
int xTimeLastConnected; //Last connexion date */
ULONG flags ; /* 4 Flags */
UCHAR PageLen; // Lines Per Page
char POP3Locked ; // Nonzero if POP3 server has locked this user (stops other pop3 connections, or BBS user killing messages)
unsigned char BBSNumber; // BBS Bitmap Index Number
struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo;
struct UserInfo * BBSNext; // links BBS record
struct TempUserInfo * Temp; // Working Fields - not saved in user file
char Name[18]; /* 18 1st Name */
char Address[61]; /* 61 Address */
USHORT RMSSSIDBits; // SSID's to poll in RMS
char HomeBBS[41]; /* 41 home BBS */
char QRA[7]; /* 7 Qth Locator */
char pass[13]; /* 13 Password */
char ZIP[9]; /* 9 Zipcode */
struct MsgStats Total;
struct MsgStats Last;
char CMSPass[16]; // For Secure Signon
int WebSeqNo;
long long TimeLastConnected; //Last connection date */
char Filler[44 - 8]; // So we can add a few fields wirhout another resize
// flags equates
#define F_Excluded 0x0001
#define F_GGG 0x0002
#define F_Expert 0x0004
#define F_SYSOP 0x0008
#define F_BBS 0x0010
#define F_RMSREDIRECT 0x0020
#define F_BBB 0x0040
#define F_CCC 0x0080
#define F_DDD 0x0100
#define F_EEE 0x0200
#define F_FFF 0x0400
#define F_PMS 0x0800
#define F_EMAIL 0x1000
#define F_HOLDMAIL 0x2000
#define F_POLLRMS 0x4000
#define F_SYSOP_IN_LM 0x8000
#define F_Temp_B2_BBS 0x00010000 // "Winlink Express User"
#define F_NOWINLINK 0x00020000 // Don't add
#define F_NOBULLS 0x00040000
#define F_NTSMPS 0x00080000
#define F_APRSMFOR 0x00100000 // Send APRS message for new mail
#define F_APRSSSID 0xF0000000 // (Top 4 Bits
struct Override
char * Call;
int Days;
struct ALIAS
char * Alias;
char * Dest;
typedef struct _MESSAGEX
UCHAR DIGIS[56]; // Padding in case we have digis
#pragma pack()
// Message Database Entry. Designed to be compatible with FBB
#define NBBBS 160 // Max BBSes we can forward to. Must be Multiple of 8, and must be 80 for FBB compatibliliy
#define NBMASK NBBBS/8 // Number of bytes in Forward bitlists.
#pragma pack(1)
struct OldMsgInfo
char type ;
char status ;
int number ;
int length ;
int datereceived;
char bbsfrom[7] ; // ? BBS we got it from ?
char via[41] ;
char from[7] ;
char to[7] ;
char bid[13] ;
char title[61] ;
char bin;
int nntpnum; // Number within topic (ie Bull TO Addr) - used for nntp
UCHAR B2Flags;
char free[4];
unsigned short nblu;
int theme ;
time_t datecreated ;
time_t datechanged ;
char fbbs[10] ;
char forw[10] ;
char emailfrom[41];
} ;
struct MsgInfo
char type;
char status;
int number;
int length;
int xdatereceived;
char bbsfrom[7]; // ? BBS we got it from ?
char via[41];
char from[7];
char to[7];
char bid[13];
char title[61];
int nntpnum; // Number within topic (ie Bull TO Addr) - used for nntp
2024-03-26 00:52:55 +00:00
UCHAR B2Flags; // Not all flags specific to B2
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
#define B2Msg 1 // Set if Message File is a formatted B2 message
#define Attachments 2 // Set if B2 message has attachments
#define FromPaclink 4
#define FromCMS 8
#define FromRMSExpress 16
#define RadioOnlyMsg 32 // Received using call-T
#define RadioOnlyFwd 64 // Received using call-R
2024-03-26 00:52:55 +00:00
#define WarnNotForwardedSent 128
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
int xdatecreated;
int xdatechanged;
char emailfrom[41];
char Locked; // Set if selected for sending (NTS Pickup)
char Defered; // FBB response '=' received
UCHAR UTF8; // Set if Message is in UTF8 (ie from POP/SMTP)
// For 64 bit time_t compatibility define as long long
// (so struct is same with 32 or 64 bit time_t)
2024-12-03 00:27:57 +00:00
int64_t datereceived;
int64_t datecreated;
int64_t datechanged;
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
char Spare[61 - 24]; // For future use
} ;
#define MSGTYPE_B 0
#define MSGTYPE_P 1
#define MSGSTATUS_N 0
#define MSGSTATUS_Y 1
#define MSGSTATUS_F 2
#define MSGSTATUS_K 3
#define MSGSTATUS_H 4
#define MSGSTATUS_D 5
#define MSGSTATUS_$ 6
struct NNTPRec
// Used for NNTP access to Bulls
struct NNTPRec * Next; // Record held in chain, so can be held sorted
char NewsGroup[64]; // = Bull field
int FirstMsg; // Lowest Number
int LastMsg; // Highest Number
int Count; // Active Msgs
time_t DateCreated; // COntains Creation Date of First Bull in Group
typedef struct {
char mode;
char BID[13];
{ /* array named screen */
unsigned short msgno;
unsigned short timestamp;
CIRCUIT * conn;
} u;
} BIDRec, *BIDRecP;
typedef struct WPDBASE{ /* 194 bytes */
char callsign[7];
char name[13];
unsigned char Type;
unsigned char changed;
unsigned short seen;
long long last_modif;
long long last_seen;
char first_homebbs[41];
char secnd_homebbs[41];
char first_zip[9];
char secnd_zip[9];
char first_qth[31];
char secnd_qth[31];
} WPRec, * WPRecP;
#pragma pack()
struct FWDBAND
time_t FWDStartBand;
time_t FWDEndBand;
struct BBSForwardingInfo
// Holds info for forwarding
BOOL Enabled; // Forwarding Enabled
char ** ConnectScript; // Main Connect Script
char ** TempConnectScript; // Used with FWD command.
int ScriptIndex; // Next line in script
BOOL MoreLines; // Set until script is finsihed
char ** TOCalls; // Calls in to field
char ** ATCalls; // Calls in ATBBS field
char ** HaddressesP; // Heirarchical Addresses for Personals to forward to (as stored)
char *** HADDRSP; // Heirarchical Addresses for Personals to forward to
char ** Haddresses; // Heirarchical Addresses to forward to (as stored)
char *** HADDRS; // Heirarchical Addresses to forward to
int * HADDROffet; // Elements added to complete the HR. At least n+1 must match to forward
char ** FWDTimes; // Time bands to forward
struct FWDBAND ** FWDBands;
int MsgCount; // Messages for this BBS
BOOL ReverseFlag; // Set if BBS wants to poll for reverse forwarding
BOOL Forwarding; // Forward in progress
int MaxFBBBlockSize;
BOOL AllowBlocked; // Allow FBB Blocked
BOOL AllowCompressed; // Allow FBB Compressed
BOOL AllowB1; // Enable B1
BOOL AllowB2; // Enable B2
BOOL SendCTRLZ; // Send Ctrl/z instead of /ex
BOOL PersonalOnly; // Only Forward Personals
BOOL SendNew; // Forward new messages immediately
int FwdInterval;
int RevFwdInterval;
int FwdTimer;
time_t LastReverseForward;
char *BBSHA; // HA of BBS
char ** BBSHAElements; // elements of HA of BBS
int ConTimeout;
// char UserCall[10]; // User we are forwarding on behalf of (Currently only for RMS)
// int UserIndex; // index of User we are forwarding on behalf of (Currently only for RMS)
struct FBBHeaderLine
// Holds the info from the (up to) 5 headers presented at the start of a Forward Block
char Format; // Ascii or Binary
char MsgType; // P B etc
char From[7]; // Sender
char ATBBS[41]; // BBS of recipient (@ Field)
char To[7]; // Recipient
char BID[13];
int Size;
int CSize; // Compresses Size (B2 proto)
BOOL B2Message; // Set if an FC type
UCHAR * CompressedMsg; // Compressed Body fo B2
struct MsgInfo * FwdMsg; // Header so we can mark as complete
#define MAXSTACK 20
//#define MAXLINE 10000
#define INPUTLEN 512
#define MAXLINES 1000
#define LINELEN 200
2023-06-21 08:21:04 +01:00
extern char RTFHeader[4000];
extern int RTFHddrLen;
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
struct ConsoleInfo
struct ConsoleInfo * next;
CIRCUIT * Console;
int BPQStream;
WNDPROC wpOrigInputProc;
HWND hConsole;
HWND hwndInput;
HWND hwndOutput;
HMENU hMenu; // handle of menu
RECT ConsoleRect;
RECT OutputRect;
int Height, Width, LastY;
int ClientHeight, ClientWidth;
char kbbuf[INPUTLEN];
int kbptr;
char * readbuff; // Malloc'ed
int readbufflen; // Current Length
char * KbdStack[MAXSTACK];
int StackIndex;
BOOL Bells;
BOOL FlashOnBell; // Flash instead of Beep
BOOL WarnWrap;
BOOL FlashOnConnect;
BOOL WrapInput;
BOOL CloseWindowOnBye;
unsigned int WrapLen;
int WarnLen;
int maxlinelen;
int PartLinePtr;
int PartLineIndex; // Listbox index of (last) incomplete line
DWORD dwCharX; // average width of characters
DWORD dwCharY; // height of characters
DWORD dwClientX; // width of client area
DWORD dwClientY; // height of client area
DWORD dwLineLen; // line length
int nCaretPosX; // horizontal position of caret
int nCaretPosY; // vertical position of caret
COLORREF FGColour; // Text Colour
COLORREF BGColour; // Background Colour
COLORREF DefaultColour; // Default Text Colour
int CurrentLine; // Line we are writing to in circular buffer.
int Index;
BOOL SendHeader;
BOOL Finished;
char OutputScreen[MAXLINES][LINELEN];
int Colourvalue[MAXLINES];
int LineLen[MAXLINES];
int CurrentColour;
int Thumb;
int FirstTime;
BOOL Scrolled; // Set if scrolled back
int RTFHeight; // Height of RTF control in pixels
struct MSESSION * Next;
unsigned int Key;
char * FileName;
char * OrigTimeStamp;
unsigned char * Message;
int MessageLen;
unsigned char * BlockList;
char * ID;
int BlockSize;
int BlockCount;
int BlocksReceived;
BOOL Completed;
time_t Created;
time_t LastUpdated;
int Index; // Line in Display
VOID __cdecl nprintf(CIRCUIT * conn, const char * format, ...);
2025-02-03 22:18:58 +00:00
char * strlop(char * buf, char delim);
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
int rt_cmd(CIRCUIT *circuit, char * Buffer);
CIRCUIT *circuit_new(CIRCUIT *circuit, int flags);
VOID BBSputs(CIRCUIT * conn, char * buf);
VOID FBBputs(CIRCUIT * conn, char * buf);
void makelinks(void);
VOID * _zalloc(size_t len);
VOID FreeChatMemory();
VOID ChatTimer();
VOID nputs(CIRCUIT * conn, char * buf);
VOID node_close();
VOID removelinks();
VOID SetupChat();
VOID SendChatLinkStatus();
VOID ClearChatLinkStatus();
VOID Send_MON_Datagram(UCHAR * Msg, DWORD Len);
#define Connect(stream) SessionControl(stream,1,0)
#define Disconnect(stream) SessionControl(stream,2,0)
#define ReturntoNode(stream) SessionControl(stream,3,0)
#define ConnectUsingAppl(stream, appl) SessionControl(stream, 0, appl)
int EncryptPass(char * Pass, char * Encrypt);
VOID DecryptPass(char * Encrypt, unsigned char * Pass, unsigned int len);
// TCP Connections. FOr the moment SMTP or POP3
typedef struct SocketConnectionInfo
struct SocketConnectionInfo * Next;
int Number; // Number of record - for Connections display
SOCKET socket;
int Type; // SMTP or POP3
BOOL AMPR; // Set if sending to an AMPR.ORG server
char FromDomain[50]; // Domain we are sending from
struct UserInfo * bbs; // BBS dor forwarding to AMPR
int State; // Transaction State Machine
UCHAR CallSign[10];
UCHAR TCPBuffer[3000]; // For converting byte stream to messages
int InputLen; // Data we have alreasdy = Offset of end of an incomplete packet;
char * MailFrom; // Envelope Sender and Receiver
char ** RecpTo; // May be several Recipients
int Recipients;
UCHAR * MailBuffer; // Mail Message being received. malloc'ed as needed
int MailBufferSize; // Total Malloc'ed size. Actual size is in MailSize
int MailSize;
int Flags;
struct UserInfo * POP3User;
struct MsgInfo ** POP3Msgs; // Header List of messages for this uaer
int POP3MsgCount; // No of Messages
int POP3MsgNum; // Sequence number of message being received
struct MsgInfo * SMTPMsg; // message for this SMTP connection
UCHAR * SendBuffer; // Message being sent if socket is busy. malloc'ed as needed
int SendBufferSize; // Total Malloc'ed size. Actual size is in MailSize
int SendSize; // Bytes in buffer
int SendPtr; // next byte to send when ready
struct NNTPRec * NNTPGroup; // Currently Selected Group
int NNTPNum; // Currenrly Selected Msg Number
int Timeout; // Used to close a session that is open too long
} SocketConn;
2023-10-10 22:07:04 +01:00
// FBB reject.sys like filters
typedef struct FBBFILTER
struct FBBFILTER * Next;
char Action;
char Type;
char From[10];
char AT[10];
char TO[10];
char BID[16];
int MaxLen;
} FBBFilter;
extern FBBFilter * Filters;
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
typedef struct KEYVALUES
char * Key;
char * Value;
} KeyValues;
typedef struct WEBMAILINFO
// Info for HTML Forms Processing
struct HtmlFormDir * Dir; // HTML Directory
char * txtFileName; // Template Name for current message
char * InputHTMLName; // Template to input message
char * DisplayHTMLName; // Template to display message
char * ReplyHTMLName; // Template for replying to message
char * txtFile; // Template data
char * OrigTo; // To field when template loaded
char * OrigSubject; // Subject field when template loaded
char * OrigBody; // Msg text when template loaded
char * OrigBID;
char OrigType;
char * To;
char * CC;
char * Subject;
char * Body;
char * BID;
char Type;
struct MsgInfo * Msg; // Msg record if replying
KeyValues txtKeys[1000]; // Key/Value pairs for txt template. Used when creating or displaying
KeyValues XMLKeys[1000]; // Key/Value pairs from XML attachment
BOOL isReply;
char * XMLName;
char * XML; // XML attachment
int XMLLen;
int Files;
char * FileName[100]; // Attachments
char * FileBody[100];
int FileLen[100];
char * Header;
int HeaderLen;
char * Footer;
int FooterLen;
char * Reply; // put in here to save passing lots of parameters
int * RLen;
BOOL Winlink;
BOOL Packet;
int CurrentMessageIndex; // Index of message currently displayed (for Prev and Next)
2023-10-10 22:07:04 +01:00
#ifdef WIN32
void * iconv_toUTF8; // Used on Linux for char set conversion
iconv_t * iconv_toUTF8; // Used on Linux for char set conversion
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
#define SMTPServer 1
#define POP3SLAVE 2
#define SMTPClient 3
#define POP3Client 4
#define NNTPServer 5
// State Values
#define GettingUser 1
#define GettingPass 2
#define Authenticated 4
#define Connecting 8
// SMTP Master
#define WaitingForGreeting 16
#define WaitingForHELOResponse 32
#define WaitingForFROMResponse 64
#define WaitingForTOResponse 128
#define WaitingForDATAResponse 256
#define WaitingForBodyResponse 512
#define WaitingForAUTHResponse 1024
// POP3 Master
#define WaitingForUSERResponse 32
#define WaitingForPASSResponse 64
#define WaitingForSTATResponse 128
#define WaitingForUIDLResponse 256
#define WaitingForLISTResponse 512
#define WaitingForRETRResponse 512
#define WaitingForDELEResponse 1024
#define WaitingForQUITResponse 2048
#define SE 240 // End of subnegotiation parameters
#define NOP 241 //No operation
//#define DM 242 //Data mark Indicates the position of a Synch event within the data stream. This should always be accompanied by a TCP urgent notification.
#define BRK 243 //Break Indicates that the "break" or "attention" key was hi.
#define IP 244 //Suspend Interrupt or abort the process to which the NVT is connected.
#define AO 245 //Abort output Allows the current process to run to completion but does not send its output to the user.
#define AYT 246 //Are you there Send back to the NVT some visible evidence that the AYT was received.
#define EC 247 //Erase character The receiver should delete the last preceding undeleted character from the data stream.
#define EL 248 //Erase line Delete characters from the data stream back to but not including the previous CRLF.
#define GA 249 //Go ahead Under certain circumstances used to tell the other end that it can transmit.
#define SB 250 //Subnegotiation Subnegotiation of the indicated option follows.
#define WILL 251 //will Indicates the desire to begin performing, or confirmation that you are now performing, the indicated option.
#define WONT 252 //wont Indicates the refusal to perform, or continue performing, the indicated option.
#define DOx 253 //do Indicates the request that the other party perform, or confirmation that you are expecting the other party to perform, the indicated option.
#define DONT 254 //dont Indicates the demand that the other party stop performing, or confirmation that you are no longer expecting the other party to perform, the indicated option.
#define IAC 255
#define suppressgoahead 3 //858
//#define Status 5 //859
//#define echo 1 //857
#define timingmark 6 //860
#define terminaltype 24 //1091
#define windowsize 31 //1073
#define terminalspeed 32 //1079
#define remoteflowcontrol 33 //1372
#define linemode 34 //1184
#define environmentvariables 36 //1408
BOOL Initialise();
#ifdef WIN32
INT_PTR CALLBACK ConfigWndProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
int DisplaySessions();
int DoStateChange(int Stream);
int DoReceivedData(int Stream);
int DoBBSMonitorData(int Stream);
int Connected(int Stream);
int Disconnected(int Stream);
//int Socket_Accept(int SocketId);
//int Socket_Data(int SocketId,int error, int eventcode);
int DataSocket_Read(SocketConn * sockptr, SOCKET sock);
int DataSocket_Write(SocketConn * sockptr, SOCKET sock);
int DataSocket_Disconnect(SocketConn * sockptr);
int RefreshMainWindow();
int Terminate();
int SendtoSocket(SOCKET sock,char * Msg);
int WriteLog(char * msg);
int ConnectState(int Stream);
UCHAR * EncodeCall(UCHAR * Call);
int ParseIniFile(char * fn);
struct UserInfo * AllocateUserRecord(char * Call);
struct MsgInfo * AllocateMsgRecord();
BIDRec * AllocateBIDRecord();
BIDRec * AllocateTempBIDRecord();
struct UserInfo * LookupCall(char * Call);
BIDRec * LookupBID(char * BID);
BIDRec * LookupTempBID(char * BID);
VOID RemoveTempBIDS(CIRCUIT * conn);
VOID SaveUserDatabase();
VOID GetUserDatabase();
VOID GetMessageDatabase();
VOID SaveMessageDatabase();
VOID GetBIDDatabase();
VOID SaveBIDDatabase();
VOID GetWPDatabase();
VOID CopyWPDatabase();
VOID SaveWPDatabase();
VOID GetBadWordFile();
WPRec * LookupWP(char * Call);
VOID SendWelcomeMsg(int Stream, ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user);
VOID ProcessLine(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char* Buffer, int len);
VOID ProcessChatLine(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char* Buffer, int len);
VOID SendPrompt(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user);
int QueueMsg( ConnectionInfo * conn, char * msg, int len);
VOID SendUnbuffered(int stream, char * msg, int len);
//int GetFileList(char * Dir);
BOOL ListMessage(struct MsgInfo * Msg, ConnectionInfo * conn, struct TempUserInfo * Temp);
void DoDeliveredCommand(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Cmd, char * Arg1, char * Context);
void DoKillCommand(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Cmd, char * Arg1, char * Context);
void DoListCommand(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Cmd, char * Arg1, BOOL Resuming, char * Context);
void DoReadCommand(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Cmd, char * Arg1, char * Context);
void KillMessage(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, int msgno);
int KillMessagesTo(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Call);
int KillMessagesFrom(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Call);
void DoUnholdCommand(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Cmd, char * Arg1, char * Context);
VOID FlagAsKilled(struct MsgInfo * Msg, BOOL SaveDB);
int ListMessagesFrom(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Call, BOOL SendFullFrom, int Start);
int ListMessagesTo(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Call, BOOL SendFullFrom, int Start);
int ListMessagesAT(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Call, BOOL SendFullFrom, int Start);
void ListMessagesInRange(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Call, int Start, int End, BOOL SendFullFrom );
void ListMessagesInRangeForwards(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Call, int Start, int End, BOOL SendFullFrom );
int GetUserMsg(int m, char * Call, BOOL SYSOP);
void Flush(ConnectionInfo * conn);
VOID ClearQueue(ConnectionInfo * conn);
void TrytoSend();
void ReadMessage(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, int msgno);
struct MsgInfo * FindMessage(char * Call, int msgno, BOOL sysop);
char * ReadMessageFile(int msgno);
char * ReadInfoFile(char * File);
char * FormatDateAndTime(time_t Datim, BOOL DateOnly);
int CriticalErrorHandler(char * error);
BOOL DoSendCommand(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Cmd, char * Arg1, char * Context);
BOOL CreateMessage(ConnectionInfo * conn, char * From, char * ToCall, char * ATBBS, char MsgType, char * BID, char * Title);
VOID ProcessMsgTitle(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char* Buffer, int len);
VOID ProcessMsgLine(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char* Buffer, int len);
VOID CreateMessageFile(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct MsgInfo * Msg);
int ProcessConnecting(CIRCUIT * circuit, char * Buffer, int Len);
VOID SaveConfig(char * ConfigName);
BOOL GetConfig(char * ConfigName);
int GetIntValue(config_setting_t * group, char * name);
2025-02-03 22:18:58 +00:00
//BOOL GetStringValue(config_setting_t * group, char * name, char * value, int maxlen);
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
BOOL GetConfigFromRegistry();
VOID Parse_SID(CIRCUIT * conn, char * SID, int len);
VOID ProcessMBLLine(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, UCHAR* Buffer, int len);
VOID ProcessFBBLine(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, UCHAR * Buffer, int len);
VOID SetupNextFBBMessage(CIRCUIT * conn);
BOOL DecodeSendParams(CIRCUIT * conn, char * Context, char ** From, char * To, char ** ATBBS, char ** BID);
int PrintMessages(HWND hDlg, int Count, int * Indexes);
int check_fwd_bit(char *mask, int bbsnumber);
void set_fwd_bit(char *mask, int bbsnumber);
void clear_fwd_bit (char *mask, int bbsnumber);
VOID SetupForwardingStruct(struct UserInfo * user);
BOOL Forward_Message(struct UserInfo * user, struct MsgInfo * Msg);
VOID StartForwarding (int BBSNumber, char ** TempScript);
BOOL Reverse_Forward();
int ProcessBBSConnectScript(CIRCUIT * conn, char * Buffer, int len);
BOOL FBBDoForward(CIRCUIT * conn);
BOOL FindMessagestoForward(CIRCUIT * conn);
BOOL SeeifMessagestoForward(int BBSNumber, CIRCUIT * Conn);
int CountMessagestoForward(struct UserInfo * user);
2024-12-03 00:27:57 +00:00
int CountBytestoForward(struct UserInfo * user);
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
VOID * GetMultiLineDialogParam(HWND hDialog, int DLGItem);
2024-08-30 10:14:56 +01:00
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
VOID * GetMultiStringValue(config_setting_t * hKey, char * ValueName);
VOID * RegGetMultiStringValue(HKEY hKey, char * ValueName);
int MultiLineDialogToREG_MULTI_SZ(HWND hWnd, int DLGItem, HKEY hKey, char * ValueName);
int Do_BBS_Sel_Changed(HWND hDlg);
VOID FreeForwardingStruct(struct UserInfo * user);
VOID FreeList(char ** Hddr);
int Do_User_Sel_Changed(HWND hDlg);
int Do_Msg_Sel_Changed(HWND hDlg);
VOID Do_Save_Msg();
VOID Do_Add_User(HWND hDlg);
VOID Do_Delete_User(HWND hDlg);
VOID FlagSentMessages(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user);
VOID HoldSentMessages(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user);
VOID Do_Save_User(HWND hDlg, BOOL ShowBox);
2024-12-16 17:54:16 +00:00
VOID DeleteBBS(struct UserInfo * user);
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
VOID SaveBBSConfig();
2024-12-16 17:54:16 +00:00
BOOL GetChatConfig(char * ConfigName);
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
VOID SaveChatConfig();
VOID SaveISPConfig();
VOID SaveFWDConfig();
VOID SaveMAINTConfig();
VOID SaveWelcomeMsgs();
VOID SavePrompts();
VOID ReinitializeFWDStruct(struct UserInfo * user);
VOID CopyBIDDatabase();
VOID CopyMessageDatabase();
VOID CopyUserDatabase();
VOID FWDTimerProc();
VOID CreateMessageFromBuffer(CIRCUIT * conn);
VOID __cdecl nodeprintf(ConnectionInfo * conn, const char * format, ...);
VOID __cdecl nodeprintfEx(ConnectionInfo * conn, const char * format, ...);
VOID FreeOverrides();
VOID SendMessageToSYSOP(char * Title, char * MailBuffer, int Length);
struct UserInfo * FindRMS();
VOID FindNextRMSUser(struct BBSForwardingInfo * FWDInfo);
BOOL ConnecttoBBS (struct UserInfo * user);
BOOL SetupNewBBS(struct UserInfo * user);
VOID CreateRegBackup();
VOID SaveFilters(HWND hDlg);
2023-10-10 22:07:04 +01:00
BOOL CheckRejFilters(char * From, char * To, char * ATBBS, char * BID, char Type, int Len);
BOOL CheckHoldFilters(struct MsgInfo * Msg, char * From, char * To, char * ATBBS, char * BID);
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
BOOL CheckifLocalRMSUser(char * FullTo);
VOID DoWPLookup(ConnectionInfo * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char Type, char *Context);
BOOL wildcardcompare(char * Target, char * Match);
VOID SendWarningToSYSOP(struct MsgInfo * Msg);
VOID DoEditUserCmd(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context);
VOID DoPollRMSCmd(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context);
VOID DoShowRMSCmd(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context);
VOID DoSetIdleTime(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context);
VOID DoFwdCmd(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context);
VOID SaveFwdParams(char * Call, struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo);
VOID DoAuthCmd(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context);
VOID ProcessSuspendedListCommand(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char* Buffer, int len);
VOID DoReroute(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user);
// FBB Routines
VOID SendCompressed(CIRCUIT * conn, struct MsgInfo * FwdMsg);
VOID SendCompressedB2(CIRCUIT * conn, struct FBBHeaderLine * FBBHeader);
VOID UnpackFBBBinary(CIRCUIT * conn);
void Decode(CIRCUIT * conn, __int16 DecodeOnly);
//long Encode(char * in, char * out, long inlen, BOOL B1Protocol);
BOOL CreateB2Message(CIRCUIT * conn, struct FBBHeaderLine * FBBHeader, char * Rline);
VOID SaveFBBBinary(CIRCUIT * conn);
BOOL LookupRestart(CIRCUIT * conn, struct FBBHeaderLine * FBBHeader);
BOOL DoWeWantIt(CIRCUIT * conn, struct FBBHeaderLine * FBBHeader);
// Console Routines
BOOL CreateConsole(int Stream);
int WritetoConsoleWindow(int Stream, char * Msg, int len);
int ToggleParam(HMENU hMenu, HWND hWnd, BOOL * Param, int Item);
void CopyRichTextToClipboard(HWND hWnd);
void CopyToClipboard(HWND hWnd);
VOID CloseConsole(int Stream);
// Monitor Routines
BOOL CreateMonitor();
int WritetoMonitorWindow(char * Msg, int len);
BOOL CreateDebugWindow();
VOID WritetoDebugWindow(char * Msg, int len);
VOID ClearDebugWindow();
int RemoveLF(char * Message, int len);
// Utilities
BOOL isdigits(char * string);
2025-02-03 22:18:58 +00:00
void _GetSemaphore(struct SEM * Semaphore, int ID, char * File, int Line);
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
void FreeSemaphore(struct SEM * Semaphore);
VOID __cdecl Debugprintf(const char * format, ...);
VOID __cdecl Logprintf(int LogMode, CIRCUIT * conn, int InOut, const char * format, ...);
VOID SortBBSChain();
VOID ExpandAndSendMessage(CIRCUIT * conn, char * Msg, int LOG);
int ImportMessages(CIRCUIT * conn, char * FN, BOOL Nopopup);
// TCP Routines
BOOL InitialiseTCP();
VOID SetupListenSet();
VOID TCPTimer();
VOID TCPFastTimer();
int Socket_Data(int sock, int error, int eventcode);
static int Socket_Accept(SOCKET SocketId);
int Socket_Connect(SOCKET sock, int Error);
VOID ProcessSMTPServerMessage(SocketConn * sockptr, char * Buffer, int Len);
int CreateSMTPMessage(SocketConn * sockptr, int i, char * MsgTitle, time_t Date, char * MsgBody, int Msglen, BOOL B2Flag);
BOOL CreateSMTPMessageFile(char * Message, struct MsgInfo * Msg);
SOCKET CreateListeningSocket(int Port);
int TidyString(char * MailFrom);
VOID ProcessPOP3ServerMessage(SocketConn * sockptr, char * Buffer, int Len);
char *str_base64_encode(char *str);
int b64decode(char *str);
SocketConn * SMTPConnect(char * Host, int Port, BOOL AMPR, struct MsgInfo * Msg, char * MsgBody);
BOOL POP3Connect(char * Host, int Port);
VOID ProcessSMTPClientMessage(SocketConn * sockptr, char * Buffer, int Len);
VOID ProcessPOP3ClientMessage(SocketConn * sockptr, char * Buffer, int Len);
int CreatePOP3Message(char * From, char * To, char * MsgTitle, time_t Date, char * MsgBody, int MsgLen, BOOL B2Flag);
void WriteLogLine(CIRCUIT * conn, int Flag, char * Msg, int MsgLen, int Flags);
int SendSock(SocketConn * sockptr, char * msg);
VOID __cdecl sockprintf(SocketConn * sockptr, const char * format, ...);
VOID SendFromQueue(SocketConn * sockptr);
VOID SendMultiPartMessage(SocketConn * sockptr, struct MsgInfo * Msg, UCHAR * msgbytes);
int CountMessagesTo(struct UserInfo * user, int * Unread);
BOOL SendtoISP();
// NNTP ROutines
VOID InitialiseNNTP();
VOID BuildNNTPList(struct MsgInfo * Msg);
int NNTP_Data(int sock, int error, int eventcode);
int NNTP_Accept(SOCKET SocketId);
VOID * GetOverrides(config_setting_t * group, char * ValueName);
VOID * RegGetOverrides(HKEY hKey, char * ValueName);
VOID DoHouseKeeping(BOOL Mainual);
VOID ExpireMessages();
VOID KillMsg(struct MsgInfo * Msg);
BOOL RemoveKilledMessages();
VOID Renumber_Messages();
BOOL ExpireBIDs();
VOID MailHousekeepingResults();
VOID CreateBBSTrafficReport();
VOID CreateWPReport();
// WP Routines
VOID ProcessWPMsg(char * MailBuffer, int Size, char * FisrtRLine);
VOID GetWPInfoFromRLine(char * From, char * FirstRLine, time_t RLineTime);
VOID UpdateWPWithUserInfo(struct UserInfo * user);
VOID GetWPBBSInfo(char * Rline);
// UI Routines
VOID SetupUIInterface();
VOID Free_UI();
VOID SendLatestUI(int Port);
VOID SendMsgUI(struct MsgInfo * Msg);
static VOID Send_AX_Datagram(UCHAR * Msg, DWORD Len, UCHAR Port, UCHAR * HWADDR, BOOL Queue);
VOID SeeifBBSUIFrame(struct _MESSAGEX * buff, int len);
struct MsgInfo * FindMessageByNumber(int msgno);
int CountConnectionsOnPort(int CheckPort);
// Message Routing Routtines
VOID SetupHAElements(struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo);
VOID SetupHAddreses(struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo);
VOID SetupHAddresesP(struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo);
VOID SetupMyHA();
VOID SetupFwdAliases();
struct Continent * FindContinent(char * Name);
int MatchMessagetoBBSList(struct MsgInfo * Msg, CIRCUIT * conn);
BOOL CheckABBS(struct MsgInfo * Msg, struct UserInfo * bbs, struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo, char * ATBBS, char * HRoute);
BOOL CheckBBSToList(struct MsgInfo * Msg, struct UserInfo * bbs, struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo);
BOOL CheckBBSAtList(struct MsgInfo * Msg, struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo, char * ATBBS);
BOOL CheckBBSHList(struct MsgInfo * Msg, struct UserInfo * bbs, struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo, char * ATBBS, char * HRoute);
BOOL CheckBBSHElements(struct MsgInfo * Msg, struct UserInfo * bbs, struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo, char * ATBBS, char ** HElements);
BOOL CheckBBSHElementsFlood(struct MsgInfo * Msg, struct UserInfo * bbs, struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo, char * ATBBS, char ** HElements);
int CheckBBSToForNTS(struct MsgInfo * Msg, struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo);
int CheckBBSATListWildCarded(struct MsgInfo * Msg, struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo, char * ATBBS);
VOID ReRouteMessages();
VOID initUTF8();
int Is8Bit(unsigned char *cpt, int len);
int IsUTF8(unsigned char *ptr, int len);
int IsUTF8(unsigned char *ptr, int len);
int WebIsUTF8(unsigned char *ptr, int len);
int Convert437toUTF8(unsigned char * MsgPtr, int len, unsigned char * UTF);
int Convert1251toUTF8(unsigned char * MsgPtr, int len, unsigned char * UTF);
int Convert1252toUTF8(unsigned char * MsgPtr, int len, unsigned char * UTF);
int TrytoGuessCode(unsigned char * Char, int Len);
VOID FreeWebMailMallocs();
extern int _MYTIMEZONE;
extern char * REGTREETEXT;
extern HBRUSH bgBrush;
extern BOOL cfgMinToTray;
extern CIRCUIT * Console;
extern ULONG ChatApplMask;
extern char Verstring[];
extern char SignoffMsg[];
extern char AbortedMsg[];
extern char InfoBoxText[]; // Text to display in Config Info Popup
extern int LastVer[4]; // In case we need to do somthing the first time a version is run
extern HWND MainWnd;
extern char BaseDir[];
extern char BaseDirRaw[];
extern char MailDir[];
extern char WPDatabasePath[];
extern char RlineVer[50];
extern BOOL LogBBS;
extern BOOL LogCHAT;
extern BOOL LogTCP;
extern BOOL ForwardToMe;
extern BOOL OnlyKnown;
extern BOOL AllowAnon;
extern BOOL UserCantKillT;
extern BOOL DontNeedHomeBBS;
extern int LatestMsg;
extern char BBSName[];
extern char SYSOPCall[];
extern char BBSSID[];
extern char NewUserPrompt[];
extern char * WelcomeMsg;
extern char * NewWelcomeMsg;
extern char * ChatWelcomeMsg;
extern char * NewChatWelcomeMsg;
extern char * ExpertWelcomeMsg;
extern char * Prompt;
extern char * NewPrompt;
extern char * ExpertPrompt;
// Filter Params
extern char ** RejFrom; // Reject on FROM Call
extern char ** RejTo; // Reject on TO Call
extern char ** RejAt; // Reject on AT Call
extern char ** RejBID;
extern char ** HoldFrom; // Hold on FROM Call
extern char ** HoldTo; // Hold on TO Call
extern char ** HoldAt; // Hold on AT Call
extern char ** HoldBID;
// Send WP Params
extern BOOL SendWP;
extern char SendWPVIA[81];
extern char SendWPTO[11];
extern int SendWPType;
extern int Ver[4];
extern struct MsgInfo ** MsgHddrPtr;
extern BIDRec ** BIDRecPtr;
extern int NumberofBIDs;
extern struct NNTPRec * FirstNNTPRec;
//extern int NumberofNNTPRecs;
extern int NumberofMessages;
extern int FirstMessageIndextoForward;
extern WPRec ** WPRecPtr;
extern int NumberofWPrecs;
extern struct SEM AllocSemaphore;
extern struct SEM ConSemaphore;
extern struct SEM MsgNoSemaphore;
extern struct MsgInfo * MsgnotoMsg[]; // Message Number to Message Slot List.
extern char hostname[];
extern char RtUsr[];
extern char RtUsrTemp[];
extern char RtKnown[];
extern int AXIPPort;
extern BOOL NeedStatus;
extern BOOL ISP_Gateway_Enabled;
extern BOOL SMTPAuthNeeded;
extern int MaxMsgno;
extern int BidLifetime;
extern int MaxAge;
extern int MaintInterval;
extern int MaintTime;
extern int UserLifetime;
extern int MaxRXSize;
extern int MaxTXSize;
extern char OurNode[];
extern char OurAlias[];
extern BOOL SMTPMsgCreated;
extern HINSTANCE hInst;
extern HWND hWnd;
extern RECT MainRect;
extern char BBSName[];
extern char HRoute[];
extern char AMPRDomain[];
extern BOOL SendAMPRDirect;
extern int BBSApplNum;
extern int SMTPInPort;
extern int POP3InPort;
extern int NNTPInPort;
extern BOOL RemoteEmail;
extern int MaxStreams;
extern UCHAR * OtherNodes;
extern struct UserInfo * BBSChain; // Chain of users that are BBSes
extern struct UserInfo ** UserRecPtr;
extern int NumberofUsers;
extern struct MsgInfo ** MsgHddrPtr;
extern int NumberofMessages;
extern int HighestBBSNumber;
extern HMENU hFWDMenu; // Forward Menu Handle
extern char zeros[]; // For forward bitmask tests
extern BOOL EnableUI;
extern BOOL RefuseBulls;
extern BOOL SendSYStoSYSOPCall;
extern BOOL SendBBStoSYSOPCall;
extern BOOL DontHoldNewUsers;
extern BOOL DefaultNoWINLINK;
extern BOOL UIEnabled[];
extern BOOL UINull[];
extern BOOL UIMF[];
extern BOOL UIHDDR[];
extern char * UIDigi[];
extern int MailForInterval;
extern char MailForText[];
extern BOOL ISP_Gateway_Enabled;
extern char MyDomain[]; // Mail domain for BBS<>Internet Mapping
extern char ISPSMTPName[];
extern char ISPEHLOName[];
extern int ISPSMTPPort;
extern char ISPPOP3Name[];
extern int ISPPOP3Port;
extern int ISPPOP3Interval;
extern char ISPAccountName[];
extern char ISPAccountPass[];
extern char EncryptedISPAccountPass[];
extern int EncryptedPassLen;
extern char *month[];
extern HWND hDebug;
extern RECT MonitorRect;
extern RECT DebugRect;
extern HWND hMonitor;
//extern HWND hConsole;
//extern RECT ConsoleRect;
extern int LogAge;
extern BOOL DeletetoRecycleBin;
extern BOOL SuppressMaintEmail;
extern BOOL SaveRegDuringMaint;
extern BOOL SendWP;
extern BOOL OverrideUnsent;
extern BOOL SendNonDeliveryMsgs;
extern BOOL GenerateTrafficReport;
extern double PR;
extern double PUR;
extern double PF;
extern double PNF;
extern int BF;
extern int BNF;
extern int NTSD;
extern int NTSU;
extern int NTSF;
extern int AP;
extern int AB;
extern struct Override ** LTFROM;
extern struct Override ** LTTO;
extern struct Override ** LTAT;
extern time_t LastHouseKeepingTime;
extern time_t LastTrafficTime;
extern char * MyElements[];
extern char ** AliasText;
extern struct ALIAS ** Aliases;
extern BOOL ReaddressLocal;
extern BOOL ReaddressReceived;
extern BOOL WarnNoRoute;
extern BOOL SendPtoMultiple;
extern BOOL Localtime;
2023-06-21 08:21:04 +01:00
extern struct ConsoleInfo * ConsHeader[2];
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
extern BOOL NeedHomeBBS;
extern char ConfigName[250];
extern BOOL UsingingRegConfig;
extern BOOL MulticastRX;
extern BOOL FilterWPBulls;
extern BOOL NoWPGuesses;
extern char ** SendWPAddrs; // Replacers WP To and VIA
extern BOOL DontCheckFromCall;
2024-12-03 00:27:57 +00:00
extern time_t APIClock;;
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
// YAPP stuff
#define SOH 1
#define STX 2
#define ETX 3
#define EOT 4
#define ENQ 5
#define ACK 6
#define DLE 0x10
#define NAK 0x15
#define CAN 0x18