2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
// Common definitons for Pactor-like Modules
#include "kernelresource.h"
#include "rigcontrol.h"
#define MAXBLOCK 4096
#define MAXFREQS 20 // RigControl freqs to scan
extern char HFCTEXT[81];
extern int HFCTEXTLEN;
extern HANDLE hInstance;
extern HMENU hMainFrameMenu;
extern HMENU hWndMenu;
struct WL2KInfo
struct WL2KInfo * Next;
char * Host;
short WL2KPort;
char RMSCall[10];
char BaseCall[10];
char GridSquare[7];
char Times[80];
char ServiceCode[17];
BOOL UseRigCtrlFreqs;
char WL2KFreq[12];
char WL2KMode; // WL2K reporting mode
char WL2KModeChar; // W or N
BOOL DontReportNarrowOnWideFreqs;
// char WIDEMODE; // Mode numbers to report to WL2K
// struct WL2KInfo WL2KInfoList[MAXFREQS]; // Freqs for sending to WL2K
int Freq;
char Bandwidth;
// char * TimeList; // eg 06-10,12-15
int mode; // see below (an integer)
int baud; // see below (an integer)
int power; // actual power if known, default to 100 for HF, 30 for VHF/UHF (an integer)
int height; // antenna height in feet if known, default to 25
int gain; // antenna gain if known, default to 0
int direction; // primary antenna direction in degrees if known, use 000 for omni (an integer)
BOOL RPonPTC; // Set if scanning for Robust Packet on a PTC
#pragma pack(1)
// AGWPE Header Structure
UCHAR filler1[3];
char DataKind;
UCHAR filler2;
unsigned char PID;
UCHAR filler3;
unsigned char callfrom[10];
unsigned char callto[10];
int DataLength;
int reserved;
#pragma pack()
// Telnet Server User Record
struct UserRec
char * Callsign;
char * UserName;
char * Password;
char * Appl; // Autoconnect APPL
BOOL Secure; // Authorised User
struct LOCALNET * Next;
uint32_t Network;
uint32_t Mask;
#define MaxCMS 10 // Number of addresses we can keep - currently 4 are used.
struct TCPINFO
int NumberofUsers;
struct UserRec ** UserRecPtr;
int CurrentConnections;
struct UserRec RelayUser;
int CurrentSockets;
int TCPPort;
int FBBPort[100];
int RelayPort;
int HTTPPort;
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int APIPort;
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int TriModePort;
int SyncPort;
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int SNMPPort;
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int DRATSPort;
int CMDPort[33];
char RELAYHOST[64];
char CMSServer[64];
BOOL FallbacktoRelay; // Use Relsy if can't connect to CMS
BOOL IPV4; // Allow Connect using IPV4
BOOL IPV6; // Allow Connect using IPV6
BOOL CMS; // Allow Connect to CMS
BOOL CMSOK; // Internet link is ok.
BOOL UseCachedCMSAddrs;
struct in_addr CMSAddr[MaxCMS];
BOOL CMSFailed[MaxCMS]; // Set if connect to CMS failed.
char * CMSName[MaxCMS]; // Reverse DNS Name of Server
int NumberofCMSAddrs;
int NextCMSAddr; // Round Robin Pointer
int CheckCMSTimer; // CMS Poll Timer
char SecureCMSPassword[80]; // For Secure CMS Signin
char GatewayCall[10]; // Call for CMS access
char GatewayLoc[10]; // Loc - Needed to report Hybrid Mode
int ReportHybrid; // Report as Hybrod Station
char * HybridServiceCode;
char * HybridFrequencies;
char * HybridCoLocatedRMS;
BOOL DisconnectOnClose;
char PasswordMsg[100];
char cfgHOSTPROMPT[100];
char cfgCTEXT[300];
char cfgLOCALECHO[100];
int MaxSessions;
char LoginMsg[100];
char RelayAPPL[20];
char SyncAPPL[20];
SOCKET FBBsock[100];
SOCKET Relaysock;
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SOCKET TriModeSock;
SOCKET TriModeDataSock;
SOCKET Syncsock;
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struct ConnectionInfo * TriModeControlSession;
SOCKET sock6;
SOCKET FBBsock6[100];
SOCKET Relaysock6;
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SOCKET Syncsock6;
fd_set ListenSet;
SOCKET maxsock;
HMENU hActionMenu;
HMENU hLogMenu;
HMENU hDisMenu; // Disconnect Menu Handle
int SecureTelnet;
int ReportRelayTraffic; // Send WL2K Reports for Relay Traffic
char * WebTermCSS; // css override for web terminal
struct LOCALNET * LocalNets;
// TRANSPORTENTRY * AttachedSession;
void * PACTORtoBPQ_Q; // Frames for BPQ
void * BPQtoPACTOR_Q; // Frames for PACTOR
int FramesOutstanding; // Frames Queued - used for flow control
int FramesQueued; // Frames Queued - used for flow control
BOOL InternalCmd; // Last Command was generated internally
int IntCmdDelay; // To limit internal commands
BOOL CheckingCall; // Set on PTC if waiting for I response after a Connect RXed
BOOL Attached; // Set what attached to a BPQ32 stream
BOOL Connected; // When set, all data is passed as data instead of commands
BOOL Connecting; // Set when Outward Connect in progress
BOOL Disconnecting; // Set when disconnect in progress
// Used when appplication disconnects the bpq session, and
// prevents new attaches while a dirty disconnect is in progress
int DisconnectingTimeout; // A hard disconnect occurs if this expires before the disconnect complete
int ReportDISC; // Need to report an incoming DISC to kernel
BOOL DiscWhenAllSent; // Close session when all msgs have been sent to node
BOOL ARQENDSent; // Set when V4 ARQEND Sent
int DEDStream; // Stream number for DED interface (same as index except for pactor)
char MyCall[10] ; // Call we are using
char RemoteCall[10]; // Callsign
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char callingCall[10]; // for reporting. Link and Our calls depand on which end connected
char receivingCall[10]; // for reporting. Link and Our calls depand on which end connected
char Direction[4]; // In or Out
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char AGWKey[21]; // Session Key for AGW Session Based Drivers
time_t ConnectTime; // Time connection made
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time_t AttachTime;
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int bytesTXed;
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int BytesAcked;
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int bytesRXed;
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int PacketsSent;
int BytesResent;
int BytesOutstanding; // For Packet Channels
UCHAR PTCStatus0; // Status Bytes
UCHAR PTCStatus1; // Status Bytes
UCHAR PTCStatus2; // Status Bytes
UCHAR PTCStatus3; // Status Bytes
char * CmdSet; // A series of commands to send to the TNC
char * CmdSave; // Base address for free
struct ConnectionInfo * ConnectionInfo; // TCP Server Connection Info
int TimeInRX; // Too long in send mode timer
int NeedDisc; // Timer to send DISC if appl not available
BOOL NoCMSFallback; // Dont use relay if CMS not available
struct ARQINFO * ARQInfo; // FLDIGI/FLARQ Stream Mode Specific Data
int RelaySyncStream;
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int VaraACMode;
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
typedef struct AGWINFO
// Fields for AGW Session based Ports (eg UZ7HO Modem)
struct AGWHEADER TXHeader;
struct AGWHEADER RXHeader;
int MaxSessions;
int ConnTimeOut;
int PollDelay;
time_t LastParamTime;
#ifdef WIN32
// For selecting UZ7HO Mode and Freq
COMBOBOXINFO cbinfo; // UZ7HO Modem Combo Box info
HWND hFreq; // UZ7HO Frequency Box
HWND hSpin; // UZ7HO Spin Button
int isQTSM; // Flag to Identify QtSM
int CenterFreq;
int Modem; // Modem number in list
char ModemName[20];
unsigned char Version[4];
2023-10-31 22:42:23 +00:00
unsigned char fx25Flags;
unsigned char il2pFlags;
unsigned char il2pcrc;
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typedef struct ARQINFO
// Fields for FLDIGI/FLARQ Ports
// Max window is 64, though often will use less
char OurStream;
char FarStream;
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PMSGWITHLEN TXHOLDQ[64]; // Frames waiting ACK
PMSGWITHLEN RXHOLDQ[64]; // Frames waiting missing frames.
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int TXWindow;
int RXWindow;
int MaxBlock; // Max sending block size
int TXSeq;
int TXLastACK; // Last frame ACK'ed
int RXHighest;
int RXNext;
int RXNoGaps;
int Retries;
int NoAckRetries; // Status received but no data acked
int ARQTimer;
int ARQState;
#define ARQ_ACTIVE 1 // Have a session of some type
int ARQTimerState;
#define ARQ_DISC 3
#define ARQ_WAITACK 4
#define ARQ_WAITDATA 5 // Waiting for more data before polling
char LastMsg[80]; // Last message sent that expects an ack
int LastLen;
char TXMsg[80]; // Message to aend after TXDELAY
int TXLen;
int TurnroundTimer; // RX to TX delay.
int TXDelay;
typedef struct FLINFO
// Fields for MPSK Session Ports )
BOOL TX; // Set when FLDigi is transmitting
char DefaultMode[64]; // Mode to return to after session
int DefaultFreq; // Freq to return to after session
BOOL Beacon; // Use ALE Beacons
char LastXML[128]; // Last XML Request Sent
int XMLControl; // Controlls polling FLDigi by XML
int CmdControl; // Controlls polling FLDigi by KISS Command
BOOL FLARQ; // Connection from FLARQ
BOOL Busy;
BOOL CONOK; // Allow incoming connects
BOOL KISSMODE; // Using KISS instead of socket interface
BOOL RAW; // Raw (ARQ Socket or KISS RAW, depening on above)
int CenterFreq;
char CurrentMode[20]; // Mode to return to after session
int Responding; // If FLDigi is responding to conmands
BOOL MCASTMODE; // If port is in MCAST RX MOde
typedef struct MPSKINFO
// Fields for MPSK Session Ports )
int ConnTimeOut;
BOOL TX; // Set when Multipsk is transmitting
char DefaultMode[20]; // Mode to return to after session
BOOL Beacon; // Use ALE Beacons
int MaxSessions;
struct FreeDataINFO
int startingTNC;
int TNCRunning;
int Conecting;
int Connected;
char ourCall[10];
char toCall[10];
char farCall[10]; // TNC Call
char useBaseCall; // Use base call (without ssid) for TNC Call
char * Capture; // Capture Device Name
char * Playback; // Playback Device Name
char * hamlibHost;
int hamlibPort;
unsigned char toSendData[8192]; // Buffer data from node for more efficiency
int toSendCount;
int toSendTimeout;
unsigned char toSendMsg[256]; // Buffer data from node for more efficiency
int toSendMsgCount;
int toSendMsgTimeout;
char * RXDir; // Directory for Received Files
int CONOK; // Virtual Lisren Flag
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int Chat; // In Chat Mode
char ChatCall[10];
int needPoll; // Set if get data needed
int arqstate; // 1 = Disc / 2 - connecting 3 - connected
int TuningRange; // Must be 50, 100, 150, 200, 250
int LimitBandWidth;
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int TXLevel;
int Explorer; // Enable reporting to Freedata Explorer
char SSIDList[256];
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char * SSIDS[16];
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struct sixPackInfo;
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typedef struct TNCINFO
HWND hDlg; // Status Window Handle
int (FAR * WebWindowProc)(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Buff, BOOL LOCAL); // Routine to build web status window
int WebWinX;
int WebWinY; // Size of window
char * WebBuffer; // Buffer for logs
int RigControlRow; // Rig Control Line in Dialog
struct _EXTPORTDATA * PortRecord; // BPQ32 port record for this port
struct RIGINFO * RIG; // Pointer to Rig Control RIG record for RX or Both
struct RIGINFO * TXRIG; // Pointer to Rig Control RIG record for TX
char * InitScript; // Initialisation Commands
int InitScriptLen; // Length
time_t SessionTimeLimit; // Optional limit to total session time
time_t DefaultSessionTimeLimit; // Configured value
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time_t AttachTimeLimit; // to trap port left attached for a long time without other activity
time_t AttachTime;
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int Hardware; // Hardware Type
#define H_WINMOR 1
#define H_SCS 2
#define H_KAM 3
#define H_AEA 4
#define H_HAL 5
#define H_TELNET 6
#define H_TRK 7
#define H_TRKM 7
#define H_V4 8
#define H_UZ7HO 9
#define H_MPSK 10
#define H_FLDIGI 11
#define H_UIARQ 12
#define H_ARDOP 13
#define H_VARA 14
#define H_SERIAL 15
#define H_KISSHF 16
#define H_WINRPR 17
#define H_HSMODEM 18
#define H_FREEDATA 19
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#define H_SIXPACK 20
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int Port; // BPQ Port Number
struct RIGINFO DummyRig; // Used if not using Rigcontrol
BOOL Minimized; // Start Minimized flag
void * WINMORtoBPQ_Q; // Frames for BPQ, indexed by BPQ Port
void * BPQtoWINMOR_Q; // Frames for WINMOR. indexed by WINMOR port. Only used it TCP session is blocked
SOCKET TCPSock; // Control Socket
SOCKET TCPDataSock; // Data Socket
SOCKET PacketSock; // Packet Over TCP (ARDOP)
char * WINMORSignon; // Pointer to message for secure signin
char * HostName; // WINMOR Host - may be dotted decimal or DNS Name
int TCPPort; //
int PacketPort; // Packet Over TCP (ARDOP)
char * ApplCmd; // Application to connect to on incoming connect (null = leave at command handler)
BOOL SwallowSignon; // Set to suppress *** connected to APPL
UCHAR TCPBuffer[1000]; // For converting byte stream to messages
UCHAR DEDBuffer[1000]; // For converting byte stream to messages
UCHAR KISSBuffer[1000]; // For KISS over Host Mode
UCHAR * ARDOPBuffer; // Needs to be pretty big, so Malloc
UCHAR * ARDOPDataBuffer; // Needs to be pretty big, so Malloc
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int InputLen; // Data we have already = Offset of end of an incomplete packet;
int DataInputLen; // Data we have already = Offset of end of an incomplete packet;
int KISSInputLen; // Data we have already = Offset of end of an incomplete packet;
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int ESCFLAG; // KISS Escape received
int MSGLENGTH; // DED Msg Len
int MSGCHANNEL; // DED Msg Channel Number
int MSGTYPE; // DED Msg Type
int HOSTSTATE; // ded HOST state machine
BOOL StartSent; // Codec Start send (so will get a disconnect)
int ConnectPending; // Set if Connect Pending Received. If so, mustn't allow freq change.
BOOL GavePermission; // Set if we allowed freq change
BOOL DiscPending; // Set if Disconnect Pending Received. So we can time out stuck in Disconnecting
BOOL HadConnect; // Flag to say have been in session
BOOL FECMode; // In FEC Mode
BOOL FEC1600; // Use 1600 Hz FEC Mode
int FECIDTimer; // Time in FEC Mode. Used to trigger ID broadcasts
BOOL RestartAfterFailure;
BOOL StartInRobust; // For WINMOR, set to Robust Mode for first few packets
int Busy; // Channel Busy Timer/Counter . Non-zero = Busy
int BusyFlags; // Channel Busy Flags
#define CDBusy 1 // For WINMOR - reported busy (set till reported clear)
#define PTTBusy 2 // PTT Active
BOOL FECPending; // Need an FEC Send when channel is next idle
time_t lasttime;
BOOL Alerted; // Connect Failed Prompt sent
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BOOL QtSMConnected;
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char NodeCall[10]; // Call we listen for (PORTCALL or NODECALL
char CurrentMYC[10]; // Save current call so we don't change it unnecessarily
char * LISTENCALLS; // Calls TNC will respond to (currently only for VARA)
char TargetCall[10]; // Call incoming connect is addressed to (for appl call support)
struct sockaddr_in destaddr;
struct sockaddr_in Datadestaddr;
int PTTMode; // PTT Mode Flags
int PTTState; // Current State
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uint64_t PTTActivemS; // For Stats
uint64_t PTTonTime; //
uint64_t BusyActivemS; // For channel busy stats
uint64_t BusyonTime;
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char PTTOn[60]; // Port override of RIGCONTROL config
char PTTOff[60];
int PTTOnLen;
int PTTOffLen;
int TXRadio; // Rigcontrol Radio Number for TX
int RXRadio; // Rigcontrol Radio Number for RX
long long int TXFreq; // Freq to set on tx before ptt
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double ActiveTXFreq; // Freq to set on tx after attach
double ActiveRXFreq; // Freq to set on rx after attach
double DefaultTXFreq; // Freq to set on tx after close
double DefaultRXFreq; // Freq to set on rx after close
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char ** DisconnectScript; // May replace above 2 params
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int TXOffset; // Correction to TXFreq
int PID; // Process ID for Software TNC
HWND hWnd; // Main window handle for Software TNC
char * CaptureDevices;
char * PlaybackDevices;
char * ProgramPath;
BOOL WeStartedTNC;
int Restarts; // TNC Kill/Restarts done
time_t LastRestart;
int TimeSinceLast; // Time since last message from TNC (10ths of a sec)
int HeartBeat;
// int Interlock; // Port Interlock Group
HWND hMonitor; // Handle to Monitor control
// HMENU hPopMenu; // Actions Menu Handle
int MaxConReq; // For ARDOP
int BusyHold; // Hold Time from SCS reporting channel free till we call
int BusyWait; // Time to wait for clear channel before connect
BOOL OverrideBusy;
int BusyDelay; // Timer for busy timeout
int AutoStartDelay; // Time to wait for TNC to start
char * ConnectCmd; // Saved command if waiting for busy to clear
BOOL UseAPPLCalls; // Robust Packet to use Applcalls
BOOL UseAPPLCallsforPactor; // Pactor to use Applcalls
// Fields for reporting to WL2K Map
struct WL2KInfo * WL2K;
char * Host;
short WL2KPort;
int UpdateWL2KTimer;
BOOL UpdateWL2K;
char RMSCall[10];
char BaseCall[10];
char GridSquare[7];
char Comment[80];
char ServiceCode[17];
BOOL UseRigCtrlFreqs;
char WL2KFreq[12];
char WL2KModeChar; // W or N
BOOL DontReportNarrowOnWideFreqs;
// char WIDEMODE; // Mode numbers to report to WL2K
struct WL2KInfo WL2KInfoList[MAXFREQS]; // Freqs for sending to WL2K
char WL2KMode; // WL2K reporting mode
struct STREAMINFO Streams[27]; // 0 is Pactor 1 - 10 are ax.25.
int LastStream; // Last one polled for status or send
void * BPQtoRadio_Q; // Frames to Rig Interface
void * RadiotoBPQ_Q; // Frames from Rig Interface
void * KISSTX_Q; // Frames to Host Mode KISS interface
struct PORTCONTROL * VirtualPORT; // Pointer to Virtual Packet Port of Host Mode KISS
char * InitPtr; // Next Command
int ReinitState; // Reinit State Machine
int ReinitCount; // Count for DED Recovery
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int TermReinitCount; // Count for DED Term Mode Recovery
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BOOL TNCOK; // TNC is reponding
int FramesOutstanding; // Frames Queued - used for flow control
BOOL InternalCmd; // Last Command was generated internally
int IntCmdDelay; // To limit internal commands
HANDLE hDevice;
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int ReopenTimer; // Used to reopen device if failed (eg USB port removed)
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BOOL HostMode; // Set if in DED Host Mode
// BOOL CRCMode; // Set if using SCS Extended DED Mode (JHOST4)
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BOOL UsingTermMode; // Set if tnc should be left in term mode
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int Timeout; // Timeout response counter
int Retries;
int Window; // Window Size for ARQ
UCHAR TXBuffer[500]; // Last message sent - saved for Retry
int TXLen; // Len of last sent
UCHAR RXBuffer[520]; // Message being received - may not arrive all at once
UINT RXLen; // Data in RXBUffer
UCHAR Toggle; // Sequence bit
int Buffers; // Free buffers in TNC
BOOL WantToChangeFreq; // Request from Scanner to Change
int OKToChangeFreq; // 1 = SCS Says OK to change, -1 = Dont Change zero = still waiting
BOOL DontWantToChangeFreq; // Change done - ok to SCS
BOOL DontReleasePermission; // Hold Permission to prevent calls on this frequency
time_t TimeEnteredSYNCMode; // To detect scan lock when using applcalls on PTC
BOOL SyncSupported; // TNC reports sync
time_t TimeScanLocked; // ditto for TNCs that don't report SYNC
int PTCStatus; // Sync, Idle, Traffic, etc
UCHAR NexttoPoll[20]; // Streams with data outstanding (from General Poll)
BOOL PollSent; // Toggle to ensure we issue a general poll regularly
int StreamtoPoll;
char Bandwidth; // Currently set Mode W or N
int Mode; // Mode Flag
BOOL Dragon; // Set if P4Dragon
BOOL DragonSingle; // Set if P4Dragon using Pactor and Packet on same port
BOOL DragonKISS; // Set if P4Dragon supports sending KISS frames in Hostmode
BOOL EnterExit; // Switching to Term mode to change bandwidth
int PktStream; // Stream in use for Packet when in single port mode
BOOL MaxLevel; // Pactor Level to set for Wide Mode (3 or 4)
int MinLevel; // Mimimum accepted Pactor Level
int MinLevelTimer; // Time left to achieve Min Level
int PacketChannels;
int RobustTime; // For PTC, Spend this part of scan cycle (in 10th secs) in Robust Packet Mode
int SwitchToPactor; // Countdown to switch
BOOL OldMode; // Use PACTOR instead of TOR (for old software)
BOOL VeryOldMode; // Use MYCALL instead of MYPTCALL (for old software)
int Mem1; // Free Bytes (VHF /HF)
int Mem2;
BOOL HFPacket; // Set if HF port is in Packet mode instead of Pactor Mode
BOOL Robust; // Set if SCS Tracker is in Robust Packet mode or WINMOR TNC is in Robust Mode
BOOL RobustDefault; // Set if SCS Tracker default is Robust Packet mode
BOOL ForceRobust; // Don't allow Normal Packet even if scan requests it.
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BOOL TeensyRPR; // Teensy RPR TNC - don't send %R
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char NormSpeed[8]; // Speed Param for Normal Packet on Tracker
char RobustSpeed[8]; // Speed Param for Robust Packet on Tracker
BOOL RPBEACON; // Send Beacon after each session
int TimeInRX; // Time waiting for ISS before sending
char TXRXState; // Current ISS/IRS State
BOOL NeedPACTOR; // Set if need to send PACTOR to put into Standby Mode
int CmdStream; // Stream last command was issued on
struct TCPINFO * TCPInfo; // Telnet Server Specific Data
struct AGWINFO * AGWInfo; // AGW Stream Mode Specific Data
struct MPSKINFO * MPSKInfo; // MPSK Stream Mode Specific Data
struct FLINFO * FLInfo; // FLDIGI Stream Mode Specific Data
struct ARQINFO * ARQInfo; // FLDIGI/FLARQ Stream Mode Specific Data
BOOL DataBusy; // Waiting for Data Ack - Don't send any more data
BOOL CommandBusy; // Waiting for Command ACK
BOOL TEXTMODE; // Set if AEA in text mode
BOOL NeedTurnRound; // Set if we have sent data, so need to send ctrl/z
BOOL NeedTRANS; // Set if we have to send TRANS when ctrl/z is acked.
char * CmdSet; // A series of commands to send to the TNC
char * CmdSave; // Base address for free
BOOL PktUpdateMap; // Set if Packet MH data to be sent to NodeMap
int DefaultMode;
int CurrentMode; // Used on HAL
char * DefaultRadioCmd; // RADIO command to send at end of session
char * Frequency;
// For Mode Map if no Rigcontrol
// Mode Equates
#define Clover 'C'
#define Pactor 'P'
#define AMTOR 'A'
UCHAR DataBuffer[500]; // Data Chars split from received stream
UCHAR CmdBuffer[500]; // Cmd/Response chars split from received stream
int DataLen; // Data in DataBuffer
int CmdLen; // Data in CmdBuffer
BOOL CmdEsc; // Set if last char rxed was 0x80
BOOL DataEsc; // Set if last char rxed was 0x81
int PollDelay; // Don't poll too often;
int InData; // FLDigi - MCAST <....> received
int InPacket; // FLDigi - SOH or < received.
int MCASTLen; // Data still to get
int DataMode; // How to treat data
#define RXDATA 0x30 // Switch to Receive Data characters
#define TXDATA 0x31 // Switch to Transmit Data characters
#define SECDATA 0x32 // Switch to RX data from secondary port
int TXMode; // Where to send data
#define TXMODEM 0x33 // Send TX data to modem
#define TXSEC 0x34 // Send TX data to secondary port
BOOL XONXOFF; // Set if hardware is using XON/XOFF
double LastFreq; // Used by V4 to see if freq has changed
int ModemCentre; // Modem centre frequency
int ClientHeight;
int ClientWidth;
char * WEB_MODE;
char * WEB_LEDS;
char * WEB_STATE;
char * WEB_TXRX;
char * WEB_LEVELS;
int WEB_CHANGED; // Used to speed up refresh when active
HMENU hMenu;
HMENU hWndMenu;
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VOID (* SuspendPortProc) (struct TNCINFO * TNC, struct TNCINFO * ThisTNC);
VOID (* ReleasePortProc) (struct TNCINFO * TNC);
VOID (* ForcedCloseProc) (struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream);
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
time_t WinmorRestartCodecTimer;
int WinmorCurrentMode;
char ARDOPCurrentMode[10];
char ARDOPCommsMode;
char * ARDOPSerialPort; // Have Bus/Device for I2C
int ARDOPSerialSpeed;
int SlowTimer;
int ARQPorts[32]; // For ARQ over KISS
char * LogPath;
FILE * LogHandle; // Ardop Logging File
FILE * DebugHandle; // Ardop Debug File
char LastLogType; // For split packets
UCHAR * ARDOPAPRS; // Used to reconstruct APRS datagram from FEC packets
BOOL WRITELOG; // Enable debug logging
int InputLevelMin; // Sound card levels
int InputLevelMax; // Sound card levels
int DiscardNextOK; // Used by VARA to suppress OK response to LISTEN commands
int SeenCancelPending; // Used by VARA to suppress duplicate cancel pendings
MESSAGE * Monframe; // Used by DED Host for receiving Packet Monitor Frame
// split over 2 packets
struct HSMODEMINFO * HSModemInfo;
struct FreeDataINFO * FreeDataInfo;
int DontRestart; // Don't automatically restart failed TNC
int SendTandRtoRelay; // Send T and R suffix messages to RELAY instead of CMS
double SNR; // S/N Ratio (VARA)
2023-05-16 16:40:12 +01:00
int NetRomMode;
unsigned char * NetRomTxBuffer; // For Netrom over VARA
int NetRomTxLen;
char * NRNeighbour;
int NRCloseTimer;
struct _LINKTABLE * DummyLink; // Simulated link to simplify interface to ax,25 netrom code
2024-08-30 10:14:56 +01:00
struct sixPackPortInfo * sixPack;
2024-10-11 15:37:11 +01:00
int VaraACAllowed; // Set by config
int VaraACMode; // Set by first message received
int VaraModeSet; // Have decicded if VarAC mode or not
char * VARACMsg; // to build message from packets
int VarACTimer; // delayed send timer
size_t VARACSize; // malloc'ed size
2023-05-16 16:40:12 +01:00
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
VOID * zalloc(int len);
2025-02-25 09:32:57 +00:00
BOOL ReadConfigFile(int Port, int ProcLine(char * buf, int Port));
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
int GetLine(char * buf);
2025-02-25 09:32:57 +00:00
BOOL CreatePactorWindow(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * ClassName, char * WindowTitle, int RigControlRow, WNDPROC WndProc,
int Width, int Height, VOID ForcedCloseProc(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream));
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
char * CheckAppl(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Appl);
BOOL SendReporttoWL2K(struct TNCINFO * TNC);
struct WL2KInfo * DecodeWL2KReportLine(char * buf);
VOID UpdateMH(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Call, char Mode, char Direction);
VOID UpdateMHEx(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Call, char Mode, char Direction, char * LOC, BOOL Report);
VOID SaveWindowPos(int port);
VOID SaveMDIWindowPos(HWND hWnd, char * RegKey, char * Value, BOOL Minimized);
BOOL ProcessIncommingConnect(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Call, int Stream, BOOL SENDCTEXT);
BOOL ProcessIncommingConnectEx(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Call, int Stream, BOOL SENDCTEXT, BOOL AllowTR);
VOID ShowTraffic(struct TNCINFO * TNC);
int OpenCOMMPort(struct TNCINFO * conn, char * Port, int Speed, BOOL Quiet);
VOID SendMH(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * call, char * freq, char * LOC, char * Mode);
VOID MoveWindows(struct TNCINFO * TNC);
static VOID TidyClose(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream);
static VOID ForcedClose(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream);
static VOID CloseComplete(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream);
VOID CheckForDetach(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream, struct STREAMINFO * STREAM,
2025-01-05 23:25:03 +00:00
VOID TidyCloseProc(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream), VOID ForcedCloseProc(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream),
VOID CloseComplete(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream));
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
BOOL InterlockedCheckBusy(struct TNCINFO * ThisTNC);
static int ProcessLine(char * buf, int Port);
VOID __cdecl Debugprintf(const char * format, ...);
VOID __cdecl Consoleprintf(const char * format, ...);
extern BOOL MinimizetoTray;
int standardParams(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * buf);
void DecodePTTString(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * ptr);
2023-05-16 16:40:12 +01:00
int Rig_Command(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Command);
2022-08-28 09:35:46 +01:00
BOOL Rig_Poll();
VOID Rig_PTTEx(struct RIGINFO * RIG, BOOL PTTState, struct TNCINFO * TNC);
struct RIGINFO * Rig_GETPTTREC(int Port);
struct ScanEntry ** CheckTimeBands(struct RIGINFO * RIG);
#ifndef LINBPQ
LRESULT CALLBACK PacWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
#define Report_P1 11
#define Report_P12 12
#define Report_P123 13
#define Report_P2 14
#define Report_P23 15
#define Report_P3 16
#define Report_P1234 17
#define Report_P234 18
#define Report_P34 19
#define Report_P4 20
#define Report_WINMOR500 21
#define Report_WINMOR1600 22
#define Report_Robust 30
#define W98_SERIAL_GETDATA 0x801
#define W98_SERIAL_SETDATA 0x802