// FormatHTML.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include int main () { FILE *fp, *fp2; char str[256]; char newstr[256]; char * ptr, * inptr; /* opening file for reading */ fp = fopen("D:/AtomProject/test.html" , "r"); fp2 = fopen("D:/AtomProject/test.html.c" , "w"); if(fp == NULL) { perror("Error opening file"); return(-1); } while(fgets (str, 256, fp) != NULL) { // Replace any " with \" and add " on front and \r\n" on end char c; ptr = newstr; inptr = str; c = *(inptr++); *(ptr++) = '"'; while (c && c != 10) { if (c == '"') *(ptr++) = '\\'; *(ptr++) = c; c = *(inptr++); } *(ptr++) = '\\'; *(ptr++) = 'r'; *(ptr++) = '\\'; *(ptr++) = 'n'; *(ptr++) = '"'; *(ptr++) = 10; *(ptr++) = 0; puts(newstr); fputs(newstr, fp2); } fclose(fp); fclose(fp2); return(0); }