/* Copyright 2001-2018 John Wiseman G8BPQ This file is part of LinBPQ/BPQ32. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LinBPQ/BPQ32. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #pragma data_seg("_BPQDATA") #define LIBCONFIG_STATIC #include "libconfig.h" #ifdef LINBPQ #include "cheaders.h" #endif #include "bpqchat.h" #ifndef WIN32 iconv_t link_toUTF8 = NULL; BOOL RunEventProgram(char * Program, char * Param); #endif BOOL ProcessChatConnectScript(ChatCIRCUIT * conn, char * Buffer, int len); VOID ChatClearQueue(ChatCIRCUIT * conn); VOID ChatFlush(ChatCIRCUIT * conn); VOID APIENTRY SendChatReport(SOCKET ChatReportSocket, char * buff, int txlen); unsigned short int compute_crc(unsigned char *buf,int len); char * ReadInfoFile(char * File); void ChatWriteLogLine(ChatCIRCUIT * conn, int Flag, char * Msg, int MsgLen, int Flags); extern struct SEM ChatSemaphore; UCHAR * APIENTRY GetLogDirectory(); char * APIENTRY GetBPQDirectory(); VOID WriteMiniDump(); extern SOCKADDR_IN Chatreportdest; char OurNode[10]; char OurAlias[10]; #define MaxSockets 64 int MaxChatStreams=0; ChatCIRCUIT ChatConnections[MaxSockets+1]; ULONG ChatApplMask; int NumberofChatStreams=0; char ChatSignoffMsg[100]; char OtherNodesList[1000]; char ChatWelcomeMsg[1000]; char Position[81] = ""; char PopupText[260] = ""; int PopupMode = 0; int chatPaclen = 236; int reportChatEvents = 0; char RtKnown[MAX_PATH] = "RTKnown.txt"; char RtUsr[MAX_PATH] = "STUsers.txt"; char RtUsrTemp[MAX_PATH] = "STUsers.tmp"; int AXIPPort = 0; ChatCIRCUIT *circuit_hd = NULL; // This is a chain of RT circuits. There may be others CHATNODE *node_hd = NULL; // Nodes LINK *link_hd = NULL; // Nodes we link to TOPIC *topic_hd = NULL; USER *user_hd = NULL; KNOWNNODE * known_hd = NULL; int ChatTmr = 0; BOOL NeedStatus = FALSE; char Verstring[80]; static void node_dec(CHATNODE *node); static KNOWNNODE *knownnode_add(char *call); VOID SendChatLinkStatus(); char * lookupuser(char * call); VOID ChatSendWelcomeMsg(int Stream, ChatCIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user); static int AutoColours[20] = {0, 4, 9, 11, 13, 16, 17, 42, 45, 50, 61, 64, 66, 72, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89}; #define MaxSockets 64 extern struct SEM OutputSEM; int NeedINFO = 1; // Send INFO Msg after 10 Secs time_t RunningConnectScript = 0; //#undef free //#define free(p) struct HistoryRec * History = NULL; int HistoryCount = 0; typedef int (WINAPI FAR *FARPROCX)(); extern FARPROCX pRunEventProgram; int AddtoHistory(struct user_t * user, char * text) { struct HistoryRec * Rec; struct HistoryRec * ptr; int n = 1; char buf[2048]; char Stamp[16]; struct tm * tm; time_t Now = time(NULL); // Don't want to grow indefinitely and fill memory. We only allow display up to 24 hours back, so if first record is older that that // remove and reuse it if (History && History->Time < Now - 86400) { Rec = History; History = Rec->next; // Remove from front of chain } else Rec = malloc(sizeof (struct HistoryRec)); memset(Rec, 0, sizeof (struct HistoryRec)); tm = gmtime(&Now); if (strlen(text) + strlen(user->name) + strlen(user->call) > 2000) return 0; // Shouldn't be that long, but protect buffer sprintf(Stamp,"%02d:%02d ", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min); sprintf(buf, "%s%-6.6s %s %c %s\r", Stamp, user->call, user->name, ':', text); Rec->Time = Now; Rec->Topic = _strdup(user->topic->name); Rec->Message = _strdup(buf); if (History == NULL) History = Rec; else { ptr = History; while (ptr && ptr->next) { n++; ptr = ptr->next; } n++; ptr->next = Rec; } return n; } int ChatIsUTF8(unsigned char *ptr, int len) { int n; unsigned char * cpt = ptr; // This is simpler than the Term version, as it only handles complete lines of text, so cant get split sequences cpt--; for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { cpt++; if (*cpt < 128) continue; if ((*cpt & 0xF8) == 0xF0) { // start of 4-byte sequence if (((*(cpt + 1) & 0xC0) == 0x80) && ((*(cpt + 2) & 0xC0) == 0x80) && ((*(cpt + 3) & 0xC0) == 0x80)) { cpt += 3; n += 3; continue; } return FALSE; } else if ((*cpt & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { // start of 3-byte sequence if (((*(cpt + 1) & 0xC0) == 0x80) && ((*(cpt + 2) & 0xC0) == 0x80)) { cpt += 2; n += 2; continue; } return FALSE; } else if ((*cpt & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { // start of 2-byte sequence if ((*(cpt + 1) & 0xC0) == 0x80) { cpt++; n++; continue; } return FALSE; } return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #ifndef LINBPQ char * strlop(char * buf, char delim) { // Terminate buf at delim, and return rest of string char * ptr = strchr(buf, delim); if (ptr == NULL) return NULL; *(ptr)++=0; return ptr; } VOID * _zalloc(size_t len) { // ?? malloc and clear void * ptr; ptr=malloc(len); memset(ptr, 0, len); return ptr; } VOID * _zalloc_dbg(int len, int type, char * file, int line) { // ?? malloc and clear void * ptr; ptr=_malloc_dbg(len, type, file, line); if (ptr == NULL) CriticalErrorHandler("malloc failed"); memset(ptr, 0, len); return ptr; } #endif VOID __cdecl nprintf(ChatCIRCUIT * conn, const char * format, ...) { // seems to be printf to a socket char buff[65536]; va_list(arglist); va_start(arglist, format); vsnprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), format, arglist); nputs(conn, buff); } VOID nputc(ChatCIRCUIT * conn, char chr) { // Seems to send chr to socket ChatWriteLogLine(conn, '>',&chr, 1, LOG_CHAT); ChatQueueMsg(conn, &chr, 1); } VOID nputs(ChatCIRCUIT * conn, char * buf) { // Seems to send buf to socket ChatQueueMsg(conn, buf, (int)strlen(buf)); if (*buf == 0x1b) buf += 2; // Colour Escape ChatWriteLogLine(conn, '>',buf, (int)strlen(buf), LOG_CHAT); } int ChatQueueMsg(ChatCIRCUIT * conn, char * msg, int len) { // Add Message to queue for this connection if (conn->rtcflags & p_linked) conn->u.link->lastMsgReceived = time(NULL); // UCHAR * OutputQueue; // Messages to user // int OutputQueueLength; // Total Malloc'ed size. Also Put Pointer for next Message // int OutputGetPointer; // Next byte to send. When Getpointer = Queue Length all is sent - free the buffer and start again. // Create or extend buffer GetSemaphore(&OutputSEM, 0); while (conn->OutputQueueLength + len > conn->OutputQueueSize) { // Extend Queue conn->OutputQueueSize += 4096; conn->OutputQueue = realloc(conn->OutputQueue, conn->OutputQueueSize); } memcpy(&conn->OutputQueue[conn->OutputQueueLength], msg, len); conn->OutputQueueLength += len; FreeSemaphore(&OutputSEM); return len; } VOID ChatSendWelcomeMsg(int Stream, ChatCIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user) { if (!rtloginu (conn, TRUE)) { // Already connected - close ChatFlush(conn); Sleep(1000); Disconnect(conn->BPQStream); } return; } VOID ChatExpandAndSendMessage(ChatCIRCUIT * conn, char * Msg, int LOG) { char NewMessage[10000]; char * OldP = Msg; char * NewP = NewMessage; char * ptr, * pptr; int len; char Dollar[] = "$"; char CR[] = "\r"; int Msgs = 0, Unread = 0; ptr = strchr(OldP, '$'); while (ptr) { len = (int)(ptr - OldP); // Chars before $ memcpy(NewP, OldP, len); NewP += len; switch (*++ptr) { case 'I': // First name of the connected user. pptr = conn->UserPointer->Name; break; case 'U': // Callsign of the connected user. pptr = conn->UserPointer->Call; break; case 'W': // Inserts a carriage return. pptr = CR; break; break; default: pptr = Dollar; // Just Copy $ } len = (int)strlen(pptr); memcpy(NewP, pptr, len); NewP += len; OldP = ++ptr; ptr = strchr(OldP, '$'); } strcpy(NewP, OldP); len = RemoveLF(NewMessage, (int)strlen(NewMessage)); ChatWriteLogLine(conn, '>', NewMessage, len, LOG); ChatQueueMsg(conn, NewMessage, len); } void chat_link_out (LINK *link) { int n, p; ChatCIRCUIT * conn; char Msg[80]; for (n = NumberofChatStreams-1; n >= 0 ; n--) { conn = &ChatConnections[n]; if (conn->Active == FALSE) { p = conn->BPQStream; memset(conn, 0, sizeof(ChatCIRCUIT)); // Clear everything conn->BPQStream = p; conn->Active = TRUE; circuit_new(conn, p_linkini); conn->u.link = link; conn->Flags = CHATMODE | CHATLINK; n=sprintf_s(Msg, sizeof(Msg), "Connecting to Chat Node %s", conn->u.link->alias); strcpy(conn->Callsign, conn->u.link->alias); ChatWriteLogLine(conn, '|',Msg, n, LOG_CHAT); link->ScriptIndex = -1; RunningConnectScript = time(NULL); link->MoreLines = TRUE; link->scriptRunning = TRUE; link->RTLSent = 0; ConnectUsingAppl(conn->BPQStream, ChatApplMask); // Connected Event will trigger connect to remote system return; } } return; } VOID saywhat(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit) { nputs(circuit, "Invalid Command\r"); } VOID saydone(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit) { nputs(circuit, "Ok\r"); } VOID strnew(char ** new, char *f1) { // seems to allocate a new string, and copy the old one to it // how is this different to strdup?? *new = _strdup(f1); } #define sl_ins_hd(link, hd) \ if (hd == NULL)\ hd=link;\ else\ {\ link->next=hd->next;\ hd->next=link;\ } BOOL matchi(char * p1, char * p2) { // Return TRUE is strings match if (_stricmp(p1, p2)) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } VOID ProcessChatLine(ChatCIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char* OrigBuffer, int len) { ChatCIRCUIT *c; char * Buffer = OrigBuffer; WCHAR BufferW[65536]; UCHAR BufferB[65536]; // Sanity Check if (len > 32768) return; // Convert to UTF8 if not already in UTF-8 if (len == 73 && memcmp(&OrigBuffer[40], " ", 20) == 0) { // Chat Signon Message. If Topic is present, switch to it char * Context; char * Appl; char * topic; Appl = strtok_s(OrigBuffer, " ,\r", &Context); topic = strtok_s(NULL, " ,\r", &Context); if (topic == NULL) return; // Just Chat // Have a Topic if (conn->Flags & GETTINGUSER) { // Need to log in before switching topic, so Give a dummy name here conn->Flags &= ~GETTINGUSER; strcpy(user->Name, "?_name"); ChatSendWelcomeMsg(conn->BPQStream, conn, user); } OrigBuffer[40] = 0; sprintf(&OrigBuffer[40],"/t %s\r", topic); strcpy(OrigBuffer, &OrigBuffer[40]); len = (int)strlen(OrigBuffer); } else { // Normal input if (conn->Flags & GETTINGUSER) { // Check not getting *RTL in response to Name prompt if (memcmp(Buffer, "*RTL", 4) == 0) { // Other end thinks this is a node-node link Logprintf(LOG_CHAT, conn, '!', "Station %s trying to start Node Protocol, but not defined as a Node", conn->Callsign); knownnode_add(conn->Callsign); // So it won't happen again Disconnect(conn->BPQStream); return; } conn->Flags &= ~GETTINGUSER; memcpy(user->Name, Buffer, len-1); ChatSendWelcomeMsg(conn->BPQStream, conn, user); return; } } if (ChatIsUTF8(OrigBuffer, len) == FALSE) { // With Windows it is simple - convert using current codepage // I think the only reliable way is to convert to unicode and back #ifdef WIN32 int wlen; wlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, Buffer, len, BufferW, 65536); len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, BufferW, wlen, BufferB, 63336, NULL, NULL); Buffer = BufferB; #else size_t left = 65536; size_t clen = len; UCHAR * BufferBP = BufferB; struct user_t * icu = conn->u.user; if (conn->rtcflags & p_user) { if (icu->iconv_toUTF8 == NULL) { icu->iconv_toUTF8 = iconv_open("UTF-8//IGNORE", icu->Codepage); if (icu->iconv_toUTF8 == (iconv_t)-1) icu->iconv_toUTF8 = iconv_open("UTF-8//IGNORE", "CP1252"); } iconv(icu->iconv_toUTF8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); // Reset State Machine iconv(icu->iconv_toUTF8, &Buffer, &clen, (char ** __restrict__)&BufferBP, &left); } else { if (link_toUTF8 == NULL) link_toUTF8 = iconv_open("UTF-8//IGNORE", "CP1252"); iconv(link_toUTF8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); // Reset State Machine iconv(link_toUTF8, &Buffer, &clen, (char ** __restrict__)&BufferBP, &left); } len = 65536 - left; Buffer = BufferB; #endif } ChatWriteLogLine(conn, '<',Buffer, len, LOG_CHAT); Buffer[len] = 0; strlop(Buffer, '\r'); if (conn->rtcflags == p_linkwait) { //waiting for *RTL if (memcmp(Buffer, "*RTL", 4) == 0) { // Node - Node Connect if (rtloginl (conn, conn->Callsign)) { // Accepted conn->Flags |= CHATLINK; return; } else { // Connection refused. rtlogin1 has sent error message and closed link return; } } if (Buffer[0] == '[' && Buffer[len-2] == ']') // SID return; nprintf(conn, "Unexpected Message on Chat Node-Node Link - Disconnecting\r"); ChatFlush(conn); Sleep(500); conn->rtcflags = p_nil; Disconnect(conn->BPQStream); return; } if (conn->Flags & CHATLINK) { #ifndef LINBPQ struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS exinfo; __try { chkctl(conn, Buffer, len); } #define EXCEPTMSG "Process Chat Line" #include "StdExcept.c" Debugprintf("CHAT *** Was procesing Chat Node Message %s", Buffer); Disconnect(conn->BPQStream); CheckProgramErrors(); } #else chkctl(conn, Buffer, len); #endif return; } if(conn->u.user == NULL) { // A node link, but not activated yet, or a chat console which has dosconnected if (conn->BPQStream != -2) return; // Log console user in if (rtloginu (conn, TRUE)) conn->Flags |= CHATMODE; return; } if ((len <6) && (memcmp(Buffer, "*RTL", 4) == 0)) { // Other end thinks this is a node-node link Logprintf(LOG_CHAT, conn, '!', "Station %s trying to start Node Protocol, but not defined as a Node", conn->Callsign); knownnode_add(conn->Callsign); // So it won't happen again Disconnect(conn->BPQStream); return; } if (Buffer[0] == '/') { // Process Command int cmdLen = 0; char * param = strchr(&Buffer[1], ' '); if (param) cmdLen = param - &Buffer[1]; else cmdLen = strlen(&Buffer[1]); if (_memicmp(&Buffer[1], "Bye", 1) == 0) { SendUnbuffered(conn->BPQStream, ChatSignoffMsg, (int)strlen(ChatSignoffMsg)); if (conn->BPQStream < 0) { logout(conn); conn->Flags = 0; if (conn->BPQStream == -2) CloseConsole(conn->BPQStream); } else ReturntoNode(conn->BPQStream); return; } if (_memicmp(&Buffer[1], "Quit", 4) == 0) { SendUnbuffered(conn->BPQStream, ChatSignoffMsg, (int)strlen(ChatSignoffMsg)); if (conn->BPQStream < 0) { logout(conn); conn->Flags = 0; if (conn->BPQStream == -2) CloseConsole(conn->BPQStream); } else { Sleep(1000); Disconnect(conn->BPQStream); } return; } if (cmdLen > 1 && _memicmp(&Buffer[1], "History", cmdLen) == 0) // Accept Hi but not H { // Param is number of minutes to go back (max 24 hours) struct HistoryRec * ptr = History; int interval = 0; time_t start; int n = HistoryCount; if (param) interval = atoi(param); if (interval < 1) { nprintf(conn, "Format is /history n, where n is history time in minutes\r"); conn->u.user->lastsendtime = time(NULL); return; } if (interval > 1440) { nprintf(conn, "History is only held for 24 Hours (1440 Minutes)\r"); interval = 1440; // Limit to 1 day } start = time(NULL) - (interval * 60); // Find first record to send while (ptr) { if (ptr->Time > start) break; n--; ptr = ptr->next; } // n is records found while (ptr) { nprintf(conn, ptr->Message); ptr = ptr->next; } conn->u.user->lastsendtime = time(NULL); return; } if (_memicmp(&Buffer[1], "Keepalive", 4) == 0) { conn->u.user->rtflags ^= u_keepalive; upduser(conn->u.user); nprintf(conn, "Keepalive is %s\r", (conn->u.user->rtflags & u_keepalive) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); conn->u.user->lastsendtime = time(NULL); return; } if (_memicmp(&Buffer[1], "AUTOCHARSET", 4) == 0) { conn->u.user->rtflags ^= u_auto; upduser(conn->u.user); nprintf(conn, "Automatic Character set selection is %s\r", (conn->u.user->rtflags & u_auto) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); conn->u.user->lastsendtime = time(NULL); return; } if (_memicmp(&Buffer[1], "UTF-8", 3) == 0) { conn->u.user->rtflags ^= u_noUTF8; upduser(conn->u.user); nprintf(conn, "Character set is %s\r", (conn->u.user->rtflags & u_noUTF8) ? "8 Bit" : "UTF-8"); conn->u.user->lastsendtime = time(NULL); return; } if ((_memicmp(&Buffer[1], "CodePage", 3) == 0) || (_memicmp(&Buffer[1], "CP", 2) == 0)) { char * Context; char * CP = strtok_s(&Buffer[1], " ,\r", &Context); #ifndef WIN32 iconv_t temp = NULL; #else int temp = 0; WCHAR TempW[10]; #endif CP = strtok_s(NULL, " ,\r", &Context); if (CP == NULL || CP[0] == 0) { #ifndef WIN32 if (conn->u.user->Codepage[0]) nprintf(conn, "Codepage is %s\r", conn->u.user->Codepage); #else if (conn->u.user->Codepage) nprintf(conn, "Codepage is %d\r", conn->u.user->Codepage); #endif else nprintf(conn, "Codepage is not set\r"); return; } _strupr(CP); #ifndef WIN32 // Validate Code Page by trying to open an iconv descriptor temp = iconv_open("UTF-8", CP); if (temp == (iconv_t)-1) { nprintf(conn, "Invalid Codepage %s\r", CP); return; } iconv_close(conn->u.user->iconv_toUTF8); iconv_close(conn->u.user->iconv_fromUTF8); conn->u.user->iconv_toUTF8 = temp; conn->u.user->iconv_fromUTF8 = iconv_open(CP, "UTF-8"); strcpy(conn->u.user->Codepage, CP); nprintf(conn, "Codepage set to %s\r", conn->u.user->Codepage); #else if (CP[0] == 'C') CP +=2; // Validate by trying ot use it temp = atoi(CP); if (MultiByteToWideChar(temp, 0, "\r", 2, TempW, 10) == 0) { int err = GetLastError(); if (err == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) { nprintf(conn, "Invalid Codepage %d\r", temp); return; } } conn->u.user->Codepage = temp; nprintf(conn, "Codepage set to %d\r", conn->u.user->Codepage); #endif upduser(conn->u.user); return; } if (_memicmp(&Buffer[1], "Shownames", 4) == 0) { conn->u.user->rtflags ^= u_shownames; upduser(conn->u.user); nprintf(conn, "Shownames is %s\r", (conn->u.user->rtflags & u_shownames) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); conn->u.user->lastsendtime = time(NULL); return; } if (_memicmp(&Buffer[1], "Time", 4) == 0) { conn->u.user->rtflags ^= u_showtime; upduser(conn->u.user); nprintf(conn, "Show Time is %s\r", (conn->u.user->rtflags & u_showtime) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); conn->u.user->lastsendtime = time(NULL); return; } if (_memicmp(&Buffer[1], "colours", 4) == 0) { int i =0; while (i < 100) { nprintf(conn, "\x1b%c%02d XXXXX\r", i + 10, i); i++; if (i == 3) i++; } return; } rt_cmd(conn, Buffer); return; } // Send message to all other connected users on same channel text_tellu(conn->u.user, Buffer, NULL, o_topic); // To local users. HistoryCount = AddtoHistory(conn->u.user, Buffer); conn->u.user->lastrealmsgtime = conn->u.user->lastmsgtime = time(NULL); // Send to Linked nodes for (c = circuit_hd; c; c = c->next) { if ((c->rtcflags & p_linked) && c->refcnt && ct_find(c, conn->u.user->topic)) nprintf(c, "%c%c%s %s %s\r", FORMAT, id_data, OurNode, conn->u.user->call, Buffer); } } void upduser(USER *user) { FILE *in, *out; char *c; char Buffer[2048]; char *buf = Buffer; in = fopen(RtUsr, "r"); if (!(in)) { in = fopen(RtUsr, "w"); if (in) fclose(in); in = fopen(RtUsr, "r"); } if (!(in)) return; out = fopen(RtUsrTemp, "w"); if (!(out)) return; while(fgets(buf, 128, in)) { if (strstr(buf, "*RTL")) // Tidy user database continue; c = strchr(buf, ' '); if (c) *c = '\0'; if (!matchi(buf, user->call)) { if (c) *c = ' '; fputs(buf, out); } } #ifndef WIN32 fprintf(out, "%s %d %s %s¬%d¬%s\n", user->call, user->rtflags, user->name, user->qth, user->Colour, user->Codepage); #else fprintf(out, "%s %d %s %s¬%d¬%d\n", user->call, user->rtflags, user->name, user->qth, user->Colour, user->Codepage); #endif fclose(in); fclose(out); remove(RtUsr); rename(RtUsrTemp, RtUsr); } char * lookupuser(char * call) { FILE *in; char *flags; char Buffer[2048]; char *buf = Buffer; char * name; in = fopen(RtUsr, "r"); if (in) { while(fgets(buf, 128, in)) { strlop(buf, '\n'); flags = strlop(buf, ' '); if (!matchi(buf, call)) continue; if (!flags) break; fclose(in); name = strlop(flags, ' '); strlop(name, ' '); return _strdup(name); } fclose(in); } return NULL; } void rduser(USER *user) { FILE *in; char *name, *flags, *qth; char Buffer[2048]; char *buf = Buffer; char * ptr; user->name = _strdup("?_name"); user->qth = _strdup("?_qth"); in = fopen(RtUsr, "r"); if (in) { while(fgets(buf, 128, in)) { strlop(buf, '\n'); flags = strlop(buf, ' '); if (!matchi(buf, user->call)) continue; if (!flags) break; name = strlop(flags, ' '); user->rtflags = atoi(flags); qth = strlop(name, ' '); strnew(&user->name, name); if (!qth) break; // Colour Code may follow QTH, and Code Page may follow Colour ptr = strchr(qth, '¬'); if (ptr) { *ptr++ = 0; user->Colour = atoi(ptr); ptr = strchr(ptr, '¬'); if (ptr) { *ptr++ = 0; #ifndef WIN32 strcpy(user->Codepage, ptr); #else user->Codepage = atoi(ptr); #endif } } strnew(&user->qth, qth); break; } fclose(in); #ifndef WIN32 // Open an iconv decriptor for each conversion if (user->Codepage[0]) user->iconv_toUTF8 = iconv_open("UTF-8//IGNORE", user->Codepage); else user->iconv_toUTF8 = (iconv_t)-1; if (user->iconv_toUTF8 == (iconv_t)-1) user->iconv_toUTF8 = iconv_open("UTF-8//IGNORE", "CP1252"); if (user->Codepage[0]) user->iconv_fromUTF8 = iconv_open(user->Codepage, "UTF-8"); else user->iconv_fromUTF8 = (iconv_t)-1; if (user->iconv_fromUTF8 == (iconv_t)-1) user->iconv_fromUTF8 = iconv_open("CP1252//IGNORE", "UTF-8"); #endif } } void ReportBadJoin(char * ncall, char *ucall) { Logprintf(LOG_CHAT, NULL, '!', "User %s Join from Node %s but already connected", ucall, ncall); } void ReportBadLeave(char * ncall, char * ucall) { Logprintf(LOG_CHAT, NULL, '!', "Node %s reporting Node %s as a leaving user", ncall, ucall); } struct DUPINFO DupInfo[MAXDUPS]; static BOOL CheckforDups(ChatCIRCUIT * circuit, char * Call, char * Msg) { // Primitive duplicate suppression - see if same call and text reeived in last few secons time_t Now = time(NULL); time_t DupCheck = Now - DUPSECONDS; int i, saveindex = -1; for (i = 0; i < MAXDUPS; i++) { if (DupInfo[i].DupTime < DupCheck) { // too old - use first if we need to save it if (saveindex == -1) { saveindex = i; } continue; } if ((strcmp(Call, DupInfo[i].DupUser) == 0) && (memcmp(Msg, DupInfo[i].DupText, strlen(DupInfo[i].DupText)) == 0)) { // Duplicate, so discard, but save time DupInfo[i].DupTime = Now; Logprintf(LOG_CHAT, circuit, '?', "Duplicate Message From %s %s suppressed", Call, Msg); return TRUE; // Duplicate } } // Not in list if (saveindex == -1) // List is full saveindex = MAXDUPS - 1; // Stick on end DupInfo[saveindex].DupTime = Now; strcpy(DupInfo[saveindex].DupUser, Call); if (strlen(Msg) > 99) { memcpy(DupInfo[saveindex].DupText, Msg, 99); DupInfo[saveindex].DupText[99] = 0; } else strcpy(DupInfo[saveindex].DupText, Msg); return FALSE; } void chkctl(ChatCIRCUIT *ckt_from, char * Buffer, int Len) { CHATNODE * node, *ln; ChatCIRCUIT * ckt_to; USER * user, * su; time_t Now = time(NULL); LINK * Link = ckt_from->u.link; char * ncall, * ucall, * f1, * f2, * buf; int i; if (Buffer[FORMAT_O] != FORMAT) return; // Not a control message. // Check for corruption for (i = 1; i < (Len - 1); i++) { if (Buffer[i] < 32) { if (Buffer[i] == 9) { Buffer[i] = 32; continue; } Debugprintf("Corrupt Chat Link Messages %s", Buffer); return; } } buf = _strdup(Buffer + DATA_O); // FORMAT and TYPE bytes are followed by node and user callsigns. ncall = buf; ucall = strlop(buf, ' '); if (!ucall) { free(buf); return; } // Not a control message. // There may be at least one field after the node and user callsigns. // Node leave (id_unlink) has no F1. f1 = strlop(ucall, ' '); strlop(ucall, 9); // some have tabs ?? // If the frame came from an unknown node ignore it. // If the frame came from us ignore it (loop breaking). node = node_find(ncall); if (!node || matchi(ncall, OurNode)) { free(buf); return; } if (ckt_from->rtcflags & p_linked) ckt_from->u.link->lastMsgReceived = Now; switch(Buffer[TYPE_O]) { // Data from user ucall at node ncall. case id_data : // Check for dups if (CheckforDups(ckt_from, ucall, f1)) break; user = user_find(ucall, ncall); if (!user) break; user->lastrealmsgtime = user->lastmsgtime = time(NULL); text_tellu(user, f1, NULL, o_topic); HistoryCount = AddtoHistory(user, f1); for (ckt_to = circuit_hd; ckt_to; ckt_to = ckt_to->next) { if ((ckt_to->rtcflags & p_linked) && ckt_to->refcnt && !cn_find(ckt_to, node) && ct_find(ckt_to, user->topic)) nprintf(ckt_to, "%s\r", Buffer); } break; // User ucall at node ncall changed their Name/QTH info. case id_user : user = user_find(ucall, ncall); if (!user) break; f2 = strlop(f1, ' '); if (!f2) break; if ((strcmp(user->name, f1) == 0) && (strcmp(user->qth, f2) == 0)) // No Change? break; echo(ckt_from, node, Buffer); // Relay to other nodes. strnew(&user->name, f1); strnew(&user->qth, f2); upduser(user); break; // User ucall logged into node ncall. case id_join : user = user_find(ucall, ncall); if (user) { // Already Here // If last join was less the 5 secs ago don't report - probably a "Join/Leave Storm" if (time(NULL) - user->timeconnected > 5) ReportBadJoin(ncall, ucall); //if (strcmp(user->node->call, OurNode) == 0) //{ // Locally connected, and at another node //} user->timeconnected = time(NULL); break; // We have this user as an active Node } // update join time echo(ckt_from, node, Buffer); // Relay to other nodes. f2 = strlop(f1, ' '); if (!f2) break; user = user_join(ckt_from, ucall, ncall, NULL, FALSE); if (!user) break; ckt_from->refcnt++; text_tellu_Joined(user); strnew(&user->name, f1); strnew(&user->qth, f2); upduser(user); // makelinks(); // Bring up our links if not already up break; // User ucall logged out of node ncall. case id_leave : user = user_find(ucall, ncall); if (!user) { Debugprintf("CHAT: Leave for %s from %s when not on list", ucall, ncall); break; } // if connected for for less than 3 seconds ignore. May give stuck nodes but should stop "Join/Leave Storm" // we can't just silently leave as next join will propagate if (time(NULL) - user->timeconnected < 3) break; echo(ckt_from, node, Buffer); // Relay to other nodes. f2 = strlop(f1, ' '); if (!f2) break; text_tellu(user, rtleave, NULL, o_all); ckt_from->refcnt--; strnew(&user->name, f1); strnew(&user->qth, f2); upduser(user); user_leave(user); cn_dec(ckt_from, node); node_dec(node); break; // Node ncall lost its link to node ucall, alias f1. case id_unlink : // Only relay to other nodes if we had node. Could get loop otherwise. // ?? This could possibly cause stuck nodes ln = node_find(ucall); // if connected for for less than 3 seconds ignore. May give stuck nodes but should stop "Join/Leave Storm" // we can't just silently leave as next join will propagate if (ln) { if (time(NULL) - ln->timeconnected < 3) break; // is it on this circuit? if (cn_find(ckt_from, ln)) { cn_dec(ckt_from, ln); node_dec(ln); echo(ckt_from, node, Buffer); // Relay to other nodes if we had node. COuld get loop if } else { Debugprintf("CHAT: node %s unlink for %s when not on this link", ncall, ucall); } } else { Debugprintf("CHAT: node %s unlink for %s when not on list", ncall, ucall); } break; // Node ncall acquired a link to node ucall, alias f1. // If we are not linked, is no problem, don't link. // If we are linked, is a loop, do what? (Try ignore!) case id_link : ln = node_find(ucall); if (!ln && !matchi(ncall, OurNode)) { f2 = strlop(f1, ' '); cn_inc(ckt_from, ucall, f1, f2); echo(ckt_from, node, Buffer); // Relay to other nodes. } else { // If last join was less the 5 secs ago don't report - probably a "Join/Leave Storm" if (time(NULL) - ln->timeconnected > 5) Debugprintf("CHAT: node %s link for %s when already on list", ncall, ucall); // update join time ln->timeconnected = time(NULL); break; } break; // User ucall at node ncall sent f2 to user f1. case id_send : user = user_find(ucall, ncall); if (!user) break; f2 = strlop(f1, ' '); if (!f2) break; su = user_find(f1, NULL); if (!su) break; if (su->circuit->rtcflags & p_user) text_tellu(user, f2, f1, o_one); else echo(ckt_from, node, Buffer); // Relay to other nodes. break; // User ucall at node ncall changed topic. case id_topic : user = user_find(ucall, ncall); if (user) { if (_stricmp(user->topic->name, f1) != 0) { echo(ckt_from, node, Buffer); // Relay to other nodes. topic_chg(user, f1); } } break; case id_keepalive : ln = node_find(ncall); if (ln) { if (ln->Version == NULL) if (f1) ln->Version = _strdup(f1); } nprintf(ckt_from, "%c%c%s %s\r", FORMAT, id_pollresp, OurNode, Link->call); break; case id_poll: // Send Poll Response Link->supportsPolls = Now; nprintf(ckt_from, "%c%c%s %s\r", FORMAT, id_pollresp, OurNode, Link->call); break; case id_pollresp: Link->supportsPolls = Now; Link->RTT = Now - Link->timePollSent; Link->timePollSent = 0; // Cancel Timeout break; default: break; } free(buf); } // Tell another node about nodes known by this node. // Do not tell it about this node, the other node knows who it // linked to (or who linked to it). // Tell another node about users known by this node. // Done at incoming or outgoing link establishment. void state_tell(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit, char * Version) { CHATNODE *node; USER *user; node = cn_inc(circuit, circuit->u.link->call, circuit->u.link->alias, Version); node_tell(node, id_link); // Tell other nodes about this new link // Tell the node that just linked here about nodes known on other links. for (node = node_hd; node; node = node->next) { if (!matchi(node->call, OurNode)) node_xmit(node, id_link, circuit); } // Tell the node that just linked here about known users, and their topics. for (user = user_hd; user; user = user->next) { user_xmit(user, id_join, circuit); topic_xmit(user, circuit); } } static void circuit_free(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit) { ChatCIRCUIT *c, *cp; CN *ncn; CHATNODE *nn; TOPIC *tn; cp = NULL; for (c = circuit_hd; c; cp = c, c = c->next) { if (c == circuit) { if (cp) cp->next = c->next; else circuit_hd = c->next; while (c->hnode) { ncn = c->hnode->next; free(c->hnode); c->hnode = ncn; } break; } } if (circuit_hd) return; // RT has gone inactive. Clean up. while (node_hd) { nn = node_hd->next; free(node_hd->alias); free(node_hd->call); free(node_hd); node_hd = nn; } while (topic_hd) { tn = topic_hd->next; free(topic_hd->name); free(topic_hd); topic_hd = tn; } } // Find a node in the node list. CHATNODE *node_find(char *call) { CHATNODE *node; for (node = node_hd; node; node = node->next) { //if (node->refcnt && matchi(node->call, call)) I don't think this is right!!! if (matchi(node->call, call)) break; } return node; } // Add a reference to a node. static CHATNODE *node_inc(char *call, char *alias, char * Version) { CHATNODE *node; node = node_find(call); if (!node) { knownnode_add(call); node = zalloc(sizeof(CHATNODE)); sl_ins_hd(node, node_hd); node->call = _strdup(call); node->alias = _strdup(alias); if (Version) node->Version = _strdup(Version); node->timeconnected = time(NULL); // Debugprintf("New Node Rec Created at %x for %s %s", node, node->call, node->alias); } node->refcnt++; return node; } // Remove a reference to a node. static void node_dec(CHATNODE *node) { CHATNODE *t, *tp; USER *user; ChatCIRCUIT *circuit; CN *cn; if (--node->refcnt) return; // Other references. // Remove the node from the node list. tp = NULL; // Make sure there aren't any user or circuit records pointing to it for (user = user_hd; user; user = user->next) { if (user->node == node) { Debugprintf("Trying to remove node %s that is linked from user %s", node->call, user->call); node->refcnt++; } } for (circuit = circuit_hd; circuit; circuit = circuit->next) { if (circuit->rtcflags & p_linked) { for (cn = circuit->hnode; cn; cn = cn->next) { if (cn->node == node) { Debugprintf("Trying to remove node %s that is linked from circuit %s", node->call, circuit->Callsign); node->refcnt++; } } } } if (node->refcnt) return; // Now have other references. for (t = node_hd; t; tp = t, t = t->next) { if (t == node) { if (tp) tp->next = t->next; else node_hd = t->next; free(t->alias); t->alias = NULL; free(t->call); t->call = NULL; free(t); break; } } } // User joins a topic. static TOPIC *topic_join(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit, char *s) { CT *ct; TOPIC *topic; // Look for an existing topic. for (topic = topic_hd; topic; topic = topic->next) { if (matchi(topic->name, s)) break; } // Create a new topic, if needed. if (!topic) { topic = zalloc(sizeof(TOPIC)); sl_ins_hd(topic, topic_hd); topic->name = _strdup(s); } topic->refcnt++; // One more user in this topic. Logprintf(LOG_CHAT, circuit, '?', "topic_join complete user %s topic %s addr %x ref %d", circuit->u.user->call, topic->name, topic, topic->refcnt); // Add the circuit / topic association. for (ct = circuit->topic; ct; ct = ct->next) { if (ct->topic == topic) { ct->refcnt++; return topic; } } ct = zalloc(sizeof(CT)); sl_ins_hd(ct, circuit->topic); ct->topic = topic; ct->refcnt = 1; return topic; } // User leaves a topic. static void topic_leave(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit, TOPIC *topic) { CT *ct, *ctp; TOPIC *t, *tp; Logprintf(LOG_CHAT, circuit, '?', "topic_leave user %s topic %s addr %x ref %d", circuit->u.user->call, topic->name, topic, topic->refcnt); topic->refcnt--; ctp = NULL; for (ct = circuit->topic; ct; ctp = ct, ct = ct->next) { if (ct->topic == topic) { if (!--ct->refcnt) { if (ctp) ctp->next = ct->next; else circuit->topic = ct->next; free(ct); break; } } } tp = NULL; for (t = topic_hd; t; tp = t, t = t->next) { if (!t->refcnt && (t == topic)) { if (tp) tp->next = t->next; else topic_hd = t->next; free(t->name); free(t); break; } } } // Find a circuit/topic association. int ct_find(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit, TOPIC *topic) { CT *ct; for (ct = circuit->topic; ct; ct = ct->next) { if (ct->topic == topic) return ct->refcnt; } return 0; } // Nodes reached from each circuit. Used only if the circuit is a link. // Remove a circuit/node association. static void cn_dec(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit, CHATNODE *node) { CN *c, *cp; // Debugprintf("CHAT: Remove c/n %s ", node->call); cp = NULL; for (c = circuit->hnode; c; cp = c, c = c->next) { if (c->node == node) { // CN * cn; // int len; // char line[1000]=""; if (--c->refcnt) { // Debugprintf("CHAT: Remove c/n Node %s still in use refcount %d", node->call, c->refcnt); return; // Still in use } if (cp) cp->next = c->next; else circuit->hnode = c->next; free(c); break; } } if (c == NULL) { CN * cn; int len; char line[1000]=""; // not found?? Debugprintf("CHAT: !! Remove c/n Node %s addr %x not found cn chain follows", node->call, node); line[0] = 0; for (cn = circuit->hnode; cn; cn = cn->next) { if (cn->node && cn->node->call) { #ifndef LINBPQ __try { #endif len = sprintf(line, "%s %p %s", line, cn->node, cn->node->alias); if (len > 80) { Debugprintf("%s", line); len = sprintf(line, " "); } #ifndef LINBPQ } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {len = sprintf("%s *PE* Corrupt Rec %x %x ", line, cn, cn->node);} #endif } else { len = sprintf("%s Corrupt Rec %x %x ", line, cn, cn->node); } } Debugprintf("%s", line); } } // Add a circuit/node association. static CHATNODE *cn_inc(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit, char *call, char *alias, char * Version) { CHATNODE *node; CN *cn; node = node_inc(call, alias, Version); for (cn = circuit->hnode; cn; cn = cn->next) { if (cn->node == node) { cn->refcnt++; // Debugprintf("cn_inc cn Refcount for %s->%s incremented to %d - adding Call %s", // circuit->Callsign, node->call, cn->refcnt, call); return node; } } cn = zalloc(sizeof(CN)); sl_ins_hd(cn, circuit->hnode); cn->node = node; cn->refcnt = 1; // Debugprintf("cn_inc New cn for %s->%s - adding Call %s", // circuit->Callsign, node->call, call); return node; } // Find a circuit/node association. static int cn_find(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit, CHATNODE *node) { CN *cn; for (cn = circuit->hnode; cn; cn = cn->next) { if (cn->node == node) return cn->refcnt; } return 0; } // From a local user to a specific user at another node. static void text_xmit(USER *user, USER *to, char *text) { nprintf(to->circuit, "%c%c%s %s %s %s\r", FORMAT, id_send, OurNode, user->call, to->call, text); } void put_text(ChatCIRCUIT * circuit, USER * user, UCHAR * buf) { UCHAR BufferB[4096]; // Text is UTF-8 internally. If user doen't want UTF-8. convert to Node's locale if (circuit->u.user->rtflags & u_noUTF8) { #ifdef WIN32 char * Buffer = buf; WCHAR BufferW[4096]; int wlen, blen; BOOL DefaultUsed = FALSE; char Subst = '?'; wlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, buf, (int)strlen(buf) + 1, BufferW, 4096); blen = WideCharToMultiByte(circuit->u.user->Codepage, 0, BufferW, wlen, BufferB + 2, 4096, &Subst, &DefaultUsed); if (blen == 0) // Probably means invalid code page blen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, BufferW, wlen, BufferB + 2, 4096, &Subst, &DefaultUsed); buf = BufferB + 2; BufferB[blen + 2] = 0; #else size_t left = 4096; UCHAR * BufferBP = BufferB; size_t len = strlen(buf) + 1; struct user_t * icu = circuit->u.user; if (icu->iconv_fromUTF8 == NULL) { icu->iconv_fromUTF8 = iconv_open(icu->Codepage, "UTF-8"); if (icu->iconv_fromUTF8 == (iconv_t)-1) icu->iconv_fromUTF8 = iconv_open("CP1252//IGNORE", "UTF-8"); } iconv(icu->iconv_fromUTF8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); // Reset State Machine iconv(icu->iconv_fromUTF8, (char ** __restrict__)&buf, &len, (char ** __restrict__)&BufferBP, &left); len = 4096 - left; buf = BufferB; #endif } if (circuit->u.user->rtflags & u_colour) // Use Colour { // Put a colour header on message *(--buf) = user->Colour; *(--buf) = 0x1b; nputs(circuit, buf); buf +=2; } else nputs(circuit, buf); circuit->u.user->lastsendtime = time(NULL); } void text_tellu(USER *user, char *text, char *to, int who) { ChatCIRCUIT *circuit; UCHAR Buffer[2048]; UCHAR *buf = &Buffer[4]; char * Time; struct tm * tm; char Stamp[20]; time_t T; T = time(NULL); tm = gmtime(&T); sprintf(Stamp,"%02d:%02d ", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min); // Send it to all connected users in the same topic. // Echo to originator if requested. for (circuit = circuit_hd; circuit; circuit = circuit->next) { if (!(circuit->rtcflags & p_user)) continue; // Circuit is a link. if ((circuit->u.user == user) && !(user->rtflags & u_echo)) continue; if (circuit->u.user->rtflags & u_showtime) Time = Stamp; else Time = ""; if (circuit->u.user->rtflags & u_shownames) sprintf(buf, "%s%-6.6s %s %c %s\r", Time, user->call, user->name, (who == o_one) ? '>' : ':', text); else sprintf(buf, "%s%-6.6s %c %s\r", Time, user->call, (who == o_one) ? '>' : ':', text); switch(who) { case o_topic : if (circuit->u.user->topic == user->topic) put_text(circuit, user, buf); // Send adding Colour if wanted break; case o_all: put_text(circuit, user, buf); // Send adding Colour if wanted break; case o_one : if (matchi(circuit->u.user->call, to)) put_text(circuit, user, buf); // Send adding Colour if wanted break; } } } extern int FlashOnConnect; void text_tellu_Joined(USER * user) { ChatCIRCUIT *circuit; UCHAR Buffer[200]; UCHAR *buf = &Buffer[4]; char * Time; struct tm * tm; char Stamp[20]; time_t T; char prog[256] = ""; T = time(NULL); tm = gmtime(&T); sprintf(Stamp,"%02d:%02d ", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min); sprintf(buf, "%s%-6.6s : %s *** Joined Chat, Topic %s", Stamp, user->call, user->name, user->topic->name); if (reportChatEvents) { #ifdef WIN32 if (pRunEventProgram) pRunEventProgram("ChatNewUser.exe", user->call); #else sprintf(prog, "%s/%s", BPQDirectory, "ChatNewUser"); RunEventProgram(prog, user->call); #endif } // Send it to all connected users in the same topic. // Echo to originator if requested. for (circuit = circuit_hd; circuit; circuit = circuit->next) { if (!(circuit->rtcflags & p_user)) continue; // Circuit is a link. if ((circuit->u.user == user) && !(user->rtflags & u_echo)) continue; if (circuit->u.user->rtflags & u_showtime) Time = Stamp; else Time = ""; sprintf(buf, "%s%-6.6s : %s *** Joined Chat, Topic %s", Time, user->call, user->name, user->topic->name); put_text(circuit, user, buf); // Send adding Colour if wanted if (circuit->u.user->rtflags & u_bells) if (circuit->BPQStream < 0) // Console { #ifndef LINBPQ if (FlashOnConnect) FlashWindow(ConsHeader[1]->hConsole, TRUE); #endif nputc(circuit, 7); // PlaySound ("BPQCHAT_USER_LOGIN", NULL, SND_ALIAS | SND_APPLICATION | SND_ASYNC); } else nputc(circuit, 7); nputc(circuit, 13); } } // Tell one link circuit about a local user change of topic. static void topic_xmit(USER *user, ChatCIRCUIT *circuit) { nprintf(circuit, "%c%c%s %s %s\r", FORMAT, id_topic, OurNode, user->call, user->topic->name); } // Tell another node about one known node on a link add or drop // if that node is from some other link. static void node_xmit(CHATNODE *node, char kind, ChatCIRCUIT *circuit) { #ifndef LINBPQ struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS exinfo; __try { #endif if (!cn_find(circuit, node)) if (node->Version && (kind == id_link)) nprintf(circuit, "%c%c%s %s %s %s\r", FORMAT, kind, OurNode, node->call, node->alias, node->Version); else nprintf(circuit, "%c%c%s %s %s\r", FORMAT, kind, OurNode, node->call, node->alias); #ifndef LINBPQ } #define EXCEPTMSG "node_xmit" #include "StdExcept.c" Debugprintf("Corrupt Rec %x %x %x", node, node->call, node->alias); } #endif } // Tell all other nodes about one node known by this node. static void node_tell(CHATNODE *node, char kind) { ChatCIRCUIT *circuit; for (circuit = circuit_hd; circuit; circuit = circuit->next) { if (circuit->rtcflags & p_linked) node_xmit(node, kind, circuit); } } // Tell another node about a user login/logout at this node. static void user_xmit(USER *user, char kind, ChatCIRCUIT *circuit) { CHATNODE *node; node = user->node; if (!cn_find(circuit, node)) nprintf(circuit, "%c%c%s %s %s %s\r", FORMAT, kind, node->call, user->call, user->name, user->qth); } // Tell all other nodes about a user login/logout at this node. static void user_tell(USER *user, char kind) { ChatCIRCUIT *circuit; for (circuit = circuit_hd; circuit; circuit = circuit->next) { if (circuit->rtcflags & p_linked) user_xmit(user, kind, circuit); } } // Find the user record for call@node. Node can be NULL, meaning any node USER *user_find(char *call, char * node) { USER *user; for (user = user_hd; user; user = user->next) { if (node) { if (matchi(user->call, call) && matchi(user->node->call, node)) break; } else { if (matchi(user->call, call)) break; } } return user; } static void user_leave(USER *user) { USER *t, *tp; topic_leave(user->circuit, user->topic); tp = NULL; for (t = user_hd; t; tp = t, t = t->next) { if (t == user) { if (tp) tp->next = t->next; else user_hd = t->next; free(t->name); free(t->call); free(t->qth); #ifndef WIN32 if (t->iconv_fromUTF8) iconv_close(t->iconv_fromUTF8); if (t->iconv_toUTF8) iconv_close(t->iconv_toUTF8); #endif free(t); break; } } if (user_hd == NULL) ChatTmr = 59; // If no users, disconnect links after 10-20 secs } // User changed to a different topic. static BOOL topic_chg(USER *user, char *s) { char buf[128]; if (_stricmp(user->topic->name, s) == 0) return FALSE; // Not Changed sprintf(buf, "*** Left Topic: %s", user->topic->name); text_tellu(user, buf, NULL, o_topic); // Tell everyone in the old topic. topic_leave(user->circuit, user->topic); user->topic = topic_join(user->circuit, s); sprintf(buf, "*** Joined Topic: %s", user->topic->name); text_tellu(user, buf, NULL, o_topic); // Tell everyone in the new topic. return TRUE; } // Create a user record for this user. static USER *user_join(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit, char *ucall, char *ncall, char *nalias, BOOL Local) { CHATNODE *node; USER *user; if (Local) { node = cn_inc(circuit, ncall, nalias, Verstring); } else node = cn_inc(circuit, ncall, nalias, NULL); // Is this user already logged in at this node? for (user = user_hd; user; user = user->next) { if (matchi(user->call, ucall) && (user->node == node)) return user; } // User is not logged in, create a user record for them. user = zalloc(sizeof(USER)); sl_ins_hd(user, user_hd); user->circuit = circuit; user->call = _strdup(ucall); _strupr(user->call); user->node = node; rduser(user); if (user->Colour == 0 || user->Colour == 11) // None or default { // Allocate Random int sum = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) sum += user->call[i]; sum %= 20; user->Colour = AutoColours[sum] + 10; // Best 20 colours } if (circuit->rtcflags & p_user) circuit->u.user = user; user->timeconnected = user->lastrealmsgtime = user->lastmsgtime = time(NULL); user->topic = topic_join(circuit, deftopic); return user; } // Link went away. We dropped it, or the other node dropped it. // Drop nodes and users connected from this link. // Tell other (still connected) links what was dropped. void link_drop(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit) { USER *user, *usernext; CN *cn; // So we don't try and send anything on this circuit. if (circuit->u.link) if (circuit->rtcflags == p_linkini) Debugprintf("Chat link %s Link Setup Failed", circuit->u.link->call); if (circuit->rtcflags == p_linkini) circuit->u.link->flags = p_linkfailed; else circuit->u.link->flags = 0; circuit->rtcflags = p_nil; // Users connected on the dropped link are no longer connected. for (user = user_hd; user; user = usernext) { usernext = user->next; // Save next pointer in case entry is free'd if (user->circuit == circuit) { CHATNODE *node; node = user->node; text_tellu(user, rtleave, NULL, o_all); user_tell(user, id_leave); user_leave(user); circuit->refcnt--; if (node) node_dec(node); } } // Any node known from the dropped link is no longer known. for (cn = circuit->hnode; cn; cn = cn->next) { node_tell(cn->node, id_unlink); node_dec(cn->node); } // The circuit is no longer used. circuit_free(circuit); NeedStatus = TRUE; } // Handle an incoming control frame from a linked RT system. static void echo(ChatCIRCUIT *fc, CHATNODE *node, char * Buffer) { ChatCIRCUIT *tc; for (tc = circuit_hd; tc; tc = tc->next) { if ((tc != fc) && (tc->rtcflags & p_linked) && !cn_find(tc, node)) nprintf(tc, "%s\r", Buffer); } } char ** SeparateConnectScript(char * MultiString) { char * ptr1 = MultiString; char ** Value; int Count = 0; char * ptr; // Convert to string array Value = zalloc(sizeof(void *)); // always NULL entry on end even if no values Value[0] = NULL; ptr = MultiString; while (ptr && strlen(ptr)) { ptr1 = strchr(ptr, '|'); if (ptr1) *(ptr1++) = 0; if (strlen(ptr)) { Value = realloc(Value, (Count + 2) * sizeof(void *)); Value[Count++] = _strdup(ptr); } ptr = ptr1; } Value[Count] = NULL; return Value; } // Add an entry to list of link partners int rtlink (char * Call) { LINK *link, *temp; char *c; char * script; _strupr(Call); script = strlop(Call, '|'); c = strlop(Call, ':'); if (!c) return FALSE; link = zalloc(sizeof(LINK)); link->alias = _strdup(Call); link->call = _strdup(c); if (script) { link->ConnectScript = SeparateConnectScript(script); link->Lines = 0; while (link->ConnectScript[++link->Lines]); } else { // Create Script with one entry to call partner direct; link->ConnectScript = zalloc(sizeof(void *) * 2); // always NULL entry on end link->ConnectScript[0] = malloc(32); sprintf(link->ConnectScript[0], "C %s", c); link->Lines = 1; } if (link_hd == NULL) link_hd = link; else { temp = link_hd; while(temp->next) temp = temp->next; temp->next = link; } return TRUE; } VOID removelinks() { LINK *link, *nextlink; for (link = link_hd; link; link = nextlink) { nextlink = link->next; if (link->ConnectScript) { int n = 0; while(link->ConnectScript[n]) free(link->ConnectScript[n++]); free(link->ConnectScript); } free(link->alias); link->alias = 0; free(link->call); link->call = 0; free(link); link = 0; } link_hd = NULL; } VOID removeknown() { // Save Known Nodes list and free struct KNOWNNODE *node, *nextnode; FILE *out; out = fopen(RtKnown, "w"); if (!out) return; for (node = known_hd; node; node = nextnode) { fprintf(out, "%s %u\n", node->call, (unsigned int)node->LastHeard); nextnode = node->next; free(node->call); free(node); } known_hd = NULL; fclose(out); } VOID LoadKnown() { // Reload Known Nodes list FILE *in; char buf[128]; char * ptr; in = fopen(RtKnown, "r"); if (in == NULL) return; while(fgets(buf, 128, in)) { ptr = strchr(buf, ' '); if (ptr) { *(ptr) = 0; knownnode_add(buf); } } fclose(in); } // We don't allocate memory for circuit, but we do chain it ChatCIRCUIT *circuit_new(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit, int flags) { // Make sure circuit isn't already on list ChatCIRCUIT *c; circuit->rtcflags = flags; circuit->next = NULL; for (c = circuit_hd; c; c = c->next) { if (c == circuit) { Debugprintf("CHAT: Attempting to add Circuit when already on list"); return circuit; } } sl_ins_hd(circuit, circuit_hd); return circuit; } // Handle an incoming link. We should only get here if we think the station is a node. int rtloginl (ChatCIRCUIT *conn, char * call) { LINK * link; if (node_find(call)) { Logprintf(LOG_CHAT, conn, '|', "Refusing link from %s to %s to prevent a loop", conn->Callsign, OurNode); nprintf(conn, "Refusing link from %s to %s to prevent a loop.\n", conn->Callsign, OurNode); ChatFlush(conn); Sleep(500); conn->rtcflags = p_nil; Disconnect(conn->BPQStream); return FALSE; // Already linked. } for (link = link_hd; link; link = link->next) { if (matchi(call, link->call)) break; } if (!link) { // We don't link with this system. Shouldn't happen, as we checked earlier nprintf(conn, "Node %s does not have %s defined as a node to link to - closing.\r", OurNode, conn->Callsign); ChatFlush(conn); Sleep(500); conn->rtcflags = p_nil; Disconnect(conn->BPQStream); return FALSE; } if (link->flags & (p_linked | p_linkini)) { // Already Linked. Used to Disconnect, but that can cause sync errors // Try closing old link and keeping new ChatCIRCUIT *c; int len; char Msg[80]; for (c = circuit_hd; c; c = c->next) { if (c->u.link == link) { len=sprintf_s(Msg, sizeof(Msg), "Chat Node %s Connect when Connected - Old Connection Closed", call); ChatWriteLogLine(conn, '|',Msg, len, LOG_CHAT); c->Active = FALSE; // So we don't try to clear circuit again Disconnect(c->BPQStream); link_drop(c); RefreshMainWindow(); break; } } } // Accept the link request. circuit_new(conn, p_linked); conn->u.link = link; nputs(conn, "OK\r"); link->flags = p_linked; link->delay = 0; // Dont delay first restart state_tell(conn, NULL); conn->u.link->timePollSent = time(NULL); // Keepalive is a poll nprintf(conn, "%c%c%s %s %s\r", FORMAT, id_keepalive, OurNode, conn->u.link->call, Verstring); NeedStatus = TRUE; return TRUE; } // User connected to chat, or did chat command from BBS int rtloginu (ChatCIRCUIT *circuit, BOOL Local) { USER *user; // Is this user already logged in to RT somewhere else? user = user_find(circuit->UserPointer->Call, NULL); if (user) { // if connected at this node, kill old connection and allow new login if (user->node == node_find(OurNode)) { nputs(circuit, "*** Already connected at this node - old session will be closed.\r"); if (user->circuit->BPQStream < 0) { CloseConsole(user->circuit->BPQStream); } else { Disconnect(user->circuit->BPQStream); } } else nputs(circuit, "*** Already connected at another node.\r"); return FALSE; } // Create the user entry. circuit_new(circuit, p_user); user = user_join(circuit, circuit->UserPointer->Call, OurNode, OurAlias, Local); circuit->u.user = user; if (strcmp(user->name, "?_name") == 0) { user->name = _strdup(circuit->UserPointer->Name); } upduser(user); ChatExpandAndSendMessage(circuit, ChatWelcomeMsg, LOG_CHAT); text_tellu_Joined(user); user_tell(user, id_join); show_users(circuit); user->lastsendtime = time(NULL); // makelinks(); return TRUE; } void logout(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit) { USER *user; CHATNODE *node; circuit->rtcflags = p_nil; user = circuit->u.user; if (user) // May not have logged in if already conencted { node = user->node; user_tell(user, id_leave); text_tellu(user, rtleave, NULL, o_all); user_leave(user); // order changed so node_dec can check if a node that is about the be deleted has eny users if (node) { cn_dec(circuit, node); node_dec(node); } circuit->u.user = NULL; } circuit_free(circuit); } void show_users(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit) { USER *user; char * Alias; char * Topic; int i = 0; // First count them for (user = user_hd; user; user = user->next) { i++; } nprintf(circuit, "%d Station(s) connected:\r", i); for (user = user_hd; user; user = user->next) { if ((user->node == 0) || (user->node->alias == 0)) Alias = "(Corrupt Alias)"; else Alias = user->node->alias; if ((user->topic == 0) || (user->topic->name == 0)) Topic = "(Corrupt Topic)"; else Topic = user->topic->name; #ifndef LINBPQ __try { #endif if (circuit->u.user->rtflags & u_colour) // Use Colour nprintf(circuit, "\x1b%c%-6.6s at %-9.9s %s, %s [%s] Idle for %d seconds\r", user->Colour, user->call, Alias, user->name, user->qth, Topic, time(NULL) - user->lastrealmsgtime); else nprintf(circuit, "%-6.6s at %-9.9s %s, %s [%s] Idle for %d seconds\r", user->call, Alias, user->name, user->qth, Topic, time(NULL) - user->lastrealmsgtime); #ifndef LINBPQ } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Debugprintf("MAILCHAT *** Program Error in show_users"); CheckProgramErrors(); } #endif } } static void show_nodes(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit) { CHATNODE *node; nputs(circuit, "Known Nodes:\r"); for (node = node_hd; node; node = node->next) { if (node->refcnt) if (node->Version) nprintf(circuit, "%s:%s %s %u\r", node->alias, node->call, node->Version, node->refcnt); else nprintf(circuit, "%s:%s %s %u\r", node->alias, node->call, "Not Known", node->refcnt); } } // /P Command: List circuits and remote RT on them. #define xxx "\r " static void show_circuits(ChatCIRCUIT *conn, char Flag) { ChatCIRCUIT *circuit; CHATNODE *node; LINK *link; char line[1000]; int len; CN *cn; int i = 0; // First count them for (node = node_hd; node; node = node->next) { i++; } nprintf(conn, "%d Node(s)\r", i); if (Flag == 'c') sprintf(line, "Here %-6.6s <-", OurNode); else sprintf(line, "Here %-6.6s <-", OurAlias); for (node = node_hd; node; node = node->next) if (node->refcnt) { if (Flag == 'c') len = sprintf(line, "%s %s", line, node->call); else len = sprintf(line, "%s %s", line, node->alias); if (len > 80) { nprintf(conn, "%s\r", line); len = sprintf(line, " "); } } nprintf(conn, "%s\r", line); for (circuit = circuit_hd; circuit; circuit = circuit->next) { if (circuit->rtcflags & p_linked) { if (Flag == 'c') len = sprintf(line, "Nodes via %-6.6s(%d) -", circuit->u.link->call, circuit->refcnt); else len = sprintf(line, "Nodes via %-6.6s(%d) -", circuit->u.link->alias, circuit->refcnt); #ifndef LINBPQ __try{ for (cn = circuit->hnode; cn; cn = cn->next) { if (cn->node && cn->node->alias) { __try { if (Flag == 'c') len = sprintf(line, "%s %s", line, cn->node->call); else len = sprintf(line, "%s %s", line, cn->node->alias); if (len > 80) { nprintf(conn, "%s\r", line); len = sprintf(line, " "); } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {len = sprintf(line, "%s *PE* Corrupt Rec %x %x", line, cn, cn->node);} } else len = sprintf(line, "%s Corrupt Rec %x %x ", line, cn, cn->node); } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {len = sprintf(line, "%s *PE* Corrupt Rec %x %x ", line, cn, cn->node);} #else for (cn = circuit->hnode; cn; cn = cn->next) { if (cn->node && cn->node->alias) { if (Flag == 'c') len = sprintf(line, "%s %s", line, cn->node->call); else len = sprintf(line, "%s %s", line, cn->node->alias); if (len > 80) { nprintf(conn, "%s\r", line); len = sprintf(line, " "); } } else len = sprintf(line, "%s Corrupt Rec %p %p ", line, cn, cn->node); } #endif nprintf(conn, "%s\r", line); } else if (circuit->rtcflags & p_user) nprintf(conn, "User %-6.6s\r", circuit->u.user->call); else if (circuit->rtcflags & p_linkini) { if (circuit->u.link) { if (Flag == 'c') nprintf(conn, "Link %-6.6s (setup)\r", circuit->u.link->call); else nprintf(conn, "Link %-6.6s (setup)\r", circuit->u.link->alias); } else nprintf(conn, "Link ?? (setup)\r"); } } nprintf(conn, "Links Defined:\r"); for (link = link_hd; link; link = link->next) { if (link->flags & p_linked ) if (link->supportsPolls) nprintf(conn, " %-10.10s Open RTT %d\r", link->call, link->RTT); else nprintf(conn, " %-10.10s Open\r", link->call); else if (link->flags & (p_linked | p_linkini)) nprintf(conn, " %-10.10s Connecting\r", link->call); else if (link->flags & p_linkfailed) nprintf(conn, " %-10.10s Connect failed\r", link->call); else nprintf(conn, " %-10.10s Idle\r", link->call); } } // /T Command: List topics and users in them. static void show_topics(ChatCIRCUIT *conn) { TOPIC *topic; USER *user; nputs(conn, "Active Topics are:\r"); for (topic = topic_hd; topic; topic = topic->next) { nprintf(conn, "%s\r", topic->name); if (topic->refcnt) { nputs(conn, " "); for (user = user_hd; user; user = user->next) { if (user->topic == topic) nprintf(conn, " %s", user->call); } nputc(conn, '\r'); } } } static void show_users_in_topic(ChatCIRCUIT *conn) { TOPIC *topic; USER *user; nputs(conn, "Users in Topic:\r"); topic = conn->u.user->topic; { if (topic->refcnt) { for (user = user_hd; user; user = user->next) { if (user->topic == topic) nprintf(conn, "%s ", user->call); } nputc(conn, '\r'); } } } // Do a user command. int rt_cmd(ChatCIRCUIT *circuit, char * Buffer) { ChatCIRCUIT *c; USER *user, *su; char *f1, *f2; user = circuit->u.user; // user->lastsendtime = time(NULL); switch(tolower(Buffer[1])) { case 'a' : user->rtflags ^= u_bells; upduser(user); nprintf(circuit, "Alert %s\r", (user->rtflags & u_bells) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); return TRUE; case 'b' : return FALSE; case 'c' : user->rtflags ^= u_colour; upduser(user); nprintf(circuit, "Colour Mode %s\r", (user->rtflags & u_colour) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); return TRUE; case 'e' : user->rtflags ^= u_echo; upduser(user); nprintf(circuit, "Echo %s\r", (user->rtflags & u_echo) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); return TRUE; case 'f' : makelinks(); return TRUE; case 'h' : case '?' : { char * Save; char * MsgBytes = Save = ReadInfoFile("chathelp.txt"); if (MsgBytes) { int Length; // Remove lf chars Length = RemoveLF(MsgBytes, (int)strlen(MsgBytes)); ChatQueueMsg(circuit, MsgBytes, Length); free(Save); } else { nputs(circuit, "Commands can be in upper or lower case.\r"); nputs(circuit, "/U - Show Users.\r/N - Enter your Name.\r/Q - Enter your QTH.\r/T - Show Topics.\r"); nputs(circuit, "/T Name - Join Topic or Create new Topic. Topic Names are not case sensitive\r/P - Show Ports and Links.\r"); nprintf(circuit, "/A - Toggle Alert on user join - %s.\r", (user->rtflags & u_bells) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); nprintf(circuit, "/C - Toggle Colour Mode on or off (only works on Console or BPQTerm/TermTCP/QtTermTCP - %s.\r", (user->rtflags & u_colour) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); nputs(circuit, "/Codepage CPnnnn - Set Codepage to use if UTF-8 is disabled.\r"); nprintf(circuit, "/E - Toggle Echo - %s .\r", (user->rtflags & u_echo) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); nprintf(circuit, "/Keepalive - Toggle sending Keepalive messages every 10 minutes - %s.\r", (user->rtflags & u_keepalive) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); nprintf(circuit, "/ShowNames - Toggle displaying name as well as call on each message - %s\r", (user->rtflags & u_shownames) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); nprintf(circuit, "/Auto - Toggle Automatic character set selection - %s.\r", (user->rtflags & u_auto) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); nprintf(circuit, "/UTF-8 - Character set Selection - %s.\r", (user->rtflags & u_noUTF8) ? "8 Bit" : "UTF-8"); nprintf(circuit, "/Time - Toggle displaying timestamp on each message - %s.\r", (user->rtflags & u_showtime) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); nputs(circuit, "/S CALL Text - Send Text to that station only.\r"); nputs(circuit, "/F - Force all links to be made.\r/K - Show Known nodes.\r"); nputs(circuit, "/B - Leave Chat and return to node.\r/QUIT - Leave Chat and disconnect from node.\r"); nputs(circuit, "/History nn - Display chat messages received in last nn minutes.\r"); } } return TRUE; case 'k' : show_nodes(circuit); return TRUE; case 'n' : f1 = &Buffer[2]; while ((*f1 != 0) && (*f1 == ' ')) f1++; if (*f1 == 0) { nprintf(circuit, "Name is %s\r", user->name); return TRUE; } strnew(&user->name, f1); nprintf(circuit, "Name set to %s\r", user->name); upduser(user); user_tell(user, id_user); return TRUE; case 'p' : show_circuits(circuit, Buffer[3]); return TRUE; case 'q' : f1 = &Buffer[2]; while ((*f1 != 0) && (*f1 == ' ')) f1++; if (*f1 == 0) { nprintf(circuit, "QTH is %s\r", user->qth); return TRUE; } strnew(&user->qth, f1); nprintf(circuit, "QTH set to %s\r", user->qth); upduser(user); user_tell(user, id_user); return TRUE; case 's' : strcat(Buffer, "\r"); f1 = strlop(Buffer, ' '); // To. if (!f1) break; f2 = strlop(f1, ' '); // Text to send. if (!f2) break; _strupr(f1); su = user_find(f1, NULL); if (!su) { nputs(circuit, "*** That user is not logged in.\r"); return TRUE; } // Send to the desired user only. if (su->circuit->rtcflags & p_user) text_tellu(user, f2, f1, o_one); else text_xmit(user, su, f2); return TRUE; case 't' : f1 = strlop(Buffer, ' '); if (f1) { if (topic_chg(user, f1)) { nprintf(circuit, "Switched to Topic %s\r", user->topic->name); show_users_in_topic(circuit); // Tell all link circuits about the change of topic. for (c = circuit_hd; c; c = c->next) { if (c->rtcflags & p_linked) topic_xmit(user, c); } } else { // Already in topic nprintf(circuit, "You were already in Topic %s\r", user->topic->name); } } else show_topics(circuit); return TRUE; case 'u' : show_users(circuit); return TRUE; default : break; } saywhat(circuit); return TRUE; } void makelinks(void) { LINK *link; ChatCIRCUIT *circuit; // Make the links. Called every 10 seconds // Make sure previous link has completed or failed if (RunningConnectScript) { // Make sure Connect Script isn't taking too long if (time(NULL) - RunningConnectScript < 30) return; // Running too long - close it for (circuit = circuit_hd; circuit; circuit = circuit->next) { // Find the link if (circuit->rtcflags & (p_linkini)) { link = circuit->u.link; link->flags = p_linkfailed; RunningConnectScript = 0; link->scriptRunning = 0; // so it doesn't get reentered Logprintf(LOG_CHAT, circuit, '|', "Connect to %s timed out", circuit->Callsign); Disconnect(circuit->BPQStream); } } RunningConnectScript = 0; } for (link = link_hd; link; link = link->next) { // Is this link already established? if (link->flags & (p_linked | p_linkini)) continue; // Already linked through some other node? // If so, making this link would create a loop. if (node_find(link->call)) continue; // Fire up the process to handle this link. if (link->delay == 0) { link->flags = p_linkini; link->delay = 12; // 2 mins chat_link_out(link); return; // One at a time } else link->delay--; } } VOID node_close() { // Close all Node-Node Links ChatCIRCUIT *circuit; for (circuit = circuit_hd; circuit; circuit = circuit->next) { if (circuit->rtcflags & (p_linked | p_linkini | p_linkwait)) Disconnect(circuit->BPQStream); } } // Send Keepalives to all connected nodes static void node_keepalive() { ChatCIRCUIT *circuit; NeedStatus = TRUE; // Send Report to Monitor if (user_hd) // Any Users? { for (circuit = circuit_hd; circuit; circuit = circuit->next) { if (circuit->rtcflags & p_linked && circuit->u.link) { nprintf(circuit, "%c%c%s %s %s\r", FORMAT, id_keepalive, OurNode, circuit->u.link->call, Verstring); circuit->u.link->timePollSent = time(NULL); // Also acts as poll } } } else { // No users. Close links node_close(); } } VOID ChatTimer() { // Entered every 10 seconds int i = 0; ChatCIRCUIT *c; #ifndef LINBPQ int len; CHATNODE *node; TOPIC *topic; char Msg[256]; #endif USER *user; time_t NOW = time(NULL); GetSemaphore(&ChatSemaphore, 0); if (NeedStatus) { NeedStatus = FALSE; SendChatLinkStatus(); } #ifndef LINBPQ ClearDebugWindow(); WritetoDebugWindow("Chat Nodes\r\n", 12); for (node = node_hd; node; node = node->next) { len = sprintf_s(Msg, sizeof(Msg), "%s Version %s Count %d\r\n", node->call, node->Version, node->refcnt); WritetoDebugWindow(Msg, len); i++; } SetDlgItemInt(hWnd, IDC_NODES, i, FALSE); WritetoDebugWindow("Chat Links\r\n", 12); i = 0; for (c = circuit_hd; c; c = c->next) { if (c->rtcflags & p_linked) { char buff[1000]; int ptr; CT * ct; ptr = sprintf_s(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s Topics: ", c->u.user->call); if (c->topic) { for (ct = c->topic; ct; ct = ct->next) { ptr+= sprintf_s(&buff[ptr], sizeof(buff) - ptr, "%s ", ct->topic->name); } } WritetoDebugWindow(buff, ptr); WritetoDebugWindow("\r\n", 2); i++; } } SetDlgItemInt(hWnd, IDC_LINKS, i, FALSE); WritetoDebugWindow("Chat Topics\r\n", 12); i = 0; for (topic = topic_hd; topic; topic = topic->next) { len = sprintf_s(Msg, sizeof(Msg), "%s %d\r\n", topic->name, topic->refcnt); WritetoDebugWindow(Msg, len); i++; } WritetoDebugWindow("Chat Users\r\n", 12); i = 0; for (user = user_hd; user; user = user->next) { len = sprintf_s(Msg, sizeof(Msg), "%s Topic %s\r\n", user->call, (user->topic) ? user->topic->name : "** Missing Topic **"); WritetoDebugWindow(Msg, len); i++; if (user->circuit && user->circuit->rtcflags & p_user) // Local User { time_t Idle = NOW - user->lastmsgtime; if (Idle > 7200) { nprintf(user->circuit, "*** Disconnected - Idle time exceeded\r"); Sleep(1000); if (user->circuit->BPQStream < 0) { CloseConsole(user->circuit->BPQStream); break; } else { Disconnect(user->circuit->BPQStream); break; } } if ((user->rtflags & u_keepalive) && (NOW - user->lastsendtime) > 600) { nprintf(user->circuit, "Chat Keepalive\r"); user->lastsendtime = NOW; } } } SetDlgItemInt(hWnd, IDC_USERS, i, FALSE); #else for (user = user_hd; user; user = user->next) { if (user->circuit && user->circuit->rtcflags & p_user) // Local User { if ((NOW - user->lastmsgtime) > 7200) { nprintf(user->circuit, "*** Disconnected - Idle time exceeded\r"); Sleep(1000); if (user->circuit->BPQStream < 0) { CloseConsole(user->circuit->BPQStream); break; } else { Disconnect(user->circuit->BPQStream); break; } } if ((user->rtflags & u_keepalive) && (NOW - user->lastsendtime) > 600) { nprintf(user->circuit, "Chat Keepalive\r"); user->lastsendtime = NOW; } } } #endif // if no message on a Node-Node link, send poll for (c = circuit_hd; c; c = c->next) { if (c->rtcflags & p_linked && c->u.link) { time_t Now = time(NULL); LINK * Link = c->u.link; if (Now - Link->lastMsgReceived > 60) { // if we have a poll outstanding for ? 30 secs close link // but check other end can handle polls if (Link->supportsPolls && Link->timePollSent && Now - Link->timePollSent > 30) { Logprintf(LOG_CHAT, c, '|', "%s No Poll Response for %d Secs - Dropping Link", c->Callsign, Now - Link->timePollSent); Disconnect(c->BPQStream); continue; } Link->timePollSent = Now; nprintf(c, "%c%c%s %s\r", FORMAT, id_poll, OurNode, Link->call); } } } ChatTmr++; if (user_hd) // Any Users? makelinks(); if (ChatTmr > 60) // 10 Mins { ChatTmr = 1; node_keepalive(); } FreeSemaphore(&ChatSemaphore); if (NeedINFO) { NeedINFO--; if (NeedINFO == 0) { // Send INFO to Chatmap char Msg[500]; int len; NeedINFO = 360; // Send Every Hour if (Position[0]) { len = sprintf(Msg, "INFO %s|%s|%d|\r", Position, PopupText, PopupMode); if (len < 256) Send_MON_Datagram(Msg, len); } } } } VOID FreeChatMemory() { removelinks(); removeknown(); } // Find a call in the known node list. KNOWNNODE *knownnode_find(char *call) { KNOWNNODE *node; for (node = known_hd; node; node = node->next) { if (matchi(node->call, call)) break; } return node; } // Add a known node. static KNOWNNODE *knownnode_add(char *call) { KNOWNNODE *node; node = knownnode_find(call); if (!node) { node = zalloc(sizeof(KNOWNNODE)); sl_ins_hd(node, known_hd); node->call = _strdup(call); } node->LastHeard = time(NULL); return node; } static char UIDEST[10] = "DUMMY"; static char AXDEST[7]; static char ChatMYCALL[7]; #pragma pack(1) typedef struct _MESSAGEX { // BASIC LINK LEVEL MESSAGE BUFFER LAYOUT struct _MESSAGE * CHAIN; UCHAR PORT; USHORT LENGTH; UCHAR DEST[7]; UCHAR ORIGIN[7]; // MAY BE UP TO 56 BYTES OF DIGIS UCHAR CTL; UCHAR PID; UCHAR DATA[256]; }MESSAGEX, *PMESSAGEX; #pragma pack() SOCKET ChatReportSocket = 0; VOID SetupChat() { u_long param=1; BOOL bcopt=TRUE; ConvToAX25(OurNode, ChatMYCALL); ConvToAX25(UIDEST, AXDEST); sprintf(Verstring, "%d.%d.%d.%d", Ver[0], Ver[1], Ver[2], Ver[3]); LoadKnown(); ChatReportSocket = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0); if (ChatReportSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { Debugprintf("Failed to create Chat Reporting socket"); ChatReportSocket = 0; return; } ioctlsocket (ChatReportSocket, FIONBIO, ¶m); setsockopt (ChatReportSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (const char FAR *)&bcopt,4); } VOID Send_MON_Datagram(UCHAR * Msg, DWORD Len) { MESSAGEX AXMSG; PMESSAGEX AXPTR = &AXMSG; if (Len > 256) { Debugprintf("Send_MON_Datagram Error Msg = %s Len = %d", Msg, Len); return; } // ConvToAX25("GM4OAS-5", ChatMYCALL); // Block includes the Msg Header (7 bytes), Len Does not! memcpy(AXPTR->DEST, AXDEST, 7); memcpy(AXPTR->ORIGIN, ChatMYCALL, 7); AXPTR->DEST[6] &= 0x7e; // Clear End of Call AXPTR->DEST[6] |= 0x80; // set Command Bit AXPTR->ORIGIN[6] |= 1; // Set End of Call AXPTR->CTL = 3; //UI AXPTR->PID = 0xf0; memcpy(AXPTR->DATA, Msg, Len); SendChatReport(ChatReportSocket, (char *)&AXMSG.DEST, Len + 16); return; } VOID SendChatLinkStatus() { char Msg[256] = {0}; LINK * link; int len = 0; ChatCIRCUIT *circuit; if (ChatApplNum == 0) return; // if (AXIPPort == 0) // return; if (ChatMYCALL[0] == 0) return; for (link = link_hd; link; link = link->next) { if (link->flags & p_linked) { // Verify connection for (circuit = circuit_hd; circuit; circuit = circuit->next) { if (strcmp(circuit->Callsign, link->alias) == 0) { if (circuit->Active == 0) { // BPQ Session is dead - Simulate a Disconnect circuit->Active = TRUE; // So disconnect will work Disconnected(circuit->BPQStream); NeedStatus = TRUE; // Reenter return; // Link Chain has changed } break; } } if (circuit == 0) { // No BPQ Session - is the only answer to restart the node? // Logprintf(LOG_DEBUGx, NULL, '!', "Stuck Chat Sesion Detected"); // Logprintf(LOG_DEBUGx, NULL, '!', "Chat is a mess - forcing a restart"); // ProgramErrors = 26; // CheckProgramErrors(); } } len = sprintf(Msg, "%s%s %c ", Msg, link->call, '0' + link->flags); if (len > 240) break; } Msg[len++] = '\r'; Send_MON_Datagram(Msg, len); } VOID ClearChatLinkStatus() { LINK * link; for (link = link_hd; link; link = link->next) { link->flags = 0; } } BOOL ProcessChatConnectScript(ChatCIRCUIT * conn, char * Buffer, int len) { LINK * link = conn->u.link; char ** Scripts; ChatWriteLogLine(conn, '<', Buffer, len-1, LOG_CHAT); Buffer[len] = 0; _strupr(Buffer); Scripts = link->ConnectScript; if (strstr(Buffer, "BUSY") || strstr(Buffer, "FAILURE") || (strstr(Buffer, "DOWNLINK") && strstr(Buffer, "ATTEMPTING") == 0) || strstr(Buffer, "SORRY") || strstr(Buffer, "INVALID") || strstr(Buffer, "RETRIED") || strstr(Buffer, "NO CONNECTION TO") || strstr(Buffer, "ERROR - ") || strstr(Buffer, "UNABLE TO CONNECT") || strstr(Buffer, "DISCONNECTED") || strstr(Buffer, "FAILED TO CONNECT") || strstr(Buffer, "REJECTED")) { // Connect Failed link->flags = p_linkfailed; RunningConnectScript = 0; link->scriptRunning = 0; // so it doesn't get reentered Disconnect(conn->BPQStream); return FALSE; } // The pointer is only updated when we get the connect, so we can tell when the last line is acked // The first entry is always from Connected event, so don't have to worry about testing entry -1 below if (link->RTLSent) { RunningConnectScript = 0; link->scriptRunning = 0; link->RTLSent = 0; if (memcmp(Buffer, "OK", 2) == 0) { // Reply to *RTL // Make sure node isn't known. There is a window here that could cause a loop if (node_find(conn->u.link->call)) { Logprintf(LOG_CHAT, conn, '|', "Dropping link with %s to prevent a loop", conn->Callsign); Disconnect(conn->BPQStream); return FALSE; } conn->u.link->flags = p_linked; conn->rtcflags = p_linked; state_tell(conn, conn->FBBReplyChars); NeedStatus = TRUE; return TRUE; } // Some other response to *RTL - disconnect Logprintf(LOG_CHAT, conn, '|', "Unexpected Response %s to *RTL - Dropping link", Buffer); Disconnect(conn->BPQStream); return FALSE; } if (strstr(Buffer, " CONNECTED") || strstr(Buffer, "PACLEN") || strstr(Buffer, "IDLETIME") || strstr(Buffer, "OK") || strstr(Buffer, "###LINK MADE") || strstr(Buffer, "VIRTUAL CIRCUIT ESTABLISHED")) { char * Cmd; LoopBack: Cmd = Scripts[++link->ScriptIndex]; // Only Check until script is finished if (Cmd == 0 || link->ScriptIndex >= link->Lines) { link->MoreLines = FALSE; return TRUE; } if (Cmd && (strcmp(Cmd, " ") == 0 || Cmd[0] == ';' || Cmd[0] == '#')) goto LoopBack; // Blank line // Replace \ with # so can send commands starting with # if (Cmd[0] == '\\') { Cmd[0] = '#'; nprintf(conn, "%s\r", Cmd); Cmd[0] = '\\'; // Put \ back in script } else nprintf(conn, "%s\r", Cmd); return TRUE; } if (memcmp(Buffer, "[BPQCHATSERVER-", 15) == 0) { char * ptr = strchr(Buffer, ']'); if (ptr) { *ptr = 0; strcpy(conn->FBBReplyChars, &Buffer[15]); } else conn->FBBReplyChars[0] = 0; // Connected - Send *RTL nputs(conn, "*RTL\r"); // Log in to the remote RT system. conn->u.link->timePollSent = time(NULL); // Keepalive is a poll nprintf(conn, "%c%c%s %s %s\r", FORMAT, id_keepalive, OurNode, conn->u.link->call, Verstring); link->RTLSent = 1; conn->u.link->lastMsgSent = time(NULL); return TRUE; } // Anthing else could be ctext. etc. Ignore return TRUE; } #ifdef LINBPQ // LINCHAT specific code extern struct SEM OutputSEM; static config_t cfg; static config_setting_t * group; extern char pgm[256]; char ChatSYSOPCall[50] = ""; VOID ChatSendWelcomeMsg(int Stream, ChatCIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user); int ChatConnected(int Stream) { int n; ChatCIRCUIT * conn; struct UserInfo * user = NULL; char callsign[10]; int port, paclen, maxframe, l4window; char ConnectedMsg[] = "*** CONNECTED "; char Msg[100]; LINK *link; KNOWNNODE *node; for (n = 0; n < NumberofChatStreams; n++) { conn = &ChatConnections[n]; if (Stream == conn->BPQStream) { if (conn->Active) { // Probably an outgoing connect if (conn->rtcflags == p_linkini) { conn->paclen = chatPaclen; // Run first line of connect script ProcessChatConnectScript(conn, ConnectedMsg, 15); // nprintf(conn, "c %s\r", conn->u.link->call); } return 0; } memset(conn, 0, sizeof(ChatCIRCUIT)); // Clear everything conn->Active = TRUE; conn->BPQStream = Stream; conn->Secure_Session = GetConnectionInfo(Stream, callsign, &port, &conn->SessType, &paclen, &maxframe, &l4window); if (paclen == 0) paclen = 256; if (paclen > chatPaclen) paclen = chatPaclen; conn->paclen = paclen; strlop(callsign, ' '); // Remove trailing spaces memcpy(conn->Callsign, callsign, 10); strlop(callsign, '-'); // Remove any SSID user = zalloc(sizeof(struct UserInfo)); strcpy(user->Call, callsign); conn->UserPointer = user; n=sprintf_s(Msg, sizeof(Msg), "Incoming Connect from %s", user->Call); // Send SID and Prompt ChatWriteLogLine(conn, '|',Msg, n, LOG_CHAT); conn->Flags |= CHATMODE; nprintf(conn, ChatSID, Ver[0], Ver[1], Ver[2], Ver[3]); // See if from a defined node for (link = link_hd; link; link = link->next) { if (matchi(conn->Callsign, link->call)) { conn->rtcflags = p_linkwait; return 0; // Wait for *RTL } } // See if from a previously known node node = knownnode_find(conn->Callsign); if (node) { // A node is trying to link, but we don't have it defined - close Logprintf(LOG_CHAT, conn, '!', "Node %s connected, but is not defined as a Node - closing", conn->Callsign); nprintf(conn, "Node %s does not have %s defined as a node to link to - closing.\r", OurNode, conn->Callsign); ChatFlush(conn); Sleep(500); conn->rtcflags = p_nil; Disconnect(conn->BPQStream); return 0; } if (user->Name[0] == 0) { char * Name = lookupuser(user->Call); if (Name) { if (strlen(Name) > 17) Name[17] = 0; strcpy(user->Name, Name); free(Name); } else { conn->Flags |= GETTINGUSER; nputs(conn, NewUserPrompt); return TRUE; } } ChatSendWelcomeMsg(Stream, conn, user); RefreshMainWindow(); ChatFlush(conn); return 0; } } return 0; } int ChatDisconnected (ChatCIRCUIT * conn) { struct UserInfo * user = NULL; int Stream = conn->BPQStream; char Msg[255]; int len; if (conn->Active == FALSE) return 0; ChatClearQueue(conn); conn->Active = FALSE; if (conn->Flags & CHATMODE) { if (conn->Flags & CHATLINK && conn->u.link) { // if running connect script, clear script active if (conn->u.link->flags & p_linkini) { RunningConnectScript = 0; conn->u.link->scriptRunning = 0; } len=sprintf_s(Msg, sizeof(Msg), "Chat Node %s Disconnected", conn->u.link->call); ChatWriteLogLine(conn, '|',Msg, len, LOG_CHAT); link_drop(conn); } else { len=sprintf_s(Msg, sizeof(Msg), "Chat User %s Disconnected", conn->Callsign); ChatWriteLogLine(conn, '|',Msg, len, LOG_CHAT); logout(conn); } conn->Flags = 0; conn->u.link = NULL; conn->UserPointer = NULL; return 0; } return 0; } int ChatDoReceivedData(ChatCIRCUIT * conn) { int count, InputLen; UINT MsgLen; int Stream = conn->BPQStream; struct UserInfo * user; char * ptr, * ptr2; char Buffer[10000]; // May have several messages per packet, or message split over packets if (conn->InputLen + 1000 > 10000) // Shouldnt have lines longer than this in text mode conn->InputLen = 0; // discard GetMsg(Stream, &conn->InputBuffer[conn->InputLen], &InputLen, &count); if (InputLen == 0) return 0; conn->Watchdog = 900; // 15 Minutes conn->InputLen += InputLen; loop: if (conn->InputLen == 1 && conn->InputBuffer[0] == 0) // Single Null { conn->InputLen = 0; if (conn->u.user->circuit && conn->u.user->circuit->rtcflags & p_user) // Local User conn->u.user->lastmsgtime = time(NULL); return 0; } ptr = memchr(conn->InputBuffer, '\r', conn->InputLen); if (ptr) // CR in buffer { user = conn->UserPointer; ptr2 = &conn->InputBuffer[conn->InputLen]; if (++ptr == ptr2) { // Usual Case - single meg in buffer if (conn->rtcflags == p_linkini) // Chat Connect ProcessChatConnectScript(conn, conn->InputBuffer, conn->InputLen); else ProcessChatLine(conn, user, conn->InputBuffer, conn->InputLen); conn->InputLen=0; } else { // buffer contains more that 1 message MsgLen = conn->InputLen - (int)(ptr2-ptr); memcpy(Buffer, conn->InputBuffer, MsgLen); if (conn->rtcflags == p_linkini) ProcessChatConnectScript(conn, Buffer, MsgLen); else ProcessChatLine(conn, user, Buffer, MsgLen); if (*ptr == 0 || *ptr == '\n') { /// CR LF or CR Null ptr++; conn->InputLen--; } memmove(conn->InputBuffer, ptr, conn->InputLen-MsgLen); conn->InputLen -= MsgLen; goto loop; } } return 0; } int ChatPollStreams() { int state,change; ChatCIRCUIT * conn; int n; struct UserInfo * user = NULL; char ConnectedMsg[] = "*** CONNECTED "; for (n = 0; n < NumberofChatStreams; n++) { conn = &ChatConnections[n]; SessionState(conn->BPQStream, &state, &change); if (change == 1) { if (state == 1) // Connected { GetSemaphore(&ConSemaphore, 0); ChatConnected(conn->BPQStream); FreeSemaphore(&ConSemaphore); } else { GetSemaphore(&ConSemaphore, 0); ChatDisconnected(conn); FreeSemaphore(&ConSemaphore); } } ChatDoReceivedData(conn); } return 0; } BOOL GetChatConfig(char * ConfigName) { config_init(&cfg); /* Read the file. If there is an error, report it and exit. */ if(! config_read_file(&cfg, ConfigName)) { fprintf(stderr, "%d - %s\n", config_error_line(&cfg), config_error_text(&cfg)); config_destroy(&cfg); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } group = config_lookup (&cfg, "Chat"); if (group == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; ChatApplNum = GetIntValue(group, "ApplNum"); MaxChatStreams = GetIntValue(group, "MaxStreams"); reportChatEvents = GetIntValue(group, "reportChatEvents"); chatPaclen = GetIntValue(group, "chatPaclen"); GetStringValue(group, "OtherChatNodes", OtherNodesList, 1000); GetStringValue(group, "ChatWelcomeMsg", ChatWelcomeMsg, 1000); GetStringValue(group, "MapPosition", Position, 81); GetStringValue(group, "MapPopup", PopupText, 260); PopupMode = GetIntValue(group, "PopupMode"); if (chatPaclen == 0) chatPaclen = 236; if (chatPaclen < 60) chatPaclen = 60; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } VOID SaveChatConfigFile(char * ConfigName) { config_setting_t *root, *group; // Get rid of old config before saving config_init(&cfg); root = config_root_setting(&cfg); group = config_setting_add(root, "Chat", CONFIG_TYPE_GROUP); SaveIntValue(group, "ApplNum", ChatApplNum); SaveIntValue(group, "MaxStreams", MaxChatStreams); SaveIntValue(group, "reportChatEvents", reportChatEvents); SaveIntValue(group, "chatPaclen", chatPaclen); SaveStringValue(group, "OtherChatNodes", OtherNodesList); SaveStringValue(group, "ChatWelcomeMsg", ChatWelcomeMsg); SaveStringValue(group, "MapPosition", Position); SaveStringValue(group, "MapPopup", PopupText); SaveIntValue(group, "PopupMode", PopupMode); if(! config_write_file(&cfg, ConfigName)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error while writing file.\n"); config_destroy(&cfg); return; } config_destroy(&cfg); } BOOL ChatInit() { char * ptr1 = GetApplCall(ChatApplNum); char * ptr2; char * Context; int i; ChatCIRCUIT * conn; if (*ptr1 < 0x21) { printf("No APPLCALL for Chat APPL\n"); return FALSE; } memcpy(OurNode, ptr1, 10); strlop(OurNode, ' '); ptr1 = GetApplAlias(ChatApplNum); memcpy(OurAlias, ptr1,10); strlop(OurAlias, ' '); if (ChatSYSOPCall[0] == 0) { strcpy(ChatSYSOPCall, OurNode); strlop(ChatSYSOPCall, '-'); } sprintf(ChatSignoffMsg, "73 de %s\r", ChatSYSOPCall); if (ChatWelcomeMsg[0] == 0) sprintf(ChatWelcomeMsg, "%s's Chat Server.$WType /h for command summary.$WBringing up links to other nodes.$W" "This may take a minute or two.$WThe /p command shows what nodes are linked.$W", ChatSYSOPCall); ChatApplMask = 1<<(ChatApplNum-1); // Set up other nodes list. rtlink messes with the string so pass copy // On first run config will have spaces not newlines if (strchr(OtherNodesList, '\r')) // Has connect script entries { ptr2 = ptr1 = strtok_s(_strdup(OtherNodesList), "\r\n", &Context); while (ptr1 && ptr1[0]) { rtlink(ptr1); ptr1 = strtok_s(NULL, "\r\n", &Context); } } else { ptr2 = ptr1 = strtok_s(_strdup(OtherNodesList), " ,\r", &Context); while (ptr1) { rtlink(ptr1); ptr1 = strtok_s(NULL, " ,\r", &Context); } } free(ptr2); SetupChat(); // Allocate Streams strcpy(pgm, "CHAT"); for (i = 0; i < MaxChatStreams; i++) { conn = &ChatConnections[i]; conn->BPQStream = FindFreeStream(); if (conn->BPQStream == 255) break; NumberofChatStreams++; SetAppl(conn->BPQStream, 3, ChatApplMask); Disconnect(conn->BPQStream); } strcpy(pgm, "LINBPQ"); return TRUE; } #endif void ChatFlush(ChatCIRCUIT * conn) { int tosend, len, sent; // Try to send data to user. May be stopped by user paging or node flow control // UCHAR * OutputQueue; // Messages to user // int OutputQueueLength; // Total Malloc'ed size. Also Put Pointer for next Message // int OutputGetPointer; // Next byte to send. When Getpointer = Quele Length all is sent - free the buffer and start again. // BOOL Paging; // Set if user wants paging // int LinesSent; // Count when paging // int PageLen; // Lines per page tosend = conn->OutputQueueLength - conn->OutputGetPointer; sent = 0; while (tosend > 0) { if (TXCount(conn->BPQStream) > 4) return; // Busy if (tosend <= conn->paclen) len = tosend; else len=conn->paclen; GetSemaphore(&OutputSEM, 0); SendUnbuffered(conn->BPQStream, &conn->OutputQueue[conn->OutputGetPointer], len); conn->OutputGetPointer += len; FreeSemaphore(&OutputSEM); tosend -= len; sent++; if (sent > 4) return; } // All Sent. Free buffers and reset pointers ChatClearQueue(conn); } VOID ChatClearQueue(ChatCIRCUIT * conn) { GetSemaphore(&OutputSEM, 0); conn->OutputGetPointer = 0; conn->OutputQueueLength = 0; FreeSemaphore(&OutputSEM); } #ifdef LINBPQ void ChatTrytoSend() { // call Flush on any connected streams with queued data ChatCIRCUIT * conn; int n; for (n = 0; n < NumberofChatStreams; n++) { conn = &ChatConnections[n]; if (conn->Active == TRUE) ChatFlush(conn); } } VOID CloseChat() { int BPQStream, n; for (n = 0; n < NumberofChatStreams; n++) { BPQStream = ChatConnections[n].BPQStream; if (BPQStream) { SetAppl(BPQStream, 0, 0); Disconnect(BPQStream); DeallocateStream(BPQStream); } } ClearChatLinkStatus(); SendChatLinkStatus(); Sleep(1000); // A bit of time for links to close SendChatLinkStatus(); // Send again to reduce chance of being missed FreeChatMemory(); } VOID SendChatReport(SOCKET ChatReportSocket, char * buff, int txlen) { unsigned short int crc = compute_crc(buff, txlen); crc ^= 0xffff; buff[txlen++] = (crc&0xff); buff[txlen++] = (crc>>8); sendto(ChatReportSocket, buff, txlen, 0, (LPSOCKADDR)&Chatreportdest, sizeof(Chatreportdest)); } #endif #ifndef WIN32 #define INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE (void *)-1 #endif static FILE * LogHandle[4] = {INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE}; static time_t LastLogTime[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; static char FilesNames[4][100] = {"", "", "", ""}; static char * Logs[4] = {"BBS", "CHAT", "TCP", "DEBUG"}; BOOL ChatOpenLogfile(int Flags) { UCHAR FN[MAX_PATH]; time_t LT; struct tm * tm; LT = time(NULL); tm = gmtime(<); sprintf(FN,"%s/logs/log_%02d%02d%02d_%s.txt", GetLogDirectory(), tm->tm_year-100, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday, Logs[Flags]); LogHandle[Flags] = fopen(FN, "ab"); #ifndef WIN32 if (strcmp(FN, &FilesNames[Flags][0])) { UCHAR SYMLINK[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(SYMLINK,"%s/logLatest_%s.txt", GetBPQDirectory(), Logs[Flags]); unlink(SYMLINK); strcpy(&FilesNames[Flags][0], FN); symlink(FN, SYMLINK); } #endif return (LogHandle[Flags] != NULL); } void ChatWriteLogLine(ChatCIRCUIT * conn, int Flag, char * Msg, int MsgLen, int Flags) { char CRLF[2] = {0x0d,0x0a}; struct tm * tm; char Stamp[20]; time_t T; #ifndef LINBPQ if (hMonitor) { if (Flags == LOG_CHAT) { WritetoMonitorWindow((char *)&Flag, 1); if (conn && conn->Callsign[0]) { char call[20]; sprintf(call, "%s ", conn->Callsign); WritetoMonitorWindow(call, 10); } else WritetoMonitorWindow(" ", 10); WritetoMonitorWindow(Msg, MsgLen); if (Msg[MsgLen-1] != '\r') WritetoMonitorWindow(CRLF , 1); } else if (Flags == LOG_DEBUGx) { WritetoMonitorWindow((char *)&Flag, 1); WritetoMonitorWindow(Msg, MsgLen); WritetoMonitorWindow(CRLF , 1); } } #endif if (Flags == LOG_CHAT && !LogCHAT) return; if (LogHandle[Flags] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ChatOpenLogfile(Flags); if (LogHandle[Flags] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; T = time(NULL); tm = gmtime(&T); sprintf(Stamp,"%02d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %c", tm->tm_year-100, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, Flag); fwrite(Stamp, 1, strlen(Stamp), LogHandle[Flags]); if (conn && conn->Callsign[0]) { char call[20]; sprintf(call, "%s ", conn->Callsign); fwrite(call, 1, 10, LogHandle[Flags]); } else fwrite(" ", 1, 10, LogHandle[Flags]); fwrite(Msg, 1, MsgLen, LogHandle[Flags]); if (Flags == LOG_CHAT && Msg[MsgLen-1] == '\r') fwrite(&CRLF[1], 1, 1, LogHandle[Flags]); else fwrite(CRLF, 1, 2, LogHandle[Flags]); fclose(LogHandle[Flags]); LogHandle[Flags] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }