/* Copyright 2001-2022 John Wiseman G8BPQ This file is part of LinBPQ/BPQ32. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LinBPQ/BPQ32. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ // Module to provide a basic Gateway between IP over AX.25 and the Internet. // Uses WinPcap on Windows, TAP Driver on Linux // Basically operates as a mac level bridge, with headers converted between ax.25 and Ethernet. // ARP frames are also reformatted, and monitored to build a simple routing table. // Apps may not use ARP (MSYS is configured with an ax.25 default route, rather than an IP one), // so the default route must be configured. // Intended as a gateway for legacy apps, rather than a full function ip over ax.25 router. // Suggested config is to use the Internet Ethernet Adapter, behind a NAT/PAT Router. // The ax.25 applications will appear as single addresses on the Ethernet LAN // The code can also switch packets between ax.25 interfaces // First Version, July 2008 // Version 1.2.1 January 2009 // Add IP Address Mapping option // June 2014. Convert to Router instead of MAC Bridge, and include a RIP44 decoder // so packets can be routed from RF to/from encapsulated 44 net subnets. // Routes may also be learned from received RF packets, or added from config file /* TODo ?Multiple Adapters */ // ip tuntap add dev bpqtap mode tap // ifconfig bpqtap mtu 256 up #pragma data_seg("_BPQDATA") #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #include #include #include "cheaders.h" #include "ipcode.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "pcap.h" #endif #ifndef LINBPQ #include "kernelresource.h" LRESULT CALLBACK ResWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #endif //#define s_addr S_un.S_addr extern BPQVECSTRUC * IPHOSTVECTORPTR; BOOL APIENTRY Send_AX(PMESSAGE Block, DWORD Len, UCHAR Port); VOID SENDSABM(struct _LINKTABLE * LINK); BOOL FindLink(UCHAR * LinkCall, UCHAR * OurCall, int Port, struct _LINKTABLE ** REQLINK); BOOL ProcessConfig(); VOID RemoveARP(PARPDATA Arp); VOID ProcessTunnelMsg(PIPMSG IPptr); VOID ProcessRIP44Message(PIPMSG IPptr); PROUTEENTRY LookupRoute(uint32_t IPADDR, uint32_t Mask, BOOL Add, BOOL * Found); BOOL ProcessROUTELine(char * buf, BOOL Locked); VOID DoRouteTimer(); PROUTEENTRY FindRoute(uint32_t IPADDR); VOID SendIPtoEncap(PIPMSG IPptr, uint32_t Encap); USHORT Generate_CHECKSUM(VOID * ptr1, int Len); static VOID MapRouteIPMsg(PIPMSG IPptr); BOOL Check_Checksum(VOID * ptr1, int Len); static BOOL Send_ETH(VOID * Block, DWORD len); VOID ProcessEthARPMsg(PETHARP arpptr); static VOID SendARPMsg(PARPDATA Arp); VOID SendICMPTimeExceeded(PIPMSG IPptr); #define ARPTIMEOUT 3600 // ARP REQUEST/REPLY (Eth) static ETHARP ETHARPREQMSG = {0}; static ARPDATA ** ARPRecords = NULL; // ARP Table - malloc'ed as needed static int NumberofARPEntries = 0; static ROUTEENTRY ** RouteRecords = NULL; static int NumberofRoutes = 0; //HANDLE hBPQNET = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static uint32_t OurIPAddr = 0; static uint32_t OurIPBroadcast = 0; static uint32_t OurNetMask = 0xffffffff; static BOOL WantTAP = FALSE; static BOOL WantEncap = 0; // Run RIP44 and Net44 Encap static int IPTTL = 128; static int FramesForwarded = 0; static int FramesDropped = 0; static int ARPTimeouts = 0; static int SecTimer = 10; static BOOL NeedResolver = FALSE; static HMENU hMenu; extern HMENU hWndMenu; static HMENU hPopMenu; extern HKEY REGTREE; extern int OffsetH, OffsetW; extern HMENU hMainFrameMenu, hBaseMenu; extern HWND ClientWnd, FrameWnd; static int map_table_len = 0; //int index=0; // pointer for table search static int ResolveIndex=-1; // pointer to entry being resolved static struct map_table_entry map_table[MAX_ENTRIES]; static int Windowlength, WindowParam; static time_t ltime,lasttime; static char ConfigClassName[]="CONFIG"; HWND hIPResWnd = 0; BOOL IPMinimized; static int baseline=0; static unsigned char hostaddr[64]; // Following two fields used by stats to get round shared memmory problem static ARPDATA Arp={0}; static int ARPFlag = -1; // Following Buffer is used for msgs from WinPcap. Put the Enet message part way down the buffer, // so there is room for ax.25 header instead of Enet header when we route the frame to ax.25 // Enet Header ia 14 bytes, AX.25 UI is 16 // Also used to reassemble NOS Fragmented ax.25 packets static UCHAR Buffer[4096] = {0}; #define EthOffset 30 // Should be plenty static DWORD IPLen = 0; #ifdef WIN32 static UCHAR ourMACAddr[6] = {02,'B','P','Q',3,48}; #else UCHAR ourMACAddr[6] = {02,'B','P','Q',0,1}; #endif static LONG DefaultIPAddr = 0; static IPSTATS IPStats = {0}; static UCHAR BPQDirectory[260]; static char ARPFN[MAX_PATH]; static HANDLE handle; #ifdef WIN32 static pcap_t *adhandle = 0; static pcap_t * (FAR * pcap_open_livex)(const char *, int, int, int, char *); static int pcap_reopen_delay; #endif static char Adapter[256]; static int Promiscuous = 1; // Default to Promiscuous #ifdef WIN32 static HINSTANCE PcapDriver=0; typedef int (FAR *FARPROCX)(); static int (FAR * pcap_sendpacketx)(); static FARPROCX pcap_compilex; static FARPROCX pcap_setfilterx; static FARPROCX pcap_datalinkx; static FARPROCX pcap_next_exx; static FARPROCX pcap_geterrx; static char Dllname[6]="wpcap"; FARPROCX GetAddress(char * Proc); #else #define pcap_compilex pcap_compile #define pcap_open_livex pcap_open_live #define pcap_setfilterx pcap_setfilter #define pcap_datalinkx pcap_datalink #define pcap_next_exx pcap_next_ex #define pcap_geterrx pcap_geterr #define pcap_sendpacketx pcap_sendpacket #endif VOID __cdecl Debugprintf(const char * format, ...); static HANDLE hInstance; void OpenTAP(); Dll BOOL APIENTRY Init_PM() { ARPDATA * ARPptr; if (hIPResWnd) { PostMessage(hIPResWnd, WM_CLOSE,0,0); // DestroyWindow(hIPResWnd); Debugprintf("IP Init Destroying IP Resolver"); } hIPResWnd= NULL; ARPRecords = NULL; // ARP Table - malloc'ed as needed NumberofARPEntries=0; RouteRecords = NULL; NumberofRoutes = 0; ReadConfigFile(); // Clear old packets memset(ETHARPREQMSG.MSGHDDR.DEST, 255, 6); memcpy(ETHARPREQMSG.MSGHDDR.SOURCE, ourMACAddr, 6); ETHARPREQMSG.MSGHDDR.ETYPE = 0x0608; // ARP ETHARPREQMSG.HWTYPE=0x0100; // Eth ETHARPREQMSG.PID=0x0008; ETHARPREQMSG.HWADDRLEN = 6; ETHARPREQMSG.IPADDRLEN = 4; #ifdef WIN32 // // Open PCAP Driver if (Adapter[0]) // Don't have to have ethernet, if used just as ip over ax.25 switch { char buf[80]; if (OpenPCAP()) sprintf(buf,"Portmapper Using %s\n", Adapter); else sprintf(buf," Portmapper Unable to open %s\n", Adapter); WritetoConsoleLocal(buf); if (adhandle == NULL) { WritetoConsoleLocal("Failed to open pcap device - Portmapper Disabled\n"); return FALSE; } // Allocate ARP Entry for Default Gateway, and send ARP for it if (DefaultIPAddr) { ARPptr = AllocARPEntry(); if (ARPptr != NULL) { ARPptr->ARPINTERFACE = 255; ARPptr->ARPTYPE = 'E'; ARPptr->IPADDR = DefaultIPAddr; ARPptr->LOCKED = TRUE; SendARPMsg(ARPptr); } } } #else // Linux - if TAP requested, open it #ifndef MACBPQ if (WantTAP) OpenTAP(); #endif #endif #ifndef LINBPQ if (NeedResolver) { WNDCLASS wc; int i; char WindowTitle[100]; int retCode, Type, Vallen; HKEY hKey; char Size[80]; RECT Rect = {0,0,0,0}; retCode = RegOpenKeyEx (REGTREE, "SOFTWARE\\G8BPQ\\BPQ32", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if (retCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Vallen=80; retCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,"IPResSize",0, (uint32_t *)&Type,(UCHAR *)&Size,(uint32_t *)&Vallen); if (retCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) sscanf(Size,"%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",&Rect.left,&Rect.right,&Rect.top,&Rect.bottom, &IPMinimized); if (Rect.top < - 500 || Rect.left < - 500) { Rect.left = 0; Rect.top = 0; Rect.right = 600; Rect.bottom = 400; } RegCloseKey(hKey); } // Fill in window class structure with parameters that describe // the main window. wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_NOCLOSE; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)ResWndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hIcon = LoadIcon (hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(BPQICON)); wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1); wc.lpszMenuName = NULL ; wc.lpszClassName = "IPAppName"; // Register the window classes RegisterClass(&wc); i=GetLastError(); Windowlength=(map_table_len)*14+100; WindowParam=WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VSCROLL; sprintf(WindowTitle,"PortM Resolver"); hIPResWnd = CreateMDIWindow("IPAppName", WindowTitle, WindowParam, Rect.left - (OffsetW /2), Rect.top - OffsetH, Rect.right - Rect.left, Rect.bottom - Rect.top, ClientWnd, hInstance, 1234); hPopMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(hPopMenu, MF_STRING, BPQREREAD, "ReRead Config"); SetScrollRange(hIPResWnd,SB_VERT,0, map_table_len,TRUE); if (IPMinimized) ShowWindow(hIPResWnd, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED); else ShowWindow(hIPResWnd, SW_RESTORE); _beginthread(IPResolveNames, 0, NULL ); } #endif WritetoConsoleLocal("Portmapper Enabled\n"); return TRUE; } VOID PMClose() { } union { struct sockaddr_in rxaddr; struct sockaddr_in6 rxaddr6; } RXaddr; Dll BOOL APIENTRY Poll_PM() { int res; struct pcap_pkthdr *header; const u_char *pkt_data; // Entered every 100 mS // if ARPFlag set, copy requested ARP record (For BPQStatus GUI) if (ARPFlag != -1) { memcpy(&Arp, ARPRecords[ARPFlag], sizeof (ARPDATA)); ARPFlag = -1; } SecTimer--; if (SecTimer == 0) { SecTimer = 10; DoARPTimer(); DoRouteTimer(); } Pollloop: #ifdef WIN32 if (adhandle) { res = pcap_next_exx(adhandle, &header, &pkt_data); if (res > 0) { PETHMSG ethptr = (PETHMSG)&Buffer[EthOffset]; if (header->len > 1514) { // Debugprintf("Ether Packet Len = %d", header->len); goto Pollloop; } memcpy(&Buffer[EthOffset],pkt_data, header->len); if (ethptr->ETYPE == 0x0008) { ProcessEthIPMsg((PETHMSG)&Buffer[EthOffset]); // PIPMSG ipptr = (PIPMSG)&Buffer[EthOffset+14]; // ProcessIPMsg(ipptr, ethptr->SOURCE, 'E', 255); goto Pollloop; } if (ethptr->ETYPE == 0x0608) { ProcessEthARPMsg((PETHARP)ethptr); goto Pollloop; } // Ignore anything else goto Pollloop; } else { if (res < 0) { char * error = (char *)pcap_geterrx(adhandle) ; Debugprintf(error); if (OpenPCAP() == FALSE) pcap_reopen_delay = 300; } } } else { // No handle. if (Adapter[0]) // Don't have to have ethernet, if used just as ip over ax.25 switch { // Try reopening periodically pcap_reopen_delay --; if (pcap_reopen_delay < 0) if (OpenPCAP() == FALSE) pcap_reopen_delay = 300; // Retry every 30 seconds } } #endif return TRUE; } static BOOL Send_ETH(VOID * Block, DWORD len) { #ifdef WIN32 if (adhandle) { // if (len < 60) len = 60; // Send down the packet pcap_sendpacketx(adhandle, // Adapter Block, // buffer with the packet len); // size } #endif return TRUE; } static VOID SendIPtoBPQDEV(PIPMSG IPptr, UCHAR * HWADDR) { // AX.25 headers are bigger, so there will always be room in buffer for enet header PETHMSG Ethptr = (PETHMSG)IPptr; int Len; (UCHAR *)Ethptr--; Len = ntohs(IPptr->IPLENGTH); Len+=14; // Add eth Header memcpy(Ethptr->DEST, HWADDR, 6); memcpy(Ethptr->SOURCE, ourMACAddr, 6); Ethptr->ETYPE= 0x0008; Send_ETH(Ethptr,Len); return; } static VOID ProcessEthIPMsg(PETHMSG Buffer) { PIPMSG ipptr = (PIPMSG)&Buffer[1]; if (memcmp(Buffer, ourMACAddr,6 ) != 0) return; // Not for us if (memcmp(&Buffer[6], ourMACAddr,6 ) == 0) return; // Discard our sends // if Checkum offload is active we get the packet before the NIC sees it (from PCAP) if (ipptr->IPCHECKSUM == 0) // Windows seems to do this { // Generate IP and TCP/UDP checksums int Len = ntohs(ipptr->IPLENGTH); Len-=20; ipptr->IPCHECKSUM = Generate_CHECKSUM(ipptr, 20); if (ipptr->IPPROTOCOL == 6) // TCP { PTCPMSG TCP = (PTCPMSG)&ipptr->Data; PHEADER PH = {0}; PH.IPPROTOCOL = 6; PH.LENGTH = htons(Len); memcpy(&PH.IPSOURCE, &ipptr->IPSOURCE, 4); memcpy(&PH.IPDEST, &ipptr->IPDEST, 4); TCP->CHECKSUM = ~Generate_CHECKSUM(&PH, 12); TCP->CHECKSUM = Generate_CHECKSUM(TCP, Len); } } ProcessIPMsg(ipptr, Buffer->SOURCE, 'E', 255); } static VOID ProcessEthARPMsg(PETHARP arpptr) { int i=0; PARPDATA Arp; BOOL Found; if (memcmp(&arpptr->MSGHDDR.SOURCE, ourMACAddr,6 ) == 0 ) return; // Discard our sends switch (arpptr->ARPOPCODE) { case 0x0100: // We should only accept requests from our subnet - we might have more than one net on iterface if ((arpptr->SENDIPADDR & OurNetMask) != (OurIPAddr & OurNetMask)) return; if (arpptr->TARGETIPADDR == 0) // Request for return; // Add to our table, as we will almost certainly want to send back to it Arp = LookupARP(arpptr->SENDIPADDR, TRUE, &Found); if (Found) goto AlreadyThere; // Already there if (Arp == NULL) return; // No point of table full Arp->IPADDR = arpptr->SENDIPADDR; Arp->ARPTYPE = 'E'; Arp->ARPINTERFACE = 255; Arp->ARPTIMER = ARPTIMEOUT; SaveARP(); AlreadyThere: memcpy(Arp->HWADDR, arpptr->SENDHWADDR ,6); Arp->ARPVALID = TRUE; if (arpptr->TARGETIPADDR == OurIPAddr) { uint32_t Save = arpptr->TARGETIPADDR; arpptr->ARPOPCODE = 0x0200; memcpy(arpptr->TARGETHWADDR, arpptr->SENDHWADDR ,6); memcpy(arpptr->SENDHWADDR, ourMACAddr ,6); arpptr->TARGETIPADDR = arpptr->SENDIPADDR; arpptr->SENDIPADDR = Save; memcpy(arpptr->MSGHDDR.DEST, arpptr->MSGHDDR.SOURCE ,6); memcpy(arpptr->MSGHDDR.SOURCE, ourMACAddr ,6); Send_ETH(arpptr,42); return; } break; case 0x0200: if (memcmp(&arpptr->MSGHDDR.DEST, ourMACAddr,6 ) != 0 ) return; // Not for us // Update ARP Cache Arp = LookupARP(arpptr->SENDIPADDR, TRUE, &Found); if (Found) goto Update; if (Arp == NULL) goto SendBack; Update: Arp->IPADDR = arpptr->SENDIPADDR; memcpy(Arp->HWADDR, arpptr->SENDHWADDR ,6); Arp->ARPTYPE = 'E'; Arp->ARPINTERFACE = 255; Arp->ARPVALID = TRUE; Arp->ARPTIMER = ARPTIMEOUT; SaveARP(); SendBack: // Send Back to Originator of ARP Request if (arpptr->TARGETIPADDR == OurIPAddr) // Reply to our request? break; default: break; } return; } static int CheckSumAndSend(PIPMSG IPptr, PTCPMSG TCPmsg, USHORT Len) { struct _IPMSG PH = {0}; IPptr->IPCHECKSUM = 0; PH.IPPROTOCOL = 6; PH.IPLENGTH = htons(Len); memcpy(&PH.IPSOURCE, &IPptr->IPSOURCE, 4); memcpy(&PH.IPDEST, &IPptr->IPDEST, 4); TCPmsg->CHECKSUM = ~Generate_CHECKSUM(&PH, 20); TCPmsg->CHECKSUM = Generate_CHECKSUM(TCPmsg, Len); // No need to do IP checksum as RouteIPMessage doesit // CHECKSUM IT // IPptr->IPCHECKSUM = Generate_CHECKSUM(IPptr, 20); MapRouteIPMsg(IPptr); return 0; } static VOID ProcessIPMsg(PIPMSG IPptr, UCHAR * MACADDR, char Type, UCHAR Port) { uint32_t Dest; PARPDATA Arp; BOOL Found; int index, Len; PTCPMSG TCPptr; PUDPMSG UDPptr; if (IPptr->VERLEN != 0x45) return; // Only support Type = 4, Len = 20 if (!CheckIPChecksum(IPptr)) return; // Make sure origin ia in ARP Table Arp = LookupARP(IPptr->IPSOURCE.addr, TRUE, &Found); if (!Found) { // Add if possible if (Arp != NULL) { Arp->IPADDR = IPptr->IPSOURCE.addr; if (Type == 'E') { memcpy(Arp->HWADDR, MACADDR, 6); } else { memcpy(Arp->HWADDR, MACADDR, 7); Arp->HWADDR[6] &= 0x7e; } Arp->ARPTYPE = Type; Arp->ARPINTERFACE = Port; Arp->ARPVALID = TRUE; Arp->ARPTIMER = ARPTIMEOUT; SaveARP(); } } else Arp->ARPTIMER = ARPTIMEOUT; // Refresh // See if for us - if not pass to router Dest = IPptr->IPDEST.addr; if (Dest == OurIPAddr || Dest == 0xffffffff || Dest == OurIPBroadcast) goto ForUs; return; ForUs: // if (IPptr->IPPROTOCOL == 4) // AMPRNET Tunnelled Packet // { // ProcessTunnelMsg(IPptr); // return; // } if (IPptr->IPPROTOCOL == 1) // ICMP { ProcessICMPMsg(IPptr); return; } // Support UDP for SNMP if (IPptr->IPPROTOCOL == 17) // UDP { UDPptr = (PUDPMSG)&IPptr->Data; if (UDPptr->DESTPORT == htons(161)) { ProcessSNMPMessage(IPptr); return; } } // See if for a mapped Address if (IPptr->IPPROTOCOL != 6) return; // Only TCP TCPptr = (PTCPMSG)&IPptr->Data; Len = ntohs(IPptr->IPLENGTH); Len-=20; for (index=0; index < map_table_len; index++) { if ((map_table[index].sourceport == TCPptr->DESTPORT) && map_table[index].sourceipaddr == IPptr->IPSOURCE.addr) { // Outgoing Message - replace Dest IP address and Port. Source Port remains unchanged IPptr->IPSOURCE.addr = OurIPAddr; IPptr->IPDEST.addr = map_table[index].mappedipaddr; TCPptr->DESTPORT = map_table[index].mappedport; CheckSumAndSend(IPptr, TCPptr, Len); return; } if ((map_table[index].mappedport == TCPptr->SOURCEPORT) && map_table[index].mappedipaddr == IPptr->IPSOURCE.addr) { // Incomming Message - replace Dest IP address and Source Port IPptr->IPSOURCE.addr = OurIPAddr; IPptr->IPDEST.addr = map_table[index].sourceipaddr; TCPptr->SOURCEPORT = map_table[index].sourceport; CheckSumAndSend(IPptr, TCPptr, Len); return; } } } static VOID ProcessICMPMsg(PIPMSG IPptr) { int Len; PICMPMSG ICMPptr = (PICMPMSG)&IPptr->Data; Len = ntohs(IPptr->IPLENGTH); Len-=20; Check_Checksum(ICMPptr, Len); if (ICMPptr->ICMPTYPE == 8) { // ICMP_ECHO ICMPptr->ICMPTYPE = 0; // Convert to Reply // CHECKSUM IT ICMPptr->ICMPCHECKSUM = 0; ICMPptr->ICMPCHECKSUM = Generate_CHECKSUM(ICMPptr, Len); // Swap Dest to Origin IPptr->IPDEST = IPptr->IPSOURCE; IPptr->IPSOURCE.addr = OurIPAddr; IPptr->IPTTL = IPTTL; // IPptr->IPCHECKSUM = 0; // IPptr->IPCHECKSUM = Generate_CHECKSUM(IPptr, 20); // RouteIPMsg redoes checksum MapRouteIPMsg(IPptr); // Send Back } if (ICMPptr->ICMPTYPE == 0) { // ICMP_REPLY: // I don't see how Portmapper should be getting ping responses /* UCHAR * BUFFER = GetBuff(); UCHAR * ptr1; struct _MESSAGE * Msg; TRANSPORTENTRY * Session = L4TABLE; char IP[20]; unsigned char work[4]; Session += ICMPptr->ICMPID; if (BUFFER == NULL) return; ptr1 = &BUFFER[7]; memcpy(work, &IPptr->IPSOURCE, 4); sprintf(IP, "%d.%d.%d.%d", work[0], work[1], work[2], work[3]); *ptr1++ = 0xf0; // PID ptr1 += sprintf(ptr1, "Ping Response from %s", IP); *ptr1++ = 0x0d; // CR Len = ptr1 - BUFFER; Msg = (struct _MESSAGE *)BUFFER; Msg->LENGTH = Len; Msg->CHAIN = NULL; C_Q_ADD(&Session->L4TX_Q, (UINT *)BUFFER); PostDataAvailable(Session); */ return; } } static VOID SendICMPMessage(PIPMSG IPptr, int Type, int Code, int P2) { PICMPMSG ICMPptr = (PICMPMSG)&IPptr->Data; UCHAR * ptr; if (OurIPAddr == 0) return; // Can't do much without one if (IPptr->IPPROTOCOL == ICMP && ICMPptr->ICMPTYPE == 11) return; // Don't send Time Exceeded for TimeExceded // Copy the Original IP Header and first 8 bytes of packet down the buffer ptr = (UCHAR *) ICMPptr; memmove(ptr + 8, IPptr, 28); // IP header plus 8 data // We swap Souce to Dest, Convert to ICMP 11 and send back first 8 bytes of packet after header IPptr->IPDEST = IPptr->IPSOURCE; IPptr->IPSOURCE.addr = OurIPAddr; IPptr->IPPROTOCOL = ICMP; IPptr->IPTTL = IPTTL; IPptr->FRAGWORD = 0; IPptr->IPLENGTH = htons(56); // IP Header ICMP Header IP Header 8 Data memset (ICMPptr, 0, 8); ICMPptr->ICMPTYPE = Type; ICMPptr->ICMPCODE = Code; ICMPptr->ICMPSEQUENCE = htons(P2); ICMPptr->ICMPCHECKSUM = Generate_CHECKSUM(ICMPptr, 36); MapRouteIPMsg(IPptr); } static VOID MapRouteIPMsg(PIPMSG IPptr) { PARPDATA Arp; BOOL Found; // We rely on the ARP messages generated by either end to route frames. // If address is not in ARP cache (say call originated by MSYS), send to our default route // Decremnent TTL and Recalculate header checksum IPptr->IPTTL--; if (IPptr->IPTTL == 0) { SendICMPTimeExceeded(IPptr); return; // Should we send time exceeded???? } IPptr->IPCHECKSUM = 0; IPptr->IPCHECKSUM = Generate_CHECKSUM(IPptr, 20); // Look up ARP Arp = LookupARP(IPptr->IPDEST.addr, FALSE, &Found); // If enabled, look in Net44 Encap Routes if (!Found && DefaultIPAddr) Arp = LookupARP(DefaultIPAddr, FALSE, &Found); if (!Found) return; // No route or default if (Arp == NULL) return; // Should we try to ARP it? if (Arp->ARPVALID) { SendIPtoBPQDEV(IPptr, Arp->HWADDR); } return; } static PROUTEENTRY AllocRouteEntry() { PROUTEENTRY Routeptr; if (NumberofRoutes == 0) RouteRecords = malloc(sizeof(void *)); else RouteRecords = realloc(RouteRecords,(NumberofRoutes + 1) * sizeof(void *)); Routeptr = zalloc(sizeof(ROUTEENTRY)); if (Routeptr == NULL) return NULL; RouteRecords[NumberofRoutes++] = Routeptr; return Routeptr; } static PARPDATA AllocARPEntry() { ARPDATA * ARPptr; if (NumberofARPEntries == 0) ARPRecords = malloc(sizeof(void *)); else ARPRecords = realloc(ARPRecords, (NumberofARPEntries+1)*sizeof(void *)); ARPptr = malloc(sizeof(ARPDATA)); if (ARPptr == NULL) return NULL; memset(ARPptr, 0, sizeof(ARPDATA)); ARPRecords[NumberofARPEntries++] = ARPptr; return ARPptr; } static VOID SendARPMsg(PARPDATA Arp) { // Send ARP. Initially used only to find default gateway Arp->ARPTIMER = 5; // Retry periodically ETHARPREQMSG.ARPOPCODE = 0x0100; // ; REQUEST ETHARPREQMSG.TARGETIPADDR = Arp->IPADDR; memset(ETHARPREQMSG.TARGETHWADDR, 0, 6); ETHARPREQMSG.SENDIPADDR = OurIPAddr; memcpy(ETHARPREQMSG.SENDHWADDR,ourMACAddr, 6); memcpy(ETHARPREQMSG.MSGHDDR.SOURCE, ourMACAddr, 6); memset(ETHARPREQMSG.MSGHDDR.DEST, 255, 6); Send_ETH(ÐARPREQMSG, 42); return; } static PROUTEENTRY FindRoute(uint32_t IPADDR) { PROUTEENTRY Route = NULL; int i; for (i = 0; i < NumberofRoutes; i++) { Route = RouteRecords[i]; if ((IPADDR & Route->SUBNET) == Route->NETWORK) return Route; } return NULL; } static PROUTEENTRY LookupRoute(uint32_t IPADDR, uint32_t Mask, BOOL Add, BOOL * Found) { PROUTEENTRY Route = NULL; int i; for (i = 0; i < NumberofRoutes; i++) { Route = RouteRecords[i]; if (Route->NETWORK == IPADDR && Route->SUBNET == Mask) { *Found = TRUE; return Route; } } // Not Found *Found = FALSE; if (Add) { Route = AllocRouteEntry(); return Route; } else return NULL; } static PARPDATA LookupARP(uint32_t IPADDR, BOOL Add, BOOL * Found) { PARPDATA Arp = NULL; int i; for (i=0; i < NumberofARPEntries; i++) { Arp = ARPRecords[i]; if (Arp->IPADDR == IPADDR) { *Found = TRUE; return Arp; } } // Not Found *Found = FALSE; if (Add) { Arp = AllocARPEntry(); return Arp; } else return NULL; } static VOID RemoveARP(PARPDATA Arp); static VOID RemoveRoute(PROUTEENTRY Route) { int i; for (i=0; i < NumberofRoutes; i++) { if (Route == RouteRecords[i]) { while (i < NumberofRoutes) { RouteRecords[i] = RouteRecords[i+1]; i++; } if (Route->ARP) { PARPDATA Arp = Route->ARP; Route->ARP->ARPROUTE = NULL; // Avoid recursion RemoveARP(Arp); } free(Route); NumberofRoutes--; return; } } } static VOID RemoveARP(PARPDATA Arp) { int i; if (Arp->IPADDR == DefaultIPAddr) { // Dont remove Default Gateway. Set to re-resolve Arp->ARPVALID = FALSE; Arp->ARPTIMER = 5; return; } for (i=0; i < NumberofARPEntries; i++) { if (Arp == ARPRecords[i]) { while (i < NumberofARPEntries) { ARPRecords[i] = ARPRecords[i+1]; i++; } // Remove linked route if (Arp->ARPROUTE) { PROUTEENTRY Route = Arp->ARPROUTE; Arp->ARPROUTE->ARP = NULL; // Avoid recursion RemoveRoute(Route); } free(Arp); NumberofARPEntries--; return; } } } static BOOL ReadConfigFile() { // IPAddr // IPBroadcast // IPGateway // IPPorts 1,4 // MAP 1001 n9pmo.dyndns.org 1000 char * Config; char * ptr1, * ptr2; char buf[256],errbuf[256]; map_table_len = 0; // For reread Config = PortConfig[PortMapConfigSlot]; // Config from bpq32.cfg if (Config) { // Using config from bpq32.cfg ptr1 = Config; ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, 13); while(ptr2) { memcpy(buf, ptr1, ptr2 - ptr1); buf[ptr2 - ptr1] = 0; ptr1 = ptr2 + 2; ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, 13); strcpy(errbuf,buf); // save in case of error if (!ProcessLine(buf)) { WritetoConsoleLocal("PortMapper bad config record "); strcat(errbuf, "\n"); WritetoConsoleLocal(errbuf); } } } return (TRUE); } static int ProcessLine(char * buf) { char * ptr, * p_value, * p_origport, * p_host, * p_port; int port, mappedport, ipad; ptr = strtok(buf, " \t\n\r"); p_value = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if(ptr == NULL) return (TRUE); if(*ptr =='#') return (TRUE); // comment if(*ptr ==';') return (TRUE); // comment if(_stricmp(ptr,"ADAPTER") == 0) { #ifndef WIN32 WritetoConsoleLocal("IPGating to Ethernet is not supported in this build\n"); return TRUE; #endif strcpy(Adapter,p_value); return (TRUE); } if(_stricmp(ptr,"promiscuous") == 0) { Promiscuous = atoi(p_value); return (TRUE); } if (_stricmp(ptr,"IPAddr") == 0) { OurIPAddr = inet_addr(p_value); if (OurIPAddr == INADDR_NONE) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); } if (_stricmp(ptr,"IPBroadcast") == 0) { OurIPBroadcast = inet_addr(p_value); if (OurIPBroadcast == INADDR_NONE) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); } if (_stricmp(ptr,"IPNetMask") == 0) { OurNetMask = inet_addr(p_value); if (OurNetMask == INADDR_NONE) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); } if (_stricmp(ptr,"IPGateway") == 0) { DefaultIPAddr = inet_addr(p_value); if (DefaultIPAddr == INADDR_NONE) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); } // ARP GM8BPQ-7 1 D if (_stricmp(ptr,"MAP") == 0) { #ifdef LINBPQ WritetoConsoleLocal("MAP not supported in LinBPQ IP Gateway\n"); return TRUE; #endif if (!p_value) return FALSE; p_origport = strtok(NULL, " ,\t\n\r"); if (!p_origport) return FALSE; p_host = strtok(NULL, " ,\t\n\r"); if (!p_host) return FALSE; p_port = strtok(NULL, " ,\t\n\r"); if (!p_port) return FALSE; port=atoi(p_origport); if (port == 0) return FALSE; mappedport=atoi(p_port); if (mappedport == 0) return FALSE; ipad = inet_addr(p_value); map_table[map_table_len].sourceipaddr = ipad; strcpy(map_table[map_table_len].hostname, p_host); map_table[map_table_len].sourceport = ntohs(port); map_table[map_table_len++].mappedport = ntohs(mappedport); NeedResolver = TRUE; return (TRUE); } // // Bad line // return (FALSE); } static VOID DoARPTimer() { PARPDATA Arp = NULL; int i; for (i=0; i < NumberofARPEntries; i++) { Arp = ARPRecords[i]; if (!Arp->ARPVALID) { Arp->ARPTIMER--; if (Arp->ARPTIMER == 0) { // Retry Request SendARPMsg(Arp); } continue; } // Time out active entries if (Arp->LOCKED == 0) { Arp->ARPTIMER--; if (Arp->ARPTIMER == 0) { // Remove Entry RemoveARP(Arp); SaveARP(); } } } } static VOID DoRouteTimer() { int i; PROUTEENTRY Route; for (i=0; i < NumberofRoutes; i++) { Route = RouteRecords[i]; if (Route->RIPTIMOUT) Route->RIPTIMOUT--; } } // PCAP Support Code #ifdef WIN32 static FARPROCX GetAddress(char * Proc) { FARPROCX ProcAddr; int err=0; char buf[256]; int n; ProcAddr=(FARPROCX) GetProcAddress(PcapDriver,Proc); if (ProcAddr == 0) { err=GetLastError(); n=sprintf(buf,"Error finding %s - %d", Proc,err); WritetoConsoleLocal(buf); return(0); } return ProcAddr; } static void packet_handler(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data); static int OpenPCAP() { u_long param=1; BOOL bcopt=TRUE; int i=0; char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; u_int netmask; char packet_filter[64]; struct bpf_program fcode; char buf[256]; int n; PcapDriver=LoadLibrary(Dllname); if (PcapDriver == NULL) return(FALSE); if ((pcap_sendpacketx=GetAddress("pcap_sendpacket")) == 0 ) return FALSE; if ((pcap_datalinkx=GetAddress("pcap_datalink")) == 0 ) return FALSE; if ((pcap_compilex=GetAddress("pcap_compile")) == 0 ) return FALSE; if ((pcap_setfilterx=GetAddress("pcap_setfilter")) == 0 ) return FALSE; pcap_open_livex = (pcap_t * (__cdecl *)(const char *, int, int, int, char *)) GetProcAddress(PcapDriver,"pcap_open_live"); if (pcap_open_livex == NULL) return FALSE; if ((pcap_geterrx=GetAddress("pcap_geterr")) == 0 ) return FALSE; if ((pcap_next_exx=GetAddress("pcap_next_ex")) == 0 ) return FALSE; /* Open the adapter */ adhandle = pcap_open_livex(Adapter, // name of the device 65536, // portion of the packet to capture. // 65536 grants that the whole packet will be captured on all the MACs. Promiscuous, // promiscuous mode (nonzero means promiscuous) 1, // read timeout errbuf // error buffer ); if (adhandle == NULL) return FALSE; /* Check the link layer. We support only Ethernet for simplicity. */ if(pcap_datalinkx(adhandle) != DLT_EN10MB) { n=sprintf(buf,"\nThis program works only on Ethernet networks.\n"); WritetoConsoleLocal(buf); adhandle = 0; return FALSE; } netmask=0xffffff; // sprintf(packet_filter,"ether[12:2]=0x0800 or ether[12:2]=0x0806"); sprintf(packet_filter,"ether broadcast or ether dst %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", ourMACAddr[0], ourMACAddr[1], ourMACAddr[2], ourMACAddr[3], ourMACAddr[4], ourMACAddr[5]); //compile the filter if (pcap_compilex(adhandle, &fcode, packet_filter, 1, netmask) <0 ) { n=sprintf(buf,"\nUnable to compile the packet filter. Check the syntax.\n"); WritetoConsoleLocal(buf); adhandle = 0; return FALSE; } //set the filter if (pcap_setfilterx(adhandle, &fcode)<0) { n=sprintf(buf,"\nError setting the filter.\n"); WritetoConsoleLocal(buf); adhandle = 0; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #endif int CompareMasks (const VOID * a, const VOID * b); #ifndef LINBPQ extern HFONT hFont; struct tagMSG Msg; char buf[1024]; static LRESULT CALLBACK ResWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int wmId, wmEvent; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc; HFONT hOldFont ; struct hostent * hostptr; struct in_addr ipad; char line[100]; int index,displayline; MINMAXINFO * mmi; int i=1; int nScrollCode,nPos; switch (message) { case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: mmi = (MINMAXINFO *)lParam; mmi->ptMaxSize.x = 400; mmi->ptMaxSize.y = Windowlength; mmi->ptMaxTrackSize.x = 400; mmi->ptMaxTrackSize.y = Windowlength; break; case WM_USER+199: i=WSAGETASYNCERROR(lParam); map_table[ResolveIndex].error=i; if (i ==0) { // resolved ok hostptr=(struct hostent *)&buf; memcpy(&map_table[ResolveIndex].mappedipaddr,hostptr->h_addr,4); } InvalidateRect(hWnd,NULL,FALSE); while (ResolveIndex < map_table_len) { ResolveIndex++; WSAAsyncGetHostByName (hWnd,WM_USER+199, map_table[ResolveIndex].hostname, buf,MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT); break; } break; case WM_MDIACTIVATE: { // Set the system info menu when getting activated if (lParam == (LPARAM) hWnd) { // Activate RemoveMenu(hBaseMenu, 1, MF_BYPOSITION); AppendMenu(hBaseMenu, MF_STRING + MF_POPUP, (WPARAM)hPopMenu, "Actions"); SendMessage(ClientWnd, WM_MDISETMENU, (WPARAM) hBaseMenu, (LPARAM)hWndMenu); } else SendMessage(ClientWnd, WM_MDISETMENU, (WPARAM)hMainFrameMenu, (LPARAM)NULL); DrawMenuBar(FrameWnd); return DefMDIChildProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } case WM_COMMAND: wmId = LOWORD(wParam); // Remember, these are... wmEvent = HIWORD(wParam); // ...different for Win32! if (wmId == BPQREREAD) { if (ProcessConfig()) { FreeConfig(); ReadConfigFile(); PostMessage(hIPResWnd, WM_TIMER,0,0); InvalidateRect(hWnd,NULL,TRUE); } else Consoleprintf("Failed to reread config file - leaving config unchanged"); return 0; } /* if (wmId == BPQADDARP) { if (ConfigWnd == 0) { ConfigWnd=CreateDialog(hInstance,ConfigClassName,0,NULL); if (!ConfigWnd) { i=GetLastError(); return (FALSE); } ShowWindow(ConfigWnd, SW_SHOW); UpdateWindow(ConfigWnd); } SetForegroundWindow(ConfigWnd); return(0); } return 0; */ case WM_SYSCOMMAND: wmId = LOWORD(wParam); wmEvent = HIWORD(wParam); switch (wmId) { case SC_RESTORE: IPMinimized = FALSE; SendMessage(ClientWnd, WM_MDIRESTORE, (WPARAM)hWnd, 0); break; case SC_MINIMIZE: IPMinimized = TRUE; break; } return DefMDIChildProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); case WM_VSCROLL: nScrollCode = (int) LOWORD(wParam); // scroll bar value nPos = (short int) HIWORD(wParam); // scroll box position //hwndScrollBar = (HWND) lParam; // handle of scroll bar if (nScrollCode == SB_LINEUP || nScrollCode == SB_PAGEUP) { baseline--; if (baseline <0) baseline=0; } if (nScrollCode == SB_LINEDOWN || nScrollCode == SB_PAGEDOWN) { baseline++; if (baseline > map_table_len) baseline = map_table_len; } if (nScrollCode == SB_THUMBTRACK) { baseline=nPos; } SetScrollPos(hWnd,SB_VERT,baseline,TRUE); InvalidateRect(hWnd,NULL,TRUE); break; case WM_PAINT: hdc = BeginPaint (hWnd, &ps); hOldFont = SelectObject( hdc, hFont) ; index = baseline; displayline=0; while (index < map_table_len) { if (map_table[index].ResolveFlag && map_table[index].error != 0) { // resolver error - Display Error Code sprintf(hostaddr,"Error %d",map_table[index].error); } else { memcpy(&ipad,&map_table[index].mappedipaddr,4); strncpy(hostaddr,inet_ntoa(ipad),16); } memcpy(&ipad,&map_table[index].mappedipaddr,4); i=sprintf(line,"%.64s = %-.30s", map_table[index].hostname, hostaddr); TextOut(hdc,0,(displayline++)*14+2,line,i); index++; } SelectObject( hdc, hOldFont ) ; EndPaint (hWnd, &ps); break; case WM_DESTROY: // PostQuitMessage(0); break; case WM_TIMER: for (ResolveIndex=0; ResolveIndex < map_table_len; ResolveIndex++) { WSAAsyncGetHostByName (hWnd,WM_USER+199, map_table[ResolveIndex].hostname, buf,MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT); break; } default: break; } return DefMDIChildProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } static void IPResolveNames( void *dummy ) { SetTimer(hIPResWnd,1,15*60*1000,0); PostMessage(hIPResWnd, WM_TIMER,0,0); while (GetMessage(&Msg, hIPResWnd, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessage(&Msg); } } #endif /* ; DO PSEUDO HEADER FIRST ; MOV DX,600H ; PROTOCOL (REVERSED) MOV AX,TCPLENGTH ; TCP LENGTH XCHG AH,AL ADD DX,AX MOV AX,WORD PTR LOCALADDR[BX] ADC DX,AX MOV AX,WORD PTR LOCALADDR+2[BX] ADC DX,AX MOV AX,WORD PTR REMOTEADDR[BX] ADC DX,AX MOV AX,WORD PTR REMOTEADDR+2[BX] ADC DX,AX ADC DX,0 MOV PHSUM,DX PUSH BX MOV BX,TXBUFFER ; HEADER MOV CX,TCPLENGTH ; PUT LENGTH INTO HEADER MOV BUFFLEN[BX],CX ; MOV SI,BUFFPTR[BX] INC CX ; ROUND UP SHR CX,1 ; WORD COUNT CALL DO_CHECKSUM ADD DX,PHSUM ADC DX,0 NOT DX MOV SI,BUFFPTR[BX] MOV CHECKSUM[SI],DX */