/* Copyright 2001-2022 John Wiseman G8BPQ This file is part of LinBPQ/BPQ32. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LinBPQ/BPQ32. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ // July 2010 // BPQ32 now reads bpqcfg.txt. This module converts it to the original binary format. // Based on the standalonw bpqcfg.c /************************************************************************/ /* CONFIG.C Jonathan Naylor G4KLX, 19th November 1988 */ /* */ /* Program to produce configuration file for G8BPQ Network Switch */ /* based on the original written in BASIC by G8BPQ. */ /* */ /* Subsequently extended by G8BPQ */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ // // 22/11/95 - Add second port alias for digipeating (for APRS) // - Add PORTMAXDIGIS param // 1999 - Win32 Version (but should also compile in 16 bit // 5/12/99 - Add DLLNAME Param for ext driver // 26/11/02 - Added AUTOSAVE // Jan 2006 // Add params for input and output names // Wait before exiting if error detected // March 2006 // Accept # as comment delimiter // Display input and output filenames // Wait before exit, even if ok // March 2006 // Add L4APPL param // Jan 2007 // Remove UNPROTO // Add BTEXT // Add BCALL // Nov 2007 // Convert calls and APPLICATIONS string to upper case // Jan 2008 // Remove trailing space from UNPROTO // Don't warn BBSCALL etc missing if APPL1CALL etc present // August 2008 // Add IPGATEWAY Parameter // Add Port DIGIMASK Parameter // December 2008 // Add C_IS_CHAT Parameter // March 2009 // Add C style COmments (/* */ at start of line) // August 2009 // Add INP3 flag to locked routes // November 2009 // Add PROTOCOL=PACTOR or WINMOR option // December 2009 // Add INP3 MAXRTT and MAXHOPS Commands // March 2010 // Add SIMPLE mode // March 2010 // Change SIMPLE mode default of Full_CTEXT to 1 // April 2010 // Add NoKeepAlive ROUTE option // Converted to intenal bpq32 process // Spetember 2010 // Add option of embedded port configuration #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #include "cheaders.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "configstructs.h" // KISS Options Equates #define CHECKSUM 1 #define POLLINGKISS 2 // KISSFLAGS BITS #define ACKMODE 4 // CAN USE ACK REQURED FRAMES #define POLLEDKISS 8 // OTHER END IS POLLING US #define D700 16 // D700 Mode (Escape "C" chars #define TNCX 32 // TNC-X Mode (Checksum of ACKMODE frames includes ACK bytes #define PITNC 64 // PITNC Mode - can reset TNC with FEND 15 2 #define NOPARAMS 128 // Don't send SETPARAMS frame #define FLDIGI 256 // Support FLDIGI COmmand Frames #define TRACKER 512 // SCS Tracker. Need to set KISS Mode #define FASTI2C 1024 // Use BLocked I2C Reads (like ARDOP) #define DRATS 2048 struct WL2KInfo * DecodeWL2KReportLine(char * buf); // Dummy file routines - write to buffer instead char * PortConfig[70]; char * RadioConfigMsg[70]; char * WL2KReportLine[70]; int nextRadioPort = 0; int nextDummyInterlock = 233; BOOL PortDefined[70]; extern BOOL IncludesMail; extern BOOL IncludesChat; extern int needAIS; extern int needADSB; extern int AGWPort; extern int AGWSessions; extern int AGWMask; extern BOOL LoopMonFlag; extern BOOL Loopflag; extern char NodeMapServer[80]; extern char ChatMapServer[80]; double LatFromLOC; double LonFromLOC; VOID * zalloc(int len); int WritetoConsoleLocal(char * buff); char * stristr (char *ch1, char *ch2); int FromLOC(char * Locator, double * pLat, double * pLon); VOID Consoleprintf(const char * format, ...) { char Mess[512]; va_list(arglist); va_start(arglist, format); vsprintf(Mess, format, arglist); strcat(Mess, "\n"); WritetoConsoleLocal(Mess); return; } #pragma pack() int tnctypes(int i, char value[],char rec[]); int do_kiss (char value[],char rec[]); struct TNCDATA * TNCCONFIGTABLE = NULL; // malloc'ed int NUMBEROFTNCPORTS = 0; struct UPNP * UPNPConfig = NULL; struct TNCDATA * TNC2ENTRY; extern char PWTEXT[]; extern char HFCTEXT[]; extern int HFCTEXTLEN; extern char LOCATOR[]; extern char MAPCOMMENT[]; extern char LOC[]; extern int RFOnly; int decode_rec(char *rec); int applcallsign(int i,char *value,char *rec); int appl_qual(int i,char *value,char *rec); int callsign(char * val, char *value, char *rec); int int_value(short * val, char *value, char *rec); int hex_value(int * val, char *value, char *rec); int bin_switch(char * val, char *value, char *rec); int dec_switch(char * val, char *value, char *rec); int applstrings(int i,char *value, char *rec); int dotext(char * val, char *key_word, int max); int dolinked(int i, char * value, char * rec); int routes(int i); int ports(int i); int tncports(int i); int dedports(int i); int xindex(char *s,char *t); int verify(char *s,char c); int GetNextLine(char * rec); int call_check(char *callsign, char * val); int call_check_internal(char * callsign); int callstring(int i,char *value,char *rec); int decode_port_rec(char *rec); int doid(int i,char *value,char *rec); int dodll(int i,char *value,char *rec); int doDriver(int i,char *value,char *rec); int hwtypes(int i,char *value,char *rec); int protocols(int i,char *value,char *rec); int bbsflag(int i,char *value,char *rec); int channel(int i,char *value,char *rec); int validcalls(int i,char *value,char *rec); int kissoptions(int i,char *value,char *rec); int decode_tnc_rec(char *rec); int tnctypes(int i,char *value,char *rec); int do_kiss(char *value,char *rec); int decode_ded_rec(char *rec); int simple(int i); int64_t int64_value(int64_t * val, char value[], char rec[]); int C_Q_ADD_NP(VOID *PQ, VOID *PBUFF); int doSerialPortName(int i, char * value, char * rec); int doPermittedAppls(int i, char * value, char * rec); int doKissCommand(int i, char * value, char * rec); BOOL ProcessAPPLDef(char * rec); BOOL ToLOC(double Lat, double Lon , char * Locator); //int i; //char value[]; //char rec[]; int FIRSTAPPL=1; BOOL Comment = FALSE; int CommentLine = 0; #define MAXLINE 512 #define FILEVERSION 22 extern UCHAR BPQDirectory[]; struct CONFIGTABLE xxcfg; struct PORTCONFIG xxp; char inputname[250]="bpqcfg.txt"; char option[250]; /************************************************************************/ /* STATIC VARIABLES */ /************************************************************************/ static char *keywords[] = { "OBSINIT", "OBSMIN", "NODESINTERVAL", "L3TIMETOLIVE", "L4RETRIES", "L4TIMEOUT", "BUFFERS", "PACLEN", "TRANSDELAY", "T3", "IDLETIME", "BBS", "NODE", "NODEALIAS", "BBSALIAS", "NODECALL", "BBSCALL", "TNCPORT", "IDMSG:", "INFOMSG:", "ROUTES:", "PORT", "MAXLINKS", "MAXNODES", "MAXROUTES", "MAXCIRCUITS", "IDINTERVAL", "MINQUAL", "HIDENODES", "L4DELAY", "L4WINDOW", "BTINTERVAL", "UNPROTO", "BBSQUAL", "APPLICATIONS", "EMS", "CTEXT:", "DESQVIEW", "HOSTINTERRUPT", "ENABLE_LINKED", "XXDEDHOST", "FULL_CTEXT", "SIMPLE", "AUTOSAVE" , "L4APPL", "APPL1CALL", "APPL2CALL", "APPL3CALL", "APPL4CALL", "APPL5CALL", "APPL6CALL", "APPL7CALL", "APPL8CALL", "APPL1ALIAS", "APPL2ALIAS", "APPL3ALIAS", "APPL4ALIAS", "APPL5ALIAS", "APPL6ALIAS", "APPL7ALIAS", "APPL8ALIAS", "APPL1QUAL", "APPL2QUAL", "APPL3QUAL", "APPL4QUAL", "APPL5QUAL", "APPL6QUAL", "APPL7QUAL", "APPL8QUAL", "BTEXT:", "NETROMCALL", "C_IS_CHAT", "MAXRTT", "MAXHOPS", // IPGATEWAY= no longer allowed "LogL4Connects", "LogAllConnects", "SAVEMH", "ENABLEADIFLOG", "ENABLEEVENTS", "SAVEAPRSMSGS", "EnableM0LTEMap", "MQTT", "MQTT_HOST", "MQTT_PORT", "MQTT_USER", "MQTT_PASS" }; /* parameter keywords */ static void * offset[] = { &xxcfg.C_OBSINIT, &xxcfg.C_OBSMIN, &xxcfg.C_NODESINTERVAL, &xxcfg.C_L3TIMETOLIVE, &xxcfg.C_L4RETRIES, &xxcfg.C_L4TIMEOUT, &xxcfg.C_BUFFERS, &xxcfg.C_PACLEN, &xxcfg.C_TRANSDELAY, &xxcfg.C_T3, &xxcfg.C_IDLETIME, &xxcfg.C_BBS, &xxcfg.C_NODE, &xxcfg.C_NODEALIAS, &xxcfg.C_BBSALIAS, &xxcfg.C_NODECALL, &xxcfg.C_BBSCALL, 0, &xxcfg.C_IDMSG, &xxcfg.C_INFOMSG, &xxcfg.C_ROUTE, &xxcfg.C_PORT, &xxcfg.C_MAXLINKS, &xxcfg.C_MAXDESTS, &xxcfg.C_MAXNEIGHBOURS, &xxcfg.C_MAXCIRCUITS, &xxcfg.C_IDINTERVAL, &xxcfg.C_MINQUAL, &xxcfg.C_HIDENODES, &xxcfg.C_L4DELAY, &xxcfg.C_L4WINDOW, &xxcfg.C_BTINTERVAL, &xxcfg.C_WASUNPROTO, &xxcfg.C_BBSQUAL, &xxcfg.C_APPL, &xxcfg.C_EMSFLAG, &xxcfg.C_CTEXT , &xxcfg.C_DESQVIEW, &xxcfg.C_HOSTINTERRUPT, &xxcfg.C_LINKEDFLAG, 0, &xxcfg.C_FULLCTEXT, 0, &xxcfg.C_AUTOSAVE, &xxcfg.C_L4APPL, &xxcfg.C_APPL[0].ApplCall, &xxcfg.C_APPL[1].ApplCall, &xxcfg.C_APPL[2].ApplCall, &xxcfg.C_APPL[3].ApplCall, &xxcfg.C_APPL[4].ApplCall, &xxcfg.C_APPL[5].ApplCall, &xxcfg.C_APPL[6].ApplCall, &xxcfg.C_APPL[7].ApplCall, &xxcfg.C_APPL[0].ApplAlias, &xxcfg.C_APPL[1].ApplAlias, &xxcfg.C_APPL[2].ApplAlias, &xxcfg.C_APPL[3].ApplAlias, &xxcfg.C_APPL[4].ApplAlias, &xxcfg.C_APPL[5].ApplAlias, &xxcfg.C_APPL[6].ApplAlias, &xxcfg.C_APPL[7].ApplAlias, &xxcfg.C_APPL[0].ApplQual, &xxcfg.C_APPL[1].ApplQual, &xxcfg.C_APPL[2].ApplQual, &xxcfg.C_APPL[3].ApplQual, &xxcfg.C_APPL[4].ApplQual, &xxcfg.C_APPL[5].ApplQual, &xxcfg.C_APPL[6].ApplQual, &xxcfg.C_APPL[7].ApplQual, &xxcfg.C_BTEXT, &xxcfg.C_NETROMCALL, &xxcfg.C_C, &xxcfg.C_MAXRTT, &xxcfg.C_MAXHOPS, // IPGATEWAY= no longer allowed &xxcfg.C_LogL4Connects, &xxcfg.C_LogAllConnects, &xxcfg.C_SaveMH, &xxcfg.C_ADIF, &xxcfg.C_EVENTS, &xxcfg.C_SaveAPRSMsgs, &xxcfg.C_M0LTEMap, &xxcfg.C_MQTT, &xxcfg.C_MQTT_HOST, &xxcfg.C_MQTT_PORT, &xxcfg.C_MQTT_USER, &xxcfg.C_MQTT_PASS}; /* offset for corresponding data in config file */ static int routine[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 20, 5, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 7, 1, 8, 2, 4, 2, 9, 10, 11, 1, 12, 2 , 1, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13 ,13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13 ,13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14 ,14, 14, 15, 0, 2, 9, 9, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 20, 20} ; // Routine to process param int PARAMLIM = sizeof(routine)/sizeof(int); //int NUMBEROFKEYWORDS = sizeof(routine)/sizeof(int); //#define PARAMLIM 74 static char eof_message[] = "Unexpected end of file on input\n"; static char *pkeywords[] = { "ID", "TYPE", "PROTOCOL", "IOADDR", "INTLEVEL", "SPEED", "CHANNEL", "BBSFLAG", "QUALITY", "MAXFRAME", "TXDELAY", "SLOTTIME", "PERSIST", "FULLDUP", "SOFTDCD", "FRACK", "RESPTIME", "RETRIES", "PACLEN", "CWID", "PORTCALL", "PORTALIAS", "ENDPORT", "VALIDCALLS", "QUALADJUST", "DIGIFLAG", "DIGIPORT", "USERS" ,"UNPROTO", "PORTNUM", "TXTAIL", "ALIAS_IS_BBS", "L3ONLY", "KISSOPTIONS", "INTERLOCK", "NODESPACLEN", "TXPORT", "MHEARD", "CWIDTYPE", "MINQUAL", "MAXDIGIS", "PORTALIAS2", "DLLNAME", "BCALL", "DIGIMASK", "NOKEEPALIVES", "COMPORT", "DRIVER", "WL2KREPORT", "UIONLY", "UDPPORT", "IPADDR", "I2CBUS", "I2CDEVICE", "UDPTXPORT", "UDPRXPORT", "NONORMALIZE", "IGNOREUNLOCKEDROUTES", "INP3ONLY", "TCPPORT", "RIGPORT", "PERMITTEDAPPLS", "HIDE", "SMARTID", "KISSCOMMAND", "SendtoM0LTEMap", "PortFreq", "M0LTEMapInfo", "QTSMPort", "MQTT", "MQTT_HOST", "MQTT_PORT", "MQTT_USER", "MQTT_PASS"}; /* parameter keywords */ static void * poffset[] = { &xxp.ID, &xxp.TYPE, &xxp.PROTOCOL, &xxp.IOADDR, &xxp.INTLEVEL, &xxp.SPEED, &xxp.CHANNEL, &xxp.BBSFLAG, &xxp.QUALITY, &xxp.MAXFRAME, &xxp.TXDELAY, &xxp.SLOTTIME, &xxp.PERSIST, &xxp.FULLDUP, &xxp.SOFTDCD, &xxp.FRACK, &xxp.RESPTIME, &xxp.RETRIES, &xxp.PACLEN, &xxp.CWID, &xxp.PORTCALL, &xxp.PORTALIAS, 0, &xxp.VALIDCALLS, &xxp.QUALADJUST, &xxp.DIGIFLAG, &xxp.DIGIPORT, &xxp.USERS, &xxp.UNPROTO, &xxp.PORTNUM, &xxp.TXTAIL, &xxp.ALIAS_IS_BBS, &xxp.L3ONLY, &xxp.KISSOPTIONS, &xxp.INTERLOCK, &xxp.NODESPACLEN, &xxp.TXPORT, &xxp.MHEARD, &xxp.CWIDTYPE, &xxp.MINQUAL, &xxp.MAXDIGIS, &xxp.PORTALIAS2, &xxp.DLLNAME, &xxp.BCALL, &xxp.DIGIMASK, &xxp.DefaultNoKeepAlives, &xxp.IOADDR, &xxp.DLLNAME, &xxp.WL2K, &xxp.UIONLY, &xxp.IOADDR, &xxp.IPADDR, &xxp.INTLEVEL, &xxp.IOADDR, &xxp.IOADDR, &xxp.ListenPort, &xxp.NoNormalize, &xxp.IGNOREUNLOCKED, &xxp.INP3ONLY, &xxp.TCPPORT, &xxp.RIGPORT, &xxp.PERMITTEDAPPLS, &xxp.Hide, &xxp.SmartID, &xxp.KissParams, &xxp.SendtoM0LTEMap, &xxp.PortFreq, &xxp.M0LTEMapInfo, &xxp.QtSMPort}; /* offset for corresponding data in config file */ static int proutine[] = { 4, 5, 8, 3, 1, 1, 7, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 9, 10, 1, 13, 13, 1, 11, 1, 1, 2, 2, 12, 1, 1, 1, 7, 7, 13, 13, 0, 14, 0, 1, 2, 18, 15, 16, 2, 1, 17, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 19, 2, 1, 20, 1, 21, 22, 1}; /* routine to process parameter */ int PPARAMLIM = sizeof(proutine)/sizeof(int); static int endport = 0; static int portnum = 1; static int portindex = 0; static int porterror = 0; static int tncporterror = 0; static int dedporterror = 0; static int kissflags = 0; static int NextAppl = 0; static int routeindex = 0; /************************************************************************/ /* Global variables */ /************************************************************************/ int paramok[100] = {0}; /* PARAMETER OK FLAG */ FILE *fp1; /* TEXT INPUT FILE */ static char s1[80]; static char s2[80]; static char s3[80]; static char s4[80]; static char s5[80]; static char s6[80]; static char s7[80]; static char s8[80]; char commas[]=",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"; char bbscall[11]; char bbsalias[11]; int bbsqual; extern UCHAR ConfigDirectory[260]; BOOL LocSpecified = FALSE; /************************************************************************/ /* MAIN PROGRAM */ /************************************************************************/ VOID WarnThread(); int LineNo = 0; int heading = 0; BOOL ProcessConfig() { int i; char rec[MAXLINE]; int Cfglen = sizeof(xxcfg); struct APPLCONFIG * App; memset(&xxcfg, 0, sizeof(xxcfg)); memset(&xxp, 0, sizeof(xxp)); heading = 0; portnum = 1; NextAppl = 0; LOCATOR[0] = 0; MAPCOMMENT[0] = 0; routeindex = 0; portindex = 0; for (i = 0; i < 70; i++) { if (PortConfig[i]) { free(PortConfig[i]); PortConfig[i] = NULL; } PortDefined[i] = FALSE; if (RadioConfigMsg[i]) { free(RadioConfigMsg[i]); RadioConfigMsg[i] = NULL; } } nextRadioPort = 0; TNCCONFIGTABLE = NULL; NUMBEROFTNCPORTS = 0; AGWMask = 0; UPNPConfig = NULL; Consoleprintf("Configuration file Preprocessor."); if (ConfigDirectory[0] == 0) { strcpy(inputname, "bpq32.cfg"); } else { strcpy(inputname,ConfigDirectory); strcat(inputname,"/"); strcat(inputname, "bpq32.cfg"); } if ((fp1 = fopen(inputname,"r")) == NULL) { Consoleprintf("Could not open file %s Error code %d", inputname, errno); return FALSE; } Consoleprintf("Using Configuration file %s",inputname); memset(&xxcfg, 0, sizeof(xxcfg)); App = (struct APPLCONFIG *)&xxcfg.C_APPL[0]; for (i=0; i < NumberofAppls; i++) { memset(App->Command, ' ', 12); memset(App->CommandAlias, ' ', 48); memset(App->ApplCall, ' ', 10); memset(App->ApplAlias, ' ', 10); App++; } // xxcfg.SaveMH = TRUE; // Default to save GetNextLine(rec); while (rec[0]) { decode_rec(rec); GetNextLine(rec); } if (xxcfg.C_NODECALL[0] == ' ') { Consoleprintf("Missing NODECALL"); heading = 1; } paramok[6]=1; /* dont need BUFFERS */ paramok[8]=1; /* dont need TRANSDELAY */ paramok[13]=1; // NodeAlias paramok[17]=1; /* dont need TNCPORTS */ paramok[20]=1; // Or ROUTES paramok[32]=1; /* dont need UNPROTO */ paramok[35]=1; /* dont need EMS */ paramok[37]=1; /* dont need DESQVIEW */ paramok[38]=1; /* dont need HOSTINTERRUPT */ paramok[40]=1; /* or DEDHOST */ paramok[42]=1; /* or SIMPLE */ paramok[43]=1; /* or AUTOSAVE */ paramok[44]=1; /* or L4APPL */ paramok[16]=1; // BBSCALL paramok[14]=1; // BBSALIAS paramok[33]=1; // BBSQUAL paramok[34]=1; // APPLICATIONS if (paramok[45]==1) { paramok[16]=1; // APPL1CALL overrides BBSCALL memcpy(xxcfg.C_BBSCALL, xxcfg.C_APPL[0].ApplCall, 10); } if (paramok[53]==1) { paramok[14]=1; // APPL1ALIAS overrides BBSALIAS memcpy(xxcfg.C_BBSALIAS, xxcfg.C_APPL[0].ApplAlias, 10); } if (paramok[61]==1) { paramok[33]=1; // APPL1QUAL overrides BBSQUAL xxcfg.C_BBSQUAL = xxcfg.C_APPL[0].ApplQual; } for (i=0;i<24;i++) paramok[45+i]=1; /* or APPLCALLS, APPLALIASS APPLQUAL */ paramok[69]=1; // BText optional paramok[70]=1; // IPGateway optional paramok[71]=1; // C_IS_CHAT optional paramok[72]=1; // MAXRTT optional paramok[73]=1; // MAXHOPS optional paramok[74]=1; // LogL4Connects optional paramok[75]=1; // LogAllConnects optional paramok[76]=1; // SAVEMH optional paramok[77]=1; // ENABLEADIFLOG optional paramok[78]=1; // EnableEvents optional paramok[79]=1; // SaveAPRSMsgs optional paramok[79]=1; // SaveAPRSMsgs optional paramok[80]=1; // EnableM0LTEMap optional paramok[81]=1; // MQTT Params paramok[82]=1; // MQTT Params paramok[83]=1; // MQTT Params paramok[84]=1; // MQTT Params paramok[85]=1; // MQTT Params for (i=0; i < PARAMLIM; i++) { if (paramok[i] == 0) { if (heading == 0) { Consoleprintf(" "); Consoleprintf("The following parameters were not correctly specified"); heading = 1; } Consoleprintf(keywords[i]); } } if (portnum == 1) { Consoleprintf("No valid radio ports defined"); heading = 1; } if (Comment) { Consoleprintf("Unterminated Comment (Missing */) at line %d", CommentLine); heading = 1; } fclose(fp1); if (LOCATOR[0] == 0 && LocSpecified == 0 && RFOnly == 0) { Consoleprintf(""); Consoleprintf("Please enter a LOCATOR statement in your BPQ32.cfg"); Consoleprintf("If you really don't want to be on the Node Map you can enter LOCATOR=NONE"); Consoleprintf(""); // _beginthread(WarnThread, 0, 0); } if (heading == 0) { Consoleprintf("Conversion (probably) successful"); Consoleprintf(""); } else { Consoleprintf("Conversion failed"); return FALSE; } /* // Dump to file for debugging sprintf_s(inputname, sizeof(inputname), "CFG%d", time(NULL)); fp1 = fopen(inputname, "wb"); if (fp1) { fwrite(ConfigBuffer, 1, 100000, fp1); fclose(fp1); } */ return TRUE; } /************************************************************************/ /* Decode PARAM= */ /************************************************************************/ int decode_rec(char * rec) { int i; int cn = 1; /* RETURN CODE FROM ROUTINES */ char key_word[300] = ""; char value[300] = ""; if (_memicmp(rec, "NODEMAPSERVER=", 14) == 0) { // Map reporting override strcpy(NodeMapServer, &rec[14]); strlop(NodeMapServer, ' '); return 1; } if (_memicmp(rec, "CloseOnError=", 13) == 0) { // Close BPQ on trapped program error CloseOnError = atoi(&rec[13]); return 1; } if (_memicmp(rec, "CHATMAPSERVER=", 14) == 0) { // Map reporting override strcpy(ChatMapServer, &rec[14]); strlop(ChatMapServer, ' '); return 1; } if (_memicmp(rec, "IPGATEWAY", 9) == 0 && rec[9] != '=') // IPGATEWAY, not IPGATEWAY= { // Create Embedded IPGateway Config // Copy all subsequent lines up to **** to a memory buffer char * ptr; PortConfig[IPConfigSlot] = ptr = malloc(50000); *ptr = 0; GetNextLine(rec); while (!feof(fp1)) { if (_memicmp(rec, "****", 3) == 0) { PortConfig[IPConfigSlot] = realloc(PortConfig[IPConfigSlot], (strlen(ptr) + 1)); xxcfg.C_IP = 1; return 0; } strcat(ptr, rec); strcat(ptr, "\r\n"); GetNextLine(rec); } Consoleprintf("Missing **** for IPGateway Config"); heading = 1; return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "PORTMAPPER", 10) == 0) { // Create Embedded portmapper Config // Copy all subsequent lines up to **** to a memory buffer char * ptr; PortConfig[PortMapConfigSlot] = ptr = malloc(50000); *ptr = 0; GetNextLine(rec); while (!feof(fp1)) { if (_memicmp(rec, "****", 3) == 0) { PortConfig[PortMapConfigSlot] = realloc(PortConfig[PortMapConfigSlot], (strlen(ptr) + 1)); xxcfg.C_PM = 1; return 0; } strcat(ptr, rec); strcat(ptr, "\r\n"); GetNextLine(rec); } Consoleprintf("Missing **** for Portmapper Config"); heading = 1; return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "APRSDIGI", 8) == 0) { // Create Embedded APRS Config // Copy all subsequent lines up to **** to a memory buffer char * ptr; PortConfig[APRSConfigSlot] = ptr = malloc(50000); *ptr = 0; // Don't use GetNextLine - we need to keep ; in messages fgets(rec,MAXLINE,fp1); LineNo++; while (!feof(fp1)) { if (_memicmp(rec, "****", 3) == 0) { PortConfig[APRSConfigSlot] = realloc(PortConfig[APRSConfigSlot], (strlen(ptr) + 1)); return 0; } if (strlen(rec) > 1) { if (memcmp(rec, "/*", 2) == 0) { Comment = TRUE; CommentLine = LineNo; goto NextAPRS; } else if (memcmp(rec, "*/", 2) == 0) { Comment = FALSE; goto NextAPRS; } } if (Comment) goto NextAPRS; strcat(ptr, rec); strcat(ptr, "\r\n"); NextAPRS: fgets(rec,MAXLINE,fp1); LineNo++; } if (_memicmp(rec, "****", 3) == 0) return 0; // No Newline after *** Consoleprintf("Missing **** for APRS Config"); heading = 1; return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "PASSWORD", 8) == 0) { // SYSOP Password if (strlen(rec) > 88) rec[88] = 0; _strupr(rec); strcpy(PWTEXT, &rec[9]); return 0; } #ifdef LINBPQ if (_memicmp(rec, "LINMAIL", 7) == 0) { // Enable Mail on Linux Verdion IncludesMail = TRUE; return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "LINCHAT", 7) == 0) { // Enable Chat on Linux Verdion IncludesChat = TRUE; return 0; } #endif if (_memicmp(rec, "ENABLEAIS", 9) == 0) { needAIS = TRUE; return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "ENABLEADSB", 9) == 0) { needADSB = TRUE; return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "HFCTEXT", 7) == 0) { // HF only CTEXT (normlly short to reduce traffic) if (strlen(rec) > 87) rec[87] = 0; strcpy(HFCTEXT, &rec[8]); HFCTEXTLEN = (int)(strlen(HFCTEXT)); HFCTEXT[HFCTEXTLEN - 1] = '\r'; return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "LOCATOR", 7) == 0) { // Station Maidenhead Locator or Lat/Long char * Context; char * ptr1 = strtok_s(&rec[7], " ,=\t\n\r:", &Context); char * ptr2 = strtok_s(NULL, " ,=\t\n\r:", &Context); LocSpecified = TRUE; if (_memicmp(&rec[8], "NONE", 4) == 0) return 0; if (_memicmp(&rec[8], "XXnnXX", 6) == 0) return 0; if (ptr1) { strcpy(LOCATOR, ptr1); if (ptr2) { strcat(LOCATOR, ":"); strcat(LOCATOR, ptr2); ToLOC(atof(ptr1), atof(ptr2), LOC); LatFromLOC = atof(ptr1); LonFromLOC = atof(ptr2); } else { if (strlen(ptr1) == 6) { strcpy(LOC, ptr1); FromLOC(LOC, &LatFromLOC, &LonFromLOC); // Randomise in square LatFromLOC += ((rand() / 24.0) / RAND_MAX); LonFromLOC += ((rand() / 12.0) / RAND_MAX); } } } return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "MAPCOMMENT", 10) == 0) { // Additional Info for Node Map char * ptr1 = &rec[11]; char * ptr2 = MAPCOMMENT; while (*ptr1) { if (*ptr1 == ',') { *ptr2++ = '&'; *ptr2++ = '#'; *ptr2++ = '4'; *ptr2++ = '4'; *ptr2++ = ';'; } else *(ptr2++) = *ptr1; ptr1++; if ((ptr2 - MAPCOMMENT) > 248) break; } *ptr2 = 0; return 0; } // Process BRIDGE statement if (_memicmp(rec, "BRIDGE", 6) == 0) { int DigiTo; int Port; char * Context; char * p_value; char * ptr; p_value = strtok_s(&rec[7], ",=\t\n\r", &Context); Port = atoi(p_value); if (Port > MaxBPQPortNo) return FALSE; if (Context == NULL) return FALSE; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, ",\t\n\r", &Context); while (ptr) { DigiTo = atoi(ptr); if (DigiTo > MaxBPQPortNo) return 0; if (Port != DigiTo) // Not to our port! xxcfg.CfgBridgeMap[Port][DigiTo] = TRUE; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ,\t\n\r", &Context); } return 0; } // AGW Emulator Params if (_memicmp(rec, "AGWPORT", 7) == 0) { AGWPort = atoi(&rec[8]); return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "AGWSESSIONS", 11) == 0) { AGWSessions = atoi(&rec[12]); return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "AGWMASK", 7) == 0) { AGWMask = strtol(&rec[8], 0, 0); return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "AGWAPPL", 7) == 0) { AGWMask |= 1 << (strtol(&rec[8], 0, 0) - 1); return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "AGWLOOPMON", 10) == 0) { LoopMonFlag = strtol(&rec[11], 0, 0); return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "AGWLOOPTX", 9) == 0) { Loopflag = strtol(&rec[10], 0, 0); return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "APPLICATION ", 12) == 0 || _memicmp(rec, "APPLICATION=", 12) == 0) { // New Style APPLICATION Definition char save[300]; strcpy(save, rec); // Save in case error if (!ProcessAPPLDef(&rec[12])) { Consoleprintf("Invalid Record %s", save); heading = 1; } else paramok[34]=1; // Got APPLICATIONS return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "EXCLUDE=", 8) == 0) { char * ptr2 = &rec[8]; UCHAR * ptr3 = xxcfg.C_EXCLUDE; _strupr(ptr2); while (*(ptr2) > 32) { ConvToAX25(ptr2, ptr3); ptr3 += 7; if (strchr(ptr2, ',')) { ptr2 = strchr(ptr2, ','); ptr2++; } else break; if (ptr3 > &xxcfg.C_EXCLUDE[63]) { Consoleprintf("Too Many Excluded Calls"); heading = 1; break; } } return 0; } if (_memicmp(rec, "RADIO", 5) == 0) { if (strlen(rec) > 11) { RadioConfigMsg[nextRadioPort++] = _strdup(rec); return 0; } else { // Multiline config, ending in **** char * rptr; RadioConfigMsg[nextRadioPort] = rptr = zalloc(50000); strcpy(rptr, rec); GetNextLine(rec); while(!feof(fp1)) { if (memcmp(rec, "***", 3) == 0) { RadioConfigMsg[nextRadioPort] = realloc(RadioConfigMsg[nextRadioPort], (strlen(rptr) + 1)); nextRadioPort++; return 0; } strcat(rptr, rec); GetNextLine(rec); } } } if (_memicmp(rec, "UPNP ", 5) == 0) { struct UPNP * Entry = (struct UPNP *)zalloc(sizeof(struct UPNP)); char * ptr, * context; char copy[256]; strcpy(copy, rec); ptr = strtok_s(&rec[5], ", ", &context); if (ptr) Entry->Protocol = _strdup(ptr); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, ", ", &context); if (ptr) Entry->LANport = Entry->WANPort = _strdup(ptr);; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, ", ", &context); if (ptr) Entry->WANPort = _strdup(ptr);; if (Entry->LANport) { Entry->Next = UPNPConfig; UPNPConfig = Entry; return 1; } Consoleprintf("Bad UPNP Line %s", copy); heading = 1; return 0; } if (_memicmp("MQTT_HOST=", rec, 10) == 0) { strcpy(xxcfg.C_MQTT_HOST, &rec[10]); xxcfg.C_MQTT_HOST[strlen(xxcfg.C_MQTT_HOST)-1] = '\0'; return 0; } if (_memicmp("MQTT_USER=", rec, 10) == 0) { strcpy(xxcfg.C_MQTT_USER, &rec[10]); xxcfg.C_MQTT_USER[strlen(xxcfg.C_MQTT_USER)-1] = '\0'; return 0; } if (_memicmp("MQTT_PASS=", rec, 10) == 0) { strcpy(xxcfg.C_MQTT_PASS, &rec[10]); xxcfg.C_MQTT_PASS[strlen(xxcfg.C_MQTT_PASS)-1] = '\0'; return 0; } if (xindex(rec,"=") >= 0) sscanf(rec,"%[^=]=%s",key_word,value); else sscanf(rec,"%s",key_word); /************************************************************************/ /* SEARCH FOR KEYWORD IN TABLE */ /************************************************************************/ for (i=0; i < PARAMLIM && _stricmp(keywords[i],key_word) != 0 ; i++) ; if (i == PARAMLIM) Consoleprintf("bpq32.cfg line no %d not recognised - Ignored: %s" ,LineNo, rec); else { switch (routine[i]) { case 0: cn = callsign((char *)offset[i], value, rec); /* CALLSIGNS */ break; case 1: cn = int_value((short *)offset[i], value, rec); /* INTEGER VALUES */ break; case 2: cn = bin_switch((char *)offset[i], value, rec); /* 0/1 SWITCHES */ break; case 3: cn = tncports(i); /* VIRTUAL COMBIOS PORTS */ break; case 4: cn = dotext((char *)offset[i], key_word, 510); /* TEXT PARMS */ break; case 20: cn = dotext((char *)offset[i], key_word, 2000); /* INFO TEXT PARM */ break; case 5: cn = routes(i); /* ROUTES TO LOCK IN */ break; case 6: cn = ports(i); /* PORTS DEFINITION */ break; case 7: Consoleprintf("Obsolete Record %s ignored",rec); Consoleprintf("UNPROTO address should now be specified in PORT definition"); break; case 8: cn = applstrings(i,value,rec); /* APPLICATIONS LIST */ break; case 9: cn = dec_switch((char *)offset[i],value,rec); /* 0/9 SWITCHES */ break; case 10: cn = dolinked(i,value,rec); /* SINGLE CHAR */ break; case 11: Consoleprintf("Obsolete Record %s ignored", rec); break; case 12: cn = simple(i); /* Set up basic L2 system*/ break; case 13: cn = applcallsign(i,value,rec); /* CALLSIGNS */ break; case 14: cn = appl_qual(i,value,rec); /* INTEGER VALUES */ break; case 15: cn = dotext((char *)offset[i], key_word, 120); /* BTEXT */ break; } paramok[i] = cn; } return 0; } /************************************************************************/ /* CALLSIGNS */ /************************************************************************/ int applcallsign(int i, char * value, char * rec) { char * val = (char *)offset[i]; if (call_check_internal(value)) { // Invalid return 0; } memcpy(val, value, 10); if (i==45) strcpy(bbscall,value); if (i==53) strcpy(bbsalias,value); return 1; } int appl_qual(int i, char * value, char * rec) { int j, k; int * val = (int *)offset[i]; k = sscanf(value," %d",&j); if (k != 1) { Consoleprintf("Invalid numerical value "); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); return(0); } if (i==61) bbsqual=j; *val = j; return(1); } int callsign(char * ptr, char * value, char * rec) { if (call_check(value, ptr) == 1) { Consoleprintf("%s",rec); return(0); } return(1); } /************************************************************************/ /* VALIDATE INT VALUES */ /************************************************************************/ int int_value(short * val, char value[], char rec[]) { int j,k; k = sscanf(value," %d",&j); if (k != 1) { Consoleprintf("Invalid numerical value "); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); return(0); } val[0] = j; return(1); } int64_t int64_value(int64_t * val, char value[], char rec[]) { *val = strtoll(value, NULL, 10); return(1); } /************************************************************************/ /* VALIDATE HEX INT VALUES */ /************************************************************************/ int hex_value(int * val, char value[], char rec[]) { int j = -1, k = 0; k = sscanf(value, " %xH", &j); if (j < 0) { Consoleprintf("Bad Hex Value"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n", rec); return(0); } val[0] = j; return(1); } ; /************************************************************************/ /* VALIDATE BINARY SWITCH DATA AND WRITE TO FILE */ /************************************************************************/ int bin_switch(char * val, char * value, char * rec) { int value_int; value_int = atoi(value); if (value_int == 0 || value_int == 1) { val[0] = value_int; return 1; } else { Consoleprintf("Invalid switch value, must be either 0 or 1"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); return(0); } } /* ; single byte decimal */ int dec_switch (char * val, char * value, char * rec) { int value_int; value_int = atoi(value); if (value_int < 256) { val[0] = value_int; return 1; } else { Consoleprintf("Invalid value, must be between 0 and 255"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); return(0); } } int applstrings(int i, char * value, char * rec) { char appl[250]; // In case trailing spaces char * ptr1; char * ptr2; struct APPLCONFIG * App; int j; // strcat(rec,commas); // Ensure 16 commas ptr1 = &rec[13]; // skip APPLICATIONS= App = &xxcfg.C_APPL[0]; while (NextAppl++ < NumberofAppls) { memset(appl, ' ', 249); appl[249] = 0; ptr2=appl; j = *ptr1++; while (j != ',' && j) { *(ptr2++) = toupper(j); j = *ptr1++; } ptr2 = strchr(appl, '/'); if (ptr2) { // Command has an Alias *ptr2++ = 0; memcpy(App->CommandAlias, ptr2, 48); strcat(appl, " "); } memcpy(App->Command, appl, 12); xxcfg.C_BBS = 1; if (*(ptr1 - 1) == 0) return 1; App++; } return(1); } /************************************************************************/ /* USE FOR FREE FORM TEXT IN MESSAGES */ /************************************************************************/ int dotext(char * val, char * key_word, int max) { int len = 0; char * ptr; char rec[MAXLINE]; GetNextLine(rec); if (xindex(rec,"***") == 0) *val = '\r'; while (xindex(rec,"***") != 0 && !feof(fp1)) { ptr = strchr(rec, 10); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; ptr = strchr(rec, 13); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; strcat(rec, "\r"); len += (int)strlen(rec); if (len <= max) { strcpy(val, rec); val += (int)strlen(rec); } fgets(rec,MAXLINE,fp1); LineNo++; } if (len > max) { Consoleprintf("Text too long: %s (max %d\r\n",key_word, max); return(0); } if (feof(fp1)) return(0); else return(1); } /************************************************************************/ /* CONVERT PRE-SET ROUTES PARAMETERS TO BINARY */ /************************************************************************/ int routes(int i) { struct ROUTECONFIG * Route; int err_flag = 0; int main_err = 0; char rec[MAXLINE]; GetNextLine(rec); while (xindex(rec,"***") != 0 && !feof(fp1)) { char Param[8][256]; char * ptr1, * ptr2; int n = 0, inp3 = 0; Route = &xxcfg.C_ROUTE[routeindex++]; // strtok and sscanf can't handle successive commas, so split up usig strchr memset(Param, 0, 2048); strlop(rec, 13); strlop(rec, ';'); ptr1 = rec; while (ptr1 && *ptr1 && n < 8) { ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, ','); if (ptr2) *ptr2++ = 0; strcpy(&Param[n++][0], ptr1); ptr1 = ptr2; while(ptr1 && *ptr1 && *ptr1 == ' ') ptr1++; } strcpy(Route->call, &Param[0][0]); Route->quality = atoi(Param[1]); Route->port = atoi(Param[2]); Route->pwind = atoi(Param[3]); Route->pfrack = atoi(Param[4]); Route->ppacl = atoi(Param[5]); inp3 = atoi(Param[6]); Route->farQual = atoi(Param[7]); if (Route->farQual < 0 || Route->farQual > 255) { Consoleprintf("Remote Quality must be between 0 and 255"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); err_flag = 1; } if (Route->quality < 0 || Route->quality > 255) { Consoleprintf("Quality must be between 0 and 255"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); err_flag = 1; } if (Route->port < 1 || Route->port > MaxBPQPortNo) { Consoleprintf("Port number must be between 1 and 64"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); err_flag = 1; } // Use top bit of window as INP3 Flag, next as NoKeepAlive if (inp3 & 1) Route->pwind |= 0x80; if (inp3 & 2) Route->pwind |= 0x40; if (err_flag == 1) { Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); main_err = 1; err_flag = 0; } GetNextLine(rec); } if (routeindex > MaxLockedRoutes) { routeindex--; Consoleprintf("Route information too long "); main_err = 1; } if (feof(fp1)) { Consoleprintf(eof_message); return(0); } if (main_err == 1) return(0); else return(1); } /************************************************************************/ /* CONVERT PORT DEFINITIONS TO BINARY */ /************************************************************************/ int hw; // Hardware type int LogicalPortNum; // As set by PORTNUM int ports(int i) { char rec[MAXLINE]; endport=0; porterror=0; kissflags=0; xxp.PORTNUM = portnum; LogicalPortNum = portnum; if (LogicalPortNum > MaxBPQPortNo) { Consoleprintf("Port Number must be between 1 and %d", MaxBPQPortNo); heading = 1; } xxp.SendtoM0LTEMap = 1; // Default to enabled while (endport == 0 && !feof(fp1)) { GetNextLine(rec); decode_port_rec(rec); } if (porterror != 0) { Consoleprintf("Error in port definition"); return(0); } if (PortDefined[LogicalPortNum]) // Already defined? { Consoleprintf("Port %d already defined", LogicalPortNum); heading = 1; } PortDefined[LogicalPortNum] = TRUE; xxp.KISSOPTIONS = kissflags; // copy Port Config to main config memcpy(&xxcfg.C_PORT[portindex++], &xxp, sizeof(xxp)); memset(&xxp, 0, sizeof(xxp)); portnum++; return(1); } int tncports(int i) { char rec[MAXLINE]; endport=0; tncporterror=0; TNC2ENTRY = zalloc(sizeof(struct TNCDATA)); TNC2ENTRY->APPLFLAGS = 6; TNC2ENTRY->PollDelay = 1; while (endport == 0 && !feof(fp1)) { GetNextLine(rec); decode_tnc_rec(rec); } if (tncporterror != 0) { Consoleprintf("Error in TNC PORT definition"); free (TNC2ENTRY); return(0); } C_Q_ADD_NP(&TNCCONFIGTABLE, TNC2ENTRY); // Add to chain NUMBEROFTNCPORTS++; return(1); } /************************************************************************/ /* MISC FUNCTIONS */ /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ /* FIND OCCURENCE OF ONE STRING WITHIN ANOTHER */ /************************************************************************/ int xindex(char s[], char t[]) { int i, j ,k; for (i=0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) { for (j=i, k=0; t[k] != '\0' && s[i] == t[k]; j++, k++) ; if (t[k] == '\0') return(i); } return(-1); } /************************************************************************/ /* FIND FIRST OCCURENCE OF A CHARACTER THAT IS NOT c */ /************************************************************************/ int verify(char s[], char c) { int i; for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) if (s[i] != c) return(i); return(-1); } /************************************************************************/ /* GET NEXT LINE THAT ISN'T BLANK OR IS A COMMENT LINE */ /************************************************************************/ // Returns an empty string to indicate end of config // Modified Aril 2020 to allow #include of file fragments FILE * savefp = NULL; int saveLineNo; char includefilename[250]; int GetNextLine(char *rec) { int i, j; char * ret; char * ptr, *context; while (TRUE) { ret = fgets(rec,MAXLINE,fp1); LineNo++; if (ret == NULL) { if (savefp) { // we have reached eof on an include file - switch back fclose(fp1); fp1 = savefp; savefp = NULL; LineNo = saveLineNo; continue; } rec[0] = 0; return 0; // return end of config } for (i=0; rec[i] != '\0'; i++) if (rec[i] == '\t' || rec[i] == '\n' || rec[i] == '\r') rec[i] = ' '; j = verify(rec,' '); if (j > 0) { // Remove Leading Spaces for (i=0; rec[j] != '\0'; i++, j++) rec[i] = rec[j]; rec[i] = '\0'; } if (stristr(rec,"WebTermCSS") == 0 && stristr(rec,"HybridCoLocatedRMS") == 0 && stristr(rec,"HybridFrequencies") == 0) // Needs ; in string strlop(rec, ';'); else j = j; if (strlen(rec) > 1) if (memcmp(rec, "/*",2) == 0) { Comment = TRUE; CommentLine = LineNo; } else if (memcmp(rec, "*/",2) == 0) { rec[0] = 32; rec[1] = 0; Comment = FALSE; } if (Comment) { rec[0] = 32; rec[1] = 0; continue; } // remove trailing spaces while(strlen(rec) && rec[strlen(rec) - 1] == ' ') rec[strlen(rec) - 1] = 0; strcat(rec, " "); ptr = strtok_s(rec, " ", &context); // Put one back if (ptr) { if (context) { ptr[strlen(ptr)] = ' '; } rec = ptr; // look for #include if (_memicmp(rec, "#include ", 9) == 0) { savefp = fp1; if (BPQDirectory[0] == 0) { strcpy(includefilename, &rec[9]); } else { strcpy(includefilename,BPQDirectory); strcat(includefilename,"/"); strcat(includefilename, &rec[9]); } if ((fp1 = fopen(includefilename,"r")) == NULL) { Consoleprintf("Could not open #include file %s Error code %d", includefilename, errno); fp1 = savefp; savefp = NULL; } else { saveLineNo = LineNo; LineNo = 0; } continue; // get next line } return 0; } } // Should never reach this return 0; } /************************************************************************/ /* TEST VALIDITY OF CALLSIGN */ /************************************************************************/ int call_check_internal(char * callsign) { char call[20]; int ssid; int err_flag = 0; int i; if (xindex(callsign,"-") > 0) /* There is an SSID field */ { sscanf(callsign,"%[^-]-%d",call,&ssid); if (strlen(call) > 6) { Consoleprintf("Callsign too long, 6 characters before SSID"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",callsign); err_flag = 1; } if (ssid < 0 || ssid > 15) { Consoleprintf("SSID out of range, must be between 0 and 15"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",callsign); err_flag = 1; } } else /* No SSID field */ { if (strlen(callsign) > 6) { Consoleprintf("Callsign too long, 6 characters maximum"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",callsign); err_flag = 1; } } strcat(callsign," "); callsign[10] = '\0'; for (i=0; i< 10; i++) callsign[i]=toupper(callsign[i]); return(err_flag); } int call_check(char * callsign, char * loc) { int err = call_check_internal(callsign); memcpy(loc, callsign, 10); return err; } /* Process UNPROTO string allowing VIA */ char workstring[80]; int callstring(int i, char * value, char * rec) { char * val = (char *)poffset[i]; size_t j = (int)strlen(value); memcpy(val, value, j); return 1; } /* RADIO PORT PROCESSING */ int decode_port_rec(char * rec) { int i; int cn = 1; /* RETURN CODE FROM ROUTINES */ uint32_t IPADDR; #ifdef WIN32 WSADATA WsaData; // receives data from WSAStartupproblem #endif char key_word[30]=""; char value[300]=""; if (_memicmp(rec, "CONFIG", 6) == 0) { // Create Embedded PORT Config // Copy all subseuent lines up to ENDPORT to a memory buffer char * ptr; int i; if (LogicalPortNum > 64) { Consoleprintf("Portnum %d is invalid", LogicalPortNum); LogicalPortNum = 0; } PortConfig[LogicalPortNum] = ptr = malloc(50000); *ptr = 0; GetNextLine(rec); while (!feof(fp1)) { if (_memicmp(rec, "ENDPORT", 7) == 0) { PortConfig[LogicalPortNum] = realloc(PortConfig[LogicalPortNum], (strlen(ptr) + 1)); endport = 1; return 0; } i = (int)strlen(rec); i--; while(i > 1) { if (rec[i] == ' ') rec[i] = 0; // Remove trailing spaces else break; i--; } // Pick out RIGCONFIG Records if (_memicmp(rec, "RIGCONTROL", 10) == 0) { // RIGCONTROL COM60 19200 ICOM IC706 5e 4 14.103/U1w 14.112/u1 18.1/U1n 10.12/l1 // Convert to new format (RADIO Interlockno); int Interlock = xxp.INTERLOCK; char radio[16]; if (Interlock == 0) // Replace with dummy { Interlock = xxp.INTERLOCK = nextDummyInterlock; nextDummyInterlock++; } sprintf(radio, "RADIO %d ", Interlock); memcpy(rec, radio, 10); if (strlen(rec) > 15) { RadioConfigMsg[nextRadioPort++] = _strdup(rec); } else { // Multiline config, ending in **** char * rptr; RadioConfigMsg[nextRadioPort] = rptr = zalloc(50000); strcpy(rptr, radio); GetNextLine(rec); while(!feof(fp1)) { if (memcmp(rec, "***", 3) == 0) { RadioConfigMsg[nextRadioPort] = realloc(RadioConfigMsg[nextRadioPort], (strlen(rptr) + 1)); nextRadioPort++; break; } strcat(rptr, rec); GetNextLine(rec); } } } else { strcat(ptr, rec); strcat(ptr, "\r\n"); } GetNextLine(rec); } Consoleprintf("Missing ENDPORT for Port %d", portnum); heading = 1; return 0; } if (xindex(rec,"=") >= 0) sscanf(rec,"%[^=]=%s",key_word,value); else sscanf(rec,"%s",key_word); if (_stricmp(key_word, "portnum") == 0) { // Save as LogicalPortNum LogicalPortNum = atoi(value); } if (_stricmp(key_word, "XDIGI") == 0) { // Cross Port Digi definition // XDIGI=CALL,PORT,UI struct XDIGI * Digi = zalloc(sizeof(struct XDIGI)); // Chain char * call, * pport, * Context; call = strtok_s(value, ",", &Context); pport = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context); if (call && pport && ConvToAX25(call, Digi->Call)) { Digi->Port = atoi(pport); if (Digi->Port) { if (Context) { _strupr(Context); if (strstr(Context, "UI")) Digi->UIOnly = TRUE; } // Add to chain if (xxp.XDIGIS) Digi->Next = xxp.XDIGIS; xxp.XDIGIS = Digi; return 0; } } Consoleprintf("Invalid XDIGI Statement %s", rec); porterror = 1; return 0; } /************************************************************************/ /* SEARCH FOR KEYWORD IN TABLE */ /************************************************************************/ for (i=0; i < PPARAMLIM && _stricmp(pkeywords[i],key_word) != 0 ; i++) ; if (i == PPARAMLIM) Consoleprintf("Source record not recognised - Ignored:%s\r\n",rec); else { switch (proutine[i]) { case 0: cn = callsign((char *)poffset[i], value, rec); /* CALLSIGNS */ break; case 1: cn = int_value((short *)poffset[i], value, rec); /* INTEGER VALUES */ break; case 2: cn = bin_switch((char *)poffset[i], value, rec); /* 0/1 SWITCHES */ break; case 3: cn = hex_value((int *)poffset[i], value, rec); /* HEX NUMBERS */ break; case 4: cn = doid(i,value,rec); /* ID PARMS */ break; case 5: cn = hwtypes(i,value,rec); /* HARDWARE TYPES */ break; case 6: cn = bbsflag(i,value,rec); break; case 7: cn = channel(i,value,rec); break; case 8: cn = protocols(i,value,rec); break; case 10: cn = validcalls(i,value,rec); break; case 11: cn = callstring(i,value,rec); break; case 12: cn = kissoptions(i,value,rec); break; case 13: cn = dec_switch((char *)poffset[i], value, rec); /* 0/9 SWITCHES */ break; case 14: cn = dodll(i,value,rec); /* DLL PARMS */ break; case 15: cn = doDriver(i,value,rec); /* DLL PARMS */ break; case 16: xxp.WL2K = DecodeWL2KReportLine(rec); break; case 17: // IP Address for KISS over UDP #ifdef WIN32 WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &WsaData); #endif IPADDR = inet_addr(&rec[7]); memcpy(&xxp.IPADDR, &IPADDR, 4); #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif break; case 18: cn = doSerialPortName(i,value,rec); // COMPORT break; case 19: cn = doPermittedAppls(i,value,rec); // Permitted Apps break; case 20: cn = doKissCommand(i, value, rec); // Permitted Apps break; case 21: cn = int64_value(poffset[i], value, rec); /* INTEGER VALUES */ break; case 22: xxp.M0LTEMapInfo = _strdup(value); cn = 1; break; case 9: cn = 1; endport=1; break; } } if (cn == 0) porterror=1; return 0; } int doid(int i, char value[], char rec[]) { unsigned int j; for (j = 3;( j < (unsigned int)strlen(rec)+1); j++) workstring[j-3] = rec[j]; // Remove trailing spaces before checking length i = (int)strlen(workstring); i--; while(i > 1) { if (workstring[i] == ' ') workstring[i] = 0; // Remove trailing spaces else break; i--; } if (i > 29) { Consoleprintf("Port description too long - Truncated"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); } strcat(workstring," "); workstring[30] = '\0'; memcpy(xxp.ID, workstring, 30); return(1); } int dodll(int i, char value[], char rec[]) { unsigned int j; strlop(rec, ' '); for (j = 8;( j < (unsigned int)strlen(rec)+1); j++) workstring[j-8] = rec[j]; if (j > 24) { Consoleprintf("DLL name too long - Truncated"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); } _strupr(workstring); strcat(workstring," "); memcpy(xxp.DLLNAME, workstring, 16); xxp.TYPE = 16; // External if (strstr(xxp.DLLNAME, "TELNET") || strstr(xxp.DLLNAME, "AXIP")) RFOnly = FALSE; return(1); } int doDriver(int i, char * value, char * rec) { unsigned int j; for (j = 7;( j < (unsigned int)strlen(rec)+1); j++) workstring[j-7] = rec[j]; if (j > 23) { Consoleprintf("Driver name too long - Truncated"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); } _strupr(workstring); strcat(workstring," "); memcpy(xxp.DLLNAME, workstring, 16); xxp.TYPE = 16; // External // Set some defaults in case HFKISS xxp.CHANNEL = 'A'; xxp.FRACK = 7000; xxp.RESPTIME = 1000; xxp.MAXFRAME = 4; xxp.RETRIES = 6; if (strstr(xxp.DLLNAME, "TELNET") || strstr(xxp.DLLNAME, "AXIP")) RFOnly = FALSE; return 1; } int IsNumeric(char *str) { while(*str) { if(!isdigit(*str)) return 0; str++; } return 1; } int doSerialPortName(int i, char * value, char * rec) { rec += 8; if (strlen(rec) > 250) { Consoleprintf("Serial Port Name too long - Truncated"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); rec[250] = 0; } strlop(rec, ' '); if (IsNumeric(rec)) xxp.IOADDR = atoi(rec); else xxp.SerialPortName = _strdup(rec); return 1; } int doPermittedAppls(int i, char * value, char * rec) { unsigned int Mask = 0; char * Context; char * ptr1 = strtok_s(value, " ,=\t\n\r", &Context); // Param is a comma separated list of Appl Numbers allowed to connect on this port while (ptr1 && ptr1[0]) { Mask |= 1 << (atoi(ptr1) - 1); ptr1 = strtok_s(NULL, " ,=\t\n\r", &Context); } xxp.HavePermittedAppls = 1; // indicate used xxp.PERMITTEDAPPLS = Mask; return 1; } int doKissCommand(int i, char * value, char * rec) { // Param is kiss command and any operands as decimal bytes xxp.KissParams = _strdup(strlop(rec, '=')); return 1; } int hwtypes(int i, char value[], char rec[]) { hw = 255; if (_stricmp(value,"ASYNC") == 0) { // Set some defaults xxp.CHANNEL = 'A'; xxp.FRACK = 7000; xxp.RESPTIME = 1000; xxp.MAXFRAME = 4; xxp.RETRIES = 6; hw = 0; } if (_stricmp(value,"PC120") == 0) hw = 2; if (_stricmp(value,"DRSI") == 0) hw = 4; if (_stricmp(value,"DE56") == 0) hw = 4; if (_stricmp(value,"TOSH") == 0) hw = 6; if (_stricmp(value,"QUAD") == 0) hw = 8; if (_stricmp(value,"RLC100") == 0) hw = 10; if (_stricmp(value,"RLC400") == 0) hw = 12; if (_stricmp(value,"INTERNAL") == 0 || _stricmp(value,"LOOPBACK") == 0) { // Set Sensible defaults memset(xxp.ID, ' ', 30); memcpy(xxp.ID, "Loopback", 8); xxp.CHANNEL = 'A'; xxp.FRACK = 5000; xxp.RESPTIME = 1000; xxp.MAXFRAME = 4; xxp.RETRIES = 5; xxp.DIGIFLAG = 1; hw = 14; } if (_stricmp(value,"EXTERNAL") == 0) { hw = 16; // Set some defaults in case KISSHF xxp.CHANNEL = 'A'; xxp.FRACK = 7000; xxp.RESPTIME = 1000; xxp.MAXFRAME = 4; xxp.RETRIES = 6; } if (_stricmp(value,"BAYCOM") == 0) hw = 18; if (_stricmp(value,"PA0HZP") == 0) hw = 20; if (_stricmp(value,"I2C") == 0) { // Set some defaults xxp.CHANNEL = 'A'; xxp.FRACK = 7000; xxp.RESPTIME = 1000; xxp.MAXFRAME = 4; xxp.RETRIES = 6; hw = 22; } if (hw == 255) { Consoleprintf("Invalid Hardware Type (not DRSI PC120 INTERNAL EXTERNAL BAYCOM PA0HZP ASYNC QUAD)"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n", rec); return (0); } else xxp.TYPE = hw; return(1); } int protocols(int i, char value[], char rec[]) { int hw; hw = 255; if (_stricmp(value,"KISS") == 0) hw = 0; if (_stricmp(value,"NETROM") == 0) hw = 2; if (_stricmp(value,"BPQKISS") == 0) hw = 4; if (_stricmp(value,"HDLC") == 0) hw = 6; if (_stricmp(value,"L2") == 0) hw = 8; if (_stricmp(value,"PACTOR") == 0) hw = 10; if (_stricmp(value,"WINMOR") == 0) hw = 10; if (_stricmp(value,"ARQ") == 0) hw = 12; if (hw == 255) { Consoleprintf("Invalid Protocol (not KISS NETROM PACTOR WINMOR ARQ HDLC )"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n", rec); return (0); } else xxp.PROTOCOL = hw; return(1); } int bbsflag(int i, char value[],char rec[]) { int hw=255; if (_stricmp(value,"NOBBS") == 0) hw = 1; if (_stricmp(value,"BBSOK") == 0) hw = 0; if (_stricmp(value,"") == 0) hw = 0; if (hw==255) { Consoleprintf("BBS Flag must be NOBBS, BBSOK, or null"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); return(0); } xxp.BBSFLAG = hw; return(1); } int channel(int i, char * value, char * rec) { char * val = (char *)poffset[i]; val[0] = value[0]; return 1; } int dolinked(int i, char * value, char * rec) { char * val = (char *)offset[i]; val[0] = value[0]; return 1; } int validcalls(int i, char * value, char * rec) { if ((strlen(value) + (int)strlen(xxp.VALIDCALLS)) > 255) { Consoleprintf("Too Many VALIDCALLS"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n", rec); return(0); } strcat(xxp.VALIDCALLS, value); return(1); } int kissoptions(int i, char value[], char rec[]) { int err=255; char opt1[12] = ""; char opt2[12] = ""; char opt3[12] = ""; char opt4[12] = ""; char opt5[12] = ""; char opt6[12] = ""; char opt7[12] = ""; char opt8[12] = ""; sscanf(value,"%[^,+],%[^,+],%[^,+],%[^,+],%[^,+],%[^,+],%[^,+],%[^,+]", opt1,opt2,opt3,opt4,opt5,opt6,opt6,opt8); if (opt1[0] != '\0') {do_kiss(opt1,rec);} if (opt2[0] != '\0') {do_kiss(opt2,rec);} if (opt3[0] != '\0') {do_kiss(opt3,rec);} if (opt4[0] != '\0') {do_kiss(opt4,rec);} if (opt5[0] != '\0') {do_kiss(opt5,rec);} if (opt6[0] != '\0') {do_kiss(opt6,rec);} if (opt7[0] != '\0') {do_kiss(opt7,rec);} if (opt8[0] != '\0') {do_kiss(opt8,rec);} return(1); } /* TNC PORT PROCESSING */ static char *tkeywords[] = { "COM", "TYPE", "APPLMASK", "KISSMASK", "APPLFLAGS", "ENDPORT" }; /* parameter keywords */ static int toffset[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 }; /* offset for corresponding data in config file */ static int troutine[] = { 1, 5, 1, 3, 1, 9 }; /* routine to process parameter */ #define TPARAMLIM 6 typedef struct _TCMDX { char String[12]; // COMMAND STRING UCHAR CMDLEN; // SIGNIFICANT LENGTH VOID (* CMDPROC)(struct TNCDATA * TNC, char * Tail, struct _TCMDX * CMD);// COMMAND PROCESSOR size_t CMDFLAG; // FLAG/VALUE Offset } TCMDX; extern TCMDX TNCCOMMANDLIST[]; extern int NUMBEROFTNCCOMMANDS; int decode_tnc_rec(char * rec) { char key_word[20]; char value[300]; if (xindex(rec,"=") >= 0) sscanf(rec,"%[^=]=%s",key_word,value); else sscanf(rec,"%s",key_word); if (_stricmp(key_word, "ENDPORT") == 0) { endport=1; return 0; } else if (_stricmp(key_word, "TYPE") == 0) { if (_stricmp(value, "TNC2") == 0) { TNC2ENTRY->Mode = TNC2; // Set Defaults TNC2ENTRY->SENDPAC = 13; TNC2ENTRY->CRFLAG = 1; TNC2ENTRY->MTX = 1; TNC2ENTRY->MCOM = 1; TNC2ENTRY->MMASK = -1; // MONITOR MASK FOR PORTS TNC2ENTRY->COMCHAR = 3; TNC2ENTRY->CMDTIME = 10; // SYSTEM TIMER = 100MS TNC2ENTRY->PASSCHAR = 0x16; // CTRL-V TNC2ENTRY->StreamSW = 0x7C; // | TNC2ENTRY->LCStream = 1; } else if (_stricmp(value, "DED") == 0) TNC2ENTRY->Mode = DED; else if (_stricmp(value, "KANT") == 0) TNC2ENTRY->Mode = KANTRONICS; else if (_stricmp(value, "SCS") == 0) TNC2ENTRY->Mode = SCS; else { Consoleprintf("Invalid TNC Type"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); } } else if (_stricmp(key_word, "COMPORT") == 0) strcpy(TNC2ENTRY->PORTNAME, value); else if (_stricmp(key_word, "APPLMASK") == 0) TNC2ENTRY->APPLICATION = strtol(value, 0, 0); else if (_stricmp(key_word, "APPLNUM") == 0) TNC2ENTRY->APPLICATION = 1 << (strtol(value, 0, 0) - 1); else if (_stricmp(key_word, "APPLFLAGS") == 0) TNC2ENTRY->APPLFLAGS = strtol(value, 0, 0); else if (_stricmp(key_word, "CHANNELS") == 0) TNC2ENTRY->HOSTSTREAMS = strtol(value, 0, 0); else if (_stricmp(key_word, "STREAMS") == 0) TNC2ENTRY->HOSTSTREAMS = strtol(value, 0, 0); else if (_stricmp(key_word, "POLLDELAY") == 0) TNC2ENTRY->PollDelay = strtol(value, 0, 0); else if (_stricmp(key_word, "CONOK") == 0) TNC2ENTRY->CONOK = strtol(value, 0, 0); else if (_stricmp(key_word, "AUTOLF") == 0) TNC2ENTRY->AUTOLF = strtol(value, 0, 0); else if (_stricmp(key_word, "ECHO") == 0) TNC2ENTRY->ECHOFLAG = (char)strtol(value, 0, 0); else { if (TNC2ENTRY->Mode == TNC2) { // Try process as TNC2 Command int n = 0; TCMDX * CMD = &TNCCOMMANDLIST[0]; char * ptr1 = key_word; UCHAR * valueptr; strcat(key_word, " "); _strupr(key_word); for (n = 0; n < NUMBEROFTNCCOMMANDS; n++) { int CL = CMD->CMDLEN; // ptr1 is input command ptr1 = key_word; if (memcmp(CMD->String, ptr1, CL) == 0) { // Found match so far - check rest char * ptr2 = &CMD->String[CL]; ptr1 += CL; if (*(ptr1) != ' ') { while(*(ptr1) == *ptr2 && *(ptr1) != ' ') { ptr1++; ptr2++; } } if (*(ptr1) == ' ') { valueptr = (UCHAR *)TNC2ENTRY + CMD->CMDFLAG; *valueptr = (UCHAR)strtol(value, 0, 0); return 0; } } CMD++; } } Consoleprintf("Source record not recognised - Ignored:%s\r\n",rec); } return 0; } int do_kiss (char * value,char * rec) { int err=255; if (_stricmp(value,"POLLED") == 0) { err=0; kissflags=kissflags | POLLINGKISS; } else if (_stricmp(value,"CHECKSUM") == 0) { err=0; kissflags=kissflags | CHECKSUM; } else if (_stricmp(value,"D700") == 0) { err=0; kissflags=kissflags | D700; } else if (_stricmp(value,"TNCX") == 0) { err=0; kissflags=kissflags | TNCX; } else if (_stricmp(value,"PITNC") == 0) { err=0; kissflags=kissflags | PITNC; } else if (_stricmp(value,"TRACKER") == 0) { err=0; kissflags |= TRACKER; } else if (_stricmp(value,"NOPARAMS") == 0) { err=0; kissflags=kissflags | NOPARAMS; } else if (_stricmp(value,"ACKMODE") == 0) { err=0; kissflags=kissflags | ACKMODE; } else if (_stricmp(value,"SLAVE") == 0) { err=0; kissflags=kissflags | POLLEDKISS; } else if (_stricmp(value,"FLDIGI") == 0) { err=0; kissflags |= FLDIGI; } else if (_stricmp(value,"FASTI2C") == 0) { err=0; kissflags |= FASTI2C; } else if (_stricmp(value,"DRATS") == 0) { err=0; kissflags |= DRATS; } if (err == 255) { Consoleprintf("Invalid KISS Options (not POLLED ACKMODE CHECKSUM D700 SLAVE TNCX PITNC NOPARAMS FASTI2C DRATS)"); Consoleprintf("%s\r\n",rec); } return (err); } int simple(int i) { // Set up the basic config header xxcfg.C_AUTOSAVE = 1; xxcfg.C_SaveMH = 1; xxcfg.C_BBS = 1; xxcfg.C_BTINTERVAL = 60; xxcfg.C_BUFFERS = 999; xxcfg.C_C = 1; xxcfg.C_DESQVIEW = 0; xxcfg.C_EMSFLAG = 0; xxcfg.C_FULLCTEXT = 1; xxcfg.C_HIDENODES = 0; xxcfg.C_HOSTINTERRUPT = 127; xxcfg.C_IDINTERVAL = 10; xxcfg.C_IDLETIME = 900; xxcfg.C_IP = 0; xxcfg.C_PM = 0; xxcfg.C_L3TIMETOLIVE = 25; xxcfg.C_L4DELAY = 10; xxcfg.C_L4RETRIES = 3; xxcfg.C_L4TIMEOUT = 60; xxcfg.C_L4WINDOW = 4; xxcfg.C_LINKEDFLAG = 'A'; xxcfg.C_MAXCIRCUITS = 128; xxcfg.C_MAXDESTS = 250; xxcfg.C_MAXHOPS = 4; xxcfg.C_MAXLINKS = 64; xxcfg.C_MAXNEIGHBOURS = 64; xxcfg.C_MAXRTT = 90; xxcfg.C_MINQUAL = 150; xxcfg.C_NODE = 1; xxcfg.C_NODESINTERVAL = 30; xxcfg.C_OBSINIT = 6; xxcfg.C_OBSMIN = 5; xxcfg.C_PACLEN = 236; xxcfg.C_T3 = 180; xxcfg.C_TRANSDELAY = 1; /* Set PARAMOK flags on all values that are defaulted */ for (i=0; i < PARAMLIM; i++) paramok[i]=1; paramok[15] = 0; // Must have callsign paramok[45] = 0; // Dont Have Appl1Call paramok[53] = 0; // or APPL1ALIAS return(1); } VOID FreeConfig() { } BOOL ProcessAPPLDef(char * buf) { // New Style APPL definition // APPL n,COMMAND,CMDALIAS,APPLCALL,APPLALIAS,APPLQUAL,L2ALIAS char * ptr1, * ptr2; int Appl, n = 0; char Param[8][256]; struct APPLCONFIG * App; memset(Param, 0, 2048); ptr1 = buf; while (ptr1 && *ptr1 && n < 8) { ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, ','); if (ptr2) *ptr2++ = 0; strcpy(&Param[n++][0], ptr1); ptr1 = ptr2; } if (_stricmp(Param[1], Param[2]) == 0) { // Alias = Application - will loop. return FALSE; } _strupr(Param[0]); _strupr(Param[1]); // Leave Alias in original case _strupr(Param[3]); _strupr(Param[4]); _strupr(Param[5]); _strupr(Param[6]); _strupr(Param[7]); Appl = atoi(Param[0]); if (Appl < 1 || Appl > NumberofAppls) return FALSE; App = &xxcfg.C_APPL[Appl - 1]; // Recs from zero if (Param[1][0] == 0) // No Application return FALSE; if (strlen(Param[1]) > 12) return FALSE; memcpy(App->Command, Param[1], (int)strlen(Param[1])); xxcfg.C_BBS = 1; if (strlen(Param[2]) > 48) return FALSE; memcpy(App->CommandAlias, Param[2], (int)strlen(Param[2])); if (strlen(Param[3]) > 10) return FALSE; memcpy(App->ApplCall, Param[3], (int)strlen(Param[3])); if (strlen(Param[4]) > 10) return FALSE; memcpy(App->ApplAlias, Param[4], (int)strlen(Param[4])); App->ApplQual = atoi(Param[5]); if (strlen(Param[6]) > 10) return FALSE; memcpy(App->L2Alias, Param[6], (int)strlen(Param[6])); return TRUE; } double xfmod(double p1, double p2) { int temp; temp = (int)(p1/p2); p1 = p1 -(p2 * temp); return p1; } BOOL ToLOC(double Lat, double Lon , char * Locator) { int i; double S1, S2; Lon = Lon + 180; Lat = Lat + 90; S1 = xfmod(Lon, 20); #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4244) i = Lon / 20; Locator[0] = 65 + i; S2 = xfmod(S1, 2); i = S1 / 2; Locator[2] = 48 + i; i = S2 * 12; Locator[4] = 65 + i; S1 = xfmod(Lat,10); i = Lat / 10; Locator[1] = 65 + i; S2 = xfmod(S1,1); i = S1; Locator[3] = 48 + i; i = S2 * 24; Locator[5] = 65 + i; #pragma warning(pop) return TRUE; } int FromLOC(char * Locator, double * pLat, double * pLon) { double i; double Lat, Lon; _strupr(Locator); *pLon = 0; *pLat = 0; // in case invalid // Basic validation for APRS positions // The first pair (a field) encodes with base 18 and the letters "A" to "R". // The second pair (square) encodes with base 10 and the digits "0" to "9". // The third pair (subsquare) encodes with base 24 and the letters "a" to "x". i = Locator[0]; if (i < 'A' || i > 'R') return 0; Lon = (i - 65) * 20; i = Locator[2]; if (i < '0' || i > '9') return 0; Lon = Lon + (i - 48) * 2; i = Locator[4]; if (i < 'A' || i > 'X') return 0; Lon = Lon + (i - 65) / 12; i = Locator[1]; if (i < 'A' || i > 'R') return 0; Lat = (i - 65) * 10; i = Locator[3]; if (i < '0' || i > '9') return 0; Lat = Lat + (i - 48); i = Locator[5]; if (i < 'A' || i > 'X') return 0; Lat = Lat + (i - 65) / 24; if (Lon < 0 || Lon > 360) Lon = 180; if (Lat < 0 || Lat > 180) Lat = 90; *pLon = Lon - 180; *pLat = Lat - 90; return 1; }