/* Copyright 2001-2022 John Wiseman G8BPQ This file is part of LinBPQ/BPQ32. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LinBPQ/BPQ32. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ // General C Routines common to bpq32 and linbpq. Mainly moved from BPQ32.c #pragma data_seg("_BPQDATA") #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #include #include #include #include "mqtt.h" #pragma data_seg("_BPQDATA") #include "cheaders.h" #include "tncinfo.h" #include "configstructs.h" extern struct CONFIGTABLE xxcfg; #define LIBCONFIG_STATIC #include "libconfig.h" #ifndef LINBPQ //#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 // Change this to the appropriate value to target other versions of Windows. #include "commctrl.h" #include "Commdlg.h" #endif struct TNCINFO * TNCInfo[71]; // Records are Malloc'd extern int ReportTimer; Dll VOID APIENTRY Send_AX(UCHAR * Block, DWORD Len, UCHAR Port); TRANSPORTENTRY * SetupSessionFromHost(PBPQVECSTRUC HOST, UINT ApplMask); int Check_Timer(); VOID SENDUIMESSAGE(struct DATAMESSAGE * Msg); DllExport struct PORTCONTROL * APIENTRY GetPortTableEntryFromSlot(int portslot); VOID APIENTRY md5 (char *arg, unsigned char * checksum); VOID COMSetDTR(HANDLE fd); VOID COMClearDTR(HANDLE fd); VOID COMSetRTS(HANDLE fd); VOID COMClearRTS(HANDLE fd); VOID WriteMiniDump(); void printStack(void); char * FormatMH(PMHSTRUC MH, char Format); void WriteConnectLog(char * fromCall, char * toCall, UCHAR * Mode); void SendDataToPktMap(); extern BOOL LogAllConnects; extern BOOL M0LTEMap; char * stristr (char *ch1, char *ch2); extern VOID * ENDBUFFERPOOL; // Read/Write length field in a buffer header // Needed for Big/LittleEndian and ARM5 (unaligned operation problem) portability VOID PutLengthinBuffer(PDATAMESSAGE buff, USHORT datalen) { if (datalen <= sizeof(void *) + 4) datalen = sizeof(void *) + 4; // Protect memcpy(&buff->LENGTH, &datalen, 2); } int GetLengthfromBuffer(PDATAMESSAGE buff) { USHORT Length; memcpy(&Length, &buff->LENGTH, 2); return Length; } BOOL CheckQHeadder(UINT * Q) { #ifdef WIN32 UINT Test; __try { Test = *Q; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Debugprintf("Invalid Q Header %p", Q); printStack(); return FALSE; } #endif return TRUE; } // Get buffer from Queue VOID * _Q_REM(VOID **PQ, char * File, int Line) { void ** Q; void ** first; VOID * next; PMESSAGE Test; // PQ may not be word aligned, so copy as bytes (for ARM5) Q = PQ; if (Semaphore.Flag == 0) Debugprintf("Q_REM called without semaphore from %s Line %d", File, Line); if (CheckQHeadder((UINT *) Q) == 0) return(0); first = Q[0]; if (first == 0) return (0); // Empty next = first[0]; // Address of next buffer Q[0] = next; // Make sure guard zone is zeros Test = (PMESSAGE)first; if (Test->GuardZone != 0) { Debugprintf("Q_REM %p GUARD ZONE CORRUPT %x Called from %s Line %d", first, Test->GuardZone, File, Line); printStack(); } return first; } // Non=pool version (for IPGateway) VOID * _Q_REM_NP(VOID *PQ, char * File, int Line) { void ** Q; void ** first; void * next; // PQ may not be word aligned, so copy as bytes (for ARM5) Q = PQ; if (CheckQHeadder((UINT *)Q) == 0) return(0); first = Q[0]; if (first == 0) return (0); // Empty next = first[0]; // Address of next buffer Q[0] = next; return first; } // Return Buffer to Free Queue extern VOID * BUFFERPOOL; extern void ** Bufferlist[1000]; void printStack(void); void _CheckGuardZone(char * File, int Line) { int n = 0, i, offset = 0; PMESSAGE Test; UINT CodeDump[8]; unsigned char * ptr; n = NUMBEROFBUFFERS; while (n--) { Test = (PMESSAGE)Bufferlist[n]; if (Test && Test->GuardZone) { Debugprintf("CheckGuardZone %p GUARD ZONE CORRUPT %d Called from %s Line %d", Test, Test->Process, File, Line); offset = 0; ptr = (unsigned char *)Test; while (offset < 400) { memcpy(CodeDump, &ptr[offset], 32); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) CodeDump[i] = htonl(CodeDump[i]); Debugprintf("%08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x ", &ptr[offset], CodeDump[0], CodeDump[1], CodeDump[2], CodeDump[3], CodeDump[4], CodeDump[5], CodeDump[6], CodeDump[7]); offset += 32; } WriteMiniDump(); #ifdef MDIKERNEL CloseAllNeeded = 1; #endif } } } UINT _ReleaseBuffer(VOID *pBUFF, char * File, int Line) { void ** pointer, ** BUFF = pBUFF; int n = 0; void ** debug; PMESSAGE Test; UINT CodeDump[16]; int i; unsigned int rev; if (Semaphore.Flag == 0) Debugprintf("ReleaseBuffer called without semaphore from %s Line %d", File, Line); // Make sure address is within pool if ((uintptr_t)BUFF < (uintptr_t)BUFFERPOOL || (uintptr_t)BUFF > (uintptr_t)ENDBUFFERPOOL) { // Not pointing to a buffer . debug points to the buffer that this is chained from // Dump first chunk and source tag memcpy(CodeDump, BUFF, 64); Debugprintf("Releasebuffer Buffer not in pool from %s Line %d, ptr %p prev %d", File, Line, BUFF, 0); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { rev = (CodeDump[i] & 0xff) << 24; rev |= (CodeDump[i] & 0xff00) << 8; rev |= (CodeDump[i] & 0xff0000) >> 8; rev |= (CodeDump[i] & 0xff000000) >> 24; CodeDump[i] = rev; } Debugprintf("%08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x ", Bufferlist[n], CodeDump[0], CodeDump[1], CodeDump[2], CodeDump[3], CodeDump[4], CodeDump[5], CodeDump[6], CodeDump[7]); Debugprintf(" %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x", CodeDump[8], CodeDump[9], CodeDump[10], CodeDump[11], CodeDump[12], CodeDump[13], CodeDump[14], CodeDump[15]); return 0; } Test = (PMESSAGE)pBUFF; if (Test->GuardZone != 0) { Debugprintf("_ReleaseBuffer %p GUARD ZONE CORRUPT %x Called from %s Line %d", pBUFF, Test->GuardZone, File, Line); } while (n <= NUMBEROFBUFFERS) { if (BUFF == Bufferlist[n++]) goto BOK1; } Debugprintf("ReleaseBuffer %X not in Pool called from %s Line %d", BUFF, File, Line); printStack(); return 0; BOK1: n = 0; // validate free Queue pointer = FREE_Q; debug = &FREE_Q; while (pointer) { // Validate pointer to make sure it is in pool - it may be a duff address if Q is corrupt Test = (PMESSAGE)pointer; if (Test->GuardZone || (uintptr_t)pointer < (uintptr_t)BUFFERPOOL || (uintptr_t)pointer > (uintptr_t)ENDBUFFERPOOL) { // Not pointing to a buffer . debug points to the buffer that this is chained from // Dump first chunk and source tag memcpy(CodeDump, debug, 64); Debugprintf("Releasebuffer Pool Corruption n = %d, ptr %p prev %p", n, pointer, debug); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { rev = (CodeDump[i] & 0xff) << 24; rev |= (CodeDump[i] & 0xff00) << 8; rev |= (CodeDump[i] & 0xff0000) >> 8; rev |= (CodeDump[i] & 0xff000000) >> 24; CodeDump[i] = rev; } Debugprintf("%08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x ", Bufferlist[n], CodeDump[0], CodeDump[1], CodeDump[2], CodeDump[3], CodeDump[4], CodeDump[5], CodeDump[6], CodeDump[7]); Debugprintf(" %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x", CodeDump[8], CodeDump[9], CodeDump[10], CodeDump[11], CodeDump[12], CodeDump[13], CodeDump[14], CodeDump[15]); if (debug[400]) Debugprintf(" %s", &debug[400]); } // See if already on free Queue if (pointer == BUFF) { Debugprintf("Trying to free buffer %p when already on FREE_Q called from %s Line %d", BUFF, File, Line); // WriteMiniDump(); return 0; } // if (pointer[0] && pointer == pointer[0]) // { // Debugprintf("Buffer chained to itself"); // return 0; // } debug = pointer; pointer = pointer[0]; n++; if (n > 1000) { Debugprintf("Loop searching free chain - pointer = %p %p", debug, pointer); return 0; } } pointer = FREE_Q; *BUFF = pointer; FREE_Q = BUFF; QCOUNT++; return 0; } int _C_Q_ADD(VOID *PQ, VOID *PBUFF, char * File, int Line) { void ** Q; void ** BUFF = PBUFF; void ** next; PMESSAGE Test; int n = 0; // PQ may not be word aligned, so copy as bytes (for ARM5) Q = PQ; if (Semaphore.Flag == 0) Debugprintf("C_Q_ADD called without semaphore from %s Line %d", File, Line); if (CheckQHeadder((UINT *)Q) == 0) // Make sure Q header is readable return(0); // Make sure guard zone is zeros Test = (PMESSAGE)PBUFF; if (Test->GuardZone != 0) { Debugprintf("C_Q_ADD %p GUARD ZONE CORRUPT %x Called from %s Line %d", PBUFF, Test->GuardZone, File, Line); } Test = (PMESSAGE)Q; // Make sure address is within pool while (n <= NUMBEROFBUFFERS) { if (BUFF == Bufferlist[n++]) goto BOK2; } Debugprintf("C_Q_ADD %X not in Pool called from %s Line %d", BUFF, File, Line); printStack(); return 0; BOK2: BUFF[0] = 0; // Clear chain in new buffer if (Q[0] == 0) // Empty { Q[0]=BUFF; // New one on front return(0); } next = Q[0]; while (next[0] != 0) { next = next[0]; // Chain to end of queue } next[0] = BUFF; // New one on end return(0); } // Non-pool version int C_Q_ADD_NP(VOID *PQ, VOID *PBUFF) { void ** Q; void ** BUFF = PBUFF; void ** next; int n = 0; // PQ may not be word aligned, so copy as bytes (for ARM5) Q = PQ; if (CheckQHeadder((UINT *)Q) == 0) // Make sure Q header is readable return(0); BUFF[0]=0; // Clear chain in new buffer if (Q[0] == 0) // Empty { Q[0]=BUFF; // New one on front // memcpy(PQ, &BUFF, 4); return 0; } next = Q[0]; while (next[0] != 0) next=next[0]; // Chain to end of queue next[0] = BUFF; // New one on end return(0); } int C_Q_COUNT(VOID *PQ) { void ** Q; int count = 0; // PQ may not be word aligned, so copy as bytes (for ARM5) Q = PQ; if (CheckQHeadder((UINT *)Q) == 0) // Make sure Q header is readable return(0); // SEE HOW MANY BUFFERS ATTACHED TO Q HEADER while (*Q) { count++; if ((count + QCOUNT) > MAXBUFFS) { Debugprintf("C_Q_COUNT Detected corrupt Q %p len %d", PQ, count); return count; } Q = *Q; } return count; } VOID * _GetBuff(char * File, int Line) { UINT * Temp; MESSAGE * Msg; char * fptr = 0; unsigned char * byteaddr; Temp = Q_REM(&FREE_Q); // FindLostBuffers(); if (Semaphore.Flag == 0) Debugprintf("GetBuff called without semaphore from %s Line %d", File, Line); if (Temp) { QCOUNT--; if (QCOUNT < MINBUFFCOUNT) MINBUFFCOUNT = QCOUNT; Msg = (MESSAGE *)Temp; fptr = File + (int)strlen(File); while (*fptr != '\\' && *fptr != '/') fptr--; fptr++; // Buffer Length is BUFFLEN, but buffers are allocated 512 // So add file info in gap between byteaddr = (unsigned char *)Msg; memset(&byteaddr[0], 0, 64); // simplify debugging lost buffers memset(&byteaddr[400], 0, 64); // simplify debugging lost buffers sprintf(&byteaddr[400], "%s %d", fptr, Line); Msg->Process = (short)GetCurrentProcessId(); Msg->Linkptr = NULL; Msg->Padding[0] = 0; // Used for modem status info } else Debugprintf("Warning - Getbuff returned NULL"); return Temp; } void * zalloc(int len) { // malloc and clear void * ptr; ptr=malloc(len); if (ptr) memset(ptr, 0, len); return ptr; } char * strlop(char * buf, char delim) { // Terminate buf at delim, and return rest of string char * ptr; if (buf == NULL) return NULL; // Protect ptr = strchr(buf, delim); if (ptr == NULL) return NULL; *(ptr)++=0; return ptr; } VOID DISPLAYCIRCUIT(TRANSPORTENTRY * L4, char * Buffer) { UCHAR Type = L4->L4CIRCUITTYPE; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT; struct _LINKTABLE * LINK; BPQVECSTRUC * VEC; struct DEST_LIST * DEST; char Normcall[20] = ""; // Could be alias:call char Normcall2[11] = ""; char Alias[11] = ""; Buffer[0] = 0; switch (Type) { case PACTOR+UPLINK: PORT = L4->L4TARGET.PORT; ConvFromAX25(L4->L4USER, Normcall); strlop(Normcall, ' '); if (PORT) sprintf(Buffer, "%s %d/%d(%s)", "TNC Uplink Port", PORT->PORTNUMBER, L4->KAMSESSION, Normcall); return; case PACTOR+DOWNLINK: PORT = L4->L4TARGET.PORT; if (PORT) sprintf(Buffer, "%s %d/%d", "Attached to Port", PORT->PORTNUMBER, L4->KAMSESSION); return; case L2LINK+UPLINK: LINK = L4->L4TARGET.LINK; ConvFromAX25(L4->L4USER, Normcall); strlop(Normcall, ' '); if (LINK &&LINK->LINKPORT) sprintf(Buffer, "%s %d(%s)", "Uplink", LINK->LINKPORT->PORTNUMBER, Normcall); return; case L2LINK+DOWNLINK: LINK = L4->L4TARGET.LINK; if (LINK == NULL) return; ConvFromAX25(LINK->OURCALL, Normcall); strlop(Normcall, ' '); ConvFromAX25(LINK->LINKCALL, Normcall2); strlop(Normcall2, ' '); sprintf(Buffer, "%s %d(%s %s)", "Downlink", LINK->LINKPORT->PORTNUMBER, Normcall, Normcall2); return; case BPQHOST + UPLINK: case BPQHOST + DOWNLINK: // if the call has a Level 4 address display ALIAS:CALL, else just Call if (FindDestination(L4->L4USER, &DEST)) Normcall[DecodeNodeName(DEST->DEST_CALL, Normcall)] = 0; // null terminate else Normcall[ConvFromAX25(L4->L4USER, Normcall)] = 0; VEC = L4->L4TARGET.HOST; sprintf(Buffer, "%s%02d(%s)", "Host", (int)(VEC - BPQHOSTVECTOR) + 1, Normcall); return; case SESSION + DOWNLINK: case SESSION + UPLINK: ConvFromAX25(L4->L4USER, Normcall); strlop(Normcall, ' '); DEST = L4->L4TARGET.DEST; if (DEST == NULL) return; ConvFromAX25(DEST->DEST_CALL, Normcall2); strlop(Normcall2, ' '); memcpy(Alias, DEST->DEST_ALIAS, 6); strlop(Alias, ' '); sprintf(Buffer, "Circuit(%s:%s %s)", Alias, Normcall2, Normcall); return; } } VOID CheckForDetach(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream, struct STREAMINFO * STREAM, VOID TidyCloseProc(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream), VOID ForcedCloseProc(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream), VOID CloseComplete(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream)) { void ** buffptr; if (TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[Stream] == 0) { // Node has disconnected - clear any connection if (STREAM->Disconnecting) { // Already detected the detach, and have started to close STREAM->DisconnectingTimeout--; if (STREAM->DisconnectingTimeout) return; // Give it a bit longer // Close has timed out - force a disc, and clear ForcedCloseProc(TNC, Stream); // Send Tidy Disconnect goto NotConnected; } // New Disconnect Debugprintf("New Disconnect Port %d Q %x", TNC->Port, STREAM->BPQtoPACTOR_Q); if (STREAM->Connected || STREAM->Connecting) { // Need to do a tidy close STREAM->Connecting = FALSE; STREAM->Disconnecting = TRUE; STREAM->DisconnectingTimeout = 300; // 30 Secs if (Stream == 0) SetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, "Disconnecting"); // Create a traffic record hookL4SessionDeleted(TNC, STREAM); if (STREAM->BPQtoPACTOR_Q) // Still data to send? return; // Will close when all acked // if (STREAM->FramesOutstanding && TNC->Hardware == H_UZ7HO) // return; // Will close when all acked TidyCloseProc(TNC, Stream); // Send Tidy Disconnect return; } // Not connected NotConnected: STREAM->Disconnecting = FALSE; STREAM->Attached = FALSE; STREAM->Connecting = FALSE; STREAM->Connected = FALSE; if (Stream == 0) SetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, "Free"); STREAM->FramesQueued = 0; STREAM->FramesOutstanding = 0; CloseComplete(TNC, Stream); if (TNC->DefaultRXFreq && TNC->RXRadio) { char Msg[128]; sprintf(Msg, "R%d %f", TNC->RXRadio, TNC->DefaultRXFreq); Rig_Command( (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, Msg); } if (TNC->DefaultTXFreq && TNC->TXRadio && TNC->TXRadio != TNC->RXRadio) { char Msg[128]; sprintf(Msg, "R%d %f", TNC->TXRadio, TNC->DefaultTXFreq); Rig_Command( (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, Msg); } while(STREAM->BPQtoPACTOR_Q) { buffptr=Q_REM(&STREAM->BPQtoPACTOR_Q); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } while(STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q) { buffptr=Q_REM(&STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } } } char * CheckAppl(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Appl) { APPLCALLS * APPL; BPQVECSTRUC * PORTVEC; int Allocated = 0, Available = 0; int App, Stream; struct TNCINFO * APPLTNC; // Debugprintf("Checking if %s is running", Appl); for (App = 0; App < 32; App++) { APPL=&APPLCALLTABLE[App]; if (_memicmp(APPL->APPLCMD, Appl, 12) == 0) { int _APPLMASK = 1 << App; // If App has an alias, assume it is running , unless a CMS alias - then check CMS if (APPL->APPLHASALIAS) { if (_memicmp(APPL->APPLCMD, "RELAY ", 6) == 0) return APPL->APPLCALL_TEXT; // Assume people using RELAY know what they are doing if (APPL->APPLPORT && (_memicmp(APPL->APPLCMD, "RMS ", 4) == 0)) { APPLTNC = TNCInfo[APPL->APPLPORT]; { if (APPLTNC) { if (APPLTNC->TCPInfo && !APPLTNC->TCPInfo->CMSOK && !APPLTNC->TCPInfo->FallbacktoRelay) return NULL; } } } return APPL->APPLCALL_TEXT; } // See if App is running PORTVEC = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[0]; for (Stream = 0; Stream < 64; Stream++) { if (PORTVEC->HOSTAPPLMASK & _APPLMASK) { Allocated++; if (PORTVEC->HOSTSESSION == 0 && (PORTVEC->HOSTFLAGS & 3) == 0) { // Free and no outstanding report return APPL->APPLCALL_TEXT; // Running } } PORTVEC++; } } } return NULL; // Not Running } VOID SetApplPorts() { // If any appl has an alias, get port number struct APPLCONFIG * App; APPLCALLS * APPL; char C[80]; char Port[80]; char Call[80]; int i, n; App = &xxcfg.C_APPL[0]; for (i=0; i < NumberofAppls; i++) { APPL=&APPLCALLTABLE[i]; if (APPL->APPLHASALIAS) { n = sscanf(App->CommandAlias, "%s %s %s", &C[0], &Port[0], &Call[0]); if (n == 3) APPL->APPLPORT = atoi(Port); } App++; } } char Modenames[19][10] = {"WINMOR", "SCS", "KAM", "AEA", "HAL", "TELNET", "TRK", "V4", "UZ7HO", "MPSK", "FLDIGI", "UIARQ", "ARDOP", "VARA", "SERIAL", "KISSHF", "WINRPR", "HSMODEM", "FREEDATA"}; BOOL ProcessIncommingConnect(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Call, int Stream, BOOL SENDCTEXT) { return ProcessIncommingConnectEx(TNC, Call, Stream, SENDCTEXT, FALSE); } BOOL ProcessIncommingConnectEx(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Call, int Stream, BOOL SENDCTEXT, BOOL AllowTR) { TRANSPORTENTRY * Session; int Index = 0; PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; int Totallen = 0; UCHAR * ptr; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = (struct PORTCONTROL *)TNC->PortRecord; struct STREAMINFO * STREAM = &TNC->Streams[Stream]; // Stop Scanner if (Stream == 0 || TNC->Hardware == H_UZ7HO) { char Msg[80]; sprintf(Msg, "%d SCANSTOP", TNC->Port); Rig_Command((TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, Msg); UpdateMH(TNC, Call, '+', 'I'); } Session = L4TABLE; // Find a free Circuit Entry while (Index < MAXCIRCUITS) { if (Session->L4USER[0] == 0) break; Session++; Index++; } if (Index == MAXCIRCUITS) return FALSE; // Tables Full memset(Session, 0, sizeof(TRANSPORTENTRY)); memcpy(STREAM->RemoteCall, Call, 9); // Save Text Callsign // May be subsequently rejected but a good place to capture calls hookL4SessionAccepted(STREAM, Call, TNC->TargetCall); if (AllowTR) ConvToAX25Ex(Call, Session->L4USER); // Allow -T and -R SSID's for MPS else ConvToAX25(Call, Session->L4USER); ConvToAX25(MYNODECALL, Session->L4MYCALL); Session->CIRCUITINDEX = Index; Session->CIRCUITID = NEXTID; NEXTID++; if (NEXTID == 0) NEXTID++; // Keep non-zero TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[Stream] = Session; STREAM->Attached = TRUE; Session->L4TARGET.EXTPORT = TNC->PortRecord; Session->L4CIRCUITTYPE = UPLINK+PACTOR; Session->L4WINDOW = L4DEFAULTWINDOW; Session->L4STATE = 5; Session->SESSIONT1 = L4T1; Session->SESSPACLEN = TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PORTPACLEN; Session->KAMSESSION = Stream; STREAM->Connected = TRUE; // Subsequent data to data channel if (LogAllConnects) { if (TNC->TargetCall[0]) WriteConnectLog(Call, TNC->TargetCall, Modenames[TNC->Hardware - 1]); else WriteConnectLog(Call, MYNODECALL, Modenames[TNC->Hardware - 1]); } if (SENDCTEXT == 0) return TRUE; // if Port CTEXT defined, use it if (PORT->CTEXT) { Totallen = strlen(PORT->CTEXT); ptr = PORT->CTEXT; } else if (HFCTEXTLEN > 0) { Totallen = HFCTEXTLEN; ptr = HFCTEXT; } else return TRUE; while (Totallen > 0) { int sendLen = TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[Stream]->SESSPACLEN; if (sendLen == 0) sendLen = 80; if (Totallen < sendLen) sendLen = Totallen; buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return TRUE; // No buffers buffptr->Len = sendLen; memcpy(&buffptr->Data[0], ptr, sendLen); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].BPQtoPACTOR_Q, buffptr); Totallen -= sendLen; ptr += sendLen; } return TRUE; } char * Config; static char * ptr1, * ptr2; BOOL ReadConfigFile(int Port, int ProcLine(char * buf, int Port)) { char buf[256],errbuf[256]; if (TNCInfo[Port]) // If restarting, free old config free(TNCInfo[Port]); TNCInfo[Port] = NULL; Config = PortConfig[Port]; if (Config) { // Using config from bpq32.cfg if (strlen(Config) == 0) { // Empty Config File - OK for most types struct TNCINFO * TNC = TNCInfo[Port] = zalloc(sizeof(struct TNCINFO)); TNC->InitScript = malloc(2); TNC->InitScript[0] = 0; return TRUE; } ptr1 = Config; ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, 13); while(ptr2) { memcpy(buf, ptr1, ptr2 - ptr1 + 1); buf[ptr2 - ptr1 + 1] = 0; ptr1 = ptr2 + 2; ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, 13); strcpy(errbuf,buf); // save in case of error if (!ProcLine(buf, Port)) { WritetoConsoleLocal("\n"); WritetoConsoleLocal("Bad config record "); WritetoConsoleLocal(errbuf); } } } else { sprintf(buf," ** Error - No Configuration info in bpq32.cfg"); WritetoConsoleLocal(buf); } return (TRUE); } int GetLine(char * buf) { loop: if (ptr2 == NULL) return 0; memcpy(buf, ptr1, ptr2 - ptr1 + 2); buf[ptr2 - ptr1 + 2] = 0; ptr1 = ptr2 + 2; ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, 13); if (buf[0] < 0x20) goto loop; if (buf[0] == '#') goto loop; if (buf[0] == ';') goto loop; if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] < 0x20) buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0; if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] < 0x20) buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0; buf[strlen(buf)] = 13; return 1; } VOID DigiToMultiplePorts(struct PORTCONTROL * PORTVEC, PMESSAGE Msg) { USHORT Mask=PORTVEC->DIGIMASK; int i; for (i=1; i<=NUMBEROFPORTS; i++) { if (Mask & 1) { // Block includes the Msg Header (7/11 bytes), Len Does not! Msg->PORT = i; Send_AX((UCHAR *)&Msg, Msg->LENGTH - MSGHDDRLEN, i); Mask>>=1; } } } int CompareAlias(struct DEST_LIST ** a, struct DEST_LIST ** b) { return memcmp(a[0]->DEST_ALIAS, b[0]->DEST_ALIAS, 6); /* strcmp functions works exactly as expected from comparison function */ } int CompareNode(struct DEST_LIST ** a, struct DEST_LIST ** b) { return memcmp(a[0]->DEST_CALL, b[0]->DEST_CALL, 7); } DllExport int APIENTRY CountFramesQueuedOnStream(int Stream) { BPQVECSTRUC * PORTVEC = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[Stream-1]; // API counts from 1 TRANSPORTENTRY * L4 = PORTVEC->HOSTSESSION; int Count = 0; if (L4) { if (L4->L4CROSSLINK) // CONNECTED? Count = CountFramesQueuedOnSession(L4->L4CROSSLINK); else Count = CountFramesQueuedOnSession(L4); } return Count; } DllExport int APIENTRY ChangeSessionCallsign(int Stream, unsigned char * AXCall) { // Equivalent to "*** linked to" command memcpy(BPQHOSTVECTOR[Stream-1].HOSTSESSION->L4USER, AXCall, 7); return (0); } DllExport int APIENTRY ChangeSessionPaclen(int Stream, int Paclen) { BPQHOSTVECTOR[Stream-1].HOSTSESSION->SESSPACLEN = Paclen; return (0); } DllExport int APIENTRY ChangeSessionIdletime(int Stream, int idletime) { if (BPQHOSTVECTOR[Stream-1].HOSTSESSION) BPQHOSTVECTOR[Stream-1].HOSTSESSION->L4LIMIT = idletime; return (0); } DllExport int APIENTRY Get_APPLMASK(int Stream) { return BPQHOSTVECTOR[Stream-1].HOSTAPPLMASK; } DllExport int APIENTRY GetStreamPID(int Stream) { return BPQHOSTVECTOR[Stream-1].STREAMOWNER; } DllExport int APIENTRY GetApplFlags(int Stream) { return BPQHOSTVECTOR[Stream-1].HOSTAPPLFLAGS; } DllExport int APIENTRY GetApplNum(int Stream) { return BPQHOSTVECTOR[Stream-1].HOSTAPPLNUM; } DllExport int APIENTRY GetApplMask(int Stream) { return BPQHOSTVECTOR[Stream-1].HOSTAPPLMASK; } DllExport BOOL APIENTRY GetAllocationState(int Stream) { return BPQHOSTVECTOR[Stream-1].HOSTFLAGS & 0x80; } VOID Send_AX_Datagram(PDIGIMESSAGE Block, DWORD Len, UCHAR Port); extern int InitDone; extern int SemHeldByAPI; extern char pgm[256]; // Uninitialised so per process extern int BPQHOSTAPI(); VOID POSTSTATECHANGE(BPQVECSTRUC * SESS) { // Post a message if requested #ifndef LINBPQ if (SESS->HOSTHANDLE) PostMessage(SESS->HOSTHANDLE, BPQMsg, SESS->HOSTSTREAM, 4); #endif return; } DllExport int APIENTRY SessionControl(int stream, int command, int Mask) { BPQVECSTRUC * SESS; TRANSPORTENTRY * L4; stream--; // API uses 1 - 64 if (stream < 0 || stream > 63) return (0); SESS = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream]; // Send Session Control command (BPQHOST function 6) //; CL=0 CONNECT USING APPL MASK IN DL //; CL=1, CONNECT. CL=2 - DISCONNECT. CL=3 RETURN TO NODE if (command > 1) { // Disconnect if (SESS->HOSTSESSION == 0) { SESS->HOSTFLAGS |= 1; // State Change POSTSTATECHANGE(SESS); return 0; // NOT CONNECTED } if (command == 3) SESS->HOSTFLAGS |= 0x20; // Set Stay SESS->HOSTFLAGS |= 0x40; // SET 'DISC REQ' FLAG return 0; } // 0 or 1 - connect if (SESS->HOSTSESSION) // ALREADY CONNECTED { SESS->HOSTFLAGS |= 1; // State Change POSTSTATECHANGE(SESS); return 0; } // SET UP A SESSION FOR THE CONSOLE SESS->HOSTFLAGS |= 0x80; // SET ALLOCATED BIT if (command == 1) // Zero is mask supplied by caller Mask = SESS->HOSTAPPLMASK; // SO WE GET CORRECT CALLSIGN L4 = SetupSessionFromHost(SESS, Mask); if (L4 == 0) // tables Full { SESS->HOSTFLAGS |= 3; // State Change POSTSTATECHANGE(SESS); return 0; } SESS->HOSTSESSION = L4; L4->L4CIRCUITTYPE = BPQHOST | UPLINK; L4->Secure_Session = AuthorisedProgram; // Secure Host Session SESS->HOSTFLAGS |= 1; // State Change POSTSTATECHANGE(SESS); return 0; // ALREADY CONNECTED } int FindFreeStreamEx(int GetSem); int FindFreeStreamNoSem() { return FindFreeStreamEx(0); } DllExport int APIENTRY FindFreeStream() { return FindFreeStreamEx(1); } int FindFreeStreamEx(int GetSem) { int stream, n; BPQVECSTRUC * PORTVEC; // Returns number of first unused BPQHOST stream. If none available, // returns 255. See API function 13. // if init has not yet been run, wait. while (InitDone == 0) { Debugprintf("Waiting for init to complete"); Sleep(1000); } if (InitDone == -1) // Init failed exit(0); if (GetSem) GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 9); stream = 0; n = 64; while (n--) { PORTVEC = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream++]; if ((PORTVEC->HOSTFLAGS & 0x80) == 0) { PORTVEC->STREAMOWNER=GetCurrentProcessId(); PORTVEC->HOSTFLAGS = 128; // SET ALLOCATED BIT, clear others memcpy(&PORTVEC->PgmName[0], pgm, 31); if (GetSem) FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return stream; } } if (GetSem) FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 255; } DllExport int APIENTRY AllocateStream(int stream) { // Allocate stream. If stream is already allocated, return nonzero. // Otherwise allocate stream, and return zero. BPQVECSTRUC * PORTVEC = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream -1]; // API counts from 1 if ((PORTVEC->HOSTFLAGS & 0x80) == 0) { PORTVEC->STREAMOWNER=GetCurrentProcessId(); PORTVEC->HOSTFLAGS = 128; // SET ALLOCATED BIT, clear others memcpy(&PORTVEC->PgmName[0], pgm, 31); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } return 1; // Already allocated } DllExport int APIENTRY DeallocateStream(int stream) { BPQVECSTRUC * PORTVEC; UINT * monbuff; BOOL GotSem = Semaphore.Flag; // Release stream. stream--; if (stream < 0 || stream > 63) return (0); PORTVEC=&BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream]; PORTVEC->STREAMOWNER=0; PORTVEC->PgmName[0] = 0; PORTVEC->HOSTAPPLFLAGS=0; PORTVEC->HOSTAPPLMASK=0; PORTVEC->HOSTHANDLE=0; // Clear Trace Queue if (PORTVEC->HOSTSESSION) SessionControl(stream + 1, 2, 0); if (GotSem == 0) GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 0); while (PORTVEC->HOSTTRACEQ) { monbuff = Q_REM((void *)&PORTVEC->HOSTTRACEQ); ReleaseBuffer(monbuff); } if (GotSem == 0) FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); PORTVEC->HOSTFLAGS &= 0x60; // Clear Allocated. Must leave any DISC Pending bits return(0); } DllExport int APIENTRY SessionState(int stream, int * state, int * change) { // Get current Session State. Any state changed is ACK'ed // automatically. See BPQHOST functions 4 and 5. BPQVECSTRUC * HOST = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream -1]; // API counts from 1 Check_Timer(); // In case Appl doesnt call it often ehough GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 20); // CX = 0 if stream disconnected or CX = 1 if stream connected // DX = 0 if no change of state since last read, or DX = 1 if // the connected/disconnected state has changed since // last read (ie. delta-stream status). // HOSTFLAGS = Bit 80 = Allocated // Bit 40 = Disc Request // Bit 20 = Stay Flag // Bit 02 and 01 State Change Bits if ((HOST->HOSTFLAGS & 3) == 0) // No Chaange *change = 0; else *change = 1; if (HOST->HOSTSESSION) // LOCAL SESSION // Connected *state = 1; else *state = 0; HOST->HOSTFLAGS &= 0xFC; // Clear Change Bitd FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } DllExport int APIENTRY SessionStateNoAck(int stream, int * state) { // Get current Session State. Dont ACK any change // See BPQHOST function 4 BPQVECSTRUC * HOST = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream -1]; // API counts from 1 Check_Timer(); // In case Appl doesnt call it often ehough if (HOST->HOSTSESSION) // LOCAL SESSION // Connected *state = 1; else *state = 0; return 0; } int SendMsgEx(int stream, char * msg, int len, int GetSem); int SendMsgNoSem(int stream, char * msg, int len) { return SendMsgEx(stream, msg, len, 0); } DllExport int APIENTRY SendMsg(int stream, char * msg, int len) { return SendMsgEx(stream, msg, len, 1); } int SendMsgEx(int stream, char * msg, int len, int GetSem) { // Send message to stream (BPQHOST Function 2) BPQVECSTRUC * SESS; TRANSPORTENTRY * L4; TRANSPORTENTRY * Partner; PDATAMESSAGE MSG; Check_Timer(); if (len > 256) return 0; // IGNORE if (stream == 0) { // Send UNPROTO - SEND FRAME TO ALL RADIO PORTS // COPY DATA TO A BUFFER IN OUR SEGMENTS - SIMPLFIES THINGS LATER if (QCOUNT < 50) return 0; // Dont want to run out if (GetSem) GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 10); if ((MSG = GetBuff()) == 0) { if (GetSem) FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } MSG->PID = 0xF0; // Normal Data PID memcpy(&MSG->L2DATA[0], msg, len); MSG->LENGTH = (len + MSGHDDRLEN + 1); SENDUIMESSAGE(MSG); ReleaseBuffer(MSG); if (GetSem) FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } stream--; // API uses 1 - 64 if (stream < 0 || stream > 63) return 0; SESS = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream]; L4 = SESS->HOSTSESSION; if (L4 == 0) return 0; if (GetSem) GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 22); SESS->HOSTFLAGS |= 0x80; // SET ALLOCATED BIT if (QCOUNT < 40) // PLENTY FREE? { if (GetSem) FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 1; } // Dont allow massive queues to form if (QCOUNT < 100) { int n = CountFramesQueuedOnStream(stream + 1); if (n > 100) { Debugprintf("Stream %d QCOUNT %d Q Len %d - discarding", stream, QCOUNT, n); if (GetSem) FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 1; } } if ((MSG = GetBuff()) == 0) { if (GetSem) FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 1; } MSG->PID = 0xF0; // Normal Data PID memcpy(&MSG->L2DATA[0], msg, len); MSG->LENGTH = len + MSGHDDRLEN + 1; // IF CONNECTED, PASS MESSAGE TO TARGET CIRCUIT - FLOW CONTROL AND // DELAYED DISC ONLY WORK ON ONE SIDE Partner = L4->L4CROSSLINK; L4->L4KILLTIMER = 0; // RESET SESSION TIMEOUT if (Partner && Partner->L4STATE > 4) // Partner and link up { // Connected Partner->L4KILLTIMER = 0; // RESET SESSION TIMEOUT C_Q_ADD(&Partner->L4TX_Q, MSG); PostDataAvailable(Partner); } else C_Q_ADD(&L4->L4RX_Q, MSG); if (GetSem) FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } DllExport int APIENTRY SendRaw(int port, char * msg, int len) { struct PORTCONTROL * PORT; MESSAGE * MSG; Check_Timer(); // Send Raw (KISS mode) frame to port (BPQHOST function 10) if (len > (MAXDATA - (MSGHDDRLEN + 8))) return 0; if (QCOUNT < 50) return 1; // GET A BUFFER PORT = GetPortTableEntryFromSlot(port); if (PORT == 0) return 0; GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 24); MSG = GetBuff(); if (MSG == 0) { FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 1; } memcpy(MSG->DEST, msg, len); MSG->LENGTH = len + MSGHDDRLEN; if (PORT->PROTOCOL == 10 && PORT->HWType != H_KISSHF) // PACTOR/WINMOR Style { // Pactor Style. Probably will only be used for Tracker unless we do APRS over V4 or WINMOR EXTPORTDATA * EXTPORT = (EXTPORTDATA *) PORT; C_Q_ADD(&EXTPORT->UI_Q, MSG); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } MSG->PORT = PORT->PORTNUMBER; PUT_ON_PORT_Q(PORT, MSG); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } DllExport time_t APIENTRY GetRaw(int stream, char * msg, int * len, int * count) { time_t Stamp; BPQVECSTRUC * SESS; PMESSAGE MSG; int Msglen; Check_Timer(); *len = 0; *count = 0; stream--; // API uses 1 - 64 if (stream < 0 || stream > 63) return 0; SESS = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream]; GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 26); if (SESS->HOSTTRACEQ == 0) { FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } MSG = Q_REM((void *)&SESS->HOSTTRACEQ); Msglen = MSG->LENGTH; if (Msglen < 0 || Msglen > 350) { FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } Stamp = MSG->Timestamp; memcpy(msg, MSG, BUFFLEN - sizeof(void *)); // To c *len = Msglen; ReleaseBuffer(MSG); *count = C_Q_COUNT(&SESS->HOSTTRACEQ); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return Stamp; } DllExport int APIENTRY GetMsg(int stream, char * msg, int * len, int * count ) { // Get message from stream. Returns length, and count of frames // still waiting to be collected. (BPQHOST function 3) // AH = 3 Receive frame into buffer at ES:DI, length of frame returned // in CX. BX returns the number of outstanding frames still to // be received (ie. after this one) or zero if no more frames // (ie. this is last one). // BPQVECSTRUC * SESS; TRANSPORTENTRY * L4; PDATAMESSAGE MSG; int Msglen; Check_Timer(); *len = 0; *count = 0; stream--; // API uses 1 - 64 if (stream < 0 || stream > 63) return 0; SESS = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream]; L4 = SESS->HOSTSESSION; GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 25); if (L4 == 0 || L4->L4TX_Q == 0) { FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } L4->L4KILLTIMER = 0; // RESET SESSION TIMEOUT if(L4->L4CROSSLINK) L4->L4CROSSLINK->L4KILLTIMER = 0; MSG = Q_REM((void *)&L4->L4TX_Q); Msglen = MSG->LENGTH - (MSGHDDRLEN + 1); // Dont want PID if (Msglen < 0) { FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } if (Msglen > 256) Msglen = 256; memcpy(msg, &MSG->L2DATA[0], Msglen); *len = Msglen; ReleaseBuffer(MSG); *count = C_Q_COUNT(&L4->L4TX_Q); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } DllExport int APIENTRY RXCount(int stream) { // Returns count of packets waiting on stream // (BPQHOST function 7 (part)). BPQVECSTRUC * SESS; TRANSPORTENTRY * L4; Check_Timer(); stream--; // API uses 1 - 64 if (stream < 0 || stream > 63) return 0; SESS = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream]; L4 = SESS->HOSTSESSION; if (L4 == 0) return 0; // NOT CONNECTED return C_Q_COUNT(&L4->L4TX_Q); } DllExport int APIENTRY TXCount(int stream) { // Returns number of packets on TX queue for stream // (BPQHOST function 7 (part)). BPQVECSTRUC * SESS; TRANSPORTENTRY * L4; Check_Timer(); stream--; // API uses 1 - 64 if (stream < 0 || stream > 63) return 0; SESS = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream]; L4 = SESS->HOSTSESSION; if (L4 == 0) return 0; // NOT CONNECTED L4 = L4->L4CROSSLINK; if (L4 == 0) return 0; // NOTHING ro Q on return (CountFramesQueuedOnSession(L4)); } DllExport int APIENTRY MONCount(int stream) { // Returns number of monitor frames available // (BPQHOST function 7 (part)). BPQVECSTRUC * SESS; Check_Timer(); stream--; // API uses 1 - 64 if (stream < 0 || stream > 63) return 0; SESS = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream]; return C_Q_COUNT(&SESS->HOSTTRACEQ); } DllExport int APIENTRY GetCallsign(int stream, char * callsign) { // Returns call connected on stream (BPQHOST function 8 (part)). BPQVECSTRUC * SESS; TRANSPORTENTRY * L4; TRANSPORTENTRY * Partner; UCHAR Call[11] = "SWITCH "; UCHAR * AXCall = NULL; Check_Timer(); stream--; // API uses 1 - 64 if (stream < 0 || stream > 63) return 0; SESS = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream]; L4 = SESS->HOSTSESSION; GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 26); if (L4 == 0) { FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } Partner = L4->L4CROSSLINK; if (Partner) { // CONNECTED OUT - GET TARGET SESSION if (Partner->L4CIRCUITTYPE & BPQHOST) { AXCall = &Partner->L4USER[0]; } else if (Partner->L4CIRCUITTYPE & L2LINK) { struct _LINKTABLE * LINK = Partner->L4TARGET.LINK; if (LINK) AXCall = LINK->LINKCALL; if (Partner->L4CIRCUITTYPE & UPLINK) { // IF UPLINK, SHOULD USE SESSION CALL, IN CASE *** LINKED HAS BEEN USED AXCall = &Partner->L4USER[0]; } } else if (Partner->L4CIRCUITTYPE & PACTOR) { // PACTOR Type - Frames are queued on the Port Entry EXTPORTDATA * EXTPORT = Partner->L4TARGET.EXTPORT; if (EXTPORT) AXCall = &EXTPORT->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[Partner->KAMSESSION]->L4USER[0]; } else { // MUST BE NODE SESSION // ANOTHER NODE // IF THE HOST IS THE UPLINKING STATION, WE NEED THE TARGET CALL if (L4->L4CIRCUITTYPE & UPLINK) { struct DEST_LIST *DEST = Partner->L4TARGET.DEST; if (DEST) AXCall = &DEST->DEST_CALL[0]; } else AXCall = Partner->L4USER; } if (AXCall) ConvFromAX25(AXCall, Call); } memcpy(callsign, Call, 10); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } DllExport int APIENTRY GetConnectionInfo(int stream, char * callsign, int * port, int * sesstype, int * paclen, int * maxframe, int * l4window) { // Return the Secure Session Flag rather than not connected BPQVECSTRUC * SESS; TRANSPORTENTRY * L4; TRANSPORTENTRY * Partner; UCHAR Call[11] = "SWITCH "; UCHAR * AXCall; Check_Timer(); stream--; // API uses 1 - 64 if (stream < 0 || stream > 63) return 0; SESS = &BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream]; L4 = SESS->HOSTSESSION; GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 27); if (L4 == 0) { FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return 0; } Partner = L4->L4CROSSLINK; // Return the Secure Session Flag rather than not connected // AL = Radio port on which channel is connected (or zero) // AH = SESSION TYPE BITS // EBX = L2 paclen for the radio port // ECX = L2 maxframe for the radio port // EDX = L4 window size (if L4 circuit, or zero) or -1 if not connected // ES:DI = CALLSIGN *port = 0; *sesstype = 0; *paclen = 0; *maxframe = 0; *l4window = 0; if (L4->SESSPACLEN) *paclen = L4->SESSPACLEN; else *paclen = 256; if (Partner) { // CONNECTED OUT - GET TARGET SESSION *l4window = Partner->L4WINDOW; *sesstype = Partner->L4CIRCUITTYPE; if (Partner->L4CIRCUITTYPE & BPQHOST) { AXCall = &Partner->L4USER[0]; } else if (Partner->L4CIRCUITTYPE & L2LINK) { struct _LINKTABLE * LINK = Partner->L4TARGET.LINK; // EXTRACT PORT AND MAXFRAME *port = LINK->LINKPORT->PORTNUMBER; *maxframe = LINK->LINKWINDOW; *l4window = 0; AXCall = LINK->LINKCALL; if (Partner->L4CIRCUITTYPE & UPLINK) { // IF UPLINK, SHOULD USE SESSION CALL, IN CASE *** LINKED HAS BEEN USED AXCall = &Partner->L4USER[0]; } } else if (Partner->L4CIRCUITTYPE & PACTOR) { // PACTOR Type - Frames are queued on the Port Entry EXTPORTDATA * EXTPORT = Partner->L4TARGET.EXTPORT; *port = EXTPORT->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER; AXCall = &EXTPORT->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[Partner->KAMSESSION]->L4USER[0]; } else { // MUST BE NODE SESSION // ANOTHER NODE // IF THE HOST IS THE UPLINKING STATION, WE NEED THE TARGET CALL if (L4->L4CIRCUITTYPE & UPLINK) { struct DEST_LIST *DEST = Partner->L4TARGET.DEST; AXCall = &DEST->DEST_CALL[0]; } else AXCall = Partner->L4USER; } ConvFromAX25(AXCall, Call); } memcpy(callsign, Call, 10); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); if (Partner) return Partner->Secure_Session; return 0; } DllExport int APIENTRY SetAppl(int stream, int flags, int mask) { // Sets Application Flags and Mask for stream. (BPQHOST function 1) // AH = 1 Set application mask to value in EDX (or even DX if 16 // applications are ever to be supported). // // Set application flag(s) to value in CL (or CX). // whether user gets connected/disconnected messages issued // by the node etc. BPQVECSTRUC * PORTVEC; stream--; if (stream < 0 || stream > 63) return (0); PORTVEC=&BPQHOSTVECTOR[stream]; PORTVEC->HOSTAPPLFLAGS = flags; PORTVEC->HOSTAPPLMASK = mask; // If either is non-zero, set allocated and Process. This gets round problem with // stations that don't call allocate stream if (flags || mask) { if ((PORTVEC->HOSTFLAGS & 128) == 0) // Not allocated { PORTVEC->STREAMOWNER=GetCurrentProcessId(); memcpy(&PORTVEC->PgmName[0], pgm, 31); PORTVEC->HOSTFLAGS = 128; // SET ALLOCATED BIT, clear others } } return (0); } DllExport struct PORTCONTROL * APIENTRY GetPortTableEntry(int portslot) // Kept for Legacy apps { struct PORTCONTROL * PORTVEC=PORTTABLE; if (portslot>NUMBEROFPORTS) portslot=NUMBEROFPORTS; while (--portslot > 0) PORTVEC=PORTVEC->PORTPOINTER; return PORTVEC; } // Proc below renamed to avoid confusion with GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum DllExport struct PORTCONTROL * APIENTRY GetPortTableEntryFromSlot(int portslot) { struct PORTCONTROL * PORTVEC=PORTTABLE; if (portslot>NUMBEROFPORTS) portslot=NUMBEROFPORTS; while (--portslot > 0) PORTVEC=PORTVEC->PORTPOINTER; return PORTVEC; } int CanPortDigi(int Port) { struct PORTCONTROL * PORTVEC = GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(Port); struct TNCINFO * TNC; if (PORTVEC == NULL) return FALSE; TNC = PORTVEC->TNC; if (TNC == NULL) return TRUE; if (TNC->Hardware == H_SCS || TNC->Hardware == H_TRK || TNC->Hardware == H_TRKM || TNC->Hardware == H_WINRPR) return FALSE; return TRUE; } struct PORTCONTROL * APIENTRY GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(int portnum) { struct PORTCONTROL * PORTVEC = PORTTABLE; do { if (PORTVEC->PORTNUMBER == portnum) return PORTVEC; PORTVEC=PORTVEC->PORTPOINTER; } while (PORTVEC); return NULL; } DllExport UCHAR * APIENTRY GetPortDescription(int portslot, char * Desc) { struct PORTCONTROL * PORTVEC=PORTTABLE; if (portslot>NUMBEROFPORTS) portslot=NUMBEROFPORTS; while (--portslot > 0) PORTVEC=PORTVEC->PORTPOINTER; memcpy(Desc, PORTVEC->PORTDESCRIPTION, 30); Desc[30]=0; return 0; } // Standard serial port handling routines, used by lots of modules. int OpenCOMMPort(struct TNCINFO * conn, char * Port, int Speed, BOOL Quiet) { if (conn->WEB_COMMSSTATE == NULL) conn->WEB_COMMSSTATE = zalloc(100); if (Port == NULL) return (FALSE); conn->hDevice = OpenCOMPort(Port, Speed, TRUE, TRUE, Quiet, 0); if (conn->hDevice == 0) { sprintf(conn->WEB_COMMSSTATE,"%s Open failed - Error %d", Port, GetLastError()); if (conn->xIDC_COMMSSTATE) SetWindowText(conn->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, conn->WEB_COMMSSTATE); return (FALSE); } sprintf(conn->WEB_COMMSSTATE,"%s Open", Port); if (conn->xIDC_COMMSSTATE) SetWindowText(conn->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, conn->WEB_COMMSSTATE); return TRUE; } #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE OpenCOMPort(char * pPort, int speed, BOOL SetDTR, BOOL SetRTS, BOOL Quiet, int Stopbits) { char szPort[256]; BOOL fRetVal ; COMMTIMEOUTS CommTimeOuts ; int Err; char buf[100]; HANDLE fd; DCB dcb; // if Port Name starts COM, convert to \\.\COM or ports above 10 wont work if (_memicmp(pPort, "COM", 3) == 0) { char * pp = (char *)pPort; int p = atoi(&pp[3]); sprintf( szPort, "\\\\.\\COM%d", p); } else strcpy(szPort, pPort); // open COMM device fd = CreateFile( szPort, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // exclusive access NULL, // no security attrs OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if (fd == (HANDLE) -1) { if (Quiet == 0) { Debugprintf("%s could not be opened %d", pPort, GetLastError()); } return (FALSE); } Err = GetFileType(fd); // setup device buffers SetupComm(fd, 4096, 4096 ) ; // purge any information in the buffer PurgeComm(fd, PURGE_TXABORT | PURGE_RXABORT | PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR ) ; // set up for overlapped I/O CommTimeOuts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 0xFFFFFFFF ; CommTimeOuts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0 ; CommTimeOuts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0 ; CommTimeOuts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0 ; // CommTimeOuts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0 ; CommTimeOuts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 500 ; SetCommTimeouts(fd, &CommTimeOuts ) ; dcb.DCBlength = sizeof( DCB ) ; GetCommState(fd, &dcb ) ; dcb.BaudRate = speed; dcb.ByteSize = 8; dcb.Parity = 0; dcb.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS; dcb.StopBits = Stopbits; // setup hardware flow control dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = 0; dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE ; dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = 0; dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE ; // setup software flow control dcb.fInX = dcb.fOutX = 0; dcb.XonChar = 0; dcb.XoffChar = 0; dcb.XonLim = 100 ; dcb.XoffLim = 100 ; // other various settings dcb.fBinary = TRUE ; dcb.fParity = FALSE; fRetVal = SetCommState(fd, &dcb); if (fRetVal) { if (SetDTR) EscapeCommFunction(fd, SETDTR); else EscapeCommFunction(fd, CLRDTR); if (SetRTS) EscapeCommFunction(fd, SETRTS); else EscapeCommFunction(fd, CLRRTS); } else { sprintf(buf,"%s Setup Failed %d ", pPort, GetLastError()); WritetoConsoleLocal(buf); OutputDebugString(buf); CloseHandle(fd); return 0; } return fd; } int ReadCOMBlockEx(HANDLE fd, char * Block, int MaxLength, BOOL * Error); int ReadCOMBlock(HANDLE fd, char * Block, int MaxLength) { BOOL Error; return ReadCOMBlockEx(fd, Block, MaxLength, &Error); } // version to pass read error back to caller int ReadCOMBlockEx(HANDLE fd, char * Block, int MaxLength, BOOL * Error) { BOOL fReadStat ; COMSTAT ComStat ; DWORD dwErrorFlags; DWORD dwLength; BOOL ret; if (fd == NULL) return 0; // only try to read number of bytes in queue ret = ClearCommError(fd, &dwErrorFlags, &ComStat); if (ret == 0) { int Err = GetLastError(); *Error = TRUE; return 0; } dwLength = min((DWORD) MaxLength, ComStat.cbInQue); if (dwLength > 0) { fReadStat = ReadFile(fd, Block, dwLength, &dwLength, NULL) ; if (!fReadStat) { dwLength = 0 ; ClearCommError(fd, &dwErrorFlags, &ComStat ) ; } } *Error = FALSE; return dwLength; } BOOL WriteCOMBlock(HANDLE fd, char * Block, int BytesToWrite) { BOOL fWriteStat; DWORD BytesWritten; DWORD ErrorFlags; COMSTAT ComStat; DWORD Mask = 0; int Err; Err = GetCommModemStatus(fd, &Mask); // if ((Mask & MS_CTS_ON) == 0) // trap com0com other end not open // return TRUE; fWriteStat = WriteFile(fd, Block, BytesToWrite, &BytesWritten, NULL ); if ((!fWriteStat) || (BytesToWrite != BytesWritten)) { int Err = GetLastError(); ClearCommError(fd, &ErrorFlags, &ComStat); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } VOID CloseCOMPort(HANDLE fd) { if (fd == NULL) return; SetCommMask(fd, 0); // drop DTR COMClearDTR(fd); // purge any outstanding reads/writes and close device handle PurgeComm(fd, PURGE_TXABORT | PURGE_RXABORT | PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR ) ; CloseHandle(fd); fd = NULL; } VOID COMSetDTR(HANDLE fd) { EscapeCommFunction(fd, SETDTR); } VOID COMClearDTR(HANDLE fd) { EscapeCommFunction(fd, CLRDTR); } VOID COMSetRTS(HANDLE fd) { EscapeCommFunction(fd, SETRTS); } VOID COMClearRTS(HANDLE fd) { EscapeCommFunction(fd, CLRRTS); } #else static struct speed_struct { int user_speed; speed_t termios_speed; } speed_table[] = { {300, B300}, {600, B600}, {1200, B1200}, {2400, B2400}, {4800, B4800}, {9600, B9600}, {19200, B19200}, {38400, B38400}, {57600, B57600}, {115200, B115200}, {-1, B0} }; HANDLE OpenCOMPort(VOID * pPort, int speed, BOOL SetDTR, BOOL SetRTS, BOOL Quiet, int Stopbits) { char Port[256]; char buf[512]; // Linux Version. int fd; int hwflag = 0; u_long param=1; struct termios term; struct speed_struct *s; if ((uintptr_t)pPort < 256) sprintf(Port, "%s/com%d", BPQDirectory, (int)(uintptr_t)pPort); else strcpy(Port, pPort); if ((fd = open(Port, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY)) == -1) { if (Quiet == 0) { perror("Com Open Failed"); sprintf(buf," %s could not be opened \n", Port); WritetoConsoleLocal(buf); Debugprintf(buf); } return 0; } // Validate Speed Param for (s = speed_table; s->user_speed != -1; s++) if (s->user_speed == speed) break; if (s->user_speed == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "tty_speed: invalid speed %d\n", speed); return FALSE; } if (tcgetattr(fd, &term) == -1) { perror("tty_speed: tcgetattr"); return FALSE; } cfmakeraw(&term); cfsetispeed(&term, s->termios_speed); cfsetospeed(&term, s->termios_speed); if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &term) == -1) { perror("tty_speed: tcsetattr"); return FALSE; } ioctl(fd, FIONBIO, ¶m); Debugprintf("LinBPQ Port %s fd %d", Port, fd); if (SetDTR) { COMSetDTR(fd); } else { COMClearDTR(fd); } if (SetRTS) { COMSetRTS(fd); } else { COMClearRTS(fd); } return fd; } int ReadCOMBlockEx(HANDLE fd, char * Block, int MaxLength, BOOL * Error); int ReadCOMBlock(HANDLE fd, char * Block, int MaxLength) { BOOL Error; return ReadCOMBlockEx(fd, Block, MaxLength, &Error); } // version to pass read error back to caller int ReadCOMBlockEx(HANDLE fd, char * Block, int MaxLength, BOOL * Error) { int Length; if (fd == 0) { *Error = 1; return 0; } errno = 22222; // to catch zero read (?? file closed ??) Length = read(fd, Block, MaxLength); *Error = 0; if (Length == 0 && errno == 22222) // seems to be result of unpluging USB { // printf("KISS read returned zero len and no errno\n"); *Error = 1; return 0; } if (Length < 0) { if (errno != 11 && errno != 35) // Would Block { perror("read"); printf("Handle %d Errno %d Len %d\n", fd, errno, Length); *Error = errno; } return 0; } return Length; } BOOL WriteCOMBlock(HANDLE fd, char * Block, int BytesToWrite) { // Some systems seem to have a very small max write size int ToSend = BytesToWrite; int Sent = 0, ret; int loops = 100; while (ToSend && loops-- > 0) { ret = write(fd, &Block[Sent], ToSend); if (ret >= ToSend) return TRUE; if (ret == -1) { if (errno != 11 && errno != 35) // Would Block return FALSE; usleep(10000); ret = 0; } Sent += ret; ToSend -= ret; } // if (ToSend) // { // // Send timed out. Close and reopen device // // } return TRUE; } VOID CloseCOMPort(HANDLE fd) { if (fd == 0) return; close(fd); fd = 0; } VOID COMSetDTR(HANDLE fd) { int status; ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &status); status |= TIOCM_DTR; ioctl(fd, TIOCMSET, &status); } VOID COMClearDTR(HANDLE fd) { int status; ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &status); status &= ~TIOCM_DTR; ioctl(fd, TIOCMSET, &status); } VOID COMSetRTS(HANDLE fd) { int status; ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &status); status |= TIOCM_RTS; ioctl(fd, TIOCMSET, &status); } VOID COMClearRTS(HANDLE fd) { int status; ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &status); status &= ~TIOCM_RTS; ioctl(fd, TIOCMSET, &status); } #endif int MaxNodes; int MaxRoutes; int NodeLen; int RouteLen; struct DEST_LIST * Dests; struct ROUTE * Routes; FILE *file; int DoRoutes() { char digis[30] = ""; int count, len; char Normcall[10], Portcall[10]; char line[80]; for (count=0; countNEIGHBOUR_CALL[0] != 0) { // Dont save routes from config file here or they are difficult to get rid of if (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_FLAG & LOCKEDBYCONFIG) { Routes++; continue; } len=ConvFromAX25(Routes->NEIGHBOUR_CALL,Normcall); Normcall[len]=0; if (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_DIGI1[0] != 0) { memcpy(digis," VIA ",5); len=ConvFromAX25(Routes->NEIGHBOUR_DIGI1,Portcall); Portcall[len]=0; strcpy(&digis[5],Portcall); if (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_DIGI2[0] != 0) { len=ConvFromAX25(Routes->NEIGHBOUR_DIGI2,Portcall); Portcall[len]=0; strcat(digis," "); strcat(digis,Portcall); } } else digis[0] = 0; len=sprintf(line, "ROUTE ADD %s %d %d %s %d %d %d %d %d %c\n", Normcall, Routes->NEIGHBOUR_PORT, Routes->NEIGHBOUR_QUAL, digis, Routes->NBOUR_MAXFRAME, Routes->NBOUR_FRACK, Routes->NBOUR_PACLEN, Routes->INP3Node | (Routes->NoKeepAlive << 2), Routes->OtherendsRouteQual, (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_FLAG & LOCKEDBYSYSOP)?'!':' '); fputs(line, file); } Routes+=1; } return (0); } int DoNodes() { int count, len, cursor, i; char Normcall[10], Portcall[10]; char line[80]; char Alias[7]; Dests-=1; for (count=0; countNRROUTE[0].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR == 0) continue; { len=ConvFromAX25(Dests->DEST_CALL,Normcall); Normcall[len]=0; memcpy(Alias,Dests->DEST_ALIAS,6); Alias[6]=0; for (i=0;i<6;i++) { if (Alias[i] == ' ') Alias[i] = 0; } cursor=sprintf(line,"NODE ADD %s:%s ", Alias,Normcall); if (Dests->NRROUTE[0].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR != 0 && Dests->NRROUTE[0].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->INP3Node == 0) { len=ConvFromAX25( Dests->NRROUTE[0].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_CALL,Portcall); Portcall[len]=0; len=sprintf(&line[cursor],"%s %d %d ", Portcall, Dests->NRROUTE[0].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_PORT, Dests->NRROUTE[0].ROUT_QUALITY); cursor+=len; if (Dests->NRROUTE[0].ROUT_OBSCOUNT > 127) { len=sprintf(&line[cursor],"! "); cursor+=len; } } if (Dests->NRROUTE[1].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR != 0 && Dests->NRROUTE[1].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->INP3Node == 0) { len=ConvFromAX25( Dests->NRROUTE[1].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_CALL,Portcall); Portcall[len]=0; len=sprintf(&line[cursor],"%s %d %d ", Portcall, Dests->NRROUTE[1].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_PORT, Dests->NRROUTE[1].ROUT_QUALITY); cursor+=len; if (Dests->NRROUTE[1].ROUT_OBSCOUNT > 127) { len=sprintf(&line[cursor],"! "); cursor+=len; } } if (Dests->NRROUTE[2].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR != 0 && Dests->NRROUTE[2].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->INP3Node == 0) { len=ConvFromAX25( Dests->NRROUTE[2].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_CALL,Portcall); Portcall[len]=0; len=sprintf(&line[cursor],"%s %d %d ", Portcall, Dests->NRROUTE[2].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_PORT, Dests->NRROUTE[2].ROUT_QUALITY); cursor+=len; if (Dests->NRROUTE[2].ROUT_OBSCOUNT > 127) { len=sprintf(&line[cursor],"! "); cursor+=len; } } if (cursor > 30) { line[cursor++]='\n'; line[cursor++]=0; fputs(line, file); } } } return (0); } void SaveMH() { char FN[250]; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = PORTTABLE; FILE *file; if (BPQDirectory[0] == 0) { strcpy(FN, "MHSave.txt"); } else { strcpy(FN,BPQDirectory); strcat(FN,"/"); strcat(FN,"MHSave.txt"); } if ((file = fopen(FN, "w")) == NULL) return; while (PORT) { int Port = 0; char * ptr; MHSTRUC * MH = PORT->PORTMHEARD; int count = MHENTRIES; int n; char Normcall[20]; char From[10]; char DigiList[100]; char * Output; int len; char Digi = 0; // Note that the MHDIGIS field may contain rubbish. You have to check End of Address bit to find // how many digis there are if (MH == NULL) continue; fprintf(file, "Port:%d\n", PORT->PORTNUMBER); while (count--) { if (MH->MHCALL[0] == 0) break; Digi = 0; len = ConvFromAX25(MH->MHCALL, Normcall); Normcall[len] = 0; n = 8; // Max number of digi-peaters ptr = &MH->MHCALL[6]; // End of Address bit Output = &DigiList[0]; if ((*ptr & 1) == 0) { // at least one digi strcpy(Output, "via "); Output += 4; while ((*ptr & 1) == 0) { // MORE TO COME From[ConvFromAX25(ptr + 1, From)] = 0; Output += sprintf((char *)Output, "%s", From); ptr += 7; n--; if (n == 0) break; // See if digi actioned - put a * on last actioned if (*ptr & 0x80) { if (*ptr & 1) // if last address, must need * { *(Output++) = '*'; Digi = '*'; } else if ((ptr[7] & 0x80) == 0) // Repeased by next? { *(Output++) = '*'; // No, so need * Digi = '*'; } } *(Output++) = ','; } *(--Output) = 0; // remove last comma } else *(Output) = 0; // if we used a digi set * on call and display via string if (Digi) Normcall[len++] = Digi; else DigiList[0] = 0; // Dont show list if not used Normcall[len++] = 0; ptr = FormatMH(MH, 'U'); ptr[15] = 0; if (MH->MHDIGI) fprintf(file, "%d %6d %-10s%c %s %s|%s|%s\n", (int)MH->MHTIME, MH->MHCOUNT, Normcall, MH->MHDIGI, ptr, DigiList, MH->MHLocator, MH->MHFreq); else fprintf(file, "%d %6d %-10s%c %s %s|%s|%s\n", (int)MH->MHTIME, MH->MHCOUNT, Normcall, ' ', ptr, DigiList, MH->MHLocator, MH->MHFreq); MH++; } PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } fclose(file); return; } int APIENTRY SaveNodes () { char FN[250]; Routes = NEIGHBOURS; RouteLen = ROUTE_LEN; MaxRoutes = MAXNEIGHBOURS; Dests = DESTS; NodeLen = DEST_LIST_LEN; MaxNodes = MAXDESTS; // Set up pointer to BPQNODES file if (BPQDirectory[0] == 0) { strcpy(FN,"BPQNODES.dat"); } else { strcpy(FN,BPQDirectory); strcat(FN,"/"); strcat(FN,"BPQNODES.dat"); } if ((file = fopen(FN, "w")) == NULL) return FALSE; DoRoutes(); DoNodes(); fclose(file); return (0); } DllExport int APIENTRY ClearNodes () { char FN[250]; // Set up pointer to BPQNODES file if (BPQDirectory[0] == 0) { strcpy(FN,"BPQNODES.dat"); } else { strcpy(FN,BPQDirectory); strcat(FN,"/"); strcat(FN,"BPQNODES.dat"); } if ((file = fopen(FN, "w")) == NULL) return FALSE; fclose(file); return (0); } static char *month[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}; char * FormatMH(PMHSTRUC MH, char Format) { struct tm * TM; static char MHTime[50]; time_t szClock; char LOC[7]; memcpy(LOC, MH->MHLocator, 6); LOC[6] = 0; if (Format == 'U' || Format =='L') szClock = MH->MHTIME; else szClock = time(NULL) - MH->MHTIME; if (Format == 'L') TM = localtime(&szClock); else TM = gmtime(&szClock); if (Format == 'U' || Format =='L') sprintf(MHTime, "%s %02d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %s %s", month[TM->tm_mon], TM->tm_mday, TM->tm_hour, TM->tm_min, TM->tm_sec, MH->MHFreq, LOC); else sprintf(MHTime, "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d:%.2d %s %s", TM->tm_yday, TM->tm_hour, TM->tm_min, TM->tm_sec, MH->MHFreq, LOC); return MHTime; } Dll VOID APIENTRY CreateOneTimePassword(char * Password, char * KeyPhrase, int TimeOffset) { // Create a time dependent One Time Password from the KeyPhrase // TimeOffset is used when checking to allow for slight variation in clocks time_t NOW = time(NULL); UCHAR Hash[16]; char Key[1000]; int i, chr; NOW = NOW/30 + TimeOffset; // Only Change every 30 secs sprintf(Key, "%s%x", KeyPhrase, (int)NOW); md5(Key, Hash); for (i=0; i<16; i++) { chr = (Hash[i] & 31); if (chr > 9) chr += 7; Password[i] = chr + 48; } Password[16] = 0; return; } Dll BOOL APIENTRY CheckOneTimePassword(char * Password, char * KeyPhrase) { char CheckPassword[17]; int Offsets[10] = {0, -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -4, 4}; int i, Pass; if (strlen(Password) < 16) Pass = atoi(Password); for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { CreateOneTimePassword(CheckPassword, KeyPhrase, Offsets[i]); if (strlen(Password) < 16) { // Using a numeric extract long long Val; memcpy(&Val, CheckPassword, 8); Val = Val %= 1000000; if (Pass == Val) return TRUE; } else if (memcmp(Password, CheckPassword, 16) == 0) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } DllExport BOOL ConvToAX25Ex(unsigned char * callsign, unsigned char * ax25call) { // Allows SSID's of 'T and 'R' int i; memset(ax25call,0x40,6); // in case short ax25call[6]=0x60; // default SSID for (i=0;i<7;i++) { if (callsign[i] == '-') { // // process ssid and return // if (callsign[i+1] == 'T') { ax25call[6]=0x42; return TRUE; } if (callsign[i+1] == 'R') { ax25call[6]=0x44; return TRUE; } i = atoi(&callsign[i+1]); if (i < 16) { ax25call[6] |= i<<1; return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); } if (callsign[i] == 0 || callsign[i] == 13 || callsign[i] == ' ' || callsign[i] == ',') { // // End of call - no ssid // return (TRUE); } ax25call[i] = callsign[i] << 1; } // // Too many chars // return (FALSE); } DllExport BOOL ConvToAX25(unsigned char * callsign, unsigned char * ax25call) { int i; memset(ax25call,0x40,6); // in case short ax25call[6]=0x60; // default SSID for (i=0;i<7;i++) { if (callsign[i] == '-') { // // process ssid and return // i = atoi(&callsign[i+1]); if (i < 16) { ax25call[6] |= i<<1; return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); } if (callsign[i] == 0 || callsign[i] == 13 || callsign[i] == ' ' || callsign[i] == ',') { // // End of call - no ssid // return (TRUE); } ax25call[i] = callsign[i] << 1; } // // Too many chars // return (FALSE); } DllExport int ConvFromAX25(unsigned char * incall,unsigned char * outcall) { int in,out=0; unsigned char chr; memset(outcall,0x20,10); for (in=0;in<6;in++) { chr=incall[in]; if (chr == 0x40) break; chr >>= 1; outcall[out++]=chr; } chr=incall[6]; // ssid if (chr == 0x42) { outcall[out++]='-'; outcall[out++]='T'; return out; } if (chr == 0x44) { outcall[out++]='-'; outcall[out++]='R'; return out; } chr >>= 1; chr &= 15; if (chr > 0) { outcall[out++]='-'; if (chr > 9) { chr-=10; outcall[out++]='1'; } chr+=48; outcall[out++]=chr; } return (out); } unsigned short int compute_crc(unsigned char *buf, int txlen); SOCKADDR_IN reportdest = {0}; SOCKET ReportSocket = 0; SOCKADDR_IN Chatreportdest = {0}; extern char LOCATOR[]; // Locator for Reporting - may be Maidenhead or LAT:LON extern char MAPCOMMENT[]; // Locator for Reporting - may be Maidenhead or LAT:LON extern char LOC[7]; // Maidenhead Locator for Reporting extern char ReportDest[7]; VOID SendReportMsg(char * buff, int txlen) { unsigned short int crc = compute_crc(buff, txlen); crc ^= 0xffff; buff[txlen++] = (crc&0xff); buff[txlen++] = (crc>>8); sendto(ReportSocket, buff, txlen, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&reportdest, sizeof(reportdest)); } VOID SendLocation() { MESSAGE AXMSG = {0}; PMESSAGE AXPTR = &AXMSG; char Msg[512]; int Len; Len = sprintf(Msg, "%s %s
%s", LOCATOR, VersionString, MAPCOMMENT); #ifdef LINBPQ Len = sprintf(Msg, "%s L%s
%s", LOCATOR, VersionString, MAPCOMMENT); #endif #ifdef MACBPQ Len = sprintf(Msg, "%s M%s
%s", LOCATOR, VersionString, MAPCOMMENT); #endif #ifdef FREEBSD Len = sprintf(Msg, "%s F%s
%s", LOCATOR, VersionString, MAPCOMMENT); #endif if (Len > 256) Len = 256; // Block includes the Msg Header (7 bytes), Len Does not! memcpy(AXPTR->DEST, ReportDest, 7); memcpy(AXPTR->ORIGIN, MYCALL, 7); AXPTR->DEST[6] &= 0x7e; // Clear End of Call AXPTR->DEST[6] |= 0x80; // set Command Bit AXPTR->ORIGIN[6] |= 1; // Set End of Call AXPTR->CTL = 3; //UI AXPTR->PID = 0xf0; memcpy(AXPTR->L2DATA, Msg, Len); SendReportMsg((char *)&AXMSG.DEST, Len + 16); if (M0LTEMap) SendDataToPktMap(); return; } VOID SendMH(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * call, char * freq, char * LOC, char * Mode) { MESSAGE AXMSG; PMESSAGE AXPTR = &AXMSG; char Msg[100]; int Len; if (ReportSocket == 0 || LOCATOR[0] == 0) return; Len = sprintf(Msg, "MH %s,%s,%s,%s", call, freq, LOC, Mode); // Block includes the Msg Header (7 bytes), Len Does not! memcpy(AXPTR->DEST, ReportDest, 7); if (TNC && TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PORTCALL[0]) memcpy(AXPTR->ORIGIN, TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PORTCALL, 7); else memcpy(AXPTR->ORIGIN, MYCALL, 7); AXPTR->DEST[6] &= 0x7e; // Clear End of Call AXPTR->DEST[6] |= 0x80; // set Command Bit AXPTR->ORIGIN[6] |= 1; // Set End of Call AXPTR->CTL = 3; //UI AXPTR->PID = 0xf0; memcpy(AXPTR->L2DATA, Msg, Len); SendReportMsg((char *)&AXMSG.DEST, Len + 16) ; return; } time_t TimeLastNRRouteSent = 0; char NRRouteMessage[256]; int NRRouteLen = 0; VOID SendNETROMRoute(struct PORTCONTROL * PORT, unsigned char * axcall) { // Called to update Link Map when a NODES Broadcast is received // Batch to reduce Load MESSAGE AXMSG; PMESSAGE AXPTR = &AXMSG; char Msg[300]; int Len; char Call[10]; char Report[16]; time_t Now = time(NULL); int NeedSend = FALSE; if (ReportSocket == 0 || LOCATOR[0] == 0) return; Call[ConvFromAX25(axcall, Call)] = 0; sprintf(Report, "%s,%d,", Call, PORT->PORTTYPE); if (Now - TimeLastNRRouteSent > 60) NeedSend = TRUE; if (strstr(NRRouteMessage, Report) == 0) // reported recently strcat(NRRouteMessage, Report); if (strlen(NRRouteMessage) > 230 || NeedSend) { Len = sprintf(Msg, "LINK %s", NRRouteMessage); // Block includes the Msg Header (7 bytes), Len Does not! memcpy(AXPTR->DEST, ReportDest, 7); memcpy(AXPTR->ORIGIN, MYCALL, 7); AXPTR->DEST[6] &= 0x7e; // Clear End of Call AXPTR->DEST[6] |= 0x80; // set Command Bit AXPTR->ORIGIN[6] |= 1; // Set End of Call AXPTR->CTL = 3; //UI AXPTR->PID = 0xf0; memcpy(AXPTR->L2DATA, Msg, Len); SendReportMsg((char *)&AXMSG.DEST, Len + 16) ; TimeLastNRRouteSent = Now; NRRouteMessage[0] = 0; } return; } DllExport char * APIENTRY GetApplCall(int Appl) { if (Appl < 1 || Appl > NumberofAppls ) return NULL; return (UCHAR *)(&APPLCALLTABLE[Appl-1].APPLCALL_TEXT); } DllExport char * APIENTRY GetApplAlias(int Appl) { if (Appl < 1 || Appl > NumberofAppls ) return NULL; return (UCHAR *)(&APPLCALLTABLE[Appl-1].APPLALIAS_TEXT); } DllExport int32_t APIENTRY GetApplQual(int Appl) { if (Appl < 1 || Appl > NumberofAppls ) return 0; return (APPLCALLTABLE[Appl-1].APPLQUAL); } char * GetApplCallFromName(char * App) { int i; char PaddedAppl[13] = " "; memcpy(PaddedAppl, App, (int)strlen(App)); for (i = 0; i < NumberofAppls; i++) { if (memcmp(&APPLCALLTABLE[i].APPLCMD, PaddedAppl, 12) == 0) return &APPLCALLTABLE[i].APPLCALL_TEXT[0]; } return NULL; } DllExport char * APIENTRY GetApplName(int Appl) { if (Appl < 1 || Appl > NumberofAppls ) return NULL; return (UCHAR *)(&APPLCALLTABLE[Appl-1].APPLCMD); } DllExport int APIENTRY GetNumberofPorts() { return (NUMBEROFPORTS); } DllExport int APIENTRY GetPortNumber(int portslot) { struct PORTCONTROL * PORTVEC=PORTTABLE; if (portslot>NUMBEROFPORTS) portslot=NUMBEROFPORTS; while (--portslot > 0) PORTVEC=PORTVEC->PORTPOINTER; return PORTVEC->PORTNUMBER; } DllExport char * APIENTRY GetVersionString() { // return ((char *)&VersionStringWithBuild); return ((char *)&VersionString); } #ifdef MACBPQ //Fiddle till I find a better solution #if __ENVIRONMENT_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__ < 1060 int __sync_lock_test_and_set(int * ptr, int val) { *ptr = val; return 0; } #endif // __ENVIRONMENT_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__ #endif // MACBPQ #define GetSemaphore(Semaphore,ID) _GetSemaphore(Semaphore, ID, __FILE__, __LINE__) void _GetSemaphore(struct SEM * Semaphore, int ID, char * File, int Line) { // // Wait for it to be free // if (Semaphore->Flag != 0) { Semaphore->Clashes++; } loop1: while (Semaphore->Flag != 0) { Sleep(10); } // // try to get semaphore // #ifdef WIN32 { if (InterlockedExchange(&Semaphore->Flag, 1) != 0) // Failed to get it goto loop1; // try again;; } #else if (__sync_lock_test_and_set(&Semaphore->Flag, 1) != 0) // Failed to get it goto loop1; // try again; #endif //Ok. got it Semaphore->Gets++; Semaphore->SemProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId(); Semaphore->SemThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); SemHeldByAPI = ID; Semaphore->Line = Line; strcpy(Semaphore->File, File); return; } void FreeSemaphore(struct SEM * Semaphore) { if (Semaphore->Flag == 0) Debugprintf("Free Semaphore Called when Sem not held"); Semaphore->Rels++; Semaphore->Flag = 0; return; } #ifdef WIN32 #include "DbgHelp.h" /* USHORT WINAPI RtlCaptureStackBackTrace( __in ULONG FramesToSkip, __in ULONG FramesToCapture, __out PVOID *BackTrace, __out_opt PULONG BackTraceHash ); */ #endif void printStack(void) { #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef _DEBUG // So we can use on 98/2K unsigned int i; void * stack[ 100 ]; unsigned short frames; SYMBOL_INFO * symbol; HANDLE process; Debugprintf("Stack Backtrace"); process = GetCurrentProcess(); SymInitialize( process, NULL, TRUE ); frames = RtlCaptureStackBackTrace( 0, 60, stack, NULL ); symbol = ( SYMBOL_INFO * )calloc( sizeof( SYMBOL_INFO ) + 256 * sizeof( char ), 1 ); symbol->MaxNameLen = 255; symbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof( SYMBOL_INFO ); for( i = 0; i < frames; i++ ) { SymFromAddr( process, ( DWORD64 )( stack[ i ] ), 0, symbol ); Debugprintf( "%i: %s - %p", frames - i - 1, symbol->Name, symbol->Address ); } free(symbol); #endif #endif } pthread_t ResolveUpdateThreadId = 0; char NodeMapServer[80] = "update.g8bpq.net"; char ChatMapServer[80] = "chatupdate.g8bpq.net"; VOID ResolveUpdateThread(void * Unused) { struct hostent * HostEnt1; struct hostent * HostEnt2; ResolveUpdateThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); while (TRUE) { if (pthread_equal(ResolveUpdateThreadId, GetCurrentThreadId()) == FALSE) { Debugprintf("Resolve Update thread %x redundant - closing", GetCurrentThreadId()); return; } // Resolve name to address Debugprintf("Resolving %s", NodeMapServer); HostEnt1 = gethostbyname (NodeMapServer); // HostEnt1 = gethostbyname (""); if (HostEnt1) memcpy(&reportdest.sin_addr.s_addr,HostEnt1->h_addr,4); Debugprintf("Resolving %s", ChatMapServer); HostEnt2 = gethostbyname (ChatMapServer); // HostEnt2 = gethostbyname (""); if (HostEnt2) memcpy(&Chatreportdest.sin_addr.s_addr,HostEnt2->h_addr,4); if (HostEnt1 && HostEnt2) { Sleep(1000 * 60 * 30); continue; } Debugprintf("Resolve Failed for update.g8bpq.net or chatmap.g8bpq.net"); Sleep(1000 * 60 * 5); } } VOID OpenReportingSockets() { u_long param=1; BOOL bcopt=TRUE; if (LOCATOR[0]) { // Enable Node Map Reports ReportTimer = 1200; // 2 mins - Give Rigcontrol time to start ReportSocket = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0); if (ReportSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { Debugprintf("Failed to create Reporting socket"); ReportSocket = 0; return; } ioctlsocket (ReportSocket, FIONBIO, ¶m); setsockopt (ReportSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (const char FAR *)&bcopt,4); reportdest.sin_family = AF_INET; reportdest.sin_port = htons(81); ConvToAX25("DUMMY-1", ReportDest); } // Set up Chat Report even if no LOCATOR reportdest.sin_family = AF_INET; // Socket must be opened in MailChat Process Chatreportdest.sin_family = AF_INET; Chatreportdest.sin_port = htons(81); _beginthread(ResolveUpdateThread, 0, NULL); printf("MQTT Enabled %d\n", MQTT); if (MQTT) MQTTConnect(MQTT_HOST, MQTT_PORT, MQTT_USER, MQTT_PASS); } VOID WriteMiniDumpThread(); time_t lastMiniDump = 0; void WriteMiniDump() { #ifdef WIN32 _beginthread(WriteMiniDumpThread, 0, 0); Sleep(3000); } VOID WriteMiniDumpThread() { HANDLE hFile; BOOL ret; char FN[256]; struct tm * TM; time_t Now = time(NULL); if (lastMiniDump == Now) // Not more than one per second { Debugprintf("minidump suppressed"); return; } lastMiniDump = Now; TM = gmtime(&Now); sprintf(FN, "%s/Logs/MiniDump%d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.dmp", BPQDirectory, TM->tm_year + 1900, TM->tm_mon +1, TM->tm_mday, TM->tm_hour, TM->tm_min, TM->tm_sec); hFile = CreateFile(FN, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if((hFile != NULL) && (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { // Create the minidump ret = MiniDumpWriteDump(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), hFile, MiniDumpNormal, 0, 0, 0 ); if(!ret) Debugprintf("MiniDumpWriteDump failed. Error: %u", GetLastError()); else Debugprintf("Minidump %s created.", FN); CloseHandle(hFile); } #endif } // UI Util Code #pragma pack(1) typedef struct _MESSAGEX { // BASIC LINK LEVEL MESSAGE BUFFER LAYOUT struct _MESSAGEX * CHAIN; UCHAR PORT; USHORT LENGTH; UCHAR DEST[7]; UCHAR ORIGIN[7]; // MAY BE UP TO 56 BYTES OF DIGIS UCHAR CTL; UCHAR PID; UCHAR DATA[256]; UCHAR PADDING[56]; // In case he have Digis }MESSAGEX, *PMESSAGEX; #pragma pack() int PortNum[MaxBPQPortNo + 1] = {0}; // Tab nunber to port char * UIUIDigi[MaxBPQPortNo + 1]= {0}; char * UIUIDigiAX[MaxBPQPortNo + 1] = {0}; // ax.25 version of digistring int UIUIDigiLen[MaxBPQPortNo + 1] = {0}; // Length of AX string char UIUIDEST[MaxBPQPortNo + 1][11] = {0}; // Dest for Beacons char UIAXDEST[MaxBPQPortNo + 1][7] = {0}; UCHAR FN[MaxBPQPortNo + 1][256]; // Filename int Interval[MaxBPQPortNo + 1]; // Beacon Interval (Mins) int MinCounter[MaxBPQPortNo + 1]; // Interval Countdown BOOL SendFromFile[MaxBPQPortNo + 1]; char Message[MaxBPQPortNo + 1][1000]; // Beacon Text VOID SendUIBeacon(int Port); BOOL RunUI = TRUE; VOID UIThread(void * Unused) { int Port, MaxPorts = GetNumberofPorts(); Sleep(60000); while (RunUI) { int sleepInterval = 60000; for (Port = 1; Port <= MaxPorts; Port++) { if (MinCounter[Port]) { MinCounter[Port]--; if (MinCounter[Port] == 0) { MinCounter[Port] = Interval[Port]; SendUIBeacon(Port); // pause beteen beacons but adjust sleep interval to suit Sleep(10000); sleepInterval -= 10000; } } } while (sleepInterval <= 0) // just in case we have a crazy config sleepInterval += 60000; Sleep(sleepInterval); } } int UIRemoveLF(char * Message, int len) { // Remove lf chars char * ptr1, * ptr2; ptr1 = ptr2 = Message; while (len-- > 0) { *ptr2 = *ptr1; if (*ptr1 == '\r') if (*(ptr1+1) == '\n') { ptr1++; len--; } ptr1++; ptr2++; } return (int)(ptr2 - Message); } VOID UISend_AX_Datagram(UCHAR * Msg, DWORD Len, UCHAR Port, UCHAR * HWADDR, BOOL Queue) { MESSAGEX AXMSG; PMESSAGEX AXPTR = &AXMSG; int DataLen = Len; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = GetPortTableEntryFromSlot(Port); // Block includes the Msg Header (7 or 11 bytes), Len Does not! memcpy(AXPTR->DEST, HWADDR, 7); // Get BCALL or PORTCALL if set if (PORT && PORT->PORTBCALL[0]) memcpy(AXPTR->ORIGIN, PORT->PORTBCALL, 7); else if (PORT && PORT->PORTCALL[0]) memcpy(AXPTR->ORIGIN, PORT->PORTCALL, 7); else memcpy(AXPTR->ORIGIN, MYCALL, 7); AXPTR->DEST[6] &= 0x7e; // Clear End of Call AXPTR->DEST[6] |= 0x80; // set Command Bit if (UIUIDigi[Port]) { // This port has a digi string int DigiLen = UIUIDigiLen[Port]; UCHAR * ptr; memcpy(&AXPTR->CTL, UIUIDigiAX[Port], DigiLen); ptr = (UCHAR *)AXPTR; ptr += DigiLen; AXPTR = (PMESSAGEX)ptr; Len += DigiLen; } AXPTR->ORIGIN[6] |= 1; // Set End of Call AXPTR->CTL = 3; //UI AXPTR->PID = 0xf0; memcpy(AXPTR->DATA, Msg, DataLen); // if (Queue) // QueueRaw(Port, &AXMSG, Len + 16); // else SendRaw(Port, (char *)&AXMSG.DEST, Len + 16); return; } VOID SendUIBeacon(int Port) { char UIMessage[1024]; int Len = (int)strlen(Message[Port]); int Index = 0; if (SendFromFile[Port]) { FILE * hFile; hFile = fopen(FN[Port], "rb"); if (hFile == 0) return; Len = (int)fread(UIMessage, 1, 1024, hFile); fclose(hFile); } else strcpy(UIMessage, Message[Port]); Len = UIRemoveLF(UIMessage, Len); while (Len > 256) { UISend_AX_Datagram(&UIMessage[Index], 256, Port, UIAXDEST[Port], TRUE); Index += 256; Len -= 256; Sleep(2000); } UISend_AX_Datagram(&UIMessage[Index], Len, Port, UIAXDEST[Port], TRUE); } #ifndef LINBPQ typedef struct tag_dlghdr { HWND hwndTab; // tab control HWND hwndDisplay; // current child dialog box RECT rcDisplay; // display rectangle for the tab control DLGTEMPLATE *apRes[MaxBPQPortNo + 1]; } DLGHDR; DLGTEMPLATE * WINAPI DoLockDlgRes(LPCSTR lpszResName); #endif HWND hwndDlg; int PageCount; int CurrentPage=0; // Page currently on show in tabbed Dialog VOID WINAPI OnSelChanged(HWND hwndDlg); VOID WINAPI OnChildDialogInit(HWND hwndDlg); #define ICC_STANDARD_CLASSES 0x00004000 HWND hwndDisplay; #define ID_TEST 102 #define IDD_DIAGLOG1 103 #define IDC_FROMFILE 1022 #define IDC_EDIT1 1054 #define IDC_FILENAME 1054 #define IDC_EDIT2 1055 #define IDC_MESSAGE 1055 #define IDC_EDIT3 1056 #define IDC_INTERVAL 1056 #define IDC_EDIT4 1057 #define IDC_UIDEST 1057 #define IDC_FILE 1058 #define IDC_TAB1 1059 #define IDC_UIDIGIS 1059 #define IDC_PORTNAME 1060 extern HKEY REGTREE; HBRUSH bgBrush; VOID SetupUI(int Port) { char DigiString[100], * DigiLeft; ConvToAX25(UIUIDEST[Port], &UIAXDEST[Port][0]); UIUIDigiLen[Port] = 0; if (UIUIDigi[Port]) { UIUIDigiAX[Port] = zalloc(100); strcpy(DigiString, UIUIDigi[Port]); DigiLeft = strlop(DigiString,','); while(DigiString[0]) { ConvToAX25(DigiString, &UIUIDigiAX[Port][UIUIDigiLen[Port]]); UIUIDigiLen[Port] += 7; if (DigiLeft) { memmove(DigiString, DigiLeft, (int)strlen(DigiLeft) + 1); DigiLeft = strlop(DigiString,','); } else DigiString[0] = 0; } } } #ifndef LINBPQ VOID SaveIntValue(config_setting_t * group, char * name, int value) { config_setting_t *setting; setting = config_setting_add(group, name, CONFIG_TYPE_INT); if(setting) config_setting_set_int(setting, value); } VOID SaveStringValue(config_setting_t * group, char * name, char * value) { config_setting_t *setting; setting = config_setting_add(group, name, CONFIG_TYPE_STRING); if (setting) config_setting_set_string(setting, value); } #endif config_t cfg; VOID SaveUIConfig() { config_setting_t *root, *group, *UIGroup; int Port, MaxPort = GetNumberofPorts(); char ConfigName[256]; if (BPQDirectory[0] == 0) { strcpy(ConfigName,"UIUtil.cfg"); } else { strcpy(ConfigName,BPQDirectory); strcat(ConfigName,"/"); strcat(ConfigName,"UIUtil.cfg"); } // Get rid of old config before saving config_init(&cfg); root = config_root_setting(&cfg); group = config_setting_add(root, "main", CONFIG_TYPE_GROUP); UIGroup = config_setting_add(group, "UIUtil", CONFIG_TYPE_GROUP); for (Port = 1; Port <= MaxPort; Port++) { char Key[20]; sprintf(Key, "Port%d", Port); group = config_setting_add(UIGroup, Key, CONFIG_TYPE_GROUP); SaveStringValue(group, "UIDEST", &UIUIDEST[Port][0]); SaveStringValue(group, "FileName", &FN[Port][0]); SaveStringValue(group, "Message", &Message[Port][0]); SaveStringValue(group, "Digis", UIUIDigi[Port]); SaveIntValue(group, "Interval", Interval[Port]); SaveIntValue(group, "SendFromFile", SendFromFile[Port]); } if(!config_write_file(&cfg, ConfigName)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error while writing file.\n"); config_destroy(&cfg); return; } config_destroy(&cfg); } int GetRegConfig(); VOID GetUIConfig() { char Key[100]; char CfgFN[256]; char Digis[100]; struct stat STAT; config_t cfg; config_setting_t *group; int Port, MaxPort = GetNumberofPorts(); memset((void *)&cfg, 0, sizeof(config_t)); config_init(&cfg); if (BPQDirectory[0] == 0) { strcpy(CfgFN,"UIUtil.cfg"); } else { strcpy(CfgFN,BPQDirectory); strcat(CfgFN,"/"); strcat(CfgFN,"UIUtil.cfg"); } if (stat(CfgFN, &STAT) == -1) { // No file. If Windows try to read from registy #ifndef LINBPQ GetRegConfig(); #else Debugprintf("UIUtil Config File not found\n"); #endif return; } if(!config_read_file(&cfg, CfgFN)) { fprintf(stderr, "UI Util Config Error Line %d - %s\n", config_error_line(&cfg), config_error_text(&cfg)); config_destroy(&cfg); return; } group = config_lookup(&cfg, "main"); if (group) { for (Port = 1; Port <= MaxPort; Port++) { sprintf(Key, "main.UIUtil.Port%d", Port); group = config_lookup (&cfg, Key); if (group) { GetStringValue(group, "UIDEST", &UIUIDEST[Port][0], 11); GetStringValue(group, "FileName", &FN[Port][0], 256); GetStringValue(group, "Message", &Message[Port][0], 1000); GetStringValue(group, "Digis", Digis, 100); UIUIDigi[Port] = _strdup(Digis); Interval[Port] = GetIntValue(group, "Interval"); MinCounter[Port] = Interval[Port]; SendFromFile[Port] = GetIntValue(group, "SendFromFile"); SetupUI(Port); } } } _beginthread(UIThread, 0, NULL); } #ifndef LINBPQ int GetIntValue(config_setting_t * group, char * name) { config_setting_t *setting; setting = config_setting_get_member (group, name); if (setting) return config_setting_get_int (setting); return 0; } BOOL GetStringValue(config_setting_t * group, char * name, char * value, int maxlen) { char * str; config_setting_t *setting; setting = config_setting_get_member (group, name); if (setting) { str = (char *)config_setting_get_string(setting); if (strlen(str) > maxlen) { Debugprintf("Suspect config record %s", str); str[maxlen] = 0; } strcpy(value, str); return TRUE; } value[0] = 0; return FALSE; } int GetRegConfig() { int retCode, Vallen, Type, i; char Key[80]; char Size[80]; HKEY hKey; RECT Rect; wsprintf(Key, "SOFTWARE\\G8BPQ\\BPQ32\\UIUtil"); retCode = RegOpenKeyEx (REGTREE, Key, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if (retCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Vallen=80; retCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,"Size",0, (ULONG *)&Type,(UCHAR *)&Size,(ULONG *)&Vallen); if (retCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) sscanf(Size,"%d,%d,%d,%d",&Rect.left,&Rect.right,&Rect.top,&Rect.bottom); RegCloseKey(hKey); } for (i=1; i<=32; i++) { wsprintf(Key, "SOFTWARE\\G8BPQ\\BPQ32\\UIUtil\\UIPort%d", i); retCode = RegOpenKeyEx (REGTREE, Key, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if (retCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Vallen=0; RegQueryValueEx(hKey,"Digis",0, (ULONG *)&Type, NULL, (ULONG *)&Vallen); if (Vallen) { UIUIDigi[i] = malloc(Vallen); RegQueryValueEx(hKey,"Digis",0, (ULONG *)&Type, UIUIDigi[i], (ULONG *)&Vallen); } Vallen=4; retCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "Interval", 0, (ULONG *)&Type, (UCHAR *)&Interval[i], (ULONG *)&Vallen); MinCounter[i] = Interval[i]; Vallen=4; retCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "SendFromFile", 0, (ULONG *)&Type, (UCHAR *)&SendFromFile[i], (ULONG *)&Vallen); Vallen=10; retCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "UIDEST", 0, &Type, &UIUIDEST[i][0], &Vallen); Vallen=255; retCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "FileName", 0, &Type, &FN[i][0], &Vallen); Vallen=999; retCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "Message", 0, &Type, &Message[i][0], &Vallen); SetupUI(i); RegCloseKey(hKey); } } SaveUIConfig(); return TRUE; } INT_PTR CALLBACK ChildDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // This processes messages from controls on the tab subpages int Command; int retCode, disp; char Key[80]; HKEY hKey; BOOL OK; OPENFILENAME ofn; char Digis[100]; int Port = PortNum[CurrentPage]; switch (message) { case WM_NOTIFY: switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) { case TCN_SELCHANGE: OnSelChanged(hDlg); return TRUE; // More cases on WM_NOTIFY switch. case NM_CHAR: return TRUE; } break; case WM_INITDIALOG: OnChildDialogInit( hDlg); return (INT_PTR)TRUE; case WM_CTLCOLORDLG: return (LONG)bgBrush; case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: { HDC hdcStatic = (HDC)wParam; SetTextColor(hdcStatic, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetBkMode(hdcStatic, TRANSPARENT); return (LONG)bgBrush; } case WM_COMMAND: Command = LOWORD(wParam); if (Command == 2002) return TRUE; switch (Command) { case IDC_FILE: memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof (OPENFILENAME)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof (OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = hDlg; ofn.lpstrFile = &FN[Port][0]; ofn.nMaxFile = 250; ofn.lpstrTitle = "File to send as beacon"; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = BPQDirectory; if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_FILENAME, &FN[Port][0]); break; case IDOK: GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_UIDEST, &UIUIDEST[Port][0], 10); if (UIUIDigi[Port]) { free(UIUIDigi[Port]); UIUIDigi[Port] = NULL; } if (UIUIDigiAX[Port]) { free(UIUIDigiAX[Port]); UIUIDigiAX[Port] = NULL; } GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_UIDIGIS, Digis, 99); UIUIDigi[Port] = _strdup(Digis); GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_FILENAME, &FN[Port][0], 255); GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_MESSAGE, &Message[Port][0], 1000); Interval[Port] = GetDlgItemInt(hDlg, IDC_INTERVAL, &OK, FALSE); MinCounter[Port] = Interval[Port]; SendFromFile[Port] = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_FROMFILE); wsprintf(Key, "SOFTWARE\\G8BPQ\\BPQ32\\UIUtil\\UIPort%d", PortNum[CurrentPage]); retCode = RegCreateKeyEx(REGTREE, Key, 0, 0, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, &disp); if (retCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { retCode = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "UIDEST", 0, REG_SZ,(BYTE *)&UIUIDEST[Port][0], (int)strlen(&UIUIDEST[Port][0])); retCode = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "FileName", 0, REG_SZ,(BYTE *)&FN[Port][0], (int)strlen(&FN[Port][0])); retCode = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Message", 0, REG_SZ,(BYTE *)&Message[Port][0], (int)strlen(&Message[Port][0])); retCode = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Interval", 0, REG_DWORD,(BYTE *)&Interval[Port], 4); retCode = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "SendFromFile", 0, REG_DWORD,(BYTE *)&SendFromFile[Port], 4); retCode = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Digis",0, REG_SZ, Digis, (int)strlen(Digis)); RegCloseKey(hKey); } SetupUI(Port); SaveUIConfig(); return (INT_PTR)TRUE; case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam)); return (INT_PTR)TRUE; case ID_TEST: SendUIBeacon(Port); return TRUE; } break; } return (INT_PTR)FALSE; } VOID WINAPI OnTabbedDialogInit(HWND hDlg) { DLGHDR *pHdr = (DLGHDR *) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(DLGHDR)); DWORD dwDlgBase = GetDialogBaseUnits(); int cxMargin = LOWORD(dwDlgBase) / 4; int cyMargin = HIWORD(dwDlgBase) / 8; TC_ITEM tie; RECT rcTab; int i, pos, tab = 0; INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX init; char PortNo[60]; struct _EXTPORTDATA * PORTVEC; hwndDlg = hDlg; // Save Window Handle // Save a pointer to the DLGHDR structure. #define GWL_USERDATA (-21) SetWindowLong(hwndDlg, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG) pHdr); // Create the tab control. init.dwICC = ICC_STANDARD_CLASSES; init.dwSize=sizeof(init); i=InitCommonControlsEx(&init); pHdr->hwndTab = CreateWindow(WC_TABCONTROL, "", WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 100, 100, hwndDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); if (pHdr->hwndTab == NULL) { // handle error } // Add a tab for each of the child dialog boxes. tie.mask = TCIF_TEXT | TCIF_IMAGE; tie.iImage = -1; for (i = 1; i <= NUMBEROFPORTS; i++) { // Only allow UI on ax.25 ports PORTVEC = (struct _EXTPORTDATA * )GetPortTableEntryFromSlot(i); if (PORTVEC->PORTCONTROL.PORTTYPE == 16) // EXTERNAL if (PORTVEC->PORTCONTROL.PROTOCOL == 10) // Pactor/WINMOR if (PORTVEC->PORTCONTROL.UICAPABLE == 0) continue; wsprintf(PortNo, "Port %2d", GetPortNumber(i)); PortNum[tab] = i; tie.pszText = PortNo; TabCtrl_InsertItem(pHdr->hwndTab, tab, &tie); pHdr->apRes[tab++] = DoLockDlgRes("PORTPAGE"); } PageCount = tab; // Determine the bounding rectangle for all child dialog boxes. SetRectEmpty(&rcTab); for (i = 0; i < PageCount; i++) { if (pHdr->apRes[i]->cx > rcTab.right) rcTab.right = pHdr->apRes[i]->cx; if (pHdr->apRes[i]->cy > rcTab.bottom) rcTab.bottom = pHdr->apRes[i]->cy; } MapDialogRect(hwndDlg, &rcTab); // rcTab.right = rcTab.right * LOWORD(dwDlgBase) / 4; // rcTab.bottom = rcTab.bottom * HIWORD(dwDlgBase) / 8; // Calculate how large to make the tab control, so // the display area can accomodate all the child dialog boxes. TabCtrl_AdjustRect(pHdr->hwndTab, TRUE, &rcTab); OffsetRect(&rcTab, cxMargin - rcTab.left, cyMargin - rcTab.top); // Calculate the display rectangle. CopyRect(&pHdr->rcDisplay, &rcTab); TabCtrl_AdjustRect(pHdr->hwndTab, FALSE, &pHdr->rcDisplay); // Set the size and position of the tab control, buttons, // and dialog box. SetWindowPos(pHdr->hwndTab, NULL, rcTab.left, rcTab.top, rcTab.right - rcTab.left, rcTab.bottom - rcTab.top, SWP_NOZORDER); // Move the Buttons to bottom of page pos=rcTab.left+cxMargin; // Size the dialog box. SetWindowPos(hwndDlg, NULL, 0, 0, rcTab.right + cyMargin + 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME), rcTab.bottom + 2 * cyMargin + 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION), SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER); // Simulate selection of the first item. OnSelChanged(hwndDlg); } // DoLockDlgRes - loads and locks a dialog template resource. // Returns a pointer to the locked resource. // lpszResName - name of the resource DLGTEMPLATE * WINAPI DoLockDlgRes(LPCSTR lpszResName) { HRSRC hrsrc = FindResource(hInstance, lpszResName, RT_DIALOG); HGLOBAL hglb = LoadResource(hInstance, hrsrc); return (DLGTEMPLATE *) LockResource(hglb); } //The following function processes the TCN_SELCHANGE notification message for the main dialog box. The function destroys the dialog box for the outgoing page, if any. Then it uses the CreateDialogIndirect function to create a modeless dialog box for the incoming page. // OnSelChanged - processes the TCN_SELCHANGE notification. // hwndDlg - handle of the parent dialog box VOID WINAPI OnSelChanged(HWND hwndDlg) { char PortDesc[40]; int Port; DLGHDR *pHdr = (DLGHDR *) GetWindowLong(hwndDlg, GWL_USERDATA); CurrentPage = TabCtrl_GetCurSel(pHdr->hwndTab); // Destroy the current child dialog box, if any. if (pHdr->hwndDisplay != NULL) DestroyWindow(pHdr->hwndDisplay); // Create the new child dialog box. pHdr->hwndDisplay = CreateDialogIndirect(hInstance, pHdr->apRes[CurrentPage], hwndDlg, ChildDialogProc); hwndDisplay = pHdr->hwndDisplay; // Save Port = PortNum[CurrentPage]; // Fill in the controls GetPortDescription(PortNum[CurrentPage], PortDesc); SetDlgItemText(hwndDisplay, IDC_PORTNAME, PortDesc); CheckDlgButton(hwndDisplay, IDC_FROMFILE, SendFromFile[Port]); SetDlgItemInt(hwndDisplay, IDC_INTERVAL, Interval[Port], FALSE); SetDlgItemText(hwndDisplay, IDC_UIDEST, &UIUIDEST[Port][0]); SetDlgItemText(hwndDisplay, IDC_UIDIGIS, UIUIDigi[Port]); SetDlgItemText(hwndDisplay, IDC_FILENAME, &FN[Port][0]); SetDlgItemText(hwndDisplay, IDC_MESSAGE, &Message[Port][0]); ShowWindow(pHdr->hwndDisplay, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } //The following function processes the WM_INITDIALOG message for each of the child dialog boxes. You cannot specify the position of a dialog box created using the CreateDialogIndirect function. This function uses the SetWindowPos function to position the child dialog within the tab control's display area. // OnChildDialogInit - Positions the child dialog box to fall // within the display area of the tab control. VOID WINAPI OnChildDialogInit(HWND hwndDlg) { HWND hwndParent = GetParent(hwndDlg); DLGHDR *pHdr = (DLGHDR *) GetWindowLong(hwndParent, GWL_USERDATA); SetWindowPos(hwndDlg, HWND_TOP, pHdr->rcDisplay.left, pHdr->rcDisplay.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE); } LRESULT CALLBACK UIWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int wmId, wmEvent; HKEY hKey=0; switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: OnTabbedDialogInit(hWnd); return (INT_PTR)TRUE; case WM_NOTIFY: switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) { case TCN_SELCHANGE: OnSelChanged(hWnd); return TRUE; // More cases on WM_NOTIFY switch. case NM_CHAR: return TRUE; } break; case WM_CTLCOLORDLG: return (LONG)bgBrush; case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: { HDC hdcStatic = (HDC)wParam; SetTextColor(hdcStatic, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetBkMode(hdcStatic, TRANSPARENT); return (LONG)bgBrush; } case WM_COMMAND: wmId = LOWORD(wParam); wmEvent = HIWORD(wParam); switch (wmId) { case IDOK: return TRUE; default: return 0; } case WM_SYSCOMMAND: wmId = LOWORD(wParam); // Remember, these are... wmEvent = HIWORD(wParam); // ...different for Win32! switch (wmId) { case SC_RESTORE: return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); case SC_MINIMIZE: if (MinimizetoTray) return ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_HIDE); else return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); break; default: return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); } case WM_CLOSE: return(DestroyWindow(hWnd)); default: return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); } return (0); } #endif extern struct DATAMESSAGE * REPLYBUFFER; char * __cdecl Cmdprintf(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, const char * format, ...); void GetPortCTEXT(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, struct CMDX * CMD) { char FN[250]; FILE *hFile; struct stat STAT; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = PORTTABLE; char PortList[256] = ""; int len = 0; while (PORT) { if (PORT->CTEXT) { free(PORT->CTEXT); PORT->CTEXT = 0; } if (BPQDirectory[0] == 0) sprintf(FN, "Port%dCTEXT.txt", PORT->PORTNUMBER); else sprintf(FN, "%s/Port%dCTEXT.txt", BPQDirectory, PORT->PORTNUMBER); if (stat(FN, &STAT) == -1) { PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; continue; } hFile = fopen(FN, "rb"); if (hFile) { char * ptr; PORT->CTEXT = zalloc(STAT.st_size + 1); fread(PORT->CTEXT , 1, STAT.st_size, hFile); fclose(hFile); // convert CRLF or LF to CR while (ptr = strstr(PORT->CTEXT, "\r\n")) memmove(ptr, ptr + 1, strlen(ptr)); // Now has LF while (ptr = strchr(PORT->CTEXT, '\n')) *ptr = '\r'; len += sprintf(&PortList[len], ",%d", PORT->PORTNUMBER); } PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } if (Session) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "CTEXT Read for ports %s\r", &PortList[1]); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } else Debugprintf("CTEXT Read for ports %s\r", &PortList[1]); } // Get the current frequency for a port. This can get a bit complicated, especially if looking for centre freq // rather than dial freq (as this depends on mode). // // Used for various reporting functions - MH, Maps, BBS New User message, // I think I'll try PORT "PortFreq" setting first then if that isn't available via rigcontrol. // // For now at least will report dial freq if using RIGCONTROL DllExport uint64_t APIENTRY GetPortFrequency(int PortNo, char * FreqString) { struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(PortNo); double freq = 0.0; uint64_t freqint = 0; char * ptr; int n = 3; FreqString[0] = 0; if (PORT == 0) return 0; if (PORT->PortFreq) { freqint = PORT->PortFreq; freq = freqint / 1000000.0; } else { // Try rigcontrol struct TNCINFO * TNC; struct RIGINFO * RIG = 0; if (PORT->RIGPort) TNC = TNCInfo[PORT->RIGPort]; else TNC = TNCInfo[PortNo]; if (TNC) RIG = TNC->RIG; if (RIG == 0) return 0; // Frequency should be in valchar if (RIG->Valchar[0] == 0) return 0; freq = atof(TNC->RIG->Valchar); freqint = (int64_t)(freq * 1000000.0); } sprintf(FreqString, "%.6f", freq); // Return 3 digits after . (KHz) unless more are significant ptr = &FreqString[strlen(FreqString) - 1]; while (n-- && *(ptr) == '0') *ptr-- = 0; return freqint; } SOCKET OpenHTTPSock(char * Host) { SOCKET sock = 0; struct sockaddr_in destaddr; struct sockaddr_in sinx; int addrlen=sizeof(sinx); struct hostent * HostEnt; int err; u_long param=1; BOOL bcopt=TRUE; destaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; destaddr.sin_port = htons(80); // Resolve name to address HostEnt = gethostbyname (Host); if (!HostEnt) { err = WSAGetLastError(); Debugprintf("Resolve Failed for %s %d %x", Host, err, err); return 0 ; // Resolve failed } memcpy(&destaddr.sin_addr.s_addr,HostEnt->h_addr,4); // Allocate a Socket entry sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) return 0; setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char FAR *)&bcopt,4); sinx.sin_family = AF_INET; sinx.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sinx.sin_port = 0; if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sinx, addrlen) != 0 ) return FALSE; if (connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *) &destaddr, sizeof(destaddr)) != 0) { err=WSAGetLastError(); closesocket(sock); return 0; } return sock; } static char HeaderTemplate[] = "POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Accept: app N B lication/json\r\n" // "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,gzip, deflate\r\n" "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" "Host: %s:%d\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "User-Agent: %s%s\r\n" // "Expect: 100-continue\r\n" "\r\n"; DllExport VOID WINAPI SendWebRequest(char * Host, char * Request, char * Params, char * Return) { SOCKET sock; int InputLen = 0; int inptr = 0; char Buffer[4096]; char Header[256]; char * ptr, * ptr1; int Sent; int Len = strlen(Params); if (M0LTEMap == 0) return; sock = OpenHTTPSock(Host); if (sock == 0) return; #ifdef LINBPQ sprintf(Header, HeaderTemplate, Request, Host, 80, Len, "linbpq/", VersionString, Params); #else sprintf(Header, HeaderTemplate, Request, Host, 80, Len, "bpq32/", VersionString, Params); #endif Sent = send(sock, Header, (int)strlen(Header), 0); Sent = send(sock, Params, (int)strlen(Params), 0); if (Sent == -1) { int Err = WSAGetLastError(); Debugprintf("Error %d from Web Update send()", Err); closesocket(sock); return; } while (InputLen != -1) { InputLen = recv(sock, &Buffer[inptr], 4095 - inptr, 0); if (InputLen == -1 || InputLen == 0) { int Err = WSAGetLastError(); Debugprintf("Error %d from Web Update recv()", Err); closesocket(sock); return; } inptr += InputLen; Buffer[inptr] = 0; ptr = strstr(Buffer, "\r\n\r\n"); if (ptr) { // got header int Hddrlen = (int)(ptr - Buffer); ptr1 = strstr(Buffer, "Content-Length:"); if (ptr1) { // Have content length int ContentLen = atoi(ptr1 + 16); if (ContentLen + Hddrlen + 4 == inptr) { // got whole response if (strstr(Buffer, " 200 OK")) { if (Return) { memcpy(Return, ptr + 4, ContentLen); Return[ContentLen] = 0; } else Debugprintf("Map Database update ok"); } else { strlop(Buffer, 13); Debugprintf("Map Update failed - %s", Buffer); } closesocket(sock); return; } } else { ptr1 = strstr(_strlwr(Buffer), "transfer-encoding:"); if (ptr1) { // Just accept anything until I've sorted things with Lee closesocket(sock); Debugprintf("Web Database update ok"); return; } } } } } // https://packetnodes.spots.radio/api/NodeData/{callsign} //SendHTTPRequest(sock, "/account/exists", Message, Len, Response); #include "kiss.h" extern char MYALIASLOPPED[10]; extern int MasterPort[MAXBPQPORTS+1]; // G7TAJ // /* {"mheard": [ { "Callsign": "GB7CIP-7", "Port": "VHF", "Packets": 70369, "LastHeard": "2024-12-29 20:26:32" }, */ void BuildPortMH(char * MHJSON, struct PORTCONTROL * PORT) { struct tm * TM; static char MHTIME[50]; time_t szClock; MHSTRUC * MH = PORT->PORTMHEARD; int count = MHENTRIES; char Normcall[20]; int len; char * ptr; char mhstr[400]; int i; char c; if (MH == NULL) return; while (count--) { if (MH->MHCALL[0] == 0) break; len = ConvFromAX25(MH->MHCALL, Normcall); Normcall[len] = 0; ptr = &MH->MHCALL[6]; // End of Address bit if ((*ptr & 1) == 0) { // at least one digi - which we are not going to include MH++; continue; } // validate call to prevent corruption of json for (i=0; i < len; i++) { c = Normcall[i]; if (!isalnum(c) && !(c == '#') && !(c == ' ') && !(c == '-')) goto skipit; } //format TIME szClock = MH->MHTIME; TM = gmtime(&szClock); sprintf(MHTIME, "%d-%d-%d %02d:%02d:%02d", TM->tm_year+1900, TM->tm_mon + 1, TM->tm_mday, TM->tm_hour, TM->tm_min, TM->tm_sec); sprintf(mhstr, "{\"callSign\": \"%s\", \"port\": \"%d\", \"packets\": %d, \"lastHeard\": \"%s\" },\r\n" , Normcall, PORT->PORTNUMBER, MH->MHCOUNT, MHTIME); strcat( MHJSON, mhstr ); skipit: MH++; } } void SendDataToPktMapThread(); void SendDataToPktMap() { _beginthread(SendDataToPktMapThread,2048000,0); } void SendDataToPktMapThread() { char Return[256] = ""; char Request[64]; char Params[50000]; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = PORTTABLE; struct PORTCONTROL * SAVEPORT; struct ROUTE * Routes = NEIGHBOURS; int MaxRoutes = MAXNEIGHBOURS; int PortNo; int Active; uint64_t Freq; int Baud; int Bitrate; char * Mode; char * Use; char * Type; char * Modulation; char * Usage; char locked[] = " ! "; int Percent = 0; int Port = 0; char Normcall[10]; char Copy[20]; char ID[33]; char * ptr = Params; // G7TAJ // char MHJSON[50000]; char * mhptr; char * b4Routesptr; MHJSON[0]=0; // G7TAJ // // printf("Sending to new map\n"); sprintf(Request, "/api/NodeData/%s", MYNODECALL); // https://packetnodes.spots.radio/swagger/index.html // This builds the request and sends it // Minimum header seems to be // "nodeAlias": "BPQ", // "location": {"locator": "IO68VL"}, // "software": {"name": "BPQ32","version": ""}, ptr += sprintf(ptr, "{\"nodeAlias\": \"%s\",\r\n", MYALIASLOPPED); if (strlen(LOCATOR) == 6) ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"location\": {\"locator\": \"%s\"},\r\n", LOCATOR); else { // Lat Lon double myLat, myLon; char LocCopy[80]; char * context; strcpy(LocCopy, LOCATOR); myLat = atof(strtok_s(LocCopy, ",:; ", &context)); myLon = atof(context); ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"location\": {\"coords\": {\"lat\": %f, \"lon\": %f}},\r\n", myLat, myLon); } #ifdef LINBPQ ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"software\": {\"name\": \"LINBPQ\",\"version\": \"%s\"},\r\n", VersionString); #else ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"software\": {\"name\": \"BPQ32\",\"version\": \"%s\"},\r\n", VersionString); #endif ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"source\": \"ReportedByNode\",\r\n"); // G7TAJ // sprintf(MHJSON, ",\"mheard\": ["); // G7TAJ // //Ports ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"ports\": ["); // Get active ports while (PORT) { PortNo = PORT->PORTNUMBER; if (PORT->Hide) { PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; continue; } if (PORT->SendtoM0LTEMap == 0) { PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; continue; } // Try to get port status - may not be possible with some if (PORT->PortStopped) { PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; continue; } Active = 0; Freq = 0; Baud = 0; Mode = "ax.25"; Use = ""; Type = "RF"; Bitrate = 0; Modulation = "FSK"; Usage = "Access"; if (PORT->PortFreq) Freq = PORT->PortFreq; if (PORT->PORTTYPE == 0) { struct KISSINFO * KISS = (struct KISSINFO *)PORT; NPASYINFO Port; SAVEPORT = PORT; if (KISS->FIRSTPORT && KISS->FIRSTPORT != KISS) { // Not first port on device PORT = (struct PORTCONTROL *)KISS->FIRSTPORT; Port = KISSInfo[PortNo]; } Port = KISSInfo[PORT->PORTNUMBER]; if (Port) { // KISS like - see if connected if (PORT->PORTIPADDR.s_addr || PORT->KISSSLAVE) { // KISS over UDP or TCP if (PORT->KISSTCP) { if (Port->Connected) Active = 1; } else Active = 1; // UDP - Cant tell } else if (Port->idComDev) // Serial port Open Active = 1; PORT = SAVEPORT; } } else if (PORT->PORTTYPE == 14) // Loopback Active = 0; else if (PORT->PORTTYPE == 16) // External { if (PORT->PROTOCOL == 10) // 'HF' Port { struct TNCINFO * TNC = TNCInfo[PortNo]; struct AGWINFO * AGW; if (TNC == NULL) { PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; continue; } if (Freq == 0 && TNC->RIG) Freq = TNC->RIG->RigFreq * 1000000; switch (TNC->Hardware) // Hardware Type { case H_KAM: case H_AEA: case H_HAL: case H_SERIAL: // Serial if (TNC->hDevice) Active = 1; break; case H_SCS: case H_TRK: case H_WINRPR: if (TNC->HostMode) Active = 1; break; case H_UZ7HO: if (TNCInfo[MasterPort[PortNo]]->CONNECTED) Active = 1; // Try to get mode and frequency AGW = TNC->AGWInfo; if (AGW && AGW->isQTSM) { if (AGW->ModemName[0]) { char * ptr1, * ptr2, *Context; strcpy(Copy, AGW->ModemName); ptr1 = strtok_s(Copy, " ", & Context); ptr2 = strtok_s(NULL, " ", & Context); if (Context) { Modulation = Copy; if (strstr(ptr1, "BPSK") || strstr(ptr1, "AFSK")) { Baud = Bitrate = atoi(Context); } else if (strstr(ptr1, "QPSK")) { Modulation = "QPSK"; Bitrate = atoi(Context); Baud = Bitrate /2; } } } } break; case H_KISSHF: // Try to get mode from ID then drop through if (stristr(PORT->PORTDESCRIPTION, "BPSK")) { Modulation = "BPSK"; } case H_WINMOR: case H_V4: case H_MPSK: case H_FLDIGI: case H_UIARQ: case H_ARDOP: case H_VARA: case H_FREEDATA: // TCP Mode = Modenames[TNC->Hardware - 1]; if (TNC->CONNECTED) Active = 1; break; case H_TELNET: Active = 1; Type = "Internet"; Mode = ""; } } else { // External but not HF - AXIP, BPQETHER VKISS, ?? struct _EXTPORTDATA * EXTPORT = (struct _EXTPORTDATA *)PORT; Type = "Internet"; Active = 1; } } if (Active) { char * ptr2 = &ID[29]; strcpy(ID, PORT->PORTDESCRIPTION); while (*(ptr2) == ' ' && ptr2 != ID) *(ptr2--) = 0; if (PORT->M0LTEMapInfo) { // Override with user configured values - RF,7.045,BPSK,300,300,Access char param[256]; char *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, *p5; strcpy(param, PORT->M0LTEMapInfo); p1 = strlop(param, ','); p2 = strlop(p1, ','); p3 = strlop(p2, ','); p4 = strlop(p3, ','); p5 = strlop(p4, ','); // int n = sscanf(PORT->M0LTEMapInfo, "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", &p1, &p2, &p3, &p4, &p5, &p6); if (p5) { if (param[0]) Type = param; if (p1[0]) { // if set to DIAL+=n and frequency set from config or rigcontrol modify it uint64_t offset = 0; if (_memicmp(p1, "DIAL+", 5) == 0) offset = atoi(&p1[5]); else if (_memicmp(p1, "DIAL-", 5) == 0) offset = -atoi(&p1[5]); else Freq = atof(p1) * 1000000; if (Freq != 0) Freq += offset; } if (p2[0]) Modulation = p2; if (p3[0]) Baud = atoi(p3); if (p4[0]) Bitrate = atoi(p4); if (p5[0]) Usage = p5; } } ptr += sprintf(ptr, "{\"id\": \"%d\",\"linkType\": \"%s\"," "\"freq\": \"%lld\",\"mode\": \"%s\",\"modulation\": \"%s\"," "\"baud\": \"%d\",\"bitrate\": \"%d\",\"usage\": \"%s\",\"comment\": \"%s\"},\r\n", PortNo, Type, Freq, Mode, Modulation, Baud, Bitrate, Usage, ID); // G7TAJ // // make MH list to be added later BuildPortMH(MHJSON, PORT); // G7TAJ // } PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } ptr -= 3; ptr += sprintf(ptr, "],\r\n"); // Neighbours // G7TAJ // b4Routesptr = ptr-3; // G7TAJ // ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"neighbours\": [\r\n"); while (MaxRoutes--) { if (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_CALL[0] != 0) if (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_LINK && Routes->NEIGHBOUR_LINK->L2STATE >= 5) { ConvFromAX25(Routes->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, Normcall); strlop(Normcall, ' '); ptr += sprintf(ptr, "{\"node\": \"%s\", \"port\": \"%d\", \"quality\": \"%d\"},\r\n", Normcall, Routes->NEIGHBOUR_PORT, Routes->NEIGHBOUR_QUAL); } Routes++; } // G7TAJ // // if !strstr quality, then there are none, so remove neighbours portion if ( strstr(Params, "quality") == NULL ) { ptr = b4Routesptr; } else { ptr -= 3; ptr += sprintf(ptr, "]"); } if ( strlen(MHJSON) > 15 ) { mhptr = MHJSON + strlen(MHJSON); mhptr -= 3; sprintf(mhptr, "]\r\n"); ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\r\n%s", MHJSON); } ptr += sprintf(ptr, "}"); // G7TAJ // /* { "nodeAlias": "BPQ", "location": {"locator": "IO92KX"}, "software": {"name": "BPQ32","version": " Debug Build "}, "contact": "G8BPQ", "sysopComment": "Testing", "source": "ReportedByNode" } "ports": [ { "id": "string", "linkType": "RF", "freq": 0, "mode": "string", "modulation": "string", "baud": 0, "bitrate": 0, "usage": "Access", "comment": "string" } ], */ // "contact": "string", // "neighbours": [{"node": "G7TAJ","port": "30"}] SendWebRequest("packetnodes.spots.radio", Request, Params, 0); } // ="{\"neighbours\": [{\"node\": \"G7TAJ\",\"port\": \"30\"}]}"; //'POST' \ // 'https://packetnodes.spots.radio/api/NodeData/GM8BPQ' \ // -H 'accept: */*' \ // -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ // -d '{ // "nodeAlias": "BPQ", // "location": {"locator": "IO68VL"}, // "software": {"name": "BPQ32","version": ""}, // "contact": "string", // "neighbours": [{"node": "G7TAJ","port": "30"}] //}'