/* Copyright 2001-2022 John Wiseman G8BPQ This file is part of LinBPQ/BPQ32. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LinBPQ/BPQ32. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ // // Rig Control Module // // Dec 29 2009 // Add Scan Control for SCS // August 2010 // Fix logic error in Port Initialisation (wasn't always raising RTS and DTR // Clear RTS and DTR on close // Fix Kenwood processing of multiple messages in one packet. // Fix reporting of set errors in scan to the wrong session // Yaesu List // FT990 define as FT100 #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #include #include #include "time.h" #include "cheaders.h" #include "tncinfo.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #else char *fcvt(double number, int ndigits, int *decpt, int *sign); #include #include #include #endif #include "bpq32.h" #include "hidapi.h" int Row = -20; extern struct PORTCONTROL * PORTTABLE; VOID __cdecl Debugprintf(const char * format, ...); struct RIGINFO * RigConfig(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * buf, int Port); struct RIGPORTINFO * CreateTTYInfo(int port, int speed); BOOL RigCloseConnection(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); BOOL RigWriteCommBlock(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); BOOL DestroyTTYInfo(int port); void CheckRX(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); static int OpenRigCOMMPort(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, VOID * Port, int Speed); VOID ICOMPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID ProcessFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, UCHAR * rxbuff, int len); VOID ProcessICOMFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, UCHAR * rxbuffer, int Len); int SendResponse(int Stream, char * Msg); VOID ProcessYaesuFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID YaesuPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID ProcessYaesuCmdAck(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID ProcessKenwoodFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, int Length); VOID KenwoodPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID DummyPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID SwitchAntenna(struct RIGINFO * RIG, char Antenna); VOID DoBandwidthandAntenna(struct RIGINFO *RIG, struct ScanEntry * ptr); VOID SetupScanInterLockGroups(struct RIGINFO *RIG); VOID ProcessFT100Frame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID ProcessFT990Frame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID ProcessFT1000Frame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID AddNMEAChecksum(char * msg); VOID ProcessNMEA(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, char * NMEAMsg, int len); VOID COMSetDTR(HANDLE fd); VOID COMClearDTR(HANDLE fd); VOID COMSetRTS(HANDLE fd); VOID COMClearRTS(HANDLE fd); void CM108_set_ptt(struct RIGINFO *RIG, int PTTState); BOOL OpenHIDPort(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, VOID * Port, int Speed); int HID_Read_Block(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); int HID_Write_Block(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); HANDLE rawhid_open(char * Device); int rawhid_recv(int num, void *buf, int len, int timeout); int rawhid_send(int num, void *buf, int len, int timeout); void rawhid_close(int num); VOID ConnecttoHAMLIB(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID ConnecttoFLRIG(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); int DecodeHAMLIBAddr(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, char * ptr); void ProcessHAMLIBFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, int Length); VOID HAMLIBPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); void HAMLIBSlaveThread(struct RIGINFO * RIG); void CheckAndProcessRTLUDP(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID RTLUDPPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID ConnecttoRTLUDP(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID FLRIGPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); void ProcessFLRIGFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID FLRIGSendCommand(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, char * Command, char * Value); VOID ProcessSDRRadioFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, int Length); VOID SDRRadioPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID SetupPortRIGPointers(); VOID PTTCATThread(struct RIGINFO *RIG); VOID ConnecttoHAMLIB(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); // ----- G7TAJ ---- VOID ConnecttoSDRANGEL(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID SDRANGELPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); void ProcessSDRANGELFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID SDRANGELSendCommand(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, char * Command, char * Value); void SDRANGELProcessMessage(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); // ----- G7TAJ ---- int SendPTCRadioCommand(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Block, int Length); int GetPTCRadioCommand(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Block); int BuildRigCtlPage(char * _REPLYBUFFER); void SendRigWebPage(); extern TRANSPORTENTRY * L4TABLE; HANDLE hInstance; VOID APIENTRY CreateOneTimePassword(char * Password, char * KeyPhrase, int TimeOffset); BOOL APIENTRY CheckOneTimePassword(char * Password, char * KeyPhrase); char * GetApplCallFromName(char * App); char Modes[25][6] = {"LSB", "USB", "AM", "CW", "RTTY", "FM", "WFM", "CW-R", "RTTY-R", "????","????","????","????","????","????","????","????","DV", "LSBD1", "USBD1", "LSBD2","USBD2", "LSBD3","USBD3", "????"}; /* DV = 17 F8101 (0000=LSB, 0001=USB, 0002=AM, 0003=CW, 0004=RTTY, 0018=LSB D1, 0019=USB D1, 0020=LSB D2, 0021=USB D2, 0022=LSB D3, 0023=USB D3 */ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0A 0B 0C 88 char YaesuModes[16][6] = {"LSB", "USB", "CW", "CWR", "AM", "", "", "", "FM", "", "DIG", "", "PKT", "FMN", "????"}; char FT100Modes[9][6] = {"LSB", "USB", "CW", "CWR", "AM", "DIG", "FM", "WFM", "????"}; char FT990Modes[13][6] = {"LSB", "USB", "CW2k4", "CW500", "AM6k", "AM2k4", "FM", "FM", "RTTYL", "RTTYU", "PKTL", "PKTFM", "????"}; char FT1000Modes[13][6] = {"LSB", "USB", "CW", "CWR", "AM", "AMS", "FM", "WFM", "RTTYL", "RTTYU", "PKTL", "PKTF", "????"}; char FTRXModes[8][6] = {"LSB", "USB", "CW", "AM", "FM", "RTTY", "PKT", ""}; char KenwoodModes[16][6] = {"????", "LSB", "USB", "CW", "FM", "AM", "FSK", "????"}; char FT2000Modes[16][6] = {"????", "LSB", "USB", "CW", "FM", "AM", "FSK", "CW-R", "PKT-L", "FSK-R", "PKT-FM", "FM-N", "PKT-U", "????"}; char FTDX10Modes[16][9] = {"????", "LSB", "USB", "CW-U", "FM", "AM", "RTTY-L", "CW-L", "DATA-L", "RTTY-U", "DATA-FM", "FM-N", "DATA-U", "AM-N", "PSK", "DATA-FM-N"}; char FT991AModes[16][9] = {"????", "LSB", "USB", "CW-U", "FM", "AM", "RTTY-LSB", "CW-L", "DATA-LSB", "RTTY-USB", "DATA-FM", "FM-N", "DATA-USB", "AM-N", "C4FM", "????"}; char FLEXModes[16][6] = {"LSB", "USB", "DSB", "CWL", "CWU", "FM", "AM", "DIGU", "SPEC", "DIGL", "SAM", "DRM"}; char AuthPassword[100] = ""; char LastPassword[17]; int NumberofPorts = 0; BOOL EndPTTCATThread = FALSE; int HAMLIBMasterRunning = 0; int HAMLIBSlaveRunning = 0; int FLRIGRunning = 0; // ---- G7TAJ ---- int SDRANGELRunning = 0; // ---- G7TAJ ---- char * RigWebPage = 0; int RigWebPageLen = 0; struct RIGPORTINFO * PORTInfo[MAXBPQPORTS + 2] = {NULL}; // Records are Malloc'd struct RIGINFO * DLLRIG = NULL; // Rig record for dll PTT interface (currently only for UZ7HO); struct TimeScan * AllocateTimeRec(struct RIGINFO * RIG) { struct TimeScan * Band = zalloc(sizeof (struct TimeScan)); RIG->TimeBands = realloc(RIG->TimeBands, (++RIG->NumberofBands+2) * sizeof(void *)); RIG->TimeBands[RIG->NumberofBands] = Band; RIG->TimeBands[RIG->NumberofBands+1] = NULL; return Band; } struct ScanEntry ** CheckTimeBands(struct RIGINFO * RIG) { int i = 0; time_t NOW = time(NULL) % 86400; // Find TimeBand while (i < RIG->NumberofBands) { if (RIG->TimeBands[i + 1]->Start > NOW) { break; } i++; } RIG->FreqPtr = RIG->TimeBands[i]->Scanlist; return RIG->FreqPtr; } VOID Rig_PTTEx(struct RIGINFO * RIG, BOOL PTTState, struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID Rig_PTT(struct TNCINFO * TNC, BOOL PTTState) { if (TNC == NULL) return; if (TNC->TXRIG) Rig_PTTEx(TNC->TXRIG, PTTState, TNC); else Rig_PTTEx(TNC->RIG, PTTState, TNC); } VOID Rig_PTTEx(struct RIGINFO * RIG, BOOL PTTState, struct TNCINFO * TNC) { struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT; int i, Len; char cmd[32]; char onString[128]; // Actual CAT strings to send. May be modified for QSY on PTT char offString[128]; int onLen = 0, offLen = 0; if (RIG == NULL) return; PORT = RIG->PORT; if (PORT == NULL) return; // CAT string defaults to that set up by RIGConfig in RIG->PTTOn and RIG->PTTOff, // but can be overidden by Port specify strings from TNC->PTTOn and TNC->PTTOff. // If PTTSetsFreq is set on a Rig, that overrides the RIG->PTTOn but not TNC->PTTOn if (PTTState) { MySetWindowText(RIG->hPTT, "T"); RIG->WEB_PTT = 'T'; RIG->PTTTimer = PTTLimit; RIG->repeatPTTOFFTimer = 0; // Cancel repeated off command if (TNC && TNC->PTTOn[0]) { memcpy(onString, TNC->PTTOn, TNC->PTTOnLen); onLen = TNC->PTTOnLen; } else { memcpy(onString, RIG->PTTOn, RIG->PTTOnLen); onLen = RIG->PTTOnLen; // If PTT_SETS_FREQ set calculate TX Freq and see if changed // Freq can be set on the TNC, the RIG, or calculated from current rx freq + pttOffset if (TNC && RIG->PTTSetsFreq) { long long txfreq = 0; if (TNC->TXFreq) txfreq = TNC->TXFreq + TNC->TXOffset + RIG->txError; else if (TNC->RIG && TNC->RIG->txFreq) txfreq = RIG->txFreq; // Used if not associated with a TNC port - eg HAMLIB + WSJT else if (TNC->RIG && TNC->RIG->RigFreq != 0.0) { // Use RigFreq + pttOffset, so TX Tracks RX long long rxfreq = (long long)(TNC->RIG->RigFreq * 1000000.0) - TNC->RIG->rxOffset; txfreq = rxfreq + RIG->pttOffset + RIG->txError; txfreq += RIG->rxError; } if (txfreq) { if (RIG->lastSetFreq != txfreq) { char FreqString[80]; char * CmdPtr = onString; UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; RIG->lastSetFreq = txfreq; // Convert to CAT string sprintf(FreqString, "%012lld", txfreq); switch (PORT->PortType) { case ICOM: // CI-V must send all commands as one string, or Radio will start to ack them and // collide with rest of command // Set Freq is sent before set PTT, so set up QSY string then copy PTT string to buffer // Need to convert two chars to bcd digit *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x5; // Set frequency command *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[11] - 48) | ((FreqString[10] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[9] - 48) | ((FreqString[8] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[7] - 48) | ((FreqString[6] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[5] - 48) | ((FreqString[4] - 48) << 4); if (RIG->IC735) { *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; onLen = 10; } else { *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[3] - 48); *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; onLen = 11; } // Now add PTT String memcpy(&onString[onLen], RIG->PTTOn, RIG->PTTOnLen); onLen += RIG->PTTOnLen; break; case YAESU: *(Poll++) = (FreqString[4] - 48) | ((FreqString[3] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[6] - 48) | ((FreqString[5] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[8] - 48) | ((FreqString[7] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[10] - 48) | ((FreqString[9] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = 1; // Set Freq PORT->TXLen = 5; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); if (RIG->PTTMode & PTTCI_V) { Sleep(150); Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = PTTState ? 0x08 : 0x88; // CMD = 08 : PTT ON CMD = 88 : PTT OFF PORT->TXLen = 5; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); } PORT->Retries = 1; PORT->Timeout = 0; return; case HAMLIB: // Dont need to save, as we can send strings separately Len = sprintf(cmd, "F %lld\n", txfreq); i = send(PORT->remoteSock, cmd, Len, 0); RIG->PollCounter = 100; // Don't read for 10 secs to avoid clash with PTT OFF break; } } } } } } else { // Drop PTT MySetWindowText(RIG->hPTT, " "); RIG->WEB_PTT = ' '; RIG->PTTTimer = 0; if (PORT->PortType == ICOM) RIG->repeatPTTOFFTimer = 300; // set 30 second repeated off command if (TNC && TNC->PTTOff[0]) { memcpy(offString, TNC->PTTOff, TNC->PTTOffLen); offLen = TNC->PTTOffLen; RIG->lastSetFreq = 0; } else { memcpy(offString, RIG->PTTOff, RIG->PTTOffLen); offLen = RIG->PTTOffLen; // If PTT_SETS_FREQ set calculate TX Freq and see if changed if (PTTState == 0 && RIG->PTTSetsFreq && RIG->defaultFreq) { // Dropped PTT. See if need to set freq back to default long long txfreq = RIG->defaultFreq + RIG->txError; if (RIG->lastSetFreq != txfreq) { char FreqString[80]; char * CmdPtr = offString; UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; RIG->lastSetFreq = txfreq; // Convert to CAT string sprintf(FreqString, "%012lld", txfreq); switch (PORT->PortType) { case ICOM: // CI-V must send all commands as one string, or Radio will start to ack them and // collide with rest of command // Set Freq is sent after drop PTT, so copy PTT string to buffer then set up QSY string // Need to convert two chars to bcd digit // We copied off string earlier, so just append QSY string CmdPtr += offLen; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x5; // Set frequency command *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[11] - 48) | ((FreqString[10] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[9] - 48) | ((FreqString[8] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[7] - 48) | ((FreqString[6] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[5] - 48) | ((FreqString[4] - 48) << 4); if (RIG->IC735) { *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; offLen += 10; } else { *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[3] - 48); *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; offLen += 11; } case FLRIG: sprintf(cmd, "%lld", txfreq); FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, "rig.set_vfo", cmd); RIG->PollCounter = 100; // Don't read for 10 secs to avoid clash with PTT OFF case YAESU: // Easier to add PTT string, send and return; Len = 0; if (RIG->PTTMode & PTTCI_V) { *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = PTTState ? 0x08 : 0x88; // CMD = 08 : PTT ON CMD = 88 : PTT OFF PORT->TXLen = 5; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; Sleep(100); } *(Poll++) = (FreqString[4] - 48) | ((FreqString[3] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[6] - 48) | ((FreqString[5] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[8] - 48) | ((FreqString[7] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[10] - 48) | ((FreqString[9] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = 1; // Set Freq PORT->TXLen = 5; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 1; PORT->Timeout = 0; return; case HAMLIB: // Dont need to save, as we can send strings separately Len = sprintf(cmd, "F %lld\n", txfreq); send(PORT->remoteSock, cmd, Len, 0); RIG->PollCounter = 100; // Don't read for 10 secs to avoid clash with PTT OFF } } } } } // Now send the command if (RIG->PTTMode & PTTCI_V) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; // Don't read for 10 secs to avoid clash with PTT OFF // Should do this for all rigs on port for (i = 0; i< PORT->ConfiguredRigs; i++) PORT->Rigs[i].PollCounter = 100; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; switch (PORT->PortType) { case ICOM: case KENWOOD: case FT2000: case FTDX10: case FT991A: case FLEX: case NMEA: if (PTTState) { memcpy(Poll, onString, onLen); PORT->TXLen = onLen; } else { memcpy(Poll, offString, offLen); PORT->TXLen = offLen; } RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); if (PORT->PortType == ICOM && !PTTState) RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); // Send ICOM PTT OFF Twice PORT->Retries = 1; if (PORT->PortType != ICOM) PORT->Timeout = 0; return; case FT100: case FT990: case FT1000: *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = PTTState; // OFF/ON *(Poll++) = 15; PORT->TXLen = 5; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 1; PORT->Timeout = 0; return; case YAESU: // 897 - maybe others *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = PTTState ? 0x08 : 0x88; // CMD = 08 : PTT ON CMD = 88 : PTT OFF PORT->TXLen = 5; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 1; PORT->Timeout = 0; return; case FLRIG: sprintf(cmd, "%d", PTTState); FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, "rig.set_ptt", cmd); RIG->PollCounter = 100; // Don't read for 10 secs to avoid clash with PTT OFF return; case HAMLIB: Len = sprintf(cmd, "T %d\n", PTTState); send(PORT->remoteSock, cmd, Len, 0); RIG->PollCounter = 100; // Don't read for 10 secs to avoid clash with PTT OFF return; } } if (RIG->PTTMode & PTTRTS) if (PTTState) COMSetRTS(PORT->hPTTDevice); else COMClearRTS(PORT->hPTTDevice); if (RIG->PTTMode & PTTDTR) if (PTTState) COMSetDTR(PORT->hPTTDevice); else COMClearDTR(PORT->hPTTDevice); if (RIG->PTTMode & PTTCM108) CM108_set_ptt(RIG, PTTState); if (RIG->PTTMode & PTTHAMLIB) { char Msg[16]; int Len = sprintf(Msg, "T %d\n", PTTState); Len = send(PORT->remoteSock, Msg, Len, 0); RIG->PollCounter = 100; // Don't read for 10 secs to avoid clash with PTT OFF } if (RIG->PTTMode & PTTFLRIG) { char cmd[32]; sprintf(cmd, "%d", PTTState); FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, "rig.set_ptt", cmd); RIG->PollCounter = 100; // Don't read for 10 secs to avoid clash with PTT OFF } } void saveNewFreq(struct RIGINFO * RIG, double Freq, char * Mode) { if (Freq > 0.0) { _gcvt((Freq + RIG->rxOffset) / 1000000.0, 9, RIG->Valchar); strcpy(RIG->WEB_FREQ, RIG->Valchar); MySetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); } if (Mode[0]) { strcpy(RIG->ModeString, Mode); MySetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, Mode); } } // Need version that doesn't need Port Number int Rig_CommandEx(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, struct RIGINFO * RIG, TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Command); int Rig_Command(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Command) { char * ptr; int i, n, p, Port; TRANSPORTENTRY * L4 = L4TABLE; struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT; struct RIGINFO * RIG; // Only Allow RADIO from Secure Applications _strupr(Command); ptr = strchr(Command, 13); if (ptr) *(ptr) = 0; // Null Terminate if (memcmp(Command, "AUTH ", 5) == 0) { if (AuthPassword[0] && (memcmp(LastPassword, &Command[5], 16) != 0)) { if (CheckOneTimePassword(&Command[5], AuthPassword)) { Session->Secure_Session = 1; sprintf(Command, "Ok\r"); memcpy(LastPassword, &Command[5], 16); // Save return FALSE; } } sprintf(Command, "Sorry AUTH failed\r"); return FALSE; } if (Session != (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1) // Used for internal Stop/Start { if (Session->Secure_Session == 0) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - you are not allowed to use this command\r"); return FALSE; } } if (NumberofPorts == 0) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - Rig Control not configured\r"); return FALSE; } // if Port starts with 'R' then select Radio (was Interlock) number, not BPQ Port if (Command[0] == 'R') { n = sscanf(&Command[1],"%d ", &Port); for (p = 0; p < NumberofPorts; p++) { PORT = PORTInfo[p]; for (i=0; i< PORT->ConfiguredRigs; i++) { RIG = &PORT->Rigs[i]; if (RIG->Interlock == Port) goto portok; } } sprintf(Command, "Sorry - Port not found\r"); return FALSE; } n = sscanf(Command,"%d ", &Port); // Look for the port for (p = 0; p < NumberofPorts; p++) { PORT = PORTInfo[p]; for (i=0; i< PORT->ConfiguredRigs; i++) { RIG = &PORT->Rigs[i]; if (RIG->BPQPort & ((uint64_t)1 << Port)) goto portok; } } sprintf(Command, "Sorry - Port not found\r"); return FALSE; portok: return Rig_CommandEx(PORT, RIG, Session, Command); } static char MsgHddr[] = "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1\r\n" "User-Agent: XMLRPC++ 0.8\r\n" "Host:\r\n" "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n" "Content-length: %d\r\n" "\r\n%s"; static char Req[] = "\r\n" "%s\r\n" "%s" "\r\n"; // ---- G7TAJ ---- static char SDRANGEL_MsgHddr[] = "PATCH HTTP/1.1\r\n" "User-Agent: BPQ32\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "accept: application/json" "Content-Type: application/json" "Content-length: %d\r\n" "\r\n%s"; static char SDRANGEL_FREQ_DATA[] = "{" "\"deviceHwType\": \"%s\", " "\"direction\": 0," "\"rtlSdrSettings\": {" " \"centerFrequency\": \"%s\"" "}}"; //freq = 10489630000 // ---- G7TAJ ---- int Rig_CommandEx(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, struct RIGINFO * RIG, TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Command) { int n, ModeNo, Filter, Port = 0; double Freq = 0.0; char FreqString[80]="", FilterString[80]="", Mode[80]="", Data[80] = "", Dummy[80] = ""; struct MSGWITHOUTLEN * buffptr; UCHAR * Poll; int i; TRANSPORTENTRY * L4 = L4TABLE; char * ptr; int Split, DataFlag, Bandwidth, Antenna; struct ScanEntry * FreqPtr; char * CmdPtr; int Len; char MemoryBank = 0; // For Memory Scanning int MemoryNumber = 0; // Only Allow RADIO from Secure Applications _strupr(Command); ptr = strchr(Command, 13); if (ptr) *(ptr) = 0; // Null Terminate if (memcmp(Command, "AUTH ", 5) == 0) { if (AuthPassword[0] && (memcmp(LastPassword, &Command[5], 16) != 0)) { if (CheckOneTimePassword(&Command[5], AuthPassword)) { Session->Secure_Session = 1; sprintf(Command, "Ok\r"); memcpy(LastPassword, &Command[5], 16); // Save return FALSE; } } sprintf(Command, "Sorry AUTH failed\r"); return FALSE; } if (Session != (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1) // Used for internal Stop/Start { if (Session->Secure_Session == 0) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - you are not allowed to use this command\r"); return FALSE; } } if (NumberofPorts == 0) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - Rig Control not configured\r"); return FALSE; } // if Port starts with 'R' then select Radio (was Interlock) number, not BPQ Port if (Command[0] == 'R') n = sscanf(Command,"%s %s %s %s %s", &Dummy[0], &FreqString[0], &Mode[0], &FilterString[0], &Data[0]); else n = sscanf(Command,"%d %s %s %s %s", &Port, &FreqString[0], &Mode[0], &FilterString[0], &Data[0]); if (_stricmp(FreqString, "CLOSE") == 0) { PORT->Closed = 1; RigCloseConnection(PORT); MySetWindowText(RIG->hSCAN, "C"); RIG->WEB_SCAN = 'C'; sprintf(Command, "Ok\r"); return FALSE; } if (_stricmp(FreqString, "OPEN") == 0) { PORT->ReopenDelay = 300; PORT->Closed = 0; MySetWindowText(RIG->hSCAN, ""); RIG->WEB_SCAN = ' '; sprintf(Command, "Ok\r"); return FALSE; } if (n > 1) { if (_stricmp(FreqString, "SCANSTART") == 0) { if (RIG->NumberofBands) { RIG->ScanStopped &= (0xffffffffffffffff ^ ((uint64_t)1 << Port)); if (Session != (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1) // Used for internal Stop/Start RIG->ScanStopped &= 0xfffffffffffffffe; // Clear Manual Stopped Bit if (n > 2) RIG->ScanCounter = atoi(Mode) * 10; //Start Delay else RIG->ScanCounter = 10; RIG->WaitingForPermission = FALSE; // In case stuck if (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) { SetWindowText(RIG->hSCAN, "S"); RIG->WEB_SCAN = 'S'; } sprintf(Command, "Ok\r"); if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 SCANSTART Port %d", Port); } else sprintf(Command, "Sorry no Scan List defined for this port\r"); return FALSE; } if (_stricmp(FreqString, "SCANSTOP") == 0) { RIG->ScanStopped |= ((uint64_t)1 << Port); if (Session != (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1) // Used for internal Stop/Start RIG->ScanStopped |= 1; // Set Manual Stopped Bit MySetWindowText(RIG->hSCAN, ""); RIG->WEB_SCAN = ' '; sprintf(Command, "Ok\r"); if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 SCANSTOP Port %d", Port); RIG->PollCounter = 50 / RIG->PORT->ConfiguredRigs; // Dont read freq for 5 secs return FALSE; } } if (RIG->RIGOK == 0) { if (Session != (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1) { if (PORT->Closed) sprintf(Command, "Sorry - Radio port closed\r"); else sprintf(Command, "Sorry - Radio not responding\r"); } return FALSE; } if (n == 2 && _stricmp(FreqString, "FREQ") == 0) { if (RIG->Valchar[0]) sprintf(Command, "Frequency is %s MHz\r", RIG->Valchar); else sprintf(Command, "Frequency not known\r"); return FALSE; } if (n == 2 && _stricmp(FreqString, "PTT") == 0) { Rig_PTTEx(RIG, TRUE, NULL); RIG->PTTTimer = 10; // 1 sec sprintf(Command, "Ok\r"); return FALSE; } if (Session != (void *)-1) { if (Session->CIRCUITINDEX == 255) RIG->Session = -1; else RIG->Session = Session->CIRCUITINDEX; // BPQ Stream RIG->PollCounter = 50; // Dont read freq for 5 secs in case clash with Poll } if (_stricmp(FreqString, "TUNE") == 0) { char ReqBuf[256]; char SendBuff[256]; char FLPoll[80]; switch (PORT->PortType) { case ICOM: buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - No Buffers available\r"); return FALSE; } // Build a ScanEntry in the buffer FreqPtr = (struct ScanEntry *)buffptr->Data; memset(FreqPtr, 0, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); CmdPtr = FreqPtr->Cmd1 = FreqPtr->Cmd1Msg; FreqPtr->Cmd2 = NULL; FreqPtr->Cmd3 = NULL; // IC7100 Tune Fe fe 88 e0 1c 01 02 fd *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x1C; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x01; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x02; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; FreqPtr[0].Cmd1Len = 8; C_Q_ADD(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q, buffptr); return TRUE; case KENWOOD: buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - No Buffers available\r"); return FALSE; } // Build a ScanEntry in the buffer FreqPtr = (struct ScanEntry *)buffptr->Data; memset(FreqPtr, 0, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); Poll = FreqPtr->Cmd1 = FreqPtr->Cmd1Msg; FreqPtr->Cmd1Len = sprintf(Poll, "AC111;AC;"); C_Q_ADD(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q, buffptr); return TRUE; case FLRIG: strcpy(FLPoll, "rig.tune"); Len = sprintf(ReqBuf, Req, FLPoll, ""); Len = sprintf(SendBuff, MsgHddr, Len, ReqBuf); if (PORT->CONNECTED) { if (send(PORT->remoteSock, SendBuff, Len, 0) != Len) { if (PORT->remoteSock) closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->CONNECTED = FALSE; PORT->hDevice = 0; } } sprintf(Command, "Ok\r"); return FALSE; } sprintf(Command, "Sorry - TUNE not supported on your radio\r"); return FALSE; } if (_stricmp(FreqString, "POWER") == 0) { char PowerString[16] = ""; int Power = atoi(Mode); int len; char cmd[80]; switch (PORT->PortType) { case ICOM: if (n != 3 || Power > 255) { strcpy(Command, "Sorry - Invalid Format - should be POWER Level (0 - 255)\r"); return FALSE; } sprintf(PowerString, "%04d", Power); buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - No Buffers available\r"); return FALSE; } // Build a ScanEntry in the buffer FreqPtr = (struct ScanEntry *)buffptr->Data; memset(FreqPtr, 0, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); CmdPtr = FreqPtr->Cmd1 = FreqPtr->Cmd1Msg; FreqPtr->Cmd2 = NULL; FreqPtr->Cmd3 = NULL; // IC7100 Set Power Fe fe 88 e0 14 0a xx xx fd *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x14; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x0A; // Need to convert param to decimal digits *(CmdPtr++) = (PowerString[1] - 48) | ((PowerString[0] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (PowerString[3] - 48) | ((PowerString[2] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; FreqPtr[0].Cmd1Len = 9; C_Q_ADD(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q, buffptr); return TRUE; case KENWOOD: if (n != 3 || Power > 200 || Power < 5) { strcpy(Command, "Sorry - Invalid Format - should be POWER Level (5 - 200)\r"); return FALSE; } buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - No Buffers available\r"); return FALSE; } // Build a ScanEntry in the buffer FreqPtr = (struct ScanEntry *)buffptr->Data; memset(FreqPtr, 0, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); Poll = FreqPtr->Cmd1 = FreqPtr->Cmd1Msg; FreqPtr->Cmd1Len = sprintf(Poll, "PC%03d;PC;", Power); C_Q_ADD(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q, buffptr); return TRUE; case FLRIG: len = sprintf(cmd, "%d", Power); FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, "rig.set_power", cmd); sprintf(Command, "Ok\r"); return FALSE; } sprintf(Command, "Sorry - POWER not supported on your Radio\r"); return FALSE; } if (_stricmp(FreqString, "CMD") == 0) { // Send arbitrary command to radio char c; int val; char * ptr1; char * ptr2; int Len; if (n < 3) { strcpy(Command, "Sorry - Invalid Format - should be CMD Params\r"); return FALSE; } buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == NULL) return FALSE; ptr1 = strstr(Command, "CMD"); if (ptr1 == NULL) return FALSE; ptr1 += 4; FreqPtr = (struct ScanEntry *)buffptr->Data; memset(FreqPtr, 0, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); CmdPtr = FreqPtr->Cmd1 = FreqPtr->Cmd1Msg; FreqPtr->Cmd2 = NULL; FreqPtr->Cmd3 = NULL; switch (PORT->PortType) { case ICOM: // String is in Hex *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; while (c = *(ptr1++)) { if (c == ' ') continue; // Allow space between pairs val = c - 0x30; if (val > 15) val -= 7; val <<= 4; c = *(ptr1++) - 0x30; if (c > 15) c -= 7; val |= c; *(CmdPtr++) = val; } *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; *(CmdPtr) = 0; Len = (int)(CmdPtr - (char *)&buffptr[30]); break; case KENWOOD: case FT991A: case FT2000: case FTDX10: case FLEX: case NMEA: // use text command Len = sprintf(CmdPtr, "%s", ptr1); break; case YAESU: // String is in Hex (5 values) while (c = *(ptr1++)) { if (c == ' ') continue; // Allow space between pairs val = c - 0x30; if (val > 15) val -= 7; val <<= 4; c = *(ptr1++) - 0x30; if (c > 15) c -= 7; val |= c; *(CmdPtr++) = val; } *(CmdPtr) = 0; Len = 5; break; case FLRIG: // Two string params - command and params eg rig.set_ptt 1" // or maybe param could be format data - eg i 1 _strlwr(ptr1); ptr2 = strlop(ptr1, ' '); if (ptr2 == 0) { strcpy(Command, "Sorry - Invalid Format - should be CMD cmd params\r"); return FALSE; } strlop(ptr2, ' '); FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, ptr1, ptr2); return FALSE; default: sprintf(Command, "Sorry - CMD not supported on your Radio\r"); return FALSE; } FreqPtr[0].Cmd1Len = Len; // for ICOM C_Q_ADD(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q, buffptr); sprintf(Command, "Ok\r"); return FALSE; } if (_memicmp(FreqString, "Chan", 4) == 0) { if (strchr(FreqString, '/') ) // Bank/Chan { MemoryBank = FreqString[4]; MemoryNumber = atoi(&FreqString[6]); } else MemoryNumber = atoi(&FreqString[4]); // Just Chan Freq = 0.0; } else { Freq = atof(FreqString); if (Freq < 0.1 && PORT->PortType != FLRIG) { strcpy(Command, "Sorry - Invalid Frequency\r"); return FALSE; } } Freq = Freq * 1000000.0; sprintf(FreqString, "%09.0f", Freq); if (PORT->PortType != ICOM) strcpy(Data, FilterString); // Others don't have a filter. Split = DataFlag = Bandwidth = Antenna = 0; _strupr(Data); if (strchr(Data, '+')) Split = '+'; else if (strchr(Data, '-')) Split = '-'; else if (strchr(Data, 'S')) Split = 'S'; else if (strchr(Data, 'D')) DataFlag = 1; if (strchr(Data, 'W')) Bandwidth = 'W'; else if (strchr(Data, 'N')) Bandwidth = 'N'; if (strstr(Data, "A1")) Antenna = '1'; else if (strstr(Data, "A2")) Antenna = '2'; else if (strstr(Data, "A3")) Antenna = '3'; else if (strstr(Data, "A4")) Antenna = '4'; else if (strstr(Data, "A5")) Antenna = '5'; else if (strstr(Data, "A6")) Antenna = '6'; switch (PORT->PortType) { case ICOM: if (n == 2) // Set Freq Only ModeNo = -1; else { if (n < 4 && RIG->ICF8101 == 0) { strcpy(Command, "Sorry - Invalid Format - should be Port Freq Mode Filter Width\r"); return FALSE; } Filter = atoi(FilterString); for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 24; ModeNo++) { if (_stricmp(Modes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } if (ModeNo == 24) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - Invalid Mode\r"); return FALSE; } } buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - No Buffers available\r"); return FALSE; } // Build a ScanEntry in the buffer FreqPtr = (struct ScanEntry *)buffptr->Data; memset(FreqPtr, 0, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); FreqPtr->Freq = Freq; FreqPtr->Bandwidth = Bandwidth; FreqPtr->Antenna = Antenna; FreqPtr->Dwell = 51; CmdPtr = FreqPtr->Cmd1 = FreqPtr->Cmd1Msg; FreqPtr->Cmd2 = NULL; FreqPtr->Cmd3 = NULL; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; if (MemoryNumber) { // Set Memory Channel instead of Freq, Mode, etc char ChanString[5]; // Send Set Memory, then Channel *(CmdPtr++) = 0x08; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; sprintf(ChanString, "%04d", MemoryNumber); *(CmdPtr++) = 0x08; *(CmdPtr++) = (ChanString[1] - 48) | ((ChanString[0] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (ChanString[3] - 48) | ((ChanString[2] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; FreqPtr[0].Cmd1Len = 14; if (MemoryBank) { *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x08; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xA0; *(CmdPtr++) = MemoryBank - 0x40; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; FreqPtr[0].Cmd1Len += 8; } } else { if (RIG->ICF8101) { // Set Freq is 1A 35 and set Mode 1A 36 *(CmdPtr++) = 0x1A; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x35; // Set frequency command // Need to convert two chars to bcd digit *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[8] - 48) | ((FreqString[7] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[6] - 48) | ((FreqString[5] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[4] - 48) | ((FreqString[3] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[2] - 48) | ((FreqString[1] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[0] - 48); *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; FreqPtr[0].Cmd1Len = 12; if (ModeNo != -1) // Dont Set { CmdPtr = FreqPtr->Cmd2 = FreqPtr->Cmd2Msg; FreqPtr[0].Cmd2Len = 9; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x1A; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x36; // Set mode command *(CmdPtr++) = 0; if (ModeNo > 19) *(CmdPtr++) = ModeNo + 12; else if (ModeNo > 9) *(CmdPtr++) = ModeNo + 6; else *(CmdPtr++) = ModeNo; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; // Mode = (Msg[7] >> 4); // Mode *= 10; // Mode += Msg[7] & 0xf; } } else { *(CmdPtr++) = 0x5; // Set frequency command // Need to convert two chars to bcd digit *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[8] - 48) | ((FreqString[7] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[6] - 48) | ((FreqString[5] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[4] - 48) | ((FreqString[3] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[2] - 48) | ((FreqString[1] - 48) << 4); if (RIG->IC735) { *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; FreqPtr[0].Cmd1Len = 10; } else { *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[0] - 48); *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; FreqPtr[0].Cmd1Len = 11; } // Send Set VFO in case last chan was memory // *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; // *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; // *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; // *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; // *(CmdPtr++) = 0x07; // *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; // FreqPtr[0].Cmd1Len = 17; if (ModeNo != -1) // Dont Set { CmdPtr = FreqPtr->Cmd2 = FreqPtr->Cmd2Msg; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x6; // Set Mode *(CmdPtr++) = ModeNo; *(CmdPtr++) = Filter; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; FreqPtr->Cmd2Len = 8; if (Split) { CmdPtr = FreqPtr->Cmd3 = FreqPtr->Cmd3Msg; FreqPtr->Cmd3Len = 7; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xF; // Set Mode if (Split == 'S') *(CmdPtr++) = 0x10; else if (Split == '+') *(CmdPtr++) = 0x12; else if (Split == '-') *(CmdPtr++) = 0x11; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; } else if (DataFlag) { CmdPtr = FreqPtr->Cmd3 = FreqPtr->Cmd3Msg; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x1a; if ((strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7100") == 0) || (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7410") == 0) || (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7600") == 0) || (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7610") == 0) || (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7300") == 0)) { FreqPtr[0].Cmd3Len = 9; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x6; // Send/read DATA mode with filter set *(CmdPtr++) = 0x1; // Data On *(CmdPtr++) = Filter; //Filter } else if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7200") == 0) { FreqPtr[0].Cmd3Len = 9; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x4; // Send/read DATA mode with filter set *(CmdPtr++) = 0x1; // Data On *(CmdPtr++) = Filter; // Filter } else { FreqPtr[0].Cmd3Len = 8; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x6; // Set Data *(CmdPtr++) = 0x1; //On } *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; } } if (Antenna == '5' || Antenna == '6') { // Antenna select for 746 and maybe others // Could be going in cmd2 3 or 4 if (FreqPtr[0].Cmd2 == NULL) { CmdPtr = FreqPtr->Cmd2 = FreqPtr->Cmd2Msg; FreqPtr[0].Cmd2Len = 7; } else if (FreqPtr[0].Cmd3 == NULL) { CmdPtr = FreqPtr->Cmd3 = FreqPtr->Cmd3Msg; FreqPtr[0].Cmd3Len = 7; } else { CmdPtr = FreqPtr->Cmd4 = FreqPtr->Cmd4Msg; FreqPtr[0].Cmd4Len = 7; } *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x12; // Set Antenna *(CmdPtr++) = Antenna - '5'; // 0 for A5 1 for A6 *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; } } } C_Q_ADD(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q, buffptr); return TRUE; case YAESU: if (n == 2) // Just set freq { ModeNo = -1; } else { for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 15; ModeNo++) { if (_stricmp(YaesuModes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } if (ModeNo == 15) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry -Invalid Mode\r"); return FALSE; } } buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - No Buffers available\r"); return FALSE; } // Build a ScanEntry in the buffer FreqPtr = (struct ScanEntry *)buffptr->Data; memset(FreqPtr, 0, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); FreqPtr->Freq = Freq; FreqPtr->Bandwidth = Bandwidth; FreqPtr->Antenna = Antenna; Poll = FreqPtr->Cmd1 = FreqPtr->Cmd1Msg; // Send Mode then Freq - setting Mode seems to change frequency FreqPtr->Cmd1Len = 0; if (ModeNo != -1) // Set freq only { *(Poll++) = ModeNo; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 7; // Set Mode FreqPtr->Cmd1Len = 5; } *(Poll++) = (FreqString[1] - 48) | ((FreqString[0] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[3] - 48) | ((FreqString[2] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[5] - 48) | ((FreqString[4] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[7] - 48) | ((FreqString[6] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = 1; // Set Freq FreqPtr->Cmd1Len += 5; if (strcmp(PORT->Rigs[0].RigName, "FT847") == 0) { *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 3; // Status Poll FreqPtr->Cmd1Len = 15; } C_Q_ADD(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q, buffptr); saveNewFreq(RIG, Freq, Mode); return TRUE; case FT100: case FT990: case FT1000: if (n == 2) // Set Freq Only ModeNo = -1; else { if (n < 3) { strcpy(Command, "Sorry - Invalid Format - should be Port Freq Mode\r"); return FALSE; } if (PORT->PortType == FT100) { for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 8; ModeNo++) { if (_stricmp(FT100Modes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } if (ModeNo == 8) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry -Invalid Mode\r"); return FALSE; } } else if (PORT->PortType == FT990) { for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 12; ModeNo++) { if (_stricmp(FT990Modes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } if (ModeNo == 12) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry -Invalid Mode\r"); return FALSE; } } else { for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 12; ModeNo++) { if (_stricmp(FT1000Modes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } if (ModeNo == 12) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry -Invalid Mode\r"); return FALSE; } } } buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - No Buffers available\r"); return FALSE; } // Build a ScanEntry in the buffer FreqPtr = (struct ScanEntry *)buffptr->Data; memset(FreqPtr, 0, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); FreqPtr->Freq = Freq; FreqPtr->Bandwidth = Bandwidth; FreqPtr->Antenna = Antenna; Poll = FreqPtr->Cmd1 = FreqPtr->Cmd1Msg; // Send Mode then Freq - setting Mode seems to change frequency if (ModeNo == -1) // Don't set Mode { // Changing the length messes up a lot of code, // so set freq twice instead of omitting entry *(Poll++) = (FreqString[7] - 48) | ((FreqString[6] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[5] - 48) | ((FreqString[4] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[3] - 48) | ((FreqString[2] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[1] - 48) | ((FreqString[0] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = 10; // Set Freq } else { *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = ModeNo; *(Poll++) = 12; // Set Mode } *(Poll++) = (FreqString[7] - 48) | ((FreqString[6] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[5] - 48) | ((FreqString[4] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[3] - 48) | ((FreqString[2] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = (FreqString[1] - 48) | ((FreqString[0] - 48) << 4); *(Poll++) = 10; // Set Freq *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; *(Poll++) = 0; if (PORT->PortType == FT990 || PORT->YaesuVariant == FT1000D) *(Poll++) = 3; else *(Poll++) = 2; // 100 or 1000MP *(Poll++) = 16; // Status Poll FreqPtr->Cmd1Len = 15; C_Q_ADD(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q, buffptr); return TRUE; case KENWOOD: case FT2000: case FTDX10: case FT991A: case FLEX: if (n < 3) { strcpy(Command, "Sorry - Invalid Format - should be Port Freq Mode\r"); return FALSE; } for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 16; ModeNo++) { if (PORT->PortType == FT2000) if (_stricmp(FT2000Modes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; if (PORT->PortType == FTDX10) if (_stricmp(FTDX10Modes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; if (PORT->PortType == FT991A) if (_stricmp(FT991AModes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; if (PORT->PortType == KENWOOD) if (_stricmp(KenwoodModes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; if (PORT->PortType == FLEX) if (_stricmp(FLEXModes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } if (ModeNo > 15) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry -Invalid Mode\r"); return FALSE; } buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - No Buffers available\r"); return FALSE; } // Build a ScanEntry in the buffer FreqPtr = (struct ScanEntry *)buffptr->Data; memset(FreqPtr, 0, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); FreqPtr->Freq = Freq; FreqPtr->Bandwidth = Bandwidth; FreqPtr->Antenna = Antenna; Poll = FreqPtr->Cmd1 = FreqPtr->Cmd1Msg; if (PORT->PortType == FT2000) FreqPtr->Cmd1Len = sprintf(Poll, "FA%s;MD0%X;FA;MD;", &FreqString[1], ModeNo); else if (PORT->PortType == FT991A || PORT->PortType == FTDX10) FreqPtr->Cmd1Len = sprintf(Poll, "FA%s;MD0%X;FA;MD;", FreqString, ModeNo); else if (PORT->PortType == FLEX) FreqPtr->Cmd1Len = sprintf(Poll, "ZZFA00%s;ZZMD%02d;ZZFA;ZZMD;", &FreqString[1], ModeNo); else { if (Antenna == '5' || Antenna == '6') FreqPtr->Cmd1Len = sprintf(Poll, "FA00%s;MD%d;AN%c;FA;MD;", FreqString, ModeNo, Antenna - 4); else FreqPtr->Cmd1Len = sprintf(Poll, "FA00%s;MD%d;FA;MD;", FreqString, ModeNo); } C_Q_ADD(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q, buffptr); return TRUE; case SDRRADIO: if (n < 3) { strcpy(Command, "Sorry - Invalid Format - should be Port Freq Mode\r"); return FALSE; } for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 16; ModeNo++) { if (_stricmp(KenwoodModes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } if (ModeNo > 15) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry -Invalid Mode\r"); return FALSE; } buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - No Buffers available\r"); return FALSE; } // Build a ScanEntry in the buffer FreqPtr = (struct ScanEntry *)buffptr->Data; memset(FreqPtr, 0, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); FreqPtr->Freq = Freq; FreqPtr->Bandwidth = Bandwidth; FreqPtr->Antenna = Antenna; Poll = FreqPtr->Cmd1 = FreqPtr->Cmd1Msg; FreqPtr->Cmd1Len = sprintf(Poll, "F%c00%s;MD%d;F%c;MD;", RIG->RigAddr, FreqString, ModeNo, RIG->RigAddr); C_Q_ADD(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q, buffptr); return TRUE; case NMEA: if (n < 3) { strcpy(Command, "Sorry - Invalid Format - should be Port Freq Mode\r"); return FALSE; } buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - No Buffers available\r"); return FALSE; } // Build a ScanEntry in the buffer FreqPtr = (struct ScanEntry *)buffptr->Data; memset(FreqPtr, 0, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); FreqPtr->Freq = Freq; FreqPtr->Bandwidth = Bandwidth; FreqPtr->Antenna = Antenna; Poll = FreqPtr->Cmd1 = FreqPtr->Cmd1Msg; i = sprintf(Poll, "$PICOA,90,%02x,RXF,%.6f*xx\r\n", RIG->RigAddr, Freq/1000000.); AddNMEAChecksum(Poll); Len = i; i = sprintf(Poll + Len, "$PICOA,90,%02x,TXF,%.6f*xx\r\n", RIG->RigAddr, Freq/1000000.); AddNMEAChecksum(Poll + Len); Len += i; i = sprintf(Poll + Len, "$PICOA,90,%02x,MODE,%s*xx\r\n", RIG->RigAddr, Mode); AddNMEAChecksum(Poll + Len); FreqPtr->Cmd1Len = i + Len; C_Q_ADD(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q, buffptr); return TRUE; case HAMLIB: { char cmd[200]; int len = sprintf(cmd, "F %s\n+f\nM %s %d\n+m\n", FreqString, Mode, atoi(Data)); send(PORT->remoteSock, cmd, len, 0); sprintf(Command, "Ok\r"); saveNewFreq(RIG, Freq, Mode); return FALSE; } case FLRIG: { char cmd[80]; int len = sprintf(cmd, "%.0f", Freq); strcpy(PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd2Msg, Mode); strcpy(PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd3Msg, FilterString); if (Freq > 0.0) FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, "rig.set_vfo", cmd); else if (PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd2Msg[0] && Mode[0] != '*') { sprintf(cmd, "%s", PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd2Msg); FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, "rig.set_mode", cmd); } else if (PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd3Msg[0] && strcmp(PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd3Msg, "0") != 0) { sprintf(cmd, "%s", PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd3Msg); FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, "rig.set_bandwidth", cmd); } else { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - Nothing to do\r"); return FALSE; } PORT->AutoPoll = 0; saveNewFreq(RIG, Freq, Mode); return TRUE; } case RTLUDP: { char cmd[80]; int len = 5; int FreqInt = (int)Freq; int FM = 0; int AM = 1; int USB = 2; int LSB = 3; cmd[0] = 0; cmd[1] = FreqInt & 0xff; cmd[2] = (FreqInt >> 8) & 0xff; cmd[3] = (FreqInt >> 16) & 0xff; cmd[4] = (FreqInt >> 24) & 0xff; len = sendto(PORT->remoteSock, cmd, 5, 0, &PORT->remoteDest, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (Mode[0]) { if (strcmp(Mode, "FM") == 0) memcpy(&cmd[1], &FM, 4); else if (strcmp(Mode, "AM") == 0) memcpy(&cmd[1], &AM, 4); else if (strcmp(Mode, "USB") == 0) memcpy(&cmd[1], &USB, 4); else if (strcmp(Mode, "LSB") == 0) memcpy(&cmd[1], &LSB, 4); cmd[0] = 1; len = sendto(PORT->remoteSock, cmd, 5, 0, &PORT->remoteDest, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); } saveNewFreq(RIG, Freq, Mode); sprintf(Command, "Ok\r"); return FALSE; } // --- G7TAJ ---- case SDRANGEL: { char cmd[80]; int len = sprintf(cmd, "%.0f", Freq); strcpy(PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd2Msg, Mode); strcpy(PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd3Msg, FilterString); if (Freq > 0.0) { SDRANGELSendCommand(PORT, "FREQSET", cmd); sprintf(Command, "Ok\r"); return FALSE; } //TODO /* else if (PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd2Msg[0] && Mode[0] != '*') { sprintf(cmd, "%s", PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd2Msg); FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, "rig.set_mode", cmd); } else if (PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd3Msg[0] && strcmp(PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd3Msg, "0") != 0) { sprintf(cmd, "%s", PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd3Msg); FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, "rig.set_bandwidth", cmd); } */ else { sprintf(Command, "Sorry - Nothing to do\r"); return FALSE; } PORT->AutoPoll = 0; } // --- G7TAJ ---- } return TRUE; } int BittoInt(UINT BitMask) { // Returns bit position of first 1 bit in BitMask int i = 0; while ((BitMask & 1) == 0) { BitMask >>= 1; i ++; } return i; } extern char * RadioConfigMsg[36]; struct TNCINFO RIGTNC; // Dummy TNC Record for Rigcontrol without a corresponding TNC DllExport BOOL APIENTRY Rig_Init() { struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT; int i, p, port; struct RIGINFO * RIG; struct TNCINFO * TNC = &RIGTNC; HWND hDlg; #ifndef LINBPQ int RigRow = 0; #endif int NeedRig = 0; int Interlock = 0; memset(&RIGTNC, 0, sizeof(struct TNCINFO)); TNCInfo[70] = TNC; // Get config info NumberofPorts = 0; for (port = 0; port < MAXBPQPORTS; port++) PORTInfo[port] = NULL; // See if any rigcontrol defined (either RADIO or RIGCONTROL lines) for (port = 0; port < MAXBPQPORTS; port++) { if (RadioConfigMsg[port]) NeedRig++; } if (NeedRig == 0) { SetupPortRIGPointers(); // Sets up Dummy Rig Pointer return FALSE; } #ifndef LINBPQ TNC->Port = 70; CreatePactorWindow(TNC, "RIGCONTROL", "RigControl", 10, PacWndProc, 550, NeedRig * 20 + 60, NULL); hDlg = TNC->hDlg; #endif TNC->ClientHeight = NeedRig * 20 + 60; TNC->ClientWidth = 550; for (port = 0; port < MAXBPQPORTS; port++) { if (RadioConfigMsg[port]) { char msg[1000]; char * SaveRigConfig = _strdup(RadioConfigMsg[port]); char * RigConfigMsg1 = _strdup(RadioConfigMsg[port]); Interlock = atoi(&RigConfigMsg1[5]); RIG = RigConfig(TNC, RigConfigMsg1, port); if (RIG == NULL) { // Report Error sprintf(msg,"Port %d Invalid Rig Config %s", port, SaveRigConfig); WritetoConsole(msg); free(SaveRigConfig); free(RigConfigMsg1); continue; } RIG->Interlock = Interlock; if (RIG->PORT->IOBASE[0] == 0) { // We have to find the SCS TNC in this scan group as TNC is now a dummy struct TNCINFO * PTCTNC; int n; for (n = 1; n < MAXBPQPORTS; n++) { PTCTNC = TNCInfo[n]; if (PTCTNC == NULL || (PTCTNC->Hardware != H_SCS && PTCTNC->Hardware != H_ARDOP)) continue; if (PTCTNC->RXRadio != Interlock) continue; RIG->PORT->PTC = PTCTNC; } } #ifndef LINBPQ // Create line for this rig RIG->hLabel = CreateWindow(WC_STATIC , "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10, RigRow, 80,20, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); // RIG->hCAT = CreateWindow(WC_STATIC , "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, // 90, RigRow, 40,20, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); RIG->hFREQ = CreateWindow(WC_STATIC , "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 95, RigRow, 100,20, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); RIG->hMODE = CreateWindow(WC_STATIC , "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 200, RigRow, 100,20, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); RIG->hSCAN = CreateWindow(WC_STATIC , "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 300, RigRow, 20,20, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); RIG->hPTT = CreateWindow(WC_STATIC , "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 320, RigRow, 20,20, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); RIG->hPORTS = CreateWindow(WC_STATIC , "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 340, RigRow, 210, 20, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); RigRow += 20; //if (PORT->PortType == ICOM) //{ // sprintf(msg,"%02X", PORT->Rigs[i].RigAddr); // SetWindowText(RIG->hCAT, msg); //} SetWindowText(RIG->hLabel, RIG->RigName); #endif RIG->WEB_Label = _strdup(RIG->RigName); // RIG->WEB_CAT; RIG->WEB_FREQ = zalloc(80); RIG->WEB_MODE = zalloc(80); RIG->WEB_PORTS = zalloc(80); strcpy(RIG->WEB_FREQ, "-----------"); strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, "------"); RIG->WEB_PTT = ' '; RIG->WEB_SCAN = ' '; } } for (p = 0; p < NumberofPorts; p++) { PORT = PORTInfo[p]; if (PORT->PortType == HAMLIB) { HAMLIBMasterRunning = 1; ConnecttoHAMLIB(PORT); } else if (PORT->PortType == FLRIG) { FLRIGRunning = 1; ConnecttoFLRIG(PORT); } else if (PORT->PortType == RTLUDP) ConnecttoRTLUDP(PORT); //---- G7TAJ ---- else if (PORT->PortType == SDRANGEL) { SDRANGELRunning = 1; ConnecttoSDRANGEL(PORT); } //---- G7TAJ ---- else if (PORT->HIDDevice) // This is RAWHID, Not CM108 OpenHIDPort(PORT, PORT->IOBASE, PORT->SPEED); else if (PORT->PTC == 0 && _stricmp(PORT->IOBASE, "CM108") != 0) OpenRigCOMMPort(PORT, PORT->IOBASE, PORT->SPEED); if (PORT->PTTIOBASE[0]) // Using separate port for PTT? { if (PORT->PTTIOBASE[3] == '=') PORT->hPTTDevice = OpenCOMPort(&PORT->PTTIOBASE[4], PORT->SPEED, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 0); else PORT->hPTTDevice = OpenCOMPort(&PORT->PTTIOBASE[3], PORT->SPEED, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 0); } else PORT->hPTTDevice = PORT->hDevice; // Use same port for PTT } for (p = 0; p < NumberofPorts; p++) { PORT = PORTInfo[p]; for (i=0; i < PORT->ConfiguredRigs; i++) { int j; int k = 0; uint64_t BitMask; struct _EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry; RIG = &PORT->Rigs[i]; SetupScanInterLockGroups(RIG); // Get record for each port in Port Bitmap // The Scan "Request Permission to Change" code needs the Port Records in order - // Those with active connect lock (eg SCS) first, then those with just a connect pending lock (eg WINMOR) // then those with neither BitMask = RIG->BPQPort; for (j = 0; j < MAXBPQPORTS; j++) { if (BitMask & 1) { PortEntry = (struct _EXTPORTDATA *)GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(j); // BPQ32 port record for this port if (PortEntry) if (PortEntry->SCANCAPABILITIES == CONLOCK) RIG->PortRecord[k++] = PortEntry; } BitMask >>= 1; } BitMask = RIG->BPQPort; for (j = 0; j < MAXBPQPORTS; j++) { if (BitMask & 1) { PortEntry = (struct _EXTPORTDATA *)GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(j); // BPQ32 port record for this port if (PortEntry) if (PortEntry->SCANCAPABILITIES == SIMPLE) RIG->PortRecord[k++] = PortEntry; } BitMask >>= 1; } BitMask = RIG->BPQPort; for (j = 0; j < MAXBPQPORTS; j++) { if (BitMask & 1) { PortEntry = (struct _EXTPORTDATA *)GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(j); // BPQ32 port record for this port if (PortEntry) if (PortEntry->SCANCAPABILITIES == NONE) RIG->PortRecord[k++] = PortEntry; } BitMask >>= 1; } RIG->PORT = PORT; // For PTT if (RIG->NumberofBands) CheckTimeBands(RIG); // Set initial timeband #ifdef WIN32 if (RIG->PTTCATPort[0]) // Serial port RTS to CAT _beginthread(PTTCATThread,0,RIG); #endif if (RIG->HAMLIBPORT) { // Open listening socket struct sockaddr_in local_sin; /* Local socket - internet style */ struct sockaddr_in * psin; SOCKET sock = 0; u_long param=1; char szBuff[80]; psin=&local_sin; psin->sin_family = AF_INET; psin->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)¶m,4); psin->sin_port = htons(RIG->HAMLIBPORT); // Convert to network ordering if (bind( sock, (struct sockaddr FAR *) &local_sin, sizeof(local_sin)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { sprintf(szBuff, "bind(sock) failed port %d Error %d\n", port, WSAGetLastError()); WritetoConsoleLocal(szBuff); closesocket(sock); } else { if (listen(sock, 5) < 0) { sprintf(szBuff, "listen(sock) failed port %d Error %d\n", port, WSAGetLastError()); WritetoConsoleLocal(szBuff); } else { ioctl(sock, FIONBIO, ¶m); RIG->ListenSocket = sock; _beginthread(HAMLIBSlaveThread, 0, RIG); } } } Rig_PTTEx(RIG, 0, NULL); // Send initial PTT Off (Mainly to set input mux on soundcard rigs) } } // MoveWindow(hDlg, Rect.left, Rect.top, Rect.right - Rect.left, Row + 100, TRUE); SetupPortRIGPointers(); RigWebPage = zalloc(10); WritetoConsole("\nRig Control Enabled\n"); return TRUE; } DllExport BOOL APIENTRY Rig_Close() { struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT; struct TNCINFO * TNC; int n, p; HAMLIBMasterRunning = 0; // Close HAMLIB thread(s) HAMLIBSlaveRunning = 0; // Close HAMLIB thread(s) FLRIGRunning = 0; // Close FLRIG thread(s) // ---- G7TAJ ---- SDRANGELRunning = 0; // Close SDRANGEL thread(s) // ---- G7TAJ ---- for (p = 0; p < NumberofPorts; p++) { PORT = PORTInfo[p]; if (PORT->PortType == NMEA) { // Send Remote OFF int i; char REMOFF[80]; i = sprintf(REMOFF, "$PICOA,90,%02x,REMOTE,OFF*xx\r\n", PORT->Rigs[0].RigAddr); AddNMEAChecksum(REMOFF); WriteCOMBlock(PORT->hDevice, REMOFF, i); Sleep(200); } if (PORT->PortType != HAMLIB && PORT->PortType != RTLUDP && PORT->PortType != FLRIG && strcmp(PORT->IOBASE, "RAWHID") != 0) { if (PORT->hPTTDevice != PORT->hDevice) CloseCOMPort(PORT->hPTTDevice); CloseCOMPort(PORT->hDevice); } PORT->hDevice = 0; PORT->hPTTDevice = 0; // Free the RIG and Port Records for (n = 0; n < PORT->ConfiguredRigs; n++) { struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[n]; struct HAMLIBSOCK * Entry = RIG->Sockets; struct HAMLIBSOCK * Save; // if RIG has any HAMLIB slave connections, close them Entry = RIG->Sockets; while (Entry) { closesocket(Entry->Sock); Save = Entry; Entry = Entry->Next; free(Save); } RIG->Sockets = 0; if (RIG->TimeBands) free (RIG->TimeBands[1]->Scanlist); if (RIG->PTTCATPort[0]) { Rig_PTTEx(RIG, FALSE, NULL); // Make sure PTT is down EndPTTCATThread = TRUE; } } free (PORT); PORTInfo[p] = NULL; } NumberofPorts = 0; // For possible restart // And free the TNC config info for (p = 1; p < MAXBPQPORTS; p++) { TNC = TNCInfo[p]; if (TNC == NULL) continue; TNC->RIG = NULL; // memset(TNC->WL2KInfoList, 0, sizeof(TNC->WL2KInfoList)); } return TRUE; } BOOL Rig_Poll() { int p, i, Len; char RigWeb[16384]; struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT; struct RIGINFO * RIG; for (p = 0; p < NumberofPorts; p++) { PORT = PORTInfo[p]; if (PORT->PortType == DUMMY) { DummyPoll(PORT); return TRUE; } if (PORT->hDevice == 0) { // Try to reopen every 15 secs PORT->ReopenDelay++; if (PORT->ReopenDelay > 150) { PORT->ReopenDelay = 0; if (PORT->PortType == HAMLIB) ConnecttoHAMLIB(PORT); else if (PORT->PortType == FLRIG) ConnecttoFLRIG(PORT); else if (PORT->PortType == RTLUDP) ConnecttoRTLUDP(PORT); // ---- G7TAJ ---- else if (PORT->PortType == SDRANGEL) ConnecttoSDRANGEL(PORT); // ---- G7TAJ ---- else if (PORT->HIDDevice) OpenHIDPort(PORT, PORT->IOBASE, PORT->SPEED); else if (PORT->PTC == 0 && _stricmp(PORT->IOBASE, "REMOTE") != 0 && _stricmp(PORT->IOBASE, "CM108") != 0) { if (PORT->Closed == 0) { OpenRigCOMMPort(PORT, PORT->IOBASE, PORT->SPEED); if (PORT->IOBASE && PORT->PTTIOBASE[0] == 0) // Using separate port for PTT? PORT->hPTTDevice = PORT->hDevice; } } } } if (PORT == NULL || (PORT->hDevice == 0 && PORT->PTC == 0 && PORT->remoteSock == 0)) continue; // Check PTT Timers for (i=0; i< PORT->ConfiguredRigs; i++) { RIG = &PORT->Rigs[i]; // Active PTT command if (RIG->PTTTimer) { RIG->PTTTimer--; if (RIG->PTTTimer == 0) Rig_PTTEx(RIG, FALSE, NULL); } // repeated off timer if (RIG->repeatPTTOFFTimer) { RIG->repeatPTTOFFTimer--; if (RIG->repeatPTTOFFTimer == 0) { Rig_PTTEx(RIG, FALSE, NULL); RIG->repeatPTTOFFTimer = 0; // Don't repeat repeat! } } } CheckRX(PORT); switch (PORT->PortType) { case ICOM: ICOMPoll(PORT); break; case YAESU: case FT100: case FT990: case FT1000: YaesuPoll(PORT); break; case KENWOOD: case FT2000: case FTDX10: case FT991A: case FLEX: case NMEA: KenwoodPoll(PORT); break; case SDRRADIO: SDRRadioPoll(PORT); break; case HAMLIB: HAMLIBPoll(PORT); break; case RTLUDP: RTLUDPPoll(PORT); break; case FLRIG: FLRIGPoll(PORT); break; // ---- G7TAJ ---- case SDRANGEL: SDRANGELPoll(PORT); break; } // ---- G7TAJ ---- } // Build page for Web Display Len = BuildRigCtlPage(RigWeb); if (strcmp(RigWebPage, RigWeb) == 0) return TRUE; // No change free(RigWebPage); RigWebPage = _strdup(RigWeb); SendRigWebPage(); return TRUE; } BOOL RigCloseConnection(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { // disable event notification and wait for thread // to halt CloseCOMPort(PORT->hDevice); PORT->hDevice = 0; return TRUE; } // end of CloseConnection() #ifndef WIN32 #define ONESTOPBIT 0 #define ONE5STOPBITS 1 #define TWOSTOPBITS 2 #endif int OpenRigCOMMPort(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, VOID * Port, int Speed) { if (PORT->remoteSock) // Using WINMORCONTROL return TRUE; if (PORT->PortType == FT2000 || PORT->PortType == FT991A || PORT->PortType == FTDX10 || strcmp(PORT->Rigs[0].RigName, "FT847") == 0) // FT2000 and similar seem to need two stop bits PORT->hDevice = OpenCOMPort((VOID *)Port, Speed, FALSE, FALSE, PORT->Alerted, TWOSTOPBITS); else if (PORT->PortType == NMEA) PORT->hDevice = OpenCOMPort((VOID *)Port, Speed, FALSE, FALSE, PORT->Alerted, ONESTOPBIT); else PORT->hDevice = OpenCOMPort((VOID *)Port, Speed, FALSE, FALSE, PORT->Alerted, TWOSTOPBITS); if (PORT->hDevice == 0) { PORT->Alerted = TRUE; return FALSE; } PORT->Alerted = FALSE; if (PORT->PortType == PTT || (PORT->Rigs[0].PTTMode & PTTRTS)) COMClearRTS(PORT->hDevice); else COMSetRTS(PORT->hDevice); if (PORT->PortType == PTT || (PORT->Rigs[0].PTTMode & PTTDTR)) COMClearDTR(PORT->hDevice); else COMSetDTR(PORT->hDevice); if (strcmp(PORT->Rigs[0].RigName, "FT847") == 0) { // Looks like FT847 Needa a "Cat On" Command UCHAR CATON[6] = {0,0,0,0,0}; WriteCOMBlock(PORT->hDevice, CATON, 5); } if (PORT->PortType == NMEA) { // Looks like NMEA Needs Remote ON int i; char REMON[80]; i = sprintf(REMON, "$PICOA,90,%02x,REMOTE,ON*xx\r\n", PORT->Rigs[0].RigAddr); AddNMEAChecksum(REMON); WriteCOMBlock(PORT->hDevice, REMON, i); } return TRUE; } void CheckRX(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { int Length; char NMEAMsg[100]; unsigned char * ptr; int len; if (PORT->PortType == FLRIG) { // Data received in thread return; } if (PORT->PortType == HAMLIB) { // Data received in thread (do we need thread?? Length = PORT->RXLen; PORT->RXLen = 0; } else if (PORT->PortType == RTLUDP) { CheckAndProcessRTLUDP(PORT); Length = 0; PORT->RXLen = 0; return; } else if (PORT->HIDDevice) Length = HID_Read_Block(PORT); else if (PORT->PTC) Length = GetPTCRadioCommand(PORT->PTC, &PORT->RXBuffer[PORT->RXLen]); else if (PORT->remoteSock) { struct sockaddr_in rxaddr; int addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); Length = recvfrom(PORT->remoteSock, PORT->RXBuffer, 500, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&rxaddr, &addrlen); if (Length == -1) Length = 0; } else { if (PORT->hDevice == 0) return; // only try to read number of bytes in queue if (PORT->RXLen == 500) PORT->RXLen = 0; Length = 500 - (DWORD)PORT->RXLen; Length = ReadCOMBlock(PORT->hDevice, &PORT->RXBuffer[PORT->RXLen], Length); } if (Length == 0) return; // Nothing doing PORT->RXLen += Length; Length = PORT->RXLen; switch (PORT->PortType) { case ICOM: if (Length < 6) // Minimum Frame Sise return; if (PORT->RXBuffer[Length-1] != 0xfd) return; // Echo ProcessICOMFrame(PORT, PORT->RXBuffer, Length); // Could have multiple packets in buffer PORT->RXLen = 0; // Ready for next frame return; case YAESU: // Possible responses are a single byte ACK/NAK or a 5 byte info frame if (Length == 1 && PORT->CmdSent > 0) { ProcessYaesuCmdAck(PORT); return; } if (Length < 5) // Frame Sise return; if (Length > 5) // Frame Sise { PORT->RXLen = 0; // Corruption - reset and wait for retry return; } ProcessYaesuFrame(PORT); PORT->RXLen = 0; // Ready for next frame return; case FT100: // Only response should be a 16 byte info frame if (Length < 32) // Frame Sise why??????? return; if (Length > 32) // Frame Sise { PORT->RXLen = 0; // Corruption - reset and wait for retry return; } ProcessFT100Frame(PORT); PORT->RXLen = 0; // Ready for next frame return; case FT990: // Only response should be a 32 byte info frame if (Length < 32) // Frame Sise return; if (Length > 32) // Frame Sise { PORT->RXLen = 0; // Corruption - reset and wait for retry return; } ProcessFT990Frame(PORT); PORT->RXLen = 0; // Ready for next frame return; case FT1000: // Only response should be a 16 byte info frame ptr = PORT->RXBuffer; if (Length < 16) // Frame Sise return; if (Length > 16) // Frame Sise { PORT->RXLen = 0; // Corruption - reset and wait for retry return; } ProcessFT1000Frame(PORT); PORT->RXLen = 0; // Ready for next frame return; case KENWOOD: case FT2000: case FTDX10: case FT991A: case FLEX: if (Length < 2) // Minimum Frame Sise return; if (Length > 50) // Garbage { PORT->RXLen = 0; // Ready for next frame return; } if (PORT->RXBuffer[Length-1] != ';') return; ProcessKenwoodFrame(PORT, Length); PORT->RXLen = 0; // Ready for next frame return; case SDRRADIO: if (Length < 2) // Minimum Frame Sise return; if (Length > 50) // Garbage { PORT->RXLen = 0; // Ready for next frame return; } if (PORT->RXBuffer[Length-1] != ';') return; ProcessSDRRadioFrame(PORT, Length); PORT->RXLen = 0; // Ready for next frame return; case NMEA: ptr = memchr(PORT->RXBuffer, 0x0a, Length); while (ptr != NULL) { ptr++; // include lf len = (int)(ptr - &PORT->RXBuffer[0]); memcpy(NMEAMsg, PORT->RXBuffer, len); NMEAMsg[len] = 0; // if (Check0183CheckSum(NMEAMsg, len)) ProcessNMEA(PORT, NMEAMsg, len); Length -= len; // bytes left if (Length > 0) { memmove(PORT->RXBuffer, ptr, Length); ptr = memchr(PORT->RXBuffer, 0x0a, Length); } else ptr=0; } PORT->RXLen = Length; return; case HAMLIB: ProcessHAMLIBFrame(PORT, Length); PORT->RXLen = 0; return; } } VOID ProcessICOMFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, UCHAR * rxbuffer, int Len) { UCHAR * FendPtr; int NewLen; // Split into Packets. By far the most likely is a single frame // so treat as special case FendPtr = memchr(rxbuffer, 0xfd, Len); if (FendPtr == &rxbuffer[Len-1]) { ProcessFrame(PORT, rxbuffer, Len); return; } // Process the first Packet in the buffer NewLen = (int)(FendPtr - rxbuffer + 1); ProcessFrame(PORT, rxbuffer, NewLen); // Loop Back ProcessICOMFrame(PORT, FendPtr+1, Len - NewLen); return; } BOOL RigWriteCommBlock(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { // if using a PTC radio interface send to the SCSPactor Driver, else send to COM port int ret; if (PORT->HIDDevice) HID_Write_Block(PORT); else if (PORT->PTC) SendPTCRadioCommand(PORT->PTC, PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->TXLen); else if (PORT->remoteSock) ret = sendto(PORT->remoteSock, PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->TXLen, 0, &PORT->remoteDest, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); else { BOOL fWriteStat; DWORD BytesWritten; #ifndef WIN32 BytesWritten = write(PORT->hDevice, PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->TXLen); #else DWORD Mask = 0; int Err; Err = GetCommModemStatus(PORT->hDevice, &Mask); if (Mask == 0) // trap com0com other end not open return TRUE; fWriteStat = WriteFile(PORT->hDevice, PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->TXLen, &BytesWritten, NULL ); #endif if (PORT->TXLen != BytesWritten) { struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[PORT->CurrentRig]; // Only one on Yaseu if (RIG->RIGOK) { SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, "Port Closed"); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, "----------"); strcpy(RIG->WEB_FREQ, "-----------");; strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, "------"); } RIG->RIGOK = FALSE; if (PORT->hDevice) CloseCOMPort(PORT->hDevice); OpenRigCOMMPort(PORT, PORT->IOBASE, PORT->SPEED); if (PORT->IOBASE && PORT->PTTIOBASE[0] == 0) // Using separate port for PTT? PORT->hPTTDevice = PORT->hDevice; if (PORT->hDevice) { // Try Again #ifndef WIN32 BytesWritten = write(PORT->hDevice, PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->TXLen); #else fWriteStat = WriteFile(PORT->hDevice, PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->TXLen, &BytesWritten, NULL ); #endif } } } ret = GetLastError(); PORT->Timeout = 100; // 2 secs return TRUE; } VOID ReleasePermission(struct RIGINFO *RIG) { int i = 0; struct _EXTPORTDATA * PortRecord; while (RIG->PortRecord[i]) { PortRecord = RIG->PortRecord[i]; PortRecord->PORT_EXT_ADDR(6, PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER, (PDATAMESSAGE)3); // Release Perrmission i++; } } int GetPermissionToChange(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, struct RIGINFO *RIG) { struct ScanEntry ** ptr; struct _EXTPORTDATA * PortRecord; int i = 0; // Get Permission to change if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("GetPermissionToChange - WaitingForPermission = %d", RIG->WaitingForPermission); // See if any two stage (CONLOCK) ports if (RIG->PortRecord[0] && RIG->PortRecord[0]->SCANCAPABILITIES != CONLOCK) goto CheckOtherPorts; if (RIG->WaitingForPermission) { // This code should only be called if port needs two stage // eg Request then confirm. only SCS Pactor at the moment. // TNC has been asked for permission, and we are waiting respoonse // Only SCS pactor returns WaitingForPrmission, so check shouldn't be called on others RIG->OKtoChange = (int)(intptr_t)RIG->PortRecord[0]->PORT_EXT_ADDR(6, RIG->PortRecord[0]->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER, (PDATAMESSAGE)2); // Get Ok Flag if (RIG->OKtoChange == 1) { if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("Check Permission returned OK to change"); i = 1; goto CheckOtherPorts; } if (RIG->OKtoChange == -1) { // Permission Refused. Wait Scan Interval and try again if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("Scan Debug %s Refused permission - waiting ScanInterval %d", RIG->PortRecord[0]->PORT_DLL_NAME, PORT->FreqPtr->Dwell ); RIG->WaitingForPermission = FALSE; SetWindowText(RIG->hSCAN, "-"); RIG->WEB_SCAN = '='; RIG->ScanCounter = PORT->FreqPtr->Dwell; if (RIG->ScanCounter == 0) // ? After manual change RIG->ScanCounter = 50; return FALSE; } if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("Scan Debug %s Still Waiting", RIG->PortRecord[0]->PORT_DLL_NAME); return FALSE; // Haven't got reply yet. Will re-enter next tick } else { // not waiting for permission, so must be first call of a cycle if (RIG->PortRecord[0] && RIG->PortRecord[0]->PORT_EXT_ADDR) RIG->WaitingForPermission = (int)(intptr_t)RIG->PortRecord[0]->PORT_EXT_ADDR(6, RIG->PortRecord[0]->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER, (PDATAMESSAGE)1); // Request Perrmission // If it returns zero there is no need to wait. // Normally SCS Returns True for first call, but returns 0 if Link not running if (RIG->WaitingForPermission) return FALSE; // Wait till driver has status if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("First call to %s returned OK to change", RIG->PortRecord[0]->PORT_DLL_NAME); i = 1; } CheckOtherPorts: // Either first TNC gave permission or there are no SCS like ports. // Ask any others (these are assumed to give immediate yes/no while (RIG->PortRecord[i]) { PortRecord = RIG->PortRecord[i]; if (PortRecord->PORT_EXT_ADDR && PortRecord->PORT_EXT_ADDR(6, PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER, (PDATAMESSAGE)1)) { // 1 means can't change - release all if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG && PORT->FreqPtr) Debugprintf("Scan Debug %s Refused permission - waiting ScanInterval %d", PortRecord->PORT_DLL_NAME, PORT->FreqPtr->Dwell); RIG->WaitingForPermission = FALSE; MySetWindowText(RIG->hSCAN, "-"); RIG->WEB_SCAN = '-'; if (PORT->FreqPtr) RIG->ScanCounter = PORT->FreqPtr->Dwell; if (RIG->ScanCounter == 0) // ? After manual change RIG->ScanCounter = 50; ReleasePermission(RIG); return FALSE; } else if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("Scan Debug %s gave permission", PortRecord->PORT_DLL_NAME); i++; } RIG->WaitingForPermission = FALSE; // Update pointer to next frequency RIG->FreqPtr++; ptr = RIG->FreqPtr; if (ptr == NULL) { Debugprintf("Scan Debug - No freqs - quitting"); return FALSE; // No Freqs } if (ptr[0] == (struct ScanEntry *)0) // End of list - reset to start { ptr = CheckTimeBands(RIG); if (ptr[0] == (struct ScanEntry *)0) { // Empty Timeband - delay 60 secs (we need to check for timeband change sometimes) RIG->ScanCounter = 600; ReleasePermission(RIG); return FALSE; } } PORT->FreqPtr = ptr[0]; // Save Scan Command Block RIG->ScanCounter = PORT->FreqPtr->Dwell; if (RIG->ScanCounter == 0) // ? After manual change RIG->ScanCounter = 150; MySetWindowText(RIG->hSCAN, "S"); RIG->WEB_SCAN = 'S'; // Do Bandwidth and antenna switches (if needed) DoBandwidthandAntenna(RIG, ptr[0]); return TRUE; } VOID DoBandwidthandAntenna(struct RIGINFO *RIG, struct ScanEntry * ptr) { // If Bandwidth Change needed, do it int i; struct _EXTPORTDATA * PortRecord; if (ptr->Bandwidth || ptr->RPacketMode || ptr->HFPacketMode || ptr->PMaxLevel || ptr->ARDOPMode[0] || ptr->VARAMode) { i = 0; while (RIG->PortRecord[i]) { PortRecord = RIG->PortRecord[i]; RIG->CurrentBandWidth = ptr->Bandwidth; PortRecord->PORT_EXT_ADDR(6, PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER, (PDATAMESSAGE)ptr); /* if (ptr->Bandwidth == 'R') // Robust Packet PortRecord->PORT_EXT_ADDR(6, PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER, 6); // Set Robust Packet else if (ptr->Bandwidth == 'W') PortRecord->PORT_EXT_ADDR(6, PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER, 4); // Set Wide Mode else PortRecord->PORT_EXT_ADDR(6, PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER, 5); // Set Narrow Mode */ i++; } } // If Antenna Change needed, do it // 5 and 6 are used for CI-V switching so ignore here if (ptr->Antenna && ptr->Antenna < '5') { SwitchAntenna(RIG, ptr->Antenna); } return; } VOID ICOMPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; int i; struct RIGINFO * RIG; for (i=0; i< PORT->ConfiguredRigs; i++) { RIG = &PORT->Rigs[i]; if (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) if (RIG->ScanCounter) RIG->ScanCounter--; } if (PORT->Timeout) { PORT->Timeout--; if (PORT->Timeout) // Still waiting return; PORT->Retries--; if(PORT->Retries) { RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); // Retransmit Block return; } RIG = &PORT->Rigs[PORT->CurrentRig]; SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, "-----------"); strcpy(RIG->WEB_FREQ, "-----------"); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, "------"); strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, "------"); // SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, "145.810000"); // SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, "RTTY/1"); PORT->Rigs[PORT->CurrentRig].RIGOK = FALSE; return; } // Send Data if avail, else send poll PORT->CurrentRig++; if (PORT->CurrentRig >= PORT->ConfiguredRigs) PORT->CurrentRig = 0; RIG = &PORT->Rigs[PORT->CurrentRig]; /* RIG->DebugDelay ++; if (RIG->DebugDelay > 600) { RIG->DebugDelay = 0; Debugprintf("Scan Debug %d %d %d %d %d %d", PORT->CurrentRig, RIG->NumberofBands, RIG->RIGOK, RIG->ScanStopped, RIG->ScanCounter, RIG->WaitingForPermission); } */ if (RIG->NumberofBands && RIG->RIGOK && (RIG->ScanStopped == 0)) { if (RIG->ScanCounter <= 0) { // Send Next Freq if (GetPermissionToChange(PORT, RIG)) { if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 Change Freq to %9.4f", PORT->FreqPtr->Freq/1000000.0); memcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len); if (PORT->FreqPtr->Freq > 0.0) { _gcvt((PORT->FreqPtr->Freq + RIG->rxOffset) / 1000000.0, 9, RIG->Valchar); // For MH strcpy(RIG->WEB_FREQ, RIG->Valchar); SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); } PORT->TXLen = PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 2; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; return; } } } if (RIG->RIGOK && RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q) { struct MSGWITHOUTLEN * buffptr; buffptr = Q_REM(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q); // Copy the ScanEntry struct from the Buffer to the PORT Scanentry memcpy(&PORT->ScanEntry, buffptr->Data, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); PORT->FreqPtr = &PORT->ScanEntry; // Block we are currently sending. if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 Manual Change Freq to %9.4f", PORT->FreqPtr->Freq/1000000.0); memcpy(Poll, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len); DoBandwidthandAntenna(RIG, &PORT->ScanEntry); if (PORT->FreqPtr->Freq > 0.0) { _gcvt((PORT->FreqPtr->Freq + RIG->rxOffset) / 1000000.0, 9, RIG->Valchar); // For MH strcpy(RIG->WEB_FREQ, RIG->Valchar); SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); } PORT->TXLen = PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len; // First send the set Freq RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 2; ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); PORT->AutoPoll = FALSE; return; } if (RIG->RIGOK && RIG->ScanStopped == 0 && RIG->NumberofBands && RIG->ScanCounter && RIG->ScanCounter < 30) // no point in reading freq if we are about to change return; if (RIG->PollCounter) { RIG->PollCounter--; if (RIG->PollCounter) return; } // Need to make sure we don't poll multiple rigs on port at the same time if (RIG->RIGOK) { PORT->Retries = 2; RIG->PollCounter = 10 / PORT->ConfiguredRigs; // Once Per Sec } else { PORT->Retries = 1; RIG->PollCounter = 100 / PORT->ConfiguredRigs; // Slow Poll if down } RIG->PollCounter += PORT->CurrentRig * 3; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; // Read Frequency Poll[0] = 0xFE; Poll[1] = 0xFE; Poll[2] = RIG->RigAddr; Poll[3] = 0xE0; Poll[4] = 0x3; // Get frequency command Poll[5] = 0xFD; PORT->TXLen = 6; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 1; PORT->Timeout = 10; return; } VOID ProcessFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, UCHAR * Msg, int framelen) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG; int i; int cmdSent = PORT->TXBuffer[4]; if (Msg[0] != 0xfe || Msg[1] != 0xfe) // Duff Packet - return return; if (Msg[2] != 0xe0 && Msg[2] != 0) { // Echo - Proves a CI-V interface is attached if (PORT->PORTOK == FALSE) { // Just come up PORT->PORTOK = TRUE; Debugprintf("Cat Port OK"); } return; } for (i=0; i< PORT->ConfiguredRigs; i++) { RIG = &PORT->Rigs[i]; if (Msg[3] == RIG->RigAddr) goto ok; } return; ok: if (Msg[4] == 0xFB) { // Accept if (cmdSent == 0x1C && PORT->TXBuffer[5] == 1) // Tune { if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Tune OK"); PORT->Timeout = 0; return; } if (cmdSent == 0x14 && PORT->TXBuffer[5] == 0x0A) // Power { if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Set Power OK"); PORT->Timeout = 0; return; } // if it was the set freq, send the set mode if (RIG->ICF8101) { if (cmdSent == 0x1A && PORT->TXBuffer[5] == 0x35) { if (PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd2) { memcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd2, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd2Len); PORT->TXLen = PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd2Len; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 2; } else { if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Frequency Set OK"); PORT->Timeout = 0; } return; } if (cmdSent == 0x1a && PORT->TXBuffer[5] == 0x36) { // Set Mode Response - if scanning read freq, else return OK to user if (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) { ReleasePermission(RIG); // Release Perrmission Poll[0] = 0xFE; Poll[1] = 0xFE; Poll[2] = RIG->RigAddr; Poll[3] = 0xE0; Poll[4] = 0x3; // Get frequency command Poll[5] = 0xFD; PORT->TXLen = 6; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 2; return; } else { if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Frequency and Mode Set OK"); RIG->PollCounter = 30 / RIG->PORT->ConfiguredRigs; // Dont read freq for 3 secs } } PORT->Timeout = 0; return; } if (cmdSent == 5 || cmdSent == 7) // Freq or VFO { if (PORT->FreqPtr && PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd2) { memcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd2, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd2Len); PORT->TXLen = PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd2Len; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 2; } else { if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Frequency Set OK"); PORT->Timeout = 0; } return; } if (cmdSent == 6) // Set Mode { if (PORT->FreqPtr && PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd3) { memcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd3, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd3Len); PORT->TXLen = PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd3Len; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 2; return; } goto SetFinished; } if (cmdSent == 0x08) { // Memory Chan cmdSent = 0; // So we only do it once goto SetFinished; } if (cmdSent == 0x12) goto SetFinished; // Antenna always sent last if (cmdSent == 0x0f || cmdSent == 0x01a) // Set DUP or Data { // These are send from cmd3. There may be a cmd4 // for antenna switching if (PORT->FreqPtr && PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd4) { memcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd4, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd4Len); PORT->TXLen = PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd4Len; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 2; return; } SetFinished: // Set Mode Response - if scanning read freq, else return OK to user if (RIG->ScanStopped == 0 && PORT->AutoPoll) { ReleasePermission(RIG); // Release Perrmission Poll[0] = 0xFE; Poll[1] = 0xFE; Poll[2] = RIG->RigAddr; Poll[3] = 0xE0; Poll[4] = 0x3; // Get frequency command Poll[5] = 0xFD; PORT->TXLen = 6; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 2; return; } else { if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Frequency and Mode Set OK"); RIG->PollCounter = 30 / RIG->PORT->ConfiguredRigs; // Dont read freq for 3 secs } } PORT->Timeout = 0; return; } if (Msg[4] == 0xFA) { // Reject PORT->Timeout = 0; if (!PORT->AutoPoll) { if (cmdSent == 5) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Sorry - Set Frequency Command Rejected"); else if (cmdSent == 6) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Sorry - Set Mode Command Rejected"); else if (cmdSent == 0x0f) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Sorry - Set Shift Command Rejected"); else if (cmdSent == 0x12) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Sorry - Set Antenna Command Rejected"); else if (cmdSent == 0x1C && PORT->TXBuffer[5] == 1) // Tune SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Sorry - Tune Command Rejected"); else if (cmdSent == 0x14 && PORT->TXBuffer[5] == 0x0a) // Power SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Sorry - Power Command Rejected"); else SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Sorry - Command Rejected"); } return; } if (Msg[4] == PORT->TXBuffer[4]) { // Response to our command // Any valid frame is an ACK RIG->RIGOK = TRUE; PORT->Timeout = 0; if (!PORT->AutoPoll) { // Manual response probably to CMD Query. Return response char reply[256] = "CMD Response "; char * p1 = &reply[13]; UCHAR * p2 = &Msg[4]; int n = framelen - 4; while (n > 0) { sprintf(p1, "%02X ", *(p2)); p1 += 3; p2++; n--; } SendResponse(RIG->Session, reply); } } else return; // What does this mean?? if (PORT->PORTOK == FALSE) { // Just come up // char Status[80]; PORT->PORTOK = TRUE; // sprintf(Status,"COM%d PORT link OK", PORT->IOBASE); // SetWindowText(PORT->hStatus, Status); } if (Msg[4] == 3) { // Rig Frequency int n, j, decdigit; long long Freq = 0; int start = 9; long long MHz, Hz; char CharMHz[16] = ""; char CharHz[16] = ""; int i; if (RIG->IC735) start = 8; // shorted msg for (j = start; j > 4; j--) { n = Msg[j]; decdigit = (n >> 4); decdigit *= 10; decdigit += n & 0xf; Freq = (Freq *100 ) + decdigit; } Freq += RIG->rxOffset; RIG->RigFreq = Freq / 1000000.0; // If we convert to float to display we get rounding errors, so convert to MHz and Hz to display MHz = Freq / 1000000; Hz = Freq - MHz * 1000000; sprintf(CharMHz, "%lld", MHz); sprintf(CharHz, "%06lld", Hz); for (i = 5; i > 2; i--) { if (CharHz[i] == '0') CharHz[i] = 0; else break; } sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%lld.%s", MHz, CharHz); SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); strcpy(RIG->Valchar, RIG->WEB_FREQ); // Now get Mode Poll[0] = 0xFE; Poll[1] = 0xFE; Poll[2] = RIG->RigAddr; Poll[3] = 0xE0; if (RIG->ICF8101) { Poll[4] = 0x1A; // Get Mode Poll[5] = 0x34; Poll[6] = 0xFD; PORT->TXLen = 7; } else { Poll[4] = 0x4; // Get Mode Poll[5] = 0xFD; PORT->TXLen = 6; } RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 2; return; } if (RIG->ICF8101) { if (cmdSent == 0x1A && PORT->TXBuffer[5] == 0x34) { // Get Mode unsigned int Mode; Mode = (Msg[7] >> 4); Mode *= 10; Mode += Msg[7] & 0xf; if (Mode > 24) Mode = 24; sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE,"%s", Modes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->ModeString, Modes[Mode]); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, RIG->WEB_MODE); return; } } if (Msg[4] == 4) { // Mode unsigned int Mode; Mode = (Msg[5] >> 4); Mode *= 10; Mode += Msg[5] & 0xf; if (Mode > 24) Mode = 24; if (RIG->IC735) sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE,"%s", Modes[Mode]); else sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE,"%s/%d", Modes[Mode], Msg[6]); strcpy(RIG->ModeString, Modes[Mode]); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, RIG->WEB_MODE); } } int SendResponse(int Session, char * Msg) { PDATAMESSAGE Buffer; BPQVECSTRUC * VEC; TRANSPORTENTRY * L4 = L4TABLE; if (Session == -1) return 0; Buffer = GetBuff(); L4 += Session; Buffer->PID = 0xf0; Buffer->LENGTH = MSGHDDRLEN + 1; // Includes PID Buffer->LENGTH += sprintf(Buffer->L2DATA, "%s\r", Msg); VEC = L4->L4TARGET.HOST; C_Q_ADD(&L4->L4TX_Q, (UINT *)Buffer); #ifndef LINBPQ if (VEC) PostMessage(VEC->HOSTHANDLE, BPQMsg, VEC->HOSTSTREAM, 2); #endif return 0; } VOID ProcessFT100Frame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { // Only one we should see is a Status Message UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; UCHAR * Msg = PORT->RXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; // Only one on Yaseu int Freq; double FreqF; unsigned int Mode; RIG->RIGOK = TRUE; PORT->Timeout = 0; // Bytes 0 is Band // 1 - 4 is Freq in binary in units of 1.25 HZ (!) // Byte 5 is Mode Freq = (Msg[1] << 24) + (Msg[2] << 16) + (Msg[3] << 8) + Msg[4]; FreqF = (Freq * 1.25) / 1000000; if (PORT->YaesuVariant == FT1000MP) FreqF = FreqF / 2; // No idea why! RIG->RigFreq = FreqF; _gcvt(FreqF, 9, RIG->Valchar); sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%s", RIG->Valchar); SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); if (PORT->PortType == FT100) { Mode = Msg[5] & 15; if (Mode > 8) Mode = 8; sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE,"%s", FT100Modes[Mode]); } else // FT1000 { Mode = Msg[7] & 7; sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE,"%s", FTRXModes[Mode]); } strcpy(RIG->ModeString, RIG->WEB_MODE); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, RIG->WEB_MODE); if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Mode and Frequency Set OK"); else if (PORT->TXLen > 5) // Poll is 5 Change is more ReleasePermission(RIG); // Release Perrmission to change } VOID ProcessFT990Frame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { // Only one we should see is a Status Message UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; UCHAR * Msg = PORT->RXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; // Only one on Yaseu int Freq; double FreqF; unsigned int Mode; RIG->RIGOK = TRUE; PORT->Timeout = 0; // Bytes 0 is Band // 1 - 4 is Freq in units of 10Hz (I think!) // Byte 5 is Mode Freq = (Msg[1] << 16) + (Msg[2] << 8) + Msg[3]; FreqF = (Freq * 10.0) / 1000000; RIG->RigFreq = FreqF; _gcvt(FreqF, 9, RIG->Valchar); sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%s", RIG->Valchar); SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); Mode = Msg[7] & 7; sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE,"%s", FTRXModes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->ModeString, RIG->WEB_MODE); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, RIG->WEB_MODE); if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Mode and Frequency Set OK"); else if (PORT->TXLen > 5) // Poll is 5 change is more ReleasePermission(RIG); // Release Perrmission to change } VOID ProcessFT1000Frame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { // Only one we should see is a Status Message UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; UCHAR * Msg = PORT->RXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; // Only one on Yaseu int Freq; double FreqF; unsigned int Mode; RIG->RIGOK = TRUE; PORT->Timeout = 0; // I think the FT1000/1000D is same as 990 // FT1000MP is similar to FT100, but steps on .625 Hz (despite manual) // Bytes 0 is Band // 1 - 4 is Freq in binary in units of 1.25 HZ (!) // Byte 5 is Mode if (PORT->YaesuVariant == FT1000MP) { Freq = (Msg[1] << 24) + (Msg[2] << 16) + (Msg[3] << 8) + Msg[4]; FreqF = (Freq * 1.25) / 1000000; FreqF = FreqF / 2; // No idea why! } else { Freq = (Msg[1] << 16) + (Msg[2] << 8) + Msg[3]; FreqF = (Freq * 10.0) / 1000000; } RIG->RigFreq = FreqF; _gcvt(FreqF, 9, RIG->Valchar); sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%s", RIG->Valchar); SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); if (PORT->PortType == FT100) { Mode = Msg[5] & 15; if (Mode > 8) Mode = 8; sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE,"%s", FT100Modes[Mode]); } else // FT1000 { Mode = Msg[7] & 7; sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE,"%s", FTRXModes[Mode]); } strcpy(RIG->ModeString, RIG->WEB_MODE); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, RIG->WEB_MODE); if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Mode and Frequency Set OK"); else if (PORT->TXLen > 5) // Poll is 5 change is more ReleasePermission(RIG); // Release Perrmission to change } VOID ProcessYaesuCmdAck(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; UCHAR * Msg = PORT->RXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; // Only one on Yaseu PORT->Timeout = 0; PORT->RXLen = 0; // Ready for next frame if (PORT->CmdSent == 1) // Set Freq { ReleasePermission(RIG); // Release Perrmission if (Msg[0]) { // I think nonzero is a Reject if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Sorry - Set Frequency Rejected"); return; } else { if (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) { // Send a Get Freq - We Don't Poll when scanning Poll[0] = Poll[1] = Poll[2] = Poll[3] = 0; Poll[4] = 0x3; // Get frequency amd mode command RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 2; PORT->CmdSent = 0; } else if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Mode and Frequency Set OK"); return; } } if (PORT->CmdSent == 7) // Set Mode { if (Msg[0]) { // I think nonzero is a Reject if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Sorry - Set Mode Rejected"); return; } else { // Send the Frequency memcpy(Poll, &Poll[5], 5); RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->CmdSent = Poll[4]; PORT->Retries = 2; return; } } } VOID ProcessYaesuFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; UCHAR * Msg = PORT->RXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; // Only one on Yaseu int n, j, Freq = 0, decdigit; double FreqF; unsigned int Mode; // I'm not sure we get anything but a Command Response, // and the only command we send is Get Rig Frequency and Mode RIG->RIGOK = TRUE; PORT->Timeout = 0; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { n = Msg[j]; decdigit = (n >> 4); decdigit *= 10; decdigit += n & 0xf; Freq = (Freq *100 ) + decdigit; } FreqF = Freq / 100000.0; RIG->RigFreq = FreqF; // Valchar = _fcvt(FreqF, 6, &dec, &sign); _gcvt(FreqF, 9, RIG->Valchar); sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%s", RIG->Valchar); SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); Mode = Msg[4]; if (Mode > 15) Mode = 15; sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE,"%s", YaesuModes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->ModeString, RIG->WEB_MODE); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, RIG->WEB_MODE); // FT847 Manual Freq Change response ends up here if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "FT847") == 0) { if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Mode and Frequency Set OK"); if (PORT->CmdSent == -1) ReleasePermission(RIG); // Release Perrmission to change } } VOID YaesuPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; // Only one on Yaseu if (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) if (RIG->ScanCounter) RIG->ScanCounter--; if (PORT->Timeout) { PORT->Timeout--; if (PORT->Timeout) // Still waiting return; PORT->Retries--; if(PORT->Retries) { RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); // Retransmit Block return; } SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, "------------------"); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, "----------"); strcpy(RIG->WEB_FREQ, "-----------");; strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, "------"); PORT->Rigs[PORT->CurrentRig].RIGOK = FALSE; return; } // Send Data if avail, else send poll if (RIG->NumberofBands && (RIG->ScanStopped == 0)) { if (RIG->ScanCounter <= 0) { // Send Next Freq if (GetPermissionToChange(PORT, RIG)) { if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 Change Freq to %9.4f", PORT->FreqPtr->Freq); _gcvt(PORT->FreqPtr->Freq / 1000000.0, 9, RIG->Valchar); // For MH memcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1, 24); if (PORT->PortType == YAESU) { if (strcmp(PORT->Rigs[0].RigName, "FT847") == 0) { PORT->TXLen = 15; // No Cmd ACK, so send Mode, Freq and Poll PORT->CmdSent = -1; } else { PORT->TXLen = 5; PORT->CmdSent = Poll[4]; } RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 2; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; return; } // FT100 PORT->TXLen = 15; // Set Mode, Set Freq, Poll RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 2; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; } } } if (RIG->RIGOK && RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q) { struct MSGWITHOUTLEN * buffptr; buffptr = Q_REM(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q); // Copy the ScanEntry struct from the Buffer to the PORT Scanentry memcpy(&PORT->ScanEntry, buffptr->Data, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); PORT->FreqPtr = &PORT->ScanEntry; // Block we are currently sending. if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 Change Freq to %9.4f", PORT->FreqPtr->Freq); _gcvt(PORT->FreqPtr->Freq / 1000000.0, 9, RIG->Valchar); // For MH DoBandwidthandAntenna(RIG, &PORT->ScanEntry); memcpy(Poll, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len); if (PORT->PortType == YAESU) { if (strcmp(PORT->Rigs[0].RigName, "FT847") == 0) { PORT->TXLen = 15; // Send all PORT->CmdSent = -1; } else { PORT->TXLen = 5; // First send the set Freq PORT->CmdSent = Poll[4]; } } else PORT->TXLen = 15; // Send all RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 2; ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); PORT->AutoPoll = FALSE; return; } if (RIG->RIGOK && RIG->ScanStopped == 0 && RIG->NumberofBands && RIG->ScanCounter && RIG->ScanCounter < 30) // no point in reading freq if we are about to change return; if (RIG->PollCounter) { RIG->PollCounter--; if (RIG->PollCounter) return; } RIG->PollCounter = 10; // Once Per Sec // Read Frequency Poll[0] = 0; Poll[1] = 0; Poll[2] = 0; if (PORT->PortType == FT990 || PORT->PortType == YAESU || PORT->YaesuVariant == FT1000D) Poll[3] = 3; else Poll[3] = 2; if (PORT->PortType == YAESU) Poll[4] = 0x3; // Get frequency amd mode command else Poll[4] = 16; // FT100/990/1000 Get frequency amd mode command PORT->TXLen = 5; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 2; PORT->CmdSent = 0; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; return; } VOID ProcessNMEA(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, char * Msg, int Length) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; // Only one on Yaseu Msg[Length] = 0; if (PORT->PORTOK == FALSE) { // Just come up PORT->PORTOK = TRUE; } RIG->RIGOK = TRUE; PORT->Timeout = 0; if (!PORT->AutoPoll) { // Response to a RADIO Command if (Msg[0] == '?') SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Sorry - Command Rejected"); else SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Mode and Frequency Set OK"); PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; } if (memcmp(&Msg[13], "RXF", 3) == 0) { if (Length < 24) return; RIG->RigFreq = atof(&Msg[17]); sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%f", RIG->RigFreq); SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); strcpy(RIG->Valchar, RIG->WEB_FREQ); return; } if (memcmp(&Msg[13], "MODE", 3) == 0) { char * ptr; if (Length < 24) return; ptr = strchr(&Msg[18], '*'); if (ptr) *(ptr) = 0; SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, &Msg[18]); strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, &Msg[18]); strcpy(RIG->ModeString, RIG->WEB_MODE); return; } } //FA00014103000;MD2; VOID ProcessSDRRadioFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, int Length) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; UCHAR * Msg = PORT->RXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; UCHAR * ptr; int CmdLen; int i; Msg[Length] = 0; if (PORT->PORTOK == FALSE) { // Just come up PORT->PORTOK = TRUE; } if (!PORT->AutoPoll) { // Response to a RADIO Command if (Msg[0] == '?') SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Sorry - Command Rejected"); else if (Msg[0] == 'A' && Msg[1] == 'C') SendResponse(RIG->Session, "TUNE OK"); else if (Msg[0] == 'P' && Msg[1] == 'C') SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Power Set OK"); else SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Mode and Frequency Set OK"); PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; return; } LoopR: ptr = strchr(Msg, ';'); CmdLen = (int)(ptr - Msg + 1); // Find Device. FA to FF for frequency // Note. SDRConsole reports the same mode for all receivers, so don't rely on reported mode if (Msg[0] == 'F') { for (i = 0; i < PORT->ConfiguredRigs; i++) { RIG = &PORT->Rigs[i]; if (Msg[1] == RIG->RigAddr) goto ok; } return; ok: if (CmdLen > 9) { char CharMHz[16] = ""; char CharHz[16] = ""; int i; long long Freq; long long MHz, Hz; RIG->RIGOK = TRUE; Freq = strtoll(&Msg[2], NULL, 10) + RIG->rxOffset; RIG->RigFreq = Freq / 1000000.0; // If we convert to float to display we get rounding errors, so convert to MHz and Hz to display MHz = Freq / 1000000; Hz = Freq - MHz * 1000000; sprintf(CharMHz, "%lld", MHz); sprintf(CharHz, "%06lld", Hz); for (i = 5; i > 2; i--) { if (CharHz[i] == '0') CharHz[i] = 0; else break; } sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%lld.%s", MHz, CharHz); SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); strcpy(RIG->Valchar, RIG->WEB_FREQ); PORT->Timeout = 0; } } else if (Msg[0] == 'M' && Msg[1] == 'D') { int Mode; Mode = Msg[2] - 48; if (Mode > 7) Mode = 7; SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, KenwoodModes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, KenwoodModes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->ModeString, RIG->WEB_MODE); } if (CmdLen < Length) { // Another Message in Buffer ptr++; Length -= (int)(ptr - Msg); if (Length <= 0) return; memmove(Msg, ptr, Length +1); goto LoopR; } } VOID ProcessKenwoodFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, int Length) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; UCHAR * Msg = PORT->RXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; // Only one on Yaseu UCHAR * ptr; int CmdLen; Msg[Length] = 0; if (PORT->PORTOK == FALSE) { // Just come up PORT->PORTOK = TRUE; } RIG->RIGOK = TRUE; if (!PORT->AutoPoll) { // Response to a RADIO Command if (Msg[0] == '?') SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Sorry - Command Rejected"); else if (Msg[0] == 'A' && Msg[1] == 'C') SendResponse(RIG->Session, "TUNE OK"); else if (Msg[0] == 'P' && Msg[1] == 'C') SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Power Set OK"); else SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Mode and Frequency Set OK"); PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; return; } Loop: if (PORT->PortType == FLEX) { Msg += 2; // Skip ZZ Length -= 2; } ptr = strchr(Msg, ';'); CmdLen = (int)(ptr - Msg + 1); if (Msg[0] == 'F' && Msg[1] == 'A' && CmdLen > 9) { char CharMHz[16] = ""; char CharHz[16] = ""; int i; long long Freq; long long MHz, Hz; Freq = strtoll(&Msg[2], NULL, 10) + RIG->rxOffset; RIG->RigFreq = Freq / 1000000.0; // If we convert to float to display we get rounding errors, so convert to MHz and Hz to display MHz = Freq / 1000000; Hz = Freq - MHz * 1000000; sprintf(CharMHz, "%lld", MHz); sprintf(CharHz, "%06lld", Hz); /* if (PORT->PortType == FT2000) { memcpy(FreqDecimal,&Msg[4], 6); Msg[4] = 0; } else if (PORT->PortType == FT991A) { memcpy(FreqDecimal,&Msg[5], 6); Msg[5] = 0; } else { memcpy(FreqDecimal,&Msg[7], 6); Msg[7] = 0; } FreqDecimal[6] = 0; */ for (i = 5; i > 2; i--) { if (CharHz[i] == '0') CharHz[i] = 0; else break; } sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%lld.%s", MHz, CharHz); SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); strcpy(RIG->Valchar, RIG->WEB_FREQ); PORT->Timeout = 0; } else if (Msg[0] == 'M' && Msg[1] == 'D') { int Mode; if (PORT->PortType == FT2000) { Mode = Msg[3] - 48; if (Mode > 13) Mode = 13; SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, FT2000Modes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, FT2000Modes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->ModeString, RIG->WEB_MODE); } else if (PORT->PortType == FT991A) { Mode = Msg[3] - 48; if (Mode > 16) Mode -= 7; if (Mode > 15) Mode = 13; SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, FT991AModes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, FT991AModes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->ModeString, RIG->WEB_MODE); } else if (PORT->PortType == FTDX10) { Mode = Msg[3] - 48; if (Mode > 16) Mode -= 7; if (Mode > 15) Mode = 15; SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, FTDX10Modes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, FTDX10Modes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->ModeString, RIG->WEB_MODE); } else if (PORT->PortType == FLEX) { Mode = atoi(&Msg[3]); if (Mode > 12) Mode = 12; SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, FLEXModes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, FLEXModes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->ModeString, RIG->WEB_MODE); } else { Mode = Msg[2] - 48; if (Mode > 7) Mode = 7; SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, KenwoodModes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, KenwoodModes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->ModeString, RIG->WEB_MODE); } } if (CmdLen < Length) { // Another Message in Buffer ptr++; Length -= (int)(ptr - Msg); if (Length <= 0) return; memmove(Msg, ptr, Length +1); goto Loop; } } VOID KenwoodPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; // Only one on Kenwood if (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) if (RIG->ScanCounter) RIG->ScanCounter--; if (PORT->Timeout) { PORT->Timeout--; if (PORT->Timeout) // Still waiting return; PORT->Retries--; if(PORT->Retries) { RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); // Retransmit Block return; } SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, "------------------"); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, "----------"); strcpy(RIG->WEB_FREQ, "-----------");; strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, "------"); RIG->RIGOK = FALSE; return; } // Send Data if avail, else send poll if (RIG->NumberofBands && RIG->RIGOK && (RIG->ScanStopped == 0)) { if (RIG->ScanCounter <= 0) { // Send Next Freq if (GetPermissionToChange(PORT, RIG)) { if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 Change Freq to %9.4f", PORT->FreqPtr->Freq); memcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len); PORT->TXLen = PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len; _gcvt(PORT->FreqPtr->Freq / 1000000.0, 9, RIG->Valchar); // For MH RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->CmdSent = 1; PORT->Retries = 0; PORT->Timeout = 0; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; // There isn't a response to a set command, so clear Scan Lock here ReleasePermission(RIG); // Release Perrmission return; } } } if (RIG->RIGOK && RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q) { struct MSGWITHOUTLEN * buffptr; buffptr = Q_REM(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q); // Copy the ScanEntry struct from the Buffer to the PORT Scanentry memcpy(&PORT->ScanEntry, buffptr->Data, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); PORT->FreqPtr = &PORT->ScanEntry; // Block we are currently sending. if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 Change Freq to %9.4f", PORT->FreqPtr->Freq); DoBandwidthandAntenna(RIG, &PORT->ScanEntry); _gcvt(PORT->FreqPtr->Freq / 1000000.0, 9, RIG->Valchar); // For MH memcpy(Poll, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len); PORT->TXLen = PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->CmdSent = Poll[4]; PORT->Timeout = 0; RIG->PollCounter = 10; ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); PORT->AutoPoll = FALSE; return; } if (RIG->PollCounter) { RIG->PollCounter--; if (RIG->PollCounter > 1) return; } if (RIG->RIGOK && RIG->ScanStopped == 0 && RIG->NumberofBands && RIG->ScanCounter && RIG->ScanCounter < 30) return; // no point in reading freq if we are about to change it RIG->PollCounter = 10; // Once Per Sec // Read Frequency PORT->TXLen = RIG->PollLen; strcpy(Poll, RIG->Poll); RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 1; PORT->Timeout = 10; PORT->CmdSent = 0; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; return; } VOID SDRRadioPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG; int i; for (i=0; i< PORT->ConfiguredRigs; i++) { RIG = &PORT->Rigs[i]; if (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) if (RIG->ScanCounter) RIG->ScanCounter--; } if (PORT->Timeout) { PORT->Timeout--; if (PORT->Timeout) // Still waiting return; PORT->Retries--; if(PORT->Retries) { RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); // Retransmit Block return; } SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, "------------------"); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, "----------"); strcpy(RIG->WEB_FREQ, "-----------");; strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, "------"); RIG->RIGOK = FALSE; return; } // Send Data if avail, else send poll PORT->CurrentRig++; if (PORT->CurrentRig >= PORT->ConfiguredRigs) PORT->CurrentRig = 0; RIG = &PORT->Rigs[PORT->CurrentRig]; if (RIG->NumberofBands && RIG->RIGOK && (RIG->ScanStopped == 0)) { if (RIG->ScanCounter <= 0) { // Send Next Freq if (GetPermissionToChange(PORT, RIG)) { if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 Change Freq to %9.4f", PORT->FreqPtr->Freq); memcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len); PORT->TXLen = PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len; _gcvt(PORT->FreqPtr->Freq / 1000000.0, 9, RIG->Valchar); // For MH RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->CmdSent = 1; PORT->Retries = 0; PORT->Timeout = 0; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; // There isn't a response to a set command, so clear Scan Lock here ReleasePermission(RIG); // Release Perrmission return; } } } if (RIG->RIGOK && RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q) { struct MSGWITHOUTLEN * buffptr; buffptr = Q_REM(&RIG->BPQtoRADIO_Q); // Copy the ScanEntry struct from the Buffer to the PORT Scanentry memcpy(&PORT->ScanEntry, buffptr->Data, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); PORT->FreqPtr = &PORT->ScanEntry; // Block we are currently sending. if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 Change Freq to %9.4f", PORT->FreqPtr->Freq); DoBandwidthandAntenna(RIG, &PORT->ScanEntry); _gcvt(PORT->FreqPtr->Freq / 1000000.0, 9, RIG->Valchar); // For MH memcpy(Poll, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len); PORT->TXLen = PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len; RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->CmdSent = Poll[4]; PORT->Timeout = 0; RIG->PollCounter = 10; ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); PORT->AutoPoll = FALSE; return; } if (RIG->PollCounter) { RIG->PollCounter--; if (RIG->PollCounter > 1) return; } if (RIG->RIGOK && RIG->ScanStopped == 0 && RIG->NumberofBands && RIG->ScanCounter && RIG->ScanCounter < 30) return; // no point in reading freq if we are about to change it // Need to make sure we don't poll multiple rigs on port at the same time if (RIG->RIGOK) { PORT->Retries = 2; RIG->PollCounter = 10 / PORT->ConfiguredRigs; // Once Per Sec } else { PORT->Retries = 1; RIG->PollCounter = 100 / PORT->ConfiguredRigs; // Slow Poll if down } RIG->PollCounter += PORT->CurrentRig * 3; // Read Frequency PORT->TXLen = RIG->PollLen; strcpy(Poll, RIG->Poll); RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->Retries = 1; PORT->Timeout = 10; PORT->CmdSent = 0; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; return; } VOID DummyPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; if (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) if (RIG->ScanCounter) RIG->ScanCounter--; if (RIG->NumberofBands && RIG->RIGOK && (RIG->ScanStopped == 0)) { if (RIG->ScanCounter <= 0) { // Send Next Freq if (GetPermissionToChange(PORT, RIG)) { if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 Change Freq to %9.4f", PORT->FreqPtr->Freq); _gcvt(PORT->FreqPtr->Freq / 1000000.0, 9, RIG->Valchar); // For MH memcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len); PORT->TXLen = PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len; /* RigWriteCommBlock(PORT); PORT->CmdSent = 1; PORT->Retries = 0; PORT->Timeout = 0; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; */ // There isn't a response to a set command, so clear Scan Lock here ReleasePermission(RIG); // Release Perrmission return; } } } return; } VOID SwitchAntenna(struct RIGINFO * RIG, char Antenna) { struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT; char Ant[3]=" "; if (RIG == NULL) return; PORT = RIG->PORT; Ant[1] = Antenna; SetWindowText(RIG->hPTT, Ant); switch (Antenna) { case '1': COMClearDTR(PORT->hDevice); COMClearRTS(PORT->hDevice); break; case '2': COMSetDTR(PORT->hDevice); COMClearRTS(PORT->hDevice); break; case '3': COMClearDTR(PORT->hDevice); COMSetRTS(PORT->hDevice); break; case '4': COMSetDTR(PORT->hDevice); COMSetRTS(PORT->hDevice); break; } } BOOL DecodeModePtr(char * Param, double * Dwell, double * Freq, char * Mode, char * PMinLevel, char * PMaxLevel, char * PacketMode, char * RPacketMode, char * Split, char * Data, char * WinmorMode, char * Antenna, BOOL * Supress, char * Filter, char * Appl, char * MemoryBank, int * MemoryNumber, char * ARDOPMode, char * VARAMode, int * BandWidth, int * Power) { char * Context; char * ptr; *Filter = '1'; // Defaults *PMinLevel = 1; *MemoryBank = 0; *MemoryNumber = 0; *Mode = 0; *ARDOPMode = 0; *VARAMode = 0; *Power = 0; ptr = strtok_s(Param, ",", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) return FALSE; // "New" format - Dwell, Freq, Params. // Each param is a 2 char pair, separated by commas // An - Antenna // Pn - Pactor // Wn - Winmor // Pn - Packet // Fn - Filter // Sx - Split // 7.0770/LSB,F1,A3,WN,P1,R1 *Dwell = atof(ptr); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) return FALSE; // May be a frequency or a Memory Bank/Channel if (_memicmp(ptr, "Chan", 4) == 0) { if (strchr(ptr, '/')) // Bank/Chan { memcpy(MemoryBank, &ptr[4], 1); *MemoryNumber = atoi(&ptr[6]); } else *MemoryNumber = atoi(&ptr[4]); // Just Chan *Freq = 0.0; } else *Freq = atof(ptr); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) if (*MemoryNumber) // If channel, dont need mode return TRUE; if (ptr == NULL || strlen(ptr) > 8) return FALSE; // Mode Missing if (*MemoryNumber == 0) { strcpy(Mode, ptr); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context); } while (ptr) { if (isdigit(ptr[0])) *BandWidth = atoi(ptr); else if (memcmp(ptr, "APPL=", 5) == 0) strcpy(Appl, ptr + 5); else if (memcmp(ptr, "POWER=", 6) == 0) *Power = atoi(ptr + 6); else if (ptr[0] == 'A' && (ptr[1] == 'S' || ptr[1] == '0') && strlen(ptr) < 7) strcpy(ARDOPMode, "S"); else if (ptr[0] == 'A' && strlen(ptr) > 2 && strlen(ptr) < 7) strcpy(ARDOPMode, &ptr[1]); else if (ptr[0] == 'A' && strlen(ptr) == 2) *Antenna = ptr[1]; else if (ptr[0] == 'F') *Filter = ptr[1]; else if (ptr[0] == 'R') *RPacketMode = ptr[1]; else if (ptr[0] == 'H') *PacketMode = ptr[1]; else if (ptr[0] == 'N') *PacketMode = ptr[1]; else if (ptr[0] == 'P') { *PMinLevel = ptr[1]; *PMaxLevel = ptr[strlen(ptr) - 1]; } else if (ptr[0] == 'W') { *WinmorMode = ptr[1]; if (*WinmorMode == '0') *WinmorMode = 'X'; else if (*WinmorMode == '1') *WinmorMode = 'N'; else if (*WinmorMode == '2') *WinmorMode = 'W'; } else if (ptr[0] == 'V') { *VARAMode = ptr[1]; // W N S T (skip) or 0 (also Skip) if (ptr[1] == '0') *VARAMode = 'S'; } else if (ptr[0] == '+') *Split = '+'; else if (ptr[0] == '-') *Split = '-'; else if (ptr[0] == 'S') *Split = 'S'; else if (ptr[0] == 'D') *Data = 1; else if (ptr[0] == 'X') *Supress = TRUE; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context); } return TRUE; } VOID AddNMEAChecksum(char * msg) { UCHAR CRC = 0; msg++; // Skip $ while (*(msg) != '*') { CRC ^= *(msg++); } sprintf(++msg, "%02X\r\n", CRC); } void DecodeRemote(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, char * ptr) { // Param is IPHOST:PORT for use with WINMORCONTROL struct sockaddr_in * destaddr = (SOCKADDR_IN * )&PORT->remoteDest; UCHAR param = 1; u_long ioparam = 1; char * port = strlop(ptr, ':'); PORT->remoteSock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0); if (PORT->remoteSock == INVALID_SOCKET) return; setsockopt (PORT->remoteSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, ¶m, 1); if (port == NULL) return; ioctl (PORT->remoteSock, FIONBIO, &ioparam); destaddr->sin_family = AF_INET; destaddr->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ptr); destaddr->sin_port = htons(atoi(port)); if (destaddr->sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { // Resolve name to address struct hostent * HostEnt = gethostbyname(ptr); if (!HostEnt) return; // Resolve failed memcpy(&destaddr->sin_addr.s_addr,HostEnt->h_addr,4); } return; } char * CM108Device = NULL; void DecodeCM108(int Port, char * ptr) { // Called if Device Name or PTT = Param is CM108 #ifdef WIN32 // Next Param is VID and PID - 0xd8c:0x8 or Full device name // On Windows device name is very long and difficult to find, so // easier to use VID/PID, but allow device in case more than one needed char * next; int32_t VID = 0, PID = 0; char product[256]; char sernum[256] = "NULL"; struct hid_device_info *devs, *cur_dev; const char *path_to_open = NULL; hid_device *handle = NULL; if (strlen(ptr) > 16) CM108Device = _strdup(ptr); else { VID = strtol(ptr, &next, 0); if (next) PID = strtol(++next, &next, 0); // Look for Device devs = hid_enumerate(0,0); // so we list devices(USHORT)VID, (USHORT)PID); cur_dev = devs; while (cur_dev) { wcstombs(product, cur_dev->product_string, 255); if (cur_dev->serial_number) wcstombs(sernum, cur_dev->serial_number, 255); if (product) Debugprintf("HID Device %s VID %X PID %X Ser %s %s", product, cur_dev->vendor_id, cur_dev->product_id, sernum, cur_dev->path); else Debugprintf("HID Device %s VID %X PID %X Ser %s %s", "Missing Product", cur_dev->vendor_id, cur_dev->product_id, sernum, cur_dev->path); if (cur_dev->vendor_id == VID && cur_dev->product_id == PID) path_to_open = cur_dev->path; cur_dev = cur_dev->next; } if (path_to_open) { handle = hid_open_path(path_to_open); if (handle) { hid_close(handle); CM108Device = _strdup(path_to_open); } else { char msg[128]; sprintf(msg,"Port %d Unable to open CM108 device %x %x", Port, VID, PID); WritetoConsole(msg); } } hid_free_enumeration(devs); } #else // Linux - Next Param HID Device, eg /dev/hidraw0 CM108Device = _strdup(ptr); #endif } // Called by Port Driver .dll to add/update rig info // RIGCONTROL COM60 19200 ICOM IC706 5e 4 14.103/U1w 14.112/u1 18.1/U1n 10.12/l1 struct RIGINFO * RigConfig(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * buf, int Port) { int i; char * ptr; char * COMPort = NULL; char * RigName; int RigAddr; struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT; struct RIGINFO * RIG; struct ScanEntry ** FreqPtr; char * CmdPtr; char * Context; struct TimeScan * SaveBand; char PTTRigName[] = "PTT"; double ScanFreq; double Dwell; char MemoryBank; // For Memory Scanning int MemoryNumber; BOOL RIG_DEBUG = FALSE; BOOL PTTControlsInputMUX = FALSE; BOOL DataPTT = FALSE; int DataPTTOffMode = 1; // ACC int ICF8101Mode = 8; // USB (as in upper sideband) char onString[256] = ""; char offString[256] = ""; int onLen = 0; int offLen = 0; CM108Device = NULL; Debugprintf("Processing RIG line %s", buf); // Starts RADIO Interlockgroup ptr = strtok_s(&buf[5], " \t\n\r", &Context); // Skip Interlock if (ptr == NULL) return FALSE; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) return FALSE; if (_memicmp(ptr, "DEBUG", 5) == 0) { ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); RIG_DEBUG = TRUE; } if (_memicmp(ptr, "AUTH", 4) == 0) { ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) return FALSE; if (strlen(ptr) > 100) return FALSE; strcpy(AuthPassword, ptr); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); } if (ptr == NULL || ptr[0] == 0) return FALSE; if (_memicmp(ptr, "DUMMY", 5) == 0) { // Dummy to allow PTC application scanning PORT = PORTInfo[NumberofPorts++] = zalloc(sizeof(struct RIGPORTINFO)); PORT->PortType = DUMMY; PORT->ConfiguredRigs = 1; RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; RIG->RIGOK = TRUE; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); goto CheckScan; } if (_memicmp(ptr, "FLRIG", 5) == 0) { // Use FLRIG // Need parameter - Host:Port ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr == NULL || strlen(ptr) > 79) return FALSE; // Have a parameter to define port. Will decode it later PORT = PORTInfo[NumberofPorts++] = zalloc(sizeof(struct RIGPORTINFO)); PORT->PortType = FLRIG; PORT->ConfiguredRigs = 1; RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; RIG->RIGOK = TRUE; RIG->PORT = PORT; strcpy(PORT->IOBASE, ptr); strcpy(RIG->RigName, "FLRIG"); // Decode host DecodeHAMLIBAddr(PORT, ptr); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); // look for other config statementes and scan params goto CheckOtherParams; } if (_memicmp(ptr, "HAMLIB", 5) == 0) { // Use rigctld // Need parameter - Host:Port ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr == NULL || strlen(ptr) > 79) return FALSE; // Have a parameter to define port. Will decode it later PORT = PORTInfo[NumberofPorts++] = zalloc(sizeof(struct RIGPORTINFO)); PORT->PortType = HAMLIB; PORT->ConfiguredRigs = 1; RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; RIG->RIGOK = TRUE; RIG->PORT = PORT; strcpy(PORT->IOBASE, ptr); strcpy(RIG->RigName, "HAMLIB"); // Decode host DecodeHAMLIBAddr(PORT, ptr); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); // look for scan params goto CheckOtherParams; } if (_memicmp(ptr, "rtludp", 5) == 0) { // rtl_fm with udp freq control // Need parameter - Host:Port ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr == NULL || strlen(ptr) > 79) return FALSE; // Have a parameter to define port. Will decode it later PORT = PORTInfo[NumberofPorts++] = zalloc(sizeof(struct RIGPORTINFO)); PORT->PortType = RTLUDP; PORT->ConfiguredRigs = 1; RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; RIG->RIGOK = TRUE; RIG->PORT = PORT; strcpy(PORT->IOBASE, ptr); strcpy(RIG->RigName, "RTLUDP"); // Decode host DecodeHAMLIBAddr(PORT, ptr); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); // look for scan params goto CheckOtherParams; } // ---- G7TAJ ---- if (_memicmp(ptr, "sdrangel", 5) == 0) { // each instance (ip addr/port) of sdrangle can have one or more sampling devices (eg rltsdr) each with one ot // more channels (eg ssb demod, ssb mod). each set of sampling device = channel(s) is a device set. // We poll all devices/channels at once. we one PORT record plus a RIG record for each channel // Need parameters - Host:Port device channel. Device and Channel will default to zero int device = 0, channel = 0; char * Name; char * nptr1; char * nptr2; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr == NULL || strlen(ptr) > 79) return FALSE; Name = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); nptr1 = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); nptr2 = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (nptr1 == 0 || nptr2 == 0 || Name == NULL || strlen(Name) > 9) return FALSE; device = atoi(nptr1); channel = atoi(nptr2); // Have a parameter to define port. Will decode it later // See if already defined. PORT->IOBASE has Host:Port for (i = 0; i < NumberofPorts; i++) { PORT = PORTInfo[i]; if (strcmp(PORT->IOBASE, ptr) == 0) goto AngelRigFound; } // New Port PORT = PORTInfo[NumberofPorts++] = zalloc(sizeof(struct RIGPORTINFO)); PORT->PortType = SDRANGEL; PORT->ConfiguredRigs = 0; strcpy(PORT->IOBASE, ptr); // Decode host DecodeHAMLIBAddr(PORT, ptr); AngelRigFound: RIG = &PORT->Rigs[PORT->ConfiguredRigs++]; RIG->RIGOK = TRUE; RIG->PORT = PORT; RIG->RigAddr = device; RIG->Channel = channel; strcpy(RIG->RigName, Name); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); // look for scan params goto CheckOtherParams; } // ---- G7TAJ ---- if ((_memicmp(ptr, "VCOM", 4) == 0) && TNC->Hardware == H_SCS) // Using Radio Port on PTC COMPort = 0; else if (_memicmp(ptr, "PTCPORT", 7) == 0) COMPort = 0; else COMPort = ptr; // See if port is already defined. We may be adding another radio (ICOM or SDRRADIO only) or updating an existing one // Unless CM108 - they must be on separate Ports if (COMPort && _stricmp("CM108", COMPort) != 0) { for (i = 0; i < NumberofPorts; i++) { PORT = PORTInfo[i]; if (COMPort) if (strcmp(PORT->IOBASE, COMPort) == 0) goto PortFound; if (COMPort == 0) if (PORT->IOBASE == COMPort) goto PortFound; } } // Allocate a new one PORT = PORTInfo[NumberofPorts++] = zalloc(sizeof(struct RIGPORTINFO)); if (COMPort) strcpy(PORT->IOBASE, COMPort); PortFound: ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) return (FALSE); if (_stricmp(PORT->IOBASE, "RAWHID") == 0) // HID Addr instead of Speed { DecodeCM108(Port, ptr); if (CM108Device) PORT->HIDDevice = CM108Device; else PORT->HIDDevice = _strdup ("MissingHID"); CM108Device = 0; } if ( _stricmp(PORT->IOBASE, "CM108") == 0) // HID Addr instead of Speed { DecodeCM108(Port, ptr); } if (_stricmp(PORT->IOBASE, "REMOTE") == 0) // IP Addr/Port DecodeRemote(PORT, ptr); else PORT->SPEED = atoi(ptr); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) return (FALSE); if (_memicmp(ptr, "PTTCOM", 6) == 0 || _memicmp(ptr, "PTT=", 4) == 0) { if (_stricmp(ptr, "PTT=CM108") == 0) { // PTT on CM108 GPIO ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) return (FALSE); DecodeCM108(Port, ptr); } else { strcpy(PORT->PTTIOBASE, ptr); } ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) return (FALSE); } // if (strcmp(ptr, "ICOM") == 0 || strcmp(ptr, "YAESU") == 0 // || strcmp(ptr, "KENWOOD") == 0 || strcmp(ptr, "PTTONLY") == 0 || strcmp(ptr, "ANTENNA") == 0) // RADIO IC706 4E 5 14.103/U1 14.112/u1 18.1/U1 10.12/l1 // Read RADIO Lines _strupr(ptr); if (strcmp(ptr, "ICOM") == 0) PORT->PortType = ICOM; else if (strcmp(ptr, "YAESU") == 0) PORT->PortType = YAESU; else if (strcmp(ptr, "KENWOOD") == 0) PORT->PortType = KENWOOD; else if (strcmp(ptr, "SDRRADIO") == 0) PORT->PortType = SDRRADIO; // Varient of KENWOOD that supports multiple devices on one serial port else if (strcmp(ptr, "FLEX") == 0) PORT->PortType = FLEX; else if (strcmp(ptr, "NMEA") == 0) PORT->PortType = NMEA; else if (strcmp(ptr, "PTTONLY") == 0) PORT->PortType = PTT; else if (strcmp(ptr, "ANTENNA") == 0) PORT->PortType = ANT; else return FALSE; Debugprintf("Port type = %d", PORT->PortType); _strupr(Context); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr && memcmp(ptr, "HAMLIB=", 7) == 0) { // HAMLIB Emulator - param is port to listen on if (PORT->PortType == PTT) { RIG = &PORT->Rigs[PORT->ConfiguredRigs++]; strcpy(RIG->RigName, PTTRigName); RIG->HAMLIBPORT = atoi(&ptr[7]); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); } } if (ptr && strcmp(ptr, "PTTMUX") == 0) { if (PORT->PortType == PTT) { RIG = &PORT->Rigs[PORT->ConfiguredRigs++]; strcpy(RIG->RigName, PTTRigName); goto domux; // PTTONLY with PTTMUX } } if (ptr == NULL) { if (PORT->PortType == PTT) ptr = PTTRigName; else return FALSE; } if (strlen(ptr) > 9) return FALSE; RigName = ptr; Debugprintf("Rigname = *%s*", RigName); // FT100 seems to be different to most other YAESU types if (strcmp(RigName, "FT100") == 0 && PORT->PortType == YAESU) { PORT->PortType = FT100; } // FT990 seems to be different to most other YAESU types if (strcmp(RigName, "FT990") == 0 && PORT->PortType == YAESU) { PORT->PortType = FT990; } // FT1000 seems to be different to most other YAESU types if (strstr(RigName, "FT1000") && PORT->PortType == YAESU) { PORT->PortType = FT1000; // Subtypes need different code. D and no suffix are same if (strstr(RigName, "FT1000MP")) PORT->YaesuVariant = FT1000MP; else PORT->YaesuVariant = FT1000D; } // FT2000 seems to be different to most other YAESU types if (strcmp(RigName, "FT2000") == 0 && PORT->PortType == YAESU) { PORT->PortType = FT2000; } // FTDX10 seems to be different to most other YAESU types if (strcmp(RigName, "FTDX10") == 0 && PORT->PortType == YAESU) { PORT->PortType = FTDX10; } // FT991A seems to be different to most other YAESU types if (strcmp(RigName, "FT991A") == 0 && PORT->PortType == YAESU) { PORT->PortType = FT991A; } // If ICOM or SDRRADIO, we may be adding a new Rig ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (PORT->PortType == ICOM || PORT->PortType == NMEA || PORT->PortType == SDRRADIO) { if (ptr == NULL) return (FALSE); if (PORT->PortType == SDRRADIO) RigAddr = ptr[0]; else sscanf(ptr, "%x", &RigAddr); // See if already defined for (i = 0; i < PORT->ConfiguredRigs; i++) { RIG = &PORT->Rigs[i]; if (RIG->RigAddr == RigAddr) goto RigFound; } // Allocate a new one RIG = &PORT->Rigs[PORT->ConfiguredRigs++]; RIG->RigAddr = RigAddr; RigFound: ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); // if (ptr == NULL) return (FALSE); } else { // Only allows one RIG PORT->ConfiguredRigs = 1; RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; } RIG->RIG_DEBUG = RIG_DEBUG; RIG->PORT = PORT; strcpy(RIG->RigName, RigName); RIG->TSMenu = 63; // Default to TS590S // IC735 uses shorter freq message if (strcmp(RigName, "IC735") == 0 && PORT->PortType == ICOM) RIG->IC735 = TRUE; // IC-F8101 uses a different set of commands if (strstr(RigName, "F8101") && PORT->PortType == ICOM) RIG->ICF8101 = TRUE; if (PORT->PortType == KENWOOD) { RIG->TSMenu = 63; // Default to TS590S if (strcmp(RigName, "TS590SG") == 0) RIG->TSMenu = 69; } if (PORT->PortType == FT991A) RIG->TSMenu = 72; //Menu for Data/USB siwtching domux: RIG->CM108Device = CM108Device; CheckOtherParams: while (ptr) { if (strcmp(ptr, "PTTMUX") == 0) { // Ports whose RTS/DTR will be converted to CAT commands (for IC7100/IC7200 etc) int PIndex = 0; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); while (memcmp(ptr, "COM", 3) == 0) { char * tncport = strlop(ptr, '/'); strcpy(RIG->PTTCATPort[PIndex], &ptr[3]); if (tncport) RIG->PTTCATTNC[PIndex] = TNCInfo[atoi(tncport)]; if (PIndex < 3) PIndex++; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) break; } if (ptr == NULL) break; else continue; } else if (strcmp(ptr, "PTT_SETS_INPUT") == 0) { // Send Select Soundcard as mod source with PTT commands PTTControlsInputMUX = TRUE; // See if following param is an PTT Off Mode ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) break; if (strcmp(ptr, "MIC") == 0) DataPTTOffMode = 0; else if (strcmp(ptr, "AUX") == 0) DataPTTOffMode = 1; else if (strcmp(ptr, "MICAUX") == 0) DataPTTOffMode = 2; else if (RIG->ICF8101 && strcmp(ptr, "LSB") == 0) ICF8101Mode = 0x7; else if (RIG->ICF8101 && strcmp(ptr, "USB") == 0) ICF8101Mode = 0x8; else if (RIG->ICF8101 && strcmp(ptr, "LSBD1") == 0) ICF8101Mode = 0x18; else if (RIG->ICF8101 && strcmp(ptr, "USBD1") == 0) ICF8101Mode = 0x19; else if (RIG->ICF8101 && strcmp(ptr, "LSBD2") == 0) ICF8101Mode = 0x20; else if (RIG->ICF8101 && strcmp(ptr, "USBD2") == 0) ICF8101Mode = 0x21; else if (RIG->ICF8101 && strcmp(ptr, "LSBD3") == 0) ICF8101Mode = 0x22; else if (RIG->ICF8101 && strcmp(ptr, "USBD3") == 0) ICF8101Mode = 0x23; else continue; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); continue; } else if (strcmp(ptr, "PTT_SETS_FREQ") == 0) { // Send Select Soundcard as mod source with PTT commands RIG->PTTSetsFreq = TRUE; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); continue; } else if (strcmp(ptr, "DATAPTT") == 0) { // Send Select Soundcard as mod source with PTT commands DataPTT = TRUE; } else if (memcmp(ptr, "PTTONHEX=", 9) == 0) { // Hex String to use for PTT on char * ptr1 = ptr; char * ptr2 = onString ; int i, j, len; ptr1 += 9; onLen = len = strlen(ptr1) / 2; if (len < 240) { while ((len--) > 0) { i = *(ptr1++); i -= '0'; if (i > 9) i -= 7; j = i << 4; i = *(ptr1++); i -= '0'; if (i > 9) i -= 7; *(ptr2++) = j | i; } } ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) break; } else if (memcmp(ptr, "PTTOFFHEX=", 10) == 0) { // Hex String to use for PTT off char * ptr2 = offString ; int i, j, len; ptr += 10; offLen = len = strlen(ptr) / 2; if (len < 240) { while ((len--) > 0) { i = *(ptr++); i -= '0'; if (i > 9) i -= 7; j = i << 4; i = *(ptr++); i -= '0'; if (i > 9) i -= 7; *(ptr2++) = j | i; } } ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) break; } else if (memcmp(ptr, "HAMLIB=", 7) == 0) { // HAMLIB Emulator - param is port to listen on RIG->HAMLIBPORT = atoi(&ptr[7]); } else if (memcmp(ptr, "TXOFFSET", 8) == 0) { RIG->txOffset = strtoll(&ptr[9], NULL, 10); } else if (memcmp(ptr, "RXOFFSET", 8) == 0) { RIG->rxOffset = strtoll(&ptr[9], NULL, 10); } else if (memcmp(ptr, "PTTOFFSET", 9) == 0) { RIG->pttOffset = strtoll(&ptr[10], NULL, 10); } else if (memcmp(ptr, "RXERROR", 7) == 0) { RIG->rxError = atoi(&ptr[8]); } else if (memcmp(ptr, "TXERROR", 7) == 0) { RIG->txError = atoi(&ptr[8]); } else if (memcmp(ptr, "REPORTFREQS", 11) == 0) { RIG->reportFreqs = _strdup(&ptr[12]); } else if (memcmp(ptr, "DEFAULTFREQ", 11) == 0) { RIG->defaultFreq = atoi(&ptr[12]); } else if (atoi(ptr) || ptr[2] == ':') break; // Not scan freq oe timeband, so see if another param ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); } if (PORT->PortType == PTT || PORT->PortType == ANT) return RIG; // Set up PTT and Poll Strings if (PORT->PortType == ICOM) { char * Poll; Poll = &RIG->PTTOn[0]; if (onLen && offLen) { memcpy(RIG->PTTOn, onString, onLen); RIG->PTTOnLen = onLen; memcpy(RIG->PTTOff, offString, offLen); RIG->PTTOffLen = offLen; } else if (RIG->ICF8101) { // Need to send ACC PTT command (1A 37 0002), not normal ICOM IC 00 if (PTTControlsInputMUX) { *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(Poll++) = 0xE0; *(Poll++) = 0x1a; *(Poll++) = 0x05; *(Poll++) = ICF8101Mode; *(Poll++) = 0x03; // USB Data Mode Source *(Poll++) = 0x00; *(Poll++) = 0x01; // Soundcard *(Poll++) = 0xFD; } *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(Poll++) = 0xE0; *(Poll++) = 0x1A; *(Poll++) = 0x37; // Send/read the TX status *(Poll++) = 0x00; *(Poll++) = 0x02; // ACC PTT *(Poll++) = 0xFD; RIG->PTTOnLen = (int)(Poll - &RIG->PTTOn[0]); Poll = &RIG->PTTOff[0]; *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(Poll++) = 0xE0; *(Poll++) = 0x1A; *(Poll++) = 0x37; // Send/read the TX status *(Poll++) = 0x00; *(Poll++) = 0x00; // RX *(Poll++) = 0xFD; if (PTTControlsInputMUX) { *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(Poll++) = 0xE0; *(Poll++) = 0x1a; *(Poll++) = 0x05; *(Poll++) = ICF8101Mode; *(Poll++) = 0x03; // USB Data Mode Source *(Poll++) = 0x00; *(Poll++) = 0x02; // ACC *(Poll++) = 0xFD; } RIG->PTTOffLen = (int)(Poll - &RIG->PTTOff[0]); } else { if (PTTControlsInputMUX) { *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(Poll++) = 0xE0; *(Poll++) = 0x1a; if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7100") == 0) { *(Poll++) = 0x05; *(Poll++) = 0x00; *(Poll++) = 0x91; // Data Mode Source } else if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7200") == 0) { *(Poll++) = 0x03; *(Poll++) = 0x24; // Data Mode Source } else if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7300") == 0) { *(Poll++) = 0x05; *(Poll++) = 0x00; *(Poll++) = 0x67; // Data Mode Source } else if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7600") == 0) { *(Poll++) = 0x05; *(Poll++) = 0x00; *(Poll++) = 0x31; // Data1 Mode Source } else if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7610") == 0) { *(Poll++) = 0x05; *(Poll++) = 0x00; *(Poll++) = 0x92; // Data1 Mode Source } else if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7410") == 0) { *(Poll++) = 0x03; *(Poll++) = 0x39; // Data Mode Source } *(Poll++) = 0x03; // USB Soundcard *(Poll++) = 0xFD; } *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(Poll++) = 0xE0; *(Poll++) = 0x1C; // RIG STATE *(Poll++) = 0x00; // PTT *(Poll++) = 1; // ON *(Poll++) = 0xFD; RIG->PTTOnLen = (int)(Poll - &RIG->PTTOn[0]); Poll = &RIG->PTTOff[0]; *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(Poll++) = 0xE0; *(Poll++) = 0x1C; // RIG STATE *(Poll++) = 0x00; // PTT *(Poll++) = 0; // OFF *(Poll++) = 0xFD; if (PTTControlsInputMUX) { *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = 0xFE; *(Poll++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(Poll++) = 0xE0; *(Poll++) = 0x1a; if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7100") == 0) { *(Poll++) = 0x05; *(Poll++) = 0x00; *(Poll++) = 0x91; // Data Mode Source } else if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7200") == 0) { *(Poll++) = 0x03; *(Poll++) = 0x24; // Data Mode Source } else if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7300") == 0) { *(Poll++) = 0x05; *(Poll++) = 0x00; *(Poll++) = 0x67; // Data Mode Source } else if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7410") == 0) { *(Poll++) = 0x03; *(Poll++) = 0x39; // Data Mode Source } else if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7600") == 0) { *(Poll++) = 0x05; *(Poll++) = 0x00; *(Poll++) = 0x31; // Data1 Mode Source } else if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7610") == 0) { *(Poll++) = 0x05; *(Poll++) = 0x00; *(Poll++) = 0x92; // Data1 Mode Source } *(Poll++) = DataPTTOffMode; *(Poll++) = 0xFD; } RIG->PTTOffLen = (int)(Poll - &RIG->PTTOff[0]); } } else if (PORT->PortType == KENWOOD) { RIG->PollLen = 6; strcpy(RIG->Poll, "FA;MD;"); if (PTTControlsInputMUX) { sprintf(RIG->PTTOn, "EX%03d00001;TX1;", RIG->TSMenu); // Select USB before PTT sprintf(RIG->PTTOff, "RX;EX%03d00000;", RIG->TSMenu); // Select ACC after dropping PTT } else { strcpy(RIG->PTTOff, "RX;"); if (DataPTT) strcpy(RIG->PTTOn, "TX1;"); else strcpy(RIG->PTTOn, "TX;"); } RIG->PTTOnLen = (int)strlen(RIG->PTTOn); RIG->PTTOffLen = (int)strlen(RIG->PTTOff); } else if (PORT->PortType == SDRRADIO) { RIG->PollLen = sprintf(RIG->Poll, "F%c;MD;", RIG->RigAddr); /* if (PTTControlsInputMUX) { sprintf(RIG->PTTOn, "EX%03d00001;TX1;", RIG->TSMenu); // Select USB before PTT sprintf(RIG->PTTOff, "RX;EX%03d00000;", RIG->TSMenu); // Select ACC after dropping PTT } else { strcpy(RIG->PTTOff, "RX;"); if (DataPTT) strcpy(RIG->PTTOn, "TX1;"); else strcpy(RIG->PTTOn, "TX;"); } */ RIG->PTTOnLen = (int)strlen(RIG->PTTOn); RIG->PTTOffLen = (int)strlen(RIG->PTTOff); } else if (PORT->PortType == FLEX) { RIG->PollLen = 10; strcpy(RIG->Poll, "ZZFA;ZZMD;"); strcpy(RIG->PTTOn, "ZZTX1;"); RIG->PTTOnLen = 6; strcpy(RIG->PTTOff, "ZZTX0;"); RIG->PTTOffLen = 6; } else if (PORT->PortType == FT2000) { RIG->PollLen = 6; strcpy(RIG->Poll, "FA;MD;"); strcpy(RIG->PTTOn, "TX1;"); RIG->PTTOnLen = 4; strcpy(RIG->PTTOff, "TX0;"); RIG->PTTOffLen = 4; } else if (PORT->PortType == FT991A || PORT->PortType == FTDX10) { RIG->PollLen = 7; strcpy(RIG->Poll, "FA;MD0;"); if (PTTControlsInputMUX) { RIG->PTTOnLen = sprintf(RIG->PTTOn, "EX0721;TX1;"); // Select USB before PTT RIG->PTTOffLen = sprintf(RIG->PTTOff, "TX0;EX0720;"); // Select DATA after dropping PTT } else { strcpy(RIG->PTTOn, "TX1;"); RIG->PTTOnLen = 4; strcpy(RIG->PTTOff, "TX0;"); RIG->PTTOffLen = 4; } } else if (PORT->PortType == NMEA) { int Len; i = sprintf(RIG->Poll, "$PICOA,90,%02x,RXF*xx\r\n", RIG->RigAddr); AddNMEAChecksum(RIG->Poll); Len = i; i = sprintf(RIG->Poll + Len, "$PICOA,90,%02x,MODE*xx\r\n", RIG->RigAddr); AddNMEAChecksum(RIG->Poll + Len); RIG->PollLen = Len + i; i = sprintf(RIG->PTTOn, "$PICOA,90,%02x,TRX,TX*xx\r\n", RIG->RigAddr); AddNMEAChecksum(RIG->PTTOn); RIG->PTTOnLen = i; i = sprintf(RIG->PTTOff, "$PICOA,90,%02x,TRX,RX*xx\r\n", RIG->RigAddr); AddNMEAChecksum(RIG->PTTOff); RIG->PTTOffLen = i; } if (ptr == NULL) return RIG; // No Scanning, just Interactive control if (strchr(ptr, ',') == 0 && strchr(ptr, ':') == 0) // Old Format { ScanFreq = atof(ptr); #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4244) RIG->ScanFreq = ScanFreq * 10; #pragma warning(push) ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); } // Frequency List CheckScan: if (ptr) if (ptr[0] == ';' || ptr[0] == '#') ptr = NULL; if (ptr != NULL) { // Create Default Timeband struct TimeScan * Band; RIG->TimeBands = zalloc(sizeof(void *)); Band = AllocateTimeRec(RIG); SaveBand = Band; Band->Start = 0; Band->End = 84540; //23:59 FreqPtr = Band->Scanlist = RIG->FreqPtr = malloc(1000); memset(FreqPtr, 0, 1000); } while(ptr) { int ModeNo; BOOL Supress; double Freq = 0.0; int FreqInt = 0; char FreqString[80]=""; char * Modeptr = NULL; char Split, Data, PacketMode, RPacketMode, PMinLevel, PMaxLevel, Filter; char Mode[10] = ""; char WinmorMode, Antenna; char ARDOPMode[6] = ""; char VARAMode[6] = ""; char Appl[13]; char * ApplCall; int BandWidth; int Power; if (ptr[0] == ';' || ptr[0] == '#') break; Filter = PMinLevel = PMaxLevel = PacketMode = RPacketMode = Split = Data = WinmorMode = Antenna = ModeNo = Supress = MemoryBank = MemoryNumber = BandWidth = 0; Appl[0] = 0; ARDOPMode[0] = 0; VARAMode[0] = 0; Dwell = 0.0; while (ptr && strchr(ptr, ':')) { // New TimeBand struct TimeScan * Band; Band = AllocateTimeRec(RIG); *FreqPtr = (struct ScanEntry *)0; // Terminate Last Band Band->Start = (atoi(ptr) * 3600) + (atoi(&ptr[3]) * 60); Band->End = 84540; //23:59 SaveBand->End = Band->Start - 60; SaveBand = Band; FreqPtr = Band->Scanlist = RIG->FreqPtr = malloc(1000); memset(FreqPtr, 0, 1000); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); } if (ptr == 0) break; if (strchr(ptr, ',')) // New Format { DecodeModePtr(ptr, &Dwell, &Freq, Mode, &PMinLevel, &PMaxLevel, &PacketMode, &RPacketMode, &Split, &Data, &WinmorMode, &Antenna, &Supress, &Filter, &Appl[0], &MemoryBank, &MemoryNumber, ARDOPMode, VARAMode, &BandWidth, &Power); } else { Modeptr = strchr(ptr, '/'); if (Modeptr) *Modeptr++ = 0; Freq = atof(ptr); if (Modeptr) { // Mode can include 1/2/3 for Icom Filers. W/N for Winmor/Pactor Bandwidth, and +/-/S for Repeater Shift (S = Simplex) // First is always Mode // First char is Mode (USB, LSB etc) Mode[0] = Modeptr[0]; Filter = Modeptr[1]; if (strchr(&Modeptr[1], '+')) Split = '+'; else if (strchr(&Modeptr[1], '-')) Split = '-'; else if (strchr(&Modeptr[1], 'S')) Split = 'S'; else if (strchr(&Modeptr[1], 'D')) Data = 1; if (strchr(&Modeptr[1], 'W')) { WinmorMode = 'W'; PMaxLevel = '3'; PMinLevel = '1'; } else if (strchr(&Modeptr[1], 'N')) { WinmorMode = 'N'; PMaxLevel = '2'; PMinLevel = '1'; } if (strchr(&Modeptr[1], 'R')) // Robust Packet RPacketMode = '2'; // R600 else if (strchr(&Modeptr[1], 'H')) // HF Packet on Tracker PacketMode = '1'; // 300 if (strchr(&Modeptr[1], 'X')) // Dont Report to WL2K Supress = 1; if (strstr(&Modeptr[1], "A1")) Antenna = '1'; else if (strstr(&Modeptr[1], "A2")) Antenna = '2'; else if (strstr(&Modeptr[1], "A3")) Antenna = '3'; else if (strstr(&Modeptr[1], "A4")) Antenna = '4'; else if (strstr(&Modeptr[1], "A5")) Antenna = '5'; else if (strstr(&Modeptr[1], "A6")) Antenna = '6'; } } switch(PORT->PortType) { case ICOM: for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 24; ModeNo++) { if (strlen(Mode) == 1) { if (Modes[ModeNo][0] == Mode[0]) break; } else { if (_stricmp(Modes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } } break; case YAESU: for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 16; ModeNo++) { if (strlen(Mode) == 1) { if (YaesuModes[ModeNo][0] == Mode[0]) break; } else { if (_stricmp(YaesuModes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } } break; case KENWOOD: for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 8; ModeNo++) { if (strlen(Mode) == 1) { if (KenwoodModes[ModeNo][0] == Mode[0]) break; } else { if (_stricmp(KenwoodModes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } } break; case FLEX: for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 12; ModeNo++) { if (strlen(Mode) == 1) { if (FLEXModes[ModeNo][0] == Mode[0]) break; } else { if (_stricmp(FLEXModes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } } break; case FT2000: if (Modeptr) { if (strstr(Modeptr, "PL")) { ModeNo = 8; break; } if (strstr(Modeptr, "PU")) { ModeNo = 12; break; } } for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 14; ModeNo++) { if (strlen(Mode) == 1) { if (FT2000Modes[ModeNo][0] == Mode[0]) break; } else { if (_stricmp(FT2000Modes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } } break; case FT991A: /* if (Modeptr) { if (strstr(Modeptr, "PL")) { ModeNo = 8; break; } if (strstr(Modeptr, "PU")) { ModeNo = 12; break; } } */ for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 15; ModeNo++) { if (strlen(Mode) == 1) { if (FT991AModes[ModeNo][0] == Mode[0]) break; } else { if (_stricmp(FT991AModes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } } break; case FTDX10: for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 16; ModeNo++) { if (strlen(Mode) == 1) { if (FTDX10Modes[ModeNo][0] == Mode[0]) break; } else { if (_stricmp(FTDX10Modes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } } break; case FT100: for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 8; ModeNo++) { if (strlen(Mode) == 1) { if (FT100Modes[ModeNo][0] == Mode[0]) break; } else { if (_stricmp(FT100Modes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } } break; case FT990: for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 12; ModeNo++) { if (strlen(Mode) == 1) { if (FT990Modes[ModeNo][0] == Mode[0]) break; } else { if (_stricmp(FT990Modes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } } break; case FT1000: for (ModeNo = 0; ModeNo < 12; ModeNo++) { if (strlen(Mode) == 1) { if (FT1000Modes[ModeNo][0] == Mode[0]) break; } else { if (_stricmp(FT1000Modes[ModeNo], Mode) == 0) break; } } break; } Freq = Freq * 1000000.0; sprintf(FreqString, "%09.0f", Freq); FreqInt = Freq; FreqPtr[0] = malloc(sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); memset(FreqPtr[0], 0, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4244) if (Dwell == 0.0) FreqPtr[0]->Dwell = ScanFreq * 10; else FreqPtr[0]->Dwell = Dwell * 10; #pragma warning(pop) FreqPtr[0]->Freq = Freq; FreqPtr[0]->Bandwidth = WinmorMode; FreqPtr[0]->RPacketMode = RPacketMode; FreqPtr[0]->HFPacketMode = PacketMode; FreqPtr[0]->PMaxLevel = PMaxLevel; FreqPtr[0]->PMinLevel = PMinLevel; FreqPtr[0]->Antenna = Antenna; strcpy(FreqPtr[0]->ARDOPMode, ARDOPMode); FreqPtr[0]->VARAMode = VARAMode[0]; strcpy(FreqPtr[0]->APPL, Appl); ApplCall = GetApplCallFromName(Appl); if (strcmp(Appl, "NODE") == 0) { memcpy(FreqPtr[0]->APPLCALL, TNC->NodeCall, 9); strlop(FreqPtr[0]->APPLCALL, ' '); } else { if (ApplCall && ApplCall[0] > 32) { memcpy(FreqPtr[0]->APPLCALL, ApplCall, 9); strlop(FreqPtr[0]->APPLCALL, ' '); } } CmdPtr = FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1 = malloc(100); if (PORT->PortType == ICOM) { *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; if (RIG->ICF8101) { // Set Freq is 1A 35 and set Mode 1A 36 *(CmdPtr++) = 0x1A; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x35; // Set frequency command // Need to convert two chars to bcd digit *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[8] - 48) | ((FreqString[7] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[6] - 48) | ((FreqString[5] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[4] - 48) | ((FreqString[3] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[2] - 48) | ((FreqString[1] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[0] - 48); *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = 12; CmdPtr = FreqPtr[0]->Cmd2 = malloc(10); FreqPtr[0]->Cmd2Len = 9; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x1A; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x36; // Set mode command *(CmdPtr++) = 0; if (ModeNo > 19) *(CmdPtr++) = ModeNo + 12; else if (ModeNo > 9) *(CmdPtr++) = ModeNo + 6; else *(CmdPtr++) = ModeNo; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; } else { if (MemoryNumber) { // Set Memory Channel instead of Freq, Mode, etc char ChanString[5]; // Send Set Memory, then Channel *(CmdPtr++) = 0x08; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; sprintf(ChanString, "%04d", MemoryNumber); *(CmdPtr++) = 0x08; *(CmdPtr++) = (ChanString[1] - 48) | ((ChanString[0] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (ChanString[3] - 48) | ((ChanString[2] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = 14; if (MemoryBank) { *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x08; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xA0; *(CmdPtr++) = MemoryBank - 0x40; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len += 8; } } else { *(CmdPtr++) = 0x5; // Set frequency command // Need to convert two chars to bcd digit *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[8] - 48) | ((FreqString[7] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[6] - 48) | ((FreqString[5] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[4] - 48) | ((FreqString[3] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[2] - 48) | ((FreqString[1] - 48) << 4); if (RIG->IC735) { *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = 10; } else { *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[0] - 48); *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = 11; } // Send Set VFO in case last chan was memory // *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; // *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; // *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; // *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; // *(CmdPtr++) = 0x07; // *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; // FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = 17; if (Filter) { CmdPtr = FreqPtr[0]->Cmd2 = malloc(10); FreqPtr[0]->Cmd2Len = 8; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x6; // Set Mode *(CmdPtr++) = ModeNo; *(CmdPtr++) = Filter - '0'; //Filter *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; if (Split) { CmdPtr = FreqPtr[0]->Cmd3 = malloc(10); FreqPtr[0]->Cmd3Len = 7; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xF; // Set Mode if (Split == 'S') *(CmdPtr++) = 0x10; else if (Split == '+') *(CmdPtr++) = 0x12; else if (Split == '-') *(CmdPtr++) = 0x11; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; } else { if (Data) { CmdPtr = FreqPtr[0]->Cmd3 = malloc(10); *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x1a; if ((strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7100") == 0) || (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7410") == 0) || (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7600") == 0) || (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7610") == 0) || (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7300") == 0)) { FreqPtr[0]->Cmd3Len = 9; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x6; // Send/read DATA mode with filter set *(CmdPtr++) = 0x1; // Data On *(CmdPtr++) = Filter - '0'; //Filter } else if (strcmp(RIG->RigName, "IC7200") == 0) { FreqPtr[0]->Cmd3Len = 9; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x4; // Send/read DATA mode with filter set *(CmdPtr++) = 0x1; // Data On *(CmdPtr++) = Filter - '0'; //Filter } else { FreqPtr[0]->Cmd3Len = 8; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x6; // Set Data *(CmdPtr++) = 0x1; //On } *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; } } } if (Antenna == '5' || Antenna == '6') { // Antenna select for 746 and maybe others // Could be going in cmd2 3 or 4 if (FreqPtr[0]->Cmd2 == NULL) { CmdPtr = FreqPtr[0]->Cmd2 = malloc(10); FreqPtr[0]->Cmd2Len = 7; } else if (FreqPtr[0]->Cmd3 == NULL) { CmdPtr = FreqPtr[0]->Cmd3 = malloc(10); FreqPtr[0]->Cmd3Len = 7; } else { CmdPtr = FreqPtr[0]->Cmd4 = malloc(10); FreqPtr[0]->Cmd4Len = 7; } *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFE; *(CmdPtr++) = RIG->RigAddr; *(CmdPtr++) = 0xE0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0x12; // Set Antenna *(CmdPtr++) = Antenna - '5'; // 0 for A5 1 for A6 *(CmdPtr++) = 0xFD; } } } } else if (PORT->PortType == YAESU) { //Send Mode first - changing mode can change freq *(CmdPtr++) = ModeNo; *(CmdPtr++) = 0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0; *(CmdPtr++) = 7; *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[1] - 48) | ((FreqString[0] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[3] - 48) | ((FreqString[2] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[5] - 48) | ((FreqString[4] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[7] - 48) | ((FreqString[6] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = 1; // FT847 Needs a Poll Here. Set up anyway, but only send if 847 *(CmdPtr++) = 0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0; *(CmdPtr++) = 3; } else if (PORT->PortType == KENWOOD) { if (Power == 0) { if (Antenna == '5' || Antenna == '6') FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = sprintf(CmdPtr, "FA00%s;MD%d;AN%c;FA;MD;", FreqString, ModeNo, Antenna - 4); else FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = sprintf(CmdPtr, "FA00%s;MD%d;FA;MD;", FreqString, ModeNo); } else { if (Antenna == '5' || Antenna == '6') FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = sprintf(CmdPtr, "FA00%s;MD%d;AN%c;PC%03d;FA;MD;PC;", FreqString, ModeNo, Antenna - 4, Power); else FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = sprintf(CmdPtr, "FA00%s;MD%d;PC%03d;FA;MD;PC;", FreqString, ModeNo, Power); } } else if (PORT->PortType == FLEX) { FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = sprintf(CmdPtr, "ZZFA00%s;ZZMD%02d;ZZFA;ZZMD;", FreqString, ModeNo); } else if (PORT->PortType == FT2000) { FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = sprintf(CmdPtr, "FA%s;MD0%X;FA;MD;", &FreqString[1], ModeNo); } else if (PORT->PortType == FT991A || PORT->PortType == FTDX10) { FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = sprintf(CmdPtr, "FA%s;MD0%X;FA;MD0;", &FreqString[0], ModeNo); } else if (PORT->PortType == FT100 || PORT->PortType == FT990 || PORT->PortType == FT1000) { // Allow Mode = "LEAVE" to suppress mode change //Send Mode first - changing mode can change freq if (strcmp(Mode, "LEAVE") == 0) { // we can't easily change the string length, // so just set freq twice *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[7] - 48) | ((FreqString[6] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[5] - 48) | ((FreqString[4] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[3] - 48) | ((FreqString[2] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[1] - 48) | ((FreqString[0] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = 10; } else { *(CmdPtr++) = 0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0; *(CmdPtr++) = ModeNo; *(CmdPtr++) = 12; } *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[7] - 48) | ((FreqString[6] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[5] - 48) | ((FreqString[4] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[3] - 48) | ((FreqString[2] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = (FreqString[1] - 48) | ((FreqString[0] - 48) << 4); *(CmdPtr++) = 10; // Send Get Status, as these types doesn't ack commands *(CmdPtr++) = 0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0; *(CmdPtr++) = 0; if (PORT->PortType == FT990 || PORT->YaesuVariant == FT1000D) *(CmdPtr++) = 3; else *(CmdPtr++) = 2; // F100 or FT1000MP *(CmdPtr++) = 16; // Get Status } else if (PORT->PortType == NMEA) { int Len; i = sprintf(CmdPtr, "$PICOA,90,%02x,RXF,%.6f*xx\r\n", RIG->RigAddr, Freq/1000000.); AddNMEAChecksum(CmdPtr); Len = i; i = sprintf(CmdPtr + Len, "$PICOA,90,%02x,TXF,%.6f*xx\r\n", RIG->RigAddr, Freq/1000000.); AddNMEAChecksum(CmdPtr + Len); Len += i; i = sprintf(CmdPtr + Len, "$PICOA,90,%02x,MODE,%s*xx\r\n", RIG->RigAddr, Mode); AddNMEAChecksum(CmdPtr + Len); FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = Len + i; i = sprintf(RIG->Poll, "$PICOA,90,%02x,RXF*xx\r\n", RIG->RigAddr); AddNMEAChecksum(RIG->Poll); Len = i; i = sprintf(RIG->Poll + Len, "$PICOA,90,%02x,MODE*xx\r\n", RIG->RigAddr); AddNMEAChecksum(RIG->Poll + Len); RIG->PollLen = Len + i; } else if (PORT->PortType == HAMLIB) { FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = sprintf(CmdPtr, "F %s\n+f\nM %s %d\n+m\n", FreqString, Mode, BandWidth); } else if (PORT->PortType == FLRIG) { sprintf(FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Msg, "%.0f", Freq); sprintf(FreqPtr[0]->Cmd2Msg, "%s", Mode); sprintf(FreqPtr[0]->Cmd3Msg, "%d", BandWidth); } else if (PORT->PortType == RTLUDP) { int FM = 0; int AM = 1; int USB = 2; int LSB = 3; CmdPtr[0] = 0; memcpy(&CmdPtr[1], &FreqInt, 4); CmdPtr[1] = FreqInt & 0xff; CmdPtr[2] = (FreqInt >> 8) & 0xff; CmdPtr[3] = (FreqInt >> 16) & 0xff; CmdPtr[4] = (FreqInt >> 24) & 0xff; FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = 5; if (Mode[0]) { CmdPtr[5] = 1; FreqPtr[0]->Cmd1Len = 10; if (strcmp(Mode, "FM") == 0) memcpy(&CmdPtr[6], &FM, 4); else if (strcmp(Mode, "AM") == 0) memcpy(&CmdPtr[6], &AM, 4); else if (strcmp(Mode, "USB") == 0) memcpy(&CmdPtr[6], &USB, 4); else if (strcmp(Mode, "LSB") == 0) memcpy(&CmdPtr[6], &LSB, 4); } } FreqPtr++; RIG->ScanCounter = 20; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " \t\n\r", &Context); // Next Freq } if (RIG->NumberofBands) { CheckTimeBands(RIG); // Set initial FreqPtr; PORT->FreqPtr = RIG->FreqPtr[0]; } return RIG; } VOID SetupScanInterLockGroups(struct RIGINFO *RIG) { struct PORTCONTROL * PortRecord; struct TNCINFO * TNC; int port; int Interlock = RIG->Interlock; char PortString[128] = ""; char TxPortString[128] = ""; int n = 0; int nn = 0; // Find TNC ports in this Rig's scan group for (port = 1; port < MAXBPQPORTS; port++) { TNC = TNCInfo[port]; if (TNC == NULL) continue; PortRecord = &TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL; if (TNC->RXRadio == Interlock) { int p = PortRecord->PORTNUMBER; RIG->BPQPort |= ((uint64_t)1 << p); n += sprintf(&PortString[n], ",%d", p); TNC->RIG = RIG; if (RIG->PTTMode == 0 && TNC->PTTMode) RIG->PTTMode = TNC->PTTMode; } if (TNC->TXRadio == Interlock && TNC->TXRadio != TNC->RXRadio) { int p = PortRecord->PORTNUMBER; RIG->BPQPort |= ((uint64_t)1 << p); nn += sprintf(&TxPortString[nn], ",%d", p); TNC->TXRIG = RIG; if (RIG->PTTMode == 0 && TNC->PTTMode) RIG->PTTMode = TNC->PTTMode; } } if (RIG->PTTMode == 0 && (RIG->PTTCATPort[0] || RIG->HAMLIBPORT)) // PTT Mux Implies CAT RIG->PTTMode = PTTCI_V; if (PortString[0] && TxPortString[0]) // Have both sprintf(RIG->WEB_PORTS, "Rx: %s Tx: %s", &PortString[1], &TxPortString[1]); else if (PortString[0]) strcpy(RIG->WEB_PORTS, &PortString[1]); else if (TxPortString[0]) sprintf(RIG->WEB_PORTS, "Tx: %s", &TxPortString[1]); SetWindowText(RIG->hPORTS, RIG->WEB_PORTS); } VOID SetupPortRIGPointers() { struct TNCINFO * TNC; int port; for (port = 1; port < MAXBPQPORTS; port++) { TNC = TNCInfo[port]; if (TNC == NULL) continue; if (TNC->RIG == NULL) TNC->RIG = &TNC->DummyRig; // Not using Rig control, so use Dummy } } #ifdef WIN32 VOID PTTCATThread(struct RIGINFO *RIG) { DWORD dwLength = 0; int Length, ret, i; UCHAR * ptr1; UCHAR * ptr2; UCHAR c; UCHAR Block[4][80]; UCHAR CurrentState[4] = {0}; #define RTS 2 #define DTR 4 HANDLE Event; HANDLE Handle[4]; DWORD EvtMask[4]; OVERLAPPED Overlapped[4]; char Port[32]; int PIndex = 0; int HIndex = 0; int rc; EndPTTCATThread = FALSE; while (PIndex < 4 && RIG->PTTCATPort[PIndex][0]) { RIG->RealMux[HIndex] = 0; sprintf(Port, "\\\\.\\pipe\\BPQCOM%s", RIG->PTTCATPort[PIndex]); Handle[HIndex] = CreateFile(Port, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); if (Handle[HIndex] == (HANDLE) -1) { int Err = GetLastError(); char errmsg[256] = ""; // Only report if both BPQCOM and Real COM fail sprintf(errmsg, "PTTMUX port BPQCOM%s Open failed code %d - trying real com port", RIG->PTTCATPort[PIndex], Err); // See if real com port sprintf(Port, "\\\\.\\\\COM%s", RIG->PTTCATPort[PIndex]); Handle[HIndex] = CreateFile(Port, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); RIG->RealMux[HIndex] = 1; if (Handle[HIndex] == (HANDLE) -1) { int Err = GetLastError(); if (errmsg[0]) { Consoleprintf("%s", errmsg); Consoleprintf("PTTMUX port COM%s Open failed code %d", RIG->PTTCATPort[PIndex], Err); } } else { rc = SetCommMask(Handle[HIndex], EV_CTS | EV_DSR); // Request notifications HIndex++; } } else HIndex++; PIndex++; } if (PIndex == 0) return; // No ports Event = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); for (i = 0; i < HIndex; i ++) { memset(&Overlapped[i], 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); Overlapped[i].hEvent = Event; if (RIG->RealMux[i]) { // Request Interface change notifications rc = WaitCommEvent(Handle[i], &EvtMask[i], &Overlapped[i]); rc = GetLastError(); } else { // Prime a read on each handle ReadFile(Handle[i], Block[i], 80, &Length, &Overlapped[i]); } } while (EndPTTCATThread == FALSE) { WaitAgain: ret = WaitForSingleObject(Event, 1000); if (ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { if (EndPTTCATThread) { for (i = 0; i < HIndex; i ++) { CancelIo(Handle[i]); CloseHandle(Handle[i]); Handle[i] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } CloseHandle(Event); return; } goto WaitAgain; } ResetEvent(Event); // See which request(s) have completed for (i = 0; i < HIndex; i ++) { ret = GetOverlappedResult(Handle[i], &Overlapped[i], &Length, FALSE); if (ret) { if (RIG->RealMux[i]) { // Request Interface change notifications DWORD Mask; GetCommModemStatus(Handle[i], &Mask); if (Mask & MS_CTS_ON) Rig_PTTEx(RIG, TRUE, RIG->PTTCATTNC[i]); else Rig_PTTEx(RIG, FALSE, RIG->PTTCATTNC[i]); memset(&Overlapped[i], 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); Overlapped[i].hEvent = Event; WaitCommEvent(Handle[i], &EvtMask[i], &Overlapped[i]); } else { ptr1 = Block[i]; ptr2 = Block[i]; while (Length > 0) { c = *(ptr1++); Length--; if (c == 0xff) { c = *(ptr1++); Length--; if (c == 0xff) // ff ff means ff { Length--; } else { // This is connection / RTS/DTR statua from other end // Convert to CAT Command if (c == CurrentState[i]) continue; if (c & RTS) Rig_PTTEx(RIG, TRUE, RIG->PTTCATTNC[i]); else Rig_PTTEx(RIG, FALSE, RIG->PTTCATTNC[i]); CurrentState[i] = c; continue; } } } memset(&Overlapped[i], 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); Overlapped[i].hEvent = Event; ReadFile(Handle[i], Block[i], 80, &Length, &Overlapped[i]); } } } } EndPTTCATThread = FALSE; } /* memset(&Overlapped, 0, sizeof(Overlapped)); Overlapped.hEvent = Event; ResetEvent(Event); ret = ReadFile(Handle, Block, 80, &Length, &Overlapped); if (ret == 0) { ret = GetLastError(); if (ret != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { if (ret == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE || ret == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) { CloseHandle(Handle); RIG->PTTCATHandles[0] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return; } } } */ #endif // HAMLIB Support Code VOID HAMLIBPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; // Only one on HAMLIB char cmd[80]; int len; if (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) if (RIG->ScanCounter) RIG->ScanCounter--; if (PORT->Timeout) { PORT->Timeout--; if (PORT->Timeout) // Still waiting return; SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, "------------------"); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, "----------"); strcpy(RIG->WEB_FREQ, "-----------");; strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, "------"); RIG->RIGOK = FALSE; return; } // Send Data if avail, else send poll if (RIG->NumberofBands && RIG->RIGOK && (RIG->ScanStopped == 0)) { if (RIG->ScanCounter <= 0) { // Send Next Freq if (GetPermissionToChange(PORT, RIG)) { if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 Change Freq to %9.4f", PORT->FreqPtr->Freq); memcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len); PORT->TXLen = PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len; _gcvt(PORT->FreqPtr->Freq / 1000000.0, 9, RIG->Valchar); // For MH send(PORT->remoteSock, PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->TXLen, 0); PORT->CmdSent = 1; PORT->Retries = 0; PORT->Timeout = 0; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; // There isn't a response to a set command, so clear Scan Lock here ReleasePermission(RIG); // Release Perrmission return; } } } if (RIG->PollCounter) { RIG->PollCounter--; if (RIG->PollCounter > 1) return; } if (RIG->RIGOK && (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) && RIG->NumberofBands) return; // no point in reading freq if we are about to change it RIG->PollCounter = 10; // Once Per Sec // Read Frequency len = sprintf(cmd, "+f\n+m\n"); send(PORT->remoteSock, cmd, len, 0); PORT->Timeout = 10; PORT->CmdSent = 0; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; return; } void HAMLIBProcessMessage(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { // Called from Background thread int InputLen = recv(PORT->remoteSock, &PORT->RXBuffer[PORT->RXLen], 500 - PORT->RXLen, 0); if (InputLen == 0 || InputLen == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (PORT->remoteSock) closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->CONNECTED = FALSE; PORT->hDevice = 0; return; } PORT->RXLen += InputLen; } void FLRIGProcessMessage(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { // Called from Background thread int InputLen = recv(PORT->remoteSock, &PORT->RXBuffer[PORT->RXLen], 500 - PORT->RXLen, 0); if (InputLen == 0 || InputLen == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (PORT->remoteSock) closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->CONNECTED = FALSE; PORT->hDevice = 0; return; } PORT->RXLen += InputLen; ProcessFLRIGFrame(PORT); } void ProcessHAMLIBFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, int Length) { char * msg = PORT->RXBuffer; char * rest; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; // Only one on Yaseu msg[Length] = 0; PORT->Timeout = 0; RIG->RIGOK = 1; // extract lines from input while (msg && msg[0]) { rest = strlop(msg, 10); if (memcmp(msg, "Frequency:", 10) == 0) { RIG->RigFreq = atof(&msg[11]) / 1000000.0; _gcvt(RIG->RigFreq, 9, RIG->Valchar); sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%s", RIG->Valchar); SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); } else if (memcmp(msg, "Mode:", 5) == 0) { if (strlen(&msg[6]) < 15) strcpy(RIG->ModeString, &msg[6]); } else if (memcmp(msg, "Passband:", 9) == 0) { RIG->Passband = atoi(&msg[10]); sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE, "%s/%d", RIG->ModeString, RIG->Passband); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, RIG->WEB_MODE); } msg = rest; } } void ProcessFLRIGFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { char * msg; int Length; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; // Only one char * ptr1, * ptr2, * val; int Len, TotalLen; char cmd[80]; char ReqBuf[256]; char SendBuff[256]; while (PORT->RXLen > 0) { int b1 = 0, b2 = 0; msg = PORT->RXBuffer; Length = PORT->RXLen; msg[Length] = 0; ptr1 = strstr(msg, "Content-length:"); if (ptr1 == NULL) return; ptr2 = strstr(ptr1, "\r\n\r\n"); if (ptr2 == NULL) return; Len = atoi(&ptr1[15]); TotalLen = ptr2 + 4 + Len - msg; if (TotalLen > Length) // Don't have it all return; val = strstr(ptr2, ""); if (val) { val += 7; RIG->RIGOK = 1; PORT->RXLen -= TotalLen; // It is quite difficult to corrolate responses with commands, but we only poll for freq, mode and bandwidth // and the responses can be easily identified if (strstr(val, "") || memcmp(val, "", 8) == 0) { // Reply to set command - may need to send next in set or use to send OK if interactive if (PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd2Msg[0]) { sprintf(cmd, "%s", PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd2Msg); FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, "rig.set_mode", cmd); PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd2Msg[0] = 0; } else if (PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd3Msg[0] && strcmp(PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd3Msg, "0") != 0) { sprintf(cmd, "%s", PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd3Msg); FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, "rig.set_bandwidth", cmd); PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd3Msg[0] = 0; } else if (!PORT->AutoPoll) { GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 61); SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Set OK"); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); PORT->AutoPoll = 1; // So we dond send another } } else if(strstr(val, "")) { // Reply to get BW char * p1, * p2; p1 = strstr(val, ""); if (p1) { p1 += 7; b1 = atoi(p1); p2 = strstr(p1, ""); if (p2) { p2 +=7; b2 = atoi(p2); } } if (b1) { if (b2) sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE, "%s/%d:%d", RIG->ModeString, b1, b2); else sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE, "%s/%d", RIG->ModeString, b1); MySetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, RIG->WEB_MODE); } } else { // Either freq or mode. See if numeric double freq; strlop(val, '<'); freq = atof(val) / 1000000.0; if (freq > 0.0) { RIG->RigFreq = freq; _gcvt(RIG->RigFreq, 9, RIG->Valchar); sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%s", RIG->Valchar); MySetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); // Read Mode Len = sprintf(ReqBuf, Req, "rig.get_mode", ""); Len = sprintf(SendBuff, MsgHddr, Len, ReqBuf); send(PORT->remoteSock, SendBuff, Len, 0); } else { if (strlen(val)> 1) { strcpy(RIG->ModeString, val); if (b1) { if (b2) sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE, "%s/%d:%d", RIG->ModeString, b1, b2); else sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE, "%s/%d", RIG->ModeString, b1); } else SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, RIG->WEB_MODE); MySetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, RIG->WEB_MODE); Len = sprintf(ReqBuf, Req, "rig.get_bw", ""); Len = sprintf(SendBuff, MsgHddr, Len, ReqBuf); send(PORT->remoteSock, SendBuff, Len, 0); } } } // We now send all setting commands at once /* if (memcmp(PORT->TXBuffer, "rig.set_vfo", 11) == 0) { // Set Freq - Send Set Mode if needed if (PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd2Msg[0]) { sprintf(cmd, "%s", PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd2Msg); FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, "rig.set_mode", cmd); if (strcmp(PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd3Msg, "0") != 0) { sprintf(cmd, "%s", PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd3Msg); FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, "rig.set_bandwidth", cmd); } strcpy(RIG->ModeString, PORT->ScanEntry.Cmd2Msg); } else { if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Set Freq OK"); strcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, "rig.get_vfo"); Len = sprintf(ReqBuf, Req, "rig.get_vfo", ""); Len = sprintf(SendBuff, MsgHddr, Len, ReqBuf); strcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, "rig.get_bw"); Len = sprintf(ReqBuf, Req, "rig.get_bw", ""); Len = sprintf(SendBuff, MsgHddr, Len, ReqBuf); send(PORT->remoteSock, SendBuff, Len, 0); } continue; } if (memcmp(PORT->TXBuffer, "rig.set_mode", 11) == 0) { strcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, "rig.get_vfo"); Len = sprintf(ReqBuf, Req, "rig.get_vfo", ""); Len = sprintf(SendBuff, MsgHddr, Len, ReqBuf); send(PORT->remoteSock, SendBuff, Len, 0); if (!PORT->AutoPoll) SendResponse(RIG->Session, "Set Freq and Mode OK"); continue; } if (memcmp(PORT->TXBuffer, "rig.get_vfo", 11) == 0) { RIG->RigFreq = atof(val) / 1000000.0; _gcvt(RIG->RigFreq, 9, RIG->Valchar); sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%s", RIG->Valchar); MySetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); strcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, "rig.get_mode"); Len = sprintf(ReqBuf, Req, "rig.get_mode", ""); Len = sprintf(SendBuff, MsgHddr, Len, ReqBuf); send(PORT->remoteSock, SendBuff, Len, 0); Len = sprintf(ReqBuf, Req, "rig.get_bw", ""); Len = sprintf(SendBuff, MsgHddr, Len, ReqBuf); send(PORT->remoteSock, SendBuff, Len, 0); continue; } if (memcmp(PORT->TXBuffer, "rig.get_mode", 11) == 0) { strlop(val, '<'); sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE, "%s", val); MySetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, RIG->WEB_MODE); } } */ } if (PORT->RXLen > 0) memmove(PORT->RXBuffer, &PORT->RXBuffer[TotalLen], PORT->RXLen); else PORT->RXLen = 0; PORT->Timeout = 0; } /* POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: XMLRPC++ 0.8 Host: Content-type: text/xml Content-length: 89 rig.get_vfoA HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: XMLRPC++ 0.8 Content-Type: text/xml Content-length: 118 14070000 */ } void HLSetMode(SOCKET Sock, struct RIGINFO * RIG, unsigned char * Msg, char sep) { char Resp[120]; int Len; char mode[80] = ""; int filter = 0; int n = sscanf(&Msg[1], "%s %d", mode, &filter); // Send to RIGCommand. Can't set Mode without Freq so need to use current // ?? Should be try to convert bandwidth to filter ?? RIG->Passband = filter; if (RIG->PORT->PortType == ICOM) // Needs a Filter sprintf(Resp, "%d %s %s 1\n", 0, RIG->Valchar, mode); else sprintf(Resp, "%d %s %s\n", 0, RIG->Valchar, mode); GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 60); Rig_CommandEx(RIG->PORT, RIG, (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, Resp); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); if (sep) Len = sprintf(Resp, "set_mode: %s %d%cRPRT 0\n", mode, filter, sep); else Len = sprintf(Resp, "RPRT 0\n"); send(Sock, Resp, Len, 0); } void HLSetFreq(SOCKET Sock, struct RIGINFO * RIG, unsigned char * Msg, char sep) { char Resp[80]; int Len; int freq = atoi(&Msg[1]); // Send to RIGCommand sprintf(Resp, "%d %f\n", 0, freq/1000000.0); GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 60); Rig_CommandEx(RIG->PORT, RIG, (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, Resp); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); if (sep) Len = sprintf(Resp, "set_freq: %d%cRPRT 0\n", freq, sep); else Len = sprintf(Resp, "RPRT 0\n"); send(Sock, Resp, Len, 0); } void HLGetPTT(SOCKET Sock, struct RIGINFO * RIG, char sep) { char Resp[80]; int Len; int ptt = 0; if (RIG->PTTTimer) ptt = 1; if (sep) Len = sprintf(Resp, "get_ptt:%cPTT: %d%cRPRT 0\n", sep, ptt, sep); else Len = sprintf(Resp, "%d\n", ptt); send(Sock, Resp, Len, 0); } void HLSetPTT(SOCKET Sock, struct RIGINFO * RIG, unsigned char * Msg, char sep) { char Resp[80]; int Len; int ptt = atoi(&Msg[1]); if (ptt) Rig_PTTEx(RIG, 1, NULL); else Rig_PTTEx(RIG, 0, NULL); if (sep) Len = sprintf(Resp, "set_ptt: %d%cRPRT 0\n", ptt, sep); else Len = sprintf(Resp, "RPRT 0\n"); send(Sock, Resp, Len, 0); } void HLGetMode(SOCKET Sock, struct RIGINFO * RIG, char sep) { char Resp[80]; int Len; if (sep) Len = sprintf(Resp, "get_mode:%cMode: %s%cPassband: %d%cRPRT 0\n", sep, RIG->ModeString, sep, RIG->Passband, sep); else Len = sprintf(Resp, "%s\n%d\n", RIG->ModeString, RIG->Passband); send(Sock, Resp, Len, 0); } void HLGetFreq(SOCKET Sock, struct RIGINFO * RIG, char sep) { char Resp[80]; int Len; char freqval[64]; double freq = atof(RIG->Valchar) * 1000000.0; sprintf(freqval, "%f", freq); strlop(freqval, '.'); if (sep) Len = sprintf(Resp, "get_freq:%cFrequency: %s%cRPRT 0\n", sep, freqval, sep); else Len = sprintf(Resp, "%s\n", freqval); send(Sock, Resp, Len, 0); } void HLGetVFO(SOCKET Sock, struct RIGINFO * RIG, char sep) { char Resp[80]; int Len; if (sep) Len = sprintf(Resp, "get_vfo:%s%cRPRT 0\n", "VFOA", sep); else Len = sprintf(Resp, "%s\n", "VFOA"); send(Sock, Resp, Len, 0); } void HLGetSplit(SOCKET Sock, struct RIGINFO * RIG, char sep) { char Resp[80]; int Len; if (sep) Len = sprintf(Resp, "get_vfo:%s%cRPRT 0\n", "VFOA", sep); else Len = sprintf(Resp, "0\n%s\n", "VFOA"); send(Sock, Resp, Len, 0); } int ProcessHAMLIBSlaveMessage(SOCKET Sock, struct RIGINFO * RIG, unsigned char * Msg, int MsgLen) { // We only process a pretty small subset of rigctl messages // commands are generally a single character, upper case for set // and lower case for get. If preceeded by + ; | or , response will // be in extended form. + adds an LF between field, other values the // supplied char is used as seperator. // At the moments we support freq (F) mode (m) and PTT (T) char sep = 0; if (Msg[0] == '#') return 0; // Comment strlop(Msg, 13); strlop(Msg, 10); // \ on front is used for long mode. Hopefully not used much // WSJT seems ro need \chk_vfo and \dump_state if (Msg[0] == '\\') { if (strcmp(&Msg[1], "chk_vfo") == 0) { char Reply[80]; int Len = sprintf(Reply, "CHKVFO 0\n"); send(Sock, Reply, Len, 0); return 0; } if (strcmp(&Msg[1], "dump_state") == 0) { char Reply[4096]; int Len = sprintf(Reply, "0\n" "1\n" "2\n" "150000.000000 1500000000.000000 0x1ff -1 -1 0x10000003 0x3\n" "0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n" "0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n" "0x1ff 1\n" "0x1ff 0\n" "0 0\n" "0x1e 2400\n" "0x2 500\n" "0x1 8000\n" "0x1 2400\n" "0x20 15000\n" "0x20 8000\n" "0x40 230000\n" "0 0\n" "9990\n" "9990\n" "10000\n" "0\n" "10 \n" "10 20 30 \n" "0xffffffff\n" "0xffffffff\n" "0xf7ffffff\n" "0x83ffffff\n" "0xffffffff\n" "0xffffffbf\n"); send(Sock, Reply, Len, 0); return 0; } } if (Msg[0] == 'q' || Msg[0] == 'Q') { // close connection return 1; } if (Msg[0] == '+') { sep = 10; Msg++; MsgLen --; } else if (Msg[0] == '_' || Msg[0] == '?') { } else if (ispunct(Msg[0])) { sep = Msg[0]; Msg++; MsgLen --; } switch (Msg[0]) { case 'f': // Get Frequency HLGetFreq(Sock, RIG, sep); return 0; case 'm': // Get Mode HLGetMode(Sock, RIG, sep); return 0; case 't': // Get PTT HLGetPTT(Sock, RIG, sep); return 0; case 'v': // Get VFO HLGetVFO(Sock, RIG, sep); return 0; case 's': // Get Split HLGetSplit(Sock, RIG, sep); return 0; case 'F': HLSetFreq(Sock, RIG, Msg, sep); return 0; case 'M': HLSetMode(Sock, RIG, Msg, sep); return 0; case 'T': HLSetPTT(Sock, RIG, Msg, sep); return 0; } return 0; } int DecodeHAMLIBAddr(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, char * ptr) { // Param is IPADDR:PORT. Only Allow numeric addresses struct sockaddr_in * destaddr = (SOCKADDR_IN *)&PORT->remoteDest; char * port = strlop(ptr, ':'); if (port == NULL) return 0; destaddr->sin_family = AF_INET; destaddr->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ptr); destaddr->sin_port = htons(atoi(port)); return 1; } VOID HAMLIBThread(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID ConnecttoHAMLIB(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { if (HAMLIBMasterRunning) _beginthread(HAMLIBThread, 0, (void *)PORT); return ; } VOID HAMLIBThread(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { // Opens sockets and looks for data char Msg[255]; int err, i, ret; u_long param=1; BOOL bcopt=TRUE; fd_set readfs; fd_set errorfs; struct timeval timeout; if (PORT->remoteSock) { closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); } PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->remoteSock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (PORT->remoteSock == INVALID_SOCKET) { i=sprintf(Msg, "Socket Failed for HAMLIB socket - error code = %d\r\n", WSAGetLastError()); WritetoConsole(Msg); PORT->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; } setsockopt(PORT->remoteSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); setsockopt(PORT->remoteSock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); if (connect(PORT->remoteSock,(LPSOCKADDR) &PORT->remoteDest,sizeof(PORT->remoteDest)) == 0) { // // Connected successful // ioctl(PORT->remoteSock, FIONBIO, ¶m); } else { if (PORT->Alerted == FALSE) { struct sockaddr_in * destaddr = (SOCKADDR_IN * )&PORT->remoteDest; err = WSAGetLastError(); sprintf(Msg, "Connect Failed for HAMLIB socket - error code = %d Addr %s\r\n", err, PORT->IOBASE); WritetoConsole(Msg); PORT->Alerted = TRUE; } closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; } PORT->CONNECTED = TRUE; PORT->hDevice = (HANDLE)1; // simplifies check code PORT->Alerted = TRUE; while (PORT->CONNECTED) { FD_ZERO(&readfs); FD_ZERO(&errorfs); FD_SET(PORT->remoteSock,&readfs); FD_SET(PORT->remoteSock,&errorfs); timeout.tv_sec = 5; timeout.tv_usec = 0; ret = select((int)PORT->remoteSock + 1, &readfs, NULL, &errorfs, &timeout); if (HAMLIBMasterRunning == 0) return; if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { Debugprintf("HAMLIB Select failed %d ", WSAGetLastError()); goto Lost; } if (ret > 0) { // See what happened if (FD_ISSET(PORT->remoteSock, &readfs)) { HAMLIBProcessMessage(PORT); } if (FD_ISSET(PORT->remoteSock, &errorfs)) { Lost: sprintf(Msg, "HAMLIB Connection lost for Addr %s\r\n", PORT->IOBASE); WritetoConsole(Msg); PORT->CONNECTED = FALSE; PORT->Alerted = FALSE; PORT->hDevice = 0; // simplifies check code closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); PORT->remoteSock = 0; return; } continue; } else { } } sprintf(Msg, "HAMLIB Thread Terminated Addr %s\r\n", PORT->IOBASE); WritetoConsole(Msg); } void HAMLIBSlaveThread(struct RIGINFO * RIG) { // Wait for connections and messages from HAMLIB Clients fd_set readfs; fd_set errorfs; struct timeval timeout; int ret; unsigned int maxsock; HAMLIBSlaveRunning = 1; Consoleprintf("HAMLIB Slave Thread %d Running", RIG->HAMLIBPORT); while (HAMLIBSlaveRunning) { struct HAMLIBSOCK * Entry = RIG->Sockets; struct HAMLIBSOCK * Prev; FD_ZERO(&readfs); FD_ZERO(&errorfs); FD_SET(RIG->ListenSocket, &readfs); FD_SET(RIG->ListenSocket, &errorfs); maxsock = RIG->ListenSocket; while (Entry && HAMLIBSlaveRunning) { FD_SET(Entry->Sock, &readfs); FD_SET(Entry->Sock, &errorfs); if (Entry->Sock > maxsock) maxsock = Entry->Sock; Entry = Entry->Next; } timeout.tv_sec = 5; timeout.tv_usec = 0; ret = select(maxsock + 1, &readfs, NULL, &errorfs, &timeout); if (HAMLIBSlaveRunning == 0) return; if (ret == -1) { perror("listen select"); continue; } if (ret) { if (FD_ISSET(RIG->ListenSocket, &readfs)) { // Connection. Accept it and create a socket enty int addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); struct sockaddr_in6 sin6; struct HAMLIBSOCK * Entry = zalloc(sizeof(struct HAMLIBSOCK)); Entry->Sock = accept(RIG->ListenSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&sin6, &addrlen); if (RIG->Sockets) Entry->Next = RIG->Sockets; RIG->Sockets = Entry; } // See if any Data Sockets Entry = RIG->Sockets; Prev = 0; while (Entry) { unsigned char MsgBuf[256]; unsigned char * Msg = MsgBuf; int MsgLen; if (FD_ISSET(Entry->Sock, &readfs)) { MsgLen = recv(Entry->Sock, Msg, 256, 0); if (MsgLen <= 0) { // Closed - close socket and remove from chain closesocket(Entry->Sock); if (Prev == 0) RIG->Sockets = Entry->Next; else Prev->Next = Entry->Next; free (Entry); break; } else { // Could have multiple messages in packet // Terminator can be CR LF or CRLF char * ptr; int Len; Msg[MsgLen] = 0; Loop: ptr = strlop(Msg, 10); if (ptr == NULL) strlop(Msg, 13); Len = strlen(Msg); if (ProcessHAMLIBSlaveMessage(Entry->Sock, RIG, Msg, Len) == 1) { // close request closesocket(Entry->Sock); if (Prev == 0) RIG->Sockets = Entry->Next; else Prev->Next = Entry->Next; free (Entry); break; } Msg = ptr; if (Msg) { while (Msg[0] == 10 || Msg[0] == 13) Msg++; if (Msg[0]) goto Loop; } } } if (FD_ISSET(Entry->Sock, &errorfs)) { // Closed - close socket and remove from chai closesocket(Entry->Sock); if (Prev == 0) RIG->Sockets = Entry->Next; else Prev->Next = Entry->Next; free (Entry); break; } // Check Next Client Prev = Entry; Entry = Entry->Next; } } } Consoleprintf("HAMLIB Slave Thread %d Exited", RIG->HAMLIBPORT); } VOID FLRIGPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; int Len; char ReqBuf[256]; char SendBuff[256]; if (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) if (RIG->ScanCounter) RIG->ScanCounter--; if (PORT->Timeout) { PORT->Timeout--; if (PORT->Timeout) // Still waiting return; SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, "------------------"); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, "----------"); strcpy(RIG->WEB_FREQ, "-----------");; strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, "------"); RIG->RIGOK = FALSE; return; } // Send Data if avail, else send poll if (RIG->NumberofBands && RIG->RIGOK && (RIG->ScanStopped == 0)) { if (RIG->ScanCounter <= 0) { // Send Next Freq if (GetPermissionToChange(PORT, RIG)) { char cmd[80]; double freq; if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 Change Freq to %9.4f", PORT->FreqPtr->Freq); _gcvt(PORT->FreqPtr->Freq / 1000000.0, 9, RIG->Valchar); // For MH // Send the Set Freq here, send set mode when we get a response memcpy(&PORT->ScanEntry, PORT->FreqPtr, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); sprintf(cmd, "%s", PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Msg); FLRIGSendCommand(PORT, "rig.set_vfo", cmd); // Update display as we don't get a response freq = atof(PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Msg) / 1000000.0; if (freq > 0.0) { RIG->RigFreq = freq; _gcvt(RIG->RigFreq, 9, RIG->Valchar); sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%s", RIG->Valchar); MySetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); } PORT->CmdSent = 1; PORT->Retries = 0; PORT->Timeout = 10; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; // There isn't a response to a set command, so clear Scan Lock here ReleasePermission(RIG); // Release Perrmission return; } } } if (RIG->PollCounter) { RIG->PollCounter--; if (RIG->PollCounter > 1) return; } if (RIG->RIGOK && (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) && RIG->NumberofBands) return; // no point in reading freq if we are about to change it RIG->PollCounter = 10; // Once Per Sec // Read Frequency strcpy(Poll, "rig.get_vfo"); Len = sprintf(ReqBuf, Req, Poll, ""); Len = sprintf(SendBuff, MsgHddr, Len, ReqBuf); if (PORT->CONNECTED) { if (send(PORT->remoteSock, SendBuff, Len, 0) != Len) { if (PORT->remoteSock) closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->CONNECTED = FALSE; PORT->hDevice = 0; return; } } PORT->Timeout = 10; PORT->CmdSent = 0; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; return; } VOID FLRIGSendCommand(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, char * Command, char * Value) { int Len; char ReqBuf[512]; char SendBuff[512]; char ValueString[256] =""; if (!PORT->CONNECTED) return; sprintf(ValueString, "%s", Value); strcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, Command); Len = sprintf(ReqBuf, Req, PORT->TXBuffer, ValueString); Len = sprintf(SendBuff, MsgHddr, Len, ReqBuf); if (send(PORT->remoteSock, SendBuff, Len, 0) != Len) { if (PORT->remoteSock) closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->CONNECTED = FALSE; PORT->hDevice = 0; } return; } VOID FLRIGThread(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID ConnecttoFLRIG(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { if (FLRIGRunning) _beginthread(FLRIGThread, 0, (void *)PORT); return ; } VOID FLRIGThread(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { // Opens sockets and looks for data char Msg[255]; int err, i, ret; u_long param=1; BOOL bcopt=TRUE; fd_set readfs; fd_set errorfs; struct timeval timeout; if (PORT->remoteSock) { closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); } PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->remoteSock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (PORT->remoteSock == INVALID_SOCKET) { i=sprintf(Msg, "Socket Failed for FLRIG socket - error code = %d\r\n", WSAGetLastError()); WritetoConsole(Msg); PORT->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; } setsockopt(PORT->remoteSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); setsockopt(PORT->remoteSock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); if (connect(PORT->remoteSock,(LPSOCKADDR) &PORT->remoteDest, sizeof(PORT->remoteDest)) == 0) { // // Connected successful // ioctl(PORT->remoteSock, FIONBIO, ¶m); } else { if (PORT->Alerted == FALSE) { struct sockaddr_in * destaddr = (SOCKADDR_IN * )&PORT->remoteDest; err = WSAGetLastError(); sprintf(Msg, "Connect Failed for FLRIG socket - error code = %d Port %d\r\n", err, htons(destaddr->sin_port)); WritetoConsole(Msg); PORT->Alerted = TRUE; } closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; } PORT->CONNECTED = TRUE; PORT->hDevice = (HANDLE)1; // simplifies check code PORT->Alerted = TRUE; while (PORT->CONNECTED && FLRIGRunning) { FD_ZERO(&readfs); FD_ZERO(&errorfs); FD_SET(PORT->remoteSock,&readfs); FD_SET(PORT->remoteSock,&errorfs); timeout.tv_sec = 5; timeout.tv_usec = 0; ret = select((int)PORT->remoteSock + 1, &readfs, NULL, &errorfs, &timeout); if (FLRIGRunning == 0) return; if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { Debugprintf("FLRIG Select failed %d ", WSAGetLastError()); goto Lost; } if (ret > 0) { // See what happened if (FD_ISSET(PORT->remoteSock, &readfs)) { FLRIGProcessMessage(PORT); } if (FD_ISSET(PORT->remoteSock, &errorfs)) { Lost: sprintf(Msg, "FLRIG Connection lost for Port %s\r\n", PORT->IOBASE); WritetoConsole(Msg); PORT->CONNECTED = FALSE; PORT->Alerted = FALSE; PORT->hDevice = 0; // simplifies check code closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); PORT->remoteSock = 0; return; } continue; } else { } } sprintf(Msg, "FLRIG Thread Terminated Port %s\r\n", PORT->IOBASE); WritetoConsole(Msg); } // HID Support Code int HID_Read_Block(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { int Len; unsigned char Msg[65] = ""; if (PORT->RXLen > 400) PORT->RXLen = 0; // Don't try to read more than 64 #ifdef WIN32 Len = rawhid_recv(0, Msg, 64, 100); #else Len = read(PORT->hDevice, Msg, 64); #endif if (Len <= 0) return 0; // First byte is actual length Len = Msg[0]; if (Len > 0) { if (Len < 64) // Max in HID Packet { memcpy(&PORT->RXBuffer[PORT->RXLen], Msg + 1, Len); return Len; } } return 0; } void rawhid_close(int num); BOOL HID_Write_Block(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { int n = PORT->TXLen; UCHAR * ptr = PORT->TXBuffer; UCHAR Msg[64] = ""; int ret, i; while (n) { i = n; if (i > 63) i = 63; Msg[0] = i; // Length on front memcpy(&Msg[1], ptr, i); ptr += i; n -= i; // n = hid_write(PORT->hDevice, PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->TXLen); #ifdef WIN32 ret = rawhid_send(0, Msg, 64, 100); // Always send 64 if (ret < 0) { Debugprintf("Rigcontrol HID Write Failed %d", errno); rawhid_close(0); PORT->hDevice = NULL; return FALSE; } #else ret = write(PORT->hDevice, Msg, 64); if (ret != 64) { printf ("Write to %s failed, n=%d, errno=%d\n", PORT->HIDDevice, ret, errno); close (PORT->hDevice); PORT->hDevice = 0; return FALSE; } // printf("HID Write %d\n", i); #endif } return TRUE; } BOOL OpenHIDPort(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, VOID * Port, int Speed) { #ifdef WIN32 if (PORT->HIDDevice== NULL) return FALSE; PORT->hDevice = rawhid_open(PORT->HIDDevice); if (PORT->hDevice) Debugprintf("Rigcontrol HID Device %s opened", PORT->HIDDevice); /* handle = hid_open_path(PORT->HIDDevice); if (handle) hid_set_nonblocking(handle, 1); PORT->hDevice = handle; */ #else int fd; unsigned int param = 1; if (PORT->HIDDevice== NULL) return FALSE; fd = open (PORT->HIDDevice, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { printf ("Could not open %s, errno=%d\n", PORT->HIDDevice, errno); return FALSE; } ioctl(fd, FIONBIO, ¶m); printf("Rigcontrol HID Device %s opened", PORT->HIDDevice); PORT->hDevice = fd; #endif if (PORT->hDevice == 0) return (FALSE); return TRUE; } void CM108_set_ptt(struct RIGINFO *RIG, int PTTState) { char io[5]; hid_device *handle; int n; io[0] = 0; io[1] = 0; io[2] = 1 << (3 - 1); io[3] = PTTState << (3 - 1); io[4] = 0; if (RIG->CM108Device == NULL) return; #ifdef WIN32 handle = hid_open_path(RIG->CM108Device); if (!handle) { printf("unable to open device\n"); return; } n = hid_write(handle, io, 5); if (n < 0) { Debugprintf("Unable to write()\n"); Debugprintf("Error: %ls\n", hid_error(RIG->PORT->hDevice)); } hid_close(handle); #else int fd; fd = open (RIG->CM108Device, O_WRONLY); if (fd == -1) { printf ("Could not open %s for write, errno=%d\n", RIG->CM108Device, errno); return; } io[0] = 0; io[1] = 0; io[2] = 1 << (3 - 1); io[3] = PTTState << (3 - 1); io[4] = 0; n = write (fd, io, 5); if (n != 5) { printf ("Write to %s failed, n=%d, errno=%d\n", RIG->CM108Device, n, errno); } close (fd); #endif return; } /* int CRow; HANDLE hComPort, hSpeed, hRigType, hButton, hAddr, hLabel, hTimes, hFreqs, hBPQPort; VOID CreateRigConfigLine(HWND hDlg, struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, struct RIGINFO * RIG) { char Port[10]; hButton = CreateWindow(WC_BUTTON , "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP, 10, CRow+5, 10,10, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); if (PORT->PortType == ICOM) { char Addr[10]; sprintf(Addr, "%X", RIG->RigAddr); hAddr = CreateWindow(WC_EDIT , Addr, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_BORDER, 305, CRow, 30,20, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); } hLabel = CreateWindow(WC_EDIT , RIG->RigName, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_BORDER, 340, CRow, 60,20, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); sprintf(Port, "%d", RIG->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER); hBPQPort = CreateWindow(WC_EDIT , Port, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_BORDER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, 405, CRow, 20, 20, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); hTimes = CreateWindow(WC_COMBOBOX , "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | CBS_DROPDOWN | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP, 430, CRow, 100,80, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); hFreqs = CreateWindow(WC_EDIT , RIG->FreqText, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE| WS_TABSTOP | WS_BORDER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, 535, CRow, 300, 20, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); SendMessage(hTimes, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) "0000:1159"); SendMessage(hTimes, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) "1200:2359"); SendMessage(hTimes, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); CRow += 30; } VOID CreatePortConfigLine(HWND hDlg, struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { char Port[20]; int i; hComPort = CreateWindow(WC_COMBOBOX , "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | CBS_DROPDOWN | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP, 30, CRow, 90, 160, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); for (i = 1; i < 256; i++) { sprintf(Port, "COM%d", i); SendMessage(hComPort, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) Port); } sprintf(Port, "COM%d", PORT->IOBASE); i = SendMessage(hComPort, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0,(LPARAM) Port); SendMessage(hComPort, CB_SETCURSEL, i, 0); hSpeed = CreateWindow(WC_COMBOBOX , "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | CBS_DROPDOWN | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP, 120, CRow, 75, 80, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); SendMessage(hSpeed, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) "1200"); SendMessage(hSpeed, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) "2400"); SendMessage(hSpeed, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) "4800"); SendMessage(hSpeed, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) "9600"); SendMessage(hSpeed, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) "19200"); SendMessage(hSpeed, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) "38400"); sprintf(Port, "%d", PORT->SPEED); i = SendMessage(hSpeed, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0, (LPARAM)Port); SendMessage(hSpeed, CB_SETCURSEL, i, 0); hRigType = CreateWindow(WC_COMBOBOX , "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | CBS_DROPDOWN | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP, 200, CRow, 100,80, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); SendMessage(hRigType, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) "ICOM"); SendMessage(hRigType, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) "YAESU"); SendMessage(hRigType, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) "KENWOOD"); SendMessage(hRigType, CB_SETCURSEL, PORT->PortType -1, 0); } INT_PTR CALLBACK ConfigDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int Cmd = LOWORD(wParam); switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT; struct RIGINFO * RIG; int i, p; CRow = 40; for (p = 0; p < NumberofPorts; p++) { PORT = PORTInfo[p]; CreatePortConfigLine(hDlg, PORT); for (i=0; i < PORT->ConfiguredRigs; i++) { RIG = &PORT->Rigs[i]; CreateRigConfigLine(hDlg, PORT, RIG); } } // CreateWindow(WC_STATIC , "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, // 90, Row, 40,20, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); // CreateWindow(WC_STATIC , "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, // 135, Row, 100,20, hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); return TRUE; } case WM_SIZING: { return TRUE; } case WM_ACTIVATE: // SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_MESSAGE, EM_SETSEL, -1, 0); break; case WM_COMMAND: if (Cmd == IDCANCEL) { EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam)); return (INT_PTR)TRUE; } return (INT_PTR)TRUE; break; } return (INT_PTR)FALSE; } */ #ifdef WIN32 /* Simple Raw HID functions for Windows - for use with Teensy RawHID example * http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/rawhid.html * Copyright (c) 2009 PJRC.COM, LLC * * rawhid_open - open 1 or more devices * rawhid_recv - receive a packet * rawhid_send - send a packet * rawhid_close - close a device * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above description, website URL and copyright notice and this permission * notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * Version 1.0: Initial Release */ #include #include // //#include #include //#include //#include typedef USHORT USAGE; typedef struct _HIDD_CONFIGURATION { PVOID cookie; ULONG size; ULONG RingBufferSize; } HIDD_CONFIGURATION, *PHIDD_CONFIGURATION; typedef struct _HIDD_ATTRIBUTES { ULONG Size; USHORT VendorID; USHORT ProductID; USHORT VersionNumber; } HIDD_ATTRIBUTES, *PHIDD_ATTRIBUTES; typedef struct _HIDP_CAPS { USAGE Usage; USAGE UsagePage; USHORT InputReportByteLength; USHORT OutputReportByteLength; USHORT FeatureReportByteLength; USHORT Reserved[17]; USHORT NumberLinkCollectionNodes; USHORT NumberInputButtonCaps; USHORT NumberInputValueCaps; USHORT NumberInputDataIndices; USHORT NumberOutputButtonCaps; USHORT NumberOutputValueCaps; USHORT NumberOutputDataIndices; USHORT NumberFeatureButtonCaps; USHORT NumberFeatureValueCaps; USHORT NumberFeatureDataIndices; } HIDP_CAPS, *PHIDP_CAPS; typedef struct _HIDP_PREPARSED_DATA * PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA; // a list of all opened HID devices, so the caller can // simply refer to them by number typedef struct hid_struct hid_t; static hid_t *first_hid = NULL; static hid_t *last_hid = NULL; struct hid_struct { HANDLE handle; int open; struct hid_struct *prev; struct hid_struct *next; }; static HANDLE rx_event=NULL; static HANDLE tx_event=NULL; static CRITICAL_SECTION rx_mutex; static CRITICAL_SECTION tx_mutex; // private functions, not intended to be used from outside this file static void add_hid(hid_t *h); static hid_t * get_hid(int num); static void free_all_hid(void); void print_win32_err(void); // rawhid_recv - receive a packet // Inputs: // num = device to receive from (zero based) // buf = buffer to receive packet // len = buffer's size // timeout = time to wait, in milliseconds // Output: // number of bytes received, or -1 on error // int rawhid_recv(int num, void *buf, int len, int timeout) { hid_t *hid; unsigned char tmpbuf[516]; OVERLAPPED ov; DWORD r; int n; if (sizeof(tmpbuf) < len + 1) return -1; hid = get_hid(num); if (!hid || !hid->open) return -1; EnterCriticalSection(&rx_mutex); ResetEvent(&rx_event); memset(&ov, 0, sizeof(ov)); ov.hEvent = rx_event; if (!ReadFile(hid->handle, tmpbuf, len + 1, NULL, &ov)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) goto return_error; r = WaitForSingleObject(rx_event, timeout); if (r == WAIT_TIMEOUT) goto return_timeout; if (r != WAIT_OBJECT_0) goto return_error; } if (!GetOverlappedResult(hid->handle, &ov, &n, FALSE)) goto return_error; LeaveCriticalSection(&rx_mutex); if (n <= 0) return -1; n--; if (n > len) n = len; memcpy(buf, tmpbuf + 1, n); return n; return_timeout: CancelIo(hid->handle); LeaveCriticalSection(&rx_mutex); return 0; return_error: print_win32_err(); LeaveCriticalSection(&rx_mutex); return -1; } // rawhid_send - send a packet // Inputs: // num = device to transmit to (zero based) // buf = buffer containing packet to send // len = number of bytes to transmit // timeout = time to wait, in milliseconds // Output: // number of bytes sent, or -1 on error // int rawhid_send(int num, void *buf, int len, int timeout) { hid_t *hid; unsigned char tmpbuf[516]; OVERLAPPED ov; DWORD n, r; if (sizeof(tmpbuf) < len + 1) return -1; hid = get_hid(num); if (!hid || !hid->open) return -1; EnterCriticalSection(&tx_mutex); ResetEvent(&tx_event); memset(&ov, 0, sizeof(ov)); ov.hEvent = tx_event; tmpbuf[0] = 0; memcpy(tmpbuf + 1, buf, len); if (!WriteFile(hid->handle, tmpbuf, len + 1, NULL, &ov)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) goto return_error; r = WaitForSingleObject(tx_event, timeout); if (r == WAIT_TIMEOUT) goto return_timeout; if (r != WAIT_OBJECT_0) goto return_error; } if (!GetOverlappedResult(hid->handle, &ov, &n, FALSE)) goto return_error; LeaveCriticalSection(&tx_mutex); if (n <= 0) return -1; return n - 1; return_timeout: CancelIo(hid->handle); LeaveCriticalSection(&tx_mutex); return 0; return_error: print_win32_err(); LeaveCriticalSection(&tx_mutex); return -1; } HANDLE rawhid_open(char * Device) { DWORD index=0; HANDLE h; hid_t *hid; int count=0; if (first_hid) free_all_hid(); if (!rx_event) { rx_event = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL); tx_event = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL); InitializeCriticalSection(&rx_mutex); InitializeCriticalSection(&tx_mutex); } h = CreateFile(Device, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; hid = (struct hid_struct *)malloc(sizeof(struct hid_struct)); if (!hid) { CloseHandle(h); return 0; } hid->handle = h; hid->open = 1; add_hid(hid); return h; } // rawhid_close - close a device // // Inputs: // num = device to close (zero based) // Output // (nothing) // void rawhid_close(int num) { hid_t *hid; hid = get_hid(num); if (!hid || !hid->open) return; CloseHandle(hid->handle); hid->handle = NULL; hid->open = FALSE; } static void add_hid(hid_t *h) { if (!first_hid || !last_hid) { first_hid = last_hid = h; h->next = h->prev = NULL; return; } last_hid->next = h; h->prev = last_hid; h->next = NULL; last_hid = h; } static hid_t * get_hid(int num) { hid_t *p; for (p = first_hid; p && num > 0; p = p->next, num--) ; return p; } static void free_all_hid(void) { hid_t *p, *q; for (p = first_hid; p; p = p->next) { CloseHandle(p->handle); p->handle = NULL; p->open = FALSE; } p = first_hid; while (p) { q = p; p = p->next; free(q); } first_hid = last_hid = NULL; } void print_win32_err(void) { char buf[256]; DWORD err; err = GetLastError(); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, err, 0, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL); Debugprintf("err %ld: %s\n", err, buf); } #endif // RTL_SDR support code char RTLModes[5][6] = {"FM", "AM", "USB", "LSB", "????"}; void CheckAndProcessRTLUDP(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { int Length; struct sockaddr_in rxaddr; int addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); int Freq; unsigned char RXBuffer[16]; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; Length = recvfrom(PORT->remoteSock, RXBuffer, 16, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&rxaddr, &addrlen); if (Length == 6) { long long MHz, Hz; char CharMHz[16] = ""; char CharHz[16] = ""; int i; int Mode; PORT->Timeout = 0; RIG->RIGOK = TRUE; Freq = (RXBuffer[4] << 24) + (RXBuffer[3] << 16) + (RXBuffer[2] << 8) + RXBuffer[1]; Mode = RXBuffer[5]; Freq += RIG->rxOffset; RIG->RigFreq = Freq / 1000000.0; // If we convert to float to display we get rounding errors, so convert to MHz and Hz to display MHz = Freq / 1000000; Hz = Freq - MHz * 1000000; sprintf(CharMHz, "%lld", MHz); sprintf(CharHz, "%06lld", Hz); for (i = 5; i > 2; i--) { if (CharHz[i] == '0') CharHz[i] = 0; else break; } sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%lld.%s", MHz, CharHz); SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); strcpy(RIG->Valchar, RIG->WEB_FREQ); sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE,"%s", RTLModes[Mode]); strcpy(RIG->ModeString, Modes[Mode]); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, RIG->WEB_MODE); } } VOID RTLUDPPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; // Only one on HAMLIB char cmd[80]; int len; if (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) if (RIG->ScanCounter) RIG->ScanCounter--; if (PORT->Timeout) { PORT->Timeout--; if (PORT->Timeout) // Still waiting return; SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, "------------------"); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, "----------"); strcpy(RIG->WEB_FREQ, "-----------");; strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, "------"); RIG->RIGOK = FALSE; return; } // Send Data if avail, else send poll if (RIG->NumberofBands && RIG->RIGOK && (RIG->ScanStopped == 0)) { if (RIG->ScanCounter <= 0) { // Send Next Freq if (GetPermissionToChange(PORT, RIG)) { int n; if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 Change Freq to %9.4f", PORT->FreqPtr->Freq); memcpy(PORT->TXBuffer, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1, PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len); PORT->TXLen = PORT->FreqPtr->Cmd1Len; _gcvt(PORT->FreqPtr->Freq / 1000000.0, 9, RIG->Valchar); // For MH n = sendto(PORT->remoteSock, PORT->TXBuffer, 5, 0, &PORT->remoteDest, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (PORT->TXLen == 10) n = sendto(PORT->remoteSock, PORT->TXBuffer + 5, 5, 0, &PORT->remoteDest, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); PORT->TXBuffer[0] = 'P'; // Send Poll n = sendto(PORT->remoteSock, PORT->TXBuffer, 5, 0, &PORT->remoteDest, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); PORT->CmdSent = 1; PORT->Retries = 0; PORT->Timeout = 0; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; // There isn't a response to a set command, so clear Scan Lock here ReleasePermission(RIG); // Release Perrmission return; } } } if (RIG->PollCounter) { RIG->PollCounter--; if (RIG->PollCounter > 1) return; } if (RIG->RIGOK && (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) && RIG->NumberofBands) return; // no point in reading freq if we are about to change it RIG->PollCounter = 10; // Once Per Sec // Read Frequency cmd[0] = 'P'; len = sendto(PORT->remoteSock, cmd, 5, 0, &PORT->remoteDest, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); PORT->Timeout = 10; PORT->CmdSent = 0; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; return; } VOID ConnecttoRTLUDP(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { char Msg[255]; int i; u_long param=1; BOOL bcopt=TRUE; struct sockaddr_in sinx; if (PORT->remoteSock) { closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); } PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->remoteSock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0); if (PORT->remoteSock == INVALID_SOCKET) { i=sprintf(Msg, "Socket Failed for RTLUDP socket - error code = %d\r\n", WSAGetLastError()); WritetoConsole(Msg); PORT->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; } ioctl(PORT->remoteSock, FIONBIO, ¶m); sinx.sin_family = AF_INET; sinx.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sinx.sin_port = 0; PORT->CONNECTED = TRUE; PORT->hDevice = (HANDLE)1; // simplifies check code PORT->Alerted = TRUE; } char * getObjectFromArray(char * Msg); // This gets the next object from an array ({} = object, [] = array char * getArrayFromMsg(char * Msg) { // This gets the next object from an array ({} = object, [] = array // We look for the end of the object same number of { and }, teminate after } and return pointer to next object // So we have terminated Msg, and returned next object in array // Only call if Msg is the next array in Msg char * ptr = Msg; char c; int Open = 0; int Close = 0; while (c = *(ptr++)) { if (c == '[') Open ++; else if (c == ']') Close ++; if (Open == Close) { *(ptr++) = 0; return ptr; } } return 0; } //----- G7TAJ ----- void ProcessSDRANGELFrame(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { int Length; char * msg; struct RIGINFO * RIG; char * ptr, * ptr1, * ptr2, * ptr3, * pos; char cmd[80]; int chunklength; int headerlen; int i, n = 0; char * Sets; char * Rest; char * Set; int channelcount; char * channels; char * channel; char * samplingDevice; char * save; //Debugprintf("Process SDRANGEL Frame %d\n", PORT->RXLen); msg = PORT->RXBuffer; Length = PORT->RXLen; msg[Length] = 0; ptr1 = strstr(msg, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" ); if (ptr1 == NULL) return; ptr2 = strstr(ptr1, "\r\n\r\n"); if (ptr2 == NULL) return; // ptr2 +4 points to the length of the first chunk (in hex), terminated by crlf chunklength = (int)strtol(ptr2 + 4, &ptr3, 16); ptr3 += 2; // pointer to first chunk data headerlen = ptr3 - msg; // make sure we have first chunk if (chunklength + headerlen > Length) return; PORT->RXLen = 0; //we have all the frame now PORT->Timeout = 0; if (strstr(ptr3, "deviceSets") == 0) { return; } // Message has info for all rigs // As we mess with the message, save a copy and restore for each Rig save = _strdup(ptr3); for (i = 0; i < PORT->ConfiguredRigs; i++) { strcpy(ptr3, save); n = 0; RIG = &PORT->Rigs[i]; RIG->RIGOK = 1; // we can have one or more sampling devices (eg rltsdr) each with one or // more channels (eg ssb demod, ssb mod). each set of sampling device = channel(s) is a device set. // Find Device Set for this device (in RIG-> // Message Structure is //{ // "deviceSets": [...]. // "devicesetcount": 2, // "devicesetfocus": 0 //} // Get the device sets (JSON [..] is an array Sets = strchr(ptr3, '['); if (Sets == 0) continue; Rest = getArrayFromMsg(Sets); // Do we need to check devicesetcount ??. Maybe use to loop through sets, or just stop at end // get the set for our device while (RIG->RigAddr >= n) { Set = strchr(Sets, '{'); // Position to start of first Object if (Set == 0) break; Sets = getObjectFromArray(Set); n++; } if (Set == 0) continue; // Now get the channel. looking for key "index": // we could have a number of sampling devices and channels but for now get sampling device freq // and first channel freq. Channels are in an Array if ((ptr = strstr(Set, "channelcount")) == 0) continue; channelcount = atoi(&ptr[15]); if ((channels = strchr(Set, '[')) == 0) continue; samplingDevice = getArrayFromMsg(channels); while(channelcount--) { channel = strchr(channels, '{'); channels = getObjectFromArray(channel); if ((ptr = strstr(channel, "index"))) { n = atoi(&ptr[7]); if (n == RIG->Channel) break; } } if (pos = strstr(samplingDevice, "centerFrequency")) //"centerFrequency": 10489630000, { pos += 18; strncpy(cmd, pos, 20); RIG->RigFreq = atof(cmd) / 1000000.0; } if (pos = strstr(channel, "deltaFrequency")) { pos += 17; strncpy(cmd, pos, 20); RIG->RigFreq += (atof(cmd) + RIG->rxOffset) / 1000000.0;; } _gcvt(RIG->RigFreq, 9, RIG->Valchar); sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%s", RIG->Valchar); SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); // we could get mode from Title line: //"title": "SSB Demodulator", if (pos = strstr(channel, "title")) { pos += 9; strncpy(cmd, pos, 20); strlop(pos, ' '); strncpy(RIG->ModeString, pos, 15); sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE, "%s", RIG->ModeString); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, RIG->WEB_MODE); } } /* while (msg && msg[0]) { rest = strlop(msg, ','); if ( pos = strstr(msg, "centerFrequency")) //"centerFrequency": 10489630000, { pos += 18; strncpy(cmd, pos,20); RIG->RigFreq = atof(cmd) / 1000000.0; // printf("FREQ=%f\t%s\n", RIG->RigFreq, cmd); _gcvt(RIG->RigFreq, 9, RIG->Valchar); sprintf(RIG->WEB_FREQ,"%s", RIG->Valchar); SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, RIG->WEB_FREQ); } else if (memcmp(msg, "Mode:", 5) == 0) { if (strlen(&msg[6]) < 15) strcpy(RIG->ModeString, &msg[6]); } else if (memcmp(msg, "Passband:", 9) == 0) { RIG->Passband = atoi(&msg[10]); sprintf(RIG->WEB_MODE, "%s/%d", RIG->ModeString, RIG->Passband); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, RIG->WEB_MODE); } msg = rest; } */ free (save); } VOID SDRANGELThread(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT); VOID ConnecttoSDRANGEL(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { if (SDRANGELRunning) _beginthread(SDRANGELThread, 0, (void *)PORT); return ; } VOID SDRANGELThread(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { // Opens sockets and looks for data char Msg[512]; int err, i, ret; u_long param=1; BOOL bcopt=TRUE; fd_set readfs; fd_set errorfs; struct timeval timeout; if (PORT->CONNECTING) return; PORT->RXLen = 0; PORT->CONNECTING = 1; if (PORT->remoteSock) { closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); } PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->remoteSock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (PORT->remoteSock == INVALID_SOCKET) { i=sprintf(Msg, "Socket Failed for SDRAngel socket - error code = %d\r\n", WSAGetLastError()); WritetoConsole(Msg); PORT->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; } setsockopt(PORT->remoteSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); setsockopt(PORT->remoteSock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); if (connect(PORT->remoteSock,(LPSOCKADDR) &PORT->remoteDest,sizeof(PORT->remoteDest)) == 0) { // // Connected successful // ioctl(PORT->remoteSock, FIONBIO, ¶m); } else { if (PORT->Alerted == FALSE) { struct sockaddr_in * destaddr = (SOCKADDR_IN * )&PORT->remoteDest; err = WSAGetLastError(); sprintf(Msg, "Connect Failed for SDRAngel socket - error code = %d Port %d\r\n", err, htons(destaddr->sin_port)); WritetoConsole(Msg); PORT->Alerted = TRUE; } closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; } PORT->CONNECTED = TRUE; PORT->CONNECTING = 0; PORT->hDevice = (HANDLE)1; // simplifies check code PORT->Alerted = TRUE; while (PORT->CONNECTED && SDRANGELRunning) { FD_ZERO(&readfs); FD_ZERO(&errorfs); FD_SET(PORT->remoteSock,&readfs); FD_SET(PORT->remoteSock,&errorfs); timeout.tv_sec = 5; timeout.tv_usec = 0; ret = select((int)PORT->remoteSock + 1, &readfs, NULL, &errorfs, &timeout); if (SDRANGELRunning == 0) return; if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { Debugprintf("SDRAngel Select failed %d ", WSAGetLastError()); goto Lost; } if (ret > 0) { // See what happened if (FD_ISSET(PORT->remoteSock, &readfs)) { SDRANGELProcessMessage(PORT); } if (FD_ISSET(PORT->remoteSock, &errorfs)) { Lost: sprintf(Msg, "SDRAngel Connection lost for Port %s\r\n", PORT->IOBASE); WritetoConsole(Msg); PORT->CONNECTED = FALSE; PORT->Alerted = FALSE; PORT->hDevice = 0; // simplifies check code closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); PORT->remoteSock = 0; return; } continue; } else { } } sprintf(Msg, "SDRAngel Thread Terminated Port %s\r\n", PORT->IOBASE); WritetoConsole(Msg); } /* # 10489630000 CURL_DATA='{ "deviceHwType": "RTLSDR", "direction": 0, "rtlSdrSettings": { "centerFrequency": "'$1'" } }'; curl -X PATCH "" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "$CURL_DATA" */ VOID SDRANGELPoll(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { UCHAR * Poll = PORT->TXBuffer; // SDRAngel can have muliple rigs but we only need to poll once to get info for all rigs so just use first entry struct RIGINFO * RIG = &PORT->Rigs[0]; int Len, i; char SendBuff[256]; //char * SDRANGEL_GETheader = "GET /sdrangel/deviceset/%d/device/settings " // "HTTP/1.1\nHost: %s\nConnection: keep-alive\n\r\n"; char * SDRANGEL_GETheader = "GET /sdrangel/devicesets " "HTTP/1.1\nHost: %s\nConnection: keep-alive\n\r\n"; if (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) if (RIG->ScanCounter) RIG->ScanCounter--; if (PORT->Timeout) { PORT->Timeout--; if (PORT->Timeout) // Still waiting return; // Loop through all Rigs for (i = 0; i < PORT->ConfiguredRigs; i++) { RIG = &PORT->Rigs[i]; SetWindowText(RIG->hFREQ, "------------------"); SetWindowText(RIG->hMODE, "----------"); strcpy(RIG->WEB_FREQ, "-----------");; strcpy(RIG->WEB_MODE, "------"); RIG->RIGOK = FALSE; } return; } // Send Data if avail, else send poll if (RIG->NumberofBands && RIG->RIGOK && (RIG->ScanStopped == 0)) { if (RIG->ScanCounter <= 0) { // Send Next Freq if (GetPermissionToChange(PORT, RIG)) { char cmd[80]; if (RIG->RIG_DEBUG) Debugprintf("BPQ32 Change Freq to %9.4f", PORT->FreqPtr->Freq); _gcvt(PORT->FreqPtr->Freq / 1000000.0, 9, RIG->Valchar); // For MH // Send the Set Freq here, send set mode when we get a response memcpy(&PORT->ScanEntry, PORT->FreqPtr, sizeof(struct ScanEntry)); //TODO sprintf(cmd, "%.0f", PORT->FreqPtr->Freq); SDRANGELSendCommand(PORT, "SETFREQ", cmd); PORT->CmdSent = 1; PORT->Retries = 0; PORT->Timeout = 10; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; // There isn't a response to a set command, so clear Scan Lock here ReleasePermission(RIG); // Release Perrmission return; } } } if (RIG->PollCounter) { RIG->PollCounter--; if (RIG->PollCounter > 1) return; } if (RIG->RIGOK && (RIG->ScanStopped == 0) && RIG->NumberofBands) return; // no point in reading freq if we are about to change it RIG->PollCounter = 40; // Read Frequency //TODO // Len = sprintf(SendBuff, SDRANGEL_GETheader, 0, &PORT->remoteDest ); // devicenum, host:port Len = sprintf(SendBuff, SDRANGEL_GETheader, &PORT->remoteDest ); // devicenum, host:port if (PORT->CONNECTED) { if (send(PORT->remoteSock, SendBuff, Len, 0) != Len) { if (PORT->remoteSock) closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->CONNECTED = FALSE; PORT->hDevice = 0; return; } } PORT->Timeout = 10; PORT->CmdSent = 0; PORT->AutoPoll = TRUE; return; } VOID SDRANGELSendCommand(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT, char * Command, char * Value) { int Len, ret; char SendBuff[512]; char ValueString[256] =""; char * SDRANGEL_PATCHheader = "PATCH /sdrangel/deviceset/%d/device/settings " "HTTP/1.1\nHost: %s\n" "accept: application/json\n" "Content-Type: application/json\n" "Connection: keep-alive\n" "Content-length: %d\r\n" "\r\n%s"; if (!PORT->CONNECTED) return; sprintf(ValueString, SDRANGEL_FREQ_DATA, "RTLSDR", Value); Len = sprintf(SendBuff, SDRANGEL_PATCHheader, 0, &PORT->remoteDest, strlen(ValueString), ValueString); ret = send(PORT->remoteSock, SendBuff, Len, 0); if (ret != Len) { if (PORT->remoteSock) closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->CONNECTED = FALSE; PORT->hDevice = 0; } return; } void SDRANGELProcessMessage(struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT) { // Called from Background thread int InputLen = recv(PORT->remoteSock, &PORT->RXBuffer[PORT->RXLen], 8192 - PORT->RXLen, 0); if (InputLen == 0 || InputLen == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (PORT->remoteSock) closesocket(PORT->remoteSock); PORT->remoteSock = 0; PORT->CONNECTED = FALSE; PORT->hDevice = 0; return; } PORT->RXLen += InputLen; ProcessSDRANGELFrame(PORT); } // ---- G7TAJ ----