/* Copyright 2001-2022 John Wiseman G8BPQ This file is part of LinBPQ/BPQ32. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LinBPQ/BPQ32. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ // // Interface to allow G8BPQ switch to use ARDOP Virtual TNC #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #include #include #ifdef WIN32 //#include #else // For serial over i2c support #ifdef MACBPQ #define NOI2C #endif #ifdef FREEBSD #define NOI2C #endif #ifndef NOI2C #include "i2c-dev.h" #endif #endif #include "cheaders.h" int (WINAPI FAR *GetModuleFileNameExPtr)(); int (WINAPI FAR *EnumProcessesPtr)(); #define SD_RECEIVE 0x00 #define SD_SEND 0x01 #define SD_BOTH 0x02 #define APMaxStreams 10 // First is used for ARDOP, even though ARDOP uses channel 31 #include "bpq32.h" #include "tncinfo.h" #define WSA_ACCEPT WM_USER + 1 #define WSA_DATA WM_USER + 2 #define WSA_CONNECT WM_USER + 3 static int Socket_Data(int sock, int error, int eventcode); int KillTNC(struct TNCINFO * TNC); int RestartTNC(struct TNCINFO * TNC); int KillPopups(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID MoveWindows(struct TNCINFO * TNC); int SendReporttoWL2K(struct TNCINFO * TNC); char * CheckAppl(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Appl); int DoScanLine(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Buff, int Len); BOOL KillOldTNC(char * Path); int ARDOPSendData(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Buff, int Len); VOID ARDOPSendCommand(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Buff, BOOL Queue); VOID ARDOPSendPktCommand(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream, char * Buff); VOID SendToTNC(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream, UCHAR * Encoded, int EncLen); VOID ARDOPProcessDataPacket(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Type, UCHAR * Data, int Length); void ARDOPSCSCheckRX(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID ARDOPSCSPoll(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID ARDOPDoTNCReinit(struct TNCINFO * TNC); int SerialGetTCPMessage(struct TNCINFO * TNC, unsigned char * Buffer, int Len); int SerialConnecttoTCP(struct TNCINFO * TNC); int ARDOPWriteCommBlock(struct TNCINFO * TNC); int ReadCOMBlockEx(HANDLE fd, char * Block, int MaxLength, BOOL * Error); int Unstuff(UCHAR * MsgIn, UCHAR * MsgOut, int len); BOOL WriteCommBlock(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID AddVirtualKISSPort(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Port, char * buf); int ConfigVirtualKISSPort(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Cmd); void ProcessKISSBytes(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Data, int Len); void ProcessKISSPacket(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * KISSBuffer, int Len); int ARDOPProcessDEDFrame(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Msg, int framelen); int ConnecttoARDOP(struct TNCINFO * TNC); int standardParams(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * buf); #ifndef LINBPQ BOOL CALLBACK EnumARDOPWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam); #endif static char ClassName[]="ARDOPSTATUS"; static char WindowTitle[] = "ARDOP"; static int RigControlRow = 165; #define WINMOR #define NARROWMODE 21 #define WIDEMODE 22 #ifndef LINBPQ #include #endif extern int SemHeldByAPI; static RECT Rect; static int ProcessLine(char * buf, int Port); BOOL ARDOPStopPort(struct PORTCONTROL * PORT) { // Disable Port - close TCP Sockets or Serial Port struct TNCINFO * TNC = PORT->TNC; TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; TNC->Alerted = FALSE; if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, FALSE); // Make sure PTT is down if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached) TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = TRUE; TNC->Streams[0].Connecting = 0; TNC->Streams[0].Connected = 0; TNC->Streams[0].Attached = 0; if (TNC->TCPSock) { shutdown(TNC->TCPSock, SD_BOTH); Sleep(100); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); } if (TNC->TCPDataSock) { shutdown(TNC->TCPDataSock, SD_BOTH); Sleep(100); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); } TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPDataSock = 0; if (TNC->hDevice) { CloseCOMPort(TNC->hDevice); TNC->hDevice = 0; } sprintf(PORT->TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "%s", "Port Stopped"); MySetWindowText(PORT->TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, PORT->TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); strcpy(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "Free"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); return TRUE; } BOOL ARDOPStartPort(struct PORTCONTROL * PORT) { // Restart Port - Open Sockets or Serial Port struct TNCINFO * TNC = PORT->TNC; if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'T') { ConnecttoARDOP(TNC); TNC->lasttime = time(NULL);; } sprintf(PORT->TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "%s", "Port Restarted"); MySetWindowText(PORT->TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, PORT->TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); return TRUE; } int GenCRC16(unsigned char * Data, unsigned short length) { // For CRC-16-CCITT = x^16 + x^12 +x^5 + 1 intPoly = 1021 Init FFFF // intSeed is the seed value for the shift register and must be in the range 0-&HFFFF int intRegister = 0xffff; //intSeed int i,j; int Bit; int intPoly = 0x8810; // This implements the CRC polynomial x^16 + x^12 +x^5 + 1 for (j = 0; j < (length); j++) { int Mask = 0x80; // Top bit first for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) // for each bit processing MS bit first { Bit = Data[j] & Mask; Mask >>= 1; if (intRegister & 0x8000) // Then ' the MSB of the register is set { // Shift left, place data bit as LSB, then divide // Register := shiftRegister left shift 1 // Register := shiftRegister xor polynomial if (Bit) intRegister = 0xFFFF & (1 + (intRegister << 1)); else intRegister = 0xFFFF & (intRegister << 1); intRegister = intRegister ^ intPoly; } else { // the MSB is not set // Register is not divisible by polynomial yet. // Just shift left and bring current data bit onto LSB of shiftRegister if (Bit) intRegister = 0xFFFF & (1 + (intRegister << 1)); else intRegister = 0xFFFF & (intRegister << 1); } } } return intRegister; } BOOL checkcrc16(unsigned char * Data, unsigned short length) { int intRegister = 0xffff; //intSeed int i,j; int Bit; int intPoly = 0x8810; // This implements the CRC polynomial x^16 + x^12 +x^5 + 1 for (j = 0; j < (length - 2); j++) // ' 2 bytes short of data length { int Mask = 0x80; // Top bit first for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) // for each bit processing MS bit first { Bit = Data[j] & Mask; Mask >>= 1; if (intRegister & 0x8000) // Then ' the MSB of the register is set { // Shift left, place data bit as LSB, then divide // Register := shiftRegister left shift 1 // Register := shiftRegister xor polynomial if (Bit) intRegister = 0xFFFF & (1 + (intRegister << 1)); else intRegister = 0xFFFF & (intRegister << 1); intRegister = intRegister ^ intPoly; } else { // the MSB is not set // Register is not divisible by polynomial yet. // Just shift left and bring current data bit onto LSB of shiftRegister if (Bit) intRegister = 0xFFFF & (1 + (intRegister << 1)); else intRegister = 0xFFFF & (intRegister << 1); } } } if (Data[length - 2] == intRegister >> 8) if (Data[length - 1] == (intRegister & 0xFF)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } // Logging Interface. Used for Log over Serial Mode BOOL ARDOPOpenLogFiles(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { UCHAR FN[MAX_PATH]; time_t T; struct tm * tm; T = time(NULL); tm = gmtime(&T); strlop(TNC->LogPath, 13); strlop(TNC->LogPath, 32); sprintf(FN,"%s/ARDOPDebugLog_%02d%02d_%d.txt", TNC->LogPath, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday, TNC->Port); TNC->DebugHandle = fopen(FN, "ab"); sprintf(FN,"%s/ARDOPLog_%02d%02d_%d.txt", TNC->LogPath, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday, TNC->Port); TNC->LogHandle = fopen(FN, "ab"); return (TNC->LogHandle != NULL); } VOID WritetoTrace(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Msg, int Len); void SendARDOPorPacketData(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream, UCHAR * Buff, int txlen) { struct STREAMINFO * STREAM = &TNC->Streams[Stream]; if (Stream == 0) { ARDOPSendData(TNC, Buff, txlen); STREAM->bytesTXed += txlen; WritetoTrace(TNC, Buff, txlen); } else { // Packet. Only works over Serial PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; UCHAR * buffp; if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'T') return; buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = txlen + 1; buffp = &buffptr->Data[0]; buffp[0] = 0; // CMD/Data Flag on front memcpy(buffp +1, Buff, txlen); C_Q_ADD(&STREAM->BPQtoPACTOR_Q, buffptr); STREAM->FramesQueued++; if (TNC->Timeout == 0) // if link idle can send now ARDOPSCSPoll(TNC); } } static int ProcessLine(char * buf, int Port) { UCHAR * ptr,* p_cmd; char * p_ipad = 0; char * p_port = 0; char * PktPort = 0; unsigned short WINMORport = 0; int BPQport; int len=510; struct TNCINFO * TNC; char errbuf[256]; strcpy(errbuf, buf); ptr = strtok(buf, " \t\n\r"); if(ptr == NULL) return (TRUE); if(*ptr =='#') return (TRUE); // comment if(*ptr ==';') return (TRUE); // comment // Must start ADDR or SERIAL ptr = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); BPQport = Port; p_ipad = ptr; if (_stricmp(buf, "ADDR") == 0 || _stricmp(buf, "TCPSERIAL") == 0) { TNC = TNCInfo[BPQport] = malloc(sizeof(struct TNCINFO)); memset(TNC, 0, sizeof(struct TNCINFO)); if (p_ipad == NULL) p_ipad = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (p_ipad == NULL) return (FALSE); p_port = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (p_port == NULL) return (FALSE); PktPort = strlop(p_port, '/'); if (PktPort) TNC->PacketPort = atoi(PktPort); WINMORport = atoi(p_port); TNC->destaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; TNC->destaddr.sin_port = htons(WINMORport); TNC->Datadestaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; TNC->Datadestaddr.sin_port = htons(WINMORport+1); TNC->HostName = malloc(strlen(p_ipad)+1); if (TNC->HostName == NULL) return TRUE; strcpy(TNC->HostName,p_ipad); if (buf[0] == 'A') TNC->ARDOPCommsMode = 'T'; // TCP else TNC->ARDOPCommsMode = 'E'; // TCPSERIAL (ESP01) } else if (_stricmp(buf, "SERIAL") == 0) { TNC = TNCInfo[BPQport] = malloc(sizeof(struct TNCINFO)); memset(TNC, 0, sizeof(struct TNCINFO)); if (p_ipad == NULL) p_ipad = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (p_ipad == NULL) return (FALSE); p_port = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (p_port == NULL) return (FALSE); TNC->ARDOPSerialPort = _strdup(p_ipad); TNC->ARDOPSerialSpeed = atoi(p_port); TNC->ARDOPCommsMode = 'S'; } else if (_stricmp(buf, "I2C") == 0) { TNC = TNCInfo[BPQport] = malloc(sizeof(struct TNCINFO)); memset(TNC, 0, sizeof(struct TNCINFO)); if (p_ipad == NULL) p_ipad = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (p_ipad == NULL) return (FALSE); p_port = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (p_port == NULL) return (FALSE); TNC->ARDOPSerialPort = _strdup(p_ipad); TNC->ARDOPSerialSpeed = atoi(p_port); TNC->ARDOPCommsMode = 'I'; } else return FALSE; // Must start with ADDR TNC->InitScript = malloc(1000); TNC->InitScript[0] = 0; ptr = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (ptr) { if (_stricmp(ptr, "PTT") == 0) { ptr = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (ptr) { DecodePTTString(TNC, ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); } } } if (ptr) { if (_memicmp(ptr, "PATH", 4) == 0) { p_cmd = strtok(NULL, "\n\r"); if (p_cmd) TNC->ProgramPath = _strdup(p_cmd); } } TNC->MaxConReq = 10; // Default TNC->OldMode = FALSE; // Default // Read Initialisation lines while(TRUE) { if (GetLine(buf) == 0) return TRUE; strcpy(errbuf, buf); if (memcmp(buf, "****", 4) == 0) return TRUE; ptr = strchr(buf, ';'); if (ptr) { *ptr++ = 13; *ptr = 0; } if ((_memicmp(buf, "CAPTURE", 7) == 0) || (_memicmp(buf, "PLAYBACK", 8) == 0)) {} // Ignore else /* if (_memicmp(buf, "PATH", 4) == 0) { char * Context; p_cmd = strtok_s(&buf[5], "\n\r", &Context); if (p_cmd) TNC->ProgramPath = _strdup(p_cmd); } else */ if (_memicmp(buf, "PACKETCHANNELS", 14) == 0) // Packet Channels TNC->PacketChannels = atoi(&buf[14]); else if (_memicmp(buf, "MAXCONREQ", 9) == 0) // Hold Time for Busy Detect TNC->MaxConReq = atoi(&buf[9]); else if (_memicmp(buf, "STARTINROBUST", 13) == 0) TNC->StartInRobust = TRUE; else if (_memicmp(buf, "ROBUST", 6) == 0) { if (_memicmp(&buf[7], "TRUE", 4) == 0) TNC->Robust = TRUE; strcat (TNC->InitScript, buf); } else if (_memicmp(buf, "LOGDIR ", 7) == 0) TNC->LogPath = _strdup(&buf[7]); else if (_memicmp(buf, "ENABLEPACKET", 12) == 0) { if (TNC->PacketChannels == 0) TNC->PacketChannels = 5; // AddVirtualKISSPort(TNC, Port, buf); } // else if (_memicmp(buf, "PAC ", 4) == 0 && _memicmp(buf, "PAC MODE", 8) != 0) // { // PAC MODE goes to TNC, others are parsed locally // // ConfigVirtualKISSPort(TNC, buf); // } else if (standardParams(TNC, buf) == FALSE) strcat(TNC->InitScript, buf); } return (TRUE); } void ARDOPThread(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID ARDOPProcessDataSocketData(int port); int ConnecttoARDOP(struct TNCINFO * TNC); static VOID ARDOPProcessReceivedData(struct TNCINFO * TNC); static VOID ARDOPProcessReceivedControl(struct TNCINFO * TNC); int V4ProcessReceivedData(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID ARDOPReleaseTNC(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID SuspendOtherPorts(struct TNCINFO * ThisTNC); VOID ReleaseOtherPorts(struct TNCINFO * ThisTNC); VOID WritetoTrace(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Msg, int Len); static time_t ltime; static SOCKADDR_IN sinx; static SOCKADDR_IN rxaddr; static int addrlen=sizeof(sinx); unsigned short int compute_crc(unsigned char *buf,int len); VOID ARDOPSendPktCommand(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream, char * Buff) { // Encode and send to TNC. May be TCP or Serial int EncLen; UCHAR Encoded[256]; if (Stream == 0) { if (Buff[0] == 0) // Terminal Keepalive? return; } else { if (Buff[1] == 0) // Terminal Keepalive? return; } if (TNC->PacketSock) // Packet Data over separate TCP Connectoion? { // Chan, Cmd/Data, Len-1 int SentLen; EncLen = sprintf(Encoded, "%c%c%c%s\r", Buff[0], 1, (int)strlen(Buff) -2, &Buff[1]); SentLen = send(TNC->PacketSock, Encoded, EncLen, 0); if (SentLen != EncLen) { int winerr=WSAGetLastError(); char ErrMsg[80]; sprintf(ErrMsg, "ARDOP Pkt Write Failed for port %d - error code = %d\r\n", TNC->PacketPort, winerr); WritetoConsole(ErrMsg); closesocket(TNC->PacketSock); TNC->PacketSock = 0; } return; } EncLen = sprintf(Encoded, "%s\r", Buff); SendToTNC(TNC, Stream, Encoded, EncLen); return; } VOID ARDOPSendCommand(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Buff, BOOL Queue) { // Encode and send to TNC. May be TCP or Serial // Command Formst is C:TEXT int i, EncLen; UCHAR Encoded[260]; // could get 256 byte packet if (Buff[0] == 0) // Terminal Keepalive? return; if (memcmp(Buff, "LISTEN ", 7) == 0) { strcpy(TNC->WEB_MODE, &Buff[7]); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_MODE, &Buff[7]); } EncLen = sprintf(Encoded, "%s\r", Buff); // it is possible for binary data to be dumped into the command // handler if a session disconnects in middle of transfer for (i = 0; i < EncLen; i++) { if (Encoded[i] > 0x7f) return; } SendToTNC(TNC, 12, Encoded, EncLen); // Use streams 12 aad 13 for Host Mode Schannels 32 and 33 return; } VOID SendToTNC(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream, UCHAR * Encoded, int EncLen) { int SentLen; if (TNC->hDevice || (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'E' && TNC->TCPSock)) { // Serial mode. Queue to Hostmode driver PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = EncLen; memcpy(&buffptr->Data[0], Encoded, EncLen); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].BPQtoPACTOR_Q, buffptr); TNC->Streams[Stream].FramesQueued++; if (TNC->Timeout == 0) // if link idle can send now ARDOPSCSPoll(TNC); return; } if(TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'T' && TNC->TCPSock) { SentLen = send(TNC->TCPSock, Encoded, EncLen, 0); if (SentLen != EncLen) { int winerr=WSAGetLastError(); char ErrMsg[80]; sprintf(ErrMsg, "ARDOP Write Failed for port %d - error code = %d\r\n", TNC->Port, winerr); WritetoConsole(ErrMsg); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; return; } } } VOID SendDataToTNC(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Streem , UCHAR * Encoded, int EncLen) { int SentLen; if (TNC->hDevice || (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'E' && TNC->TCPSock)) { // Serial mode. Queue to Hostmode driver int Stream = 13; // use 12 and 13 for scs channels 32 and 33 PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = EncLen; memcpy(&buffptr->Data[0], Encoded, EncLen); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].BPQtoPACTOR_Q, buffptr); TNC->Streams[Stream].FramesQueued++; if (TNC->Timeout == 0) // if link idle can send now ARDOPSCSPoll(TNC); return; } if(TNC->TCPDataSock) { SentLen = send(TNC->TCPDataSock, Encoded, EncLen, 0); if (SentLen != EncLen) { // WINMOR doesn't seem to recover from a blocked write. For now just reset // if (bytes == SOCKET_ERROR) // { int winerr=WSAGetLastError(); char ErrMsg[80]; sprintf(ErrMsg, "ARDOP Write Failed for port %d - error code = %d\r\n", TNC->Port, winerr); WritetoConsole(ErrMsg); // if (winerr != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) // { closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPDataSock = 0; TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; return; } } } int ARDOPSenPktdData(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream, char * Buff, int Len) { // Encode and send to TNC. May be TCP or Serial int EncLen; UCHAR Msg[400]; UCHAR * Encoded = Msg; *(Encoded++) = Len >> 8; *(Encoded++) = Len & 0xff; memcpy(Encoded, Buff, Len); EncLen = Len + 2; SendDataToTNC(TNC, Stream, Msg, EncLen); return Len; } int ARDOPSendData(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Buff, int Len) { // Encode and send to TNC. May be TCP or Serial int EncLen; UCHAR Msg[400]; UCHAR * Encoded = Msg; *(Encoded++) = Len >> 8; *(Encoded++) = Len & 0xff; memcpy(Encoded, Buff, Len); EncLen = Len + 2; SendDataToTNC(TNC, 13, Msg, EncLen); return Len; } VOID ARDOPChangeMYC(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Call) { UCHAR TXMsg[100]; int datalen; if (strcmp(Call, TNC->CurrentMYC) == 0) return; // No Change strcpy(TNC->CurrentMYC, Call); // ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "CODEC FALSE"); datalen = sprintf(TXMsg, "MYCALL %s", Call); ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, TXMsg, TRUE); // ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "CODEC TRUE"); // TNC->StartSent = TRUE; // ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "MYCALL", TRUE); } static size_t ExtProc(int fn, int port, PDATAMESSAGE buff) { int datalen; PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; // char txbuff[500]; unsigned int bytes,txlen=0; size_t Param; int Stream = 0; HKEY hKey=0; struct TNCINFO * TNC = TNCInfo[port]; struct STREAMINFO * STREAM = &TNC->Streams[0]; struct ScanEntry * Scan; if (TNC == NULL) return 0; // Port not defined if (TNC->CONNECTED == 0) { // clear Q if not connected while(TNC->BPQtoWINMOR_Q) { buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)Q_REM(&TNC->BPQtoWINMOR_Q); if (buffptr) ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } } switch (fn) { case 7: // approx 100 mS Timer. May now be needed, as Poll can be called more frequently in some circumstances // G7TAJ's code to record activity for stats display if ( TNC->BusyFlags && CDBusy ) TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.ACTIVE += 2; if ( TNC->PTTState ) TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.SENDING += 2; // Check session limit timer if ((STREAM->Connecting || STREAM->Connected) && !STREAM->Disconnecting) { if (TNC->SessionTimeLimit && STREAM->ConnectTime && time(NULL) > (TNC->SessionTimeLimit + STREAM->ConnectTime)) { ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "DISCONNECT", TRUE); STREAM->ReportDISC = 1; STREAM->AttachTime = 0; } } // Check ATTACH time limit if (STREAM->Attached) { if (STREAM->AttachTime && TNC->AttachTimeLimit && time(NULL) > (TNC->AttachTimeLimit + STREAM->AttachTime)) { STREAM->ReportDISC = 1; STREAM->AttachTime = 0; } } if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode != 'T') // S I or E { ARDOPSCSCheckRX(TNC); ARDOPSCSPoll(TNC); } return 0; case 1: // poll // If not using serial interface, Rig Contol Frames are sent as // ARDOP COmmand Frames. These are hex encoded if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'T' && TNC->BPQtoRadio_Q) { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)Q_REM(&TNC->BPQtoRadio_Q); if (TNC->CONNECTED) { int len = (int)buffptr->Len; UCHAR * ptr = &buffptr->Data[0]; char RigCommand[256] = "RADIOHEX "; char * ptr2 = &RigCommand[9] ; int i, j; if (len < 120) { while (len--) { i = *(ptr++); j = i >>4; j += '0'; // ascii if (j > '9') j += 7; *(ptr2++) = j; j = i & 0xf; j += '0'; // ascii if (j > '9') j += 7; *(ptr2++) = j; } ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, RigCommand, FALSE); } } ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } while (TNC->PortRecord->UI_Q) { int datalen; char * Buffer; char FECMsg[512]; char Call[12] = " "; struct _MESSAGE * buffptr; int CallLen; char * ptr = FECMsg; buffptr = Q_REM(&TNC->PortRecord->UI_Q); if (TNC->CONNECTED == 0 || TNC->Streams[0].Connecting || TNC->Streams[0].Connected) { // discard if TNC not connected or session active ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); continue; } datalen = buffptr->LENGTH - MSGHDDRLEN; Buffer = &buffptr->DEST[0]; // Raw Frame Buffer[datalen] = 0; *ptr++ = '^'; // delimit frame with ^ // Frame has ax.25 format header. Convert to Text CallLen = ConvFromAX25(Buffer + 7, Call); // Origin memcpy(ptr, Call, CallLen); ptr += CallLen; *ptr++ = '>'; CallLen = ConvFromAX25(Buffer, Call); // Dest memcpy(ptr, Call, CallLen); ptr += CallLen; Buffer += 14; // TO Digis datalen -= 14; while ((Buffer[-1] & 1) == 0) { *ptr++ = ','; CallLen = ConvFromAX25(Buffer, Call); memcpy(ptr, Call, CallLen); ptr += CallLen; Buffer += 7; // End of addr datalen -= 7; } *ptr++ = '|'; // delimit calls if (Buffer[0] == 3) // UI { Buffer += 2; datalen -= 2; } memcpy(ptr, Buffer, datalen); ptr += datalen; *ptr++ = '^'; // delimit frame with ^ ARDOPSendData(TNC, FECMsg, (int)(ptr - FECMsg)); TNC->FECPending = 1; ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)buffptr); } if (TNC->Busy) // Count down to clear { if ((TNC->BusyFlags & CDBusy) == 0) // TNC Has reported not busy { TNC->Busy--; if (TNC->Busy == 0) MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_CHANSTATE, "Clear"); strcpy(TNC->WEB_CHANSTATE, "Clear"); } } if (TNC->BusyDelay) { // Still Busy? if (InterlockedCheckBusy(TNC) == FALSE) { // No, so send // ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN TRUE", TRUE); // !!!! Temp bug workaround !!!! ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, TNC->ConnectCmd, TRUE); TNC->Streams[0].Connecting = TRUE; memset(TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, 0, 10); memcpy(TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, &TNC->ConnectCmd[8], (int)strlen(TNC->ConnectCmd)-10); sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "%s Connecting to %s", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall, TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); free(TNC->ConnectCmd); TNC->BusyDelay = 0; } else { // Wait Longer TNC->BusyDelay--; if (TNC->BusyDelay == 0) { // Timed out - Send Error Response PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return (0); // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = 39; memcpy(&buffptr->Data[0], "Sorry, Can't Connect - Channel is busy\r", 39); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[0].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); free(TNC->ConnectCmd); sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "In Use by %s", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); } } } if (TNC->HeartBeat++ > 600 || (TNC->Streams[0].Connected && TNC->HeartBeat > 50)) // Every Minute unless connected { TNC->HeartBeat = 0; if (TNC->CONNECTED) { // Probe link if (TNC->Streams[0].Connecting || TNC->Streams[0].Connected) fn =fn; //ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "MODE", TRUE); else { // if (time(NULL) - TNC->WinmorRestartCodecTimer > 300) // 5 mins // { // ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "CODEC FALSE", TRUE); // ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "CODEC TRUE", TRUE); // } // else ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "STATE", TRUE); } } } if (TNC->FECMode) { if (TNC->FECIDTimer++ > 6000) // ID every 10 Mins { if (!TNC->Busy) { TNC->FECIDTimer = 0; ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "SENDID", TRUE); } } } // FECPending can be set if not in FEC Mode (eg beacon) if (TNC->FECPending) // Check if FEC Send needed { if (TNC->Streams[0].BytesOutstanding) //Wait for data to be queued (async data session) { if (TNC->Busy == 0 && TNC->GavePermission == 0) { TNC->FECPending = 0; ARDOPSendCommand(TNC,"FECSEND TRUE", TRUE); } } } if (TNC->DiscPending) { TNC->DiscPending--; if (TNC->DiscPending == 0) { // Too long in Disc Pending - Kill and Restart TNC if (TNC->PID) KillTNC(TNC); RestartTNC(TNC); } } if (TNC->TimeSinceLast++ > 800) // Allow 10 secs for Keepalive { // Restart TNC if (TNC->ProgramPath && TNC->CONNECTED && 0) { struct tm * tm; char Time[80]; TNC->Restarts++; TNC->LastRestart = time(NULL); tm = gmtime(&TNC->LastRestart); sprintf_s(Time, sizeof(Time),"%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02dZ", tm->tm_year +1900, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_RESTARTTIME, Time); strcpy(TNC->WEB_RESTARTTIME, Time); sprintf_s(Time, sizeof(Time),"%d", TNC->Restarts); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_RESTARTS, Time); strcpy(TNC->WEB_RESTARTS, Time); KillTNC(TNC); RestartTNC(TNC); TNC->TimeSinceLast = 0; } } for (Stream = 0; Stream <= APMaxStreams; Stream++) { STREAM = &TNC->Streams[Stream]; if (STREAM->NeedDisc) { STREAM->NeedDisc--; if (STREAM->NeedDisc == 0) { // Send the DISCONNECT if (Stream == 0) ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "DISCONNECT", TRUE); else { char Cmd[32]; sprintf(Cmd, "%cDISCONNECT", Stream); ARDOPSendPktCommand(TNC, Stream, Cmd); } } } if (TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[Stream] && STREAM->Attached == 0) { // New Attach int calllen; char Msg[80]; Debugprintf("ARDOP New Attach Stream %d DEDStream %d", Stream, STREAM->DEDStream); STREAM->Attached = TRUE; STREAM->AttachTime = time(NULL); calllen = ConvFromAX25(TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[Stream]->L4USER, TNC->Streams[Stream].MyCall); TNC->Streams[Stream].MyCall[calllen] = 0; if (Stream == 0) { // If Pactor, stop scanning and take out of listen mode. // if (Stream == 0) // STREAM->DEDStream = 31; // Pactor // Stop Listening, and set MYCALL to user's call ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN FALSE", TRUE); ARDOPChangeMYC(TNC, TNC->Streams[0].MyCall); TNC->SessionTimeLimit = TNC->DefaultSessionTimeLimit; // Reset Limit // Stop other ports in same group SuspendOtherPorts(TNC); sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "In Use by %s", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); // Stop Scanning sprintf(Msg, "%d SCANSTOP", TNC->Port); Rig_Command( (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, Msg); } else { // Packet Connect } } if (STREAM->Attached) CheckForDetach(TNC, Stream, STREAM, TidyClose, ForcedClose, CloseComplete); } if (TNC->CONNECTED == FALSE && TNC->CONNECTING == FALSE) { // See if time to reconnect time(<ime); if (ltime - TNC->lasttime > 9 ) { if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'T' && TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PortStopped == 0) ConnecttoARDOP(TNC); TNC->lasttime = ltime; } } // See if any frames for this port for (Stream = 0; Stream <= APMaxStreams; Stream++) { STREAM = &TNC->Streams[Stream]; if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'T') { // For serial mode packets are taken from the queue by ARDOPSCSPoll if (STREAM->BPQtoPACTOR_Q) { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)Q_REM(&STREAM->BPQtoPACTOR_Q); UCHAR * data = &buffptr->Data[0]; STREAM->FramesQueued--; txlen = (int)buffptr->Len; STREAM->bytesTXed += txlen; if (Stream == 0) { bytes=ARDOPSendData(TNC, data, txlen); WritetoTrace(TNC, data, txlen); } else { if (TNC->PacketSock) { // Using Packet over TCP) // Chan, Cmd/Data, Len-1 UCHAR Encoded[280]; int EncLen; int SentLen; EncLen = sprintf(Encoded, "%c%c%c%s\r", Stream, 0, txlen - 1, data); SentLen = send(TNC->PacketSock, Encoded, EncLen, 0); if (SentLen != EncLen) { int winerr=WSAGetLastError(); char ErrMsg[80]; sprintf(ErrMsg, "ARDOP Pkt Write Failed for port %d - error code = %d\r\n", TNC->PacketPort, winerr); WritetoConsole(ErrMsg); closesocket(TNC->PacketSock); TNC->PacketSock = 0; } } } ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } } if (STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q != 0) { buffptr = Q_REM(&STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q); datalen = (int)buffptr->Len; buff->PORT = Stream; // Compatibility with Kam Driver buff->PID = 0xf0; memcpy(&buff->L2DATA, &buffptr->Data[0], datalen); // Data goes to + 7, but we have an extra byte datalen += sizeof(void *) + 4; PutLengthinBuffer(buff, datalen); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); return (1); } if (STREAM->ReportDISC) // May need a delay so treat as a counter { STREAM->ReportDISC--; if (STREAM->ReportDISC == 0) { buff->PORT = Stream; // STREAM->Connected = 0; // STREAM->Attached = 0; return -1; } } } return (0); case 2: // send Stream = buff->PORT; if (!TNC->CONNECTED) { // Send Error Response PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return (0); // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = sprintf(&buffptr->Data[0], "No Connection to ARDOP TNC\r"); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return 0; // Don't try if not connected } STREAM = &TNC->Streams[Stream]; if (TNC->SwallowSignon) { TNC->SwallowSignon = FALSE; // Discard *** connected return 0; } txlen = GetLengthfromBuffer(buff) - (sizeof(void *) + 4); if (STREAM->Connected) { STREAM->PacketsSent++; if (Stream == 0) { bytes=ARDOPSendData(TNC, &buff->L2DATA[0], txlen); TNC->Streams[Stream].BytesOutstanding += bytes; // So flow control works - will be updated by BUFFER response STREAM->bytesTXed += bytes; WritetoTrace(TNC, &buff->L2DATA[0], txlen); } else { // Packet. Only works over Serial PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; UCHAR * buffp; if (TNC->PacketSock) { // Using Packet over TCP) // Chan, Cmd/Data, Len-1 UCHAR Encoded[280]; int EncLen; int SentLen; Encoded[0] = Stream; Encoded[1] = 0; // Data Encoded[2] = txlen - 1; memcpy(&Encoded[3], &buff->L2DATA[0], txlen); EncLen = txlen + 3; SentLen = send(TNC->PacketSock, Encoded, EncLen, 0); // We should increment outstanding here as TCP interface can fill buffer // very quickly TNC->Streams[Stream].BytesOutstanding += txlen; if (SentLen != EncLen) { int winerr=WSAGetLastError(); char ErrMsg[80]; sprintf(ErrMsg, "ARDOP Pkt Write Failed for port %d - error code = %d\r\n", TNC->PacketPort, winerr); WritetoConsole(ErrMsg); closesocket(TNC->PacketSock); TNC->PacketSock = 0; } return 0; } if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'T') return 0; buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return 0; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = txlen + 1; buffp = &buffptr->Data[0]; buffp[0] = 0; // CMD/Data Flag on front memcpy(buffp + 1, &buff->L2DATA[0], txlen); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].BPQtoPACTOR_Q, buffptr); STREAM->FramesQueued++; if (TNC->Timeout == 0) // if link idle can send now ARDOPSCSPoll(TNC); return 0; } } else { if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "D\r", 2) == 0 || _memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "BYE\r", 4) == 0) { STREAM->ReportDISC = TRUE; // Tell Node return 0; } if (TNC->FECMode) { char Buffer[300]; int len; // Send FEC Data buff->L2DATA[txlen] = 0; len = sprintf(Buffer, "%-9s: %s", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall, &buff->L2DATA[0]); ARDOPSendData(TNC, Buffer, len); TNC->FECPending = 1; return 0; } // See if Local command (eg RADIO) if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "RADIO ", 6) == 0) { sprintf(&buff->L2DATA[0], "%d %s", TNC->Port, &buff->L2DATA[6]); if (Rig_Command(TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[0]->L4CROSSLINK, &buff->L2DATA[0])) { } else { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return 1; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "%s", &buff->L2DATA[0]); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } return 1; } // if (_memicmp(&buff[8], "PAC ", 4) == 0 && _memicmp(&buff[8], "PAC MODE", 8) != 0) // { // PAC MODE goes to TNC, others are parsed locally // buff[7 + txlen] = 0; // ConfigVirtualKISSPort(TNC, &buff[8]); // return 1; // } if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "OVERRIDEBUSY", 12) == 0) { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); TNC->OverrideBusy = TRUE; if (buffptr) { buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} OK\r"); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } return 0; } if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "MAXCONREQ", 9) == 0) { if (buff->L2DATA[9] != 13) { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); // Limit connects int tries = atoi(&buff->L2DATA[10]); if (tries > 10) tries = 10; TNC->MaxConReq = tries; if (buffptr) { buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} OK\r"); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } return 0; } } if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "SessionTimeLimit", 16) == 0) { if (buff->L2DATA[16] != 13) { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); TNC->SessionTimeLimit = atoi(&buff->L2DATA[16]) * 60; if (buffptr) { buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} OK\r"); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } return 0; } } if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "ARQBW ", 6) == 0) TNC->WinmorCurrentMode = 0; // So scanner will set next value if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "CODEC TRUE", 9) == 0) TNC->StartSent = TRUE; if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "D\r", 2) == 0) { STREAM->ReportDISC = TRUE; // Tell Node return 0; } if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "FEC\r", 4) == 0 || _memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "FEC ", 4) == 0) { TNC->FECMode = TRUE; TNC->FECIDTimer = 0; // ARDOPSendCommand(TNC,"FECRCV TRUE"); return 0; } if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "PING ", 5) == 0) { if (InterlockedCheckBusy(TNC)) { // Channel Busy. Unless override set, reject if (TNC->OverrideBusy == 0) { // Reject PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); if (buffptr) { buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} Ping blocked by Busy\r"); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } return 0; } } TNC->OverrideBusy = FALSE; } // See if a Connect Command. If so, start codec and set Connecting if (toupper(buff->L2DATA[0]) == 'C' && buff->L2DATA[1] == ' ' && txlen > 2) // Connect { char Connect[80]; char * ptr = strchr(&buff->L2DATA[2], 13); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; _strupr(&buff->L2DATA[2]); if (strlen(&buff->L2DATA[2]) > 9) buff->L2DATA[11] = 0; if (Stream == 0) { sprintf(Connect, "ARQCALL %s %d", &buff->L2DATA[2], TNC->MaxConReq); ARDOPChangeMYC(TNC, TNC->Streams[0].MyCall); hookL4SessionAttempt(STREAM, &buff->L2DATA[2], TNC->Streams[0].MyCall); // See if Busy if (InterlockedCheckBusy(TNC)) { // Channel Busy. Unless override set, wait if (TNC->OverrideBusy == 0) { // Save Command, and wait up to 10 secs sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "Waiting for clear channel"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); TNC->ConnectCmd = _strdup(Connect); TNC->BusyDelay = TNC->BusyWait * 10; // BusyWait secs return 0; } } TNC->OverrideBusy = FALSE; // ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN TRUE", TRUE); // !!!! Temp bug workaround !!!! memset(TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, 0, 10); strcpy(TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, &buff->L2DATA[2]); sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "%s Connecting to %s", STREAM->MyCall, STREAM->RemoteCall); ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, Connect, TRUE); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); } else { // Packet Connect sprintf(Connect, "%cPKTCALL %s %s", Stream, &buff->L2DATA[2], STREAM->MyCall); ARDOPSendPktCommand(TNC, Stream, Connect); } STREAM->Connecting = TRUE; STREAM->ConnectTime = time(NULL); return 0; } buff->L2DATA[txlen - 1] = 0; // Remove CR ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, &buff->L2DATA[0], TRUE); } return 0; case 3: // CHECK IF OK TO SEND (And check TNC Status) Stream = (int)(size_t)buff; // I think we should check buffer space for all comms modes //if (!(TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'T')) //{ // // if serial mode must check buffer space { int Queued; int Outstanding = TNC->Streams[Stream].BytesOutstanding; if (Stream == 0) Queued = TNC->Streams[13].FramesQueued; // ARDOP Native Mode Send Queue else Queued = TNC->Streams[Stream].FramesQueued; if (TNC->Mode == 'O') // OFDM version has more buffer space { if (Queued > 4 || Outstanding > 8500) return (1 | (TNC->HostMode | TNC->CONNECTED) << 8 | STREAM->Disconnecting << 15); } else if (TNC->Mode == '3') // ARDOP3 has a bit more buffer space { if (Queued > 4 || Outstanding > 5000) return (1 | (TNC->HostMode | TNC->CONNECTED) << 8 | STREAM->Disconnecting << 15); } else { if (Queued > 4 || Outstanding > 2000) return (1 | (TNC->HostMode | TNC->CONNECTED) << 8 | STREAM->Disconnecting << 15); } } if (TNC->Streams[Stream].Attached == 0) return TNC->CONNECTED << 8 | 1; return (TNC->CONNECTED << 8 | TNC->Streams[Stream].Disconnecting << 15); // OK case 4: // reinit7 return 0; case 5: // Close if (TNC->CONNECTED) { if (TNC->WeStartedTNC) { GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "CLOSE", FALSE); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); Sleep(100); } } if (TNC->TCPSock) { shutdown(TNC->TCPSock, SD_BOTH); Sleep(100); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); } if (TNC->TCPDataSock) { shutdown(TNC->TCPDataSock, SD_BOTH); Sleep(100); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); } TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPDataSock = 0; return 0; case 6: // Scan Stop Interface Param = (size_t)buff; if (Param == 2) // Check Permission (Shouldn't happen) { Debugprintf("Scan Check Permission called on ARDOP"); return 1; // OK to change } if (Param == 1) // Request Permission { if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'T') // TCP Mode { if (!TNC->CONNECTED) return 0; // No connection so no interlock } else { // Serial Modes if (!TNC->HostMode) return 0; // No connection so no interlock } if (TNC->ConnectPending == 0 && TNC->PTTState == 0) { ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN FALSE", TRUE); TNC->GavePermission = TRUE; return 0; // OK to Change } if (TNC->ConnectPending) TNC->ConnectPending--; // Time out if set too long return TRUE; } if (Param == 3) // Release Permission { if (TNC->GavePermission) { TNC->GavePermission = FALSE; if (TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode[0] != 'S') // Skip ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN TRUE", TRUE); } return 0; } // Param is Address of a struct ScanEntry Scan = (struct ScanEntry *)buff; if (Scan->ARDOPMode[0] == 0) { // Not specified, so no change from previous return 0; } if (strcmp(Scan->ARDOPMode, TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode) != 0) { // Mode changed char CMD[32]; if (TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode[0] == 'S') // Skip ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN TRUE", TRUE); // Debugprintf("ARDOPMODE %s", Scan->ARDOPMode); memcpy(TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode, Scan->ARDOPMode, 6); if (Scan->ARDOPMode[0] == 'S') // SKIP - Dont Allow Connects { if (TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode[0] != 'S') { ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN FALSE", TRUE); TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode[0] = 'S'; } TNC->WL2KMode = 0; return 0; } if (strchr(Scan->ARDOPMode, 'F')) sprintf(CMD, "ARQBW %sORCED", Scan->ARDOPMode); else if (strchr(Scan->ARDOPMode, 'M')) sprintf(CMD, "ARQBW %sAX", Scan->ARDOPMode); else sprintf(CMD, "ARQBW %s", Scan->ARDOPMode); // ARDOPOFDM doesn't use MAX/FORCED ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, CMD, TRUE); return 0; } return 0; } return 0; } VOID ARDOPReleaseTNC(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { // Set mycall back to Node or Port Call, and Start Scanner UCHAR TXMsg[1000]; ARDOPChangeMYC(TNC, TNC->NodeCall); strcpy(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "Free"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN TRUE", TRUE); // Start Scanner if (TNC->DefaultRadioCmd) { sprintf(TXMsg, "%d %s", TNC->Port, TNC->DefaultRadioCmd); Rig_Command( (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, TXMsg); } sprintf(TXMsg, "%d SCANSTART 15", TNC->Port); Rig_Command( (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, TXMsg); ReleaseOtherPorts(TNC); } VOID ARDOPSuspendPort(struct TNCINFO * TNC, struct TNCINFO * ThisTNC) { TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PortSuspended = TRUE; ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN FALSE", TRUE); strcpy(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "Interlocked"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); } VOID ARDOPReleasePort(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PortSuspended = FALSE; ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN TRUE", TRUE); strcpy(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "Free"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); } extern char WebProcTemplate[]; extern char sliderBit[]; static int WebProc(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Buff, BOOL LOCAL) { int Len = sprintf(Buff, WebProcTemplate, TNC->Port, TNC->Port, "ARDOP Status", "ARDOP Status"); if (TNC->TXFreq) Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], sliderBit, TNC->TXOffset, TNC->TXOffset); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], ""); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WEB_MODE); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WEB_CHANSTATE, TNC->WEB_LEVELS); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WEB_PROTOSTATE); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WEB_TRAFFIC); // Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WEB_RESTARTS); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "
Comms State%s
TNC State%s
Channel State%s   %s
Proto State%s
TNC Restarts
"); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WebBuffer); Len = DoScanLine(TNC, Buff, Len); return Len; } VOID * ARDOPExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry) { int i, port; char Msg[255]; char * ptr; APPLCALLS * APPL; struct TNCINFO * TNC; char Aux[100] = "MYAUX "; char Appl[11]; char * TempScript; int Stream; // // Will be called once for each WINMOR port // // The Socket to connect to is in IOBASE // port = PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER; ReadConfigFile(port, ProcessLine); TNC = TNCInfo[port]; if (TNC == NULL) { // Not defined in Config file sprintf(Msg," ** Error - no info in BPQ32.cfg for this port\n"); WritetoConsole(Msg); return ExtProc; } TNC->Port = port; TNC->PortRecord = PortEntry; if (TNC->LogPath) ARDOPOpenLogFiles(TNC); TNC->ARDOPBuffer = malloc(8192); TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer = malloc(16384); TNC->ARDOPAPRS = zalloc(512); TNC->ARDOPAPRSLen = 0; if (TNC->ProgramPath) TNC->WeStartedTNC = RestartTNC(TNC); TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.HWType = TNC->Hardware = H_ARDOP; if (TNC->BusyWait == 0) TNC->BusyWait = 10; if (TNC->BusyHold == 0) TNC->BusyHold = 1; if (PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTCALL[0] == 0) memcpy(TNC->NodeCall, MYNODECALL, 10); else ConvFromAX25(&PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTCALL[0], TNC->NodeCall); if (PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTINTERLOCK && TNC->RXRadio == 0 && TNC->TXRadio == 0) TNC->RXRadio = TNC->TXRadio = PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTINTERLOCK; PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PROTOCOL = 10; PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTQUALITY = 0; for (Stream = 1; Stream <= APMaxStreams; Stream++) { TNC->Streams[Stream].DEDStream = Stream; } if (TNC->PacketChannels > APMaxStreams) TNC->PacketChannels = APMaxStreams; PortEntry->MAXHOSTMODESESSIONS = TNC->PacketChannels + 1; PortEntry->SCANCAPABILITIES = SIMPLE; // Scan Control - pending connect only PortEntry->PERMITGATEWAY = TRUE; // Can change ax.25 call on each stream PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.UICAPABLE = TRUE; if (PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTPACLEN == 0) PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTPACLEN = 236; TNC->SuspendPortProc = ARDOPSuspendPort; TNC->ReleasePortProc = ARDOPReleasePort; PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTSTARTCODE = ARDOPStartPort; PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTSTOPCODE = ARDOPStopPort; TNC->ModemCentre = 1500; // ARDOP is always 1500 Offset ptr=strchr(TNC->NodeCall, ' '); if (ptr) *(ptr) = 0; // Null Terminate // Set Essential Params and MYCALL // Put overridable ones on front, essential ones on end TempScript = malloc(1000); strcpy(TempScript, "INITIALIZE\r"); strcat(TempScript, "VERSION\r"); strcat(TempScript, "CWID False\r"); strcat(TempScript, "PROTOCOLMODE ARQ\r"); strcat(TempScript, "ARQTIMEOUT 90\r"); // strcat(TempScript, "ROBUST False\r"); strcat(TempScript, TNC->InitScript); free(TNC->InitScript); TNC->InitScript = TempScript; // Set MYCALL // strcat(TNC->InitScript,"FECRCV True\r"); // strcat(TNC->InitScript,"AUTOBREAK True\r"); sprintf(Msg, "MYCALL %s\r", TNC->NodeCall); strcat(TNC->InitScript, Msg); // strcat(TNC->InitScript,"PROCESSID\r"); // strcat(TNC->InitScript,"CODEC TRUE\r"); // strcat(TNC->InitScript,"LISTEN TRUE\r"); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { APPL=&APPLCALLTABLE[i]; if (APPL->APPLCALL_TEXT[0] > ' ') { char * ptr; memcpy(Appl, APPL->APPLCALL_TEXT, 10); ptr=strchr(Appl, ' '); if (ptr) { *ptr++ = ','; *ptr = 0; } strcat(Aux, Appl); } } if (strlen(Aux) > 8) { Aux[strlen(Aux) - 1] = '\r'; strcat(TNC->InitScript, Aux); } strcpy(TNC->CurrentMYC, TNC->NodeCall); if (TNC->WL2K == NULL) if (PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.WL2KInfo.RMSCall[0]) // Alrerady decoded TNC->WL2K = &PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.WL2KInfo; if (TNC->destaddr.sin_family == 0) { // not defined in config file, so use localhost and port from IOBASE TNC->destaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; TNC->destaddr.sin_port = htons(PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.IOBASE); TNC->Datadestaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; TNC->Datadestaddr.sin_port = htons(PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.IOBASE+1); TNC->HostName=malloc(10); if (TNC->HostName != NULL) strcpy(TNC->HostName,""); } PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.TNC = TNC; TNC->WebWindowProc = WebProc; TNC->WebWinX = 520; TNC->WebWinY = 500; TNC->WebBuffer = zalloc(5000); TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_CHANSTATE = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_BUFFERS = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_PROTOSTATE = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_RESTARTTIME = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_RESTARTS = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_MODE = zalloc(20); TNC->WEB_TRAFFIC = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_LEVELS =zalloc(32); #ifndef LINBPQ CreatePactorWindow(TNC, ClassName, WindowTitle, RigControlRow, PacWndProc, 500, 450, ForcedClose); CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "Comms State", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10,6,120,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 120,6,386,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "TNC State", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10,28,106,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 120,28,520,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "Listen", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10,50,80,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_MODE = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 120,50,200,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "Channel State", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10,72,110,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_CHANSTATE = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 120,72,82,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_LEVELS = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 200,72,200,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "Proto State", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,10,94,80,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_PROTOSTATE = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,120,94,374,20 , TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "Traffic", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,10,116,80,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_TRAFFIC = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "0 0 0 0", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,120,116,374,20 , TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "TNC Restarts", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,10,138,100,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_RESTARTS = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "0", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,120,138,40,20 , TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "Last Restart", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,140,138,100,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_RESTARTTIME = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "Never", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,250,138,200,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->hMonitor= CreateWindowEx(0, "LISTBOX", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL, 0,170,250,300, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->ClientHeight = 450; TNC->ClientWidth = 500; TNC->hMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(TNC->hMenu, MF_STRING, WINMOR_KILL, "Kill ARDOP TNC"); AppendMenu(TNC->hMenu, MF_STRING, WINMOR_RESTART, "Kill and Restart ARDOP TNC"); AppendMenu(TNC->hMenu, MF_STRING, WINMOR_RESTARTAFTERFAILURE, "Restart TNC after failed Connection"); AppendMenu(TNC->hMenu, MF_STRING, ARDOP_ABORT, "Abort Current Session"); CheckMenuItem(TNC->hMenu, WINMOR_RESTARTAFTERFAILURE, (TNC->RestartAfterFailure) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); MoveWindows(TNC); #endif if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'T') { Consoleprintf("ARDOP Host %s %d", TNC->HostName, htons(TNC->destaddr.sin_port)); ConnecttoARDOP(TNC); } else if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'E') { Consoleprintf("ARDOP TCPSerial %s:%d", TNC->HostName, htons(TNC->destaddr.sin_port)); SerialConnecttoTCP(TNC); } else if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'S') { TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.SerialPortName = _strdup(TNC->ARDOPSerialPort); // for common routines Consoleprintf("ARDOP Serial %s", TNC->ARDOPSerialPort); OpenCOMMPort(TNC, TNC->ARDOPSerialPort, TNC->ARDOPSerialSpeed, FALSE); } else if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'I') { #ifdef WIN32 sprintf(Msg,"ARDOP I2C is not supported on WIN32 systems\n"); WritetoConsoleLocal(Msg); #else #ifdef NOI2C sprintf(Msg,"I2C is not supported on this systems\n"); WritetoConsoleLocal(Msg); #else char i2cname[30]; int fd; int retval; if (strlen(TNC->ARDOPSerialPort) < 3) { sprintf(i2cname, "/dev/i2c-%s", TNC->ARDOPSerialPort); TNC->ARDOPSerialPort = _strdup(i2cname); } else strcpy(i2cname, TNC->ARDOPSerialPort); TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.SerialPortName = _strdup(i2cname); // for common routines Consoleprintf("ARDOP I2C Bus %s Addr %d ", i2cname, TNC->ARDOPSerialSpeed); // Open and configure the i2c interface fd = TNC->hDevice = open(i2cname, O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) printf("Cannot find i2c bus %s \n", i2cname); else { retval = ioctl(TNC->hDevice, I2C_SLAVE, TNC->ARDOPSerialSpeed); if(retval == -1) printf("Cannot open i2c device %x\n", TNC->ARDOPSerialSpeed); ioctl(TNC->hDevice, I2C_TIMEOUT, 10); //100 mS } #endif #endif } time(&TNC->lasttime); // Get initial time value return ExtProc; } VOID TNCLost(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { int Stream = 0; struct STREAMINFO * STREAM; if (TNC->TCPSock) closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); if (TNC->TCPDataSock) closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); if (TNC->PacketSock) closesocket(TNC->PacketSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPDataSock = 0; TNC->PacketSock = 0; TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; for (Stream = 0; Stream <= APMaxStreams; Stream++) { STREAM = &TNC->Streams[Stream]; STREAM->BytesOutstanding = 0; if (Stream == 0) { sprintf(TNC->WEB_TRAFFIC, "Sent %d RXed %d Queued %d", STREAM->bytesTXed - STREAM->BytesOutstanding, STREAM->bytesRXed, STREAM->BytesOutstanding); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TRAFFIC, TNC->WEB_TRAFFIC); } if (STREAM->Attached) STREAM->ReportDISC = TRUE; STREAM->Connected = FALSE; STREAM->Connecting = FALSE; } } int ConnecttoARDOP(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { _beginthread(ARDOPThread, 0, (void *)TNC); return 0; } VOID ARDOPThread(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { // Opens sockets and looks for data on control and data sockets. // Socket may be TCP/IP or Serial char Msg[255]; int err, i, ret; u_long param=1; BOOL bcopt=TRUE; struct hostent * HostEnt; fd_set readfs; fd_set errorfs; struct timeval timeout; char * ptr1, * ptr2; PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; char Cmd[64]; if (TNC->HostName == NULL) return; TNC->BusyFlags = 0; TNC->CONNECTING = TRUE; Sleep(3000); // Allow init to complete #ifdef WIN32 if (strcmp(TNC->HostName, "") == 0) { // can only check if running on local host TNC->PID = GetListeningPortsPID(TNC->destaddr.sin_port); if (TNC->PID == 0) { TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; // Not listening so no point trying to connect } // Get the File Name in case we want to restart it. if (TNC->ProgramPath == NULL) { if (GetModuleFileNameExPtr) { HANDLE hProc; char ExeName[256] = ""; hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION |PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, TNC->PID); if (hProc) { GetModuleFileNameExPtr(hProc, 0, ExeName, 255); CloseHandle(hProc); TNC->ProgramPath = _strdup(ExeName); } } } } #endif // // If we started the TNC make sure it is still running. // if (!IsProcess(TNC->PID)) // { // RestartTNC(TNC); // Sleep(3000); // } TNC->destaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(TNC->HostName); TNC->Datadestaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(TNC->HostName); if (TNC->destaddr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { // Resolve name to address HostEnt = gethostbyname (TNC->HostName); if (!HostEnt) { TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; // Resolve failed } memcpy(&TNC->destaddr.sin_addr.s_addr,HostEnt->h_addr,4); memcpy(&TNC->Datadestaddr.sin_addr.s_addr,HostEnt->h_addr,4); } if (TNC->TCPSock) { Debugprintf("ARDOP Closing Sock %d", TNC->TCPSock); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); } if (TNC->TCPDataSock) { Debugprintf("ARDOP Closing Sock %d", TNC->TCPDataSock); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); } if (TNC->PacketSock) { Debugprintf("ARDOP Closing Sock %d", TNC->PacketSock); closesocket(TNC->PacketSock); } TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPDataSock = 0; TNC->PacketSock = 0; TNC->TCPSock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (TNC->TCPSock == INVALID_SOCKET) { i=sprintf(Msg, "Socket Failed for ARDOP socket - error code = %d\r\n", WSAGetLastError()); WritetoConsole(Msg); TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; } TNC->TCPDataSock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (TNC->TCPDataSock == INVALID_SOCKET) { i=sprintf(Msg, "Socket Failed for ARDOP Data socket - error code = %d\r\n", WSAGetLastError()); WritetoConsole(Msg); TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; return; } setsockopt(TNC->TCPSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); setsockopt(TNC->TCPDataSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); // setsockopt(TNC->TCPDataSock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); sinx.sin_family = AF_INET; sinx.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sinx.sin_port = 0; if (connect(TNC->TCPSock,(LPSOCKADDR) &TNC->destaddr,sizeof(TNC->destaddr)) == 0) { // // Connected successful // } else { if (TNC->Alerted == FALSE) { sprintf(Msg, "Connect Failed for ARDOP socket - error code = %d Port %d\n", WSAGetLastError(), htons(TNC->destaddr.sin_port)); WritetoConsole(Msg); sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connection to TNC failed"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); TNC->Alerted = TRUE; } closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPDataSock = 0; TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; } // Connect Data Port if (connect(TNC->TCPDataSock,(LPSOCKADDR) &TNC->Datadestaddr,sizeof(TNC->Datadestaddr)) == 0) { // // Connected successful // } else { if (TNC->Alerted == FALSE) { err=WSAGetLastError(); i=sprintf(Msg, "Connect Failed for ARDOP Data socket - error code = %d\r\n", err); WritetoConsole(Msg); sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connection to TNC failed"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); TNC->Alerted = TRUE; } closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPDataSock = 0; TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; } if (TNC->PacketPort) { struct sockaddr_in destaddr; TNC->PacketSock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (TNC->PacketSock == INVALID_SOCKET) { i=sprintf(Msg, "Socket Failed for ARDOP Packet socket - error code = %d\r\n", WSAGetLastError()); WritetoConsole(Msg); TNC->PacketSock = 0; } else { setsockopt(TNC->PacketSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); // setsockopt(TNC->PacketSock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); destaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(TNC->HostName); destaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; destaddr.sin_port = htons(TNC->PacketPort); if (connect(TNC->PacketSock,(LPSOCKADDR) &destaddr, sizeof(destaddr)) == 0) { // Connected successful } else { if (TNC->Alerted == FALSE) { err=WSAGetLastError(); i=sprintf(Msg, "Connect Failed for ARDOP Packet socket - error code = %d\r\n", err); WritetoConsole(Msg); TNC->Alerted = TRUE; } closesocket(TNC->PacketSock); TNC->PacketSock = 0; } } } #ifndef LINBPQ // FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); EnumWindows(EnumARDOPWindowsProc, (LPARAM)TNC); // GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); #endif Sleep(1000); TNC->LastFreq = 0; // so V4 display will be updated TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; TNC->CONNECTED = TRUE; TNC->BusyFlags = 0; TNC->InputLen = 0; // Send INIT script // ARDOP needs each command in a separate send ptr1 = &TNC->InitScript[0]; // We should wait for first RDY. Cheat by queueing a null command GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); while(TNC->BPQtoWINMOR_Q) { buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)Q_REM(&TNC->BPQtoWINMOR_Q); if (buffptr) ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); buffptr->Len = 0; C_Q_ADD(&TNC->BPQtoWINMOR_Q, buffptr); while (ptr1 && ptr1[0]) { ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, 13); if (ptr2) *(ptr2) = 0; // if Date or Time command add current time if (_memicmp(ptr1, "DATETIME", 4) == 0) { time_t T; struct tm * tm; T = time(NULL); tm = gmtime(&T); sprintf(Cmd, "DATETIME %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d", tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_year - 100, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); ptr1 = Cmd; } ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, ptr1, TRUE); if (ptr2) *(ptr2++) = 13; // Put CR back for next time ptr1 = ptr2; } TNC->Alerted = TRUE; ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN TRUE", TRUE); sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connected to ARDOP TNC"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); sprintf(Msg, "Connected to ARDOP TNC Port %d\r\n", TNC->Port); WritetoConsole(Msg); while (TNC->CONNECTED) { FD_ZERO(&readfs); FD_ZERO(&errorfs); FD_SET(TNC->TCPSock,&readfs); FD_SET(TNC->TCPSock,&errorfs); if (TNC->CONNECTED) FD_SET(TNC->TCPDataSock,&readfs); // FD_ZERO(&writefs); // if (TNC->BPQtoWINMOR_Q) FD_SET(TNC->TCPDataSock,&writefs); // Need notification of busy clearing if (TNC->PacketSock) { FD_SET(TNC->PacketSock,&errorfs); FD_SET(TNC->PacketSock,&readfs); } // FD_ZERO(&writefs); // if (TNC->BPQtoWINMOR_Q) FD_SET(TNC->TCPDataSock,&writefs); // Need notification of busy clearing if (TNC->CONNECTING || TNC->CONNECTED) FD_SET(TNC->TCPDataSock,&errorfs); timeout.tv_sec = 600; timeout.tv_usec = 0; // We should get messages more frequently that this if (TNC->PacketSock) ret = select((int)TNC->PacketSock + 1, &readfs, NULL, &errorfs, &timeout); else ret = select((int)TNC->TCPDataSock + 1, &readfs, NULL, &errorfs, &timeout); if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { Debugprintf("ARDOP Select failed %d ", WSAGetLastError()); goto Lost; } if (ret > 0) { // See what happened if (FD_ISSET(TNC->TCPSock, &readfs)) { GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); ARDOPProcessReceivedControl(TNC); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); } if (FD_ISSET(TNC->TCPDataSock, &readfs)) { GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); ARDOPProcessReceivedData(TNC); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); } if (FD_ISSET(TNC->PacketSock, &readfs)) { int InputLen, Used; UCHAR Buffer[4096]; InputLen = recv(TNC->PacketSock, Buffer, 4096, 0); if (InputLen == 0 || InputLen == SOCKET_ERROR) { sprintf(Msg, "ARDOP Connection lost for Port %d\r\n", TNC->Port); WritetoConsole(Msg); sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connection to TNC lost"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); strcpy(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "Free"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; TNC->Alerted = FALSE; if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, FALSE); // Make sure PTT is down TNCLost(TNC); return; } // Could be more than one frame in buffer while (InputLen > 0) { GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); Used = ARDOPProcessDEDFrame(TNC, Buffer, InputLen); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); if (Used == 0) break; // need to check InputLen -= Used; if (InputLen > 0) memmove(Buffer, &Buffer[Used], InputLen); } } if (FD_ISSET(TNC->TCPSock, &errorfs)) { Lost: sprintf(Msg, "ARDOP Connection lost for Port %d\r\n", TNC->Port); WritetoConsole(Msg); sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connection to TNC lost"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; TNC->Alerted = FALSE; if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, FALSE); // Make sure PTT is down if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached) TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = TRUE; closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPDataSock = 0; return; } if (FD_ISSET(TNC->TCPDataSock, &errorfs)) { sprintf(Msg, "ARDOP Connection lost for Port %d\r\n", TNC->Port); WritetoConsole(Msg); sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connection to TNC lost"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; TNC->Alerted = FALSE; if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, FALSE); // Make sure PTT is down if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached) TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = TRUE; closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPDataSock = 0; return; } if (FD_ISSET(TNC->PacketSock, &errorfs)) { sprintf(Msg, "ARDOP Packet Connection lost for Port %d\r\n", TNC->Port); WritetoConsole(Msg); TNC->Alerted = FALSE; if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, FALSE); // Make sure PTT is down if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached) TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = TRUE; closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPDataSock = 0; return; } continue; } else { // 60 secs without data. Shouldn't happen sprintf(Msg, "ARDOP No Data Timeout Port %d\r\n", TNC->Port); WritetoConsole(Msg); // sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connection to TNC lost"); // GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); // MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); // FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; TNC->Alerted = FALSE; if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, FALSE); // Make sure PTT is down if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached) TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = TRUE; GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "CODEC FALSE", FALSE); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); shutdown(TNC->TCPSock, SD_BOTH); shutdown(TNC->TCPDataSock, SD_BOTH); Sleep(100); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPDataSock = 0; if (TNC->PID && TNC->WeStartedTNC) { // KillTNC(TNC); } return; } } sprintf(Msg, "ARDOP Thread Terminated Port %d\r\n", TNC->Port); WritetoConsole(Msg); } #ifndef LINBPQ BOOL CALLBACK EnumARDOPWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { char wtext[100]; struct TNCINFO * TNC = (struct TNCINFO *)lParam; UINT ProcessId; GetWindowText(hwnd,wtext,99); if (memcmp(wtext,"ARDOP_Win ", 10) == 0) { GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &ProcessId); if (TNC->PID == ProcessId) { // Our Process sprintf (wtext, "ARDOP Virtual TNC - BPQ %s", TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PORTDESCRIPTION); SetWindowText(hwnd, wtext); return FALSE; } } return (TRUE); } #endif VOID ARDOPProcessResponse(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Buffer, int MsgLen) { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; struct STREAMINFO * STREAM = &TNC->Streams[0]; Buffer[MsgLen - 1] = 0; // Remove CR if (_memicmp(Buffer, "RDY", 3) == 0) return; // RDY not used now if (_memicmp(Buffer, "RADIOHEX ", 9) == 0) { // Parameter is block to send to radio, in hex char c; int val; char * ptr1 = &Buffer[9]; UCHAR * ptr2 = Buffer; PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; int Len; // if not configured to use PTC Rig Control, Ignore if (TNC->RIG->PORT == NULL || TNC->RIG->PORT->PTC == NULL) return; buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); if (buffptr == NULL) return; while (c = *(ptr1++)) { val = c - 0x30; if (val > 15) val -= 7; val <<= 4; c = *(ptr1++) - 0x30; if (c > 15) c -= 7; val |= c; *(ptr2++) = val; } *(ptr2) = 0; Len = (int)(ptr2 - Buffer); buffptr->Len = Len; memcpy(&buffptr->Data[0], Buffer, Len); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->RadiotoBPQ_Q, buffptr); // WriteCOMBlock(hRIGDevice, ptrParams, ptr2 - ptrParams); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "INPUTPEAKS", 10) == 0) { sscanf(&Buffer[10], "%i %i", &TNC->InputLevelMin, &TNC->InputLevelMax); sprintf(TNC->WEB_LEVELS, "Input peaks %s", &Buffer[10]); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_LEVELS, TNC->WEB_LEVELS); return; // Response shouldn't go to user } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "LISTEN NOW", 10) == 0) return; // Response shouldn't go to user if (_memicmp(Buffer, "ARQCALL ", 7) == 0) return; // Response shouldn't go to user if (_memicmp(Buffer, "FAULT failure to Restart Sound card", 20) == 0) { Debugprintf(Buffer); // Force a restart ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "CODEC FALSE", TRUE); ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "CODEC TRUE", TRUE); } else { TNC->TimeSinceLast = 0; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "STATE ", 6) == 0) { if (_memicmp(&Buffer[6], "OFFLINE", 7) == 0) { // Force a restart ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "CODEC FALSE", TRUE); ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "CODEC TRUE", TRUE); } return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "PTT T", 5) == 0) { TNC->Busy = TNC->BusyHold * 10; // BusyHold delay TNC->PTTState = TRUE; if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, TRUE); TNC->PTTonTime = GetTickCount(); // Cancel Busy timer (stats include ptt on time in port active if (TNC->BusyonTime) { TNC->BusyActivemS += (GetTickCount() - TNC->BusyonTime); TNC->BusyonTime = 0; } return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "PTT F", 5) == 0) { TNC->PTTState = FALSE; if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, FALSE); if (TNC->PTTonTime) { TNC->PTTActivemS += (GetTickCount() - TNC->PTTonTime); TNC->PTTonTime = 0; } return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "BUSY TRUE", 9) == 0) { TNC->BusyFlags |= CDBusy; TNC->Busy = TNC->BusyHold * 10; // BusyHold delay TNC->BusyonTime = GetTickCount(); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_CHANSTATE, "Busy"); strcpy(TNC->WEB_CHANSTATE, "Busy"); TNC->WinmorRestartCodecTimer = time(NULL); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "BUSY FALSE", 10) == 0) { TNC->BusyFlags &= ~CDBusy; if (TNC->Busy) strcpy(TNC->WEB_CHANSTATE, "BusyHold"); else strcpy(TNC->WEB_CHANSTATE, "Clear"); if (TNC->BusyonTime) { TNC->BusyActivemS += (GetTickCount() - TNC->BusyonTime); TNC->BusyonTime = 0; } MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_CHANSTATE, TNC->WEB_CHANSTATE); TNC->WinmorRestartCodecTimer = time(NULL); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "TARGET", 6) == 0) { TNC->ConnectPending = 6; // This comes before Pending Debugprintf(Buffer); WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 1); memcpy(TNC->TargetCall, &Buffer[7], 10); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "OFFSET", 6) == 0) { // WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 5); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "BUFFER", 6) == 0) { sscanf(&Buffer[7], "%d", &STREAM->BytesOutstanding); if (STREAM->BytesOutstanding == 0) { // all sent if (STREAM->Disconnecting) // Disconnect when all sent { if (STREAM->NeedDisc == 0) STREAM->NeedDisc = 1; } } else { // Make sure Node Keepalive doesn't kill session. TRANSPORTENTRY * SESS = TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[0]; if (SESS) { SESS->L4KILLTIMER = 0; SESS = SESS->L4CROSSLINK; if (SESS) SESS->L4KILLTIMER = 0; } } sprintf(TNC->WEB_TRAFFIC, "Sent %d RXed %d Queued %d", STREAM->bytesTXed - STREAM->BytesOutstanding, STREAM->bytesRXed, STREAM->BytesOutstanding); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TRAFFIC, TNC->WEB_TRAFFIC); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "CONNECTED ", 10) == 0) { char Call[11]; char * ptr; APPLCALLS * APPL; char * ApplPtr = APPLS; int App; char Appl[10]; struct WL2KInfo * WL2K = TNC->WL2K; int Speed = 0; Debugprintf(Buffer); WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 1); STREAM->ConnectTime = time(NULL); STREAM->bytesRXed = STREAM->bytesTXed = STREAM->PacketsSent = 0; memcpy(Call, &Buffer[10], 10); ptr = strchr(Call, ' '); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; // Get Speed ptr = strchr(&Buffer[10], ' '); if (ptr) { Speed = atoi(ptr); if (Speed == 200) TNC->WL2KMode = 40; else if (Speed == 500) TNC->WL2KMode = 41; else if (Speed == 1000) TNC->WL2KMode = 42; else if (Speed == 2000) TNC->WL2KMode = 43; } TNC->HadConnect = TRUE; if (TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[0] == 0) { TRANSPORTENTRY * SESS; // Incoming Connect TNC->SessionTimeLimit = TNC->DefaultSessionTimeLimit; // Reset Limit // Stop other ports in same group SuspendOtherPorts(TNC); ProcessIncommingConnectEx(TNC, Call, 0, TRUE, TRUE); SESS = TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[0]; SESS->Mode = TNC->WL2KMode; TNC->ConnectPending = FALSE; if (TNC->RIG && TNC->RIG != &TNC->DummyRig && strcmp(TNC->RIG->RigName, "PTT")) { sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "%s Connected to %s Inbound Freq %s", TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, TNC->TargetCall, TNC->RIG->Valchar); SESS->Frequency = (int)(atof(TNC->RIG->Valchar) * 1000000.0) + 1500; // Convert to Centre Freq } else { sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "%s Connected to %s Inbound", TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, TNC->TargetCall); if (WL2K) { SESS->Frequency = WL2K->Freq; } } if (WL2K) strcpy(SESS->RMSCall, WL2K->RMSCall); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); // Check for ExcludeList if (ExcludeList[0]) { if (CheckExcludeList(SESS->L4USER) == FALSE) { char Status[64]; TidyClose(TNC, 0); sprintf(Status, "%d SCANSTART 15", TNC->Port); Rig_Command( (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, Status); Debugprintf("ARDOP Call from %s rejected", Call); return; } } // IF WE HAVE A PERMITTED CALLS LIST, SEE IF HE IS IN IT if (TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PERMITTEDCALLS) { UCHAR * ptr = TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PERMITTEDCALLS; while (TRUE) { if (memcmp(SESS->L4USER, ptr, 6) == 0) // Ignore SSID break; ptr += 7; if ((*ptr) == 0) // Not in list { char Status[64]; TidyClose(TNC, 0); sprintf(Status, "%d SCANSTART 15", TNC->Port); Rig_Command( (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, Status); Debugprintf("ARDOP Call from %s not in ValidCalls - rejected", Call); return; } } } // See which application the connect is for for (App = 0; App < 32; App++) { APPL=&APPLCALLTABLE[App]; memcpy(Appl, APPL->APPLCALL_TEXT, 10); ptr=strchr(Appl, ' '); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; if (_stricmp(TNC->TargetCall, Appl) == 0) break; } if (App < 32) { char AppName[13]; memcpy(AppName, &ApplPtr[App * sizeof(struct CMDX)], 12); AppName[12] = 0; if (TNC->SendTandRtoRelay && memcmp(AppName, "RMS ", 4) == 0 && (strstr(Call, "-T" ) || strstr(Call, "-R"))) strcpy(AppName, "RELAY "); // Make sure app is available if (CheckAppl(TNC, AppName)) { MsgLen = sprintf(Buffer, "%s\r", AppName); buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { return; // No buffers, so ignore } buffptr->Len = MsgLen; memcpy(&buffptr->Data[0], Buffer, MsgLen); C_Q_ADD(&STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); TNC->SwallowSignon = TRUE; // Save Appl Call in case needed for } else { char Msg[] = "Application not available\r\n"; // Send a Message, then a disconenct // Send CTEXT First if (TNC->Streams[0].BPQtoPACTOR_Q) //Used for CTEXT { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)Q_REM(&TNC->Streams[0].BPQtoPACTOR_Q); UCHAR * data = &buffptr->Data[0]; int txlen = (int)(buffptr->Len); SendARDOPorPacketData(TNC, 0, data, txlen); } SendARDOPorPacketData(TNC, 0, Msg, (int)strlen(Msg)); STREAM->NeedDisc = 100; // 10 secs } } strcpy(STREAM->MyCall, TNC->TargetCall); return; } else { // Connect Complete char Reply[80]; int ReplyLen; buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { return; // No buffers, so ignore } ReplyLen = sprintf(Reply, "*** Connected to %s\r", Call); buffptr->Len = ReplyLen; memcpy(&buffptr->Data[0], Reply, ReplyLen); C_Q_ADD(&STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); TNC->Streams[0].Connecting = FALSE; TNC->Streams[0].Connected = TRUE; // Subsequent data to data channel if (TNC->RIG && TNC->RIG->Valchar[0]) sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "%s Connected to %s Outbound Freq %s", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall, TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, TNC->RIG->Valchar); else sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "%s Connected to %s Outbound", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall, TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); UpdateMH(TNC, Call, '+', 'O'); return; } } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "DISCONNECTED", 12) == 0 || _memicmp(Buffer, "STATUS CONNECT TO", 17) == 0 || _memicmp(Buffer, "STATUS END ARQ CALL", 19) == 0 || _memicmp(Buffer, "STATUS ARQ TIMEOUT FROM PROTOCOL STATE", 24) == 0 // || _memicmp(Buffer, "NEWSTATE DISC", 13) == 0 || _memicmp(Buffer, "ABORT", 5) == 0) { TNC->ConnectPending = FALSE; // Cancel Scan Lock if (TNC->FECMode) return; if (TNC->StartSent) { TNC->StartSent = FALSE; // Disconnect reported following start codec return; } if (TNC->Streams[0].Connecting) { // Report Connect Failed, and drop back to command mode TNC->Streams[0].Connecting = FALSE; buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { return; // No buffers, so ignore } buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "*** Failure with %s\r", TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall); C_Q_ADD(&STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); if (TNC->RestartAfterFailure) { if (TNC->PID) KillTNC(TNC); RestartTNC(TNC); } sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "In Use by %s", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); return; } WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 1); // Release Session if (TNC->Streams[0].Connected) { // Create a traffic record hookL4SessionDeleted(TNC, STREAM); } TNC->Streams[0].Connecting = FALSE; TNC->Streams[0].Connected = FALSE; // Back to Command Mode TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = TRUE; // Tell Node if (TNC->Streams[0].Disconnecting) // ARDOPReleaseTNC(TNC); TNC->Streams[0].Disconnecting = FALSE; return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "MODE", 4) == 0) { strcpy(TNC->WEB_MODE, &Buffer[5]); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_MODE, &Buffer[5]); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "STATUS ", 7) == 0) { return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "RADIOMODELS", 11) == 0) return; if (_memicmp(&Buffer[0], "PENDING", 7) == 0) // Save Pending state for scan control { TNC->ConnectPending = 6; // Time out after 6 Scanintervals return; } // REJECTEDBW and REJECTEDBUSY are sent to both calling and called if (_memicmp(&Buffer[0], "REJECTEDBUSY", 12) == 0) { TNC->ConnectPending = FALSE; if (TNC->Streams[0].Connecting) { // Report Connect Failed, and drop back to command mode TNC->Streams[0].Connecting = FALSE; buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { return; // No buffers, so ignore } buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} Connection to %s Rejected - Channel Busy\r", TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall); C_Q_ADD(&STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return; } } if (_memicmp(&Buffer[0], "REJECTEDBW", 10) == 0) { TNC->ConnectPending = FALSE; if (TNC->Streams[0].Connecting) { // Report Connect Failed, and drop back to command mode TNC->Streams[0].Connecting = FALSE; buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { return; // No buffers, so ignore } buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} Connection to %s Rejected - Incompatible Bandwidth\r", TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall); C_Q_ADD(&STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return; } } if (_memicmp(&Buffer[0], "CANCELPENDING", 13) == 0 || _memicmp(&Buffer[0], "REJECTEDB", 9) == 0) //REJECTEDBUSY or REJECTEDBW { TNC->ConnectPending = FALSE; return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "FAULT", 5) == 0) { Debugprintf(Buffer); WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 1); // return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "NEWSTATE", 8) == 0) { TNC->WinmorRestartCodecTimer = time(NULL); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_PROTOSTATE, &Buffer[9]); strcpy(TNC->WEB_PROTOSTATE, &Buffer[9]); if (_memicmp(&Buffer[9], "DISC", 4) == 0) { TNC->DiscPending = FALSE; TNC->ConnectPending = FALSE; return; } if (strcmp(&Buffer[9], "ISS") == 0) // Save Pending state for scan control TNC->TXRXState = 'S'; else if (strcmp(&Buffer[9], "IRS") == 0) TNC->TXRXState = 'R'; return; } if ((_memicmp(Buffer, "FAULT Not from state FEC", 24) == 0) || (_memicmp(Buffer, "FAULT Blocked by Busy Lock", 24) == 0)) { if (TNC->FECMode) { Sleep(1000); // if (TNC->FEC1600) // ARDOPSendCommand(TNC,"FECSEND 1600"); // else // ARDOPSendCommand(TNC,"FECSEND 500"); return; } } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "PLAYBACKDEVICES", 15) == 0) { TNC->PlaybackDevices = _strdup(&Buffer[16]); } // Others should be responses to commands if (_memicmp(Buffer, "BLOCKED", 6) == 0) { WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 1); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "OVER", 4) == 0) { WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 1); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "PING ", 5) == 0) { char Call[32]; // Make sure not Echoed PING // c:ping gm8bpq-1 5 // c:PING GM8BPQ>GM8BPQ-1 15 98 if (strchr(Buffer, '>') == 0) // Echoed return; WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 1); // Release scanlock after another interval (to allow time for response to be sent) // ?? use cancelpending TNC->ConnectPending = 1; memcpy(Call, &Buffer[5], 20); strlop(Call, '>'); UpdateMH(TNC, Call, '!', 'I'); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "VERSION ", 8) == 0) { // If contains "OFDM" or "ARDOP3" increase data session busy level if (strstr(&Buffer[8], "OFDM")) TNC->Mode = 'O'; else if (strstr(&Buffer[8], "TNC_3")) TNC->Mode = '3'; else TNC->Mode = 0; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "PINGACK ", 8) == 0) { WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 1); // Drop through to return to user } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "CQ ", 3) == 0 && MsgLen > 10) { char Call[32]; char * Loc; WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 1); // Update MH { memcpy(Call, &Buffer[3], 32); Loc = strlop(Call, ' '); strlop(Loc, ']'); UpdateMHEx(TNC, Call, '!', 'I', &Loc[1], TRUE); } // Drop through to go to user if attached but not connected } // Return others to user (if attached but not connected) if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached == 0) return; if (TNC->Streams[0].Connected || TNC->Streams[0].Connecting) return; if (MsgLen > 200) MsgLen = 200; buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { return; // No buffers, so ignore } buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} %s\r", Buffer); C_Q_ADD(&STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } static VOID ARDOPProcessReceivedData(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { int InputLen, MsgLen; // May get several messages per packet // May get message split over packets // Data has a length field // ARQ|FEC|ERR|, 2 byte count (Hex 0001 – FFFF), binary data” // New standard doesnt have d: if (TNC->DataInputLen > 16000) // Shouldnt have packets longer than this TNC->DataInputLen=0; // OFDM can return large packets (up to 10160) // in serial mode, data has been put in input buffer by comms code if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'T') { InputLen=recv(TNC->TCPDataSock, &TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[TNC->DataInputLen], 16384 - TNC->DataInputLen, 0); if (InputLen == 0 || InputLen == SOCKET_ERROR) { TNCLost(TNC); return; } TNC->DataInputLen += InputLen; } loop: if (TNC->OldMode) goto OldRX; else { // No D: // Data = check we have it all int DataLen = (TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[0] << 8) + TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[1]; // HI First UCHAR DataType[4]; UCHAR * Data; if (TNC->DataInputLen < DataLen + 2) return; // Wait for more MsgLen = DataLen + 2; // Len memcpy(DataType, &TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[2] , 3); DataType[3] = 0; Data = &TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[5]; DataLen -= 3; ARDOPProcessDataPacket(TNC, DataType, Data, DataLen); // See if anything else in buffer TNC->DataInputLen -= MsgLen; if (TNC->DataInputLen == 0) return; memmove(TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer, &TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[MsgLen], TNC->DataInputLen); goto loop; } OldRX: if (TNC->DataInputLen < 8) return; // Wait for more to arrive (?? timeout??) if (TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[1] = ':') // At least message looks reasonable { if (TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[0] == 'd') { // Data = check we have it all int DataLen = (TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[2] << 8) + TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[3]; // HI First // unsigned short CRC; UCHAR DataType[4]; UCHAR * Data; if (TNC->DataInputLen < DataLen + 4) return; // Wait for more MsgLen = DataLen + 4; // d: Len CRC memcpy(DataType, &TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[4] , 3); DataType[3] = 0; Data = &TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[7]; DataLen -= 3; ARDOPProcessDataPacket(TNC, DataType, Data, DataLen); // See if anything else in buffer TNC->DataInputLen -= MsgLen; if (TNC->DataInputLen == 0) return; memmove(TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer, &TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[MsgLen], TNC->DataInputLen); goto loop; } else // Duff - clear input buffer TNC->DataInputLen = 0; } return; } static VOID ARDOPProcessReceivedControl(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { int InputLen, MsgLen; char * ptr, * ptr2; char Buffer[4096]; // May get several messages per packet // May get message split over packets // Commands end with CR. if (TNC->InputLen > 8000) // Shouldnt have packets longer than this TNC->InputLen=0; // in serial mode, data has been put in input buffer by comms code if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'T') { // I don't think it likely we will get packets this long, but be aware... InputLen=recv(TNC->TCPSock, &TNC->ARDOPBuffer[TNC->InputLen], 8192 - TNC->InputLen, 0); if (InputLen == 0 || InputLen == SOCKET_ERROR) { TNCLost(TNC); return; } TNC->InputLen += InputLen; } loop: ptr = memchr(TNC->ARDOPBuffer, '\r', TNC->InputLen); if (ptr == 0) // CR in buffer return; // Wait for it ptr2 = &TNC->ARDOPBuffer[TNC->InputLen]; if ((ptr2 - ptr) == 1) // CR (no CRC in new version) { // Usual Case - single meg in buffer ARDOPProcessResponse(TNC, TNC->ARDOPBuffer, TNC->InputLen); TNC->InputLen=0; return; } else { // buffer contains more that 1 message MsgLen = TNC->InputLen - (int)(ptr2-ptr) + 1; // Include CR memcpy(Buffer, TNC->ARDOPBuffer, MsgLen); ARDOPProcessResponse(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen); if (TNC->InputLen < MsgLen) { TNC->InputLen = 0; return; } memmove(TNC->ARDOPBuffer, ptr + 1, TNC->InputLen-MsgLen); TNC->InputLen -= MsgLen; goto loop; } return; } VOID ARDOPProcessDataPacket(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Type, UCHAR * Data, int Length) { // Info on Data Socket - just packetize and send on struct STREAMINFO * STREAM = &TNC->Streams[0]; int PacLen = 236; PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; TNC->TimeSinceLast = 0; if (strcmp(Type, "IDF") == 0) { // Place ID frames in Monitor Window and MH char Call[20]; char * Loc; // GM8BPQ-2:[IO68VL] //ID:GM8BPQ-2 IO68VL : // GM8BPQ-2:[IO68VL] //ID:GM8BPQ-2 [IO68vl]: //ID:HB9AVK JN47HG : // TX BPQ IDF GM8BPQ-2:[IO68VL] // RX Rick IDF ID:GM8BPQ-2 [IO68vl]: // TX Rick IDF GM8BPQ-2:[IO68VL] // RX BPQ IDF ID:GM8BPQ-2 IO68VL : //ID:GM8BPQ-2 [IO68vl] : Data[Length] = 0; WritetoTrace(TNC, Data, Length); Debugprintf("ARDOP IDF %s", Data); // Loos like transmitted ID doesnt have ID: if (memcmp(Data, "ID:", 3) == 0) // These seem to be received ID's { memcpy(Call, &Data[3], 20); Loc = strlop(Call, ' '); strlop(Loc, ']'); UpdateMHEx(TNC, Call, '!', 'I', &Loc[1], TRUE); } return; } STREAM->bytesRXed += Length; Data[Length] = 0; sprintf(TNC->WEB_TRAFFIC, "Sent %d RXed %d Queued %d", STREAM->bytesTXed - STREAM->BytesOutstanding, STREAM->bytesRXed, STREAM->BytesOutstanding); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TRAFFIC, TNC->WEB_TRAFFIC); if (TNC->FECMode) { Length = (int)strlen(Data); if (Data[Length - 1] == 10) Data[Length - 1] = 13; } if (strcmp(Type, "FEC") == 0) { // May be an APRS Message // These are delimired with ^ characters // As they are likely to be split across // FEC blocks they need to be recombined char * ptr = Data; char * ptr1; char * ptr2; char c; int Len = Length; char Call[10] = ""; Debugprintf(Data); if (*ptr == '^' || TNC->ARDOPAPRSLen) { // New Packet or continuation while (Len--) { c = *(ptr++); if (c == '^') { // may be start or end Debugprintf("Start/end of beacon Len = %d", TNC->ARDOPAPRSLen); if (TNC->ARDOPAPRSLen == 0) continue; // Start // Validate and Process Block Debugprintf("beacon %s", TNC->ARDOPAPRS); ptr1 = TNC->ARDOPAPRS; ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, '>'); if (ptr2 && (ptr2 - ptr1) < 10) { // Could be APRS // if ((memcmp(ptr2 + 1, "AP", 2) == 0) || (memcmp(ptr2 + 1, "BE", 2) == 0)) if (1) // People using other dests { int APLen; // assume it is char * ptr3 = strchr(ptr2, '|'); struct _MESSAGE * buffptr; if (ptr3 == 0) { TNC->ARDOPAPRSLen = 0; Debugprintf("no |"); continue; } buffptr = GetBuff(); *(ptr3++) = 0; // Terminate TO call APLen = TNC->ARDOPAPRSLen - (int)(ptr3 - ptr1); TNC->ARDOPAPRSLen = 0; Debugprintf("Good APRS %d Left", Len); // Convert to ax.25 format if (buffptr == 0) continue; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->PORT = TNC->Port; ConvToAX25(ptr1, buffptr->ORIGIN); ConvToAX25(ptr2 + 1, buffptr->DEST); buffptr->ORIGIN[6] |= 1; // Set end of address buffptr->CTL = 3; buffptr->PID = 0xF0; memcpy(buffptr->L2DATA, ptr3, APLen); buffptr->LENGTH = 16 + MSGHDDRLEN + APLen; time(&buffptr->Timestamp); memcpy(Call,ptr1, 9); strlop(Call, '>'); UpdateMH(TNC, Call, '!', 'I'); BPQTRACE((MESSAGE *)buffptr, TRUE); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } else { Debugprintf("Not APRS"); TNC->ARDOPAPRSLen = 0; // in case not aprs } } else { Debugprintf("cant be APRS"); TNC->ARDOPAPRSLen = 0; // in case not aprs } continue; } // Normal Char TNC->ARDOPAPRS[TNC->ARDOPAPRSLen++] = c; if (TNC->ARDOPAPRSLen == 512) TNC->ARDOPAPRSLen = 0; } // End of packet. Debugprintf("End of Packet Len %d", TNC->ARDOPAPRSLen); } // FEC but not APRS. Discard if connected if (TNC->Streams[0].Connected) return; } WritetoTrace(TNC, Data, Length); // We can get messages of form ARQ [ConReq2000M: GM8BPQ-2 > OE3FQU] // Noe (V2) [ConReq2500 > G8XXX] // when not connected. if (TNC->Streams[0].Connected == FALSE) { if (strcmp(Type, "ARQ") == 0) { if (Data[1] == '[') { // Log to MH char Call[20]; char * ptr; // Add a Newline for monitoring Data[Length++] = 13; Data[Length] = 0; ptr = strchr(Data, ':'); if (ptr) { memcpy(Call, &ptr[2], 20); strlop(Call, ' '); UpdateMH(TNC, Call, '!', 'I'); } } } } if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached == 0) return; // May need to fragment while (Length) { int Fraglen = Length; if (Length > PACLEN) Fraglen = PACLEN; Length -= Fraglen; buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return; // No buffers, so ignore memcpy(&buffptr->Data[0], Data, Fraglen); Data += Fraglen; buffptr->Len = Fraglen; C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[0].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } return; } /* INT_PTR CALLBACK ConfigDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int Cmd = LOWORD(wParam); switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { struct TNCINFO * TNC = (struct TNCINFO * )lParam; char * ptr1, *ptr2; int ptr3 = 0; char Line[1000]; int len; ptr1 = TNC->CaptureDevices; if (!ptr1) return 0; // No Devices while (ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, ',')) { len = ptr2 - ptr1; memcpy(&Line[ptr3], ptr1, len); ptr3 += len; Line[ptr3++] = '\r'; Line[ptr3++] = '\n'; ptr1 = ++ptr2; } Line[ptr3] = 0; strcat(Line, ptr1); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_CAPTURE, Line); ptr3 = 0; ptr1 = TNC->PlaybackDevices; if (!ptr1) return 0; // No Devices while (ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, ',')) { len = ptr2 - ptr1; memcpy(&Line[ptr3], ptr1, len); ptr3 += len; Line[ptr3++] = '\r'; Line[ptr3++] = '\n'; ptr1 = ++ptr2; } Line[ptr3] = 0; strcat(Line, ptr1); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_PLAYBACK, Line); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_PLAYBACK, EM_SETSEL, -1, 0); // KillTNC(TNC); return TRUE; } case WM_SIZING: { return TRUE; } case WM_ACTIVATE: // SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_MESSAGE, EM_SETSEL, -1, 0); break; case WM_COMMAND: if (Cmd == IDCANCEL) { EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam)); return (INT_PTR)TRUE; } return (INT_PTR)TRUE; break; } return (INT_PTR)FALSE; } */ VOID TidyClose(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream) { // If all acked, send disc if (TNC->Streams[Stream].BytesOutstanding == 0) { if (Stream == 0) ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "DISCONNECT", TRUE); else { char Cmd[32]; sprintf(Cmd, "%cDISCONNECT", 1); ARDOPSendPktCommand(TNC, Stream, Cmd); } } } VOID ForcedClose(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream) { if (Stream == 0) ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "ABORT", TRUE); else { char Cmd[32]; sprintf(Cmd, "%cDISCONNECT", Stream); ARDOPSendPktCommand(TNC, Stream, Cmd); } } VOID CloseComplete(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream) { if (Stream == 0) { ARDOPReleaseTNC(TNC); if (TNC->FECMode) { TNC->FECMode = FALSE; ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "SENDID", TRUE); } } } VOID ARDOPAbort(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { ARDOPSendCommand(TNC, "ABORT", TRUE); } // Host Mode Stuff (we reuse some routines in SCSPactor) VOID ARDOPCRCStuffAndSend(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Msg, int Len) { unsigned short int crc; UCHAR StuffedMsg[500]; int i, j; Msg[3] |= TNC->Toggle; // Debugprintf("ARDOP TX Toggle %x", TNC->Toggle); crc = compute_crc(&Msg[2], Len-2); crc ^= 0xffff; Msg[Len++] = (crc&0xff); Msg[Len++] = (crc>>8); for (i = j = 2; i < Len; i++) { StuffedMsg[j++] = Msg[i]; if (Msg[i] == 170) { StuffedMsg[j++] = 0; } } if (j != i) { Len = j; memcpy(Msg, StuffedMsg, j); } TNC->TXLen = Len; Msg[0] = 170; Msg[1] = 170; ARDOPWriteCommBlock(TNC); TNC->Retries = 5; } VOID ARDOPExitHost(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { UCHAR * Poll = TNC->TXBuffer; // Try to exit Host Mode TNC->TXBuffer[2] = 31; TNC->TXBuffer[3] = 0x41; TNC->TXBuffer[4] = 0x5; memcpy(&TNC->TXBuffer[5], "JHOST0", 6); ARDOPCRCStuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, 11); return; } VOID ARDOPDoTermModeTimeout(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { UCHAR * Poll = TNC->TXBuffer; if (TNC->ReinitState == 0) { //Checking if in Terminal Mode - Try to set back to Term Mode TNC->ReinitState = 1; ARDOPExitHost(TNC); TNC->Retries = 1; return; } if (TNC->ReinitState == 1) { // Forcing back to Term Mode TNC->ReinitState = 0; ARDOPDoTNCReinit(TNC); // See if worked return; } if (TNC->ReinitState == 3) { // Entering Host Mode // Assume ok TNC->HostMode = TRUE; TNC->IntCmdDelay = 10; return; } } VOID ARDOPDoTNCReinit(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { UCHAR * Poll = TNC->TXBuffer; if (TNC->ReinitState == 0) { // Just Starting - Send a TNC Mode Command to see if in Terminal or Host Mode Poll[0] = 13; Poll[1] = 0x1B; TNC->TXLen = 2; // Debugprintf("Sending CR ESC, Mode %c", TNC->ARDOPCommsMode); if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'E') { if (TNC->TCPCONNECTED) { int SentLen = send(TNC->TCPSock, TNC->TXBuffer, TNC->TXLen, 0); if (SentLen != TNC->TXLen) { // ARDOP doesn't seem to recover from a blocked write. For now just reset int winerr=WSAGetLastError(); char ErrMsg[80]; sprintf(ErrMsg, "ARDOP Write Failed for port %d - error code = %d\r\n", TNC->Port, winerr); WritetoConsole(ErrMsg); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPCONNECTED = FALSE; } } TNC->TNCOK = FALSE; sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE,"%s Initialising TNC", TNC->ARDOPSerialPort); SetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); TNC->Timeout = 20; // 2 secs TNC->Retries = 1; return; } if (TNC->hDevice == 0) // Dont try to init if device not open { if (TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PortStopped == 0) OpenCOMMPort(TNC, TNC->ARDOPSerialPort, TNC->ARDOPSerialSpeed, TRUE); TNC->Timeout = 100; // 10 secs TNC->Retries = 1; return; } TNC->TNCOK = FALSE; sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE,"%s Initialising TNC", TNC->ARDOPSerialPort); SetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); if (ARDOPWriteCommBlock(TNC) == FALSE) { if (TNC->hDevice) { Debugprintf("ARDOPWriteCommBlock Failed Mode %c", TNC->ARDOPCommsMode); CloseCOMPort(TNC->hDevice); } if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'S') { OpenCOMMPort(TNC, TNC->ARDOPSerialPort, TNC->ARDOPSerialSpeed, TRUE); } else { #ifdef WIN32 #else #ifdef NOI2C #else char i2cname[30]; int fd; int retval; // Open and configure the i2c interface if (strlen(TNC->ARDOPSerialPort) < 3) sprintf(i2cname, "/dev/i2c-%s", TNC->ARDOPSerialPort); else strcpy(i2cname, TNC->ARDOPSerialPort); fd = TNC->hDevice = open(i2cname, O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) printf("Cannot find i2c bus %s\n", i2cname); else { retval = ioctl(fd, I2C_SLAVE, TNC->ARDOPSerialSpeed); if(retval == -1) printf("Cannot open i2c device %x\n", TNC->ARDOPSerialSpeed); ioctl(fd, I2C_TIMEOUT, 10); } #endif #endif } } TNC->Retries = 1; } if (TNC->ReinitState == 1) // Forcing back to Term TNC->ReinitState = 0; if (TNC->ReinitState == 2) // In Term State, Sending Initialisation Commands { Debugprintf("DOTNCReinit %d Complete - Entering Hostmode", TNC->Port); TNC->TXBuffer[2] = 0; TNC->Toggle = 0; memcpy(Poll, "JHOST4\r", 7); TNC->TXLen = 7; ARDOPWriteCommBlock(TNC); // Timeout will enter host mode TNC->Timeout = 1; TNC->Retries = 1; TNC->Toggle = 0; TNC->ReinitState = 3; // Set toggle force bit TNC->OKToChangeFreq = 1; // In case failed whilst waiting for permission TNC->CONNECTED = TRUE; return; } } VOID ARDOPProcessTermModeResponse(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { UCHAR * Poll = TNC->TXBuffer; char * ptr1, * ptr2; int len; if (TNC->ReinitState == 0) { // Testing if in Term Mode. It is, so can now send Init Commands TNC->InitPtr = TNC->InitScript; TNC->ReinitState = 2; // Send ARDOP to make sure TNC is in a known state strcpy(Poll, "ARDOP\r"); // OpenLogFile(TNC->Port); // WriteLogLine(TNC->Port, Poll, 7); // CloseLogFile(TNC->Port); TNC->TXLen = 6; ARDOPWriteCommBlock(TNC); TNC->Timeout = 60; // 6 secs return; } if (TNC->ReinitState == 2) { // Sending Init Commands // Send INIT script ptr1 = &TNC->InitScript[0]; /* GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); while(TNC->BPQtoWINMOR_Q) { void ** buffptr = Q_REM(&TNC->BPQtoWINMOR_Q); if (buffptr) ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); */ while (ptr1 && ptr1[0]) { ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, 13); if (ptr2 == 0) break; len = (int)(ptr2 - ptr1) + 1; memcpy(Poll, ptr1, len); // if Date or Time command add current time if (_memicmp(ptr1, "DATETIME", 4) == 0) { time_t T; struct tm * tm; T = time(NULL); tm = gmtime(&T); len = sprintf(Poll, "DATETIME %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d\r", tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_year - 100, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); } // if RADIOPTTON ? or RADIOPTTOFF ? replace ? // with correct string if (_memicmp(ptr1, "RADIOPTTOFF ?", 13) == 0) { int Len = TNC->RIG->PTTOffLen; UCHAR * Cmd = TNC->RIG->PTTOff; char Hex[256]; char * hexptr = Hex; int i, j; while(Len--) { i = *(Cmd++); j = i >>4; j += '0'; // ascii if (j > '9') j += 7; *(hexptr++) = j; j = i & 0xf; j += '0'; // ascii if (j > '9') j += 7; *(hexptr++) = j; } *(hexptr++) = 0; len = sprintf(Poll, "RADIOPTTOFF %s\r", Hex); } if (_memicmp(ptr1, "RADIOPTTON ?", 12) == 0) { int Len = TNC->RIG->PTTOnLen; UCHAR * Cmd = TNC->RIG->PTTOn; char Hex[256]; char * hexptr = Hex; int i, j; while(Len--) { i = *(Cmd++); j = i >>4; j += '0'; // ascii if (j > '9') j += 7; *(hexptr++) = j; j = i & 0xf; j += '0'; // ascii if (j > '9') j += 7; *(hexptr++) = j; } *(hexptr++) = 0; len = sprintf(Poll, "RADIOPTTON %s\r", Hex); } TNC->TXLen = len; ARDOPWriteCommBlock(TNC); Sleep(50); TNC->Timeout = 60; // 6 secs if (ptr2) *(ptr2++) = 13; // Put CR back for next time ptr1 = ptr2; } // All Sent - enter Host Mode ARDOPDoTNCReinit(TNC); // Send Next Command return; } } int ARDOPProcessDEDFrame(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Msg, int framelen) { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; UCHAR * Buffer; // Data portion of frame unsigned int Stream = 0, RealStream; if (Msg[0] == 255 && Msg[1] == 255) { goto tcpHostFrame; } if (TNC->HostMode == 0) return framelen; // Check toggle // Debugprintf("ARDOP RX Toggle = %x MSG[3] = %x", TNC->Toggle, Msg[3]); if (TNC->Toggle != (Msg[3] & 0x80)) { Debugprintf("ARDOP PTC Seq Error"); return framelen; // should check if retrying } // Any valid frame is an ACK TNC->Toggle ^= 0x80; // update toggle TNC->Timeout = 0; Msg[3] &= 0x7f; // remove toggle if (TNC->TNCOK == FALSE) { // Just come up TNC->TNCOK = TRUE; sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE,"%s TNC link OK", TNC->ARDOPSerialPort); SetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); } tcpHostFrame: Stream = RealStream = Msg[2]; // See if Poll Reply or Data if (Msg[3] == 1 && Stream > 0 && Stream <= APMaxStreams) { // Ardop Packet Data. Probably Buffer Status int Len = (int)strlen(&Msg[4]); if (memcmp(&Msg[4], "Queued ", 7) == 0) { int Count = atoi(&Msg[11]); TNC->Streams[Stream].BytesOutstanding = Count; } return Len + 5; } if (Stream == 32) // Native Mode Command Response { if (Msg[3] == 1) // Null terminated response { int Len = (int)strlen(&Msg[4]) + 1; ARDOPProcessResponse(TNC, &Msg[4], Len); return Len + 5; } if (Msg[3] == 0) // Success, no response return 5; if (Msg[3] == 7) // Status Reports { int Len = Msg[4] + 1; // may have more than one message in buffer, // so pass to unpack memcpy(&TNC->ARDOPBuffer[TNC->InputLen],&Msg[5], Len); TNC->InputLen += Len; ARDOPProcessReceivedControl(TNC); return Len + 5; } return 0; } if (Stream == 33) // Native Mode Data { // May be connected, FEC or ID if (Msg[3] == 1) // Null terminated response return 0; if (Msg[3] == 0) // Success, no response return 0; if (Msg[3] == 7) // Data { int Len = Msg[4] + 1; // may have more than one message in buffer, // so pass to unpack memcpy(&TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[TNC->DataInputLen],&Msg[5], Len); TNC->DataInputLen += Len; ARDOPProcessReceivedData(TNC); return 0; } return 0; } if (Stream == 34) // Native Mode Log { int Len = Msg[4] + 1; char timebuf[32]; char Line[256]; char * ptr, * ptr2; #ifdef WIN32 SYSTEMTIME st; #else struct timespec tp; int hh; int mm; int ss; #endif if (TNC->LogHandle == 0 && TNC->DebugHandle == 0) return 0; #ifdef WIN32 GetSystemTime(&st); sprintf(timebuf, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d ", st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds); #else clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp); ss = tp.tv_sec % 86400; // Secs int day hh = ss / 3600; mm = (ss - (hh * 3600)) / 60; ss = ss % 60; sprintf(timebuf, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d ", hh, mm, ss, (int)tp.tv_nsec/1000000); #endif // Messages may be blocked with top bit of first byte set ptr = &Msg[5]; ptr2 = Line; while(Len--) { int c = (*ptr++); if (c & 0x80) { // New Message c &= 0x7f; *ptr2 = 0; fputs(Line, TNC->DebugHandle); // rest of last line if (TNC->LastLogType < '7') fputs(Line, TNC->LogHandle); TNC->LastLogType = c; // Timestamp new message and add type fputs(timebuf, TNC->DebugHandle); fputc(c, TNC->DebugHandle); fputc(' ', TNC->DebugHandle); if (TNC->LastLogType < '7') { fputs(timebuf, TNC->LogHandle); fputc(c, TNC->LogHandle); fputc(' ', TNC->LogHandle); } ptr2 = Line; } else *(ptr2++) = c; } *ptr2 = 0; fputs(Line, TNC->DebugHandle); // rest of last line fflush(TNC->DebugHandle); if (TNC->LastLogType < '7') { fputs(Line, TNC->LogHandle); fflush(TNC->LogHandle); } return 0; } if (Msg[3] == 4 || Msg[3] == 5) { MESSAGE Monframe; // Packet Monitor Data. // DED Host uses 4 and 5 as Null Terminated ascii encoded header // and 6 byte count format info. // In ARDOP Native mode I pass both header and data // in byte count raw format, as there is no point // in ascii coding then converting back to pass to // monitor code // The First byte is TX/RX Flag int Len = Msg[4]; // Would be +1 but first is Flag memset(&Monframe, 0, sizeof(Monframe)); memcpy(Monframe.DEST, &Msg[6], Len); Monframe.LENGTH = Len + MSGHDDRLEN; Monframe.PORT = TNC->Port | Msg[5]; // or in TX Flag time(&Monframe.Timestamp); if (Msg[3] == 5) // More to come { // Save the header till the data arrives if (TNC->Monframe) free(TNC->Monframe); TNC->Monframe = malloc(sizeof(MESSAGE)); if (TNC->Monframe) memcpy(TNC->Monframe, &Monframe, sizeof(MESSAGE)); return Len + 6; } BPQTRACE((MESSAGE *)&Monframe, TRUE); return Len + 6; } if (Msg[3] == 6) { // Second part of I or UI int Len = Msg[4] + 1; MESSAGE Monframe; UCHAR * ptr = (UCHAR *)&Monframe; memset(&Monframe, 0, sizeof(Monframe)); if (TNC->Monframe) { memcpy(&Monframe, TNC->Monframe, TNC->Monframe->LENGTH); memcpy(&ptr[TNC->Monframe->LENGTH], &Msg[5], Len); Monframe.LENGTH += Len; time(&Monframe.Timestamp); BPQTRACE((MESSAGE *)&Monframe, TRUE); free(TNC->Monframe); TNC->Monframe = NULL; } return Len + 6; } if (Msg[3] == 0) { // Success - Nothing Follows if (Stream < 32) if (TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSet) return 4; // Response to Command Set if ((TNC->TXBuffer[3] & 1) == 0) // Data return 4; if (Stream > 0 && Stream <= APMaxStreams) { // Packet Response return 4; } // If the response to a Command, then we should convert to a text OK" for forward scripts, etc if (TNC->TXBuffer[5] == 'G') // Poll return 4; if (TNC->TXBuffer[5] == 'C') // Connect - reply we need is async return 4; if (TNC->TXBuffer[5] == 'L') // Shouldnt happen! return 4; if (TNC->TXBuffer[5] == '#') // Shouldnt happen! return 4; if (TNC->TXBuffer[5] == '%' && TNC->TXBuffer[6] == 'W') // Scan Control - Response to W1 if (TNC->InternalCmd) return 4; // Just Ignore if (TNC->TXBuffer[5] == 'J') // JHOST { if (TNC->TXBuffer[10] == '0') // JHOST0 { TNC->Timeout = 1; // return 4; } } if (TNC->Streams[Stream].Connected) return 4; buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == NULL) return 4; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0],"ARDOP} Ok\r"); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); // C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return 4; } if (Msg[3] > 0 && Msg[3] < 6) { // Success with message - null terminated UCHAR * ptr; int len; if (Msg[2] == 0xff) // General Poll Response { UCHAR * Poll = TNC->TXBuffer; UCHAR Chan = Msg[4] - 1; if (Chan == 255) // Nothing doing return 0; if (Msg[5] != 0) { // More than one to poll - save the list of channels to poll strcpy(TNC->NexttoPoll, &Msg[5]); } // Poll the channel that had data Poll[2] = Chan; // Channel Poll[3] = 0x1; // Command if (Chan == 254) // Status - Send Extended Status (G3) { Poll[4] = 1; // Len-1 Poll[5] = 'G'; // Extended Status Poll Poll[6] = '3'; } else { Poll[4] = 0; // Len-1 Poll[5] = 'G'; // Poll } ARDOPCRCStuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, Poll[4] + 6); TNC->InternalCmd = FALSE; return 0; } Buffer = &Msg[4]; ptr = strchr(Buffer, 0); if (ptr == 0) return 0; *(ptr++) = 13; *(ptr) = 0; len = (int)(ptr - Buffer); if (len > 256) return 0; if (Stream > 0 && Stream <= APMaxStreams) { // Packet Mode Response. Could be command response or status. struct STREAMINFO * STREAM = &TNC->Streams[Stream]; PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; if (strstr(Buffer, "Incoming")) { // incoming call. Check which application it is for char Call[11]; char TargetCall[11] = ""; char * ptr; APPLCALLS * APPL; char * ApplPtr = APPLS; int App; char Appl[10]; TRANSPORTENTRY * SESS; Buffer[len-1] = 0; WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, len); STREAM->ConnectTime = time(NULL); STREAM->bytesRXed = STREAM->bytesTXed = STREAM->PacketsSent = 0; memcpy(Call, &Buffer[19], 10); ptr = strchr(Call, ' '); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; ptr = strstr(&Buffer[19], " to "); if (ptr) { memcpy(TargetCall, ptr + 4, 10); ptr = strchr(TargetCall, 13); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; } ProcessIncommingConnectEx(TNC, Call, Stream, TRUE, FALSE); SESS = TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[Stream]; // Check for ExcludeList if (ExcludeList[0]) { if (CheckExcludeList(SESS->L4USER) == FALSE) { TidyClose(TNC, 0); Debugprintf("ARDOP Packet Call from %s rejected", Call); return 0; } } // IF WE HAVE A PERMITTED CALLS LIST, SEE IF HE IS IN IT if (TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PERMITTEDCALLS) { UCHAR * ptr = TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PERMITTEDCALLS; while (TRUE) { if (memcmp(SESS->L4USER, ptr, 6) == 0) // Ignore SSID break; ptr += 7; if ((*ptr) == 0) // Not in list { TidyClose(TNC, 0); Debugprintf("ARDOP Packet Call from %s not in ValidCalls - rejected", Call); return 0; } } } // See which application the connect is for for (App = 0; App < 32; App++) { APPL=&APPLCALLTABLE[App]; memcpy(Appl, APPL->APPLCALL_TEXT, 10); ptr=strchr(Appl, ' '); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; if (_stricmp(TargetCall, Appl) == 0) break; } if (App < 32) { char AppName[13]; memcpy(AppName, &ApplPtr[App * sizeof(struct CMDX)], 12); AppName[12] = 0; // Make sure app is available if (CheckAppl(TNC, AppName)) { char ApplCmd[80]; int Len = sprintf(ApplCmd, "%s\r", AppName); buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { return len + 5; // No buffers, so ignore } buffptr->Len = Len; memcpy(&buffptr->Data[0], ApplCmd, Len); C_Q_ADD(&STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); TNC->SwallowSignon = TRUE; // Save Appl Call in case needed for } else { char Msg[] = "Application not available\r\n"; // Send a Message, then a disconenct // Send CTEXT First if (STREAM->BPQtoPACTOR_Q) //Used for CTEXT { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = Q_REM(&STREAM->BPQtoPACTOR_Q); UCHAR * data = &buffptr->Data[0]; int txlen = (int)buffptr->Len; SendARDOPorPacketData(TNC, Stream, data, txlen); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } SendARDOPorPacketData(TNC, Stream, Msg, (int)strlen(Msg)); STREAM->NeedDisc = 100; // 10 secs } } STREAM->Connected = TRUE; return len + 5; } // Send to host buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return len + 5; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "%s", Buffer); C_Q_ADD(&STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); // Unless Connected response close session STREAM->Connecting = FALSE; if (strstr(Buffer, "Connected")) STREAM->Connected = TRUE; else if (strstr(Buffer, "Failure with")) STREAM->ReportDISC = 10; // Gives time for failure message to display else if (strstr(Buffer, "Busy from")) STREAM->ReportDISC = 10; // Gives time for failure message to display else if (strstr(Buffer, "Disconnected from")) { if (STREAM->Disconnecting) // We requested disconnect { STREAM->Connecting = FALSE; STREAM->Connected = FALSE; // Back to Command Mode STREAM->Disconnecting = FALSE; } else { STREAM->Connected = 0; STREAM->ReportDISC = 10; } } else STREAM->NeedDisc = 10; return len + 5; } // See if we need to process locally (Response to our command, Incoming Call, Disconencted, etc if (Msg[3] < 3) // 1 or 2 - Success or Fail { return 0; } if (Msg[3] == 3) // Status { struct STREAMINFO * STREAM = &TNC->Streams[Stream]; return 0; } // 1, 2, 4, 5 - pass to Appl return 0; } if (Msg[3] == 6) { return 0; } if (Msg[3] == 7) // Data { if (Stream > 0 && Stream <= APMaxStreams) { // Packet Response int len = Msg[4] + 1; if (TNC->Streams[Stream].Connected == 0) return len + 5; buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == NULL) return 0; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = len; memcpy((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], &Msg[5], buffptr->Len); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return len + 5; } if (Stream == 32) // Command string { int Len = Msg[4] + 1; ARDOPProcessResponse(TNC, &Msg[5], Len); return 0; } if (Msg[2] == 0xfe) // Status Poll Response { return 0; } if (Msg[2] == 248) // Log Message { // Monitor Data - Length format // first 4 bytes contain a 32 bits long timestamp. // That timestamp holds the number of seconds that elapsed since date 01.01.2000 at 00:00:00. // The MS byte is sent first. The timestamp can be corrected to the usual C timestamp (seconds //since 01.01.1970, 00:00:00) simply by adding 946684800 (seconds) to it. // Teminated with LF int datalen = Msg[4] + 1; time_t timestamp = (Msg[5] << 24) + (Msg[6] << 16) + (Msg[7] << 8) + Msg[8] + 946684800; char c; char timebuf[32] = "HH:MM:SS.MMM"; struct tm * tm; if (TNC->LogHandle == 0 || TNC->DebugHandle == 0) return 0; tm = gmtime(×tamp); sprintf(timebuf, "%02d:%02d:%02d. ", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); // ARDOP Messages have a millisec time in first 3 bytes // and a log type in 4th c = Msg[12]; // Type memcpy(&timebuf[9], &Msg[9], 3); // copy millisecs fputs(timebuf, TNC->DebugHandle); fputc(c, TNC->DebugHandle); fputc(' ', TNC->DebugHandle); fwrite(&Msg[13], 1, datalen - 8, TNC->DebugHandle); fflush(TNC->DebugHandle); if (c < '7') { // All types below debug go to log file fputs(timebuf, TNC->LogHandle); fputc(c, TNC->LogHandle); fputc(' ', TNC->LogHandle); fwrite(&Msg[13], 1, datalen - 8, TNC->LogHandle); fflush(TNC->LogHandle); } return 0; } if (Msg[2] == 253) // Rig Port Response { // Queue for Rig Control Driver int datalen = Msg[4] + 1; PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; // if not configured to use PTC Rig Control, Ignore if (TNC->RIG->PORT == NULL || TNC->RIG->PORT->PTC == NULL) return 0; buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); if (buffptr) { buffptr->Len = datalen; memcpy(&buffptr->Data[0], &Msg[5], datalen); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->RadiotoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } return 0; } if (Msg[2] == 250) // KISS { // Pass to KISS Code int datalen = Msg[4] + 1; void ** buffptr = NULL; ProcessKISSBytes(TNC, &Msg[5], datalen); return datalen + 5; } return 0; } return 0; } void ARDOPSCSCheckRX(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { int Length, Len = 0; unsigned short crc; char UnstuffBuffer[500]; if (TNC->RXLen == 500) TNC->RXLen = 0; if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'I') { unsigned char Buffer[33]; BOOL Error; int gotThisTime = 0, i2clen; // i2c mode always returns as much as requested or error // First two bytes of block are length // if (TNC->hDevice < 0) // return; while ((TNC->RXLen + Len) < 460) { i2clen = ReadCOMBlockEx(TNC->hDevice, Buffer, 33, &Error); if (i2clen < 33 || i2clen == 5) return; if (Error) { Debugprintf("ARDOP i2c returned %d bytes Error %d", i2clen, Error); return; } gotThisTime = Buffer[0]; if (gotThisTime == 0) { if (Len) break; // Something to process return; // No More } // if (gotThisTime != 7) // Debugprintf("ARDOP i2c Len %d RXL %d %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x", // gotThisTime, TNC->RXLen + Len, // Buffer[0], Buffer[1], Buffer[2], Buffer[3], // Buffer[4], Buffer[5], Buffer[6], Buffer[7], // Buffer[8], Buffer[9], Buffer[10], Buffer[11]); memcpy(&TNC->RXBuffer[TNC->RXLen + Len], &Buffer[1], gotThisTime); Len += gotThisTime; if (Buffer[0] < 32) break; // no more } } else if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode =='E') //Serial over TCP Len = SerialGetTCPMessage(TNC, &TNC->RXBuffer[TNC->RXLen], 500 - TNC->RXLen); else if (TNC->hDevice) Len = ReadCOMBlock(TNC->hDevice, &TNC->RXBuffer[TNC->RXLen], 500 - TNC->RXLen); if (Len == 0) return; TNC->RXLen += Len; Length = TNC->RXLen; // DED mode doesn't have an end of frame delimiter. We need to know if we have a full frame // Fortunately this is a polled protocol, so we only get one frame at a time // If first char != 170, then probably a Terminal Mode Frame. Wait for CR on end // If first char is 170, we could check rhe length field, but that could be corrupt, as // we haen't checked CRC. All I can think of is to check the CRC and if it is ok, assume frame is // complete. If CRC is duff, we will eventually time out and get a retry. The retry code // can clear the RC buffer if (TNC->RXBuffer[0] != 170) { // Char Mode Frame I think we need to see cmd: on end // If we think we are in host mode, then to could be noise - just discard. if (TNC->HostMode) { TNC->RXLen = 0; // Ready for next frame return; } TNC->RXBuffer[TNC->RXLen] = 0; // if (TNC->Streams[Stream].RXBuffer[TNC->Streams[Stream].RXLen-2] != ':') if (strlen(TNC->RXBuffer) < TNC->RXLen) TNC->RXLen = 0; if ((strstr(TNC->RXBuffer, "cmd: ") == 0) && (strstr(TNC->RXBuffer, "pac: ") == 0)) return; // Wait for rest of frame // Complete Char Mode Frame // OpenLogFile(TNC->Port); // WriteLogLine(TNC->Port, TNC->RXBuffer, (int)strlen(TNC->RXBuffer)); // CloseLogFile(TNC->Port); TNC->RXLen = 0; // Ready for next frame if (TNC->HostMode == 0) { // We think TNC is in Terminal Mode ARDOPProcessTermModeResponse(TNC); return; } // We thought it was in Host Mode, but are wrong. TNC->HostMode = FALSE; return; } if (TNC->HostMode == FALSE) { TNC->RXLen = 0; // clear input and wait for char mode response return; } // Receiving a Host Mode frame if (Length < 6) // Minimum Frame Sise return; if (TNC->RXBuffer[2] == 170) { // Retransmit Request TNC->RXLen = 0; return; // Ignore for now } // Can't unstuff into same buffer - fails if partial msg received, and we unstuff twice Length = Unstuff(&TNC->RXBuffer[2], &UnstuffBuffer[2], Length - 2); if (Length == -1) { // Unstuff returned an errors (170 not followed by 0) TNC->RXLen = 0; return; // Ignore for now } crc = compute_crc(&UnstuffBuffer[2], Length); if (crc == 0xf0b8) // Good CRC { TNC->RXLen = 0; // Ready for next frame UnstuffBuffer[0] = 0; // Make sure not seen as TCP Frame ARDOPProcessDEDFrame(TNC, UnstuffBuffer, Length); // If there are more channels to poll (more than 1 entry in general poll response, // and link is not active, poll the next one if (TNC->Timeout == 0) { UCHAR * Poll = TNC->TXBuffer; if (TNC->NexttoPoll[0]) { UCHAR Chan = TNC->NexttoPoll[0] - 1; memmove(&TNC->NexttoPoll[0], &TNC->NexttoPoll[1], 19); Poll[2] = Chan; // Channel Poll[3] = 0x1; // Command if (Chan == 254) // Status - Send Extended Status (G3) { Poll[4] = 1; // Len-1 Poll[5] = 'G'; // Extended Status Poll Poll[6] = '3'; } else { Poll[4] = 0; // Len-1 Poll[5] = 'G'; // Poll } ARDOPCRCStuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, Poll[4] + 6); TNC->InternalCmd = FALSE; return; } else { // if last message wasn't a general poll, send one now if (TNC->PollSent) return; TNC->PollSent = TRUE; // Use General Poll (255) Poll[2] = 255 ; // Channel Poll[3] = 0x1; // Command Poll[4] = 0; // Len-1 Poll[5] = 'G'; // Poll ARDOPCRCStuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, 6); TNC->InternalCmd = FALSE; } } return; } // Bad CRC - assume incomplete frame, and wait for rest. If it was a full bad frame, timeout and retry will recover link. return; } VOID ARDOPSCSPoll(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { UCHAR * Poll = TNC->TXBuffer; int Stream = 0; if (TNC->Timeout) { TNC->Timeout--; if (TNC->Timeout) // Still waiting return; TNC->Retries--; if(TNC->Retries >= 0) { if (TNC->HostMode) Debugprintf("ARDOP Timeout - Retransmit PTC Block"); ARDOPWriteCommBlock(TNC); // Retransmit Block return; } // Retried out. if (TNC->HostMode == 0) { ARDOPDoTermModeTimeout(TNC); return; } // Retried out in host mode - Clear any connection and reinit the TNC Debugprintf("ARDOP - Link to TNC Lost"); TNC->TNCOK = FALSE; sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE,"%s Open but TNC not responding", TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.SerialPortName); SetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); // Clear anything from UI_Q while (TNC->PortRecord->UI_Q) { void ** buffptr = Q_REM(&TNC->PortRecord->UI_Q); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } TNC->HostMode = 0; TNC->ReinitState = 0; TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; // Disconenct any attached sessions for (Stream = 0; Stream <= APMaxStreams; Stream++) { if (TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[Stream]) // Connected { TNC->Streams[Stream].Connected = FALSE; // Back to Command Mode TNC->Streams[Stream].ReportDISC = TRUE; // Tell Node } } } if (TNC->Timeout) return; // We've sent something // if we have just restarted or TNC appears to be in terminal mode, run Initialisation Sequence if (!TNC->HostMode) { ARDOPDoTNCReinit(TNC); return; } TNC->PollSent = FALSE; if (TNC->TNCOK && TNC->BPQtoRadio_Q) { int datalen; PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)Q_REM(&TNC->BPQtoRadio_Q); datalen = (int)buffptr->Len; Poll[2] = 253; // Radio Channel Poll[3] = 0; // Data? Poll[4] = datalen - 1; memcpy(&Poll[5], &buffptr->Data[0], datalen); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); ARDOPCRCStuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, datalen + 5); return; } for (Stream = 0; Stream < 14; Stream++) // Priority to commands { if (TNC->TNCOK && TNC->Streams[Stream].BPQtoPACTOR_Q) { int datalen; PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; char * Buffer; buffptr=Q_REM(&TNC->Streams[Stream].BPQtoPACTOR_Q); TNC->Streams[Stream].FramesQueued--; datalen = (int)buffptr->Len; Buffer = &buffptr->Data[0]; // Data portion of frame Poll[3]= 0; if (Stream > 11) Poll[2] = Stream + 20; // 12 and 13 to Channels 32 and 33 else if (Stream == 0) Poll[2] = 33; else { // Packet Frame Poll[2] = Stream; Poll[3] = Buffer[0]; // First Byte is CMD/Data FLag datalen--; Buffer++; } Poll[4] = datalen - 1; memcpy(&Poll[5], Buffer, datalen); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); ARDOPCRCStuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, datalen + 5); return; } } //0x04421CB0 aa aa 21 00 07 00 06 48 65 6c 6c 6f 0d c8 3e 38 42 50 51 2d 32 20 35 0d 4a 8a 4d 38 42 50 51 ªª!....Hello.È>8BPQ-2 5.JŠM8BPQ //0x04421CCF 2d 31 30 2c 47 4d 38 42 50 51 2d 35 2c 47 4d 38 42 50 51 2c 47 4d 38 42 50 51 2d 31 35 0d 00 -10,GM8BPQ-5,GM8BPQ,GM8BPQ-15.. //0x04421CEE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ............................... if (TNC->TNCOK && TNC->KISSTX_Q) { int datalen; PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)Q_REM(&TNC->KISSTX_Q); datalen = (int)buffptr->Len; Poll[2] = 250; // KISS Channel Poll[3] = 0; // Data Poll[4] = datalen - 1; memcpy(&Poll[5], &buffptr->Data[0], datalen); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); ARDOPCRCStuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, datalen + 5); return; } TNC->PollSent = TRUE; // Use General Poll (255) Poll[2] = 255 ; // Channel Poll[3] = 0x1; // Command if (TNC->ReinitState == 3) { TNC->ReinitState = 0; Poll[3] = 0x41; } Poll[4] = 0; // Len-1 Poll[5] = 'G'; // Poll ARDOPCRCStuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, 6); TNC->InternalCmd = FALSE; return; } // ARDOP Serial over TCP Routines // Probably only for Teensy with ESP01. Runs SCS Emulator over a TCP Link VOID SerialConnecttoTCPThread(struct TNCINFO * TNC); int SerialConnecttoTCP(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { _beginthread(SerialConnecttoTCPThread, 0, (void *)TNC); return 0; } VOID SerialConnecttoTCPThread(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { char Msg[255]; int i; u_long param = 1; BOOL bcopt=TRUE; struct hostent * HostEnt; SOCKADDR_IN sinx; int addrlen=sizeof(sinx); if (TNC->HostName == NULL) return; Sleep(5000); // Allow init to complete while(1) { if (TNC->TCPCONNECTED) { Sleep(57000); continue; } TNC->BusyFlags = 0; TNC->CONNECTING = TRUE; TNC->destaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(TNC->HostName); TNC->Datadestaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(TNC->HostName); if (TNC->destaddr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { // Resolve name to address HostEnt = gethostbyname (TNC->HostName); if (!HostEnt) { TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; Sleep (57000); return; // Resolve failed } memcpy(&TNC->destaddr.sin_addr.s_addr,HostEnt->h_addr,4); memcpy(&TNC->Datadestaddr.sin_addr.s_addr,HostEnt->h_addr,4); } if (TNC->TCPSock) { Debugprintf("ARDOP Closing Sock %d", TNC->TCPSock); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); } TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPSock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (TNC->TCPSock == INVALID_SOCKET) { i=sprintf(Msg, "Socket Failed for ARDOP socket - error code = %d\r\n", WSAGetLastError()); WritetoConsole(Msg); TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; } setsockopt(TNC->TCPSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); // setsockopt(TNC->TCPDataSock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); sinx.sin_family = AF_INET; sinx.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sinx.sin_port = 0; if (connect(TNC->TCPSock,(LPSOCKADDR) &TNC->destaddr,sizeof(TNC->destaddr)) == 0) { // // Connected successful TNC->TCPCONNECTED = TRUE; ioctl(TNC->TCPSock, FIONBIO, ¶m); Debugprintf("ARDOP TCPSerial connected, Socket %d", TNC->TCPSock); } else { if (TNC->Alerted == FALSE) { sprintf(Msg, "Connect Failed for ARDOP socket - error code = %d Port %d\n", WSAGetLastError(), htons(TNC->destaddr.sin_port)); WritetoConsole(Msg); sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connection to TNC failed"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); TNC->Alerted = TRUE; } closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; Sleep (57000); // 1 Mins } } } int SerialGetTCPMessage(struct TNCINFO * TNC, unsigned char * Buffer, int Len) { int index=0; ULONG param = 1; if (TNC->TCPCONNECTED) { int InputLen; // Poll TCP COnnection for data // May have several messages per packet, or message split over packets InputLen = recv(TNC->TCPSock, Buffer, Len, 0); if (InputLen < 0) { int err = WSAGetLastError(); if (err == 10035 || err == 11) { InputLen = 0; return 0; } Debugprintf("ARDOP Serial TCP RX Error %d received for socket %d", err, TNC->TCPSock); TNC->TCPCONNECTED = 0; closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; return 0; } if (InputLen > 0) return InputLen; else { Debugprintf("ARDOP Serial TCP Close received for socket %d", TNC->TCPSock); TNC->TCPCONNECTED = 0; closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; return 0; } } return 0; } int ARDOPWriteCommBlock(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'E') { if (TNC->TCPCONNECTED) { int SentLen = send(TNC->TCPSock, TNC->TXBuffer, TNC->TXLen, 0); if (SentLen != TNC->TXLen) { // ARDOP doesn't seem to recover from a blocked write. For now just reset int winerr=WSAGetLastError(); char ErrMsg[80]; sprintf(ErrMsg, "ARDOP Write Failed for port %d - error code = %d\r\n", TNC->Port, winerr); WritetoConsole(ErrMsg); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPCONNECTED = FALSE; } } TNC->Timeout = 20; // 2 secs return 1; } if (TNC->hDevice) return (WriteCommBlock(TNC)); else { TNC->Timeout = 20; // 2 secs return 0; } } // Teensy Combined ARDOP/AX.25 Support #define FEND 0xC0 // KISS CONTROL CODES #define FESC 0xDB #define TFEND 0xDC #define TFESC 0xDD /* VOID ARAXINIT(struct PORTCONTROL * PORT) { char Msg[80] = ""; memcpy(Msg, PORT->PORTDESCRIPTION, 30); sprintf(Msg, "%s\n", Msg); WritetoConsoleLocal(Msg); } VOID ARAXTX(struct PORTCONTROL * PORT, PMESSAGE Buffer) { // KISS Encode and Queue to Host Mode KISS Queue UINT * TXMsg = NULL; // KISS Message to queue to Hostmode KISS Queue UCHAR * TXPtr; int TXLen = 0; struct _LINKTABLE * ACKWORD = Buffer->Linkptr; struct _MESSAGE * Message = (struct _MESSAGE *)Buffer; UCHAR c; char * ptr1; int Len; struct TNCINFO * TNC = PORT->TNC; if (TNC && TNC->CONNECTED) // Have a Host Session TXMsg = GetBuff(); // KISS Message to queue to Hostmode KISS Queue if (TXMsg == NULL) // No Session or No buffers { // Reset any ACKMODE Timer and release buffer C_Q_ADD(&TRACE_Q, Buffer); struct _LINKTABLE * LINK = Buffer->Linkptr; if (LINK) { if (LINK->L2TIMER) LINK->L2TIMER = LINK->L2TIME; Buffer->Linkptr = 0; // CLEAR FLAG FROM BUFFER } C_Q_ADD(&TRACE_Q, Buffer); return; } TXPtr = (UCHAR *)&TXMsg[2]; ptr1 = &Message->DEST[0]; Len = Message->LENGTH - 7; *(TXPtr++) = FEND; if (ACKWORD) // Frame Needs ACK { *TXPtr++ = 0x0c; // ACK OPCODE ACKWORD -= (UINT)LINKS; // Con only send 16 bits, so use offset into LINKS *TXPtr++ = ACKWORD & 0xff; *TXPtr++ = (ACKWORD >> 8) &0xff; // have to reset flag so trace doesnt clear it Buffer->Linkptr = 0; TXLen = 4;struct _LINKTABLE * } else { *TXPtr++ = 0; TXLen = 2; } while (Len--) { c = *(ptr1++); switch (c) { case FEND: (*TXPtr++) = FESC; (*TXPtr++) = TFEND; TXLen += 2; break; case FESC: (*TXPtr++) = FESC; (*TXPtr++) = TFESC; TXLen += 2; break; default: (*TXPtr++) = c; TXLen++; } if (TXLen > 250) { // Queue frame to KISS Channel and get another buffer // can take up to 256, but sometimes add 2 at a time TXMsg[1] = (int)(TXPtr - (UCHAR *)&TXMsg[2]); } } (*TXPtr++) = FEND; TXLen++; TXMsg[1] = TXLen; C_Q_ADD(&TNC->KISSTX_Q, TXMsg); // Pass buffer to trace routines C_Q_ADD(&TRACE_Q, Buffer); } VOID ARAXRX() { } VOID ARAXTIMER() { } VOID ARAXCLOSE() { } BOOL ARAXTXCHECK() { return 0; } #define DATABYTES 400000 // WAS 320000 extern UCHAR * NEXTFREEDATA; // ADDRESS OF NEXT FREE BYTE in shared memory extern UCHAR DATAAREA[DATABYTES]; VOID AddVirtualKISSPort(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int ARDOPPort, char * buf) { // Adds a Virtual KISS port for simultaneous ARDOP and Packet on Teensy TNC // or ARDOP_PTC ovet a single host mode port. // Not needed if using TCP interface as that uses KISS over TCP struct PORTCONTROL * PORTVEC=PORTTABLE; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT; int pl = sizeof(struct PORTCONTROL); int mh = MHENTRIES * sizeof(MHSTRUC); int space = (int)(&DATAAREA[DATABYTES] - NEXTFREEDATA); char Msg[64]; unsigned char * ptr3; unsigned int3; int newPortNumber = 0; if (TNC->ARDOPCommsMode == 'T') // TCP return; if (buf[12] == '=') newPortNumber = atoi(&buf[13]); if (space < (pl + mh)) { WritetoConsoleLocal("Insufficient space to add ARDOP/Packet Port\n"); return; } while (PORTVEC->PORTPOINTER) { PORTVEC=PORTVEC->PORTPOINTER; } // PORTVEC is now last port in chain ptr3 = NEXTFREEDATA; PORT = (struct PORTCONTROL *)ptr3; ptr3 += sizeof (struct PORTCONTROL); // Round to word boundary (for ARM5 etc) int3 = (int)ptr3; int3 += 3; int3 &= 0xfffffffc; ptr3 = (UCHAR *)int3; PORTVEC->PORTPOINTER = PORT; // Chain to previous last port if (newPortNumber == 0) newPortNumber = 32;; if (GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(newPortNumber)) { // Number in use // If user specified search up, if default search down if (newPortNumber == 32) while(newPortNumber && GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(newPortNumber)) // Try next lower newPortNumber--; else while(newPortNumber < 32 && GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(newPortNumber)) // Try next highest newPortNumber++; } if (newPortNumber == 0 || newPortNumber > 32) { WritetoConsoleLocal("No free Port Number to add ARDOP/Packet Port\n"); return; } NUMBEROFPORTS++; PORT->PORTNUMBER = newPortNumber; PORT->PortSlot = PORTVEC->PortSlot + 1; sprintf(Msg, "Packet Port for ARDOP Port %d ", ARDOPPort); memcpy(PORT->PORTDESCRIPTION, Msg, 30); PORT->TNC = TNC; TNC->VirtualPORT = PORT; // Link TNC and PORT both ways PORT->PORTINITCODE = ARAXINIT; PORT->PORTTIMERCODE = ARAXTIMER; PORT->PORTRXROUTINE = ARAXRX; PORT->PORTTXROUTINE = ARAXTX; PORT->PORTCLOSECODE = ARAXCLOSE; PORT->PORTTXCHECKCODE = ARAXTXCHECK; // Default L2 Params PORT->PORTN2 = 5; PORT->PORTT1 = 5000/333; // FRACK 5 secs // As we use IPoll we can set RESPTIME very long and FRACK short PORT->PORTT2 = 20000/333; // RESPTIME PORT->PORTPACLEN = 128; PORT->PORTWINDOW = 1; // ADD MH AREA IF NEEDED NEEDMH = 1; // Include MH in Command List PORT->PORTMHEARD = (PMHSTRUC)ptr3; ptr3 += MHENTRIES * sizeof(MHSTRUC); // Round to word boundary (for ARM5 etc) int3 = (int)ptr3; int3 += 3; int3 &= 0xfffffffc; ptr3 = (UCHAR *)int3; NEXTFREEDATA = ptr3; return; } int ConfigVirtualKISSPort(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Cmd) { struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = TNC->VirtualPORT; void ** buffptr = GetBuff(); char * Context; char * Param; char * Command; int Value; int Stream = 0; if (buffptr == NULL) return 0; if (PORT == NULL) { buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} Packet Mode nor Enabled\r"); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return 0; } _strupr(Cmd); Command = strtok_s(&Cmd[4], " \n\r", &Context); Param = strtok_s(NULL, " \n\r", &Context); if (Param) Value = atoi(Param); if (strcmp(Command, "PACLEN") == 0) { if (Param == NULL) buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} PAC %s %d\r", Command, PORT->PORTPACLEN); else { if (Value > 0 && Value <= 256) PORT->PORTPACLEN = Value; buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} PAC %s now %d\r", Command, PORT->PORTPACLEN); } C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return 0; } else if (strcmp(Command, "RETRIES") == 0) { if (Param == NULL) buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} PAC %s %d\r", Command, PORT->PORTN2); else { if (Value > 0 && Value <= 16) PORT->PORTN2 = Value; buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} PAC %s now %d\r", Command, PORT->PORTN2); } C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return 0; } else if (strcmp(Command, "WINDOW") == 0 || strcmp(Command, "MAXFRAME") == 0) { if (Param == NULL) buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} PAC %s %d\r", Command, PORT->PORTWINDOW); else { if (Value > 0 && Value <= 7) PORT->PORTWINDOW = Value; buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} PAC %s now %d\r", Command, PORT->PORTWINDOW); } C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return 0; } else if (strcmp(Command, "FRACK") == 0) { if (Param == NULL) buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} PAC %s %d mS\r", Command, PORT->PORTT1 * 333); else { if (Value > 0 && Value <= 20000) PORT->PORTT1 = Value / 333; buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} PAC %s now %d mS\r", Command, PORT->PORTT1 * 333); } C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return 0; } else if (strcmp(Command, "RESPTIME") == 0) { if (Param == NULL) buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} PAC %s %d mS\r", Command, PORT->PORTT2 * 333); else { if (Value > 0 && Value <= 20000) PORT->PORTT2 = Value / 333; buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} PAC %s now %d mS\r", Command, PORT->PORTT2 * 333); } C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return 0; } else buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "ARDOP} Invalid Command %s\r", Cmd); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return 0; } */ void ProcessKISSBytes(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Data, int Len) { // Kiss data received from TNC but not necessarrily a full packet // and could be multiple packets // The TNC record is for the ARDOP Port, but we need to queue data // to the linked Virtual Packet Port struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = TNC->VirtualPORT; UCHAR * KISSBuffer = TNC->KISSBuffer; UCHAR c; UCHAR * inptr = Data; int outptr = TNC->KISSInputLen; if (PORT == NULL) return; while(Len--) { c = *(inptr++); if (TNC->ESCFLAG) { // // FESC received - next should be TFESC or TFEND TNC->ESCFLAG = FALSE; if (c == TFESC) c = FESC; if (c == TFEND) c = FEND; } else { switch (c) { case FEND: // // Either start of message or message complete // if (outptr == 0) { // Start of Message. If polling, extend timeout continue; } ProcessKISSPacket(TNC, KISSBuffer, outptr); outptr = 0; return; case FESC: TNC->ESCFLAG = TRUE; continue; } } // // Ok, a normal char // KISSBuffer[outptr++] = c; } if (outptr > 510) outptr = 0; // Protect Buffer TNC->KISSInputLen = outptr; return; } void ProcessKISSPacket(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * KISSBuffer, int Len) { if (KISSBuffer[0] == 0x0c) // ACK Frame { // ACK FRAME - reset link timer struct _LINKTABLE * LINK; UINT ACKWORD = KISSBuffer[1] | KISSBuffer[2] << 8; LINK = LINKS + ACKWORD; if (LINK->L2TIMER) LINK->L2TIMER = LINK->L2TIME; return; } if (KISSBuffer[0] == 0) // Data Frame { PDATAMESSAGE Buffer = (PDATAMESSAGE)GetBuff(); if (Buffer) { memcpy(&Buffer->PID, &KISSBuffer[1], --Len); Len += sizeof(void *) + 3; PutLengthinBuffer(Buffer, Len); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->VirtualPORT->PORTRX_Q, (UINT *)Buffer); } } }