/* Copyright 2001-2022 John Wiseman G8BPQ This file is part of LinBPQ/BPQ32. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LinBPQ/BPQ32. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ //#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #define DllImport #include "cheaders.h" #include #include "tncinfo.h" #include "time.h" #include "bpq32.h" #include "telnetserver.h" // This is needed to link with a lib built from source #ifdef WIN32 #define ZEXPORT __stdcall #endif #include #define CKernel #include "httpconnectioninfo.h" extern int MAXBUFFS, QCOUNT, MINBUFFCOUNT, NOBUFFCOUNT, BUFFERWAITS, L3FRAMES; extern int NUMBEROFNODES, MAXDESTS, L4CONNECTSOUT, L4CONNECTSIN, L4FRAMESTX, L4FRAMESRX, L4FRAMESRETRIED, OLDFRAMES; extern int STATSTIME; extern TRANSPORTENTRY * L4TABLE; extern BPQVECSTRUC BPQHOSTVECTOR[]; extern BOOL APRSApplConnected; extern char VersionString[]; VOID FormatTime3(char * Time, time_t cTime); DllExport int APIENTRY Get_APPLMASK(int Stream); VOID SaveUIConfig(); int ProcessNodeSignon(SOCKET sock, struct TCPINFO * TCP, char * MsgPtr, char * Appl, char * Reply, struct HTTPConnectionInfo ** Session, int LOCAL); VOID SetupUI(int Port); VOID SendUIBeacon(int Port); VOID GetParam(char * input, char * key, char * value); VOID ARDOPAbort(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID WriteMiniDump(); BOOL KillTNC(struct TNCINFO * TNC); BOOL RestartTNC(struct TNCINFO * TNC); int GetAISPageInfo(char * Buffer, int ais, int adsb); int GetAPRSPageInfo(char * Buffer, double N, double S, double W, double E, int aprs, int ais, int adsb); unsigned char * Compressit(unsigned char * In, int Len, int * OutLen); char * stristr (char *ch1, char *ch2); int GetAPRSIcon(unsigned char * _REPLYBUFFER, char * NodeURL); char * GetStandardPage(char * FN, int * Len); BOOL SHA1PasswordHash(char * String, char * Hash); char * byte_base64_encode(char *str, int len); int APIProcessHTTPMessage(char * response, char * Method, char * URL, char * request, BOOL LOCAL, BOOL COOKIE); int RHPProcessHTTPMessage(struct ConnectionInfo * conn, char * response, char * Method, char * URL, char * request, BOOL LOCAL, BOOL COOKIE); unsigned char * Compressit(unsigned char * In, int Len, int * OutLen); int doinflate(unsigned char * source, unsigned char * dest, int Len, int destlen, int * outLen); extern struct ROUTE * NEIGHBOURS; extern int ROUTE_LEN; extern int MAXNEIGHBOURS; extern struct DEST_LIST * DESTS; // NODE LIST extern int DEST_LIST_LEN; extern int MAXDESTS; // MAX NODES IN SYSTEM extern struct _LINKTABLE * LINKS; extern int LINK_TABLE_LEN; extern int MAXLINKS; extern char * RigWebPage; extern COLORREF Colours[256]; extern BOOL IncludesMail; extern BOOL IncludesChat; extern BOOL APRSWeb; extern BOOL RigActive; extern HKEY REGTREE; extern BOOL APRSActive; extern UCHAR LogDirectory[]; extern struct RIGPORTINFO * PORTInfo[34]; extern int NumberofPorts; extern UCHAR ConfigDirectory[260]; VOID sendandcheck(SOCKET sock, const char * Buffer, int Len); int CompareNode(const void *a, const void *b); int CompareAlias(const void *a, const void *b); void ProcessMailHTTPMessage(struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session, char * Method, char * URL, char * input, char * Reply, int * RLen, int InputLen, char * Token); void ProcessChatHTTPMessage(struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session, char * Method, char * URL, char * input, char * Reply, int * RLen); struct PORTCONTROL * APIENTRY GetPortTableEntryFromSlot(int portslot); int SetupNodeMenu(char * Buff, int SYSOP); int StatusProc(char * Buff); int ProcessMailSignon(struct TCPINFO * TCP, char * MsgPtr, char * Appl, char * Reply, struct HTTPConnectionInfo ** Session, BOOL WebMail, int LOCAL); int ProcessMailAPISignon(struct TCPINFO * TCP, char * MsgPtr, char * Appl, char * Reply, struct HTTPConnectionInfo ** Session, BOOL WebMail, int LOCAL); int ProcessChatSignon(struct TCPINFO * TCP, char * MsgPtr, char * Appl, char * Reply, struct HTTPConnectionInfo ** Session, int LOCAL); VOID APRSProcessHTTPMessage(SOCKET sock, char * MsgPtr, BOOL LOCAL, BOOL COOKIE); static struct HTTPConnectionInfo * SessionList; // active term mode sessions char Mycall[10]; char MAILPipeFileName[] = "\\\\.\\pipe\\BPQMAILWebPipe"; char CHATPipeFileName[] = "\\\\.\\pipe\\BPQCHATWebPipe"; char Index[] = "%s's BPQ32 Web Server

" "" "" "
Node PagesAPRS Pages
"; char IndexNoAPRS[] = "" ""; //char APRSBit[] = "APRS Pages"; //char MailBit[] = "Mail Mgmt" // "WebMail"; //char ChatBit[] = "Chat Mgmt"; char Tail[] = ""; char RouteHddr[] = "


" ""; char RouteLine[] = ""; char xNodeHddr[] = "
" "
PortCallQualityNode CountFrame CountRetriesPercentMaxframeFrackLast HeardQueuedRem Qual
" "
" "" "
" "

Nodes %s

"; char NodeHddr[] = "
" "" "" "
" "

Nodes %s

"; char NodeLine[] = ""; char StatsHddr[] = "

Node Stats

" ""; char PortStatsHddr[] = "

Stats for Port %d

"; char PortStatsLine[] = ""; char Beacons[] = "

Beacon Configuration for Port %d

You need to be signed in to save changes

%s %d
" "" "
" "" "" "" "" "" "
Send Interval (Minutes)
Send From File
" "" "

" ""; char LinkHddr[] = "


" ""; char LinkLine[] = ""; char UserHddr[] = "


Far CallOur CallPortax.25 stateLink Typeax.25 Version
"; char UserLine[] = ""; char TermSignon[] = "BPQ32 Node %s Terminal Access" "

BPQ32 Node %s Terminal Access

" "

Please enter username and password to access the node

" "" "
" "" "
" "

" ""; char PassError[] = "

Sorry, User or Password is invalid - please try again

"; char BusyError[] = "

Sorry, No sessions available - please try later

"; char LostSession[] = "Sorry, Session had been lost - refresh page to sign in again"; char NoSessions[] = "Sorry, No Sessions available - refresh page to try again"; char TermPage[] = "" "BPQ32 Node %s" "" "" "

BPQ32 Node %s

" "
" "

" "" "" ""; char TermOutput[] = "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
\""; // font-family:monospace;background-color:black;color:lawngreen;font-size:12px char TermOutputTail[] = "
"; /* char InputLine[] = "" "
" "" "
"; */ char InputLine[] = "" "
" "\" id=inp type=text text width=100%% name=input />" "
"; static char NodeSignon[] = "BPQ32 Node SYSOP Access" "

BPQ32 Node %s SYSOP Access

" "

This page sets Cookies. Don't continue if you object to this

" "

Please enter Callsign and Password to access the Node

" "
" "" "" "
" "

"; static char MailSignon[] = "BPQ32 Mail Server Access" "

BPQ32 Mail Server %s Access

" "

Please enter Callsign and Password to access the BBS

" "
" "" "" "
" "

"; static char ChatSignon[] = "BPQ32 Chat Server Access" "

BPQ32 Chat Server %s Access

" "

Please enter Callsign and Password to access the Chat Server

" "
" "" "" "
" "

"; static char MailLostSession[] = "" "
" "Sorry, Session had been lost

    " "
"; static char ConfigEditPage[] = "" "Edit Config" "
" "

" "
"; static char EXCEPTMSG[80] = ""; void UndoTransparency(char * input) { char * ptr1, * ptr2; char c; int hex; if (input == NULL) return; ptr1 = ptr2 = input; // Convert any %xx constructs while (1) { c = *(ptr1++); if (c == 0) break; if (c == '%') { c = *(ptr1++); if(isdigit(c)) hex = (c - '0') << 4; else hex = (tolower(c) - 'a' + 10) << 4; c = *(ptr1++); if(isdigit(c)) hex += (c - '0'); else hex += (tolower(c) - 'a' + 10); *(ptr2++) = hex; } else if (c == '+') *(ptr2++) = 32; else *(ptr2++) = c; } *ptr2 = 0; } VOID PollSession(struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session) { int state, change; int count, len; char Msg[400] = ""; char Formatted[8192]; char * ptr1, * ptr2; char c; int Line; // Poll Node SessionState(Session->Stream, &state, &change); if (change == 1) { int Line = Session->LastLine++; free(Session->ScreenLines[Line]); if (state == 1)// Connected Session->ScreenLines[Line] = _strdup("*** Connected
\r\n"); else Session->ScreenLines[Line] = _strdup("*** Disconnected
\r\n"); if (Line == 99) Session->LastLine = 0; Session->Changed = TRUE; } if (RXCount(Session->Stream) > 0) { int realLen = 0; do { GetMsg(Session->Stream, &Msg[0], &len, &count); // replace cr with
and space with   ptr1 = Msg; ptr2 = &Formatted[0]; if (Session->PartLine) { // Last line was incomplete - append to it realLen = Session->PartLine; Line = Session->LastLine - 1; if (Line < 0) Line = 99; strcpy(Formatted, Session->ScreenLines[Line]); ptr2 += strlen(Formatted); Session->LastLine = Line; Session->PartLine = FALSE; } while (len--) { c = *(ptr1++); realLen++; if (c == 13) { int LineLen; strcpy(ptr2, "
\r\n"); // Write to screen Line = Session->LastLine++; free(Session->ScreenLines[Line]); LineLen = (int)strlen(Formatted); // if line starts with a colour code, process it if (Formatted[0] == 0x1b && LineLen > 1) { int ColourCode = Formatted[1] - 10; COLORREF Colour = Colours[ColourCode]; char ColString[30]; memmove(&Formatted[20], &Formatted[2], LineLen); sprintf(ColString, "", GetRValue(Colour), GetGValue(Colour), GetBValue(Colour)); memcpy(Formatted, ColString, 20); strcat(Formatted, ""); LineLen =+ 28; } Session->ScreenLineLen[Line] = LineLen; Session->ScreenLines[Line] = _strdup(Formatted); if (Line == 99) Session->LastLine = 0; ptr2 = &Formatted[0]; realLen = 0; } else if (c == 32) { memcpy(ptr2, " ", 6); ptr2 += 6; // Make sure line isn't too long // but beware of spaces expanded to   - count chars in line if ((realLen) > 100) { strcpy(ptr2, "
\r\n"); Line = Session->LastLine++; free(Session->ScreenLines[Line]); Session->ScreenLines[Line] = _strdup(Formatted); if (Line == 99) Session->LastLine = 0; ptr2 = &Formatted[0]; realLen = 0; } } else if (c == '>') { memcpy(ptr2, ">", 4); ptr2 += 4; } else if (c == '<') { memcpy(ptr2, "<", 4); ptr2 += 4; } else *(ptr2++) = c; } *ptr2 = 0; if (ptr2 != &Formatted[0]) { // Incomplete line // Save to screen Line = Session->LastLine++; free(Session->ScreenLines[Line]); Session->ScreenLines[Line] = _strdup(Formatted); if (Line == 99) Session->LastLine = 0; Session->PartLine = realLen; } // strcat(Session->ScreenBuffer, Formatted); Session->Changed = TRUE; } while (count > 0); } } VOID HTTPTimer() { // Run every tick. Check for status change and data available struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session = SessionList; // active term mode sessions struct HTTPConnectionInfo * PreviousSession = NULL; // inf(); while (Session) { Session->KillTimer++; if (Session->Key[0] != 'T') { PreviousSession = Session; Session = Session->Next; continue; } if (Session->KillTimer > 3000) // Around 5 mins { int i; int Stream = Session->Stream; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { free(Session->ScreenLines[i]); } SessionControl(Stream, 2, 0); SessionState(Stream, &i, &i); DeallocateStream(Stream); if (PreviousSession) PreviousSession->Next = Session->Next; // Remove from chain else SessionList = Session->Next; free(Session); break; } PollSession(Session); // if (Session->ResponseTimer == 0 && Session->Changed) // Debugprintf("Data to send but no outstanding GET"); if (Session->ResponseTimer) { Session->ResponseTimer--; if (Session->ResponseTimer == 0 || Session->Changed) { SOCKET sock = Session->sock; char _REPLYBUFFER[100000]; int ReplyLen; char Header[256]; int HeaderLen; int Last = Session->LastLine; int n; struct TNCINFO * TNC = Session->TNC; struct TCPINFO * TCP = 0; if (TNC) TCP = TNC->TCPInfo; if (TCP && TCP->WebTermCSS) sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, TermOutput, TCP->WebTermCSS); else sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, TermOutput, ""); for (n = Last;;) { if ((strlen(Session->ScreenLines[n]) + strlen(_REPLYBUFFER)) < 99999) strcat(_REPLYBUFFER, Session->ScreenLines[n]); if (n == 99) n = -1; if (++n == Last) break; } ReplyLen = (int)strlen(_REPLYBUFFER); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "%s", TermOutputTail); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen); sendandcheck(sock, Header, HeaderLen); sendandcheck(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen); Session->ResponseTimer = Session->Changed = 0; } } PreviousSession = Session; Session = Session->Next; } } struct HTTPConnectionInfo * AllocateSession(SOCKET sock, char Mode) { time_t KeyVal; struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session = zalloc(sizeof(struct HTTPConnectionInfo)); int i; if (Session == NULL) return NULL; if (Mode == 'T') { // Terminal for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) Session->ScreenLines[i] = _strdup("Scroll to end
"); for (i = 20; i < 100; i++) Session->ScreenLines[i] = _strdup("
\r\n"); Session->Stream = FindFreeStream(); if (Session->Stream == 0) return NULL; SessionControl(Session->Stream, 1, 0); } KeyVal = (int)sock * time(NULL); sprintf(Session->Key, "%c%012X", Mode, (int)KeyVal); if (SessionList) Session->Next = SessionList; SessionList = Session; return Session; } struct HTTPConnectionInfo * FindSession(char * Key) { struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session = SessionList; while (Session) { if (strcmp(Session->Key, Key) == 0) return Session; Session = Session->Next; } return NULL; } void ProcessTermInput(SOCKET sock, char * MsgPtr, int MsgLen, char * Key) { char _REPLYBUFFER[2048]; int ReplyLen; char Header[256]; int HeaderLen; int State; struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session = FindSession(Key); int Stream; int maxlen = 1000; if (Session == NULL) { ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, "%s", LostSession); } else { char * input = strstr(MsgPtr, "\r\n\r\n"); // End of headers char * end = &MsgPtr[MsgLen]; int Line = Session->LastLine++; char * ptr1, * ptr2; char c; UCHAR hex; int msglen = end - input; struct TNCINFO * TNC = Session->TNC; struct TCPINFO * TCP = 0; if (TNC) TCP = TNC->TCPInfo; if (TCP && TCP->WebTermCSS) maxlen -= strlen(TCP->WebTermCSS); if (MsgLen > maxlen) { Session->KillTimer = 99999; // close session return; } if (TCP && TCP->WebTermCSS) ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, InputLine, Key, TCP->WebTermCSS); else ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, InputLine, Key, ""); Stream = Session->Stream; input += 10; ptr1 = ptr2 = input; // Convert any %xx constructs while (ptr1 != end) { c = *(ptr1++); if (c == '%') { c = *(ptr1++); if(isdigit(c)) hex = (c - '0') << 4; else hex = (tolower(c) - 'a' + 10) << 4; c = *(ptr1++); if(isdigit(c)) hex += (c - '0'); else hex += (tolower(c) - 'a' + 10); *(ptr2++) = hex; } else if (c == '+') *(ptr2++) = 32; else *(ptr2++) = c; } end = ptr2; *ptr2 = 0; strcat(input, "
\r\n"); free(Session->ScreenLines[Line]); Session->ScreenLines[Line] = _strdup(input); if (Line == 99) Session->LastLine = 0; *end++ = 13; *end = 0; SessionStateNoAck(Stream, &State); if (State == 0) { char AXCall[10]; SessionControl(Stream, 1, 0); if (BPQHOSTVECTOR[Session->Stream -1].HOSTSESSION == NULL) { //No L4 sessions free ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, "%s", NoSessions); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return; } ConvToAX25(Session->HTTPCall, AXCall); ChangeSessionCallsign(Stream, AXCall); if (Session->USER) BPQHOSTVECTOR[Session->Stream -1].HOSTSESSION->Secure_Session = Session->USER->Secure; else Debugprintf("HTTP Term Session->USER is NULL"); } SendMsg(Stream, input, (int)(end - input)); Session->Changed = TRUE; Session->KillTimer = 0; } HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); } void ProcessTermClose(SOCKET sock, char * MsgPtr, int MsgLen, char * Key, int LOCAL) { char _REPLYBUFFER[8192]; int ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, InputLine, Key, ""); char Header[256]; int HeaderLen; struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session = FindSession(Key); if (Session) { Session->KillTimer = 99999; } ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(_REPLYBUFFER, LOCAL); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n" "\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); } int ProcessTermSignon(struct TNCINFO * TNC, SOCKET sock, char * MsgPtr, int MsgLen, int LOCAL) { char _REPLYBUFFER[8192]; int ReplyLen; char Header[256]; int HeaderLen; char * input = strstr(MsgPtr, "\r\n\r\n"); // End of headers char * user, * password, * Context, * Appl; char NoApp[] = ""; struct TCPINFO * TCP = TNC->TCPInfo; if (input) { int i; struct UserRec * USER; UndoTransparency(input); if (strstr(input, "Cancel=Cancel")) { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(_REPLYBUFFER, LOCAL); goto Sendit; } user = strtok_s(&input[9], "&", &Context); password = strtok_s(NULL, "=", &Context); password = strtok_s(NULL, "&", &Context); Appl = strtok_s(NULL, "=", &Context); Appl = strtok_s(NULL, "&", &Context); if (Appl == 0) Appl = NoApp; if (password == NULL) { ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, TermSignon, Mycall, Mycall, Appl); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "%s", PassError); goto Sendit; } for (i = 0; i < TCP->NumberofUsers; i++) { USER = TCP->UserRecPtr[i]; if ((strcmp(password, USER->Password) == 0) && ((_stricmp(user, USER->UserName) == 0 ) || (_stricmp(USER->UserName, "ANON") == 0))) { // ok struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session = AllocateSession(sock, 'T'); if (Session) { char AXCall[10]; ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, TermPage, Mycall, Mycall, Session->Key, Session->Key, Session->Key); if (_stricmp(USER->UserName, "ANON") == 0) strcpy(Session->HTTPCall, _strupr(user)); else strcpy(Session->HTTPCall, USER->Callsign); ConvToAX25(Session->HTTPCall, AXCall); ChangeSessionCallsign(Session->Stream, AXCall); BPQHOSTVECTOR[Session->Stream -1].HOSTSESSION->Secure_Session = USER->Secure; Session->USER = USER; if (USER->Appl[0]) SendMsg(Session->Stream, USER->Appl, (int)strlen(USER->Appl)); } else { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(_REPLYBUFFER, LOCAL); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "%s", BusyError); } break; } } if (i == TCP->NumberofUsers) { // Not found ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, TermSignon, Mycall, Mycall, Appl); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "%s", PassError); } } Sendit: HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return 1; } char * LookupKey(char * Key) { if (strcmp(Key, "##MY_CALLSIGN##") == 0) { char Mycall[10]; memcpy(Mycall, &MYNODECALL, 10); strlop(Mycall, ' '); return _strdup(Mycall); } return NULL; } int ProcessSpecialPage(char * Buffer, int FileSize) { // replaces ##xxx### constructs with the requested data char * NewMessage = malloc(100000); char * ptr1 = Buffer, * ptr2, * ptr3, * ptr4, * NewPtr = NewMessage; int PrevLen; int BytesLeft = FileSize; int NewFileSize = FileSize; char * StripPtr = ptr1; // strip comments blocks while (ptr4 = strstr(ptr1, ""); if (ptr2) { PrevLen = (int)(ptr4 - ptr1); memcpy(StripPtr, ptr1, PrevLen); StripPtr += PrevLen; ptr1 = ptr2 + 3; BytesLeft = (int)(FileSize - (ptr1 - Buffer)); } } memcpy(StripPtr, ptr1, BytesLeft); StripPtr += BytesLeft; BytesLeft = (int)(StripPtr - Buffer); FileSize = BytesLeft; NewFileSize = FileSize; ptr1 = Buffer; ptr1[FileSize] = 0; loop: ptr2 = strstr(ptr1, "##"); if (ptr2) { PrevLen = (int)(ptr2 - ptr1); // Bytes before special text ptr3 = strstr(ptr2+2, "##"); if (ptr3) { char Key[80] = ""; int KeyLen; char * NewText; int NewTextLen; ptr3 += 2; KeyLen = (int)(ptr3 - ptr2); if (KeyLen < 80) memcpy(Key, ptr2, KeyLen); NewText = LookupKey(Key); if (NewText) { NewTextLen = (int)strlen(NewText); NewFileSize = NewFileSize + NewTextLen - KeyLen; // NewMessage = realloc(NewMessage, NewFileSize); memcpy(NewPtr, ptr1, PrevLen); NewPtr += PrevLen; memcpy(NewPtr, NewText, NewTextLen); NewPtr += NewTextLen; free(NewText); NewText = NULL; } else { // Key not found, so just leave memcpy(NewPtr, ptr1, PrevLen + KeyLen); NewPtr += (PrevLen + KeyLen); } ptr1 = ptr3; // Continue scan from here BytesLeft = (int)(Buffer + FileSize - ptr3); } else // Unmatched ## { memcpy(NewPtr, ptr1, PrevLen + 2); NewPtr += (PrevLen + 2); ptr1 = ptr2 + 2; } goto loop; } // Copy Rest memcpy(NewPtr, ptr1, BytesLeft); NewMessage[NewFileSize] = 0; strcpy(Buffer, NewMessage); free(NewMessage); return NewFileSize; } int SendMessageFile(SOCKET sock, char * FN, BOOL OnlyifExists, int allowDeflate) { int FileSize = 0, Sent, Loops = 0; char * MsgBytes; char MsgFile[512]; FILE * hFile; int ReadLen; BOOL Special = FALSE; int Len; int HeaderLen; char Header[256]; char TimeString[64]; char FileTimeString[64]; struct stat STAT; char * ptr; char * Compressed = 0; char Encoding[] = "Content-Encoding: deflate\r\n"; char Type[64] = "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"; #ifdef WIN32 struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS exinfo; strcpy(EXCEPTMSG, "SendMessageFile"); __try { #endif UndoTransparency(FN); if (strstr(FN, "..")) { FN[0] = '/'; FN[1] = 0; } if (strlen(FN) > 256) { FN[256] = 0; Debugprintf("HTTP File Name too long %s", FN); } if (strcmp(FN, "/") == 0) if (APRSActive) sprintf(MsgFile, "%s/HTML/index.html", BPQDirectory); else sprintf(MsgFile, "%s/HTML/indexnoaprs.html", BPQDirectory); else sprintf(MsgFile, "%s/HTML%s", BPQDirectory, FN); // First see if file exists so we can override standard ones in code if (stat(MsgFile, &STAT) == 0 && (hFile = fopen(MsgFile, "rb"))) { FileSize = STAT.st_size; MsgBytes = zalloc(FileSize + 1); ReadLen = (int)fread(MsgBytes, 1, FileSize, hFile); fclose(hFile); // ft.QuadPart -= 116444736000000000; // ft.QuadPart /= 10000000; // ctime = ft.LowPart; FormatTime3(FileTimeString, STAT.st_ctime); } else { // See if it is a hard coded file MsgBytes = GetStandardPage(&FN[1], &FileSize); if (MsgBytes) { if (FileSize == 0) FileSize = strlen(MsgBytes); FormatTime3(FileTimeString, 0); } else { if (OnlyifExists) // Set if we dont want an error response if missing return -1; Len = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Length: 16\r\n\r\nPage not found\r\n"); send(sock, Header, Len, 0); return 0; } } // if HTML file, look for ##...## substitutions if ((strcmp(FN, "/") == 0 || strstr(FN, "htm" ) || strstr(FN, "HTM")) && strstr(MsgBytes, "##" )) { FileSize = ProcessSpecialPage(MsgBytes, FileSize); FormatTime3(FileTimeString, time(NULL)); } FormatTime3(TimeString, time(NULL)); ptr = FN; while (strchr(ptr, '.')) { ptr = strchr(ptr, '.'); ++ptr; } if (_stricmp(ptr, "js") == 0) strcpy(Type, "Content-Type: text/javascript\r\n"); if (_stricmp(ptr, "css") == 0) strcpy(Type, "Content-Type: text/css\r\n"); if (_stricmp(ptr, "pdf") == 0) strcpy(Type, "Content-Type: application/pdf\r\n"); if (allowDeflate) { Compressed = Compressit(MsgBytes, FileSize, &FileSize); } else { Encoding[0] = 0; Compressed = MsgBytes; } if (_stricmp(ptr, "jpg") == 0 || _stricmp(ptr, "jpeg") == 0 || _stricmp(ptr, "png") == 0 || _stricmp(ptr, "gif") == 0 || _stricmp(ptr, "bmp") == 0 || _stricmp(ptr, "ico") == 0) strcpy(Type, "Content-Type: image\r\n"); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n" "Date: %s\r\n" "Last-Modified: %s\r\n" "%s%s" "\r\n", FileSize, TimeString, FileTimeString, Type, Encoding); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); Sent = send(sock, Compressed, FileSize, 0); while (Sent != FileSize && Loops++ < 3000) // 100 secs max { if (Sent > 0) // something sent { // Debugprintf("%d out of %d sent", Sent, FileSize); FileSize -= Sent; memmove(Compressed, &Compressed[Sent], FileSize); } Sleep(30); Sent = send(sock, Compressed, FileSize, 0); } // Debugprintf("%d out of %d sent %d loops", Sent, FileSize, Loops); free (MsgBytes); if (allowDeflate) free (Compressed); #ifdef WIN32 } #include "StdExcept.c" Debugprintf("Sending FIle %s", FN); } #endif return 0; } VOID sendandcheck(SOCKET sock, const char * Buffer, int Len) { int Loops = 0; int Sent = send(sock, Buffer, Len, 0); char * Copy = NULL; while (Sent != Len && Loops++ < 300) // 10 secs max { // Debugprintf("%d out of %d sent %d Loops", Sent, Len, Loops); if (Copy == NULL) { Copy = malloc(Len); memcpy(Copy, Buffer, Len); } if (Sent > 0) // something sent { Len -= Sent; memmove(Copy, &Copy[Sent], Len); } Sleep(30); Sent = send(sock, Copy, Len, 0); } if (Copy) free(Copy); return; } int RefreshTermWindow(struct TCPINFO * TCP, struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session, char * _REPLYBUFFER) { char Msg[400] = ""; int HeaderLen, ReplyLen; char Header[256]; PollSession(Session); // See if anything received if (Session->Changed) { int Last = Session->LastLine; int n; if (TCP && TCP->WebTermCSS) sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, TermOutput, TCP->WebTermCSS); else sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, TermOutput, ""); for (n = Last;;) { strcat(_REPLYBUFFER, Session->ScreenLines[n]); if (n == 99) n = -1; if (++n == Last) break; } Session->Changed = 0; ReplyLen = (int)strlen(_REPLYBUFFER); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "%s", TermOutputTail); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen); sendandcheck(Session->sock, Header, HeaderLen); sendandcheck(Session->sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen); return 1; } else return 0; } int SetupNodeMenu(char * Buff, int LOCAL) { int Len = 0, i; struct TNCINFO * TNC; int top = 0, left = 0; char NodeMenuHeader[] = "%s's BPQ32 Web Server" "" "" "

BPQ32 Node %s

" "

" "" "" "" "" "" "" "%s%s%s%s%s%s"; char DriverBit[] = "" ""; char APRSBit[] = ""; char MailBit[] = "" ""; char ChatBit[] = ""; char SigninBit[] = ""; char NodeTail[] = "" "
RoutesNodesPortsLinksUsersStatsTerminalDriver WindowsStream StatusAPRS PagesMail MgmtWebMailChat MgmtSYSOP SigninEdit Config" "
"; Len = sprintf(Buff, NodeMenuHeader, Mycall); for (i=1; i <= MAXBPQPORTS; i++) { TNC = TNCInfo[i]; if (TNC == NULL) continue; if (TNC->WebWindowProc) { Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], NodeMenuLine, i, TNC->WebWinX, TNC->WebWinY, top, left); top += 22; left += 22; } } Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], NodeMenuRest, Mycall, DriverBit, (APRSWeb)?APRSBit:"", (IncludesMail)?MailBit:"", (IncludesChat)?ChatBit:"", (LOCAL)?"":SigninBit, NodeTail); return Len; } VOID SaveConfigFile(SOCKET sock , char * MsgPtr, char * Rest, int LOCAL) { int ReplyLen = 0; char * ptr, * ptr1, * ptr2, *input; char c; int MsgLen, WriteLen = 0; char inputname[250]="bpq32.cfg"; FILE *fp1; char Header[256]; int HeaderLen; char Reply[4096]; char Mess[256]; char Backup1[MAX_PATH]; char Backup2[MAX_PATH]; struct stat STAT; input = strstr(MsgPtr, "\r\n\r\n"); // End of headers if (input) { if (strstr(input, "Cancel=Cancel")) { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(Reply, LOCAL); // ReplyLen = sprintf(Reply, "%s", ""); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, Reply, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return; } ptr = strstr(input, "&Save="); if (ptr) { *ptr = 0; // Undo any % transparency ptr1 = ptr2 = input + 8; c = *(ptr1++); while (c) { if (c == '%') { int n; int m = *(ptr1++) - '0'; if (m > 9) m = m - 7; n = *(ptr1++) - '0'; if (n > 9) n = n - 7; c = m * 16 + n; } else if (c == '+') c = ' '; #ifndef WIN32 if (c != 13) // Strip CR if Linux #endif *(ptr2++) = c; c = *(ptr1++); } *(ptr2++) = 0; MsgLen = (int)strlen(input + 8); if (ConfigDirectory[0] == 0) { strcpy(inputname, "bpq32.cfg"); } else { strcpy(inputname,ConfigDirectory); strcat(inputname,"/"); strcat(inputname, "bpq32.cfg"); } // Make a backup of the config // Keep 4 Generations strcpy(Backup2, inputname); strcat(Backup2, ".bak.3"); strcpy(Backup1, inputname); strcat(Backup1, ".bak.2"); DeleteFile(Backup2); // Remove old .bak.3 MoveFile(Backup1, Backup2); // Move .bak.2 to .bak.3 strcpy(Backup2, inputname); strcat(Backup2, ".bak.1"); MoveFile(Backup2, Backup1); // Move .bak.1 to .bak.2 strcpy(Backup1, inputname); strcat(Backup1, ".bak"); MoveFile(Backup1, Backup2); // Move .bak to .bak.1 CopyFile(inputname, Backup1, FALSE); // Copy to .bak // Get length to compare with new length stat(inputname, &STAT); fp1 = fopen(inputname, "wb"); if (fp1) { WriteLen = (int)fwrite(input + 8, 1, MsgLen, fp1); fclose(fp1); } if (WriteLen != MsgLen) sprintf_s(Mess, sizeof(Mess), "Failed to write Config File"); else sprintf_s(Mess, sizeof(Mess), "Configuration Saved, Orig Length %d New Length %d", STAT.st_size, MsgLen); } ReplyLen = sprintf(Reply, "", Mess); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, Reply, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); } return; } // Compress using deflate. Caller must free output buffer after use unsigned char * Compressit(unsigned char * In, int Len, int * OutLen) { z_stream defstream; int maxSize; unsigned char * Out; defstream.zalloc = Z_NULL; defstream.zfree = Z_NULL; defstream.opaque = Z_NULL; defstream.avail_in = Len; // size of input defstream.next_in = (Bytef *)In; // input char array deflateInit(&defstream, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION); maxSize = deflateBound(&defstream, Len); Out = malloc(maxSize); defstream.avail_out = maxSize; // size of output defstream.next_out = (Bytef *)Out; // output char array deflate(&defstream, Z_FINISH); deflateEnd(&defstream); *OutLen = defstream.total_out; return Out; } int InnerProcessHTTPMessage(struct ConnectionInfo * conn) { struct TCPINFO * TCP = conn->TNC->TCPInfo; SOCKET sock = conn->socket; char * MsgPtr = conn->InputBuffer; int MsgLen = conn->InputLen; int InputLen = 0; int OutputLen = 0; int Bufferlen; struct HTTPConnectionInfo CI; struct HTTPConnectionInfo * sockptr = &CI; struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session = NULL; char URL[100000]; char * ptr; char * encPtr = 0; int allowDeflate = 0; char * Compressed = 0; char * HostPtr = 0; char * Context, * Method, * NodeURL = 0, * Key; char _REPLYBUFFER[250000]; char Reply[250000]; int ReplyLen = 0; char Header[256]; int HeaderLen; char TimeString[64]; BOOL LOCAL = FALSE; BOOL COOKIE = FALSE; int Len; char * WebSock = 0; char PortsHddr[] = "


" ""; // char PortLine[] = ""; char PortLineWithBeacon[] = "" "\r\n"; char SessionPortLine[] = "" "\r\n"; char PortLineWithDriver[] = "" "\r\n"; char PortLineWithBeaconAndDriver[] = "" "" "\r\n"; char RigControlLine[] = "" "\r\n"; char Encoding[] = "Content-Encoding: deflate\r\n"; #ifdef WIN32xx struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS exinfo; strcpy(EXCEPTMSG, "ProcessHTTPMessage"); __try { #endif Len = (int)strlen(MsgPtr); if (Len > 100000) return 0; strcpy(URL, MsgPtr); HostPtr = strstr(MsgPtr, "Host: "); WebSock = strstr(MsgPtr, "Upgrade: websocket"); if (HostPtr) { uint32_t Host; char Hostname[32]= ""; struct LOCALNET * LocalNet = conn->TNC->TCPInfo->LocalNets; HostPtr += 6; memcpy(Hostname, HostPtr, 31); strlop(Hostname, ':'); Host = inet_addr(Hostname); if (strcmp(Hostname, "") == 0) LOCAL = TRUE; else { if (conn->sin.sin_family != AF_INET6) { while(LocalNet) { uint32_t MaskedHost = conn->sin.sin_addr.s_addr & LocalNet->Mask; if (MaskedHost == LocalNet->Network) { LOCAL = 1; break; } LocalNet = LocalNet->Next; } } } } encPtr = stristr(MsgPtr, "Accept-Encoding:"); if (encPtr && stristr(encPtr, "deflate")) allowDeflate = 1; else Encoding[0] = 0; ptr = strstr(MsgPtr, "BPQSessionCookie=N"); if (ptr) { COOKIE = TRUE; Key = ptr + 17; ptr = strchr(Key, ','); if (ptr) { *ptr = 0; Session = FindSession(Key); *ptr = ','; } else { ptr = strchr(Key, 13); if (ptr) { *ptr = 0; Session = FindSession(Key); *ptr = 13; } } } if (WebSock) { // Websock connection request - Reply and remember state. char KeyMsg[128]; char Webx[] = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"; // Fixed UID char Hash[64] = ""; char * Hash64; // base 64 version char * ptr; //Sec-WebSocket-Key: l622yZS3n+zI+hR6SVWkPw== char ReplyMsg[] = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n" "Upgrade: websocket\r\n" "Connection: Upgrade\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: %s\r\n" // "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat\r\n" "\r\n"; ptr = strstr(MsgPtr, "Sec-WebSocket-Key:"); if (ptr) { ptr += 18; while (*ptr == ' ') ptr++; memcpy(KeyMsg, ptr, 40); strlop(KeyMsg, 13); strlop(KeyMsg, ' '); strcat(KeyMsg, Webx); SHA1PasswordHash(KeyMsg, Hash); Hash64 = byte_base64_encode(Hash, 20); conn->WebSocks = 1; strlop(&URL[4], ' '); strcpy(conn->WebURL, &URL[4]); ReplyLen = sprintf(Reply, ReplyMsg, Hash64); free(Hash64); goto Returnit; } } ptr = strstr(URL, " HTTP"); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; Method = strtok_s(URL, " ", &Context); memcpy(Mycall, &MYNODECALL, 10); strlop(Mycall, ' '); // Look for API messages if (_memicmp(Context, "/api/", 5) == 0 || _stricmp(Context, "/api") == 0) { char * Compressed; // if for mail api process signon here and rearrange url from // api/v1/mail to mail/api/v1 so it goes to mail handler later if (_memicmp(Context, "/api/v1/mail/", 13) == 0) { memcpy(MsgPtr, "GET /mail/api/v1/", 17); if (memcmp(&Context[13], "login", 5) == 0) { ReplyLen = ProcessMailAPISignon(TCP, MsgPtr, "M", Reply, &Session, FALSE, LOCAL); memcpy(MsgPtr, "GET /mail/api/v1/", 17); if (ReplyLen) // Error message goto Returnit; } memcpy(Context, "/mail/api/v1/", 13); goto doHeader; } else { ReplyLen = APIProcessHTTPMessage(_REPLYBUFFER, Method, Context, MsgPtr, LOCAL, COOKIE); if (memcmp(_REPLYBUFFER, "HTTP", 4) == 0) { // Full Message - just send it sendandcheck(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen); return 0; } if (allowDeflate) Compressed = Compressit(_REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, &ReplyLen); else Compressed = _REPLYBUFFER; HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n" "%s\r\n", ReplyLen, Encoding); sendandcheck(sock, Header, HeaderLen); sendandcheck(sock, Compressed, ReplyLen); if (allowDeflate) free (Compressed); return 0; } } if (_memicmp(Context, "/rhp/", 5) == 0 || _stricmp(Context, "/rhp") == 0) { { ReplyLen = RHPProcessHTTPMessage(conn, _REPLYBUFFER, Method, Context, MsgPtr, LOCAL, COOKIE); if (memcmp(_REPLYBUFFER, "HTTP", 4) == 0) { // Full Message - just send it sendandcheck(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen); return 0; } if (allowDeflate) Compressed = Compressit(_REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, &ReplyLen); else Compressed = _REPLYBUFFER; HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n" "%s\r\n", ReplyLen, Encoding); sendandcheck(sock, Header, HeaderLen); sendandcheck(sock, Compressed, ReplyLen); if (allowDeflate) free (Compressed); return 0; } } // APRS process internally if (_memicmp(Context, "/APRS/", 6) == 0 || _stricmp(Context, "/APRS") == 0) { APRSProcessHTTPMessage(sock, MsgPtr, LOCAL, COOKIE); return 0; } if (_stricmp(Context, "/Node/Signon?Node") == 0) { char * IContext; NodeURL = strtok_s(Context, "?", &IContext); Key = strtok_s(NULL, "?", &IContext); ProcessNodeSignon(sock, TCP, MsgPtr, Key, Reply, &Session, LOCAL); return 0; } // If for Mail or Chat, check for a session, and send login screen if necessary // Moved here to simplify operation with both internal and external clients if (_memicmp(Context, "/Mail/", 6) == 0) { int RLen = 0; char Appl; char * input; char * IContext; NodeURL = strtok_s(Context, "?", &IContext); Key = strtok_s(NULL, "?", &IContext); if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Mail/Signon") == 0) { ReplyLen = ProcessMailSignon(TCP, MsgPtr, Key, Reply, &Session, FALSE, LOCAL); if (ReplyLen) { goto Returnit; } #ifdef LINBPQ strcpy(Context, "/Mail/Header"); #else strcpy(MsgPtr, "POST /Mail/Header"); #endif goto doHeader; } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Mail/Lost") == 0) { input = strstr(MsgPtr, "\r\n\r\n"); // End of headers if (input && strstr(input, "Cancel=Exit")) { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(Reply, LOCAL); RLen = ReplyLen; goto Returnit; } if (Key) Appl = Key[0]; Key = 0; } if (Key == 0 || Key[0] == 0) { // No Session // if not local send a signon screen, else create a user session if (LOCAL || COOKIE) { Session = AllocateSession(sock, 'M'); if (Session) { strcpy(Context, "/Mail/Header"); goto doHeader; } else { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(Reply, LOCAL); ReplyLen += sprintf(&Reply[ReplyLen], "%s", BusyError); } RLen = ReplyLen; goto Returnit; } ReplyLen = sprintf(Reply, MailSignon, Mycall, Mycall); RLen = ReplyLen; goto Returnit; } Session = FindSession(Key); if (Session == NULL && _memicmp(Context, "/Mail/API/", 10) != 0) { ReplyLen = sprintf(Reply, MailLostSession, Key); RLen = ReplyLen; goto Returnit; } } if (_memicmp(Context, "/Chat/", 6) == 0) { int RLen = 0; char Appl; char * input; char * IContext; HostPtr = strstr(MsgPtr, "Host: "); if (HostPtr) { uint32_t Host; char Hostname[32]= ""; struct LOCALNET * LocalNet = conn->TNC->TCPInfo->LocalNets; HostPtr += 6; memcpy(Hostname, HostPtr, 31); strlop(Hostname, ':'); Host = inet_addr(Hostname); if (strcmp(Hostname, "") == 0) LOCAL = TRUE; else while(LocalNet) { uint32_t MaskedHost = Host & LocalNet->Mask; if (MaskedHost == LocalNet->Network) { char * rest; LOCAL = 1; rest = strchr(HostPtr, 13); if (rest) { memmove(HostPtr + 9, rest, strlen(rest) + 1); memcpy(HostPtr, "", 9); break; } } LocalNet = LocalNet->Next; } } NodeURL = strtok_s(Context, "?", &IContext); Key = strtok_s(NULL, "?", &IContext); if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Chat/Signon") == 0) { ReplyLen = ProcessChatSignon(TCP, MsgPtr, Key, Reply, &Session, LOCAL); if (ReplyLen) { goto Returnit; } #ifdef LINBPQ strcpy(Context, "/Chat/Header"); #else strcpy(MsgPtr, "POST /Chat/Header"); #endif goto doHeader; } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Chat/Lost") == 0) { input = strstr(MsgPtr, "\r\n\r\n"); // End of headers if (input && strstr(input, "Cancel=Exit")) { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(Reply, LOCAL); RLen = ReplyLen; goto Returnit; } if (Key) Appl = Key[0]; Key = 0; } if (Key == 0 || Key[0] == 0) { // No Session // if not local send a signon screen, else create a user session if (LOCAL || COOKIE) { Session = AllocateSession(sock, 'C'); if (Session) { strcpy(Context, "/Chat/Header"); goto doHeader; } else { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(Reply, LOCAL); ReplyLen += sprintf(&Reply[ReplyLen], "%s", BusyError); } RLen = ReplyLen; goto Returnit; } ReplyLen = sprintf(Reply, ChatSignon, Mycall, Mycall); RLen = ReplyLen; goto Returnit; } Session = FindSession(Key); if (Session == NULL) { int Sent, Loops = 0; ReplyLen = sprintf(Reply, MailLostSession, Key); RLen = ReplyLen; Returnit: if (memcmp(Reply, "HTTP", 4) == 0) { // Full Header provided by appl - just send it // Send may block Sent = send(sock, Reply, ReplyLen, 0); while (Sent != ReplyLen && Loops++ < 3000) // 100 secs max { // Debugprintf("%d out of %d sent %d Loops", Sent, InputLen, Loops); if (Sent > 0) // something sent { InputLen -= Sent; memmove(Reply, &Reply[Sent], ReplyLen); } Sleep(30); Sent = send(sock, Reply, ReplyLen, 0); } return 0; } if (NodeURL && _memicmp(NodeURL, "/mail/api/", 10) != 0) { // Add tail strcpy(&Reply[ReplyLen], Tail); ReplyLen += strlen(Tail); } // compress if allowed if (allowDeflate) Compressed = Compressit(Reply, ReplyLen, &ReplyLen); else Compressed = Reply; if (NodeURL && _memicmp(NodeURL, "/mail/api/", 10) == 0) HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nConnection: close\r\n%s\r\n", ReplyLen, Encoding); else HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n%s\r\n", ReplyLen, Encoding); sendandcheck(sock, Header, HeaderLen); sendandcheck(sock, Compressed, ReplyLen); if (allowDeflate) free (Compressed); return 0; } } doHeader: #ifdef LINBPQ if ((_memicmp(Context, "/MAIL/", 6) == 0) || (_memicmp(Context, "/WebMail", 8) == 0)) { char _REPLYBUFFER[250000]; struct HTTPConnectionInfo Dummy = {0}; int Sent, Loops = 0; char token[16] = ""; // look for auth header const char * auth_header = "Authorization: Bearer "; char * token_begin = strstr(MsgPtr, auth_header); int Flags = 0, n; char * Tok; char * param; if (token_begin) { // Using Auth Header // Extract the token from the request (assuming it's present in the request headers) token_begin += strlen(auth_header); // Move to the beginning of the token strncpy(token, token_begin, 13); token[13] = '\0'; // Null-terminate the token } ReplyLen = 0; if (Session == 0) Session = &Dummy; if (LOCAL) Session->TNC = (void *)1; // TNC only used for Web Terminal Sessions else Session->TNC = (void *)0; ProcessMailHTTPMessage(Session, Method, Context, MsgPtr, _REPLYBUFFER, &ReplyLen, MsgLen, token); if (Context && _memicmp(Context, "/mail/api/", 10) == 0) { if (memcmp(_REPLYBUFFER, "HTTP", 4) == 0) { // Full Header provided by appl - just send it // Send may block Sent = send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); while (Sent != ReplyLen && Loops++ < 3000) // 100 secs max { // Debugprintf("%d out of %d sent %d Loops", Sent, InputLen, Loops); if (Sent > 0) // something sent { InputLen -= Sent; memmove(_REPLYBUFFER, &_REPLYBUFFER[Sent], ReplyLen); } Sleep(30); Sent = send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); } return 0; } // compress if allowed if (allowDeflate) Compressed = Compressit(_REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, &ReplyLen); else Compressed = _REPLYBUFFER; HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nConnection: close\r\n%s\r\n", ReplyLen, Encoding); sendandcheck(sock, Header, HeaderLen); sendandcheck(sock, Compressed, ReplyLen); if (allowDeflate) free (Compressed); return 0; } if (memcmp(_REPLYBUFFER, "HTTP", 4) == 0) { // Full Header provided by appl - just send it // Send may block Sent = send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); while (Sent != ReplyLen && Loops++ < 3000) // 100 secs max { // Debugprintf("%d out of %d sent %d Loops", Sent, InputLen, Loops); if (Sent > 0) // something sent { InputLen -= Sent; memmove(_REPLYBUFFER, &_REPLYBUFFER[Sent], ReplyLen); } Sleep(30); Sent = send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); } return 0; } if (Context && _memicmp(Context, "/mail/api/", 10) != 0) { // Add tail strcpy(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], Tail); ReplyLen += strlen(Tail); } // compress if allowed if (allowDeflate) Compressed = Compressit(_REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, &ReplyLen); else Compressed = Reply; HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n%s\r\n", ReplyLen, Encoding); sendandcheck(sock, Header, HeaderLen); sendandcheck(sock, Compressed, ReplyLen); if (allowDeflate) free (Compressed); return 0; /* HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); // Send may block Sent = send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); if (Sent == -1) return 0; while (Sent != ReplyLen && Loops++ < 3000) // 100 secs max { // Debugprintf("%d out of %d sent %d Loops", Sent, InputLen, Loops); if (Sent > 0) // something sent { InputLen -= Sent; memmove(_REPLYBUFFER, &_REPLYBUFFER[Sent], ReplyLen); } Sleep(30); Sent = send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); } send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return 0; */ } if (_memicmp(Context, "/CHAT/", 6) == 0) { char _REPLYBUFFER[100000]; ReplyLen = 0; ProcessChatHTTPMessage(Session, Method, Context, MsgPtr, _REPLYBUFFER, &ReplyLen); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return 0; } /* Sent = send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, InputLen, 0); while (Sent != InputLen && Loops++ < 3000) // 100 secs max { // Debugprintf("%d out of %d sent %d Loops", Sent, InputLen, Loops); if (Sent > 0) // something sent { InputLen -= Sent; memmove(_REPLYBUFFER, &_REPLYBUFFER[Sent], InputLen); } Sleep(30); Sent = send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, InputLen, 0); } return 0; } */ #else // Pass to MailChat if active NodeURL = Context; if ((_memicmp(Context, "/MAIL/", 6) == 0) || (_memicmp(Context, "/WebMail", 8) == 0)) { // If for Mail, Pass to Mail Server via Named Pipe HANDLE hPipe; hPipe = CreateFile(MAILPipeFileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // exclusive access NULL, // no security attrs OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if (hPipe == (HANDLE)-1) { InputLen = sprintf(Reply, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Length: 28\r\n\r\nMail Data is not available\r\n"); send(sock, Reply, InputLen, 0); } else { // int Sent; int Loops = 0; struct HTTPConnectionInfo Dummy = {0}; if (Session == 0) Session = &Dummy; if (LOCAL) Session->TNC = (struct TNCINFO *)(uintptr_t)1; // TNC is only used on Web Terminal Sessions so can reuse as LOCAL flag else Session->TNC = 0; WriteFile(hPipe, Session, sizeof (struct HTTPConnectionInfo), &InputLen, NULL); WriteFile(hPipe, MsgPtr, MsgLen, &InputLen, NULL); ReadFile(hPipe, Session, sizeof (struct HTTPConnectionInfo), &InputLen, NULL); ReadFile(hPipe, Reply, 250000, &ReplyLen, NULL); if (ReplyLen <= 0) { InputLen = GetLastError(); } CloseHandle(hPipe); goto Returnit; } return 0; } if (_memicmp(Context, "/CHAT/", 6) == 0) { HANDLE hPipe; hPipe = CreateFile(CHATPipeFileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // exclusive access NULL, // no security attrs OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if (hPipe == (HANDLE)-1) { InputLen = sprintf(Reply, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Length: 28\r\n\r\nChat Data is not available\r\n"); send(sock, Reply, InputLen, 0); } else { // int Sent; int Loops = 0; WriteFile(hPipe, Session, sizeof (struct HTTPConnectionInfo), &InputLen, NULL); WriteFile(hPipe, MsgPtr, MsgLen, &InputLen, NULL); ReadFile(hPipe, Session, sizeof (struct HTTPConnectionInfo), &InputLen, NULL); ReadFile(hPipe, Reply, 100000, &ReplyLen, NULL); if (ReplyLen <= 0) { InputLen = GetLastError(); } CloseHandle(hPipe); goto Returnit; } return 0; } #endif NodeURL = strtok_s(NULL, "?", &Context); if (NodeURL == NULL) return 0; if (strcmp(Method, "POST") == 0) { if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/freqOffset") == 0) { char * input = strstr(MsgPtr, "\r\n\r\n"); // End of headers int port = atoi(Context); if (input == 0) return 1; input += 4; if (port > 0 && port <= MaxBPQPortNo) { struct TNCINFO * TNC = TNCInfo[port]; char value[6]; if (TNC == 0) return 1; TNC->TXOffset = atoi(input); #ifdef WIN32 sprintf(value, "%d", TNC->TXOffset); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TXTUNEVAL, value); SendMessage(TNC->xIDC_TXTUNE, TBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM) TRUE, (LPARAM) TNC->TXOffset); // min. & max. positions #endif } return 1; } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/PortAction") == 0) { char * input = strstr(MsgPtr, "\r\n\r\n"); // End of headers int port = atoi(Context); if (input == 0) return 1; input += 4; if (port > 0 && port <= MaxBPQPortNo) { struct TNCINFO * TNC = TNCInfo[port]; if (TNC == 0) return 1; if (LOCAL == FALSE && COOKIE == FALSE) return 1; if (strcmp(input, "Abort") == 0) { if (TNC->ForcedCloseProc) TNC->ForcedCloseProc(TNC, 0); } else if (strcmp(input, "Kill") == 0) { TNC->DontRestart = TRUE; KillTNC(TNC); } else if (strcmp(input, "KillRestart") == 0) { TNC->DontRestart = FALSE; KillTNC(TNC); RestartTNC(TNC); } } return 1; } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/TermInput") == 0) { ProcessTermInput(sock, MsgPtr, MsgLen, Context); return 0; } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/TermSignon") == 0) { ProcessTermSignon(conn->TNC, sock, MsgPtr, MsgLen, LOCAL); } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/Signon") == 0) { ProcessNodeSignon(sock, TCP, MsgPtr, Key, Reply, &Session, LOCAL); return 0; } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/TermClose") == 0) { ProcessTermClose(sock, MsgPtr, MsgLen, Context, LOCAL); return 0; } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/BeaconAction") == 0) { char Header[256]; int HeaderLen; char * input = strstr(MsgPtr, "\r\n\r\n"); // End of headers int Port; char Param[100]; #ifndef LINBPQ int retCode, disp; char Key[80]; HKEY hKey; #endif struct PORTCONTROL * PORT; int Slot = 0; if (LOCAL == FALSE && COOKIE == FALSE) { // Send Not Authorized ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(_REPLYBUFFER, LOCAL); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "
Not authorized - please sign in"); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return 1; } if (strstr(input, "Cancel=Cancel")) { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(_REPLYBUFFER, LOCAL); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return 1; } GetParam(input, "Port=", &Param[0]); Port = atoi(&Param[0]); PORT = GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(Port); // Need slot not number if (PORT) Slot = PORT->PortSlot; GetParam(input, "Every=", &Param[0]); Interval[Slot] = atoi(&Param[0]); GetParam(input, "Dest=", &Param[0]); _strupr(Param); strcpy(UIUIDEST[Slot], &Param[0]); GetParam(input, "Path=", &Param[0]); _strupr(Param); if (UIUIDigi[Slot]) free(UIUIDigi[Slot]); UIUIDigi[Slot] = _strdup(&Param[0]); GetParam(input, "File=", &Param[0]); strcpy(FN[Slot], &Param[0]); GetParam(input, "Text=", &Param[0]); strcpy(Message[Slot], &Param[0]); MinCounter[Slot] = Interval[Slot]; SendFromFile[Slot] = 0; if (FN[Slot][0]) SendFromFile[Slot] = 1; SetupUI(Slot); #ifdef LINBPQ SaveUIConfig(); #else SaveUIConfig(); wsprintf(Key, "SOFTWARE\\G8BPQ\\BPQ32\\UIUtil\\UIPort%d", Port); retCode = RegCreateKeyEx(REGTREE, Key, 0, 0, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, &disp); if (retCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { retCode = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "UIDEST", 0, REG_SZ,(BYTE *)&UIUIDEST[Port][0], strlen(&UIUIDEST[Port][0])); retCode = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "FileName", 0, REG_SZ,(BYTE *)&FN[Port][0], strlen(&FN[Port][0])); retCode = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Message", 0, REG_SZ,(BYTE *)&Message[Port][0], strlen(&Message[Port][0])); retCode = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Interval", 0, REG_DWORD,(BYTE *)&Interval[Port], 4); retCode = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "SendFromFile", 0, REG_DWORD,(BYTE *)&SendFromFile[Port], 4); retCode = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Digis",0, REG_SZ, UIUIDigi[Port], strlen(UIUIDigi[Port])); RegCloseKey(hKey); } #endif if (strstr(input, "Test=Test")) SendUIBeacon(Slot); ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(_REPLYBUFFER, LOCAL); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], Beacons, Port, Interval[Slot], &UIUIDEST[Slot][0], &UIUIDigi[Slot][0], &FN[Slot][0], &Message[Slot][0], Port); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return 1; } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/CfgSave") == 0) { // Save Config File SaveConfigFile(sock, MsgPtr, Key, LOCAL); return 0; } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/LogAction") == 0) { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(_REPLYBUFFER, LOCAL); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return 1; } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/ARDOPAbort") == 0) { int port = atoi(Context); if (port > 0 && port <= MaxBPQPortNo) { struct TNCINFO * TNC = TNCInfo[port]; if (TNC && TNC->ForcedCloseProc) TNC->ForcedCloseProc(TNC, 0); if (TNC && TNC->WebWindowProc) ReplyLen = TNC->WebWindowProc(TNC, _REPLYBUFFER, LOCAL); ReplyLen = sprintf(Reply, "", "Ok"); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, Reply, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); // goto SendResp; // HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + strlen(Tail)); // send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); // send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); // send(sock, Tail, strlen(Tail), 0); return 1; } } send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, InputLen, 0); return 0; } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/") == 0 || _stricmp(NodeURL, "/Index.html") == 0) { // Send if present, else use default Bufferlen = SendMessageFile(sock, NodeURL, TRUE, allowDeflate); // return -1 if not found if (Bufferlen != -1) return 0; // We've sent it else { if (APRSApplConnected) ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, Index, Mycall, Mycall); else ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, IndexNoAPRS, Mycall, Mycall); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return 0; } } else if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/NodeMenu.html") == 0 || _stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/NodeMenu.html") == 0) { // Send if present, else use default char Menu[] = "/NodeMenu.html"; Bufferlen = SendMessageFile(sock, Menu, TRUE, allowDeflate); // return -1 if not found if (Bufferlen != -1) return 0; // We've sent it } else if (_memicmp(NodeURL, "/aisdata.txt", 12) == 0) { char * Compressed; ReplyLen = GetAISPageInfo(_REPLYBUFFER, 1, 1); if (allowDeflate) Compressed = Compressit(_REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, &ReplyLen); else Compressed = _REPLYBUFFER; HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: Text\r\n%s\r\n", ReplyLen, Encoding); sendandcheck(sock, Header, HeaderLen); sendandcheck(sock, Compressed, ReplyLen); if (allowDeflate) free (Compressed); return 0; } else if (_memicmp(NodeURL, "/aprsdata.txt", 13) == 0) { char * Compressed; char * ptr; double N, S, W, E; int aprs = 1, ais = 1, adsb = 1; ptr = &NodeURL[14]; N = atof(ptr); ptr = strlop(ptr, '|'); S = atof(ptr); ptr = strlop(ptr, '|'); W = atof(ptr); ptr = strlop(ptr, '|'); E = atof(ptr); ptr = strlop(ptr, '|'); if (ptr) { aprs = atoi(ptr); ptr = strlop(ptr, '|'); ais = atoi(ptr); ptr = strlop(ptr, '|'); adsb = atoi(ptr); } ReplyLen = GetAPRSPageInfo(_REPLYBUFFER, N, S, W, E, aprs, ais, adsb); if (ReplyLen < 240000) ReplyLen += GetAISPageInfo(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], ais, adsb); if (allowDeflate) Compressed = Compressit(_REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, &ReplyLen); else Compressed = _REPLYBUFFER; HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: Text\r\n%s\r\n", ReplyLen, Encoding); sendandcheck(sock, Header, HeaderLen); sendandcheck(sock, Compressed, ReplyLen); if (allowDeflate) free (Compressed); return 0; } else if (_memicmp(NodeURL, "/portstats.txt", 15) == 0) { char * Compressed; char * ptr; int port; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT; ptr = &NodeURL[15]; port = atoi(ptr); PORT = GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(port); ReplyLen = 0; if (PORT && PORT->TX) { // We send the last 24 hours worth of data. Buffer is cyclic so oldest byte is at StatsPointer int first = PORT->StatsPointer; int firstlen = 1440 - first; memcpy(&_REPLYBUFFER[0], &PORT->TX[first], firstlen); memcpy(&_REPLYBUFFER[firstlen], PORT->TX, first); memcpy(&_REPLYBUFFER[1440], &PORT->BUSY[first], firstlen); memcpy(&_REPLYBUFFER[1440 + firstlen], PORT->BUSY, first); ReplyLen = 2880; } if (allowDeflate) Compressed = Compressit(_REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, &ReplyLen); else Compressed = _REPLYBUFFER; HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: Text\r\n%s\r\n", ReplyLen, Encoding); sendandcheck(sock, Header, HeaderLen); sendandcheck(sock, Compressed, ReplyLen); if (allowDeflate) free (Compressed); return 0; } else if (_memicmp(NodeURL, "/Icon", 5) == 0 && _memicmp(&NodeURL[10], ".png", 4) == 0) { // APRS internal Icon char * Compressed; ReplyLen = GetAPRSIcon(_REPLYBUFFER, NodeURL); if (allowDeflate) Compressed = Compressit(_REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, &ReplyLen); else Compressed = _REPLYBUFFER; HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: Text\r\n%s\r\n", ReplyLen, Encoding); sendandcheck(sock, Header, HeaderLen); sendandcheck(sock, Compressed, ReplyLen); if (allowDeflate) free (Compressed); return 0; } else if (_memicmp(NodeURL, "/NODE/", 6)) { // Not Node, See if a local file Bufferlen = SendMessageFile(sock, NodeURL, FALSE, allowDeflate); // Send error if not found return 0; } // Node URL { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(_REPLYBUFFER, LOCAL); if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/webproc.css") == 0) { char WebprocCSS[] = ".dropbtn {position: relative; border: 1px solid black;padding:1px;}\r\n" ".dropdown {position: relative; display: inline-block;}\r\n" ".dropdown-content {display: none; position: absolute;background-color: #ccc; " "min-width: 160px; box-shadow: 0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0,0,00.2); z-index: 1;}\r\n" ".dropdown-content a {color: black; padding: 1px 1px;text-decoration:none;display:block;}" ".dropdown-content a:hover {background-color: #dddfff;}\r\n" ".dropdown:hover .dropdown-content {display: block;}\r\n" ".dropdown:hover .dropbtn {background-color: #ddd;}\r\n" "input.btn:active {background:black;color:white;}\r\n" "submit.btn:active {background:black;color:white;}\r\n"; ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, "%s", WebprocCSS); } else if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/Killandrestart") == 0) { int port = atoi(Context); if (port > 0 && port <= MaxBPQPortNo) { struct TNCINFO * TNC = TNCInfo[port]; KillTNC(TNC); TNC->DontRestart = FALSE; RestartTNC(TNC); if (TNC && TNC->WebWindowProc) ReplyLen = TNC->WebWindowProc(TNC, _REPLYBUFFER, LOCAL); } } else if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/Port") == 0 || _stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/ARDOPAbort") == 0) { int port = atoi(Context); if (port > 0 && port <= MaxBPQPortNo) { struct TNCINFO * TNC = TNCInfo[port]; if (TNC && TNC->WebWindowProc) ReplyLen = TNC->WebWindowProc(TNC, _REPLYBUFFER, LOCAL); } } else if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/Streams") == 0) { ReplyLen = StatusProc(_REPLYBUFFER); } else if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/Stats.html") == 0) { struct tm * TM; char UPTime[50]; time_t szClock = STATSTIME * 60; TM = gmtime(&szClock); sprintf(UPTime, "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d", TM->tm_yday, TM->tm_hour, TM->tm_min); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "%s", StatsHddr); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "", "Version", VersionString); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "", "Uptime (Days Hours Mins)", UPTime); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "", "Semaphore: Get-Rel/Clashes", Semaphore.Gets - Semaphore.Rels, Semaphore.Clashes); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "", "Buffers: Max/Cur/Min/Out/Wait", MAXBUFFS, QCOUNT, MINBUFFCOUNT, NOBUFFCOUNT, BUFFERWAITS); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "", "Known Nodes/Max Nodes", NUMBEROFNODES, MAXDESTS); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "", "L4 Connects Sent/Rxed ", L4CONNECTSOUT, L4CONNECTSIN); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "", "L4 Frames TX/RX/Resent/Reseq", L4FRAMESTX, L4FRAMESRX, L4FRAMESRETRIED, OLDFRAMES); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "", "L3 Frames Relayed", L3FRAMES); } else if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/RigControl.html") == 0) { char Test[] = "\r\n" "Rigcontrol\r\n" "\r\n" "\r\n" "\r\n" "
Waiting for data...
\r\n" "\r\n"; char NoRigCtl[] = "\r\n" "Rigcontrol\r\n" "\r\n" "\r\n" "
RigControl Not Configured...
\r\n" "\r\n"; if (RigWebPage) ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, "%s", Test); else ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, "%s", NoRigCtl); } else if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/ShowLog.html") == 0) { char ShowLogPage[] = "" "" "Log Display" "" "
" "
" // "" "" "" "
"; char * _REPLYBUFFER; int ReplyLen; char Header[256]; int HeaderLen; char * CfgBytes; int CfgLen; char inputname[250]; FILE *fp1; struct stat STAT; char DummyKey[] = "DummyKey"; time_t T; struct tm * tm; char Name[64] = ""; T = time(NULL); tm = gmtime(&T); if (LOCAL == FALSE && COOKIE == FALSE) { // Send Not Authorized char _REPLYBUFFER[4096]; ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(_REPLYBUFFER, LOCAL); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "
Not authorized - please sign in"); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return 1; } if (COOKIE == FALSE) Key = DummyKey; if (memcmp(Context, "date=", 5) == 0) { memset(tm, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); tm->tm_year = atoi(&Context[5]) - 1900; tm->tm_mon = atoi(&Context[10]) - 1; tm->tm_mday = atoi(&Context[13]); } if (strcmp(Context, "input=Back") == 0) { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(Reply, LOCAL); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, Reply, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return 1; } if (LogDirectory[0] == 0) { strcpy(inputname, "logs/"); } else { strcpy(inputname,LogDirectory); strcat(inputname,"/"); strcat(inputname, "/logs/"); } if (strstr(Context, "CMS")) { sprintf(Name, "CMSAccess_%04d%02d%02d.log", tm->tm_year +1900, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday); } else if (strstr(Context, "Debug")) { sprintf(Name, "log_%02d%02d%02d_DEBUG.txt", tm->tm_year - 100, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday); } else if (strstr(Context, "BBS")) { sprintf(Name, "log_%02d%02d%02d_BBS.txt", tm->tm_year - 100, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday); } else if (strstr(Context, "Chat")) { sprintf(Name, "log_%02d%02d%02d_CHAT.txt", tm->tm_year - 100, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday); } else if (strstr(Context, "Telnet")) { sprintf(Name, "Telnet_%02d%02d%02d.log", tm->tm_year - 100, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday); } strcat(inputname, Name); if (stat(inputname, &STAT) == -1) { CfgBytes = malloc(256); sprintf(CfgBytes, "Log %s not found", inputname); CfgLen = strlen(CfgBytes); } else { fp1 = fopen(inputname, "rb"); if (fp1 == 0) { CfgBytes = malloc(256); sprintf(CfgBytes, "Log %s not found", inputname); CfgLen = strlen(CfgBytes); } else { CfgLen = STAT.st_size; CfgBytes = malloc(CfgLen + 1); CfgLen = (int)fread(CfgBytes, 1, CfgLen, fp1); CfgBytes[CfgLen] = 0; } } _REPLYBUFFER = malloc(CfgLen + 1000); ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, ShowLogPage, CfgBytes); free (CfgBytes); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); sendandcheck(sock, Header, HeaderLen); sendandcheck(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen); sendandcheck(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail)); free (_REPLYBUFFER); return 1; } else if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/EditCfg.html") == 0) { char * _REPLYBUFFER; int ReplyLen; char Header[256]; int HeaderLen; char * CfgBytes; int CfgLen; char inputname[250]="bpq32.cfg"; FILE *fp1; struct stat STAT; char DummyKey[] = "DummyKey"; if (LOCAL == FALSE && COOKIE == FALSE) { // Send Not Authorized char _REPLYBUFFER[4096]; ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(_REPLYBUFFER, LOCAL); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "
Not authorized - please sign in"); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return 1; } if (COOKIE ==FALSE) Key = DummyKey; if (ConfigDirectory[0] == 0) { strcpy(inputname, "bpq32.cfg"); } else { strcpy(inputname,ConfigDirectory); strcat(inputname,"/"); strcat(inputname, "bpq32.cfg"); } if (stat(inputname, &STAT) == -1) { CfgBytes = _strdup("Config File not found"); } else { fp1 = fopen(inputname, "rb"); if (fp1 == 0) { CfgBytes = _strdup("Config File not found"); } else { CfgLen = STAT.st_size; CfgBytes = malloc(CfgLen + 1); CfgLen = (int)fread(CfgBytes, 1, CfgLen, fp1); CfgBytes[CfgLen] = 0; } } _REPLYBUFFER = malloc(CfgLen + 1000); ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, ConfigEditPage, Key, CfgBytes); free (CfgBytes); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", ReplyLen + (int)strlen(Tail)); sendandcheck(sock, Header, HeaderLen); sendandcheck(sock, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen); sendandcheck(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail)); free (_REPLYBUFFER); return 1; } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/PortBeacons") == 0) { char * PortChar = strtok_s(NULL, "&", &Context); int PortNo = atoi(PortChar); struct PORTCONTROL * PORT; int PortSlot = 0; PORT = GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(PortNo); // Need slot not number if (PORT) PortSlot = PORT->PortSlot; ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], Beacons, PortNo, Interval[PortSlot], &UIUIDEST[PortSlot][0], &UIUIDigi[PortSlot][0], &FN[PortSlot][0], &Message[PortSlot][0], PortNo); } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/PortStats") == 0) { struct _EXTPORTDATA * Port; char * PortChar = strtok_s(NULL, "&", &Context); int PortNo = atoi(PortChar); int Protocol; int PortType; // char PORTTYPE; // H/W TYPE // 0 = ASYNC, 2 = PC120, 4 = DRSI // 6 = TOSH, 8 = QUAD, 10 = RLC100 // 12 = RLC400 14 = INTERNAL 16 = EXTERNAL #define KISS 0 #define NETROM 2 #define HDLC 6 #define L2 8 #define WINMOR 10 // char PROTOCOL; // PORT PROTOCOL // 0 = KISS, 2 = NETROM, 4 = BPQKISS //; 6 = HDLC, 8 = L2 ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsHddr, PortNo); Port = (struct _EXTPORTDATA *)GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(PortNo); if (Port == NULL) { ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, "Invalid Port"); goto SendResp; } Protocol = Port->PORTCONTROL.PROTOCOL; PortType = Port->PORTCONTROL.PROTOCOL; ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "L2 Frames Digied", Port->PORTCONTROL.L2DIGIED); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "L2 Frames Heard", Port->PORTCONTROL.L2FRAMES); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "L2 Frames Received", Port->PORTCONTROL.L2FRAMESFORUS); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "L2 Frames Sent", Port->PORTCONTROL.L2FRAMESSENT); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "L2 Timeouts", Port->PORTCONTROL.L2TIMEOUTS); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "REJ Frames Received", Port->PORTCONTROL.L2REJCOUNT); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "RX out of Seq", Port->PORTCONTROL.L2OUTOFSEQ); // ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "L2 Resequenced", Port->PORTCONTROL.L2RESEQ); if (Protocol == HDLC) { ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "Underrun", Port->PORTCONTROL.L2URUNC); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "RX Overruns", Port->PORTCONTROL.L2ORUNC); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "RX CRC Errors", Port->PORTCONTROL.RXERRORS); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "Frames abandoned", Port->PORTCONTROL.L1DISCARD); } else if ((Protocol == KISS && Port->PORTCONTROL.KISSFLAGS) || Protocol == NETROM) { ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "Poll Timeout", Port->PORTCONTROL.L2URUNC); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "RX CRC Errors", Port->PORTCONTROL.RXERRORS); } ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "FRMRs Sent", Port->PORTCONTROL.L2FRMRTX); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortStatsLine, "FRMRs Received", Port->PORTCONTROL.L2FRMRRX); // DB 'Link Active % ' // DD AVSENDING } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/Ports.html") == 0) { struct _EXTPORTDATA * ExtPort; struct PORTCONTROL * Port; int count; char DLL[20]; char StatsURL[64]; ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "%s", PortsHddr); for (count = 1; count <= NUMBEROFPORTS; count++) { Port = GetPortTableEntryFromSlot(count); ExtPort = (struct _EXTPORTDATA *)Port; // see if has a stats page if (Port->AVACTIVE) sprintf(StatsURL, " Stats Graph", Port->PORTNUMBER); else StatsURL[0] = 0; if (Port->PORTTYPE == 0x10) { strcpy(DLL, ExtPort->PORT_DLL_NAME); strlop(DLL, '.'); } else if (Port->PORTTYPE == 0) strcpy(DLL, "ASYNC"); else if (Port->PORTTYPE == 22) strcpy(DLL, "I2C"); else if (Port->PORTTYPE == 14) strcpy(DLL, "INTERNAL"); else if (Port->PORTTYPE > 0 && Port->PORTTYPE < 14) strcpy(DLL, "HDLC"); if (Port->TNC && Port->TNC->WebWindowProc) // Has a Window { if (Port->UICAPABLE) ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortLineWithBeaconAndDriver, Port->PORTNUMBER, DLL, Port->PORTDESCRIPTION, Port->PORTNUMBER, Port->PORTNUMBER, Port->TNC->WebWinX, Port->TNC->WebWinY, 200, 200, StatsURL); else ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortLineWithDriver, Port->PORTNUMBER, DLL, Port->PORTDESCRIPTION, Port->PORTNUMBER, Port->TNC->WebWinX, Port->TNC->WebWinY, 200, 200, StatsURL); continue; } if (Port->PORTTYPE == 16 && Port->PROTOCOL == 10 && Port->UICAPABLE == 0) // EXTERNAL, Pactor/WINMO ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], SessionPortLine, Port->PORTNUMBER, DLL, Port->PORTDESCRIPTION, Port->PORTNUMBER, StatsURL); else ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], PortLineWithBeacon, Port->PORTNUMBER, Port->PORTNUMBER, DLL, DLL, Port->PORTDESCRIPTION, Port->PORTNUMBER, StatsURL); } if (RigActive) ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], RigControlLine, 64, "Rig Control", "Rig Control", 600, 350, 200, 200); } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/Nodes.html") == 0) { struct DEST_LIST * Dests = DESTS; int count, i; char Normcall[10]; char Alias[10]; int Width = 5; int x = 0, n = 0; struct DEST_LIST * List[1000]; char Param = 0; if (Context) { _strupr(Context); Param = Context[0]; } for (count = 0; count < MAXDESTS; count++) { if (Dests->DEST_CALL[0] != 0) { if (Param != 'T' || Dests->DEST_COUNT) List[n++] = Dests; if (n > 999) break; } Dests++; } if (n > 1) { if (Param == 'C') qsort(List, n, sizeof(void *), CompareNode); else qsort(List, n, sizeof(void *), CompareAlias); } Alias[6] = 0; if (Param == 'T') { ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], NodeHddr, "with traffic"); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], ""); } else if (Param == 'C') ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], NodeHddr, "sorted by Call"); else ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], NodeHddr, "sorted by Alias"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int len = ConvFromAX25(List[i]->DEST_CALL, Normcall); Normcall[len]=0; memcpy(Alias, List[i]->DEST_ALIAS, 6); strlop(Alias, ' '); if (Param == 'T') { ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "", Normcall, Alias, List[i]->DEST_COUNT, List[i]->DEST_RTT /16, (List[i]->DEST_STATE & 0x40)? 'B':' ', (List[i]->DEST_STATE & 63)); } else { ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], NodeLine, Normcall, Alias, Normcall); if (++x == Width) { x = 0; ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], ""); } } } ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], ""); } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/NodeDetail") == 0) { UCHAR AXCall[8]; struct DEST_LIST * Dest = DESTS; struct NR_DEST_ROUTE_ENTRY * NRRoute; struct ROUTE * Neighbour; char Normcall[10]; int i, len, count, Active; char Alias[7]; Alias[6] = 0; _strupr(Context); ConvToAX25(Context, AXCall); for (count = 0; count < MAXDESTS; count++) { if (CompareCalls(Dest->DEST_CALL, AXCall)) { break; } Dest++; } if (count == MAXDESTS) { ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "

Call %s not found

", Context); goto SendResp; } memcpy(Alias, Dest->DEST_ALIAS, 6); strlop(Alias, ' '); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "

Info for Node %s:%s

", Alias, Context); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "

PortDriverIDBeaconsDriver WindowStats Graph
%d %s%s
%d %s%s Beacons %s
%d%s%s %s
%d%s%s Driver Window%s
%d%s%s BeaconsDriver Window%s
%d%s%s Rig Control
"); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "
", Dest->DEST_COUNT, Dest->DEST_RTT /16, (Dest->DEST_STATE & 0x40)? 'B':' ', (Dest->DEST_STATE & 63)); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "


"); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "" ""); NRRoute = &Dest->NRROUTE[0]; Active = Dest->DEST_ROUTE; for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { Neighbour = NRRoute->ROUT_NEIGHBOUR; if (Neighbour) { len = ConvFromAX25(Neighbour->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, Normcall); Normcall[len] = 0; ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "", (Active == i)?'>':' ',NRRoute->ROUT_QUALITY, NRRoute->ROUT_OBSCOUNT, Neighbour->NEIGHBOUR_PORT, Normcall); } NRRoute++; } ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "
Qual Obs Port Call
%c %d%d%d%s
"); goto SendResp; } /* MOV ESI,OFFSET32 NODEROUTEHDDR MOV ECX,11 REP MOVSB LEA ESI,DEST_CALL[EBX] CALL DECODENODENAME ; CONVERT TO ALIAS:CALL REP MOVSB CMP DEST_RTT[EBX],0 JE SHORT @f ; TIMER NOT SET - DEST PROBABLY NOT USED MOVSB ; ADD SPACE CALL DORTT @@: MOV AL,CR STOSB MOV ECX,3 MOV DH,DEST_ROUTE[EBX] ; CURRENT ACTIVE ROUTE MOV DL,1 push ebx PUBLIC CMDN110 CMDN110: MOV ESI,ROUT1_NEIGHBOUR[EBX] CMP ESI,0 JE CMDN199 MOV AX,' ' CMP DH,DL JNE SHORT CMDN112 ; NOT CURRENT DEST MOV AX,' >' CMDN112: STOSW PUSH ECX MOV AL,ROUT1_QUALITY[EBX] CALL CONV_DIGITS ; CONVERT AL TO DECIMAL DIGITS mov AL,' ' stosb MOV AL,ROUT1_OBSCOUNT[EBX] CALL CONV_DIGITS ; CONVERT AL TO DECIMAL DIGITS mov AL,' ' stosb MOV AL,NEIGHBOUR_PORT[ESI] ; GET PORT CALL CONV_DIGITS ; CONVERT AL TO DECIMAL DIGITS mov AL,' ' stosb PUSH EDI CALL CONVFROMAX25 ; CONVERT TO CALL POP EDI MOV ESI,OFFSET32 NORMCALL REP MOVSB MOV AL,CR STOSB ADD EBX,ROUTEVECLEN INC DL ; ROUTE NUMBER POP ECX DEC ECX JNZ CMDN110 PUBLIC CMDN199 CMDN199: POP EBX ; DISPLAY INP3 ROUTES MOV ECX,3 MOV DL,4 PUBLIC CMDNINP3 CMDNINP3: MOV ESI,INPROUT1_NEIGHBOUR[EBX] CMP ESI,0 JE CMDNINPEND MOV AX,' ' CMP DH,DL JNE SHORT @F ; NOT CURRENT DEST MOV AX,' >' @@: STOSW PUSH ECX MOV AL, Hops1[EBX] CALL CONV_DIGITS ; CONVERT AL TO DECIMAL DIGITS mov AL,' ' stosb MOVZX EAX, SRTT1[EBX] MOV EDX,0 MOV ECX, 100 DIV ECX CALL CONV_5DIGITS MOV AL,'.' STOSB MOV EAX, EDX CALL PRINTNUM MOV AL,'s' STOSB MOV AL,' ' STOSB MOV AL,NEIGHBOUR_PORT[ESI] ; GET PORT CALL CONV_DIGITS ; CONVERT AL TO DECIMAL DIGITS mov AL,' ' stosb PUSH EDI CALL CONVFROMAX25 ; CONVERT TO CALL POP EDI MOV ESI,OFFSET32 NORMCALL REP MOVSB MOV AL,CR STOSB ADD EBX,INPROUTEVECLEN INC DL ; ROUTE NUMBER POP ECX LOOP CMDNINP3 CMDNINPEND: ret */ if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/Routes.html") == 0) { struct ROUTE * Routes = NEIGHBOURS; int MaxRoutes = MAXNEIGHBOURS; int count; char Normcall[10]; char locked[4] = " "; int NodeCount; int Percent = 0; int Iframes, Retries; char Active[10]; int Queued; ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "%s", RouteHddr); for (count=0; countNEIGHBOUR_CALL[0] != 0) { int len = ConvFromAX25(Routes->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, Normcall); Normcall[len]=0; if (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_FLAG == LOCKEDBYCONFIG) strcpy(locked, "!"); else if (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_FLAG == LOCKEDBYSYSOP) strcpy(locked, "!!"); else if (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_FLAG == LOCKEDBYSYSOP + LOCKEDBYCONFIG) strcpy(locked, "!!!"); else strcpy(locked, " "); NodeCount = COUNTNODES(Routes); if (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_LINK) Queued = COUNT_AT_L2(Routes->NEIGHBOUR_LINK); else Queued = 0; Iframes = Routes->NBOUR_IFRAMES; Retries = Routes->NBOUR_RETRIES; if (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_LINK && Routes->NEIGHBOUR_LINK->L2STATE >= 5) strcpy(Active, ">"); else strcpy(Active, " "); if (Iframes) Percent = (Retries * 100) / Iframes; else Percent = 0; ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], RouteLine, Active, Routes->NEIGHBOUR_PORT, Normcall, locked, Routes->NEIGHBOUR_QUAL, NodeCount, Iframes, Retries, Percent, Routes->NBOUR_MAXFRAME, Routes->NBOUR_FRACK, Routes->NEIGHBOUR_TIME >> 8, Routes->NEIGHBOUR_TIME & 0xff, Queued, Routes->OtherendsRouteQual); } Routes+=1; } } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/Links.html") == 0) { struct _LINKTABLE * Links = LINKS; int MaxLinks = MAXLINKS; int count; char Normcall1[10]; char Normcall2[10]; char State[12] = "", Type[12] = "Uplink"; int axState; int cctType; ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "%s", LinkHddr); for (count=0; countLINKCALL[0] != 0) { int len = ConvFromAX25(Links->LINKCALL, Normcall1); Normcall1[len] = 0; len = ConvFromAX25(Links->OURCALL, Normcall2); Normcall2[len] = 0; axState = Links->L2STATE; if (axState == 2) strcpy(State, "Connecting"); else if (axState == 3) strcpy(State, "FRMR"); else if (axState == 4) strcpy(State, "Closing"); else if (axState == 5) strcpy(State, "Active"); else if (axState == 6) strcpy(State, "REJ Sent"); cctType = Links->LINKTYPE; if (cctType == 1) strcpy(Type, "Uplink"); else if (cctType == 2) strcpy(Type, "Downlink"); else if (cctType == 3) strcpy(Type, "Node-Node"); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], LinkLine, Normcall1, Normcall2, Links->LINKPORT->PORTNUMBER, State, Type, 2 - Links->VER1FLAG ); Links+=1; } } } if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/Users.html") == 0) { TRANSPORTENTRY * L4 = L4TABLE; TRANSPORTENTRY * Partner; int MaxLinks = MAXLINKS; int count; char State[12] = "", Type[12] = "Uplink"; char LHS[50] = "", MID[10] = "", RHS[50] = ""; ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "%s", UserHddr); for (count=0; count < MAXCIRCUITS; count++) { if (L4->L4USER[0]) { RHS[0] = MID[0] = 0; if ((L4->L4CIRCUITTYPE & UPLINK) == 0) //SHORT CMDS10A ; YES { // IF DOWNLINK, ONLY DISPLAY IF NO CROSSLINK if (L4->L4CROSSLINK == 0) //jne CMDS60 ; WILL PROCESS FROM OTHER END { // ITS A DOWNLINK WITH NO PARTNER - MUST BE A CLOSING SESSION // DISPLAY TO THE RIGHT FOR NOW strcpy(LHS, "(Closing) "); DISPLAYCIRCUIT(L4, RHS); goto CMDS50; } else goto CMDS60; // WILL PROCESS FROM OTHER END } if (L4->L4CROSSLINK == 0) { // Single Entry DISPLAYCIRCUIT(L4, LHS); } else { DISPLAYCIRCUIT(L4, LHS); Partner = L4->L4CROSSLINK; if (Partner->L4STATE == 5) strcpy(MID, "<-->"); else strcpy(MID, "<~~>"); DISPLAYCIRCUIT(Partner, RHS); } CMDS50: ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], UserLine, LHS, MID, RHS); } CMDS60: L4++; } } /* PUBLIC CMDUXX_1 CMDUXX_1: push EBX push ESI PUSH ECX push EDI call _FINDDESTINATION pop EDI jz SHORT NODE_FOUND push EDI ; NET/ROM not found call CONVFROMAX25 ; CONVERT TO CALL pop EDI mov ESI,OFFSET32 NORMCALL rep movsb jmp SHORT END_CMDUXX PUBLIC NODE_FOUND NODE_FOUND: lea ESI,DEST_CALL[EBX] call DECODENODENAME REP MOVSB PUBLIC END_CMDUXX END_CMDUXX: POP ECX pop ESI pop EBX ret }}} */ else if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/Terminal.html") == 0) { if (COOKIE && Session) { // Already signed in as sysop struct UserRec * USER = Session->USER; struct HTTPConnectionInfo * NewSession = AllocateSession(sock, 'T'); if (NewSession) { char AXCall[10]; ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, TermPage, Mycall, Mycall, NewSession->Key, NewSession->Key, NewSession->Key); strcpy(NewSession->HTTPCall, USER->Callsign); ConvToAX25(NewSession->HTTPCall, AXCall); ChangeSessionCallsign(NewSession->Stream, AXCall); BPQHOSTVECTOR[NewSession->Stream -1].HOSTSESSION->Secure_Session = USER->Secure; Session->USER = USER; NewSession->TNC = conn->TNC; // if (Appl[0]) // { // strcat(Appl, "\r"); // SendMsg(Session->Stream, Appl, strlen(Appl)); // } } else { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(_REPLYBUFFER, LOCAL); ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "%s", BusyError); } } else if (LOCAL) { // connected to so sign in using node call struct HTTPConnectionInfo * NewSession = AllocateSession(sock, 'T'); if (NewSession) { ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, TermPage, Mycall, Mycall, NewSession->Key, NewSession->Key, NewSession->Key); strcpy(NewSession->HTTPCall, MYNODECALL); ChangeSessionCallsign(NewSession->Stream, MYCALL); BPQHOSTVECTOR[NewSession->Stream -1].HOSTSESSION->Secure_Session = TRUE; NewSession->TNC = conn->TNC; } } else ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, TermSignon, Mycall, Mycall, Context); } else if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/Signon.html") == 0) { ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, NodeSignon, Mycall, Mycall, Context); } else if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/Drivers") == 0) { int Bufferlen = SendMessageFile(sock, "/Drivers.htm", TRUE, allowDeflate); // return -1 if not found if (Bufferlen != -1) return 0; // We've sent it } else if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/OutputScreen.html") == 0) { struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session = FindSession(Context); if (Session == NULL) { ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, "%s", LostSession); } else { Session->sock = sock; // socket to reply on ReplyLen = RefreshTermWindow(TCP, Session, _REPLYBUFFER); if (ReplyLen == 0) // Nothing new { // Debugprintf("GET with no data avail - response held"); Session->ResponseTimer = 1200; // Delay response for up to a minute } else { // Debugprintf("GET - outpur sent, timer was %d, set to zero", Session->ResponseTimer); Session->ResponseTimer = 0; } Session->KillTimer = 0; return 0; // Refresh has sent any available output } } else if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/InputLine.html") == 0) { struct TNCINFO * TNC = conn->TNC; struct TCPINFO * TCP = 0; if (TNC) TCP = TNC->TCPInfo; if (TCP && TCP->WebTermCSS) ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, InputLine, Context, TCP->WebTermCSS); else ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, InputLine, Context, ""); } else if (_stricmp(NodeURL, "/Node/PTT") == 0) { struct TNCINFO * TNC = conn->TNC; int x = atoi(Context); } SendResp: FormatTime3(TimeString, time(NULL)); strcpy(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], Tail); ReplyLen += (int)strlen(Tail); if (allowDeflate) { Compressed = Compressit(_REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, &ReplyLen); } else { Encoding[0] = 0; Compressed = _REPLYBUFFER; } HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n" "Date: %s\r\n%s\r\n", ReplyLen, TimeString, Encoding); sendandcheck(sock, Header, HeaderLen); sendandcheck(sock, Compressed, ReplyLen); if (allowDeflate) free (Compressed); } return 0; #ifdef WIN32xx } #include "StdExcept.c" } return 0; #endif } void ProcessHTTPMessage(void * conn) { // conn is a malloc'ed copy to handle reused connections, so need to free it InnerProcessHTTPMessage((struct ConnectionInfo *)conn); free(conn); return; } static char *month[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}; static char *dat[] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; VOID FormatTime3(char * Time, time_t cTime) { struct tm * TM; TM = gmtime(&cTime); sprintf(Time, "%s, %02d %s %3d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", dat[TM->tm_wday], TM->tm_mday, month[TM->tm_mon], TM->tm_year + 1900, TM->tm_hour, TM->tm_min, TM->tm_sec); } // Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT int StatusProc(char * Buff) { int i; char callsign[12] = ""; char flag[3]; UINT Mask, MaskCopy; int Flags; int AppNumber; int OneBits; int Len = sprintf(Buff, "" "Stream Status"); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], ""); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], ""); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], ""); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], ""); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], ""); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], ""); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], ""); for (i=1;i<65; i++) { callsign[0]=0; if (GetAllocationState(i)) strcpy(flag,"*"); else strcpy(flag," "); GetCallsign(i,callsign); Mask = MaskCopy = Get_APPLMASK(i); // if only one bit set, convert to number AppNumber = 0; OneBits = 0; while (MaskCopy) { if (MaskCopy & 1) OneBits++; AppNumber++; MaskCopy = MaskCopy >> 1; } Flags=GetApplFlags(i); if (OneBits > 1) Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "" "", i, flag, RXCount(i), TXCount(i), MONCount(i), Mask, Flags, callsign, BPQHOSTVECTOR[i-1].PgmName); else Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "" "", i, flag, RXCount(i), TXCount(i), MONCount(i), AppNumber, Flags, callsign, BPQHOSTVECTOR[i-1].PgmName); if ((i & 1) == 0) Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], ""); } Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "
    RX   TX   MON  App  Flg Callsign  Program    RX   TX   MON  App  Flg Callsign  Program
"); return Len; } int ProcessNodeSignon(SOCKET sock, struct TCPINFO * TCP, char * MsgPtr, char * Appl, char * Reply, struct HTTPConnectionInfo ** Session, int LOCAL) { int ReplyLen = 0; char * input = strstr(MsgPtr, "\r\n\r\n"); // End of headers char * user, * password, * Key; char Header[256]; int HeaderLen; struct HTTPConnectionInfo *Sess; if (input) { int i; struct UserRec * USER; UndoTransparency(input); if (strstr(input, "Cancel=Cancel")) { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(Reply, LOCAL); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n" "\r\n", (int)(ReplyLen + strlen(Tail))); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, Reply, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); } user = strtok_s(&input[9], "&", &Key); password = strtok_s(NULL, "=", &Key); password = Key; for (i = 0; i < TCP->NumberofUsers; i++) { USER = TCP->UserRecPtr[i]; if (user && _stricmp(user, USER->UserName) == 0) { if (strcmp(password, USER->Password) == 0 && USER->Secure) { // ok Sess = *Session = AllocateSession(sock, 'N'); Sess->USER = USER; ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(Reply, LOCAL); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n" "Set-Cookie: BPQSessionCookie=%s; Path = /\r\n\r\n", (int)(ReplyLen + strlen(Tail)), Sess->Key); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, Reply, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return ReplyLen; } } } } ReplyLen = sprintf(Reply, NodeSignon, Mycall, Mycall); ReplyLen += sprintf(&Reply[ReplyLen], "%s", PassError); HeaderLen = sprintf(Header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", (int)(ReplyLen + strlen(Tail))); send(sock, Header, HeaderLen, 0); send(sock, Reply, ReplyLen, 0); send(sock, Tail, (int)strlen(Tail), 0); return 0; return ReplyLen; } int ProcessMailAPISignon(struct TCPINFO * TCP, char * MsgPtr, char * Appl, char * Reply, struct HTTPConnectionInfo ** Session, BOOL WebMail, int LOCAL) { int ReplyLen = 0; char * input = strstr(MsgPtr, "\r\n\r\n"); // End of headers char * user, * password; struct HTTPConnectionInfo * NewSession; int i; struct UserRec * USER; if (strchr(MsgPtr, '?')) { // Check Password user = strlop(MsgPtr, '?'); password = strlop(user, '&'); strlop(password, ' '); for (i = 0; i < TCP->NumberofUsers; i++) { USER = TCP->UserRecPtr[i]; if (user && _stricmp(user, USER->UserName) == 0) { if ((strcmp(password, USER->Password) == 0) && (USER->Secure || WebMail)) { // ok NewSession = AllocateSession(Appl[0], 'M'); *Session = NewSession; if (NewSession) { ReplyLen = 0; strcpy(NewSession->Callsign, USER->Callsign); } else { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(Reply, LOCAL); ReplyLen += sprintf(&Reply[ReplyLen], "%s", BusyError); } return ReplyLen; } } } // Pass failed attempt to BBS code so it can try a bbs user login // Need to put url back together if (user && user[0] && password && password[0]) { sprintf(MsgPtr, "%s?%s&%s", MsgPtr, user, password); } } NewSession = AllocateSession(Appl[0], 'M'); *Session = NewSession; if (NewSession) ReplyLen = 0; else { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(Reply, LOCAL); ReplyLen += sprintf(&Reply[ReplyLen], "%s", BusyError); } return ReplyLen; } int ProcessMailSignon(struct TCPINFO * TCP, char * MsgPtr, char * Appl, char * Reply, struct HTTPConnectionInfo ** Session, BOOL WebMail, int LOCAL) { int ReplyLen = 0; char * input = strstr(MsgPtr, "\r\n\r\n"); // End of headers char * user, * password, * Key; struct HTTPConnectionInfo * NewSession; if (input) { int i; struct UserRec * USER; UndoTransparency(input); if (strstr(input, "Cancel=Cancel")) { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(Reply, LOCAL); return ReplyLen; } user = strtok_s(&input[9], "&", &Key); password = strtok_s(NULL, "=", &Key); password = Key; for (i = 0; i < TCP->NumberofUsers; i++) { USER = TCP->UserRecPtr[i]; if (user && _stricmp(user, USER->UserName) == 0) { if (strcmp(password, USER->Password) == 0 && (USER->Secure || WebMail)) { // ok NewSession = AllocateSession(Appl[0], 'M'); *Session = NewSession; if (NewSession) { ReplyLen = 0; strcpy(NewSession->Callsign, USER->Callsign); } else { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(Reply, LOCAL); ReplyLen += sprintf(&Reply[ReplyLen], "%s", BusyError); } return ReplyLen; } } } } ReplyLen = sprintf(Reply, MailSignon, Mycall, Mycall); ReplyLen += sprintf(&Reply[ReplyLen], "%s", PassError); return ReplyLen; } int ProcessChatSignon(struct TCPINFO * TCP, char * MsgPtr, char * Appl, char * Reply, struct HTTPConnectionInfo ** Session, int LOCAL) { int ReplyLen = 0; char * input = strstr(MsgPtr, "\r\n\r\n"); // End of headers char * user, * password, * Key; if (input) { int i; struct UserRec * USER; UndoTransparency(input); if (strstr(input, "Cancel=Cancel")) { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(Reply, LOCAL); return ReplyLen; } user = strtok_s(&input[9], "&", &Key); password = strtok_s(NULL, "=", &Key); password = Key; for (i = 0; i < TCP->NumberofUsers; i++) { USER = TCP->UserRecPtr[i]; if (user && _stricmp(user, USER->UserName) == 0) { if (strcmp(password, USER->Password) == 0 && USER->Secure) { // ok *Session = AllocateSession(Appl[0], 'C'); if (Session) { ReplyLen = 0; } else { ReplyLen = SetupNodeMenu(Reply, LOCAL); ReplyLen += sprintf(&Reply[ReplyLen], "%s", BusyError); } return ReplyLen; } } } } ReplyLen = sprintf(Reply, ChatSignon, Mycall, Mycall); ReplyLen += sprintf(&Reply[ReplyLen], "%s", PassError); return ReplyLen; } #define SHA1_HASH_LEN 20 /* Copyright (C) 1998, 2009 Paul E. Jones Freeware Public License (FPL) This software is licensed as "freeware." Permission to distribute this software in source and binary forms, including incorporation into other products, is hereby granted without a fee. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE AUTHOR SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE. */ /* sha1.h * * Copyright (C) 1998, 2009 * Paul E. Jones * All Rights Reserved * ***************************************************************************** * $Id: sha1.h 12 2009-06-22 19:34:25Z paulej $ ***************************************************************************** * * Description: * This class implements the Secure Hashing Standard as defined * in FIPS PUB 180-1 published April 17, 1995. * * Many of the variable names in the SHA1Context, especially the * single character names, were used because those were the names * used in the publication. * * Please read the file sha1.c for more information. * */ #ifndef _SHA1_H_ #define _SHA1_H_ /* * This structure will hold context information for the hashing * operation */ typedef struct SHA1Context { unsigned Message_Digest[5]; /* Message Digest (output) */ unsigned Length_Low; /* Message length in bits */ unsigned Length_High; /* Message length in bits */ unsigned char Message_Block[64]; /* 512-bit message blocks */ int Message_Block_Index; /* Index into message block array */ int Computed; /* Is the digest computed? */ int Corrupted; /* Is the message digest corruped? */ } SHA1Context; /* * Function Prototypes */ void SHA1Reset(SHA1Context *); int SHA1Result(SHA1Context *); void SHA1Input( SHA1Context *, const unsigned char *, unsigned); #endif BOOL SHA1PasswordHash(char * lpszPassword, char * Hash) { SHA1Context sha; int i; SHA1Reset(&sha); SHA1Input(&sha, lpszPassword, strlen(lpszPassword)); SHA1Result(&sha); // swap byte order if little endian for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) sha.Message_Digest[i] = htonl(sha.Message_Digest[i]); memcpy(Hash, &sha.Message_Digest[0], 20); return TRUE; } int BuildRigCtlPage(char * _REPLYBUFFER) { int ReplyLen; struct RIGPORTINFO * PORT; struct RIGINFO * RIG; int p, i; char Page[] = "\r\n" // "\r\n" "Rigcontrol\r\n" "" "


\r\n" "\r\n" "\r\n" "\r\n" "\r\n" "\r\n" "\r\n" "\r\n" ""; char RigLine[] = "\r\n" " \r\n" " \r\n" " \r\n" " \r\n" " \r\n" " \r\n" " \r\n"; char Tail[] = "
\r\n" "\r\n"; ReplyLen = sprintf(_REPLYBUFFER, "%s", Page); for (p = 0; p < NumberofPorts; p++) { PORT = PORTInfo[p]; for (i=0; i< PORT->ConfiguredRigs; i++) { RIG = &PORT->Rigs[i]; ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], RigLine, RIG->WEB_Label, RIG->WEB_FREQ, RIG->WEB_MODE, RIG->WEB_SCAN, RIG->WEB_PTT, RIG->WEB_PORTS, RIG->Interlock); } } ReplyLen += sprintf(&_REPLYBUFFER[ReplyLen], "%s", Tail); return ReplyLen; } void SendRigWebPage() { int i, n; struct ConnectionInfo * sockptr; struct TNCINFO * TNC; struct TCPINFO * TCP; for (i = 0; i < 33; i++) { TNC = TNCInfo[i]; if (TNC && TNC->Hardware == H_TELNET) { TCP = TNC->TCPInfo; if (TCP) { for (n = 0; n <= TCP->MaxSessions; n++) { sockptr = TNC->Streams[n].ConnectionInfo; if (sockptr->SocketActive) { if (sockptr->HTTPMode && sockptr->WebSocks && strcmp(sockptr->WebURL, "RIGCTL") == 0) { char RigMsg[8192]; int RigMsgLen = strlen(RigWebPage); char* ptr; RigMsg[0] = 0x81; // Fin, Data RigMsg[1] = 126; // Unmasked, Extended Len RigMsg[2] = RigMsgLen >> 8; RigMsg[3] = RigMsgLen & 0xff; strcpy(&RigMsg[4], RigWebPage); // If secure session enable PTT button if (sockptr->WebSecure) { while (ptr = strstr(RigMsg, "hidden")) memcpy(ptr, " ", 6); } send(sockptr->socket, RigMsg, RigMsgLen + 4, 0); } } } } } } } // Webmail web socket code int ProcessWebmailWebSock(char * MsgPtr, char * OutBuffer); void ProcessWebmailWebSockThread(void * conn) { // conn is a malloc'ed copy to handle reused connections, so need to free it struct ConnectionInfo * sockptr = (struct ConnectionInfo *)conn; char * URL = sockptr->WebURL; int Loops = 0; int Sent; struct HTTPConnectionInfo Dummy = {0}; int ReplyLen = 0; int InputLen = 0; #ifdef LINBPQ char _REPLYBUFFER[250000]; ReplyLen = ProcessWebmailWebSock(URL, _REPLYBUFFER); // Send may block Sent = send(sockptr->socket, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); while (Sent != ReplyLen && Loops++ < 3000) // 100 secs max { if (Sent > 0) // something sent { ReplyLen -= Sent; memmove(_REPLYBUFFER, &_REPLYBUFFER[Sent], ReplyLen); } Sleep(30); Sent = send(sockptr->socket, _REPLYBUFFER, ReplyLen, 0); } #else // Send URL to BPQMail via Pipe. Just need a dummy session, as URL contains session key HANDLE hPipe; char Reply[250000]; hPipe = CreateFile(MAILPipeFileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // exclusive access NULL, // no security attrs OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if (hPipe == (HANDLE)-1) { free(conn); return; } WriteFile(hPipe, &Dummy, sizeof (struct HTTPConnectionInfo), &InputLen, NULL); WriteFile(hPipe, URL, strlen(URL), &InputLen, NULL); ReadFile(hPipe, &Dummy, sizeof (struct HTTPConnectionInfo), &InputLen, NULL); ReadFile(hPipe, Reply, 250000, &ReplyLen, NULL); if (ReplyLen <= 0) { InputLen = GetLastError(); } CloseHandle(hPipe); // ?? do we need a thread to handle write which may block Sent = send(sockptr->socket, Reply, ReplyLen, 0); while (Sent != ReplyLen && Loops++ < 3000) // 100 secs max { // Debugprintf("%d out of %d sent %d Loops", Sent, InputLen, Loops); if (Sent > 0) // something sent { InputLen -= Sent; memmove(Reply, &Reply[Sent], ReplyLen); } Sleep(30); Sent = send(sockptr->socket, Reply, ReplyLen, 0); } #endif free(conn); return; } /* * sha1.c * * Copyright (C) 1998, 2009 * Paul E. Jones * All Rights Reserved * ***************************************************************************** * $Id: sha1.c 12 2009-06-22 19:34:25Z paulej $ ***************************************************************************** * * Description: * This file implements the Secure Hashing Standard as defined * in FIPS PUB 180-1 published April 17, 1995. * * The Secure Hashing Standard, which uses the Secure Hashing * Algorithm (SHA), produces a 160-bit message digest for a * given data stream. In theory, it is highly improbable that * two messages will produce the same message digest. Therefore, * this algorithm can serve as a means of providing a "fingerprint" * for a message. * * Portability Issues: * SHA-1 is defined in terms of 32-bit "words". This code was * written with the expectation that the processor has at least * a 32-bit machine word size. If the machine word size is larger, * the code should still function properly. One caveat to that * is that the input functions taking characters and character * arrays assume that only 8 bits of information are stored in each * character. * * Caveats: * SHA-1 is designed to work with messages less than 2^64 bits * long. Although SHA-1 allows a message digest to be generated for * messages of any number of bits less than 2^64, this * implementation only works with messages with a length that is a * multiple of the size of an 8-bit character. * */ /* * Define the circular shift macro */ #define SHA1CircularShift(bits,word) \ ((((word) << (bits)) & 0xFFFFFFFF) | \ ((word) >> (32-(bits)))) /* Function prototypes */ void SHA1ProcessMessageBlock(SHA1Context *); void SHA1PadMessage(SHA1Context *); /* * SHA1Reset * * Description: * This function will initialize the SHA1Context in preparation * for computing a new message digest. * * Parameters: * context: [in/out] * The context to reset. * * Returns: * Nothing. * * Comments: * */ void SHA1Reset(SHA1Context *context) { context->Length_Low = 0; context->Length_High = 0; context->Message_Block_Index = 0; context->Message_Digest[0] = 0x67452301; context->Message_Digest[1] = 0xEFCDAB89; context->Message_Digest[2] = 0x98BADCFE; context->Message_Digest[3] = 0x10325476; context->Message_Digest[4] = 0xC3D2E1F0; context->Computed = 0; context->Corrupted = 0; } /* * SHA1Result * * Description: * This function will return the 160-bit message digest into the * Message_Digest array within the SHA1Context provided * * Parameters: * context: [in/out] * The context to use to calculate the SHA-1 hash. * * Returns: * 1 if successful, 0 if it failed. * * Comments: * */ int SHA1Result(SHA1Context *context) { if (context->Corrupted) { return 0; } if (!context->Computed) { SHA1PadMessage(context); context->Computed = 1; } return 1; } /* * SHA1Input * * Description: * This function accepts an array of octets as the next portion of * the message. * * Parameters: * context: [in/out] * The SHA-1 context to update * message_array: [in] * An array of characters representing the next portion of the * message. * length: [in] * The length of the message in message_array * * Returns: * Nothing. * * Comments: * */ void SHA1Input( SHA1Context *context, const unsigned char *message_array, unsigned length) { if (!length) { return; } if (context->Computed || context->Corrupted) { context->Corrupted = 1; return; } while(length-- && !context->Corrupted) { context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] = (*message_array & 0xFF); context->Length_Low += 8; /* Force it to 32 bits */ context->Length_Low &= 0xFFFFFFFF; if (context->Length_Low == 0) { context->Length_High++; /* Force it to 32 bits */ context->Length_High &= 0xFFFFFFFF; if (context->Length_High == 0) { /* Message is too long */ context->Corrupted = 1; } } if (context->Message_Block_Index == 64) { SHA1ProcessMessageBlock(context); } message_array++; } } /* * SHA1ProcessMessageBlock * * Description: * This function will process the next 512 bits of the message * stored in the Message_Block array. * * Parameters: * None. * * Returns: * Nothing. * * Comments: * Many of the variable names in the SHAContext, especially the * single character names, were used because those were the names * used in the publication. * * */ void SHA1ProcessMessageBlock(SHA1Context *context) { const unsigned K[] = /* Constants defined in SHA-1 */ { 0x5A827999, 0x6ED9EBA1, 0x8F1BBCDC, 0xCA62C1D6 }; int t; /* Loop counter */ unsigned temp; /* Temporary word value */ unsigned W[80]; /* Word sequence */ unsigned A, B, C, D, E; /* Word buffers */ /* * Initialize the first 16 words in the array W */ for(t = 0; t < 16; t++) { W[t] = ((unsigned) context->Message_Block[t * 4]) << 24; W[t] |= ((unsigned) context->Message_Block[t * 4 + 1]) << 16; W[t] |= ((unsigned) context->Message_Block[t * 4 + 2]) << 8; W[t] |= ((unsigned) context->Message_Block[t * 4 + 3]); } for(t = 16; t < 80; t++) { W[t] = SHA1CircularShift(1,W[t-3] ^ W[t-8] ^ W[t-14] ^ W[t-16]); } A = context->Message_Digest[0]; B = context->Message_Digest[1]; C = context->Message_Digest[2]; D = context->Message_Digest[3]; E = context->Message_Digest[4]; for(t = 0; t < 20; t++) { temp = SHA1CircularShift(5,A) + ((B & C) | ((~B) & D)) + E + W[t] + K[0]; temp &= 0xFFFFFFFF; E = D; D = C; C = SHA1CircularShift(30,B); B = A; A = temp; } for(t = 20; t < 40; t++) { temp = SHA1CircularShift(5,A) + (B ^ C ^ D) + E + W[t] + K[1]; temp &= 0xFFFFFFFF; E = D; D = C; C = SHA1CircularShift(30,B); B = A; A = temp; } for(t = 40; t < 60; t++) { temp = SHA1CircularShift(5,A) + ((B & C) | (B & D) | (C & D)) + E + W[t] + K[2]; temp &= 0xFFFFFFFF; E = D; D = C; C = SHA1CircularShift(30,B); B = A; A = temp; } for(t = 60; t < 80; t++) { temp = SHA1CircularShift(5,A) + (B ^ C ^ D) + E + W[t] + K[3]; temp &= 0xFFFFFFFF; E = D; D = C; C = SHA1CircularShift(30,B); B = A; A = temp; } context->Message_Digest[0] = (context->Message_Digest[0] + A) & 0xFFFFFFFF; context->Message_Digest[1] = (context->Message_Digest[1] + B) & 0xFFFFFFFF; context->Message_Digest[2] = (context->Message_Digest[2] + C) & 0xFFFFFFFF; context->Message_Digest[3] = (context->Message_Digest[3] + D) & 0xFFFFFFFF; context->Message_Digest[4] = (context->Message_Digest[4] + E) & 0xFFFFFFFF; context->Message_Block_Index = 0; } /* * SHA1PadMessage * * Description: * According to the standard, the message must be padded to an even * 512 bits. The first padding bit must be a '1'. The last 64 * bits represent the length of the original message. All bits in * between should be 0. This function will pad the message * according to those rules by filling the Message_Block array * accordingly. It will also call SHA1ProcessMessageBlock() * appropriately. When it returns, it can be assumed that the * message digest has been computed. * * Parameters: * context: [in/out] * The context to pad * * Returns: * Nothing. * * Comments: * */ void SHA1PadMessage(SHA1Context *context) { /* * Check to see if the current message block is too small to hold * the initial padding bits and length. If so, we will pad the * block, process it, and then continue padding into a second * block. */ if (context->Message_Block_Index > 55) { context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] = 0x80; while(context->Message_Block_Index < 64) { context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] = 0; } SHA1ProcessMessageBlock(context); while(context->Message_Block_Index < 56) { context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] = 0; } } else { context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] = 0x80; while(context->Message_Block_Index < 56) { context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] = 0; } } /* * Store the message length as the last 8 octets */ context->Message_Block[56] = (context->Length_High >> 24) & 0xFF; context->Message_Block[57] = (context->Length_High >> 16) & 0xFF; context->Message_Block[58] = (context->Length_High >> 8) & 0xFF; context->Message_Block[59] = (context->Length_High) & 0xFF; context->Message_Block[60] = (context->Length_Low >> 24) & 0xFF; context->Message_Block[61] = (context->Length_Low >> 16) & 0xFF; context->Message_Block[62] = (context->Length_Low >> 8) & 0xFF; context->Message_Block[63] = (context->Length_Low) & 0xFF; SHA1ProcessMessageBlock(context); }