/* Copyright 2001-2018 John Wiseman G8BPQ This file is part of LinBPQ/BPQ32. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LinBPQ/BPQ32. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ // Control Routine for LinBPQ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #include "cheaders.h" #include "bpqmail.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include //#include "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\include\iconv.h" #else #include #include #ifndef MACBPQ #ifndef FREEBSD #include #endif #endif #endif #include "time.h" #define Connect(stream) SessionControl(stream,1,0) #define Disconnect(stream) SessionControl(stream,2,0) #define ReturntoNode(stream) SessionControl(stream,3,0) #define ConnectUsingAppl(stream, appl) SessionControl(stream, 0, appl) BOOL APIENTRY Rig_Init(); #define GetSemaphore(Semaphore,ID) _GetSemaphore(Semaphore, ID, __FILE__, __LINE__) void _GetSemaphore(struct SEM * Semaphore, int ID, char * File, int Line); void FreeSemaphore(struct SEM * Semaphore); VOID CopyConfigFile(char * ConfigName); VOID SendMailForThread(VOID * Param); VOID GetUIConfig(); Dll BOOL APIENTRY Init_IP(); VOID OpenReportingSockets(); VOID SetupNTSAliases(char * FN); int DeleteRedundantMessages(); BOOL InitializeTNCEmulator(); VOID FindLostBuffers(); VOID IPClose(); DllExport BOOL APIENTRY Rig_Close(); Dll BOOL APIENTRY Poll_IP(); BOOL Rig_Poll(); BOOL Rig_Poll(); VOID CheckWL2KReportTimer(); VOID TNCTimer(); VOID SendLocation(); int ChatPollStreams(); void ChatTrytoSend(); VOID BBSSlowTimer(); int GetHTMLForms(); char * AddUser(char * Call, char * password, BOOL BBSFlag); VOID SaveChatConfigFile(char * ConfigName); VOID SaveMH(); int upnpClose(); void SaveAIS(); void initAIS(); void DRATSPoll(); void RHPPoll(); VOID GetPGConfig(); void SendBBSDataToPktMap(); extern uint64_t timeLoadedMS; BOOL IncludesMail = FALSE; BOOL IncludesChat = FALSE; BOOL RunMail = FALSE; BOOL RunChat = FALSE; BOOL needAIS= FALSE; BOOL needADSB = FALSE; int CloseOnError = 0; VOID Poll_AGW(); BOOL AGWAPIInit(); int AGWAPITerminate(); BOOL AGWActive = FALSE; extern int AGWPort; BOOL RigActive = FALSE; extern ULONG ChatApplMask; extern char Verstring[]; extern char SignoffMsg[]; extern char AbortedMsg[]; extern char InfoBoxText[]; // Text to display in Config Info Popup extern int LastVer[4]; // In case we need to do somthing the first time a version is run extern HWND MainWnd; extern char BaseDir[]; extern char BaseDirRaw[]; extern char MailDir[]; extern char WPDatabasePath[]; extern char RlineVer[50]; extern BOOL LogBBS; extern BOOL LogCHAT; extern BOOL LogTCP; extern BOOL ForwardToMe; extern int LatestMsg; extern char BBSName[]; extern char SYSOPCall[]; extern char BBSSID[]; extern char NewUserPrompt[]; extern int NumberofStreams; extern int MaxStreams; extern ULONG BBSApplMask; extern int BBSApplNum; extern int ChatApplNum; extern int MaxChatStreams; extern int NUMBEROFTNCPORTS; extern int EnableUI; extern BOOL AUTOSAVEMH; extern FILE * LogHandle[4]; #define MaxSockets 64 extern ConnectionInfo Connections[MaxSockets+1]; time_t LastTrafficTime; extern int MaintTime; #define LOG_BBS 0 #define LOG_CHAT 1 #define LOG_TCP 2 #define LOG_DEBUG_X 3 int _MYTIMEZONE = 0; // flags equates #define F_Excluded 0x0001 #define F_LOC 0x0002 #define F_Expert 0x0004 #define F_SYSOP 0x0008 #define F_BBS 0x0010 #define F_PAG 0x0020 #define F_GST 0x0040 #define F_MOD 0x0080 #define F_PRV 0x0100 #define F_UNP 0x0200 #define F_NEW 0x0400 #define F_PMS 0x0800 #define F_EMAIL 0x1000 #define F_HOLDMAIL 0x2000 #define F_POLLRMS 0x4000 #define F_SYSOP_IN_LM 0x8000 #define F_Temp_B2_BBS 0x00010000 /* #define F_PWD 0x1000 */ extern UCHAR BPQDirectory[260]; extern UCHAR LogDirectory[260]; extern UCHAR ConfigDirectory[260]; // overrides from params UCHAR LogDir[260] = ""; UCHAR ConfigDir[260] = ""; UCHAR DataDir[260] = ""; BOOL GetConfig(char * ConfigName); VOID DecryptPass(char * Encrypt, unsigned char * Pass, unsigned int len); int EncryptPass(char * Pass, char * Encrypt); int APIENTRY FindFreeStream(); int PollStreams(); int APIENTRY SetAppl(int stream, int flags, int mask); int APIENTRY SessionState(int stream, int * state, int * change); int APIENTRY SessionControl(int stream, int command, int Mask); BOOL ChatInit(); VOID CloseChat(); VOID CloseTNCEmulator(); static config_t cfg; static config_setting_t * group; BOOL MonBBS = TRUE; BOOL MonCHAT = TRUE; BOOL MonTCP = TRUE; BOOL LogBBS = TRUE; BOOL LogCHAT = TRUE; BOOL LogTCP = TRUE; extern BOOL LogAPRSIS; BOOL UIEnabled[33]; BOOL UINull[33]; char * UIDigi[33]; extern struct UserInfo ** UserRecPtr; extern int NumberofUsers; extern struct UserInfo * BBSChain; // Chain of users that are BBSes extern struct MsgInfo ** MsgHddrPtr; extern int NumberofMessages; extern int FirstMessageIndextoForward; // Lowest Message wirh a forward bit set - limits search extern char UserDatabaseName[MAX_PATH]; extern char UserDatabasePath[MAX_PATH]; extern char MsgDatabasePath[MAX_PATH]; extern char MsgDatabaseName[MAX_PATH]; extern char BIDDatabasePath[MAX_PATH]; extern char BIDDatabaseName[MAX_PATH]; extern char WPDatabasePath[MAX_PATH]; extern char WPDatabaseName[MAX_PATH]; extern char BadWordsPath[MAX_PATH]; extern char BadWordsName[MAX_PATH]; extern char NTSAliasesPath[MAX_PATH]; extern char NTSAliasesName[MAX_PATH]; extern char BaseDir[MAX_PATH]; extern char BaseDirRaw[MAX_PATH]; // As set in registry - may contain %NAME% extern char ProperBaseDir[MAX_PATH]; // BPQ Directory/BPQMailChat extern char MailDir[MAX_PATH]; extern time_t MaintClock; // Time to run housekeeping #ifdef WIN32 BOOL KEEPGOING = 30; // 5 secs to shut down #else BOOL KEEPGOING = 50; // 5 secs to shut down #endif BOOL Restarting = FALSE; BOOL CLOSING = FALSE; int ProgramErrors; int Slowtimer = 0; #define REPORTINTERVAL 15 * 549; // Magic Ticks Per Minute for PC's nominal 100 ms timer int ReportTimer = 0; // Console Terminal Support struct ConTermS { int BPQStream; BOOL Active; int Incoming; char kbbuf[INPUTLEN]; int kbptr; char * KbdStack[MAXSTACK]; int StackIndex; BOOL CONNECTED; int SlowTimer; }; struct ConTermS ConTerm = {0, 0}; VOID CheckProgramErrors() { if (Restarting) exit(0); // Make sure can't loop in restarting ProgramErrors++; if (ProgramErrors > 25) { Restarting = TRUE; Logprintf(LOG_DEBUG_X, NULL, '!', "Too Many Program Errors - Closing"); /* SInfo.cb=sizeof(SInfo); SInfo.lpReserved=NULL; SInfo.lpDesktop=NULL; SInfo.lpTitle=NULL; SInfo.dwFlags=0; SInfo.cbReserved2=0; SInfo.lpReserved2=NULL; GetModuleFileName(NULL, ProgName, 256); Debugprintf("Attempting to Restart %s", ProgName); CreateProcess(ProgName, "MailChat.exe WAIT", NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &SInfo, &PInfo); */ exit(0); } } #ifdef WIN32 BOOL CtrlHandler(DWORD fdwCtrlType) { switch( fdwCtrlType ) { // Handle the CTRL-C signal. case CTRL_C_EVENT: printf( "Ctrl-C event\n\n" ); CLOSING = TRUE; Beep( 750, 300 ); return( TRUE ); // CTRL-CLOSE: confirm that the user wants to exit. case CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT: CLOSING = TRUE; printf( "Ctrl-Close event\n\n" ); Sleep(20000); Beep( 750, 300 ); return( TRUE ); // Pass other signals to the next handler. case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: Beep( 900, 200 ); printf( "Ctrl-Break event\n\n" ); CLOSING = TRUE; Beep( 750, 300 ); return FALSE; case CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT: Beep( 1000, 200 ); printf( "Ctrl-Logoff event\n\n" ); return FALSE; case CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT: Beep( 750, 500 ); printf( "Ctrl-Shutdown event\n\n" ); CLOSING = TRUE; Beep( 750, 300 ); return FALSE; default: return FALSE; } } #else #include #include // Linux Signal Handlers static void segvhandler(int sig) { void *array[10]; size_t size; char msg[] = "SIGSEGV Received\n"; write(STDERR_FILENO, msg, strlen(msg)); // get void*'s for all entries on the stack size = backtrace(array, 10); // print out all the frames to stderr backtrace_symbols_fd(array, size, STDERR_FILENO); exit(1); } static void abrthandler(int sig) { void *array[10]; size_t size; char msg[] = "SIGABRT Received\n"; write(STDERR_FILENO, msg, strlen(msg)); // get void*'s for all entries on the stack size = backtrace(array, 10); backtrace_symbols_fd(array, size, STDERR_FILENO); exit(1); } static void sigterm_handler(int sig) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "terminating on SIGTERM\n"); CLOSING = TRUE; } static void sigint_handler(int sig) { printf("terminating on SIGINT\n"); CLOSING = TRUE; } static void sigusr1_handler(int sig) { signal(SIGUSR1, sigusr1_handler); } #endif #ifndef WIN32 BOOL CopyFile(char * In, char * Out, BOOL Failifexists) { FILE * Handle; DWORD FileSize; char * Buffer; struct stat STAT; if (stat(In, &STAT) == -1) return FALSE; FileSize = STAT.st_size; Handle = fopen(In, "rb"); if (Handle == NULL) return FALSE; Buffer = malloc(FileSize+1); FileSize = fread(Buffer, 1, STAT.st_size, Handle); fclose(Handle); if (FileSize != STAT.st_size) { free(Buffer); return FALSE; } Handle = fopen(Out, "wb"); if (Handle == NULL) { free(Buffer); return FALSE; } FileSize = fwrite(Buffer, 1, STAT.st_size, Handle); fclose(Handle); free(Buffer); return TRUE; } #endif int RefreshMainWindow() { return 0; } int LastSemGets = 0; extern int SemHeldByAPI; VOID MonitorThread(void * x) { // Thread to detect stuck semaphore do { if ((Semaphore.Gets == LastSemGets) && Semaphore.Flag) { // It is stuck - try to release Debugprintf ("Semaphore locked - Process ID = %d, Held By %d from %s Line %d", Semaphore.SemProcessID, SemHeldByAPI, Semaphore.File, Semaphore.Line); Semaphore.Flag = 0; } LastSemGets = Semaphore.Gets; Sleep(30000); // Debugprintf("Monitor Thread Still going %d %d %d %x %d", LastSemGets, Semaphore.Gets, Semaphore.Flag, Semaphore.SemThreadID, SemHeldByAPI); } while (TRUE); } VOID TIMERINTERRUPT(); BOOL Start(); VOID INITIALISEPORTS(); Dll BOOL APIENTRY Init_APRS(); VOID APRSClose(); Dll VOID APIENTRY Poll_APRS(); VOID HTTPTimer(); #define CKernel #include "Versions.h" extern struct SEM Semaphore; int SemHeldByAPI = 0; BOOL IGateEnabled = TRUE; BOOL APRSActive = FALSE; BOOL ReconfigFlag = FALSE; BOOL APRSReconfigFlag = FALSE; BOOL RigReconfigFlag = FALSE; BOOL IPActive = FALSE; extern BOOL IPRequired; extern struct WL2KInfo * WL2KReports; int InitDone; char pgm[256] = "LINBPQ"; char SESSIONHDDR[80] = ""; int SESSHDDRLEN = 0; // Next 3 should be uninitialised so they are local to each process UCHAR MCOM; UCHAR MUIONLY; UCHAR MTX; uint64_t MMASK; UCHAR AuthorisedProgram; // Local Variable. Set if Program is on secure list int SAVEPORT = 0; VOID SetApplPorts(); char VersionString[50] = Verstring; char VersionStringWithBuild[50]=Verstring; int Ver[4] = {Vers}; char TextVerstring[50] = Verstring; extern UCHAR PWLen; extern char PWTEXT[]; extern int ISPort; extern char ChatConfigName[250]; BOOL EventsEnabled = 0; UCHAR * GetBPQDirectory() { return BPQDirectory; } UCHAR * GetLogDirectory() { return LogDirectory; } extern int POP3Timer; // Console Terminal Stuff #ifndef WIN32 #define _getch getchar /** Linux (POSIX) implementation of _kbhit(). Morgan McGuire, morgan@cs.brown.edu */ #include #include #include int _kbhit() { static const int STDIN = 0; static int initialized = 0; if (! initialized) { // Use termios to turn off line buffering struct termios term; tcgetattr(STDIN, &term); term.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; tcsetattr(STDIN, TCSANOW, &term); setbuf(stdin, NULL); initialized = 1; } int bytesWaiting; ioctl(STDIN, FIONREAD, &bytesWaiting); return bytesWaiting; } #endif void ConTermInput(char * Msg) { int i; if (ConTerm.BPQStream == 0) { ConTerm.BPQStream = FindFreeStream(); if (ConTerm.BPQStream == 255) { ConTerm.BPQStream = 0; printf("No Free Streams\n"); return; } } if (!ConTerm.CONNECTED) SessionControl(ConTerm.BPQStream, 1, 0); ConTerm.StackIndex = 0; // Stack it if (ConTerm.KbdStack[19]) free(ConTerm.KbdStack[19]); for (i = 18; i >= 0; i--) { ConTerm.KbdStack[i+1] = ConTerm.KbdStack[i]; } ConTerm.KbdStack[0] = _strdup(ConTerm.kbbuf); ConTerm.kbbuf[ConTerm.kbptr]=13; SendMsg(ConTerm.BPQStream, ConTerm.kbbuf, ConTerm.kbptr+1); } void ConTermPoll() { int port, sesstype, paclen, maxframe, l4window, len; int state, change, InputLen, count; char callsign[11] = ""; char Msg[300]; // Get current Session State. Any state changed is ACK'ed // automatically. See BPQHOST functions 4 and 5. SessionState(ConTerm.BPQStream, &state, &change); if (change == 1) { if (state == 1) { // Connected ConTerm.CONNECTED = TRUE; ConTerm.SlowTimer = 0; } else { ConTerm.CONNECTED = FALSE; printf("*** Disconnected\n"); } } GetMsg(ConTerm.BPQStream, Msg, &InputLen, &count); if (InputLen) { char * ptr = Msg; char * ptr2 = ptr; Msg[InputLen] = 0; while (ptr) { ptr2 = strlop(ptr, 13); // Replace CR with CRLF printf("%s", ptr); if (ptr2) printf("\r\n"); ptr = ptr2; } } if (_kbhit()) { unsigned char c = _getch(); if (c == 0xe0) { // Cursor control c = _getch(); if (c == 75) // cursor left c = 8; } #ifdef WIN32 printf("%c", c); #endif if (c == 8) { if (ConTerm.kbptr) ConTerm.kbptr--; printf(" \b"); // Already echoed bs - clear typed char from screen return; } if (c == 13 || c == 10) { ConTermInput(ConTerm.kbbuf); ConTerm.kbptr = 0; return; } ConTerm.kbbuf[ConTerm.kbptr++] = c; fflush(NULL); } return; } #include static struct option long_options[] = { {"logdir", required_argument, 0 , 'l'}, {"configdir", required_argument, 0 , 'c'}, {"datadir", required_argument, 0 , 'd'}, {"help", no_argument, 0 , 'h'}, { NULL , no_argument , NULL , no_argument } }; char HelpScreen[] = "Usage:\n" "Optional Paramters\n" "-l path or --logdir path Path for log files\n" "-c path or --configdir path Path to Config file bpq32.cfg\n" "-d path or --datadir path Path to Data Files\n" "-v Show version and exit\n"; int Redirected = 0; static void segvhandler(int sig); static void abrthandler(int sig); int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int i; struct UserInfo * user = NULL; ConnectionInfo * conn; struct stat STAT; PEXTPORTDATA PORTVEC; #ifdef WIN32 WSADATA WsaData; // receives data from WSAStartup HWND hWnd = GetForegroundWindow(); WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &WsaData); SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)CtrlHandler, TRUE); // disable the [x] button. if (hWnd != NULL) { HMENU hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hWnd, 0); if (hMenu != NULL) { DeleteMenu(hMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND); DrawMenuBar(hWnd); } } #else signal(SIGSEGV, segvhandler); signal(SIGABRT, abrthandler); setlinebuf(stdout); struct sigaction act; openlog("LINBPQ", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); #ifndef MACBPQ #ifndef FREEBSD prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1); // Enable Core Dumps even with setcap #endif #endif // Disable Console Terminal if stdout redirected // printf("STDOUT %d\n",isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)); // printf("STDIN %d\n",isatty(STDIN_FILENO)); if (!isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) || !isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) Redirected = 1; timeLoadedMS = GetTickCount(); #endif printf("G8BPQ AX25 Packet Switch System Version %s %s\n", TextVerstring, Datestring); printf("%s\n", VerCopyright); // look for optarg format parameters { int val; UCHAR * ptr1; UCHAR * ptr2; int c; while (1) { int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "l:c:d:hv", long_options, &option_index); // Check for end of operation or error if (c == -1) break; // Handle options switch (c) { case 'h': printf("%s", HelpScreen); exit (0); case 'l': strcpy(LogDir, optarg); printf("cc %s\n", LogDir); break; case 'c': strcpy(ConfigDir, optarg); break; case 'd': strcpy(DataDir, optarg); break; case '?': /* getopt_long already printed an error message. */ break; case 'v': return 0; } } } sprintf(RlineVer, "LinBPQ%d.%d.%d", Ver[0], Ver[1], Ver[2]); Debugprintf("G8BPQ AX25 Packet Switch System Version %s %s", TextVerstring, Datestring); #ifndef MACBPQ _MYTIMEZONE = _timezone; #endif if (_MYTIMEZONE < -86400 || _MYTIMEZONE > 86400) _MYTIMEZONE = 0; #ifdef WIN32 GetCurrentDirectory(256, BPQDirectory); #else getcwd(BPQDirectory, 256); #endif strcpy(ConfigDirectory, BPQDirectory); strcpy(LogDirectory, BPQDirectory); Consoleprintf("Current Directory is %s", BPQDirectory); if (LogDir[0]) { strcpy(LogDirectory, LogDir); } if (DataDir[0]) { strcpy(BPQDirectory, DataDir); Consoleprintf("Working Directory is %s", BPQDirectory); } if (ConfigDir[0]) { strcpy(ConfigDirectory, ConfigDir); Consoleprintf("Config Directory is %s", ConfigDirectory); } for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) { if (_memicmp(argv[i], "logdir=", 7) == 0) { strcpy(LogDirectory, &argv[i][7]); Consoleprintf("Log Directory is %s\n", LogDirectory); break; } } Consoleprintf("Log Directory is %s", LogDirectory); // Make sure logs directory exists sprintf(LogDir, "%s/logs", LogDirectory); #ifdef WIN32 CreateDirectory(LogDir, NULL); #else printf("Making Directory %s\n", LogDir); i = mkdir(LogDir, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); if (i == -1 && errno != EEXIST) { perror("Couldn't create log directory\n"); return 0; } chmod(LogDir, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); #endif if (!ProcessConfig()) { WritetoConsoleLocal("Configuration File Error\n"); return (0); } SESSHDDRLEN = sprintf(SESSIONHDDR, "G8BPQ Network System %s for Linux (", TextVerstring); #ifdef MACBPQ SESSHDDRLEN = sprintf(SESSIONHDDR, "G8BPQ Network System %s for MAC (", TextVerstring); #endif #ifdef FREEBSD SESSHDDRLEN = sprintf(SESSIONHDDR, "G8BPQ Network System %s for FreeBSD (", TextVerstring); #endif GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 0); if (Start() != 0) { FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); return (0); } for (i=0;PWTEXT[i] > 0x20;i++); //Scan for cr or null PWLen=i; SetApplPorts(); GetUIConfig(); INITIALISEPORTS(); if (IPRequired) IPActive = Init_IP(); APRSActive = Init_APRS(); if (ISPort == 0) IGateEnabled = 0; if (needAIS) initAIS(); RigActive = Rig_Init(); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); OpenReportingSockets(); initUTF8(); InitDone = TRUE; Debugprintf("Monitor Thread ID %x", _beginthread(MonitorThread, 0, 0)); #ifdef WIN32 #else openlog("LINBPQ", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); memset (&act, '\0', sizeof(act)); act.sa_handler = &sigint_handler; if (sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL) < 0) perror ("SIGINT"); act.sa_handler = &sigterm_handler; if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL) < 0) perror ("sigaction"); act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; if (sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, NULL) < 0) perror ("SIGHUP"); if (sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, NULL) < 0) perror ("SIGPIPE"); #endif for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) { if (_stricmp(argv[i], "chat") == 0) IncludesChat = TRUE; } if (IncludesChat) { RunChat = TRUE; printf("Starting Chat\n"); sprintf (ChatConfigName, "%s/chatconfig.cfg", BPQDirectory); printf("Config File is %s\n", ChatConfigName); if (stat(ChatConfigName, &STAT) == -1) { printf("Chat Config File not found - creating a default config\n"); ChatApplNum = 2; MaxChatStreams = 10; SaveChatConfigFile(ChatConfigName); } if (GetChatConfig(ChatConfigName) == EXIT_FAILURE) { printf("Chat Config File seems corrupt - check before continuing\n"); return -1; } if (ChatApplNum) { if (ChatInit() == 0) { printf("Chat Init Failed\n"); RunChat = 0; } else { printf("Chat Started\n"); } } else { printf("Chat APPLNUM not defined\n"); RunChat = 0; } CopyConfigFile(ChatConfigName); } // Start Mail if requested by command line or config for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) { if (_stricmp(argv[i], "mail") == 0) IncludesMail = TRUE; } if (IncludesMail) { RunMail = TRUE; printf("Starting Mail\n"); sprintf (ConfigName, "%s/linmail.cfg", BPQDirectory); printf("Config File is %s\n", ConfigName); if (stat(ConfigName, &STAT) == -1) { printf("Config File not found - creating a default config\n"); strcpy(BBSName, MYNODECALL); strlop(BBSName, '-'); strlop(BBSName, ' '); BBSApplNum = 1; MaxStreams = 10; SaveConfig(ConfigName); } if (GetConfig(ConfigName) == EXIT_FAILURE) { printf("BBS Config File seems corrupt - check before continuing\n"); return -1; } printf("Config Processed\n"); BBSApplMask = 1<<(BBSApplNum-1); // See if we need to warn of possible problem with BaseDir moved by installer sprintf(BaseDir, "%s", BPQDirectory); // Set up file and directory names strcpy(UserDatabasePath, BaseDir); strcat(UserDatabasePath, "/"); strcat(UserDatabasePath, UserDatabaseName); strcpy(MsgDatabasePath, BaseDir); strcat(MsgDatabasePath, "/"); strcat(MsgDatabasePath, MsgDatabaseName); strcpy(BIDDatabasePath, BaseDir); strcat(BIDDatabasePath, "/"); strcat(BIDDatabasePath, BIDDatabaseName); strcpy(WPDatabasePath, BaseDir); strcat(WPDatabasePath, "/"); strcat(WPDatabasePath, WPDatabaseName); strcpy(BadWordsPath, BaseDir); strcat(BadWordsPath, "/"); strcat(BadWordsPath, BadWordsName); strcpy(NTSAliasesPath, BaseDir); strcat(NTSAliasesPath, "/"); strcat(NTSAliasesPath, NTSAliasesName); strcpy(MailDir, BaseDir); strcat(MailDir, "/"); strcat(MailDir, "Mail"); #ifdef WIN32 CreateDirectory(MailDir, NULL); // Just in case #else mkdir(MailDir, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); chmod(MailDir, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); #endif // Make backup copies of Databases // CopyConfigFile(ConfigName); CopyBIDDatabase(); CopyMessageDatabase(); CopyUserDatabase(); CopyWPDatabase(); SetupMyHA(); SetupFwdAliases(); SetupNTSAliases(NTSAliasesPath); GetWPDatabase(); GetMessageDatabase(); GetUserDatabase(); GetBIDDatabase(); GetBadWordFile(); GetHTMLForms(); GetPGConfig(); // Make sure there is a user record for the BBS, with BBS bit set. user = LookupCall(BBSName); if (user == NULL) { user = AllocateUserRecord(BBSName); user->Temp = zalloc(sizeof (struct TempUserInfo)); } if ((user->flags & F_BBS) == 0) { // Not Defined as a BBS if(SetupNewBBS(user)) user->flags |= F_BBS; } // if forwarding AMPR mail make sure User/BBS AMPR exists if (SendAMPRDirect) { BOOL NeedSave = FALSE; user = LookupCall("AMPR"); if (user == NULL) { user = AllocateUserRecord("AMPR"); user->Temp = zalloc(sizeof (struct TempUserInfo)); NeedSave = TRUE; } if ((user->flags & F_BBS) == 0) { // Not Defined as a BBS if (SetupNewBBS(user)) user->flags |= F_BBS; NeedSave = TRUE; } if (NeedSave) SaveUserDatabase(); } // Make sure SYSOPCALL is set if (SYSOPCall[0] == 0) strcpy(SYSOPCall, BBSName); // See if just want to add user (mainly for setup scripts) if (argc == 5 && _stricmp(argv[1], "--adduser") == 0) { BOOL isBBS = FALSE; char * response; if (_stricmp(argv[4], "TRUE") == 0) isBBS = TRUE; printf("Adding User %s\r\n", argv[2]); response = AddUser(argv[2], argv[3], isBBS); printf("%s", response); exit(0); } // Allocate Streams strcpy(pgm, "BBS"); for (i=0; i < MaxStreams; i++) { conn = &Connections[i]; conn->BPQStream = FindFreeStream(); if (conn->BPQStream == 255) break; NumberofStreams++; // BPQSetHandle(conn->BPQStream, hWnd); SetAppl(conn->BPQStream, (i == 0 && EnableUI) ? 0x82 : 2, BBSApplMask); Disconnect(conn->BPQStream); } strcpy(pgm, "LINBPQ"); InitialiseTCP(); InitialiseNNTP(); SetupListenSet(); // Master set of listening sockets if (EnableUI || MailForInterval) SetupUIInterface(); if (MailForInterval) _beginthread(SendMailForThread, 0, 0); // Calulate time to run Housekeeping { struct tm *tm; time_t now; now = time(NULL); tm = gmtime(&now); tm->tm_hour = MaintTime / 100; tm->tm_min = MaintTime % 100; tm->tm_sec = 0; MaintClock = mktime(tm) - (time_t)_MYTIMEZONE; while (MaintClock < now) MaintClock += MaintInterval * 3600; Debugprintf("Maint Clock %lld NOW %lld Time to HouseKeeping %lld", (long long)MaintClock, (long long)now, (long long)(MaintClock - now)); if (LastHouseKeepingTime) { if ((now - LastHouseKeepingTime) > MaintInterval * 3600) { DoHouseKeeping(FALSE); } } for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) { if (_stricmp(argv[i], "tidymail") == 0) DeleteRedundantMessages(); if (_stricmp(argv[i], "nohomebbs") == 0) DontNeedHomeBBS = TRUE; } printf("Mail Started\n"); Logprintf(LOG_BBS, NULL, '!', "Mail Starting"); APIClock = 0; SendBBSDataToPktMap(); } } if (NUMBEROFTNCPORTS) InitializeTNCEmulator(); AGWActive = AGWAPIInit(); if (Redirected == 0) ConTerm.BPQStream = FindFreeStream(); #ifndef WIN32 for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (_stricmp(argv[i], "daemon") == 0) { // Convert to daemon pid_t pid, sid; /* Fork off the parent process */ pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); if (pid > 0) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* Change the file mode mask */ umask(0); /* Create a new SID for the child process */ sid = setsid(); if (sid < 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* Change the current working directory */ if ((chdir("/")) < 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* Close out the standard file descriptors */ printf("Entering daemon mode\n"); close(STDIN_FILENO); close(STDOUT_FILENO); close(STDERR_FILENO); break; } } #endif while (KEEPGOING) { Sleep(100); GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 2); if (QCOUNT < 10) { if (CLOSING == FALSE) FindLostBuffers(); CLOSING = TRUE; } if (CLOSING) { if (RunChat) { CloseChat(); RunChat = FALSE; } if (RunMail) { int BPQStream, n; RunMail = FALSE; for (n = 0; n < NumberofStreams; n++) { BPQStream = Connections[n].BPQStream; if (BPQStream) { SetAppl(BPQStream, 0, 0); Disconnect(BPQStream); DeallocateStream(BPQStream); } } // SaveUserDatabase(); SaveMessageDatabase(); SaveBIDDatabase(); SaveConfig(ConfigName); } KEEPGOING--; // Give time for links to close setbuf(stdout, NULL); printf("Closing... %d \r", KEEPGOING); } if (RigReconfigFlag) { RigReconfigFlag = FALSE; Rig_Close(); Sleep(2000); // Allow CATPTT threads to close RigActive = Rig_Init(); Consoleprintf("Rigcontrol Reconfiguration Complete"); } if (APRSReconfigFlag) { APRSReconfigFlag = FALSE; APRSClose(); APRSActive = Init_APRS(); Consoleprintf("APRS Reconfiguration Complete"); } if (ReconfigFlag) { int i; BPQVECSTRUC * HOSTVEC; PEXTPORTDATA PORTVEC=(PEXTPORTDATA)PORTTABLE; ReconfigFlag = FALSE; // SetupBPQDirectory(); WritetoConsoleLocal("Reconfiguring ...\n\n"); OutputDebugString("BPQ32 Reconfiguring ...\n"); for (i=0;iPORTCONTROL.PORTTYPE == 0x10) // External { if (PORTVEC->PORT_EXT_ADDR) { // SaveWindowPos(PORTVEC->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER); // SaveAXIPWindowPos(PORTVEC->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER); // CloseDriverWindow(PORTVEC->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER); PORTVEC->PORT_EXT_ADDR(5,PORTVEC->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER, NULL); // Close External Ports } } PORTVEC->PORTCONTROL.PORTCLOSECODE(&PORTVEC->PORTCONTROL); PORTVEC=(PEXTPORTDATA)PORTVEC->PORTCONTROL.PORTPOINTER; } IPClose(); APRSClose(); Rig_Close(); CloseTNCEmulator(); if (AGWActive) AGWAPITerminate(); WL2KReports = NULL; // Sleep(2000); Consoleprintf("G8BPQ AX25 Packet Switch System Version %s %s", TextVerstring, Datestring); Consoleprintf(VerCopyright); Start(); INITIALISEPORTS(); SetApplPorts(); GetUIConfig(); FreeConfig(); for (i=1; i<68; i++) // Include Telnet, APRS, IP Vec { HOSTVEC=&BPQHOSTVECTOR[i-1]; HOSTVEC->HOSTTRACEQ=0; if (HOSTVEC->HOSTSESSION !=0) { // Had a connection HOSTVEC->HOSTSESSION=0; HOSTVEC->HOSTFLAGS |=3; // Disconnected // PostMessage(HOSTVEC->HOSTHANDLE, BPQMsg, i, 4); } } OpenReportingSockets(); WritetoConsoleLocal("\n\nReconfiguration Complete\n"); if (IPRequired) IPActive = Init_IP(); APRSActive = Init_APRS(); if (ISPort == 0) IGateEnabled = 0; RigActive = Rig_Init(); if (NUMBEROFTNCPORTS) { FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); InitializeTNCEmulator(); GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 2); } FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); AGWActive = AGWAPIInit(); GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 2); OutputDebugString("BPQ32 Reconfiguration Complete\n"); } if (IPActive) Poll_IP(); if (RigActive) Rig_Poll(); if (APRSActive) Poll_APRS(); CheckWL2KReportTimer(); TIMERINTERRUPT(); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); if (Redirected == 0) ConTermPoll(); if (NUMBEROFTNCPORTS) TNCTimer(); if (AGWActive) Poll_AGW(); DRATSPoll(); RHPPoll(); HTTPTimer(); if (ReportTimer) { ReportTimer--; if (ReportTimer == 0) { ReportTimer = REPORTINTERVAL; SendLocation(); } } Slowtimer++; if (RunChat) { ChatPollStreams(); ChatTrytoSend(); if (Slowtimer > 100) // 10 secs { ChatTimer(); } } if (RunMail) { PollStreams(); if ((Slowtimer % 20) == 0) FWDTimerProc(); if (Slowtimer > 100) // 10 secs { time_t NOW = time(NULL); struct tm * tm; TCPTimer(); BBSSlowTimer(); if (MaintClock < NOW) { while (MaintClock < NOW) // in case large time step MaintClock += MaintInterval * 3600; Debugprintf("|Enter HouseKeeping"); DoHouseKeeping(FALSE); } if (APIClock < NOW) { SendBBSDataToPktMap(); APIClock = NOW + 7200; // Every 2 hours } tm = gmtime(&NOW); if (tm->tm_wday == 0) // Sunday { if (GenerateTrafficReport && (LastTrafficTime + 86400) < NOW) { CreateBBSTrafficReport(); LastTrafficTime = NOW; } } } TCPFastTimer(); TrytoSend(); } if (Slowtimer > 100) Slowtimer = 0; } printf("Closing Ports\n"); CloseTNCEmulator(); if (AGWActive) AGWAPITerminate(); if (needAIS) SaveAIS(); // Close Ports PORTVEC=(PEXTPORTDATA)PORTTABLE; for (i=0;iPORTCONTROL.PORTTYPE == 0x10) // External { if (PORTVEC->PORT_EXT_ADDR) { PORTVEC->PORT_EXT_ADDR(5, PORTVEC->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER, NULL); } } PORTVEC=(PEXTPORTDATA)PORTVEC->PORTCONTROL.PORTPOINTER; } if (AUTOSAVE) SaveNodes(); if (AUTOSAVEMH) SaveMH(); if (IPActive) IPClose(); if (RunMail) FreeWebMailMallocs(); upnpClose(); // Close any open logs for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (LogHandle[i]) fclose(LogHandle[i]); } return 0; } int APIENTRY WritetoConsole(char * buff) { return WritetoConsoleLocal(buff); } int WritetoConsoleLocal(char * buff) { return printf("%s", buff); } #ifdef WIN32 void * VCOMExtInit(struct PORTCONTROL * PortEntry); void * V4ExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); #endif //UINT SoundModemExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); //UINT BaycomExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * AEAExtInit(struct PORTCONTROL * PortEntry); void * MPSKExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * HALExtInit(struct PORTCONTROL * PortEntry); void * AGWExtInit(struct PORTCONTROL * PortEntry); void * KAMExtInit(struct PORTCONTROL * PortEntry); void * WinmorExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * SCSExtInit(struct PORTCONTROL * PortEntry); void * TrackerExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * TrackerMExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * TelnetExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * UZ7HOExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * FLDigiExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * ETHERExtInit(struct PORTCONTROL * PortEntry); void * AXIPExtInit(struct PORTCONTROL * PortEntry); void * ARDOPExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * VARAExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * SerialExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * WinRPRExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * HSMODEMExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * FreeDataExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * KISSHFExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry); void * InitializeExtDriver(PEXTPORTDATA PORTVEC) { // Only works with built in drivers UCHAR Value[20]; strcpy(Value,PORTVEC->PORT_DLL_NAME); _strupr(Value); #ifndef FREEBSD #ifndef MACBPQ if (strstr(Value, "BPQETHER")) return ETHERExtInit; #endif #endif if (strstr(Value, "BPQAXIP")) return AXIPExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "BPQTOAGW")) return AGWExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "AEAPACTOR")) return AEAExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "HALDRIVER")) return HALExtInit; #ifdef WIN32 if (strstr(Value, "BPQVKISS")) return VCOMExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "V4")) return V4ExtInit; #endif /* if (strstr(Value, "SOUNDMODEM")) return (UINT) SoundModemExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "BAYCOM")) return (UINT) BaycomExtInit; */ if (strstr(Value, "MULTIPSK")) return MPSKExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "KAMPACTOR")) return KAMExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "WINMOR")) return WinmorExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "SCSPACTOR")) return SCSExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "SCSTRACKER")) return TrackerExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "TRKMULTI")) return TrackerMExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "UZ7HO")) return UZ7HOExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "FLDIGI")) return FLDigiExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "TELNET")) return TelnetExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "ARDOP")) return ARDOPExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "VARA")) return VARAExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "KISSHF")) return KISSHFExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "SERIAL")) return SerialExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "WINRPR")) return WinRPRExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "HSMODEM")) return HSMODEMExtInit; if (strstr(Value, "FREEDATA")) return FreeDataExtInit; return(0); } int APIENTRY Restart() { CLOSING = TRUE; return TRUE; } int APIENTRY Reboot() { // Run sudo shutdown -r -f #ifdef WIN32 STARTUPINFO SInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION PInfo; char Cmd[] = "shutdown -r -f"; SInfo.cb=sizeof(SInfo); SInfo.lpReserved=NULL; SInfo.lpDesktop=NULL; SInfo.lpTitle=NULL; SInfo.dwFlags=0; SInfo.cbReserved2=0; SInfo.lpReserved2=NULL; return CreateProcess(NULL, Cmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE,0 ,NULL ,NULL, &SInfo, &PInfo); return 0; #else char * arg_list[] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; pid_t child_pid; char * Context; signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); // Silently (and portably) reap children. arg_list[0] = "sudo"; arg_list[1] = "shutdown"; arg_list[2] = "now"; arg_list[3] = "-r"; // Fork and Exec shutdown // Duplicate this process. child_pid = fork(); if (child_pid == -1) { printf ("Reboot fork() Failed\n"); return 0; } if (child_pid == 0) { execvp (arg_list[0], arg_list); /* The execvp function returns only if an error occurs. */ printf ("Failed to run shutdown\n"); exit(0); // Kill the new process } return TRUE; #endif } int APIENTRY Reconfig() { if (!ProcessConfig()) { return (0); } SaveNodes(); WritetoConsoleLocal("Nodes Saved\n"); ReconfigFlag=TRUE; WritetoConsoleLocal("Reconfig requested ... Waiting for Timer Poll\n"); return 1; } int APRSWriteLog(char * msg); VOID MonitorAPRSIS(char * Msg, size_t MsgLen, BOOL TX) { char Line[300]; char Copy[300]; int Len; struct tm * TM; time_t NOW; if (LogAPRSIS == 0) return; if (MsgLen > 250) return; // Mustn't change Msg memcpy(Copy, Msg, MsgLen); Copy[MsgLen] = 0; NOW = time(NULL); TM = gmtime(&NOW); Len = sprintf_s(Line, 299, "%02d:%02d:%02d%c %s", TM->tm_hour, TM->tm_min, TM->tm_sec, (TX)? 'T': 'R', Copy); APRSWriteLog(Line); } struct TNCINFO * TNC; #ifndef WIN32 #include #include #ifndef MACBPQ #ifdef __MACH__ #include #define CLOCK_REALTIME 0 #define CLOCK_MONOTONIC 0 int clock_gettime(int clk_id, struct timespec *t){ mach_timebase_info_data_t timebase; mach_timebase_info(&timebase); uint64_t time; time = mach_absolute_time(); double nseconds = ((double)time * (double)timebase.numer)/((double)timebase.denom); double seconds = ((double)time * (double)timebase.numer)/((double)timebase.denom * 1e9); t->tv_sec = seconds; t->tv_nsec = nseconds; return 0; } #endif #endif uint64_t GetTickCount() { struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); return (ts.tv_sec * 1000 + ts.tv_nsec / 1000000); } void SetWindowText(HWND hWnd, char * lpString) { return; }; BOOL SetDlgItemText(HWND hWnd, int item, char * lpString) { return 0; }; #endif int GetListeningPortsPID(int Port) { #ifdef WIN32 MIB_TCPTABLE_OWNER_PID * TcpTable = NULL; PMIB_TCPROW_OWNER_PID Row; int dwSize = 0; unsigned int n; // Get PID of process for this TCP Port // Get Length of table GetExtendedTcpTable(TcpTable, &dwSize, TRUE, AF_INET, TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_LISTENER, 0); TcpTable = malloc(dwSize); GetExtendedTcpTable(TcpTable, &dwSize, TRUE, AF_INET, TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_LISTENER, 0); for (n = 0; n < TcpTable->dwNumEntries; n++) { Row = &TcpTable->table[n]; if (Row->dwLocalPort == Port && Row->dwState == MIB_TCP_STATE_LISTEN) { return Row->dwOwningPid; break; } } #endif return 0; // Not found } VOID Check_Timer() { } VOID POSTDATAAVAIL(){}; COLORREF Colours[256] = {0, RGB(0,0,0), RGB(0,0,128), RGB(0,0,192), RGB(0,0,255), // 1 - 4 RGB(0,64,0), RGB(0,64,128), RGB(0,64,192), RGB(0,64,255), // 5 - 8 RGB(0,128,0), RGB(0,128,128), RGB(0,128,192), RGB(0,128,255), // 9 - 12 RGB(0,192,0), RGB(0,192,128), RGB(0,192,192), RGB(0,192,255), // 13 - 16 RGB(0,255,0), RGB(0,255,128), RGB(0,255,192), RGB(0,255,255), // 17 - 20 RGB(6425,0,0), RGB(64,0,128), RGB(64,0,192), RGB(0,0,255), // 21 RGB(64,64,0), RGB(64,64,128), RGB(64,64,192), RGB(64,64,255), RGB(64,128,0), RGB(64,128,128), RGB(64,128,192), RGB(64,128,255), RGB(64,192,0), RGB(64,192,128), RGB(64,192,192), RGB(64,192,255), RGB(64,255,0), RGB(64,255,128), RGB(64,255,192), RGB(64,255,255), RGB(128,0,0), RGB(128,0,128), RGB(128,0,192), RGB(128,0,255), // 41 RGB(128,64,0), RGB(128,64,128), RGB(128,64,192), RGB(128,64,255), RGB(128,128,0), RGB(128,128,128), RGB(128,128,192), RGB(128,128,255), RGB(128,192,0), RGB(128,192,128), RGB(128,192,192), RGB(128,192,255), RGB(128,255,0), RGB(128,255,128), RGB(128,255,192), RGB(128,255,255), RGB(192,0,0), RGB(192,0,128), RGB(192,0,192), RGB(192,0,255), // 61 RGB(192,64,0), RGB(192,64,128), RGB(192,64,192), RGB(192,64,255), RGB(192,128,0), RGB(192,128,128), RGB(192,128,192), RGB(192,128,255), RGB(192,192,0), RGB(192,192,128), RGB(192,192,192), RGB(192,192,255), RGB(192,255,0), RGB(192,255,128), RGB(192,255,192), RGB(192,255,255), RGB(255,0,0), RGB(255,0,128), RGB(255,0,192), RGB(255,0,255), // 81 RGB(255,64,0), RGB(255,64,128), RGB(255,64,192), RGB(255,64,255), RGB(255,128,0), RGB(255,128,128), RGB(255,128,192), RGB(255,128,255), RGB(255,192,0), RGB(255,192,128), RGB(255,192,192), RGB(255,192,255), RGB(255,255,0), RGB(255,255,128), RGB(255,255,192), RGB(255,255,255) }; //VOID SendRPBeacon(struct TNCINFO * TNC) //{ //} int PollStreams() { int state,change; ConnectionInfo * conn; int n; struct UserInfo * user = NULL; char ConnectedMsg[] = "*** CONNECTED "; for (n = 0; n < NumberofStreams; n++) { conn = &Connections[n]; DoReceivedData(conn->BPQStream); DoBBSMonitorData(conn->BPQStream); SessionState(conn->BPQStream, &state, &change); if (change == 1) { if (state == 1) // Connected { GetSemaphore(&ConSemaphore, 0); Connected(conn->BPQStream); FreeSemaphore(&ConSemaphore); } else { GetSemaphore(&ConSemaphore, 0); Disconnected(conn->BPQStream); FreeSemaphore(&ConSemaphore); } } } return 0; } VOID CloseConsole(int Stream) { } #ifndef WIN32 int V4ProcessReceivedData(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { return 0; } #endif #ifdef FREEBSD char * gcvt(double _Val, int _NumOfDigits, char * _DstBuf) { sprintf(_DstBuf, "%f", _Val); return _DstBuf; } #endif