/* Copyright 2001-2018 John Wiseman G8BPQ This file is part of LinBPQ/BPQ32. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LinBPQ/BPQ32. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ #include "bpqmail.h" int LastVer[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; // In case we need to do somthing the first time a version is run HWND MainWnd; HWND hWndSess; RECT MainRect; HMENU hActionMenu; static HMENU hMenu; HMENU hDisMenu; // Disconnect Menu Handle HMENU hFWDMenu; // Forward Menu Handle int SessX, SessY, SessWidth; // Params for Session Window char szBuff[80]; #define MaxSockets 64 ConnectionInfo Connections[MaxSockets+1]; struct SEM ChatSemaphore = {0, 0}; struct SEM AllocSemaphore = {0, 0}; struct SEM ConSemaphore = {0, 0}; struct SEM Semaphore = {0, 0}; struct SEM OutputSEM = {0, 0}; struct SEM ConfigSEM = {0, 0}; struct UserInfo ** UserRecPtr=NULL; int NumberofUsers=0; struct UserInfo * BBSChain = NULL; // Chain of users that are BBSes struct MsgInfo ** MsgHddrPtr=NULL; int NumberofMessages=0; int FirstMessageIndextoForward = 0; // Lowest Message with a forward bit set - limits search BIDRec ** BIDRecPtr=NULL; int NumberofBIDs=0; BIDRec ** TempBIDRecPtr=NULL; int NumberofTempBIDs=0; WPRec ** WPRecPtr=NULL; int NumberofWPrecs=0; char ** BadWords=NULL; int NumberofBadWords=0; char * BadFile = NULL; int LatestMsg = 0; struct SEM MsgNoSemaphore = {0, 0}; // For locking updates to LatestMsg int HighestBBSNumber = 0; int MaxMsgno = 60000; int BidLifetime = 60; int MaxAge = 30; int MaintInterval = 24; int MaintTime = 0; int UserLifetime = 0; BOOL cfgMinToTray; BOOL DisconnectOnClose=FALSE; char PasswordMsg[100]="Password:"; char cfgHOSTPROMPT[100]; char cfgCTEXT[100]; char cfgLOCALECHO[100]; char AttemptsMsg[] = "Too many attempts - Disconnected\r\r"; char disMsg[] = "Disconnected by SYSOP\r\r"; char LoginMsg[]="user:"; char BlankCall[]=" "; ULONG BBSApplMask; ULONG ChatApplMask; int BBSApplNum=0; int ChatApplNum=0; //int StartStream=0; int NumberofStreams=0; int MaxStreams=0; char BBSSID[]="[%s%d.%d.%d.%d-%s%s%s%sIH%sM$]\r"; char ChatSID[]="[BPQChatServer-%d.%d.%d.%d]\r"; char NewUserPrompt[100]="Please enter your Name\r>\r"; char * WelcomeMsg = NULL; char * NewWelcomeMsg = NULL; char * ExpertWelcomeMsg = NULL; char * Prompt = NULL; char * NewPrompt = NULL; char * ExpertPrompt = NULL; char BBSName[100] = "NOCALL"; char SYSOPCall[50]; char MailForText[100]; char HRoute[100]; char AMPRDomain[100]; BOOL SendAMPRDirect = 0; char SignoffMsg[120]; char AbortedMsg[100]="\rOutput aborted\r"; char UserDatabaseName[MAX_PATH] = "BPQBBSUsers.dat"; char UserDatabasePath[MAX_PATH]; char MsgDatabasePath[MAX_PATH]; char MsgDatabaseName[MAX_PATH] = "DIRMES.SYS"; char BIDDatabasePath[MAX_PATH]; char BIDDatabaseName[MAX_PATH] = "WFBID.SYS"; char WPDatabasePath[MAX_PATH]; char WPDatabaseName[MAX_PATH] = "WP.SYS"; char BadWordsPath[MAX_PATH]; char BadWordsName[MAX_PATH] = "BADWORDS.SYS"; char NTSAliasesPath[MAX_PATH]; char NTSAliasesName[MAX_PATH] = "INTRCPT.APS"; char ConfigName[250]; char ChatConfigName[250]; BOOL UsingingRegConfig = FALSE; BOOL MulticastRX = FALSE; char BaseDir[MAX_PATH]; char BaseDirRaw[MAX_PATH]; // As set in registry - may contain %NAME% char ProperBaseDir[MAX_PATH]; // BPQ Directory/BPQMailChat char MailDir[MAX_PATH]; char RlineVer[50]; BOOL KISSOnly = FALSE; BOOL EnableUI = FALSE; BOOL RefuseBulls = FALSE; BOOL SendSYStoSYSOPCall = FALSE; BOOL SendBBStoSYSOPCall = FALSE; BOOL DontHoldNewUsers = FALSE; BOOL DefaultNoWINLINK = FALSE; BOOL ForwardToMe = FALSE; BOOL OnlyKnown = FALSE; BOOL DontNeedHomeBBS = FALSE; BOOL DontCheckFromCall = FALSE; // Send WP Params BOOL SendWP; BOOL FilterWPBulls; BOOL NoWPGuesses; char SendWPVIA[81]; char SendWPTO[11]; char ** SendWPAddrs; // Replaces WP To and VIA int SendWPType; int SMTPMsgs; int MailForInterval = 0; char zeros[NBMASK]; // For forward bitmask tests time_t MaintClock; // Time to run housekeeping time_t APIClock; // Time to sent to MOLTE's Database struct MsgInfo * MsgnotoMsg[100000]; // Message Number to Message Slot List. // Filter Params char ** RejFrom; // Reject on FROM Call char ** RejTo; // Reject on TO Call char ** RejAt; // Reject on AT Call char ** RejBID; // Reject on BID char ** HoldFrom; // Hold on FROM Call char ** HoldTo; // Hold on TO Call char ** HoldAt; // Hold on AT Call char ** HoldBID; // Hold on BID struct ConsoleInfo * ConsHeader[2];