/* Copyright 2001-2022 John Wiseman G8BPQ This file is part of LinBPQ/BPQ32. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LinBPQ/BPQ32. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ // // DLL to inteface DED Host Mode TNCs to BPQ32 switch // // Uses BPQ EXTERNAL interface #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #include #include #include "time.h" #define MaxStreams 10 #include "cheaders.h" #include "tncinfo.h" #include "bpq32.h" static char ClassName[]="TRACKERSTATUS"; static char WindowTitle[] = "SCS Tracker"; static int RigControlRow = 140; #define NARROWMODE 30 #define WIDEMODE 30 // PIII only extern UCHAR BPQDirectory[]; static RECT Rect; VOID __cdecl Debugprintf(const char * format, ...); BOOL KAMStartPort(struct PORTCONTROL * PORT); BOOL KAMStopPort(struct PORTCONTROL * PORT); char NodeCall[11]; // Nodecall, Null Terminated void WriteDebugLogLine(int Port, char Dirn, char * Msg, int MsgLen); static int ProcessLine(char * buf, int Port) { UCHAR * ptr; char * p_port = 0; int BPQport; int len=510; struct TNCINFO * TNC; char errbuf[256]; strcpy(errbuf, buf); BPQport = Port; TNC = TNCInfo[BPQport] = malloc(sizeof(struct TNCINFO)); memset(TNC, 0, sizeof(struct TNCINFO)); TNC->InitScript = malloc(1000); TNC->InitScript[0] = 0; TNC->PacketChannels = 10; // Default goto ConfigLine; while(TRUE) { if (GetLine(buf) == 0) return TRUE; ConfigLine: strcpy(errbuf, buf); if (memcmp(buf, "****", 4) == 0) return TRUE; ptr = strchr(buf, ';'); if (ptr) { *ptr++ = 13; *ptr = 0; } if (_memicmp(buf, "APPL", 4) == 0) { } else if (_memicmp(buf, "RIGCONTROL", 10) == 0) { } else if (_memicmp(buf, "SWITCHMODES", 11) == 0) { } else if (_memicmp(buf, "USEAPPLCALLS", 12) == 0) { // TNC->UseAPPLCalls = TRUE; } else if (_memicmp(buf, "DEBUGLOG", 8) == 0) // Write Debug Log TNC->WRITELOG = atoi(&buf[9]); else if (_memicmp(buf, "DEFAULT ROBUST", 14) == 0) { } else if (_memicmp(buf, "WL2KREPORT", 10) == 0) { } else if (_memicmp(buf, "UPDATEMAP", 9) == 0) TNC->PktUpdateMap = TRUE; else if (_memicmp(buf, "PACKETCHANNELS", 14) == 0) // Packet Channels TNC->PacketChannels = atoi(&buf[14]); else strcat (TNC->InitScript, buf); } return (TRUE); } BOOL CloseConnection(struct TNCINFO * conn); static BOOL WriteCommBlock(struct TNCINFO * TNC); BOOL DestroyTTYInfo(int port); static void DEDCheckRX(struct TNCINFO * TNC); static VOID DEDPoll(int Port); VOID StuffAndSend(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Msg, int Len); unsigned short int compute_crc(unsigned char *buf,int len); int Unstuff(UCHAR * MsgIn, UCHAR * MsgOut, int len); static VOID ProcessDEDFrame(struct TNCINFO * TNC); static VOID ProcessTermModeResponse(struct TNCINFO * TNC); static VOID ExitHost(struct TNCINFO * TNC); static VOID DoTNCReinit(struct TNCINFO * TNC); static VOID DoTermModeTimeout(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID DoMonitorHddr(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Msg, int Len, int Type); VOID DoMonitorData(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Msg, int Len); int Switchmode(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Mode); VOID SwitchToRPacket(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID SwitchToNormPacket(struct TNCINFO * TNC); static size_t ExtProc(int fn, int port, PDATAMESSAGE buff) { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; int txlen = 0; struct TNCINFO * TNC = TNCInfo[port]; int Stream = 0; struct STREAMINFO * STREAM; int TNCOK; if (TNC == NULL) return 0; if (TNC->hDevice == 0) { // Clear anything from UI_Q while (TNC->PortRecord->UI_Q) { buffptr = Q_REM(&TNC->PortRecord->UI_Q); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } if (fn > 3 && fn < 6) goto ok; // Try to reopen every 30 secs TNC->ReopenTimer++; if (TNC->ReopenTimer < 300) return 0; TNC->ReopenTimer = 0; if (TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PortStopped == 0) OpenCOMMPort(TNC, TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.SerialPortName, TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.BAUDRATE, TRUE); if (TNC->hDevice == 0) return 0; } ok: switch (fn) { case 1: // poll for (Stream = 0; Stream <= MaxStreams; Stream++) { if (TNC->Streams[Stream].ReportDISC) { TNC->Streams[Stream].ReportDISC = FALSE; buff->PORT = Stream; return -1; } } DEDCheckRX(TNC); DEDPoll(port); DEDCheckRX(TNC); for (Stream = 0; Stream <= MaxStreams; Stream++) { STREAM = &TNC->Streams[Stream]; if (STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q == 0) { if (STREAM->DiscWhenAllSent) { STREAM->DiscWhenAllSent--; if (STREAM->DiscWhenAllSent == 0) STREAM->ReportDISC = TRUE; // Dont want to leave session attached. Causes too much confusion } } else { int datalen; buffptr=Q_REM(&STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q); datalen=buffptr->Len; buff->PORT = Stream; buff->PID = 0xf0; memcpy(buff->L2DATA, buffptr->Data, datalen); // Data goes t, but we have an extra byte datalen += sizeof(void *) + 4; PutLengthinBuffer((PDATAMESSAGE)buff, datalen); // Neded for arm5 portability // buff[5]=(datalen & 0xff); // buff[6]=(datalen >> 8); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); return (1); } } return 0; case 2: // send buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return (0); // No buffers, so ignore Stream = buff->PORT; if (!TNC->TNCOK) { // Send Error Response buffptr->Len = sprintf(buffptr->Data, "No Connection to TNC\r"); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return 0; } txlen = GetLengthfromBuffer((PDATAMESSAGE)buff) - (sizeof(void *) + 4);; buffptr->Len = txlen; memcpy(buffptr->Data, buff->L2DATA, txlen); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].BPQtoPACTOR_Q, buffptr); TNC->Streams[Stream].FramesOutstanding++; return (0); case 3: // CHECK IF OK TO SEND. Also used to check if TNC is responding Stream = (int)(size_t)buff; TNCOK = (TNC->HostMode == 1 && TNC->ReinitState != 10); STREAM = &TNC->Streams[Stream]; if (Stream == 0) { if (STREAM->FramesOutstanding > 4) return (1 | TNCOK << 8 | STREAM->Disconnecting << 15); } else { if (STREAM->FramesOutstanding > 3 || TNC->Buffers < 200) return (1 | TNCOK << 8 | STREAM->Disconnecting << 15); } return TNCOK << 8 | STREAM->Disconnecting << 15; // OK, but lock attach if disconnecting case 4: // reinit ExitHost(TNC); Sleep(50); CloseCOMPort(TNC->hDevice); TNC->hDevice =(HANDLE) 0; TNC->ReopenTimer = 250; TNC->HostMode = FALSE; return (0); case 5: // Close // Ensure in Pactor ExitHost(TNC); Sleep(25); CloseCOMPort(TNCInfo[port]->hDevice); return (0); case 6: return 0; // No scan interface } return 0; } void * TrackerMExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry) { char msg[500]; struct TNCINFO * TNC; int port; char * ptr; int Stream = 0; char * TempScript; char YCmd[10]; // // Will be called once for each DED Host TNC Port // The COM port number is in IOBASE // sprintf(msg,"SCSTRK M %s", PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.SerialPortName); WritetoConsole(msg); port=PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER; ReadConfigFile(port, ProcessLine); TNC = TNCInfo[port]; if (TNC == NULL) { // Not defined in Config file sprintf(msg," ** Error - no info in BPQ32.cfg for this port\n"); WritetoConsole(msg); return ExtProc; } TNC->Port = port; TNC->PortRecord = PortEntry; TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.HWType = TNC->Hardware = H_TRKM; // Set up DED addresses for streams for (Stream = 0; Stream <= MaxStreams; Stream++) { TNC->Streams[Stream].DEDStream = Stream; // DED Stream = BPQ Stream (We don't use Stream 0) } if (TNC->PacketChannels > MaxStreams) TNC->PacketChannels = MaxStreams; PortEntry->MAXHOSTMODESESSIONS = TNC->PacketChannels + 1; //TNC->PacketChannels + 1; PortEntry->PERMITGATEWAY = TRUE; // Can change ax.25 call on each stream PortEntry->SCANCAPABILITIES = NONE; // Scan Control 3 stage/conlock if (PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTCALL[0] == 0) memcpy(TNC->NodeCall, MYNODECALL, 10); else ConvFromAX25(&PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTCALL[0], TNC->NodeCall); PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PROTOCOL = 10; PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTQUALITY = 0; PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.UICAPABLE = 1; if (PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTPACLEN == 0) PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTPACLEN = 100; PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTSTARTCODE = KAMStartPort; PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTSTOPCODE = KAMStopPort; ptr=strchr(TNC->NodeCall, ' '); if (ptr) *(ptr) = 0; // Null Terminate // get NODECALL for RP tests memcpy(NodeCall, MYNODECALL, 10); ptr=strchr(NodeCall, ' '); if (ptr) *(ptr) = 0; // Null Terminate TempScript = malloc(1000); strcpy(TempScript, "M UISC\r"); strcat(TempScript, "F 200\r"); // Sets SABM retry time to about 5 secs strcat(TempScript, "%F 1500\r"); // Tones may be changed but I want this as standard strcat(TempScript, TNC->InitScript); free(TNC->InitScript); TNC->InitScript = TempScript; // Others go on end so they can't be overriden strcat(TNC->InitScript, "Z 0\r"); // No Flow Control sprintf(YCmd, "Y %d\r", TNC->PacketChannels); strcat(TNC->InitScript, YCmd); strcat(TNC->InitScript, "E 1\r"); // Echo - Restart process needs echo sprintf(msg, "I %s\r", TNC->NodeCall); strcat(TNC->InitScript, msg); OpenCOMMPort(TNC,PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.SerialPortName, PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.BAUDRATE, FALSE); TNC->InitPtr = TNC->InitScript; WritetoConsole("\n"); return ExtProc; } static void DEDCheckRX(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { int Length, Len; UCHAR * ptr; UCHAR character; UCHAR * CURSOR; Len = ReadCOMBlock(TNC->hDevice, &TNC->RXBuffer[TNC->RXLen], 500 - TNC->RXLen); if (Len == 0) return; // Nothing doing TNC->RXLen += Len; Length = TNC->RXLen; ptr = TNC->RXBuffer; CURSOR = &TNC->DEDBuffer[TNC->InputLen]; if ((TNC->HostMode == 0 || TNC->ReinitState == 10) && Length > 80) { // Probably Signon Message if (TNC->WRITELOG) WriteDebugLogLine(TNC->Port, 'R', ptr, Length); ptr[Length] = 0; Debugprintf("TRKM %s", ptr); TNC->RXLen = 0; return; } if (TNC->HostMode == 0) { // If we are just restarting, and TNC is in host mode, we may get "Invalid Channel" Back if (memcmp(ptr, "\x18\x02INVALID", 9) == 0) { if (TNC->WRITELOG) WriteDebugLogLine(TNC->Port, 'R', ptr, Length); TNC->HostMode = TRUE; TNC->HOSTSTATE = 0; TNC->Timeout = 0; TNC->RXLen = 0; return; } // Command is echoed as * command * if (strstr(ptr, "*") || TNC->ReinitState == 5) // 5 is waiting for reponse to JHOST1 { ProcessTermModeResponse(TNC); TNC->RXLen = 0; TNC->HOSTSTATE = 0; return; } } if (TNC->ReinitState == 10) { if (Length == 1 && *(ptr) == '.') // 01 echoed as . { // TNC is in Term Mode if (TNC->WRITELOG) WriteDebugLogLine(TNC->Port, 'R', ptr, Length); TNC->ReinitState = 0; TNC->HostMode = 0; return; } } while (Length--) { character = *(ptr++); if (TNC->HostMode) { // n 0 Success (nothing follows) // n 1 Success (message follows, null terminated) // n 2 Failure (message follows, null terminated) // n 3 Link Status (null terminated) // n 4 Monitor Header (null terminated) // n 5 Monitor Header (null terminated) // n 6 Monitor Information (preceeded by length-1) // n 7 Connect Information (preceeded by length-1) switch(TNC->HOSTSTATE) { case 0: // SETCHANNEL TNC->MSGCHANNEL = character; TNC->HOSTSTATE++; break; case 1: // SETMSGTYPE TNC->MSGTYPE = character; if (character == 0) { // Success, no more info ProcessDEDFrame(TNC); TNC->HOSTSTATE = 0; break; } if (character > 0 && character < 6) { // Null Terminated Response) TNC->HOSTSTATE = 5; CURSOR = &TNC->DEDBuffer[0]; break; } if (character > 5 && character < 8) { TNC->HOSTSTATE = 2; // Get Length break; } // Invalid Debugprintf("TRKM - Invalid MsgType %d %x %x %x", character, *(ptr), *(ptr+1), *(ptr+2)); break; case 2: // Get Length TNC->MSGCOUNT = character; TNC->MSGCOUNT++; // Param is len - 1 TNC->MSGLENGTH = TNC->MSGCOUNT; CURSOR = &TNC->DEDBuffer[0]; TNC->HOSTSTATE = 3; // Get Data break; case 5: // Collecting Null Terminated Response *(CURSOR++) = character; if (character) continue; // MORE TO COME ProcessDEDFrame(TNC); TNC->HOSTSTATE = 0; TNC->InputLen = 0; break; default: // RECEIVING Counted Response *(CURSOR++) = character; TNC->MSGCOUNT--; if (TNC->MSGCOUNT) continue; // MORE TO COME TNC->InputLen = CURSOR - TNC->DEDBuffer; ProcessDEDFrame(TNC); TNC->HOSTSTATE = 0; TNC->InputLen = 0; } } } // End of Input - Save buffer position TNC->InputLen = CURSOR - TNC->DEDBuffer; TNC->RXLen = 0; } static BOOL WriteCommBlock(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { WriteCOMBlock(TNC->hDevice, TNC->TXBuffer, TNC->TXLen); if (TNC->WRITELOG) WriteDebugLogLine(TNC->Port, 'T', TNC->TXBuffer, TNC->TXLen); TNC->Timeout = 20; // 2 secs return TRUE; } static VOID DEDPoll(int Port) { struct TNCINFO * TNC = TNCInfo[Port]; UCHAR * Poll = TNC->TXBuffer; int Stream = 0; int nn; struct STREAMINFO * STREAM; for (Stream = 0; Stream <= MaxStreams; Stream++) { if (TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[Stream] && TNC->Streams[Stream].Attached == 0) { // New Attach. Set call my session callsign int calllen=0; TNC->Streams[Stream].Attached = TRUE; TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[Stream]->L4USER[6] |= 0x60; // Ensure P or T aren't used on ax.25 calllen = ConvFromAX25(TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[Stream]->L4USER, TNC->Streams[Stream].MyCall); TNC->Streams[Stream].MyCall[calllen] = 0; if (Stream) //Leave Stream 0 call alone { TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSet = TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSave = zalloc(100); sprintf(TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSet, "%c%c%cI%s", Stream, 1, 1, TNC->Streams[Stream].MyCall); } } } if (TNC->Timeout) { TNC->Timeout--; if (TNC->Timeout) // Still waiting return; // Can't use retries, as we have no way of detecting lost chars. Have to re-init on timeout if (TNC->HostMode == 0 || TNC->ReinitState == 10) // 10 is Recovery Mode { DoTermModeTimeout(TNC); return; } // Timed out in host mode - Clear any connection and reinit the TNC Debugprintf("DEDHOST - Link to TNC Lost Port %d", TNC->Port); TNC->TNCOK = FALSE; TNC->HostMode = 0; TNC->ReinitState = 0; CloseCOMPort(TNC->hDevice); OpenCOMMPort(TNC, TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.SerialPortName, TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.BAUDRATE, TRUE); TNC->InitPtr = TNC->InitScript; TNC->HOSTSTATE = 0; for (Stream = 0; Stream <= MaxStreams; Stream++) { if (TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[Stream]) // Connected { TNC->Streams[Stream].Connected = FALSE; // Back to Command Mode TNC->Streams[Stream].ReportDISC = TRUE; // Tell Node } } } for (Stream = 0; Stream <= MaxStreams; Stream++) { STREAM = &TNC->Streams[Stream]; if (STREAM->Attached) CheckForDetach(TNC, Stream, STREAM, TidyClose, ForcedClose, CloseComplete); if (TNC->Timeout) return; // We've sent something } // if we have just restarted or TNC appears to be in terminal mode, run Initialisation Sequence if (!TNC->HostMode) { DoTNCReinit(TNC); return; } if (TNC->InitPtr) { char * start, * end; int len; start = TNC->InitPtr; if (*(start) == 0) // End of Script { TNC->InitPtr = NULL; Debugprintf("TRKM - Init Complete Port %d", TNC->Port); } else { end = strchr(start, 13); len = ++end - start -1; // exclude cr TNC->InitPtr = end; Poll[0] = 0; // Channel Poll[1] = 1; // Command Poll[2] = len - 1; memcpy(&Poll[3], start, len); StuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, len + 3); return; } } for (Stream = 0; Stream <= MaxStreams; Stream++) { if (TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSet) { char * start, * end; int len; start = TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSet; if (*(start + 2) == 0) // End of Script { free(TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSave); TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSet = NULL; } else { end = strchr(start + 3, 0); len = ++end - start -1; // exclude cr TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSet = end; memcpy(&Poll[0], start, len); Poll[2] = len - 4; StuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, len); return; } } } for (nn = 0; nn <= MaxStreams; nn++) { Stream = TNC->LastStream++; if (TNC->LastStream > MaxStreams) TNC->LastStream = 0; if (TNC->TNCOK && TNC->Streams[Stream].BPQtoPACTOR_Q) { int datalen; PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; char * Buffer; buffptr=Q_REM(&TNC->Streams[Stream].BPQtoPACTOR_Q); datalen = buffptr->Len; Buffer = buffptr->Data; // Data portion of frame Poll[0] = TNC->Streams[Stream].DEDStream; // Channel if (TNC->Streams[Stream].Connected) { if (TNC->SwallowSignon && Stream == 0) { TNC->SwallowSignon = FALSE; if (strstr(Buffer, "Connected")) // Discard *** connected { ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); return; } } Poll[1] = 0; // Data TNC->Streams[Stream].bytesTXed += datalen; Poll[2] = datalen - 1; memcpy(&Poll[3], Buffer, datalen); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); StuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, datalen + 3); TNC->Streams[Stream].InternalCmd = TNC->Streams[Stream].Connected; if (STREAM->Disconnecting && TNC->Streams[Stream].BPQtoPACTOR_Q == 0) TidyClose(TNC, 0); return; } // Command. Do some sanity checking and look for things to process locally Poll[1] = 1; // Command datalen--; // Exclude CR if (datalen == 0) // Null Command { ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); return; } Buffer[datalen] = 0; // Null Terminate _strupr(Buffer); if (_memicmp(Buffer, "D", 1) == 0) { TNC->Streams[Stream].ReportDISC = TRUE; // Tell Node ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); return; } if (Buffer[0] == 'C' && datalen > 2) // Connect { if (Stream == 0) { // No connects on Stream zero - for mgmt only buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)buffptr->Data, "TRK} Can't Connect after ATTACH\r"); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[0].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return; } if (*(++Buffer) == ' ') Buffer++; // Space isn't needed memcpy(TNC->Streams[Stream].RemoteCall, Buffer, 9); TNC->Streams[Stream].Connecting = TRUE; TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSet = TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSave = zalloc(100); sprintf(TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSet, "%c%c%cI%s%c%c%c%cC%s", Stream, 1, 1, TNC->Streams[Stream].MyCall, 0, Stream, 1, 1, Buffer); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); TNC->Streams[Stream].InternalCmd = FALSE; return; } Poll[2] = datalen - 1; memcpy(&Poll[3], Buffer, datalen); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); StuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, datalen + 3); TNC->Streams[Stream].InternalCmd = TNC->Streams[Stream].Connected; return; } } if (TNC->TNCOK && TNC->PortRecord->UI_Q) { int datalen; char * Buffer; char CCMD[80] = "C"; char Call[12] = " "; struct _MESSAGE * buffptr; buffptr = Q_REM(&TNC->PortRecord->UI_Q); datalen = buffptr->LENGTH - MSGHDDRLEN; Buffer = &buffptr->DEST[0]; // Raw Frame Buffer[datalen] = 0; TNC->Streams[0].CmdSet = TNC->Streams[0].CmdSave = zalloc(500); // sprintf(TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSet, "I%s\r%s\r", TNC->Streams[Stream].MyCall, buffptr->Data); // Buffer has an ax.25 header, which we need to pick out and set as channel 0 Connect address // before sending the beacon ConvFromAX25(Buffer, &Call[1]); // Dest strlop(&Call[1], ' '); strcat(CCMD, Call); Buffer += 14; // Skip Origin datalen -= 7; while ((Buffer[-1] & 1) == 0) { ConvFromAX25(Buffer, &Call[1]); strlop(&Call[1], ' '); strcat(CCMD, Call); Buffer += 7; // End of addr datalen -= 7; } if (Buffer[0] == 3) // UI { Buffer += 2; datalen -= 2; Poll[0] = 0; // UI Channel Poll[1] = 1; // Data Poll[2] = strlen(CCMD) - 1; strcpy(&Poll[3], CCMD); StuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, Poll[2] + 4); sprintf(TNC->Streams[0].CmdSet, "%c%c%c%s", 0, 0, 1, Buffer); } ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)buffptr); return; } // if frames outstanding, issue a poll (but not too often) TNC->IntCmdDelay++; if (TNC->IntCmdDelay > 10) { TNC->IntCmdDelay = 0; Poll[0] = TNC->Streams[0].DEDStream; Poll[1] = 0x1; // Command TNC->Streams[0].InternalCmd = TRUE; Poll[2] = 1; // Len-1 Poll[3] = '@'; Poll[4] = 'B'; // Buffers StuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, 5); return; } // Need to poll all channels . Just Poll zero here, the ProcessMessage will poll next Poll[0] = 0; // Channel Poll[1] = 0x1; // Command Poll[2] = 0; // Len-1 Poll[3] = 'G'; // Poll StuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, 4); return; Stream = TNC->StreamtoPoll; STREAM = &TNC->Streams[Stream]; STREAM->IntCmdDelay++; if (STREAM->IntCmdDelay > 10) { STREAM->IntCmdDelay = 0; if (STREAM->FramesOutstanding) { Poll[0] = STREAM->DEDStream; Poll[1] = 0x1; // Command STREAM->InternalCmd = TRUE; Poll[2] = 0; // Len-1 Poll[3] = 'L'; // Status StuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, 4); return; } } Poll[0] = Stream; // Channel Poll[1] = 0x1; // Command Poll[2] = 0; // Len-1 Poll[3] = 'G'; // Poll StuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, 4); STREAM->InternalCmd = FALSE; return; } static VOID DoTNCReinit(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { UCHAR * Poll = TNC->TXBuffer; if (TNC->ReinitState == 0) { // Just Starting - Send a TNC Mode Command to see if in Terminal or Host Mode TNC->TNCOK = FALSE; memcpy(&TNC->TXBuffer[0], "\x18\x1b\r", 2); TNC->TXLen = 2; if (WriteCommBlock(TNC) == FALSE) { CloseCOMPort(TNC->hDevice); OpenCOMMPort(TNC, TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.SerialPortName, TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.BAUDRATE, TRUE); } return; } if (TNC->ReinitState == 1) // Forcing back to Term TNC->ReinitState = 0; if (TNC->ReinitState == 2) // In Term State, Sending Initialisation Commands { // Put into Host Mode memcpy(Poll, "\x18\x1bJHOST1\r", 9); TNC->TXLen = 9; WriteCommBlock(TNC); TNC->ReinitState = 5; return; } if (TNC->ReinitState == 5) TNC->ReinitState = 0; } static VOID DoTermModeTimeout(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { UCHAR * Poll = TNC->TXBuffer; if (TNC->ReinitState == 0) { //Checking if in Terminal Mode - Try to set back to Term Mode TNC->ReinitState = 1; ExitHost(TNC); return; } if (TNC->ReinitState == 1) { // No Response to trying to enter term mode - do error recovery Debugprintf("TRKM - Starting Resync Port %d", TNC->Port); TNC->ReinitState = 10; TNC->ReinitCount = 256; TNC->HostMode = TRUE; // Must be in Host Mode if we need recovery Poll[0] = 1; TNC->TXLen = 1; WriteCommBlock(TNC); TNC->Timeout = 10; // 2 secs return; } if (TNC->ReinitState == 10) { // Continue error recovery TNC->ReinitCount--; if (TNC->ReinitCount) { Poll[0] = 1; TNC->TXLen = 1; WriteCommBlock(TNC); TNC->Timeout = 3; // 0.3 secs return; } // Try Again Debugprintf("TRKM Continuing recovery Port %d", TNC->Port); TNC->ReinitState = 0; // Close and re-open TNC ExitHost(TNC); Sleep(50); CloseCOMPort(TNC->hDevice); TNC->hDevice =(HANDLE) 0; TNC->ReopenTimer = 290; TNC->HostMode = FALSE; return; } if (TNC->ReinitState == 3) { // Entering Host Mode // Assume ok TNC->HostMode = TRUE; TNC->IntCmdDelay = 10; return; } } static VOID ExitHost(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { UCHAR * Poll = TNC->TXBuffer; // Try to exit Host Mode TNC->TXBuffer[0] = 1; TNC->TXBuffer[1] = 1; TNC->TXBuffer[2] = 1; memcpy(&TNC->TXBuffer[3], "%R", 2); StuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, 5); return; } static VOID ProcessTermModeResponse(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { UCHAR * Poll = TNC->TXBuffer; if (TNC->WRITELOG) WriteDebugLogLine(TNC->Port, 'R', TNC->RXBuffer, TNC->RXLen); if (TNC->ReinitState == 0) { // Testing if in Term Mode. It is, so can now send Init Commands TNC->InitPtr = TNC->InitScript; TNC->ReinitState = 2; } if (TNC->ReinitState == 1) { // trying to set term mode // If already in Term Mode, TNC echos command, with control chars replaced with '.' if (memcmp(TNC->RXBuffer, "....%R", 6) == 0) { // In term mode, Need to put into Host Mode TNC->ReinitState = 2; DoTNCReinit(TNC); return; } } if (TNC->ReinitState == 2) { // Sending Init Commands DoTNCReinit(TNC); // Send Next Command return; } if (TNC->ReinitState == 5) // Waiting for response to JHOST1 { if (TNC->RXBuffer[TNC->RXLen-1] == 10 || TNC->RXBuffer[TNC->RXLen-1] == 13) // NewLine { TNC->HostMode = TRUE; TNC->Timeout = 0; } return; } } static VOID ProcessDEDFrame(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; char * Buffer; // Data portion of frame UINT Stream = 0; UCHAR * Msg = TNC->DEDBuffer; int framelen = TNC->InputLen; struct STREAMINFO * STREAM; if (TNC->WRITELOG) WriteDebugLogLine(TNC->Port, 'R', Msg, framelen); if (TNC->ReinitState == 10) { // Recovering from Sync Failure // Any Response indicates we are in host mode, and back in sync TNC->HostMode = TRUE; TNC->Timeout = 0; TNC->ReinitState = 0; TNC->RXLen = 0; TNC->HOSTSTATE = 0; Debugprintf("TRKM - Resync Complete"); return; } // Any valid frame is an ACK TNC->Timeout = 0; TNC->TNCOK = TRUE; if (TNC->InitPtr) // Response to Init Script return; if (TNC->MSGCHANNEL > 26) return; Stream = TNC->MSGCHANNEL; // See if Poll Reply or Data if (TNC->MSGTYPE == 0) { // Success - Nothing Follows if (TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSet) return; // Response to Command Set or Init Script if ((TNC->TXBuffer[1] & 1) == 0) // Data return; // If the response to a Command, then we should convert to a text "Ok" for forward scripts, etc if (TNC->TXBuffer[3] == 'G') // Poll { UCHAR * Poll = TNC->TXBuffer; // Poll Next Channel (we need to scan all channels every DEDPOLL cycle Stream++; if (Stream > MaxStreams) return; STREAM = &TNC->Streams[Stream]; STREAM->IntCmdDelay++; if (STREAM->IntCmdDelay > 10) { STREAM->IntCmdDelay = 0; if (STREAM->FramesOutstanding) { Poll[0] = STREAM->DEDStream; Poll[1] = 0x1; // Command STREAM->InternalCmd = TRUE; Poll[2] = 0; // Len-1 Poll[3] = 'L'; // Status StuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, 4); return; } } Poll[0] = Stream; // Channel Poll[1] = 0x1; // Command Poll[2] = 0; // Len-1 Poll[3] = 'G'; // Poll StuffAndSend(TNC, Poll, 4); STREAM->InternalCmd = FALSE; return; } if (TNC->TXBuffer[3] == 'C') // Connect - reply we need is async return; if (TNC->TXBuffer[3] == 'L') // Shouldnt happen! return; if (TNC->TXBuffer[3] == 'J') // JHOST { if (TNC->TXBuffer[8] == '0') // JHOST0 { TNC->Timeout = 1; // return; } } if (TNC->MSGCHANNEL == 0) // Unproto Channel return; buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == NULL) return; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = sprintf(buffptr->Data,"TRK} Ok\r"); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return; } if (TNC->MSGTYPE > 0 &&TNC->MSGTYPE < 6) { // Success with message - null terminated char * ptr; int len; Buffer = Msg; ptr = strchr(Buffer, 0); if (ptr == 0) return; *(ptr++) = 13; *(ptr) = 0; len = ptr - Buffer; if (len > 256) return; // See if we need to process locally (Response to our command, Incoming Call, Disconencted, etc if (TNC->MSGTYPE < 3) // 1 or 2 - Success or Fail { // See if a response to internal command if (TNC->Streams[Stream].InternalCmd) { // Process it char LastCmd = TNC->TXBuffer[3]; if (LastCmd == 'L') // Status { int s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, num; num = sscanf(Buffer, "%d %d %d %d %d %d", &s1, &s2, &s3, &s4, &s5, &s6); TNC->Streams[Stream].FramesOutstanding = s3; return; } if (LastCmd == '@') // @ Commands { if (TNC->TXBuffer[4]== 'B') // Buffer Status { TNC->Buffers = atoi(Buffer); // SetDlgItemText(TNC->hDlg, IDC_BUFFERS, Buffer); return; } } return; } // Not Internal Command, so send to user if (TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSet) return; // Response to Command Set if ((TNC->TXBuffer[1] & 1) == 0) // Data return; // If the response to a Command, then we should convert to a text "Ok" for forward scripts, etc if (TNC->TXBuffer[3] == 'G') // Poll return; if (TNC->TXBuffer[3] == 'C') // Connect - reply we need is async return; if (TNC->TXBuffer[3] == 'L') // Shouldnt happen! return; if (TNC->TXBuffer[3] == 'J') // JHOST { if (TNC->TXBuffer[8] == '0') // JHOST0 { TNC->Timeout = 1; // return; } } if (TNC->MSGCHANNEL == 0) // Unproto Channel return; buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == NULL) return; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = sprintf(buffptr->Data,"TRK} %s", Buffer); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return; } if (TNC->MSGTYPE == 3) // Status { struct STREAMINFO * STREAM = &TNC->Streams[Stream]; if (strstr(Buffer, "DISCONNECTED") || strstr(Buffer, "LINK FAILURE") || strstr(Buffer, "BUSY")) { if ((STREAM->Connecting | STREAM->Connected) == 0) return; if (STREAM->Connecting && STREAM->Disconnecting == FALSE) { // Connect Failed buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return; // No buffers, so ignore if (strstr(Buffer, "BUSY")) buffptr->Len = sprintf(buffptr->Data, "*** Busy from %s\r", TNC->Streams[Stream].RemoteCall); else buffptr->Len = sprintf(buffptr->Data, "*** Failure with %s\r", TNC->Streams[Stream].RemoteCall); C_Q_ADD(&STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); STREAM->Connecting = FALSE; STREAM->Connected = FALSE; // In case! STREAM->FramesOutstanding = 0; STREAM->DiscWhenAllSent = 15; // Dont want to leave session attached. Causes too much confusion return; } // Must Have been connected or disconnecting - Release Session STREAM->Connecting = FALSE; STREAM->Connected = FALSE; // Back to Command Mode STREAM->FramesOutstanding = 0; if (STREAM->Disconnecting == FALSE) STREAM->ReportDISC = TRUE; // Tell Node STREAM->Disconnecting = FALSE; return; } if (strstr(Buffer, "CONNECTED")) { char * Call = strstr(Buffer, " to "); char * ptr; char MHCall[30]; Call += 4; if (Call[1] == ':') Call +=2; ptr = strchr(Call, ' '); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; ptr = strchr(Call, 13); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; STREAM->Connected = TRUE; // Subsequent data to data channel STREAM->Connecting = FALSE; STREAM->bytesRXed = STREAM->bytesTXed = 0; memcpy(MHCall, Call, 9); MHCall[9] = 0; if (TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[Stream] == 0) { // Incoming Connect // APPLCALLS * APPL; // char * ApplPtr = &APPLS; // int App; // char Appl[10]; // char DestCall[10]; UpdateMH(TNC, MHCall, '+', 'I'); ProcessIncommingConnect(TNC, Call, Stream, TRUE); if (FULL_CTEXT && HFCTEXTLEN == 0) { int Len = CTEXTLEN, CTPaclen = 100; int Next = 0; while (Len > CTPaclen) // CTEXT Paclen { buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = CTPaclen; memcpy(buffptr->Data, &CTEXTMSG[Next], CTPaclen); C_Q_ADD(&STREAM->BPQtoPACTOR_Q, buffptr); Next += CTPaclen; Len -= CTPaclen; } buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = Len; memcpy(buffptr->Data, &CTEXTMSG[Next], Len); C_Q_ADD(&STREAM->BPQtoPACTOR_Q, buffptr); } return; } else { // Connect Complete buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = sprintf(buffptr->Data, "*** Connected to %s\r", Call);; C_Q_ADD(&STREAM->PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } } return; } if (TNC->MSGTYPE == 4 || TNC->MSGTYPE == 5) { struct STREAMINFO * STREAM = &TNC->Streams[0]; // RP Stream // Monitor /* if (TNC->UseAPPLCalls && strstr(&Msg[4], "SABM") && STREAM->Attached == FALSE) { // See if a call to Nodecall or one of our APPLCALLS - if so, stop scan and switch MYCALL char DestCall[10] = "NOCALL "; char * ptr1 = strstr(&Msg[7], "to "); int i; APPLCALLS * APPL; char Appl[11]; char Status[80]; if (ptr1) memcpy(DestCall, &ptr1[3], 10); ptr1 = strchr(DestCall, ' '); if (ptr1) *(ptr1) = 0; // Null Terminate Debugprintf("RP SABM Received for %s" , DestCall); if (strcmp(TNC->NodeCall, DestCall) != 0) { // Not Calling NodeCall/Portcall if (strcmp(NodeCall, DestCall) == 0) goto SetThisCall; // See if to one of our ApplCalls for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { APPL=&APPLCALLTABLE[i]; if (APPL->APPLCALL_TEXT[0] > ' ') { char * ptr; memcpy(Appl, APPL->APPLCALL_TEXT, 10); ptr=strchr(Appl, ' '); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; if (strcmp(Appl, DestCall) == 0) { SetThisCall: Debugprintf("RP SABM is for NODECALL or one of our APPLCalls - setting MYCALL to %s and pausing scan", DestCall); sprintf(Status, "%d SCANSTART 60", TNC->Port); // Pause scan for 60 secs Rig_Command( (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, Status); TNC->SwitchToPactor = 600; // Don't change modes for 60 secs strcpy(STREAM->MyCall, DestCall); STREAM->CmdSet = STREAM->CmdSave = zalloc(100); sprintf(STREAM->CmdSet, "I%s\r", DestCall); break; } } } } } */ DoMonitorHddr(TNC, Msg, framelen, TNC->MSGTYPE); return; } // 1, 2, 4, 5 - pass to Appl if (TNC->MSGCHANNEL == 0) // Unproto Channel return; buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == NULL) return; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = sprintf(buffptr->Data,"Trk} %s", &Msg[4]); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return; } if (TNC->MSGTYPE == 6) { // Monitor Data With length) DoMonitorData(TNC, Msg, framelen); return; } if (TNC->MSGTYPE == 7) { //char StatusMsg[60]; //int Status, ISS, Offset; // Connected Data buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == NULL) return; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = framelen; // Length TNC->Streams[Stream].bytesRXed += buffptr->Len; memcpy(buffptr->Data, Msg, buffptr->Len); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->Streams[Stream].PACTORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return; } } VOID TidyClose(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream) { // Queue it as we may have just sent data TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSet = TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSave = zalloc(100); sprintf(TNC->Streams[Stream].CmdSet, "%c%c%cD", Stream, 1, 1); } VOID ForcedClose(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream) { TidyClose(TNC, Stream); // I don't think Hostmode has a DD } VOID CloseComplete(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream) { }