/* Copyright 2001-2018 John Wiseman G8BPQ This file is part of LinBPQ/BPQ32. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LinBPQ/BPQ32. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ #include "bpqmail.h" int APIENTRY ChangeSessionIdletime(int Stream, int idletime); struct MsgInfo * GetMsgFromNumber(int msgno); BOOL ForwardMessagetoFile(struct MsgInfo * Msg, FILE * Handle); struct UserInfo * FindBBS(char * Name); int ListMessagestoForward(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user); static char seps[] = " \t\r"; VOID DoAuthCmd(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context) { int AuthInt = 0; if (!(user->flags & F_SYSOP)) { nodeprintf(conn, "AUTH can only be used by SYSOPs\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } if (Arg1) AuthInt = atoi(Arg1); else { nodeprintf(conn, "AUTH Code missing\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } if (user->Temp->LastAuthCode == AuthInt) { nodeprintf(conn, "AUTH Code already used\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } if (Arg1 && CheckOneTimePassword(Arg1, user->pass)) { conn->sysop = TRUE; nodeprintf(conn, "Ok\r"); user->Temp->LastAuthCode = atoi(Arg1); } else nodeprintf(conn, "AUTH Failed\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } VOID DoEditUserCmd(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context) { char Line[200] = "User Flags:"; struct UserInfo * EUser = user; if (conn->sysop == 0) { nodeprintf(conn, "Edit User needs SYSOP status\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } if (Arg1 == 0 || _stricmp(Arg1, "HELP") == 0) { nodeprintf(conn, "EDITUSER CALLSIGN to Display\r"); nodeprintf(conn, "EDITUSER CALLSIGN FLAG1 FLAG2 ... to set, -FLAG1 -FLAG2 ... to clear\r"); nodeprintf(conn, "EDITUSER: Flags are: EXC(luded) EXP(ert) SYSOP BBS PMS EMAIL HOLD RMS(Express User) APRS(Mail For)\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } EUser = LookupCall(Arg1); if (EUser == 0) { nodeprintf(conn, "User %s not found\r", Arg1); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } Arg1 = strtok_s(NULL, seps, &Context); if (Arg1 == NULL) goto UDisplay; // A set of flags to change +Flag or -Flag while(Arg1 && strlen(Arg1) > 2) { _strupr(Arg1); if (strstr(Arg1, "EXC")) if (Arg1[0] != '-') EUser->flags |= F_Excluded; else EUser->flags &= ~F_Excluded; if (strstr(Arg1, "EXP")) if (Arg1[0] != '-') EUser->flags |= F_Expert; else EUser->flags &= ~F_Expert; if (strstr(Arg1, "SYS")) if (Arg1[0] != '-') EUser->flags |= F_SYSOP; else EUser->flags &= ~F_SYSOP; if (strstr(Arg1, "BBS")) if (Arg1[0] != '-') EUser->flags |= F_BBS; else EUser->flags &= ~F_BBS; if (strstr(Arg1, "PMS")) if (Arg1[0] != '-') EUser->flags |= F_PMS; else EUser->flags &= ~F_PMS; if (strstr(Arg1, "EMAIL")) if (Arg1[0] != '-') EUser->flags |= F_EMAIL; else EUser->flags &= ~F_EMAIL; if (strstr(Arg1, "HOLD")) if (Arg1[0] != '-') EUser->flags |= F_HOLDMAIL; else EUser->flags &= ~F_HOLDMAIL; if (strstr(Arg1, "RMS")) if (Arg1[0] != '-') EUser->flags |= F_Temp_B2_BBS; else EUser->flags &= ~F_Temp_B2_BBS; if (strstr(Arg1, "APRS")) if (Arg1[0] != '-') EUser->flags |= F_APRSMFOR; else EUser->flags &= ~F_APRSMFOR; Arg1 = strtok_s(NULL, seps, &Context); } SaveUserDatabase(); // Drop through to display UDisplay: if (EUser->flags & F_Excluded) strcat(Line, " EXC"); if (EUser->flags & F_Expert) strcat(Line, " EXP"); if (EUser->flags & F_SYSOP) strcat(Line, " SYSOP"); if (EUser->flags & F_BBS) strcat(Line, " BBS"); if (EUser->flags & F_PMS) strcat(Line, " PMS"); if (EUser->flags & F_EMAIL) strcat(Line, " EMAIL"); if (EUser->flags & F_HOLDMAIL) strcat(Line, " HOLD"); if (EUser->flags & F_Temp_B2_BBS) strcat(Line, " RMS"); if (EUser->flags & F_APRSMFOR) strcat(Line, " APRS"); strcat(Line, "\r"); nodeprintf(conn, Line); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } VOID DoShowRMSCmd(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * inuser, char * Arg1, char * Context) { int i, s; char FWLine[10000] = ""; struct UserInfo * user; char RMSCall[20]; if (conn->sysop == 0) { nodeprintf(conn, "Command needs SYSOP status\r"); SendPrompt(conn, inuser); return; } for (i = 0; i <= NumberofUsers; i++) { user = UserRecPtr[i]; if (user->flags & F_POLLRMS) { if (user->RMSSSIDBits == 0) user->RMSSSIDBits = 1; for (s = 0; s < 16; s++) { if (user->RMSSSIDBits & (1 << s)) { strcat(FWLine, " "); if (s) { sprintf(RMSCall, "%s-%d", user->Call, s); strcat(FWLine, RMSCall); } else strcat(FWLine, user->Call); } } } } strcat(FWLine, "\r"); nodeprintf(conn, FWLine); } VOID DoPollRMSCmd(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context) { char RMSLine[200]; char RMSCall[10]; struct UserInfo * RMSUser = user; int s; Loop: if (Arg1) { // Update if (_stricmp(Arg1, "Enable") == 0) { RMSUser->flags |= F_POLLRMS; Arg1 = strtok_s(NULL, seps, &Context); goto Display; } else if (_stricmp(Arg1, "Disable") == 0) { RMSUser->flags &= ~F_POLLRMS; Arg1 = strtok_s(NULL, seps, &Context); goto Display; } else if (strlen(Arg1) > 2) { // Callsign - if SYSOP, following commands apply to selected user if (conn->sysop == 0) { nodeprintf(conn, "Changing RMS Poll params for another user needs SYSOP status\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } RMSUser = LookupCall(Arg1); if (RMSUser == NULL) { nodeprintf(conn, "User %s not found\r", Arg1); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } Arg1 = strtok_s(NULL, seps, &Context); if (Arg1 == NULL) goto Display; if (_stricmp(Arg1, "Enable") == 0 || _stricmp(Arg1, "Disable") == 0 || (strlen(Arg1) < 3)) goto Loop; goto Display; } // A list of SSID's to poll RMSUser->RMSSSIDBits = 0; while(Arg1 && strlen(Arg1) < 3) { s = atoi(Arg1); if (s < 16) RMSUser->RMSSSIDBits |= (1 << (s)); Arg1 = strtok_s(NULL, seps, &Context); } } // Drop through to display Display: strcpy(RMSLine, "Polling for calls"); if (RMSUser->flags & F_POLLRMS) { if (RMSUser->RMSSSIDBits == 0) RMSUser->RMSSSIDBits = 1; { for (s = 0; s < 16; s++) { if (RMSUser->RMSSSIDBits & (1 << s)) { strcat(RMSLine, " "); if (s) { sprintf(RMSCall, "%s-%d", RMSUser->Call, s); strcat(RMSLine, RMSCall); } else strcat(RMSLine, RMSUser->Call); } } } strcat(RMSLine, "\r"); nodeprintf(conn, RMSLine); } else nodeprintf(conn, "RMS Polling for %s disabled\r", RMSUser->Call); if (Arg1) goto Loop; SaveUserDatabase(); SendPrompt(conn, user); } VOID DoSetIdleTime(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context) { int IdleTime; if (Arg1) IdleTime = atoi(Arg1); else { nodeprintf(conn, "Format is IDLETIME nnn\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } if (IdleTime < 60 || IdleTime > 900) { nodeprintf(conn, "Time out of range (60 to 900 seconds)\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } if (conn->BPQStream >= 0) ChangeSessionIdletime(conn->BPQStream, IdleTime); else { nodeprintf(conn, "Can't set Idle Time on Console)\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } nodeprintf(conn, "Idle Tine set to %d\r", IdleTime); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } VOID DoSetMsgNo(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context) { int newNumber; if (conn->sysop == 0) { nodeprintf(conn, "Command needs SYSOP status\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } if (Arg1) newNumber = atoi(Arg1); else { nodeprintf(conn, "New Number not specified\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } if (newNumber < LatestMsg) { nodeprintf(conn, "New Number less tham current (%d)\r", LatestMsg); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } if (newNumber > (MaxMsgno - 1000)) { nodeprintf(conn, "New Number too close to Max Message Number\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } nodeprintf(conn, "Next message number was %d, now %d\r", LatestMsg, newNumber); SendPrompt(conn, user); LatestMsg = newNumber; SaveMessageDatabase(); } VOID DoExportCmd(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context) { int msgno; char * FN; FILE * Handle = NULL; struct MsgInfo * Msg; if (conn->sysop == 0) { nodeprintf(conn, "EXPORT command needs SYSOP status\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } if (Arg1 == 0 || _stricmp(Arg1, "HELP") == 0) { nodeprintf(conn, "EXPORT nnn FILENAME - Export Message nnn to file FILENAME\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } msgno = atoi(Arg1); FN = strtok_s(NULL, " \r", &Context); if (FN == NULL) { nodeprintf(conn, "Missong Filename"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } Msg = GetMsgFromNumber(msgno); if (Msg == NULL) { nodeprintf(conn, "Message %d not found\r", msgno); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } conn->BBSFlags |= BBS; Handle = fopen(FN, "ab"); if (Handle == NULL) { nodeprintf(conn, "File %s could not be opened\r", FN); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } // SetFilePointer(Handle, 0, 0, FILE_END); ForwardMessagetoFile(Msg, Handle); fclose(Handle); nodeprintf(conn, "%Message %d Exported\r", msgno); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } VOID DoImportCmd(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context) { int count; if (conn->sysop == 0) { nodeprintf(conn, "IMPORT command needs SYSOP status\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } if (Arg1 == 0 || _stricmp(Arg1, "HELP") == 0) { nodeprintf(conn, "IMPORT FILENAME - Import Messages from file FILENAME\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } conn->BBSFlags |= BBS; count = ImportMessages(conn, Arg1, TRUE); conn->BBSFlags &= ~BBS; conn->Flags = 0; nodeprintf(conn, "%d Messages Processed\r", count); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } VOID DoFwdCmd(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context) { char Line[200]; struct UserInfo * FwdBBS; struct BBSForwardingInfo * ForwardingInfo; if (conn->sysop == 0) { nodeprintf(conn, "FWD command needs SYSOP status\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } if (Arg1 == 0 || _stricmp(Arg1, "HELP") == 0) { nodeprintf(conn, "FWD BBSCALL - Display settings\r"); nodeprintf(conn, "FWD BBSCALL interval - Set forwarding interval\r"); nodeprintf(conn, "FWD BBSCALL REV interval - Set reverse forwarding interval\r"); nodeprintf(conn, "FWD BBSCALL +- Flags (Flags are EN(able) RE(verse Poll) SE(Send Immediately)\r"); nodeprintf(conn, "FWD BBSCALL NOW - Start a forwarding cycle now\r"); nodeprintf(conn, "FWD QUEUE - List BBS's with queued messages\r"); nodeprintf(conn, "FWD NOW can specify a Connect Script to use, overriding the configured script.\r"); nodeprintf(conn, "Elements are separated by | chars. eg FWD RMS NOW ATT 7|C GM8BPQ-10\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } if (_stricmp(Arg1, "QUEUE") == 0) { struct UserInfo * xuser; int Msgs; if (Context && Context[0]) { // a bbs name - list all messages queued to it strlop(Context, '\r'); xuser = FindBBS(_strupr(Context)); if (xuser) { ListMessagestoForward(conn, xuser); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } } for (xuser = BBSChain; xuser; xuser = xuser->BBSNext) { Msgs = CountMessagestoForward(xuser); if (Msgs) nodeprintf(conn, "%s %d Msgs\r", xuser->Call, Msgs); } SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } FwdBBS = LookupCall(Arg1); if (FwdBBS == 0 || (FwdBBS->flags & F_BBS) == 0) { nodeprintf(conn, "BBS %s not found\r", Arg1); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } ForwardingInfo = FwdBBS->ForwardingInfo; Arg1 = strtok_s(NULL, seps, &Context); if (Arg1 == NULL) goto FDisplay; if (_stricmp(Arg1, "NOW") == 0) { char ** Value = NULL; if (ForwardingInfo->Forwarding) { BBSputs(conn, "Already Connected\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } while (Context[0] == ' ') Context++; if (Context) strlop(Context, 13); if (Context && Context[0]) { // Temp Connect Script to use char * ptr1; char * MultiString = NULL; const char * ptr; int Count = 0; Value = zalloc(sizeof(void *)); // always NULL entry on end even if no values Value[0] = NULL; ptr = Context; while (ptr && strlen(ptr)) { ptr1 = strchr(ptr, '|'); if (ptr1) *(ptr1++) = 0; Value = realloc(Value, (Count+2) * sizeof(void *)); Value[Count++] = _strdup(ptr); ptr = ptr1; } Value[Count] = NULL; } StartForwarding(FwdBBS->BBSNumber, Value); if (ForwardingInfo->Forwarding) nodeprintf(conn, "Forwarding Started\r"); else nodeprintf(conn, "Start Forwarding failed\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } if (_stricmp(Arg1, "REV") == 0) { Arg1 = strtok_s(NULL, seps, &Context); ForwardingInfo->RevFwdInterval = atoi(Arg1); } else { while(Arg1) { _strupr(Arg1); if (isdigits(Arg1)) ForwardingInfo->FwdInterval = atoi(Arg1); else if (strstr(Arg1, "EN")) if (Arg1[0] == '-') ForwardingInfo->Enabled = FALSE; else ForwardingInfo->Enabled = TRUE; else if (strstr(Arg1, "RE")) if (Arg1[0] == '-') ForwardingInfo->ReverseFlag = FALSE; else ForwardingInfo->ReverseFlag = TRUE; else if (strstr(Arg1, "SE")) if (Arg1[0] == '-') ForwardingInfo->SendNew = FALSE; else ForwardingInfo->SendNew = TRUE; Arg1 = strtok_s(NULL, seps, &Context); } } SaveConfig(ConfigName); GetConfig(ConfigName); FDisplay: sprintf(Line, "%s Fwd Interval %d Rev Interval %d Fwd %s, Reverse Poll %s, Send Immediately %s\r", FwdBBS->Call, ForwardingInfo->FwdInterval, ForwardingInfo->RevFwdInterval, (ForwardingInfo->Enabled)? "Enabled" : "Disabled", (ForwardingInfo->ReverseFlag) ? "Enabled": "Disabled", (ForwardingInfo->SendNew) ? "Enabled": "Disabled"); nodeprintf(conn, Line); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } void DoHousekeepingCmd(CIRCUIT * conn, struct UserInfo * user, char * Arg1, char * Context) { if (conn->sysop == 0) { nodeprintf(conn, "DOHOUSEKEEPING command needs SYSOP status\r"); SendPrompt(conn, user); return; } DoHouseKeeping(FALSE); nodeprintf(conn, "Ok\r", Arg1); SendPrompt(conn, user); }