/* Copyright 2001-2015 John Wiseman G8BPQ This file is part of LinBPQ/BPQ32. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LinBPQ/BPQ32. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ // // Interface to allow G8BPQ switch to use VARA Virtual TNC in a form // of ax.25 #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #include #include #include "CHeaders.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif extern int (WINAPI FAR *GetModuleFileNameExPtr)(); extern int (WINAPI FAR *EnumProcessesPtr)(); #define SD_RECEIVE 0x00 #define SD_SEND 0x01 #define SD_BOTH 0x02 #include "bpq32.h" #include "tncinfo.h" #define WSA_ACCEPT WM_USER + 1 #define WSA_DATA WM_USER + 2 #define WSA_CONNECT WM_USER + 3 #define FEND 0xC0 #define FESC 0xDB #define TFEND 0xDC #define TFESC 0xDD static int Socket_Data(int sock, int error, int eventcode); int KillTNC(struct TNCINFO * TNC); int RestartTNC(struct TNCINFO * TNC); int KillPopups(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID MoveWindows(struct TNCINFO * TNC); int SendReporttoWL2K(struct TNCINFO * TNC); char * CheckAppl(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Appl); int DoScanLine(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Buff, int Len); BOOL KillOldTNC(char * Path); int VARASendData(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Buff, int Len); VOID VARASendCommand(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Buff, BOOL Queue); VOID VARAProcessDataPacket(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Data, int Length); void CountRestarts(struct TNCINFO * TNC); int KissEncode(UCHAR * inbuff, UCHAR * outbuff, int len); VOID PROCESSNODEMESSAGE(MESSAGE * Msg, struct PORTCONTROL * PORT); VOID NETROMMSG(struct _LINKTABLE * LINK, L3MESSAGEBUFFER * L3MSG); #ifndef LINBPQ BOOL CALLBACK EnumVARAWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam); #endif static char ClassName[]="VARASTATUS"; static char WindowTitle[] = "VARA"; static int RigControlRow = 165; #define WINMOR #define NARROWMODE 21 #define WIDEMODE 22 #ifndef LINBPQ #include #endif extern int SemHeldByAPI; static RECT Rect; extern void * TRACE_Q; BOOL VARAStopPort(struct PORTCONTROL * PORT) { // Disable Port - close TCP Sockets or Serial Port struct TNCINFO * TNC = PORT->TNC; TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; TNC->Alerted = FALSE; if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, FALSE); // Make sure PTT is down if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached) TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = TRUE; TNC->Streams[0].Disconnecting = FALSE; if (TNC->TCPSock) { shutdown(TNC->TCPSock, SD_BOTH); Sleep(100); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); } if (TNC->TCPDataSock) { shutdown(TNC->TCPDataSock, SD_BOTH); Sleep(100); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); } TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->TCPDataSock = 0; KillTNC(TNC); sprintf(PORT->TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "%s", "Port Stopped"); MySetWindowText(PORT->TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, PORT->TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); return TRUE; } int ConnecttoVARA(int port); BOOL VARAStartPort(struct PORTCONTROL * PORT) { // Restart Port - Open Sockets or Serial Port struct TNCINFO * TNC = PORT->TNC; ConnecttoVARA(TNC->Port); TNC->lasttime = time(NULL);; sprintf(PORT->TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "%s", "Port Restarted"); MySetWindowText(PORT->TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, PORT->TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); return TRUE; } static int ProcessLine(char * buf, int Port) { UCHAR * ptr,* p_cmd; char * p_ipad = 0; char * p_port = 0; unsigned short WINMORport = 0; int BPQport; int len=510; struct TNCINFO * TNC; char errbuf[256]; strcpy(errbuf, buf); ptr = strtok(buf, " \t\n\r"); if(ptr == NULL) return (TRUE); if(*ptr =='#') return (TRUE); // comment if(*ptr ==';') return (TRUE); // comment if (_stricmp(buf, "ADDR")) return FALSE; // Must start with ADDR ptr = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); BPQport = Port; p_ipad = ptr; TNC = TNCInfo[BPQport] = malloc(sizeof(struct TNCINFO)); memset(TNC, 0, sizeof(struct TNCINFO)); TNC->InitScript = malloc(1000); TNC->InitScript[0] = 0; if (p_ipad == NULL) p_ipad = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (p_ipad == NULL) return (FALSE); p_port = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (p_port == NULL) return (FALSE); WINMORport = atoi(p_port); TNC->destaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; TNC->destaddr.sin_port = htons(WINMORport); TNC->Datadestaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; TNC->Datadestaddr.sin_port = htons(WINMORport+1); TNC->HostName = malloc(strlen(p_ipad)+1); if (TNC->HostName == NULL) return TRUE; strcpy(TNC->HostName,p_ipad); ptr = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (ptr) { if (_stricmp(ptr, "PTT") == 0) { ptr = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (ptr) { DecodePTTString(TNC, ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); } } } if (ptr) { if (_memicmp(ptr, "PATH", 4) == 0) { p_cmd = strtok(NULL, "\n\r"); if (p_cmd) TNC->ProgramPath = _strdup(p_cmd); } } TNC->MaxConReq = 10; // Default // Read Initialisation lines while (TRUE) { if (GetLine(buf) == 0) return TRUE; strcpy(errbuf, buf); if (memcmp(buf, "****", 4) == 0) return TRUE; ptr = strchr(buf, ';'); if (ptr) { *ptr++ = 13; *ptr = 0; } else if (_memicmp(buf, "BW2300", 6) == 0) { TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode[0] = 'W'; // Save current state for scanning strcat(TNC->InitScript, buf); TNC->DefaultMode = TNC->WL2KMode = 50; } else if (_memicmp(buf, "BW500", 5) == 0) { TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode[0] = 'N'; strcat(TNC->InitScript, buf); TNC->DefaultMode = TNC->WL2KMode = 53; } else if (_memicmp(buf, "BW2750", 6) == 0) { TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode[0] = 'W'; // Save current state for scanning strcat(TNC->InitScript, buf); TNC->DefaultMode = TNC->WL2KMode = 54; } else if (_memicmp(buf, "FM1200", 6) == 0) TNC->DefaultMode = TNC->WL2KMode = 51; else if (_memicmp(buf, "FM9600", 5) == 0) TNC->DefaultMode = TNC->WL2KMode = 52; else if (standardParams(TNC, buf) == FALSE) strcat(TNC->InitScript, buf); } return (TRUE); } void VARAThread(void * portptr); int ConnecttoVARA(int port); VOID VARAProcessReceivedData(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID VARAProcessReceivedControl(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID VARAReleaseTNC(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID SuspendOtherPorts(struct TNCINFO * ThisTNC); VOID ReleaseOtherPorts(struct TNCINFO * ThisTNC); VOID WritetoTrace(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Msg, int Len); static time_t ltime; static SOCKADDR_IN sinx; static SOCKADDR_IN rxaddr; static int addrlen=sizeof(sinx); static size_t ExtProc(int fn, int port, PDATAMESSAGE buff) { size_t datalen; PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; char txbuff[500]; unsigned int bytes,txlen=0; size_t Param; HKEY hKey=0; struct TNCINFO * TNC = TNCInfo[port]; struct STREAMINFO * STREAM = &TNC->Streams[0]; struct ScanEntry * Scan; if (TNC == NULL) return 0; // Port not defined if (TNC->CONNECTED == 0) { // clear Q if not connected while(TNC->BPQtoWINMOR_Q) { buffptr = Q_REM(&TNC->BPQtoWINMOR_Q); if (buffptr) ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } } switch (fn) { case 8: return 0; case 7: // approx 100 mS Timer. May now be needed, as Poll can be called more frequently in some circumstances // G7TAJ's code to record activity for stats display if ( TNC->BusyFlags && CDBusy ) TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.ACTIVE += 2; if ( TNC->PTTState ) TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.SENDING += 2; // Check session limit timer if ((STREAM->Connecting || STREAM->Connected) && !STREAM->Disconnecting) { if (TNC->SessionTimeLimit && STREAM->ConnectTime && time(NULL) > (TNC->SessionTimeLimit + STREAM->ConnectTime)) { VARASendCommand(TNC, "CLEANTXBUFFER\r", TRUE); VARASendCommand(TNC, "DISCONNECT\r", TRUE); STREAM->Disconnecting = TRUE; TNC->SessionTimeLimit += 120; // Don't retrigger unless things have gone horribly wrong } } while (TNC->PortRecord->UI_Q) { buffptr = Q_REM(&TNC->PortRecord->UI_Q); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } if (TNC->Busy) // Count down to clear { if ((TNC->BusyFlags & CDBusy) == 0) // TNC Has reported not busy { TNC->Busy--; if (TNC->Busy == 0) SetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_CHANSTATE, "Clear"); strcpy(TNC->WEB_CHANSTATE, "Clear"); } } if (TNC->BusyDelay) { // Still Busy? if (InterlockedCheckBusy(TNC) == FALSE) { // No, so send VARASendCommand(TNC, TNC->ConnectCmd, TRUE); TNC->Streams[0].Connecting = TRUE; TNC->Streams[0].ConnectTime = time(NULL); memset(TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, 0, 10); memcpy(TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, &TNC->ConnectCmd[8], strlen(TNC->ConnectCmd)-10); sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "%s Connecting to %s", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall, TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall); SetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); free(TNC->ConnectCmd); TNC->BusyDelay = 0; } else { // Wait Longer TNC->BusyDelay--; if (TNC->BusyDelay == 0) { // Timed out - Send Error Response PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = GetBuff(); TNC->Streams[0].Connecting = FALSE; TNC->Streams[0].ConnectTime = time(NULL); if (buffptr == 0) return (0); // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = 39; memcpy(buffptr->Data,"Sorry, Can't Connect - Channel is busy\r", 39); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->WINMORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); free(TNC->ConnectCmd); sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "In Use by %s", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall); SetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); } } } return 0; case 1: // poll if (STREAM->NeedDisc) { STREAM->NeedDisc--; if (STREAM->NeedDisc == 0) { // Send the DISCONNECT VARASendCommand(TNC, "DISCONNECT\r", TRUE); } } /* { struct tm * tm; char Time[80]; TNC->Restarts++; TNC->LastRestart = time(NULL); tm = gmtime(&TNC->LastRestart); sprintf_s(Time, sizeof(Time),"%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02dZ", tm->tm_year +1900, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_RESTARTTIME, Time); strcpy(TNC->WEB_RESTARTTIME, Time); sprintf_s(Time, sizeof(Time),"%d", TNC->Restarts); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_RESTARTS, Time); strcpy(TNC->WEB_RESTARTS, Time); */ if (TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[0] && TNC->Streams[0].Attached == 0) { // New Attach int calllen; char Msg[80]; TNC->Streams[0].Attached = TRUE; calllen = ConvFromAX25(TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[0]->L4USER, TNC->Streams[0].MyCall); TNC->Streams[0].MyCall[calllen] = 0; // Stop Listening, and set MYCALL to user's call VARASendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN OFF\r", TRUE); TNC->SessionTimeLimit = TNC->DefaultSessionTimeLimit; // Reset Limit // Stop other ports in same group SuspendOtherPorts(TNC); sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "In Use by %s", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); // Stop Scanning sprintf(Msg, "%d SCANSTOP", TNC->Port); Rig_Command( (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, Msg); } if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached) CheckForDetach(TNC, 0, &TNC->Streams[0], TidyClose, ForcedClose, CloseComplete); if (TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC) { TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = FALSE; buff->PORT = 0; return -1; } if (TNC->CONNECTED == FALSE && TNC->CONNECTING == FALSE) { // See if time to reconnect time(<ime); if (ltime - TNC->lasttime > 9 ) { TNC->lasttime = ltime; ConnecttoVARA(port); } } // See if any frames for this port if (TNC->Streams[0].BPQtoPACTOR_Q) //Used for CTEXT { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = Q_REM(&TNC->Streams[0].BPQtoPACTOR_Q); txlen = (int)buffptr->Len; memcpy(txbuff, buffptr->Data, txlen); bytes = VARASendData(TNC, &txbuff[0], txlen); STREAM->BytesTXed += bytes; ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } if (TNC->WINMORtoBPQ_Q != 0) { buffptr=Q_REM(&TNC->WINMORtoBPQ_Q); datalen = buffptr->Len; buff->PORT = 0; // Compatibility with Kam Driver buff->PID = 0xf0; memcpy(&buff->L2DATA[0], buffptr->Data, datalen); datalen += sizeof(void *) + 4; PutLengthinBuffer(buff, (int)datalen); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); return (1); } return (0); case 2: // send if (!TNC->CONNECTED) { // Send Error Response PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return (0); // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len=36; memcpy(buffptr->Data,"No Connection to VARA TNC\r", 36); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->WINMORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); return 0; // Don't try if not connected } if (TNC->Streams[0].BPQtoPACTOR_Q) //Used for CTEXT { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = Q_REM(&TNC->Streams[0].BPQtoPACTOR_Q); txlen = (int)buffptr->Len; memcpy(txbuff, buffptr->Data, txlen); bytes=send(TNC->TCPDataSock, buff->L2DATA, txlen, 0); STREAM->BytesTXed += bytes; WritetoTrace(TNC, txbuff, txlen); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } if (TNC->SwallowSignon) { TNC->SwallowSignon = FALSE; // Discard *** connected return 0; } txlen = GetLengthfromBuffer(buff) - (MSGHDDRLEN + 1); // 1 as no PID if (TNC->Streams[0].Connected) { STREAM->PacketsSent++; bytes=send(TNC->TCPDataSock, buff->L2DATA, txlen, 0); STREAM->BytesTXed += bytes; WritetoTrace(TNC, buff->L2DATA, txlen); } else { if (_memicmp(buff->L2DATA, "D\r", 2) == 0 || _memicmp(buff->L2DATA, "BYE\r", 4) == 0) { TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = TRUE; // Tell Node return 0; } // See if Local command (eg RADIO) if (_memicmp(buff->L2DATA, "RADIO ", 6) == 0) { sprintf(buff->L2DATA, "%d %s", TNC->Port, &buff->L2DATA[6]); if (Rig_Command(TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[0]->L4CROSSLINK, buff->L2DATA)) { } else { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return 1; // No buffers, so ignore buffptr->Len = sprintf(buffptr->Data, "%s", buff->L2DATA); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->WINMORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } return 1; } if (_memicmp(buff->L2DATA, "OVERRIDEBUSY", 12) == 0) { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = GetBuff(); TNC->OverrideBusy = TRUE; if (buffptr) { buffptr->Len = sprintf(buffptr->Data, "VARA} OK\r"); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->WINMORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } return 0; } if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "SessionTimeLimit", 16) == 0) { if (buff->L2DATA[16] != 13) { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = (PMSGWITHLEN)GetBuff(); TNC->SessionTimeLimit = atoi(&buff->L2DATA[16]) * 60; if (buffptr) { buffptr->Len = sprintf((UCHAR *)&buffptr->Data[0], "VARA} OK\r"); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->WINMORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } return 0; } } if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "CODEC TRUE", 9) == 0) TNC->StartSent = TRUE; if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "BW2300", 6) == 0) { TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode[0] = 'W'; // Save current state for scanning TNC->WL2KMode = 50; } if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "BW500", 5) == 0) { TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode[0] = 'N'; TNC->WL2KMode = 53; } if (_memicmp(&buff->L2DATA[0], "D\r", 2) == 0) { TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = TRUE; // Tell Node return 0; } // See if a Connect Command. If so set Connecting if (toupper(buff->L2DATA[0]) == 'C' && buff->L2DATA[1] == ' ' && txlen > 2) // Connect { char Connect[80]; char * ptr = strchr(&buff->L2DATA[2], 13); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; _strupr(&buff->L2DATA[2]); sprintf(Connect, "CONNECT %s %s\r", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall, &buff->L2DATA[2]); // Need to set connecting here as if we delay for busy we may incorrectly process OK response TNC->Streams[0].Connecting = TRUE; // See if Busy if (InterlockedCheckBusy(TNC)) { // Channel Busy. Unless override set, wait if (TNC->OverrideBusy == 0) { // Save Command, and wait up to 10 secs sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "Waiting for clear channel"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); TNC->ConnectCmd = _strdup(Connect); TNC->BusyDelay = TNC->BusyWait * 10; // BusyWait secs return 0; } } TNC->OverrideBusy = FALSE; VARASendCommand(TNC, Connect, TRUE); TNC->Streams[0].ConnectTime = time(NULL); memset(TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, 0, 10); strcpy(TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, &buff->L2DATA[2]); sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "%s Connecting to %s", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall, TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); } else { buff->L2DATA[(txlen++) - 1] = 13; buff->L2DATA[(txlen) - 1] = 0; VARASendCommand(TNC, &buff->L2DATA[0], TRUE); } } return (0); case 3: // CHECK IF OK TO SEND (And check TNC Status) if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached == 0) return TNC->CONNECTED << 8 | 1; return (TNC->CONNECTED << 8 | TNC->Streams[0].Disconnecting << 15); // OK case 4: // reinit shutdown(TNC->TCPSock, SD_BOTH); Sleep(100); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); if (TNC->PID && TNC->WeStartedTNC) { KillTNC(TNC); RestartTNC(TNC); } return 0; case 5: // Close if (TNC->CONNECTED) { if (TNC->Streams[0].Connected) VARASendCommand(TNC, "ABORT\r", TRUE); // GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); // VARASendCommand(TNC, "CLOSE", FALSE); // FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); Sleep(100); } shutdown(TNC->TCPSock, SD_BOTH); Sleep(100); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); if (TNC->WeStartedTNC) KillTNC(TNC); return 0; case 6: // Scan Stop Interface Param = (size_t)buff; if (Param == 2) // Check Permission (shouldn't happen) { Debugprintf("Scan Check Permission called on VARA"); return 1; // OK to change } if (!TNC->CONNECTED) return 0; // No connection so no interlock if (Param == 1) // Request Permission { if (TNC->ConnectPending == 0 && TNC->PTTState == 0) { VARASendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN OFF\r", TRUE); TNC->GavePermission = TRUE; return 0; // OK to Change } if (TNC->ConnectPending) TNC->ConnectPending--; // Time out if set too long if (!TNC->ConnectPending) return 0; // OK to Change return TRUE; } if (Param == 3) // Release Permission { if (TNC->GavePermission) { TNC->GavePermission = FALSE; if (TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode[0] != 'S') // Skip VARASendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN ON\r", TRUE); } return 0; } // Param is Address of a struct ScanEntry Scan = (struct ScanEntry *)buff; if (Scan->VARAMode != TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode[0]) { // Mode changed if (TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode[0] == 'S') { VARASendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN ON\r", TRUE); } if (Scan->VARAMode == 'W') // Set Wide Mode { VARASendCommand(TNC, "BW2300\r", TRUE); TNC->WL2KMode = 50; } if (Scan->VARAMode == 'T') // Set Wide Mode { VARASendCommand(TNC, "BW2750\r", TRUE); TNC->WL2KMode = 54; } else if (Scan->VARAMode == 'N') // Set Narrow Mode { VARASendCommand(TNC, "BW500\r", TRUE); TNC->WL2KMode = 53; } else if (Scan->VARAMode == 'S') // Skip { VARASendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN OFF\r", TRUE); } TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode[0] = Scan->VARAMode; } return 0; } return 0; } void CountRestarts(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { struct tm * tm; char Time[80]; TNC->Restarts++; TNC->LastRestart = time(NULL); tm = gmtime(&TNC->LastRestart); sprintf_s(Time, sizeof(Time),"%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02dZ", tm->tm_year +1900, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min); //MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_RESTARTTIME, Time); //strcpy(TNC->WEB_RESTARTTIME, Time); sprintf_s(Time, sizeof(Time),"%d", TNC->Restarts); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_RESTARTS, Time); strcpy(TNC->WEB_RESTARTS, Time); } /* char WebProcTemplate[] = "" "\r\n" "" "%s" "" "%s" ""; */ char WebProcTemplate[] = "" "\r\n" "\r\n" "%s\r\n" "


"; char Menubit[] = "" "\r\n" "" "Abort Session" "Kill TNC" "Kill and Restart TNC" ""; char sliderBit[] = " TX Offset %d" "\r\n" "\r\n"; static int WebProc(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Buff, BOOL LOCAL) { int Len = sprintf(Buff, WebProcTemplate, TNC->Port, TNC->Port, "VARA Status", "VARA Status"); if (LOCAL) Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], Menubit, TNC->TXOffset, TNC->TXOffset); if (TNC->TXFreq) Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], sliderBit, TNC->TXOffset, TNC->TXOffset); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], ""); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WEB_MODE); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WEB_CHANSTATE); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WEB_PROTOSTATE); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WEB_TRAFFIC); // Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WEB_RESTARTS); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "
Comms State%s
TNC State%s
Channel State%s
TNC Restarts
"); Len += sprintf(&Buff[Len], "", TNC->WebBuffer); Len = DoScanLine(TNC, Buff, Len); return Len; } VOID VARASuspendPort(struct TNCINFO * TNC, struct TNCINFO * ThisTNC) { VARASendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN OFF\r", TRUE); } VOID VARAReleasePort(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { VARASendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN ON\r", TRUE); } void * VARAExtInit(EXTPORTDATA * PortEntry) { int i, port; char Msg[255]; char * ptr; int line; APPLCALLS * APPL; struct TNCINFO * TNC; int AuxCount = 0; char Appl[11]; char * TempScript; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = &PortEntry->PORTCONTROL; // // Will be called once for each VARA port // // The Socket to connect to is in IOBASE // port = PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTNUMBER; ReadConfigFile(port, ProcessLine); TNC = TNCInfo[port]; if (TNC->AutoStartDelay == 0) TNC->AutoStartDelay = 2000; if (TNC == NULL) { // Not defined in Config file sprintf(Msg," ** Error - no info in BPQ32.cfg for this port\n"); WritetoConsole(Msg); return ExtProc; } TNC->Port = port; TNC->ARDOPBuffer = malloc(8192); TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer = malloc(8192); if (TNC->ProgramPath) TNC->WeStartedTNC = 1; TNC->Hardware = H_VARA; if (TNC->BusyWait == 0) TNC->BusyWait = 10; if (TNC->BusyHold == 0) TNC->BusyHold = 1; TNC->PortRecord = PortEntry; if (PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTCALL[0] == 0) memcpy(TNC->NodeCall, MYNODECALL, 10); else ConvFromAX25(&PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTCALL[0], TNC->NodeCall); if (PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTINTERLOCK && TNC->RXRadio == 0 && TNC->TXRadio == 0) TNC->RXRadio = TNC->TXRadio = PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTINTERLOCK; PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PROTOCOL = 10; PortEntry->MAXHOSTMODESESSIONS = 1; PortEntry->SCANCAPABILITIES = SIMPLE; // Scan Control - pending connect only PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.UICAPABLE = FALSE; if (PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTPACLEN == 0) PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTPACLEN = 236; TNC->SuspendPortProc = VARASuspendPort; TNC->ReleasePortProc = VARAReleasePort; PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTSTARTCODE = VARAStartPort; PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.PORTSTOPCODE = VARAStopPort; TNC->ModemCentre = 1500; // WINMOR is always 1500 Offset if (TNC->NRNeighbour) { // NETROM over VARA Link TNC->NetRomMode = 1; TNC->LISTENCALLS = MYNETROMCALL; PORT->PortNoKeepAlive = 1; TNC->DummyLink = zalloc(sizeof(struct _LINKTABLE)); TNC->DummyLink->LINKPORT = &TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL; } else PORT->PORTQUALITY = 0; ptr=strchr(TNC->NodeCall, ' '); if (ptr) *(ptr) = 0; // Null Terminate // Set Essential Params and MYCALL // Put overridable ones on front, essential ones on end TempScript = zalloc(1000); // strcat(TempScript, "ROBUST False\r"); // Set MYCALL(S) if (TNC->LISTENCALLS) { sprintf(Msg, "MYCALL %s", TNC->LISTENCALLS); } else { sprintf(Msg, "MYCALL %s", TNC->NodeCall); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { APPL=&APPLCALLTABLE[i]; if (APPL->APPLCALL_TEXT[0] > ' ') { char * ptr; memcpy(Appl, APPL->APPLCALL_TEXT, 10); ptr=strchr(Appl, ' '); if (ptr) { // *ptr++ = ' '; *ptr = 0; } strcat(Msg, " "); strcat(Msg, Appl); AuxCount++; if (AuxCount == 4) // Max 5 in MYCALL break; } } } strcat(Msg, "\r"); strcat(TempScript, Msg); strcat(TempScript, TNC->InitScript); free(TNC->InitScript); TNC->InitScript = TempScript; strcat(TNC->InitScript,"LISTEN ON\r"); strcpy(TNC->CurrentMYC, TNC->NodeCall); if (TNC->WL2K == NULL) if (PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.WL2KInfo.RMSCall[0]) // Alrerady decoded TNC->WL2K = &PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.WL2KInfo; // if mode hasn't been set explicitly or via WL2KREPORT set to HF Wide mode (BW2300) if (TNC->DefaultMode == 0) { if (TNC->WL2K && TNC->WL2K->mode >= 50 && TNC->WL2K->mode <= 53) // A VARA Mode TNC->DefaultMode = TNC->WL2KMode = TNC->WL2K->mode; else TNC->DefaultMode = TNC->WL2KMode = 50; // Default to 2300 } if (TNC->destaddr.sin_family == 0) { // not defined in config file, so use localhost and port from IOBASE TNC->destaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; TNC->destaddr.sin_port = htons(PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.IOBASE); TNC->Datadestaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; TNC->Datadestaddr.sin_port = htons(PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.IOBASE+1); TNC->HostName=malloc(10); if (TNC->HostName != NULL) strcpy(TNC->HostName,""); } PortEntry->PORTCONTROL.TNC = TNC; TNC->WebWindowProc = WebProc; TNC->WebWinX = 520; TNC->WebWinY = 500; TNC->WebBuffer = zalloc(5000); TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_CHANSTATE = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_BUFFERS = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_PROTOSTATE = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_RESTARTTIME = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_RESTARTS = zalloc(100); TNC->WEB_MODE = zalloc(20); TNC->WEB_TRAFFIC = zalloc(100); #ifndef LINBPQ line = 6; if (TNC->TXFreq) { CreatePactorWindow(TNC, ClassName, WindowTitle, RigControlRow + 22, PacWndProc, 550, 450, ForcedClose); InitCommonControls(); // loads common control's DLL CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "TX Tune", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10,line,120,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_TXTUNE = CreateWindowEx(0, TRACKBAR_CLASS, "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 116,line,200,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_TXTUNEVAL = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "0", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 320,line,30,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); SendMessage(TNC->xIDC_TXTUNE, TBM_SETRANGE, (WPARAM) TRUE, (LPARAM) MAKELONG(-200, 200)); // min. & max. positions line += 22; } else CreatePactorWindow(TNC, ClassName, WindowTitle, RigControlRow, PacWndProc, 500, 450, ForcedClose); CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "Comms State", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10,line,120,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 116,line,386,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); line += 22; CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "TNC State", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10,line,106,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 116,line,520,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); line += 22; CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "Mode", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10,line,100,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_MODE = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 116,line,200,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); line += 22; CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "Channel State", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10,line,110,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_CHANSTATE = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 116,line,144,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); line += 22; CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "S/N", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,10,line,80,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_PROTOSTATE = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,116,line,374,20 , TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); line += 22; CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "Traffic", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,10,line,80,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_TRAFFIC = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "0 0 0 0", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,line,116,374,20 , TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); line += 22; CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "TNC Restarts", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,10,line,100,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_RESTARTS = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "0", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,116,line,20,20 , TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "Last Restart", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,140,line,100,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->xIDC_RESTARTTIME = CreateWindowEx(0, "STATIC", "Never", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,250,line,200,20, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); line += 22; TNC->hMonitor= CreateWindowEx(0, "LISTBOX", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL, 0,line,250,300, TNC->hDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TNC->ClientHeight = 450; TNC->ClientWidth = 500; TNC->hMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(TNC->hMenu, MF_STRING, WINMOR_KILL, "Kill VARA TNC"); AppendMenu(TNC->hMenu, MF_STRING, WINMOR_RESTART, "Kill and Restart VARA TNC"); AppendMenu(TNC->hMenu, MF_STRING, WINMOR_RESTARTAFTERFAILURE, "Restart TNC after failed Connection"); CheckMenuItem(TNC->hMenu, WINMOR_RESTARTAFTERFAILURE, (TNC->RestartAfterFailure) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); AppendMenu(TNC->hMenu, MF_STRING, ARDOP_ABORT, "Abort Current Session"); MoveWindows(TNC); #endif Consoleprintf("VARA Host %s %d", TNC->HostName, htons(TNC->destaddr.sin_port)); ConnecttoVARA(port); time(&TNC->lasttime); // Get initial time value return ExtProc; } int ConnecttoVARA(int port) { if (TNCInfo[port]->CONNECTING || TNCInfo[port]->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PortStopped) return 0; _beginthread(VARAThread, 0, (void *)(size_t)port); return 0; } VOID VARAThread(void * portptr) { // Opens sockets and looks for data on control and data sockets. int port = (int)(size_t)portptr; char Msg[255]; int err, i, ret; u_long param=1; BOOL bcopt=TRUE; struct hostent * HostEnt; struct TNCINFO * TNC = TNCInfo[port]; fd_set readfs; fd_set errorfs; struct timeval timeout; char * ptr1; char * ptr2; PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; if (TNC->HostName == NULL) return; TNC->BusyFlags = 0; TNC->CONNECTING = TRUE; Sleep(3000); // Allow init to complete if (TNCInfo[port]->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PortStopped) { TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; } // printf("Starting VARA Thread\n"); // if on Windows and Localhost see if TNC is running #ifdef WIN32 if (strcmp(TNC->HostName, "") == 0) { // can only check if running on local host TNC->PID = GetListeningPortsPID(TNC->destaddr.sin_port); if (TNC->PID == 0) goto TNCNotRunning; // Get the File Name in case we want to restart it. if (TNC->ProgramPath == NULL) { if (GetModuleFileNameExPtr) { HANDLE hProc; char ExeName[256] = ""; hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION |PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, TNC->PID); if (hProc) { GetModuleFileNameExPtr(hProc, 0, ExeName, 255); CloseHandle(hProc); TNC->ProgramPath = _strdup(ExeName); } } } goto TNCRunning; } #endif TNCNotRunning: // Not running or can't check, restart if we have a path if (TNC->ProgramPath) { Consoleprintf("Trying to (re)start TNC %s", TNC->ProgramPath); if (RestartTNC(TNC)) CountRestarts(TNC); Sleep(TNC->AutoStartDelay); } TNCRunning: if (TNC->Alerted == FALSE) { sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connecting to TNC"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); } TNC->destaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(TNC->HostName); TNC->Datadestaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(TNC->HostName); if (TNC->destaddr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { // Resolve name to address HostEnt = gethostbyname (TNC->HostName); if (!HostEnt) { TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; sprintf(Msg, "Resolve Failed for VARA socket - error code = %d\r\n", WSAGetLastError()); WritetoConsole(Msg); return; // Resolve failed } memcpy(&TNC->destaddr.sin_addr.s_addr,HostEnt->h_addr,4); memcpy(&TNC->Datadestaddr.sin_addr.s_addr,HostEnt->h_addr,4); } // closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); // closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); TNC->TCPSock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (TNC->TCPSock == INVALID_SOCKET) { i=sprintf(Msg, "Socket Failed for VARA socket - error code = %d\r\n", WSAGetLastError()); WritetoConsole(Msg); TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; } TNC->TCPDataSock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (TNC->TCPDataSock == INVALID_SOCKET) { i=sprintf(Msg, "Socket Failed for VARA Data socket - error code = %d\r\n", WSAGetLastError()); WritetoConsole(Msg); TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); return; } setsockopt(TNC->TCPSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); setsockopt(TNC->TCPDataSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); // setsockopt(TNC->TCPDataSock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char FAR *)&bcopt, 4); sinx.sin_family = AF_INET; sinx.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sinx.sin_port = 0; // printf("Trying to connect to VARA TNC\n"); if (connect(TNC->TCPSock,(LPSOCKADDR) &TNC->destaddr,sizeof(TNC->destaddr)) == 0) { // Connected successful goto VConnected; } if (TNC->Alerted == FALSE) { err=WSAGetLastError(); sprintf(Msg, "Connect Failed for VARA socket - error code = %d Port %d\n", err, htons(TNC->destaddr.sin_port)); WritetoConsole(Msg); TNC->Alerted = TRUE; sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connection to TNC failed"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); } // printf("VARA Connect failed\n"); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; return; VConnected: // Connect Data Port if (connect(TNC->TCPDataSock,(LPSOCKADDR) &TNC->Datadestaddr,sizeof(TNC->Datadestaddr)) == 0) { // // Connected successful // } else { if (TNC->Alerted == FALSE) { err=WSAGetLastError(); i=sprintf(Msg, "Connect Failed for VARA Data socket - error code = %d\r\n", err); WritetoConsole(Msg); sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connection to TNC failed"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); TNC->Alerted = TRUE; } closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; RestartTNC(TNC); return; } Sleep(1000); TNC->LastFreq = 0; TNC->CONNECTING = FALSE; TNC->CONNECTED = TRUE; TNC->BusyFlags = 0; TNC->InputLen = 0; // Send INIT script // VARA needs each command in a separate send ptr1 = &TNC->InitScript[0]; // We should wait for first RDY. Cheat by queueing a null command GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); while(TNC->BPQtoWINMOR_Q) { buffptr = Q_REM(&TNC->BPQtoWINMOR_Q); if (buffptr) ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } while (ptr1 && ptr1[0]) { unsigned char c; ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, 13); if (ptr2) { c = *(ptr2 + 1); // Save next char *(ptr2 + 1) = 0; // Terminate string } VARASendCommand(TNC, ptr1, TRUE); if (ptr2) *(1 + ptr2++) = c; // Put char back ptr1 = ptr2; } TNC->Alerted = TRUE; sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connected to VARA TNC"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); sprintf(Msg, "Connected to VARA TNC Port %d\r\n", TNC->Port); WritetoConsole(Msg); #ifndef LINBPQ // FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); Sleep(1000); // Give VARA time to update Window title EnumWindows(EnumVARAWindowsProc, (LPARAM)TNC); // GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); #endif while (TNC->CONNECTED) { FD_ZERO(&readfs); FD_ZERO(&errorfs); FD_SET(TNC->TCPSock,&readfs); FD_SET(TNC->TCPSock,&errorfs); if (TNC->CONNECTED) FD_SET(TNC->TCPDataSock,&readfs); // FD_ZERO(&writefs); // if (TNC->BPQtoWINMOR_Q) FD_SET(TNC->TCPDataSock,&writefs); // Need notification of busy clearing if (TNC->CONNECTING || TNC->CONNECTED) FD_SET(TNC->TCPDataSock,&errorfs); timeout.tv_sec = 90; timeout.tv_usec = 0; // We should get messages more frequently that this ret = select((int)TNC->TCPDataSock + 1, &readfs, NULL, &errorfs, &timeout); if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { Debugprintf("VARA Select failed %d ", WSAGetLastError()); goto Lost; } if (ret > 0) { // See what happened if (FD_ISSET(TNC->TCPSock, &readfs)) { GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); VARAProcessReceivedControl(TNC); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); } if (FD_ISSET(TNC->TCPDataSock, &readfs)) { GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); VARAProcessReceivedData(TNC); FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); } if (FD_ISSET(TNC->TCPSock, &errorfs)) { Lost: sprintf(Msg, "VARA Connection lost for Port %d\r\n", TNC->Port); WritetoConsole(Msg); sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connection to TNC lost"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; TNC->Alerted = FALSE; TNC->ConnectPending = FALSE; if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, FALSE); // Make sure PTT is down if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached) TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = TRUE; closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; break; } if (FD_ISSET(TNC->TCPDataSock, &errorfs)) { sprintf(Msg, "VARA Connection lost for Port %d\r\n", TNC->Port); WritetoConsole(Msg); sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connection to TNC lost"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; TNC->Alerted = FALSE; if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, FALSE); // Make sure PTT is down if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached) TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = TRUE; closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; break; } continue; } else { // 60 secs without data. Shouldn't happen continue; sprintf(Msg, "VARA No Data Timeout Port %d\r\n", TNC->Port); WritetoConsole(Msg); // sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connection to TNC lost"); // GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); // MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); // FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; TNC->Alerted = FALSE; if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, FALSE); // Make sure PTT is down if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached) TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = TRUE; // GetSemaphore(&Semaphore, 52); // VARASendCommand(TNC, "CODEC FALSE", FALSE); // FreeSemaphore(&Semaphore); Sleep(100); shutdown(TNC->TCPSock, SD_BOTH); Sleep(100); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); Sleep(100); shutdown(TNC->TCPDataSock, SD_BOTH); Sleep(100); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); // if (TNC->PID && TNC->WeStartedTNC) // { // KillTNC(TNC); // break; } } if (TNC->TCPSock) { shutdown(TNC->TCPSock, SD_BOTH); Sleep(100); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); } if (TNC->TCPDataSock) { shutdown(TNC->TCPDataSock, SD_BOTH); Sleep(100); closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); } sprintf(Msg, "VARA Thread Terminated Port %d\r\n", TNC->Port); WritetoConsole(Msg); } VOID VARAProcessResponse(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Buffer, int MsgLen) { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; struct STREAMINFO * STREAM = &TNC->Streams[0]; Buffer[MsgLen - 1] = 0; // Remove CR TNC->TimeSinceLast = 0; if (_memicmp(Buffer, "PTT ON", 6) == 0) { // Debugprintf("PTT On"); TNC->Busy = TNC->BusyHold * 10; // BusyHold delay if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, TRUE); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "PTT OFF", 6) == 0) { // Debugprintf("PTT Off"); if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, FALSE); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "SN ", 3) == 0) { strcpy(TNC->WEB_PROTOSTATE, &Buffer[3]); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_PROTOSTATE, TNC->WEB_PROTOSTATE); TNC->SNR = atof(&Buffer[3]); return; } if (_stricmp(Buffer, "BUSY ON") == 0) { TNC->BusyFlags |= CDBusy; TNC->Busy = TNC->BusyHold * 10; // BusyHold delay MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_CHANSTATE, "Busy"); strcpy(TNC->WEB_CHANSTATE, "Busy"); TNC->WinmorRestartCodecTimer = time(NULL); return; } if (_stricmp(Buffer, "BUSY OFF") == 0) { TNC->BusyFlags &= ~CDBusy; if (TNC->BusyHold) strcpy(TNC->WEB_CHANSTATE, "BusyHold"); else strcpy(TNC->WEB_CHANSTATE, "Clear"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_CHANSTATE, TNC->WEB_CHANSTATE); TNC->WinmorRestartCodecTimer = time(NULL); return; } if (_memicmp(&Buffer[0], "PENDING", 7) == 0) // Save Pending state for scan control { TNC->ConnectPending = 6; // Time out after 6 Scanintervals Debugprintf(Buffer); // WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 1); return; } if (_memicmp(&Buffer[0], "CANCELPENDING", 13) == 0) { TNC->ConnectPending = FALSE; Debugprintf(Buffer); // If a callsign is present it is the calling station - add to MH if (TNC->SeenCancelPending == 0) { WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 1); TNC->SeenCancelPending = 1; } if (Buffer[13] == ' ') UpdateMH(TNC, &Buffer[14], '!', 'I'); return; } TNC->SeenCancelPending = 0; if (strcmp(Buffer, "OK") == 0) { // Need to discard response to LISTEN OFF after attach if (TNC->DiscardNextOK) { TNC->DiscardNextOK = 0; return; } if (TNC->Streams[0].Connecting == TRUE) return; // Discard response or it will mess up connect scripts } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "BUFFER", 6) == 0) { Debugprintf(Buffer); sscanf(&Buffer[7], "%d", &TNC->Streams[0].BytesOutstanding); if (TNC->Streams[0].BytesOutstanding == 0) { // all sent if (TNC->Streams[0].Disconnecting) // Disconnect when all sent { if (STREAM->NeedDisc == 0) STREAM->NeedDisc = 60; // 6 secs } } else { // Make sure Node Keepalive doesn't kill session. TRANSPORTENTRY * SESS = TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[0]; if (SESS) { SESS->L4KILLTIMER = 0; SESS = SESS->L4CROSSLINK; if (SESS) SESS->L4KILLTIMER = 0; } } sprintf(TNC->WEB_TRAFFIC, "Sent %d RXed %d Queued %s", STREAM->BytesTXed, STREAM->BytesRXed, &Buffer[7]); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TRAFFIC, TNC->WEB_TRAFFIC); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "CONNECTED ", 10) == 0) { char Call[11]; char * ptr; APPLCALLS * APPL; char * ApplPtr = APPLS; int App; char Appl[10]; struct WL2KInfo * WL2K = TNC->WL2K; int Speed = 0; Debugprintf(Buffer); WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 1); STREAM->ConnectTime = time(NULL); STREAM->BytesRXed = STREAM->BytesTXed = STREAM->PacketsSent = 0; strcpy(TNC->WEB_MODE, ""); if (strstr(Buffer, "2300")) { Speed = 50; strcpy(TNC->WEB_MODE, "2300"); } else if (strstr(Buffer, "NARROW")) { Speed = 51; strcpy(TNC->WEB_MODE, "NARROW"); } else if (strstr(Buffer, "WIDE")) { Speed = 52; strcpy(TNC->WEB_MODE, "WIDE"); } else if (strstr(Buffer, "500")) { Speed = 53; strcpy(TNC->WEB_MODE, "500"); } else if (strstr(Buffer, "2750")) { Speed = 54; strcpy(TNC->WEB_MODE, "2750"); } MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_MODE, TNC->WEB_MODE); memcpy(Call, &Buffer[10], 10); ptr = strchr(Call, ' '); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; // Get Target Call ptr = strchr(&Buffer[10], ' '); if (ptr) { memcpy(TNC->TargetCall, ++ptr, 10); strlop(TNC->TargetCall, ' '); } TNC->HadConnect = TRUE; if (TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[0] == 0 || (TNC->NetRomMode && STREAM->Connecting == 0)) { TRANSPORTENTRY * SESS; // Incoming Connect // Stop other ports in same group SuspendOtherPorts(TNC); TNC->SessionTimeLimit = TNC->DefaultSessionTimeLimit; // Reset Limit ProcessIncommingConnectEx(TNC, Call, 0, (TNC->NetRomMode == 0), TRUE); SESS = TNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[0]; if (Speed) SESS->Mode = Speed; else SESS->Mode = TNC->WL2KMode; TNC->ConnectPending = FALSE; if (TNC->RIG && TNC->RIG != &TNC->DummyRig && strcmp(TNC->RIG->RigName, "PTT")) { sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "%s Connected to %s Inbound Freq %s", TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, TNC->TargetCall, TNC->RIG->Valchar); SESS->Frequency = (int)(atof(TNC->RIG->Valchar) * 1000000.0) + 1500; // Convert to Centre Freq if (SESS->Frequency == 1500) { // try to get from WL2K record if (WL2K) SESS->Frequency = WL2K->Freq; } } else { sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "%s Connected to %s Inbound", TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, TNC->TargetCall); if (WL2K) SESS->Frequency = WL2K->Freq; } if (WL2K) strcpy(SESS->RMSCall, WL2K->RMSCall); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); // Check for ExcludeList if (ExcludeList[0]) { if (CheckExcludeList(SESS->L4USER) == FALSE) { char Status[64]; TidyClose(TNC, 0); sprintf(Status, "%d SCANSTART 15", TNC->Port); Rig_Command((TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, Status); Debugprintf("VARA Call from %s rejected", Call); return; } } // IF WE HAVE A PERMITTED CALLS LIST, SEE IF HE IS IN IT if (TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PERMITTEDCALLS) { UCHAR * ptr = TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PERMITTEDCALLS; while (TRUE) { if (memcmp(SESS->L4USER, ptr, 6) == 0) // Ignore SSID break; ptr += 7; if ((*ptr) == 0) // Not in list { char Status[64]; TidyClose(TNC, 0); sprintf(Status, "%d SCANSTART 15", TNC->Port); Rig_Command((TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, Status); Debugprintf("VARA Call from %s not in ValidCalls - rejected", Call); return; } } } if (TNC->NetRomMode) { // send any queued data int bytes; if (TNC->NetRomTxLen) { STREAM->PacketsSent++; bytes = send(TNC->TCPDataSock, TNC->NetRomTxBuffer, TNC->NetRomTxLen, 0); STREAM->BytesTXed += TNC->NetRomTxLen; free(TNC->NetRomTxBuffer); TNC->NetRomTxBuffer = NULL; TNC->NetRomTxLen = 0; } return; } // See which application the connect is for for (App = 0; App < 32; App++) { APPL=&APPLCALLTABLE[App]; memcpy(Appl, APPL->APPLCALL_TEXT, 10); ptr=strchr(Appl, ' '); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; if (_stricmp(TNC->TargetCall, Appl) == 0) break; } if (App < 32) { char AppName[13]; memcpy(AppName, &ApplPtr[App * sizeof(CMDX)], 12); AppName[12] = 0; // if SendTandRtoRelay set and Appl is RMS change to RELAY if (TNC->SendTandRtoRelay && memcmp(AppName, "RMS ", 4) == 0 && (strstr(Call, "-T" ) || strstr(Call, "-R"))) strcpy(AppName, "RELAY "); // Make sure app is available if (CheckAppl(TNC, AppName)) { MsgLen = sprintf(Buffer, "%s\r", AppName); buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { return; // No buffers, so ignore } buffptr->Len = MsgLen; memcpy(buffptr->Data, Buffer, MsgLen); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->WINMORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); TNC->SwallowSignon = TRUE; // Save Appl Call in case needed for } else { char Msg[] = "Application not available\r"; // Send a Message, then a disconenct // Send CTEXT First if (TNC->Streams[0].BPQtoPACTOR_Q) //Used for CTEXT { PMSGWITHLEN buffptr = Q_REM(&TNC->Streams[0].BPQtoPACTOR_Q); int txlen = (int)buffptr->Len; VARASendData(TNC, buffptr->Data, txlen); ReleaseBuffer(buffptr); } VARASendData(TNC, Msg, (int)strlen(Msg)); STREAM->NeedDisc = 100; // 10 secs } } return; } else { // Connect Complete char Reply[80]; int ReplyLen; if (TNC->NetRomMode) { // send any queued data int bytes; if (TNC->NetRomTxLen) { STREAM->PacketsSent++; bytes = send(TNC->TCPDataSock, TNC->NetRomTxBuffer, TNC->NetRomTxLen, 0); STREAM->BytesTXed += TNC->NetRomTxLen; free(TNC->NetRomTxBuffer); TNC->NetRomTxBuffer = NULL; TNC->NetRomTxLen = 0; } } else { buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return; // No buffers, so ignore ReplyLen = sprintf(Reply, "*** Connected to %s\r", TNC->TargetCall); buffptr->Len = ReplyLen; memcpy(buffptr->Data, Reply, ReplyLen); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->WINMORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } TNC->Streams[0].Connecting = FALSE; TNC->Streams[0].Connected = TRUE; // Subsequent data to data channel if (TNC->RIG && TNC->RIG->Valchar[0]) sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "%s Connected to %s Outbound Freq %s", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall, TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, TNC->RIG->Valchar); else sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "%s Connected to %s Outbound", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall, TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); UpdateMH(TNC, TNC->TargetCall, '+', 'O'); return; } } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "DISCONNECTED", 12) == 0) { Debugprintf(Buffer); TNC->ConnectPending = FALSE; // Cancel Scan Lock if (TNC->StartSent) { TNC->StartSent = FALSE; // Disconnect reported following start codec return; } if (TNC->Streams[0].Connecting) { // Report Connect Failed, and drop back to command mode TNC->Streams[0].Connecting = FALSE; buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { return; // No buffers, so ignore } buffptr->Len = sprintf(buffptr->Data, "VARA} Failure with %s\r", STREAM->RemoteCall); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->WINMORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "In Use by %s", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall); SetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); if (TNC->RestartAfterFailure) { if (TNC->ProgramPath) KillTNC(TNC); } return; } WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 1); // Release Session if (STREAM->Connected && STREAM->ConnectTime) { // Create a traffic record char logmsg[120]; time_t Duration; Duration = time(NULL) - STREAM->ConnectTime; if (Duration == 0) Duration = 1; sprintf(logmsg,"Port %2d %9s Bytes Sent %d BPS %d Bytes Received %d BPS %d Time %d Seconds", TNC->Port, STREAM->RemoteCall, STREAM->BytesTXed, (int)(STREAM->BytesTXed/Duration), STREAM->BytesRXed, (int)(STREAM->BytesRXed/Duration), (int)Duration); Debugprintf(logmsg); STREAM->ConnectTime= 0; //Prevent retrigger } STREAM->Connecting = FALSE; STREAM->Connected = FALSE; // Back to Command Mode STREAM->ReportDISC = TRUE; // Tell Node if (STREAM->Disconnecting) // VARAReleaseTNC(TNC); STREAM->Disconnecting = FALSE; return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "IAMALIVE", 8) == 0) { // strcat(Buffer, "\r\n"); // WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, strlen(Buffer)); return; } // Debugprintf(Buffer); if (_memicmp(Buffer, "FAULT", 5) == 0) { WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen - 3); // return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "REGISTERED", 9) == 0) { strcat(Buffer, "\r"); WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, (int)strlen(Buffer)); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "ENCRYPTION ", 11) == 0) { strcat(Buffer, "\r"); WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, (int)strlen(Buffer)); return; } if (_memicmp(Buffer, "MISSING SOUNDCARD", 17) == 0) { strcat(Buffer, "\r"); WritetoTrace(TNC, Buffer, (int)strlen(Buffer)); return; } // Others should be responses to commands // Return others to user (if attached but not connected) if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached == 0) return; if (TNC->Streams[0].Connected) return; if (MsgLen > 200) MsgLen = 200; buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) { return; // No buffers, so ignore } buffptr->Len = sprintf(buffptr->Data, "VARA} %s\r", Buffer); C_Q_ADD(&TNC->WINMORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } VOID VARAProcessReceivedData(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { int InputLen; InputLen = recv(TNC->TCPDataSock, &TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[TNC->DataInputLen], 8192 - TNC->DataInputLen, 0); if (InputLen == 0 || InputLen == SOCKET_ERROR) { // Does this mean closed? // closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connection to TNC lost"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; TNC->Alerted = FALSE; if (TNC->PTTMode) Rig_PTT(TNC, FALSE); // Make sure PTT is down if (TNC->Streams[0].Attached) TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = TRUE; TNC->Streams[0].Disconnecting = FALSE; closesocket(TNC->TCPDataSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; return; } TNC->DataInputLen += InputLen; if (TNC->NetRomMode) { // Unpack KISS frames from data stream unsigned char c; int n = 0; int Len = TNC->DataInputLen; unsigned char KISSBuffer[600]; int KissLen = 0; while (Len) { Len--; c = TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[n++]; if (TNC->ESCFLAG) { // // FESC received - next should be TFESC or TFEND TNC->ESCFLAG = FALSE; if (c == TFESC) c = FESC; if (c == TFEND) c = FEND; } else { switch (c) { case FEND: // // Either start of message or message complete // if (KissLen == 0) { // Start of Message. continue; } // Have a complete KISS frame - remove from buffer and process if (KISSBuffer[0] == 255) { // NODE Message MESSAGE * Msg = GetBuff(); if (Msg) { // Set up header Msg->LENGTH = KissLen + (Msg->L2DATA - (unsigned char *)Msg); memcpy(Msg->L2DATA, KISSBuffer, KissLen); ConvToAX25(TNC->NRNeighbour, Msg->ORIGIN); memcpy(Msg->DEST, NETROMCALL, 7); PROCESSNODEMESSAGE(Msg, &TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL); Msg->PID = 0xcf; Msg->PORT = TNC->Port | 0x80; Msg->CTL = 3; Msg->DEST[6] |= 0x80; // set Command Bit Msg->ORIGIN[6] |= 1; // set end of address time(&Msg->Timestamp); BPQTRACE(Msg, FALSE); } } else { // Netrom Message L3MESSAGEBUFFER * L3MSG = GetBuff(); MESSAGE * Buffer = GetBuff(); if (L3MSG) { // Set up header L3MSG->LENGTH = KissLen + (L3MSG->L3SRCE - (unsigned char *)L3MSG); memcpy(L3MSG->L3SRCE, KISSBuffer, KissLen); L3MSG->L3PID = 0xcf; // Create copy to pass to monitor // To trace we need to reformat as MESSAGE Buffer->PID = 0xcf; Buffer->PORT = TNC->Port; Buffer->CTL = 3; Buffer->LENGTH = KissLen + (Buffer->L2DATA - (unsigned char *)Buffer); memcpy(Buffer->L2DATA, KISSBuffer, KissLen); ConvToAX25(TNC->NRNeighbour, Buffer->DEST); memcpy(Buffer->ORIGIN, NETROMCALL, 7); Buffer->ORIGIN[6] |= 1; // set end of address Buffer->DEST[6] |= 0x80; // set Command Bit time(&Buffer->Timestamp); BPQTRACE(Buffer, FALSE); // TRACE NETROMMSG(TNC->DummyLink, L3MSG); } } if (Len == 0) // All used { TNC->DataInputLen = 0; } else { memmove(TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer, &TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer[n], Len); TNC->DataInputLen = Len; KissLen = 0; n = 0; } continue; case FESC: TNC->ESCFLAG = TRUE; continue; } } // Ok, a normal char KISSBuffer[KissLen++] = c; if (KissLen > 590) KissLen = 0; } // End of input - if there is stuff left in the input buffer we will add the next block to it return; } VARAProcessDataPacket(TNC, TNC->ARDOPDataBuffer, TNC->DataInputLen); TNC->DataInputLen = 0; return; } VOID VARAProcessReceivedControl(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { int InputLen, MsgLen; char * ptr, * ptr2; char Buffer[4096]; // shouldn't get several messages per packet, as each should need an ack // May get message split over packets if (TNC->InputLen > 8000) // Shouldnt have packets longer than this TNC->InputLen=0; InputLen=recv(TNC->TCPSock, &TNC->ARDOPBuffer[TNC->InputLen], 8192 - TNC->InputLen, 0); if (InputLen == 0 || InputLen == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; if (TNC->Streams[0].Connecting || TNC->Streams[0].Connected) TNC->Streams[0].ReportDISC = TRUE; TNC->Streams[0].Disconnecting = FALSE; sprintf(TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE, "Connection to TNC lost"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_COMMSSTATE, TNC->WEB_COMMSSTATE); return; } TNC->InputLen += InputLen; loop: ptr = memchr(TNC->ARDOPBuffer, '\r', TNC->InputLen); if (ptr == 0) // CR in buffer return; // Wait for it ptr2 = &TNC->ARDOPBuffer[TNC->InputLen]; if ((ptr2 - ptr) == 1) // CR { // Usual Case - single msg in buffer VARAProcessResponse(TNC, TNC->ARDOPBuffer, TNC->InputLen); TNC->InputLen=0; return; } else { MsgLen = TNC->InputLen - (int)(ptr2-ptr) + 1; // Include CR memcpy(Buffer, TNC->ARDOPBuffer, MsgLen); VARAProcessResponse(TNC, Buffer, MsgLen); if (TNC->InputLen < MsgLen) { TNC->InputLen = 0; return; } memmove(TNC->ARDOPBuffer, ptr + 1, TNC->InputLen-MsgLen); TNC->InputLen -= MsgLen; goto loop; } return; } VOID VARAProcessDataPacket(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Data, int Length) { // Info on Data Socket - just packetize and send on struct STREAMINFO * STREAM = &TNC->Streams[0]; int PacLen = 236; PMSGWITHLEN buffptr; TNC->TimeSinceLast = 0; STREAM->BytesRXed += Length; Data[Length] = 0; Debugprintf("VARA: RXD %d bytes", Length); sprintf(TNC->WEB_TRAFFIC, "Sent %d RXed %d Queued %d", STREAM->BytesTXed, STREAM->BytesRXed,STREAM->BytesOutstanding); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TRAFFIC, TNC->WEB_TRAFFIC); // May need to fragment while (Length) { int Fraglen = Length; if (Length > PACLEN) Fraglen = PACLEN; Length -= Fraglen; buffptr = GetBuff(); if (buffptr == 0) return; // No buffers, so ignore memcpy(buffptr->Data, Data, Fraglen); WritetoTrace(TNC, Data, Fraglen); Data += Fraglen; buffptr->Len = Fraglen; C_Q_ADD(&TNC->WINMORtoBPQ_Q, buffptr); } return; } static VOID TidyClose(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream) { // If all acked, send disc if (TNC->Streams[0].BytesOutstanding == 0) VARASendCommand(TNC, "DISCONNECT\r", TRUE); } static VOID ForcedClose(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream) { char Abort[] = "ABORT\r"; VARASendCommand(TNC, Abort, TRUE); WritetoTrace(TNC, Abort, 5); } static VOID CloseComplete(struct TNCINFO * TNC, int Stream) { VARAReleaseTNC(TNC); TNC->ARDOPCurrentMode[0] = 0; // Force Mode select on next scan change // Also reset mode in case incoming call has changed it if (TNC->DefaultMode == 50) VARASendCommand(TNC, "BW2300\r", TRUE); else if (TNC->DefaultMode == 53) VARASendCommand(TNC, "BW500\r", TRUE); else if (TNC->DefaultMode == 54) VARASendCommand(TNC, "BW2750\r", TRUE); } VOID VARASendCommand(struct TNCINFO * TNC, char * Buff, BOOL Queue) { int SentLen; if (Buff[0] == 0) // Terminal Keepalive? return; if (memcmp(Buff, "LISTEN O", 8) == 0) TNC->DiscardNextOK = TRUE; // Responding to LISTEN messes up forwarding if (TNC->CONNECTED == 0) return; if (TNC->TCPSock) { SentLen = send(TNC->TCPSock, Buff, (int)strlen(Buff), 0); if (SentLen != strlen(Buff)) { int winerr=WSAGetLastError(); char ErrMsg[80]; sprintf(ErrMsg, "VARA Write Failed for port %d - error code = %d\r\n", TNC->Port, winerr); WritetoConsole(ErrMsg); closesocket(TNC->TCPSock); TNC->TCPSock = 0; TNC->CONNECTED = FALSE; return; } } return; } int VARASendData(struct TNCINFO * TNC, UCHAR * Buff, int Len) { struct STREAMINFO * STREAM = &TNC->Streams[0]; int bytes=send(TNC->TCPDataSock,(const char FAR *)Buff, Len, 0); STREAM->BytesTXed += bytes; WritetoTrace(TNC, Buff, Len); return bytes; } #ifndef LINBPQ BOOL CALLBACK EnumVARAWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { char wtext[128]; struct TNCINFO * TNC = (struct TNCINFO *)lParam; UINT ProcessId; int n; n = GetWindowText(hwnd, wtext, 127); if (memcmp(wtext,"VARA", 4) == 0) { GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &ProcessId); if (TNC->PID == ProcessId) { // Our Process char msg[512]; char ID[64] = ""; int i = 29; memcpy(ID, TNC->PortRecord->PORTCONTROL.PORTDESCRIPTION, 30); while (ID[i] == ' ') ID[i--] = 0; wtext[n] = 0; sprintf (msg, "BPQ %s - %s", ID, wtext); SetWindowText(hwnd, msg); return FALSE; } } return (TRUE); } #endif VOID VARAReleaseTNC(struct TNCINFO * TNC) { // Set mycall back to Node or Port Call, and Start Scanner UCHAR TXMsg[1000]; // ARDOPChangeMYC(TNC, TNC->NodeCall); VARASendCommand(TNC, "LISTEN ON\r", TRUE); strcpy(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "Free"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); // Start Scanner if (TNC->DefaultRadioCmd) { sprintf(TXMsg, "%d %s", TNC->Port, TNC->DefaultRadioCmd); Rig_Command( (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, TXMsg); } sprintf(TXMsg, "%d SCANSTART 15", TNC->Port); Rig_Command( (TRANSPORTENTRY *) -1, TXMsg); ReleaseOtherPorts(TNC); } void SendVARANetrom(struct TNCINFO * TNC, unsigned char * Data, int Len) { // Check that PID is 0xcf, then just send the data portion of packet // We need to delimit packets, and KISS encoding seems as good as any. Also // need to buffer to avoid sending lots of small packets and maybe to wait for // link to connect unsigned char Kiss[600]; int KissLen; struct STREAMINFO * STREAM = &TNC->Streams[0]; if (TNC->CONNECTED == 0) return; // Don't Queue if no connection to TNC KissLen = KissEncode(Data, Kiss, Len); TNC->NetRomTxBuffer = realloc(TNC->NetRomTxBuffer, TNC->NetRomTxLen + KissLen); memcpy(&TNC->NetRomTxBuffer[TNC->NetRomTxLen], Kiss, KissLen); TNC->NetRomTxLen += KissLen; if (STREAM->Connected) { int bytes; STREAM->PacketsSent++; bytes = send(TNC->TCPDataSock, TNC->NetRomTxBuffer, TNC->NetRomTxLen, 0); STREAM->BytesTXed += TNC->NetRomTxLen; free(TNC->NetRomTxBuffer); TNC->NetRomTxBuffer = NULL; TNC->NetRomTxLen = 0; return; } if (TNC->Streams[0].Connecting == 0 && TNC->Streams[0].Connected == 0) { // Try to connect to Neighbour char Connect[32]; TNC->NetRomMode = 1; sprintf(Connect, "CONNECT %s %s\r", MYNETROMCALL, TNC->NRNeighbour); // Need to set connecting here as if we delay for busy we may incorrectly process OK response TNC->Streams[0].Connecting = TRUE; // See if Busy if (InterlockedCheckBusy(TNC)) { // Channel Busy. Unless override set, wait if (TNC->OverrideBusy == 0) { // Save Command, and wait up to 10 secs sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "Waiting for clear channel"); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); TNC->ConnectCmd = _strdup(Connect); TNC->BusyDelay = TNC->BusyWait * 10; // BusyWait secs return; } } TNC->OverrideBusy = FALSE; VARASendCommand(TNC, Connect, TRUE); TNC->Streams[0].ConnectTime = time(NULL); memset(TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, 0, 10); strcpy(TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall, MYNETROMCALL); sprintf(TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE, "%s Connecting to %s", TNC->Streams[0].MyCall, TNC->Streams[0].RemoteCall); MySetWindowText(TNC->xIDC_TNCSTATE, TNC->WEB_TNCSTATE); } } void SendVARANetromNodes(struct TNCINFO * TNC, MESSAGE *Buffer) { // Check that PID is 0xcf, then just send the data portion of packet int Len = Buffer->LENGTH - (Buffer->L2DATA - (unsigned char *)Buffer); if (Buffer->PID != 0xcf) { ReleaseBuffer(Buffer); return; } SendVARANetrom(TNC, Buffer->L2DATA, Len); time(&Buffer->Timestamp); C_Q_ADD(&TRACE_Q, Buffer); } void SendVARANetromMsg(struct TNCINFO * TNC, L3MESSAGEBUFFER * MSG) { MESSAGE * Buffer = (MESSAGE *)MSG; int Len = MSG->LENGTH - (MSG->L3SRCE - (unsigned char *)MSG); if (MSG->L3PID != 0xcf) { ReleaseBuffer(MSG); return; } SendVARANetrom(TNC, MSG->L3SRCE, Len); memmove(Buffer->L2DATA, MSG->L3SRCE, Len); // To trace we need to reformat as MESSAGE Buffer->PID = 0xcf; Buffer->PORT = TNC->Port | 0x80; Buffer->CTL = 3; Buffer->LENGTH = Len + (Buffer->L2DATA - (unsigned char *)Buffer); ConvToAX25(TNC->NRNeighbour, Buffer->DEST); memcpy(Buffer->ORIGIN, NETROMCALL, 7); Buffer->ORIGIN[6] |= 1; // set end of address Buffer->DEST[6] |= 0x80; // set Command Bit time(&Buffer->Timestamp); C_Q_ADD(&TRACE_Q, Buffer); }