/* Copyright 2001-2022 John Wiseman G8BPQ This file is part of LinBPQ/BPQ32. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LinBPQ/BPQ32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LinBPQ/BPQ32. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ // // C replacement for cmd.asm // #define Kernel #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #pragma data_seg("_BPQDATA") //#include "windows.h" //#include "winerror.h" #include "time.h" #include "stdio.h" #include //#include "vmm.h" //#include "SHELLAPI.H" #include "CHeaders.h" #include "bpqaprs.h" #pragma pack() #include "tncinfo.h" #include "telnetserver.h" //#include "GetVersion.h" //#define DllImport __declspec( dllimport ) //#define DllExport __declspec( dllexport ) BOOL DecodeCallString(char * Calls, BOOL * Stay, BOOL * Spy, UCHAR *AXCalls); VOID Send_AX_Datagram(PDIGIMESSAGE Block, DWORD Len, UCHAR Port); int APIENTRY ClearNodes(); VOID GetJSONValue(char * _REPLYBUFFER, char * Name, char * Value); VOID SendHTTPRequest(SOCKET sock, char * Host, int Port, char * Request, char * Params, int Len, char * Return); SOCKET OpenWL2KHTTPSock(); VOID FormatTime3(char * Time, time_t cTime); VOID Format_Addr(unsigned char * Addr, char * Output, BOOL IPV6); VOID Tel_Format_Addr(struct ConnectionInfo * sockptr, char * dst); VOID FindLostBuffers(); BOOL CheckCMS(struct TNCINFO * TNC); VOID L2SENDXID(struct _LINKTABLE * LINK); int CountBits(unsigned long in); VOID SaveMH(); BOOL RestartTNC(struct TNCINFO * TNC); void GetPortCTEXT(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID WriteMiniDump(); char COMMANDBUFFER[81] = ""; // Command Hander input buffer char OrigCmdBuffer[81] = ""; // Command Hander input buffer struct DATAMESSAGE * REPLYBUFFER = NULL; UINT APPLMASK = 0; UCHAR SAVEDAPPLFLAGS = 0; UCHAR ALIASINVOKED = 0; extern struct TNCINFO * TNCInfo[41]; VOID * CMDPTR = 0; short CMDPACLEN = 0; char OKMSG[] = "Ok\r"; char CMDERRMSG[] = "Invalid command - Enter ? for command list\r"; #define CMDERRLEN sizeof(CMDERRMSG) - 1 char PASSWORDMSG[] = "Command requires SYSOP status - enter password\r"; #define LPASSMSG sizeof(PASSWORDMSG) - 1 char CMDLIST[] = "CONNECT BYE INFO NODES PORTS ROUTES USERS MHEARD"; #define CMDLISTLEN sizeof(CMDLIST) - 1 char BADMSG[] = "Bad Parameter\r"; char BADPORT[] = "Invalid Port Number\r"; char NOTEXTPORT[] = "Only valid on EXT ports\r"; char NOVALCALLS[] = "No Valid Calls defined on this port\r"; char BADVALUEMSG[] = "Invalid parameter\r"; char BADCONFIGMSG[] = "Configuration File check falled - will continue with old config\r"; #ifdef LINBPQ char REBOOTOK[] = "Rebooting\r"; #else char REBOOTOK[] = "Rebooting in 20 secs\r"; #endif char REBOOTFAILED[] = "Shutdown failed\r"; char RESTARTOK[] = "Restarting\r"; char RESTARTFAILED[] = "Restart failed\r"; UCHAR ARDOP[7] = {'A'+'A','R'+'R','D'+'D','O'+'O','P'+'P',' '+' '}; // ARDOP IN AX25 UCHAR VARA[7] = {'V'+'V','A'+'A','R'+'R','A'+'A',' '+' ',' '+' '}; // VARA IN AX25 int STATSTIME = 0; int MAXBUFFS = 0; int QCOUNT = 0; int MINBUFFCOUNT = 65535; int NOBUFFCOUNT = 0; int BUFFERWAITS = 0; int MAXDESTS = 0; int NUMBEROFNODES = 0; int L4CONNECTSOUT = 0; int L4CONNECTSIN = 0; int L4FRAMESTX = 0; int L4FRAMESRX = 0; int L4FRAMESRETRIED = 0; int OLDFRAMES = 0; int L3FRAMES = 0; VOID SENDSABM(); VOID RESET2(); int APPL1 = 0; int PASSCMD = 0; #pragma pack(1) struct _EXTPORTDATA DP; // Only way I can think of to get offets to port data into cmd table char CMDALIAS[ALIASLEN][NumberofAppls] = {0}; char * ALIASPTR = &CMDALIAS[0][0]; extern int RigReconfigFlag; CMDX COMMANDS[]; int CMDXLEN = sizeof (CMDX); VOID SENDNODESMSG(); VOID KISSCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID STOPCMS(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID STARTCMS(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID STOPPORT(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID STARTPORT(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID FINDBUFFS(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID WL2KSYSOP(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID AXRESOLVER(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID AXMHEARD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID SHOWTELNET(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID SHOWAGW(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID SHOWARP(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID SHOWNAT(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID PING(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID SHOWIPROUTE(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID FLMSG(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * UserCMD); void ListExcludedCalls(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID APRSCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID RECONFIGTELNET (TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); char * __cdecl Cmdprintf(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, const char * format, ...) { // Send Command response checking PACLEN char Mess[4096]; va_list(arglist); int OldLen; int MsgLen; struct DATAMESSAGE * Buffer; char * Messptr = Mess; int Paclen = Session->SESSPACLEN; if (Paclen == 0) Paclen = 255; va_start(arglist, format); MsgLen = vsprintf(Mess, format, arglist); OldLen = (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER->L2DATA); while ((OldLen + MsgLen) > Paclen) { // Have to send Paclen then get a new buffer int ThisBit = Paclen - OldLen; // What we can send this time if (ThisBit < 0) ThisBit = 0; // How can this happen?? memcpy(Bufferptr, Messptr, ThisBit); Messptr += ThisBit; MsgLen -= ThisBit; // QUEUE IT AND GET ANOTHER BUFFER Buffer = (struct DATAMESSAGE *)GetBuff(); if (Buffer == NULL) // No buffers, so just reuse the old one (better than crashing !!) Buffer = REPLYBUFFER; else SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, Paclen + (4 + sizeof(void *))); REPLYBUFFER = Buffer; Buffer->PID = 0xf0; Bufferptr = &Buffer->L2DATA[0]; OldLen = 0; } // Add last bit to buffer memcpy(Bufferptr, Messptr, MsgLen); return Bufferptr + MsgLen; } VOID SENDNODES(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { SENDNODESMSG(); strcpy(Bufferptr, OKMSG); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(OKMSG); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID SAVEMHCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { SaveMH(); strcpy(Bufferptr, OKMSG); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(OKMSG); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID SAVENODES(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { SaveNodes(); strcpy(Bufferptr, OKMSG); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(OKMSG); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID DUMPCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { WriteMiniDump(); strcpy(Bufferptr, OKMSG); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(OKMSG); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID RIGRECONFIG(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { if (!ProcessConfig()) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Configuration File check falled - will continue with old config"); } else { RigReconfigFlag = TRUE; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Rigcontrol Reconfig requested"); } SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID REBOOT(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { if (Reboot()) { strcpy(Bufferptr, REBOOTOK); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(REBOOTOK); } else { strcpy(Bufferptr, REBOOTFAILED); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(REBOOTFAILED); } SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID RESTART(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { if (Restart()) { strcpy(Bufferptr, RESTARTOK); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(RESTARTOK); } else { strcpy(Bufferptr, RESTARTFAILED); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(RESTARTFAILED); } SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID RESTARTTNC(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { char * ptr, *Context; int portno; ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) { portno = atoi (ptr); if (portno && portno < 33) { struct TNCINFO * TNC = TNCInfo[portno]; if (TNC == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Port\r"); } else { if (TNC->ProgramPath) { if (RestartTNC(TNC)) Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Restart %s Ok\r", TNC->ProgramPath); else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Restart %s Failed\r", TNC->ProgramPath); } else { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "PATH not defined so can't restart TNC\r"); } } } else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Port\r"); } SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } UCHAR VALNODESFLAG = 0, EXTONLY = 0; VOID PORTVAL (TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD); VOID VALNODES(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { VALNODESFLAG = 1; PORTVAL(Session, Bufferptr, CmdTail, CMD); } VOID EXTPORTVAL(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { EXTONLY = 1; PORTVAL(Session, Bufferptr, CmdTail, CMD); } VOID PORTVAL(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // PROCESS PORT VALUE COMMANDS char * ptr, *Context, * ptr1; int portno; UCHAR oldvalue, newvalue; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = PORTTABLE; int n = NUMBEROFPORTS; UCHAR * valueptr; // Get port number ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) { portno = atoi (ptr); if (portno) { while (n--) { if (PORT->PORTNUMBER == portno) { if (VALNODESFLAG) { char * VNPtr = PORT->PERMITTEDCALLS; char Normcall[10]; VALNODESFLAG = 0; if (VNPtr) { while (VNPtr[0]) { Normcall[ConvFromAX25(VNPtr, Normcall)] = 0; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s ", Normcall); VNPtr += 7; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); } else { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s", NOVALCALLS); } SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (EXTONLY) { // Make sure an Extenal Port EXTONLY = 0; if (PORT->PORTTYPE != 0x10) { strcpy(Bufferptr, NOTEXTPORT); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(NOTEXTPORT); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } } valueptr = (UCHAR *)PORT + CMD->CMDFLAG; oldvalue = *valueptr; // Display Param Namee ptr1 = &CMD->String[0]; n = 12; while (*(ptr1) != ' ' && n--) *(Bufferptr++) = *(ptr1++); // See if another param - if not, just display current value ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (ptr && ptr[0]) { // Get new value newvalue = atoi(ptr); *valueptr = newvalue; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, " was %d now %d\r", oldvalue, newvalue); } else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, " %d\r", oldvalue); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } } } // Bad port strcpy(Bufferptr, BADPORT); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(BADPORT); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } VOID SWITCHVAL (TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // Update switch 8 bit value char * ptr, *Context, * ptr1; UCHAR oldvalue, newvalue; int n; UCHAR * valueptr; valueptr = (UCHAR *)CMD->CMDFLAG; oldvalue = *valueptr; // Display Param Name ptr1 = &CMD->String[0]; n = 12; while (*(ptr1) != ' ' && n--) *(Bufferptr++) = *(ptr1++); // See if a param - if not, just display current value ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr && ptr[0]) { // Get new value newvalue = atoi(ptr); *valueptr = newvalue; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, " was %d now %d\r", oldvalue, newvalue); if (memcmp(CMD->String, "NODESINT ", 8) == 0) L3TIMER = L3INTERVAL; } else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, " %d\r", oldvalue); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } VOID SWITCHVALW (TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // Update switch 16 bit value char * ptr, *Context, * ptr1; USHORT oldvalue, newvalue; int n; USHORT * valueptr; valueptr = (USHORT *)CMD->CMDFLAG; oldvalue = (USHORT)*valueptr; // Display Param Name ptr1 = &CMD->String[0]; n = 12; while (*(ptr1) != ' ' && n--) *(Bufferptr++) = *(ptr1++); // See if a param - if not, just display current value ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr && ptr[0]) { // Get new value newvalue = atoi(ptr); *valueptr = newvalue; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, " was %d now %d\r", oldvalue, newvalue); } else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, " %d\r", oldvalue); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } TRANSPORTENTRY * SetupSessionFromSession(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, PBPQVECSTRUC HOSTSESS, UINT APPLMASK) { // Create a Transport (L4) session linked to an incoming Session TRANSPORTENTRY * NewSess = L4TABLE; int Index = 0; while (Index < MAXCIRCUITS) { if (NewSess->L4USER[0] == 0) { // Got One UCHAR * ourcall = &MYCALL[0]; Session->L4CROSSLINK = NewSess; NewSess->L4CROSSLINK = Session; if (APPLMASK) { // Circuit for APPL - look for an APPLCALL APPLCALLS * APPL = APPLCALLTABLE; while ((APPLMASK & 1) == 0) { APPLMASK >>= 1; APPL++; } if (APPL->APPLCALL[0] > 0x40) // We have an applcall ourcall = &APPL->APPLCALL[0]; } memcpy(NewSess->L4USER, ourcall, 7); memcpy(NewSess->L4MYCALL, Session->L4MYCALL, 7); NewSess->CIRCUITINDEX = Index; //OUR INDEX NewSess->CIRCUITID = NEXTID; NEXTID++; if (NEXTID == 0) NEXTID++; // kEEP nON-ZERO NewSess->SESSIONT1 = Session->SESSIONT1; NewSess->L4WINDOW = (UCHAR)L4DEFAULTWINDOW; NewSess->SESSPACLEN = PACLEN; // Default; NewSess->L4TARGET.HOST = HOSTSESS; NewSess->L4STATE = 5; return NewSess; } Index++; NewSess++; } return NULL; } extern int GETCONNECTIONINFO(); BOOL cATTACHTOBBS(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, UINT Mask, int Paclen, int * AnySessions) { PBPQVECSTRUC HOSTSESS = BPQHOSTVECTOR; TRANSPORTENTRY * NewSess; int ApplNum; int n = BPQHOSTSTREAMS; int ConfigedPorts = 0; // LOOK FOR A FREE HOST SESSION while (n--) { if (HOSTSESS->HOSTAPPLMASK & Mask) { // Right appl ConfigedPorts++; if (HOSTSESS->HOSTSESSION == NULL && (HOSTSESS->HOSTFLAGS & 3) == 0) // Not attached and no report outstanding { // WEVE GOT A FREE BPQ HOST PORT - USE IT NewSess = SetupSessionFromSession(Session, HOSTSESS, Mask); if (NewSess == NULL) return FALSE; // Appl not available HOSTSESS->HOSTSESSION = NewSess; // Convert APPLMASK to APPLNUM ApplNum = 1; while (APPLMASK && (APPLMASK & 1) == 0) { ApplNum++; APPLMASK >>= 1; } HOSTSESS->HOSTAPPLNUM = ApplNum; HOSTSESS->HOSTFLAGS |= 2; // Indicate State Change NewSess->L4CIRCUITTYPE = BPQHOST | DOWNLINK; PostStateChange(NewSess); NewSess->SESS_APPLFLAGS = HOSTSESS->HOSTAPPLFLAGS; NewSess->SESSPACLEN = Paclen; return TRUE; } } HOSTSESS++; } *AnySessions = ConfigedPorts; // to distinguish between none and all in use return FALSE; } VOID APPLCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { BOOL CONFAILED = 0; UINT CONERROR ; char APPName[13]; char * ptr1, *ptr2; int n = 12; BOOL Stay = FALSE; // Copy Appl and Null Terminate ptr1 = &CMD->String[0]; ptr2 = APPName; while (*(ptr1) != ' ' && n--) *(ptr2++) = *(ptr1++); *(ptr2) = 0; if (Session->LISTEN) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Can't use %s while listening\r", APPName); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (CmdTail[0] == 'S') Stay = TRUE; Session->STAYFLAG = Stay; memcpy(Session->APPL, CMD->String, 12); // SEE IF THERE IS AN ALIAS DEFINDED FOR THIS COMMAND if (ALIASPTR[0] > ' ') { // COPY ALIAS TO COMMAND BUFFER, THEN REENTER COMMAND HANDLER int SaveSecure = Session->Secure_Session; memcpy(COMMANDBUFFER, ALIASPTR, ALIASLEN); _strupr(COMMANDBUFFER); memcpy(OrigCmdBuffer, ALIASPTR, ALIASLEN); // In case original case version needed ALIASINVOKED = 1; // To prevent Alias Loops // Set secure session for application alias in case telnet outward connect Session->Secure_Session = 1; DoTheCommand(Session); Session->Secure_Session = SaveSecure; return; } if (cATTACHTOBBS(Session, APPLMASK, CMDPACLEN, &CONERROR) == 0) { // No Streams if (CONERROR) Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry, All %s Ports are in use - Please try later\r", APPName); else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry, Application %s is not running - Please try later\r", APPName); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // IF CMD_TO_APPL SET IN APPLFLAGS, SEND INPUT MSG TO APPL if (Session->L4CROSSLINK->SESS_APPLFLAGS & CMD_TO_APPL) { struct DATAMESSAGE * Msg = (struct DATAMESSAGE *)GetBuff(); TRANSPORTENTRY * XSession = Session->L4CROSSLINK; if (Msg) { COMMANDBUFFER[72] = 13; memcpy(Msg->L2DATA, COMMANDBUFFER, 73); Msg->LENGTH = 73 + 4 + sizeof(void *); Msg->PID = 0xf0; C_Q_ADD(&XSession->L4TX_Q, (UINT *)Msg); PostDataAvailable(XSession); } } if (Stay) Session->L4CROSSLINK->L4TARGET.HOST->HOSTFLAGS |= 0x20; // IF MSG_TO_USER SET, SEND 'CONNECTED' MESSAGE TO USER Session->SESS_APPLFLAGS = Session->L4CROSSLINK->SESS_APPLFLAGS; if (Session->L4CROSSLINK->SESS_APPLFLAGS & MSG_TO_USER) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Connected to %s\r", APPName); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // DONT NEED BUFFER ANY MORE ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)REPLYBUFFER); return; } VOID CMDI00(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s", INFOMSG); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID CMDV00(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { if (sizeof(void *) == 4) Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Version %s\r", VersionString); else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Version %s (64 bit)\r", VersionString); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID BYECMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { CLOSECURRENTSESSION(Session); // Kills any crosslink, plus local link ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)REPLYBUFFER); return; } VOID CMDPAC(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // SET PACLEN FOR THIS SESSION char * ptr, *Context; int newvalue; ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr && ptr[0]) { // Get new value newvalue = atoi(ptr); if (newvalue > 29 && newvalue < 256) Session->SESSPACLEN = newvalue & 0xff; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "PACLEN - %d\r", Session->SESSPACLEN); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID CMDIDLE(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // SET IDLETIME FOR THIS SESSION char * ptr, *Context; int newvalue; ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr && ptr[0]) { // Get new value newvalue = atoi(ptr); if (newvalue > 59 && newvalue < 901) Session->L4LIMIT = newvalue; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "IDLETIME - %d\r", Session->L4LIMIT); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID CMDT00(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // SET L4 TIMEOUT FOR CONNECTS ON THIS SESSION char * ptr, *Context; int newvalue; ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr && ptr[0]) { // Get new value newvalue = atoi(ptr); if (newvalue > 20) Session->SESSIONT1 = newvalue; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "L4TIMEOUT - %d\r", Session->SESSIONT1); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } UCHAR PWLen; char PWTEXT[80]; VOID PWDCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { char * ptr, *Context; USHORT pwsum = 0; int n = 5, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5; if (Session->Secure_Session) // HOST - SET AUTHORISED REGARDLESS { Session->PASSWORD = 0xFFFF; // SET AUTHORISED Session->Secure_Session = 1; strcpy(Bufferptr, OKMSG); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(OKMSG); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr && ptr[0]) { // Check Password n = 5; while (n--) pwsum += *(ptr++); if (Session->PASSWORD == pwsum) { Session->PASSWORD = 0xFFFF; // SET AUTHORISED Session->Secure_Session = 1; strcpy(Bufferptr, OKMSG); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(OKMSG); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)REPLYBUFFER); return; } // SEND PASSWORD PROMPT if (PWLen == 0) PWLen = 1; p1 = rand() % PWLen; pwsum += PWTEXT[p1++]; p2 = rand() % PWLen; pwsum += PWTEXT[p2++]; p3 = rand() % PWLen; pwsum += PWTEXT[p3++]; p4 = rand() % PWLen; pwsum += PWTEXT[p4++]; p5 = rand() % PWLen; pwsum += PWTEXT[p5++]; Session->PASSWORD = pwsum; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%d %d %d %d %d\r", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } VOID CMDSTATS(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { char * ptr, *Context; int Port = 0, cols = NUMBEROFPORTS, i; char * uptime; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = PORTTABLE; struct PORTCONTROL * STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); // SEE IF ANY PARAM ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr && ptr[0]) Port = atoi(ptr); // IF ASKING FOR PORT STATS, DONT DO SYSTEM ONES if (Port == 0) { uptime = FormatUptime(STATSTIME); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s", uptime); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Semaphore Get-Rel/Clashes %9d%9d\r", Semaphore.Gets - Semaphore.Rels, Semaphore.Clashes); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Buffers:Max/Cur/Min/Out/Wait%9d%9d%9d%9d%9d\r", MAXBUFFS, QCOUNT, MINBUFFCOUNT, NOBUFFCOUNT, BUFFERWAITS); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Known Nodes/Max Nodes %9d%9d\r", NUMBEROFNODES, MAXDESTS); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "L4 Connects Sent/Rxed %9d%9d\r", L4CONNECTSOUT, L4CONNECTSIN); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "L4 Frames TX/RX/Resent/Reseq%9d%9d%9d%9d\r", L4FRAMESTX, L4FRAMESRX, L4FRAMESRETRIED, OLDFRAMES); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "L3 Frames Relayed %9d\r", L3FRAMES); if (ptr && ptr[0] == 'S') { SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } } // POSITION TO REQUESTED PORT if (Port) { while (PORT && PORT->PORTNUMBER != Port) { PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; cols--; } } if (PORT == NULL) // REQUESTED PORT NOT FOUND { SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } STARTPORT = PORT; if (cols > 7) cols = 7; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, " "); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Port %02d ", PORT->PORTNUMBER); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "L2 Frames Digied"); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%9d", PORT->L2DIGIED); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "L2 Frames Heard "); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%9d", PORT->L2FRAMES); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "L2 Frames Rxed "); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%9d", PORT->L2FRAMESFORUS); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "L2 Frames Sent "); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%9d", PORT->L2FRAMESSENT); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "L2 Timeouts "); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%9d", PORT->L2TIMEOUTS); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "REJ Frames Rxed "); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%9d", PORT->L2REJCOUNT); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "RX out of Seq "); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%9d", PORT->L2OUTOFSEQ); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "L2 Resequenced "); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%9d", PORT->L2RESEQ); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Undrun/Poll T/o "); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%9d", PORT->L2URUNC); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "RX Overruns "); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%9d", PORT->L2ORUNC); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "RX CRC Errors "); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%9d", PORT->RXERRORS); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "FRMRs Sent "); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%9d", PORT->L2FRMRTX); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "FRMRs Received "); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%9d", PORT->L2FRMRRX); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Frames abandoned"); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%9d", PORT->L1DISCARD); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); PORT = STARTPORT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Link Active %% "); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, " %2d %3d", PORT->AVSENDING, PORT->AVACTIVE); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID CMDL00(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // PROCESS 'LINKS' MESSAGE struct _LINKTABLE * LINK = LINKS; int n = MAXLINKS; int len; char Normcall[11] = ""; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Links\r"); while (n--) { if (LINK->LINKCALL[0]) { len = ConvFromAX25(LINK->LINKCALL, Normcall); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s", Normcall); len = ConvFromAX25(LINK->OURCALL, Normcall); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s", Normcall); if (LINK->Ver2point2) Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, " S=%d P=%d T=%d V=2.2\r", LINK->L2STATE, LINK->LINKPORT->PORTNUMBER, LINK->LINKTYPE); else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, " S=%d P=%d T=%d V=%d\r", LINK->L2STATE, LINK->LINKPORT->PORTNUMBER, LINK->LINKTYPE, 2 - LINK->VER1FLAG); } LINK++; } SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID CMDS00(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // PROCESS 'USERS' int n = MAXCIRCUITS; TRANSPORTENTRY * L4 = L4TABLE; TRANSPORTENTRY * Partner; int MaxLinks = MAXLINKS; char State[12] = "", Type[12] = "Uplink"; char LHS[50] = "", MID[10] = "", RHS[50] = ""; char Line[100]; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s%d)\r", SESSIONHDDR, QCOUNT); while (n--) { if (L4->L4USER[0]) { RHS[0] = MID[0] = 0; if ((L4->L4CIRCUITTYPE & UPLINK) == 0) //SHORT CMDS10A ; YES { // IF DOWNLINK, ONLY DISPLAY IF NO CROSSLINK if (L4->L4CROSSLINK == 0) //jne CMDS60 ; WILL PROCESS FROM OTHER END { // ITS A DOWNLINK WITH NO PARTNER - MUST BE A CLOSING SESSION // DISPLAY TO THE RIGHT FOR NOW strcpy(LHS, "(Closing) "); DISPLAYCIRCUIT(L4, RHS); goto CMDS50; } else goto CMDS60; // WILL PROCESS FROM OTHER END } if (L4->L4CROSSLINK == 0) { // Single Entry DISPLAYCIRCUIT(L4, LHS); } else { DISPLAYCIRCUIT(L4, LHS); Partner = L4->L4CROSSLINK; if (Partner->L4STATE == 5) strcpy(MID, "<-->"); else strcpy(MID, "<~~>"); DISPLAYCIRCUIT(Partner, RHS); } CMDS50: memset(Line, 32, 100); memcpy(Line, LHS, (int)strlen(LHS)); memcpy(&Line[35], MID, (int)strlen(MID)); strcpy(&Line[40], RHS); strcat(&Line[40], "\r"); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s", Line); } CMDS60: L4++; } SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID CMDP00(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // Process PORTS Message struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = PORTTABLE; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Ports\r"); while (PORT) { if (PORT->Hide == 0) Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, " %2d %s\r", PORT->PORTNUMBER, PORT->PORTDESCRIPTION); PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } char * DisplayRoute(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, struct ROUTE * Routes, char Verbose) { char Normcall[10]; char locked[] = " ! "; int NodeCount; int Percent = 0; char PercentString[20]; int Iframes, Retries; char Active[10]; int Queued; int Port = 0; int len = ConvFromAX25(Routes->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, Normcall); Normcall[9]=0; if ((Routes->NEIGHBOUR_FLAG & 1) == 1) strcpy(locked, "!"); else strcpy(locked, " "); NodeCount = COUNTNODES(Routes); if (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_LINK && Routes->NEIGHBOUR_LINK->L2STATE >= 5) strcpy(Active, ">"); else strcpy(Active, " "); if (Verbose) { if (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_LINK) Queued = COUNT_AT_L2(Routes->NEIGHBOUR_LINK); // SEE HOW MANY QUEUED else Queued = 0; Iframes = Routes->NBOUR_IFRAMES; Retries = Routes->NBOUR_RETRIES; if (Iframes) { Percent = (Retries * 100) / Iframes; sprintf(PercentString, "%3d%%", Percent); } else strcpy(PercentString, " "); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s%2d %s %3d %3d%s%4d %4d %s %d %d %02d:%02d %d %d", Active, Routes->NEIGHBOUR_PORT, Normcall, Routes->NEIGHBOUR_QUAL, NodeCount, locked, Iframes, Retries, PercentString, Routes->NBOUR_MAXFRAME, Routes->NBOUR_FRACK, Routes->NEIGHBOUR_TIME >> 8, (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_TIME) & 0xff, Queued, Routes->OtherendsRouteQual); // IF INP3 DISPLAY SRTT if (Routes->INP3Node) // INP3 Enabled? { double srtt = Routes->SRTT/1000.0; double nsrtt = Routes->NeighbourSRTT/1000.0; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, " %4.2fs %4.2fs", srtt, nsrtt); } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); } else { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s %d %s %d %d%s\r", Active, Routes->NEIGHBOUR_PORT, Normcall, Routes->NEIGHBOUR_QUAL, NodeCount, locked); } return Bufferptr; } VOID CMDR00(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { struct ROUTE * Routes = NEIGHBOURS; int MaxRoutes = MAXNEIGHBOURS; char locked[] = " ! "; int Percent = 0; char * ptr, * Context; char Verbose = 0; int Port = 0; char AXCALL[7]; BOOL Found; ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr && (int)strlen(ptr) > 1) { // Route Update goto ROUTEUPDATE; } if (ptr) { Verbose = ptr[0]; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (ptr) Port = atoi(ptr); } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Routes\r"); while (MaxRoutes--) { if (Routes->NEIGHBOUR_CALL[0] != 0) if (Port == 0 || Port == Routes->NEIGHBOUR_PORT) Bufferptr = DisplayRoute(Session, Bufferptr, Routes, Verbose); Routes++; } goto SendReply; ROUTEUPDATE: if (Session->PASSWORD != 0xFFFF) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s", PASSWORDMSG); goto SendReply; } // Line is // ROUTES G8BPQ-2 2 100 - Set quality to 100 // ROUTES G8BPQ-2 2 ! - Toggle 'Locked Route' flag // ROUTES G8BPQ-2 2 100 ! - Set quality and toggle 'locked' flag ConvToAX25(ptr, AXCALL); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (ptr) Port = atoi(ptr); if (Port == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Port Number Missing \r"); goto SendReply; } Found = FindNeighbour(AXCALL, Port, &Routes); if (Context && Context[0] > 32) { // More Params ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (ptr) { // Adding memcpy(Routes->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, AXCALL, 7); // In case Add Routes->NEIGHBOUR_PORT = Port; Found = TRUE; } if (strcmp(ptr, "!") == 0) { // Toggle Lock Routes->NEIGHBOUR_FLAG ^= 1; // FLIP LOCKED BIT goto Displayit; } if (strcmp(ptr, "Z") == 0) { // Clear Counts Routes->NBOUR_IFRAMES = 0; Routes->NBOUR_RETRIES = 0; goto Displayit; } Routes->NEIGHBOUR_QUAL = atoi(ptr); if (Context && Context[0] == '!') { // Toggle Lock Routes->NEIGHBOUR_FLAG ^= 1; // FLIP LOCKED BIT goto Displayit; } } Displayit: // Just display if (Found) Bufferptr = DisplayRoute(Session, Bufferptr, Routes, 1); else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not Found\r"); /* MOV ROUTEDISP,1 CMP BYTE PTR [ESI],20H JE SHORT JUSTDISPLAY MOV ZAPFLAG,0 CMP BYTE PTR [ESI],'Z' JNE SHORT NOTZAP MOV ZAPFLAG,1 JMP SHORT JUSTDISPLAY PUBLIC NOTZAP NOTZAP: MOV ROUTEDISP,2 ; LOCK UPDATE CMP BYTE PTR [ESI],'!' JE SHORT JUSTDISPLAY ; ; LOOK FOR V FOR ADDING A DIGI ; CMP WORD PTR [ESI],' V' ; V [SPACE] JE ADDDIGI CALL GETVALUE ; GET NUMBER, UP TO SPACE , CR OR OFFH JC SHORT BADROUTECMD ; INVALID DIGITS MOV NEWROUTEVAL,AL MOV ROUTEDISP,0 CALL SCAN ; SEE IF ! MOV AH,[ESI] PUBLIC JUSTDISPLAY JUSTDISPLAY: MOV ESI,OFFSET32 AX25CALL CALL _FINDNEIGHBOUR JZ SHORT FOUNDROUTE ; IN LIST - OK CMP EBX,0 JE SHORT BADROUTECMD ; TABLE FULL?? MOV ECX,7 MOV EDI,EBX REP MOVSB ; PUT IN CALL MOV AL,SAVEPORT MOV NEIGHBOUR_PORT[EBX],AL JMP SHORT FOUNDROUTE PUBLIC BADROUTECMD BADROUTECMD: POP EDI JMP PBADVALUE PUBLIC FOUNDROUTE FOUNDROUTE: CMP ZAPFLAG,1 JNE SHORT NOTCLEARCOUNTS XOR AX,AX MOV ES:WORD PTR NBOUR_IFRAMES[EDI],AX MOV ES:WORD PTR NBOUR_IFRAMES+2[EDI],AX MOV ES:WORD PTR NBOUR_RETRIES[EDI],AX MOV ES:WORD PTR NBOUR_RETRIES+2[EDI],AX JMP SHORT NOUPDATE PUBLIC NOTCLEARCOUNTS NOTCLEARCOUNTS: CMP ROUTEDISP,1 JE SHORT NOUPDATE CMP ROUTEDISP,2 JE SHORT LOCKUPDATE MOV AL,NEWROUTEVAL MOV NEIGHBOUR_QUAL[EBX],AL CMP AH,'!' JNE SHORT NOUPDATE PUBLIC LOCKUPDATE LOCKUPDATE: XOR NEIGHBOUR_FLAG[EBX],1 ; FLIP LOCKED BIT PUBLIC NOUPDATE NOUPDATE: MOV ESI,EBX POP EDI POP EBX CALL DISPLAYROUTE JMP SENDCOMMANDREPLY PUBLIC ADDDIGI ADDDIGI: ADD ESI,2 PUSH ESI ; SAVE INPUT BUFFER MOV ESI,OFFSET32 AX25CALL CALL _FINDNEIGHBOUR POP ESI JZ SHORT ADD_FOUND ; IN LIST - OK JMP BADROUTECMD PUBLIC ADD_FOUND ADD_FOUND: CALL CONVTOAX25 ; GET DIGI CALLSIGN PUSH ESI MOV ESI,OFFSET32 AX25CALL LEA EDI,NEIGHBOUR_DIGI[EBX] MOV ECX,7 REP MOVSB POP ESI ; MSG BUFFER ; ; SEE IF ANOTHER DIGI ; CMP BYTE PTR [ESI],20H JE SHORT NOMORE CALL CONVTOAX25 ; GET DIGI CALLSIGN MOV ESI,OFFSET32 AX25CALL LEA EDI,NEIGHBOUR_DIGI+7[EBX] MOV ECX,7 REP MOVSB PUBLIC NOMORE NOMORE: JMP NOUPDATE */ SendReply: SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID LISTENCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // PROCESS LISTEN COMMAND // for monitoring a remote ax.25 port int Port = 0, index =0; unsigned int ListenMask = 0; char * ptr, *Context; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = NULL; char ListenPortList[128] = ""; ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ,", &Context); // Now accepts a list of ports if (ptr == 0 || memcmp(ptr, "OFF", 3) == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Listening disabled\r"); Session->LISTEN = 0; SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } while (ptr) { Port = atoi(ptr); if (Port == 0 && NUMBEROFPORTS == 1) Port = 1; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, ", ", &Context); // Get Unproto String if (Port) PORT = GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(Port); if (PORT == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Port %d\r", Port); continue; } if (PORT->PROTOCOL == 10 && PORT->UICAPABLE == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry, port %d is not an ax.25 port\r", Port); continue; } if (PORT->PORTL3FLAG) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry, port %d is for internode traffic only\r", Port); continue; } if (Session->L4CIRCUITTYPE == L2LINK + UPLINK) { if (Session->L4TARGET.LINK->LINKPORT->PORTNUMBER == Port) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "You can't Listen to the port you are connected on\r"); continue; } } sprintf(ListenPortList, "%s %d", ListenPortList, Port); ListenMask |= (1 << (Port - 1)); } Session->LISTEN = ListenMask; if (ListenMask) { if (CountBits(ListenMask) == 1) Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Listening on port%s. Use CQ to send a beacon, LIS to disable\r", ListenPortList); else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Listening on ports%s. Use LIS to disable\r", ListenPortList); } SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } VOID UNPROTOCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // PROCESS UNPROTO COMMAND int Port = 0, index =0; char * ptr, *Context; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = NULL; UCHAR axcalls[64]; BOOL Stay, Spy; ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) Port = atoi(ptr); if (Port == 0 && NUMBEROFPORTS == 1) Port = 1; else ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); // Get Unproto String if (Port) PORT = GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(Port); if (PORT == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (ptr == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Destination missing\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } ptr[strlen(ptr)] = ' '; // Put param back together if (DecodeCallString(ptr, &Stay, &Spy, &axcalls[0]) == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Call\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (PORT->PROTOCOL == 10 && PORT->UICAPABLE == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry, port is not an ax.25 port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (PORT->PORTL3FLAG) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry, port is for internode traffic only\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // Copy Address Info to Session Record Session->UNPROTO = Port; Session->UAddrLen = (int)strlen(axcalls); memcpy(Session->UADDRESS, axcalls, 63); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Unproto Mode - enter ctrl/z or /ex to exit\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } VOID CALCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // PROCESS CAL COMMAND int Port = 0, index = 0, Count = 0; char * ptr, *Context; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = NULL; ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) Port = atoi(ptr); if (Port == 0 && NUMBEROFPORTS == 1) Port = 1; else ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); // Get Unproto String if (Port) PORT = GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(Port); if (PORT == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (PORT->PROTOCOL == 10 && PORT->UICAPABLE == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry, port is not an ax.25 port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (ptr == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Count Missing\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } Count = atoi(ptr); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); // Get Unproto String Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Ok\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } VOID CQCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // Send a CQ Beacon on a radio port. Must be in LISTEN state DIGIMESSAGE Msg; int Port = 0; int OneBits = 0; unsigned int MaskCopy = Session->LISTEN; int Len; UCHAR CQCALL[7]; char Empty[] = ""; char * ptr1 = &OrigCmdBuffer[3]; UCHAR * axptr = &Msg.DIGIS[0][0]; char * ptr2, *Context; while (MaskCopy) { if (MaskCopy & 1) OneBits++; Port++; MaskCopy = MaskCopy >> 1; } if (OneBits == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "You must enter LISTEN before calling CQ\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (OneBits > 1) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "You can't call CQ if LISTENing on more than one port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } Len = (int)strlen(OrigCmdBuffer) - 3; if (Len < 0) Len = 0; memset(&Msg, 0, sizeof(Msg)); Msg.PORT = Port; Msg.CTL = 3; // UI // see if a Via specified if (_memicmp(ptr1, "via ", 4) == 0) { ptr2 = strtok_s(ptr1 + 4, ",", &Context); while (ptr2) { if (ConvToAX25(ptr2, axptr) == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid via string\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } axptr += 7; if (axptr == &Msg.DIGIS[7][0]) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Too many digis\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } ptr1 = ptr2; ptr2 = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &Context); } // ptr1 is start of last digi call. We need to position to data ptr1 = strchr(ptr1, ' '); if (ptr1 == NULL) ptr1 = Empty; else ptr1++ ; // to message Len = (int)strlen(ptr1); } ConvToAX25("CQ", CQCALL); memcpy(Msg.DEST, CQCALL, 7); memcpy(Msg.ORIGIN, Session->L4USER, 7); Msg.ORIGIN[6] ^= 0x1e; // Flip SSID Msg.PID = 0xf0; // Data PID memcpy(&Msg.L2DATA, ptr1, Len); Send_AX_Datagram(&Msg, Len + 2, Port); // Len is Payload ie CTL, PID and Data Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "CQ sent\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } TRANSPORTENTRY * SetupNewSession(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr) { TRANSPORTENTRY * NewSess = L4TABLE; int Index = 0; while (Index < MAXCIRCUITS) { if (NewSess->L4USER[0] == 0) { // Got One Session->L4CROSSLINK = NewSess; NewSess->L4CROSSLINK = Session; memcpy(NewSess->L4USER, Session->L4USER, 7); memcpy(NewSess->L4MYCALL, Session->L4MYCALL, 7); NewSess->CIRCUITINDEX = Index; //OUR INDEX NewSess->CIRCUITID = NEXTID; NEXTID++; if (NEXTID == 0) NEXTID++; // kEEP nON-ZERO NewSess->SESSIONT1 = Session->SESSIONT1; NewSess->L4WINDOW = (UCHAR)L4DEFAULTWINDOW; return NewSess; } Index++; NewSess++; } if (Bufferptr) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry - System Tables Full\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } return NULL; } VOID DoNetromConnect(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, struct DEST_LIST * Dest, BOOL Spy) { TRANSPORTENTRY * NewSess; NewSess = SetupNewSession(Session, Bufferptr); if (NewSess == NULL) return; // Tables Full NewSess->L4CIRCUITTYPE = SESSION + DOWNLINK; NewSess->L4TARGET.DEST = Dest; NewSess->L4STATE = 2; // CONNECTING NewSess->SPYFLAG = Spy; ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)REPLYBUFFER); SENDL4CONNECT(NewSess); L4CONNECTSOUT++; return; } BOOL FindLink(UCHAR * LinkCall, UCHAR * OurCall, int Port, struct _LINKTABLE ** REQLINK) { struct _LINKTABLE * LINK = LINKS; struct _LINKTABLE * FIRSTSPARE = NULL; int n = MAXLINKS; while (n--) { if (LINK->LINKCALL[0] == 0) // Spare { if (FIRSTSPARE == NULL) FIRSTSPARE = LINK; LINK++; continue; } if ((LINK->LINKPORT->PORTNUMBER == Port) && CompareCalls(LINK->LINKCALL, LinkCall) && CompareCalls(LINK->OURCALL, OurCall)) { *REQLINK = LINK; return TRUE; } LINK++; } // ENTRY NOT FOUND - FIRSTSPARE HAS FIRST FREE ENTRY, OR ZERO IF TABLE FULL *REQLINK = FIRSTSPARE; return FALSE; } VOID ATTACHCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * UserCMD); VOID CMDC00(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // PROCESS CONNECT COMMAND TRANSPORTENTRY * NewSess; int CONNECTPORT, Port; BOOL CallEvenIfInNodes = FALSE; char * ptr, *Context; UCHAR axcalls[64]; UCHAR ourcall[7]; // Call we are using (may have SSID bits inverted int ret; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = PORTTABLE; struct _LINKTABLE * LINK; int CQFLAG = 0; // NOT CQ CALL BOOL Stay, Spy; int n; char TextCall[10]; int TextCallLen; char PortString[10]; char cmdCopy[256]; struct _EXTPORTDATA * EXTPORT = (struct _EXTPORTDATA *)PORT;; #ifdef EXCLUDEBITS if (CheckExcludeList(Session->L4USER) == FALSE) { // CONNECTS FROM THIS STATION ARE NOT ALLOWED ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)REPLYBUFFER); return; } #endif if (Session->LISTEN) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Can't connect while listening\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } CONNECTPORT = 0; // NO PORT SPECIFIED ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); strcpy(cmdCopy, Context); // Save in case Telnet Connect if (ptr == 0) { // No param if (CFLAG) // C Command Disabled ? { // Convert to HOST (appl 32) command //MOV _CMDPTR,OFFSET32 _HOSTCMD //MOV _ALIASPTR,OFFSET32 _HOSTCMD + 32 * 31 //MOV _APPLMASK, 80000000H ; Internal Term } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Call\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } Port = atoi(ptr); if (Port) { // IF THERE IS NOTHING FOLLOWING THE NUMBER, ASSUME IT IS A // NUMERIC ALIAS INSTEAD OF A PORT sprintf(PortString, "%d", Port); if (strlen(PortString) < (int)strlen(ptr)) goto NoPort; PORT = GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(Port); if (PORT == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } EXTPORT = (struct _EXTPORTDATA *)PORT; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (ptr == 0) { // No param Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Call\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } CONNECTPORT = Port; if (strcmp(ptr, "CMS") == 0 || strcmp(ptr, "HOST") == 0) // In case someeone has CMS or HOST as an alias goto Downlink; } NoPort: ptr[strlen(ptr)] = ' '; // Put param back together if (ptr[0] == '!') { CallEvenIfInNodes = TRUE; ptr++; } if (memcmp(ptr, "RELAY ", 5) == 0 || memcmp(ptr, "SYNC ", 5) == 0) { // c p relay with extra parms goto Downlink; } // Skip call validation if using a ptc to allow 1:call, 2:call format if (Port && PORT->PROTOCOL == 10 && memcmp(EXTPORT->PORT_DLL_NAME, "SCSPACTOR", 9) == 0) { char * p; if (p = strstr(cmdCopy, " S ")) { Stay = TRUE; p++; *p = ' '; } if (p = strstr(cmdCopy, " Z ")) { Spy = TRUE; p++; *p = ' '; } goto Downlink; } else { if (DecodeCallString(ptr, &Stay, &Spy, &axcalls[0]) == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Call\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } } Session->STAYFLAG = Stay; TextCallLen = ConvFromAX25(axcalls, TextCall); if (CallEvenIfInNodes) goto Downlink; // SEE IF CALL TO ANY OF OUR HOST SESSIONS - UNLESS DIGIS SPECIFIED if (axcalls[7] == 0) { // If this connect is as a result of a command alias, don't check appls or we will loop if (ALIASINVOKED == 0) { APPLCALLS * APPL = APPLCALLTABLE; int n = NumberofAppls; APPLMASK = 1; while (n--) { if (memcmp(axcalls, APPL->APPLALIAS, 6) == 0 || CompareCalls(axcalls, APPL->APPLCALL)) { // Call to an appl // Convert to an APPL command, so any alias is actioned // SEE IF THERE IS AN ALIAS DEFINDED FOR THIS COMMAND if (APPL->APPLHASALIAS && APPL->APPLALIASVAL[0] != 0x20) { // COPY ALIAS TO COMMAND _BUFFER, THEN REENTER COMMAND HANDLER memcpy(COMMANDBUFFER, APPL->APPLALIASVAL, ALIASLEN); COMMANDBUFFER[80] = 0; _strupr(COMMANDBUFFER); memcpy(OrigCmdBuffer, APPL->APPLALIASVAL, ALIASLEN); // In case original case version needed ALIASINVOKED = TRUE; // To prevent Alias Loops } else { // Copy Appl Command to Command Buffer. Ensure doesn't contain old command memset(COMMANDBUFFER, ' ', 72); memcpy(COMMANDBUFFER, APPL->APPLCMD, 12); } DoTheCommand(Session); return; } APPL++; APPLMASK <<= 1; } } } if (axcalls[7] == 0) { // SEE IF CALL TO ANOTHER NODE struct DEST_LIST * Dest = DESTS; int n = MAXDESTS; if (axcalls[6] == 0x60) // if SSID, dont check aliases { while (n--) { if (memcmp(Dest->DEST_ALIAS, TextCall, 6) == 0) { DoNetromConnect(Session, Bufferptr, Dest, Spy); return; } Dest++; } } Dest = DESTS; n = MAXDESTS; while (n--) { if (CompareCalls(Dest->DEST_CALL, axcalls)) { DoNetromConnect(Session, Bufferptr, Dest, Spy); return; } Dest++; } } // Must be Downlink Connect Downlink: if (CONNECTPORT == 0 && NUMBEROFPORTS > 1) { // L2 NEEDS PORT NUMBER Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Downlink connect needs port number - C P CALLSIGN\r"); // Send Port List SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // ENSURE PORT IS AVAILABLE FOR L2 USE if (PORT->PROTOCOL >= 10) // Pactor=-style port? { int count; // if Via PACTOR ARDOP WINMOR or VARA, convert to attach and call = Digi's are in AX25STRING (+7) if (memcmp(&axcalls[7], &WINMOR[0], 6) == 0 || memcmp(&axcalls[7], &ARDOP[0], 6) == 0 || memcmp(&axcalls[7], &VARA[0], 6) == 0 || memcmp(&axcalls[7], &PACTORCALL[0], 6) == 0) { char newcmd[80]; TextCall[TextCallLen] = 0; sprintf(newcmd, "%s %s", CmdTail, TextCall); ATTACHCMD(Session, Bufferptr, newcmd, NULL); return; } // If on a KAM or SCS with ax.25 on port 2, do an Attach command, then pass on connect if (EXTPORT->MAXHOSTMODESESSIONS <= 1) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry, port is not an ax.25 port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // Only Allow Attach VHF from Secure Applications or if PERMITGATEWAY is set if (EXTPORT->PERMITGATEWAY == 0 && Session->Secure_Session == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry, you are not allowed to use this port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } count = EXTPORT->MAXHOSTMODESESSIONS; count--; // First is Pactor Stream, count is now last ax.25 session while (count) { if (EXTPORT->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[count] == 0) { int Paclen, PortPaclen; struct DATAMESSAGE * Buffer; struct DATAMESSAGE Message = {0}; char Callstring[80]; int len; // Found a free one - use it // See if TNC is OK Message.PORT = count; ret = PORT->PORTTXCHECKCODE(PORT, Message.PORT); if ((ret & 0xff00) == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Error - TNC Not Ready\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // GET CIRCUIT TABLE ENTRY FOR OTHER END OF LINK NewSess = SetupNewSession(Session, Bufferptr); if (NewSess == NULL) return; // if a UZ7HO port, and the uplink is L2 or Uz7HO invert SSID bits // We only get here if multisession if (memcmp(EXTPORT->PORT_DLL_NAME, "UZ7HO", 5) != 0) goto noFlip; if ((Session->L4CIRCUITTYPE & BPQHOST))// host goto noFlip; if ((Session->L4CIRCUITTYPE & PACTOR)) { // incoming is Pactorlike - see if UZ7HO if (memcmp(Session->L4TARGET.EXTPORT->PORT_DLL_NAME, "UZ7HO", 5) != 0) goto noFlip; else NewSess->L4USER[6] ^= 0x1e; // UZ7HO Uplink - flip } else // Must be L2 uplink - flip NewSess->L4USER[6] ^= 0x1e; // Flip SSID noFlip: EXTPORT->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[count] = NewSess; NewSess->KAMSESSION = count; // Set paclen to lower of incoming and outgoing Paclen = Session->SESSPACLEN; // Incoming PACLEN if (Paclen == 0) Paclen = 256; // 0 = 256 PortPaclen = PORT->PORTPACLEN; if (PortPaclen == 0) PortPaclen = 256; // 0 = 256 if (PortPaclen < Paclen) Paclen = PortPaclen; NewSess->SESSPACLEN = Paclen; Session->SESSPACLEN = Paclen; NewSess->L4STATE = 5; NewSess->L4CIRCUITTYPE = DOWNLINK + PACTOR; NewSess->L4TARGET.PORT = PORT; // Send the connect command to the TNC Buffer = REPLYBUFFER; Buffer->PORT = count; Buffer->PID = 0xf0; // if on Telnet Port convert use original cmd tail // Why just on telnet - what not all ports?? if (memcmp(EXTPORT->PORT_DLL_NAME, "TELNET", 6) == 0 || memcmp(EXTPORT->PORT_DLL_NAME, "SCSPACTOR", 9) == 0) { NewSess->Secure_Session = Session->Secure_Session; len = sprintf(Callstring,"C %s", cmdCopy); } else { TextCall[TextCallLen] = 0; len = sprintf(Callstring,"C %s", TextCall); if (axcalls[7]) { int digi = 7; // we have digis len += sprintf(&Callstring[len], " via"); while (axcalls[digi]) { TextCall[ConvFromAX25(&axcalls[digi], TextCall)] = 0; len += sprintf(&Callstring[len], " %s", TextCall); digi += 7; } } } Callstring[len++] = 13; Callstring[len] = 0; Buffer->LENGTH = len + MSGHDDRLEN + 1; memcpy(Buffer->L2DATA, Callstring, len); C_Q_ADD(&PORT->PORTTX_Q, (UINT *)Buffer); return; } count--; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Error - No free streams on this port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if ((Session->L4CIRCUITTYPE & BPQHOST) == 0 && PORT->PORTL3FLAG) { //Port only for L3 Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry, port is for internode traffic only\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (PORT->PortUIONLY) { //Port only for UI Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry, port is for UI traffic only\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (Session->L4USER[6] == 0x42 || Session->L4USER[6] == 0x44) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry - Can't make ax.25 calls with SSID of T or R\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // Get Session Entry for Downlink NewSess = SetupNewSession(Session, Bufferptr); if (NewSess == NULL) return; NewSess->L4CIRCUITTYPE = L2LINK + DOWNLINK; // FORMAT LINK TABLE ENTRY FOR THIS CONNECTION memcpy(ourcall, NewSess->L4USER, 7); // SSID SWAP TEST - LEAVE ALONE FOR HOST or Pactor like (unless UZ7HO) if ((Session->L4CIRCUITTYPE & BPQHOST))// host goto noFlip3; if ((Session->L4CIRCUITTYPE & PACTOR)) { // incoming is Pactorlike - see if UZ7HO if (memcmp(Session->L4TARGET.EXTPORT->PORT_DLL_NAME, "UZ7HO", 5) != 0) goto noFlip3; if (Session->L4TARGET.EXTPORT->MAXHOSTMODESESSIONS < 2) // Not multisession goto noFlip3; ourcall[6] ^= 0x1e; // UZ7HO Uplink - flip } else // Must be L2 uplink - flip ourcall[6] ^= 0x1e; // Flip SSID noFlip3: // SET UP NEW SESSION (OR RESET EXISTING ONE) FindLink(axcalls, ourcall, Port, &LINK); if (LINK == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry - System Tables Full\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); // Should release NewSess return; } memcpy(LINK->LINKCALL, axcalls, 7); memcpy(LINK->OURCALL, ourcall, 7); LINK->LINKPORT = PORT; LINK->L2TIME = PORT->PORTT1; // Copy Digis n = 7; ptr = &LINK->DIGIS[0]; while (axcalls[n]) { memcpy(ptr, &axcalls[n], 7); n += 7; ptr += 7; LINK->L2TIME += 2 * PORT->PORTT1; // ADJUST TIMER VALUE FOR 1 DIGI } LINK->LINKTYPE = 2; // DOWNLINK LINK->LINKWINDOW = PORT->PORTWINDOW; RESET2(LINK); // RESET ALL FLAGS if (CMD->String[0] == 'N' && SUPPORT2point2) LINK->L2STATE = 1; // New (2.2) send XID else LINK->L2STATE = 2; // Send SABM LINK->CIRCUITPOINTER = NewSess; NewSess->L4TARGET.LINK = LINK; if (PORT->PORTPACLEN) NewSess->SESSPACLEN = Session->SESSPACLEN = PORT->PORTPACLEN; if (CQFLAG == 0) // if a CQ CALL DONT SEND SABM { if (LINK->L2STATE == 1) L2SENDXID(LINK); else SENDSABM(LINK); } ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)REPLYBUFFER); return; } BOOL DecodeCallString(char * Calls, BOOL * Stay, BOOL * Spy, UCHAR * AXCalls) { // CONVERT CALL + OPTIONAL DIGI STRING TO AX25, RETURN // CONVERTED STRING IN AXCALLS. Return FALSE if invalied char * axptr = AXCalls; char * ptr, *Context; int CQFLAG = 0; // NOT CQ CALL int n = 8; // Max digis *Stay = 0; *Spy = 0; memset(AXCalls, 0, 64); ptr = strtok_s(Calls, " ,", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) return FALSE; // First field is Call if (ConvToAX25(ptr, axptr) == 0) return FALSE; axptr += 7; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ,", &Context); while (ptr && n--) { // NEXT FIELD = COULD BE CALLSIGN, VIA, OR S (FOR STAY) if (strcmp(ptr, "S") == 0) *Stay = TRUE; else if (strcmp(ptr, "Z") == 0) *Spy = TRUE; else if (memcmp(ptr, "VIA", (int)strlen(ptr)) == 0) { } //skip via else { // Convert next digi if (ConvToAX25(ptr, axptr) == 0) return FALSE; axptr += 7; } ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ,", &Context); } return TRUE; } VOID LINKCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // PROCESS *** LINKED to CALLSIGN char * ptr, *Context; UCHAR axcall[7]; int ret; if (LINKEDFLAG == 'Y' || // UNCONDITIONAL? (LINKEDFLAG == 'A' && ((Session->L4CIRCUITTYPE & BPQHOST) || Session->Secure_Session || Session->PASSWORD == 0xffff))) { ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (ptr) { ret = ConvToAX25Ex(ptr, axcall); if (ret) { memcpy(Session->L4USER, axcall, 7); strcpy(Bufferptr, OKMSG); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(OKMSG); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } } strcpy(Bufferptr, BADMSG); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(BADMSG); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } memcpy(Bufferptr, PASSWORDMSG, LPASSMSG); Bufferptr += LPASSMSG; SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } int CompareNode(const void *a, const void *b); int CompareAlias(const void *a, const void *b); char * DoOneNode(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, struct DEST_LIST * Dest) { char Normcall[10]; char Alias[10]; struct NR_DEST_ROUTE_ENTRY * NRRoute; struct DEST_ROUTE_ENTRY * Route; struct ROUTE * Neighbour; int i, Active, len; Alias[6] = 0; memcpy(Alias, Dest->DEST_ALIAS, 6); strlop(Alias, ' '); Normcall[ConvFromAX25(Dest->DEST_CALL, Normcall)] = 0; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Routes to: %s:%s", Alias, Normcall); if (Dest->DEST_COUNT) Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, " RTT=%4.2f FR=%d %c %.1d\r", Dest->DEST_RTT /1000.0, Dest->DEST_COUNT, (Dest->DEST_STATE & 0x40)? 'B':' ', (Dest->DEST_STATE & 63)); else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); NRRoute = &Dest->NRROUTE[0]; Active = Dest->DEST_ROUTE; for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { Neighbour = NRRoute->ROUT_NEIGHBOUR; if (Neighbour) { len = ConvFromAX25(Neighbour->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, Normcall); Normcall[len] = 0; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%c %d %d %d %s\r", (Active == i)?'>':' ',NRRoute->ROUT_QUALITY, NRRoute->ROUT_OBSCOUNT, Neighbour->NEIGHBOUR_PORT, Normcall); } NRRoute++; } // DISPLAY INP3 ROUTES Route = &Dest->ROUTE[0]; Active = Dest->DEST_ROUTE; for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { Neighbour = Route->ROUT_NEIGHBOUR; if (Neighbour) { double srtt = Route->SRTT/1000.0; len = ConvFromAX25(Neighbour->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, Normcall); Normcall[len] = 0; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%c %d %4.2fs %d %s\r", (Active == i + 3)?'>':' ',Route->Hops, srtt, Neighbour->NEIGHBOUR_PORT, Normcall); } Route++; } return Bufferptr; } int DoViaEntry(struct DEST_LIST * Dest, int n, char * line, int cursor) { char Portcall[10]; int len; if (Dest->NRROUTE[n].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR != 0 && Dest->NRROUTE[n].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->INP3Node == 0) { len=ConvFromAX25(Dest->NRROUTE[n].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, Portcall); Portcall[len]=0; len=sprintf(&line[cursor],"%s %d %d ", Portcall, Dest->NRROUTE[n].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_PORT, Dest->NRROUTE[n].ROUT_QUALITY); cursor+=len; if (Dest->NRROUTE[n].ROUT_OBSCOUNT > 127) { len=sprintf(&line[cursor],"! "); cursor+=len; } } return cursor; } int DoINP3ViaEntry(struct DEST_LIST * Dest, int n, char * line, int cursor) { char Portcall[10]; int len; double srtt; if (Dest->ROUTE[n].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR != 0) { srtt = Dest->ROUTE[n].SRTT/1000.0; len=ConvFromAX25(Dest->ROUTE[n].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, Portcall); Portcall[len]=0; len=sprintf(&line[cursor],"%s %d %d %4.2fs ", Portcall, Dest->ROUTE[n].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_PORT, Dest->ROUTE[n].Hops, srtt); cursor+=len; if (Dest->NRROUTE[n].ROUT_OBSCOUNT > 127) { len=sprintf(&line[cursor],"! "); cursor+=len; } } return cursor; } int WildCmp(char * pattern, char * string) { // Check if string is at end or not. if (*pattern == '\0') return *string == '\0'; // Check for single character missing or match if (*pattern == '?' || *pattern == *string) return *string != '\0' && WildCmp(pattern + 1, string + 1); if (*pattern == '*') { // Check for multiple character missing return WildCmp(pattern + 1, string) || (*string != '\0' && WildCmp(pattern, string + 1)); } return 0; } VOID CMDN00(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { struct DEST_LIST * Dest = DESTS; int count = MAXDESTS, i; char Normcall[10]; char Alias[10]; int Width = 4; int x = 0, n = 0; struct DEST_LIST * List[1000]; char Param = 0; char * ptr, * param2,* Context; char Nodeline[21]; char AXCALL[7]; char * Call; char * Qualptr; int Qual; char line[160]; int cursor, len; UCHAR axcall[7]; int SavedOBSINIT = OBSINIT; struct ROUTE * ROUTE = NULL; char Pattern[80] = ""; char * firststar; int minqual = 0; ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); param2 = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (ptr) { if (strcmp(ptr, "ADD") == 0) goto NODE_ADD; if (strcmp(ptr, "DEL") == 0) goto NODE_DEL; if (strcmp(ptr, "VIA") == 0) goto NODE_VIA; } if (ptr) { // Could be C or a pattern. Accept C pattern or pattern C if ((int)strlen(ptr) > 1) { strcpy(Pattern, ptr); if (param2 && param2[0] == 'C') Param = 'C'; } else { Param = ptr[0]; if (param2) strcpy(Pattern, param2); } } // Pattern >nnn selects nodes with at least that quality if (Pattern[0] == '>') { minqual = atoi(&Pattern[1]); Pattern[0] = 0; } // We need to pick out CALL or CALL* from other patterns (as call use detail display) firststar = strchr(Pattern, '*'); if ((firststar && *(firststar + 1) != 0)|| strchr(Pattern, '?')) //(* not on end) // definitely pattern goto DoNodePattern; // If it works as CALL*, process, else drop through if (Pattern[0]) { UCHAR AXCall[8]; int count; int paramlen = (int)strlen(ptr); char parampadded[20]; int n = 0; Alias[8] = 0; strcpy(parampadded, Pattern); strcat(parampadded, " "); ConvToAX25(Pattern, AXCall); // if * on end, list all ssids if (firststar) { AXCall[6] = 0; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); while (AXCall[6] < 32) { Dest = DESTS; for (count = 0; count < MAXDESTS; count++) { if (memcmp(Dest->DEST_ALIAS, parampadded, 6) == 0 || CompareCalls(Dest->DEST_CALL, AXCall)) { break; } Dest++; } if (count < MAXDESTS) { Bufferptr = DoOneNode(Session, Bufferptr, Dest); n++; } AXCall[6] += 2; } if (n) // Found Some { SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } Dest = DESTS; // Reset // Drop through to try as pattern } else { // process as just call for (count = 0; count < MAXDESTS; count++) { if (memcmp(Dest->DEST_ALIAS, parampadded, 6) == 0 || CompareCalls(Dest->DEST_CALL, AXCall)) { break; } Dest++; } if (count == MAXDESTS) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not found\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } Bufferptr = DoOneNode(Session, Bufferptr, Dest); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } } DoNodePattern: Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Nodes\r"); while (count--) { if (Dest->DEST_CALL[0] != 0) { if (Dest->NRROUTE->ROUT_QUALITY >= minqual) if (Param != 'T' || Dest->DEST_COUNT) List[n++] = Dest; if (n > 999) break; } Dest++; } if (Param == 'C') qsort(List, n, sizeof(void *), CompareNode); else qsort(List, n, sizeof(void *), CompareAlias); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int len = ConvFromAX25(List[i]->DEST_CALL, Normcall); Normcall[len]=0; memcpy(Alias, List[i]->DEST_ALIAS, 6); Alias[6] = 0; strlop(Alias, ' '); if (strlen(Alias)) strcat(Alias, ":"); if (Alias[0] == '#' && HIDENODES == 1 && Param != '*') // Hidden Node and not N * command continue; if (Pattern[0]) if (!WildCmp(Pattern, Normcall) && !WildCmp(Pattern, Alias)) continue; if (Param == 'T') { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s%s RTT=%4.2f Frames = %d %c %.1d\r", Alias, Normcall, List[i]->DEST_RTT /1000.0, List[i]->DEST_COUNT, (List[i]->DEST_STATE & 0x40)? 'B':' ', (List[i]->DEST_STATE & 63)); } else { len = sprintf(Nodeline, "%s%s", Alias, Normcall); memset(&Nodeline[len], ' ', 20 - len); Nodeline[20] = 0; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s", Nodeline); if (++x == Width) { x = 0; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); } } } if (x) Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); goto SendReply; NODE_VIA: // List Nodes reachable via a neighbour ptr = param2; if (ptr == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Missing Call\r"); goto SendReply; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\r"); ConvToAX25(ptr, AXCALL); Dest = DESTS; Dest-=1; for (count=0; countNRROUTE[0].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR == 0 && Dest->ROUTE[0].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR == 0) continue; if ((Dest->NRROUTE[0].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR && CompareCalls(Dest->NRROUTE[0].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, AXCALL)) || (Dest->NRROUTE[1].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR && CompareCalls(Dest->NRROUTE[1].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, AXCALL)) || (Dest->NRROUTE[2].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR && CompareCalls(Dest->NRROUTE[2].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, AXCALL)) || (Dest->ROUTE[0].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR && CompareCalls(Dest->ROUTE[0].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, AXCALL)) || (Dest->ROUTE[1].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR && CompareCalls(Dest->ROUTE[1].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, AXCALL)) || (Dest->ROUTE[2].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR && CompareCalls(Dest->ROUTE[2].ROUT_NEIGHBOUR->NEIGHBOUR_CALL, AXCALL))) { len=ConvFromAX25(Dest->DEST_CALL,Normcall); Normcall[len]=0; memcpy(Alias,Dest->DEST_ALIAS,6); Alias[6]=0; for (i=0;i<6;i++) { if (Alias[i] == ' ') Alias[i] = 0; } cursor=sprintf(line,"%s:%s ", Alias,Normcall); cursor = DoViaEntry(Dest, 0, line, cursor); cursor = DoViaEntry(Dest, 1, line, cursor); cursor = DoViaEntry(Dest, 2, line, cursor); cursor = DoINP3ViaEntry(Dest, 0, line, cursor); cursor = DoINP3ViaEntry(Dest, 1, line, cursor); cursor = DoINP3ViaEntry(Dest, 2, line, cursor); line[cursor++]='\r'; line[cursor++]=0; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s", line); } } goto SendReply; NODE_ADD: // FORMAT IS NODE ADD ALIAS:CALL QUAL ROUTE PORT if (Session->PASSWORD != 0xFFFF) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s", PASSWORDMSG); goto SendReply; } ptr = param2; if (ptr == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Missing Alias:Call\r"); goto SendReply; } Call = strlop(ptr, ':'); if (Call == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Missing Alias:Call\r"); goto SendReply; } ConvToAX25(Call, AXCALL); Qualptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (Qualptr == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Quality missing\r"); goto SendReply; } Qual = atoi(Qualptr); if (Qual < MINQUAL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Quality is below MINQUAL\r"); goto SendReply; } if (FindDestination(AXCALL, &Dest)) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Node already in Table\r"); goto SendReply; } if (Dest == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Node Table Full\r"); goto SendReply; } memcpy(Dest->DEST_CALL, AXCALL, 7); memcpy(Dest->DEST_ALIAS, ptr, 6); NUMBEROFNODES++; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (ptr == NULL || ptr[0] == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Neighbour missing\r"); goto SendReply; } if (ConvToAX25(ptr, axcall) == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Neighbour\r"); goto SendReply; } else { int Port; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (ptr == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Port missing\r"); goto SendReply; } Port = atoi(ptr); if (Context[0] == '!') { OBSINIT = 255; //; SPECIAL FOR LOCKED } if (FindNeighbour(axcall, Port, &ROUTE)) { PROCROUTES(Dest, ROUTE, Qual); } OBSINIT = SavedOBSINIT; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Node Added\r"); goto SendReply; } /* PNODE48: ; GET NEIGHBOURS FOR THIS DESTINATION ; CALL CONVTOAX25 JNZ SHORT BADROUTE ; CALL GETVALUE MOV SAVEPORT,AL ; SET PORT FOR _FINDNEIGHBOUR CALL GETVALUE MOV ROUTEQUAL,AL ; MOV ESI,OFFSET32 AX25CALL PUSH EBX ; SAVE DEST CALL _FINDNEIGHBOUR MOV EAX,EBX ; ROUTE TO AX POP EBX JZ SHORT NOTBADROUTE JMP SHORT BADROUTE NOTBADROUTE: ; ; UPDATE ROUTE LIST FOR THIS DEST ; MOV ROUT1_NEIGHBOUR[EBX],EAX MOV AL,ROUTEQUAL MOV ROUT1_QUALITY[EBX],AL MOV ROUT1_OBSCOUNT[EBX],255 ; LOCKED ; POP EDI POP EBX INC _NUMBEROFNODES JMP SENDOK BADROUTE: ; ; KILL IT ; MOV ECX,TYPE DEST_LIST MOV EDI,EBX MOV AL,0 REP STOSB JMP BADROUTECMD */ goto SendReply; NODE_DEL: if (Session->PASSWORD != 0xFFFF) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s", PASSWORDMSG); goto SendReply; } ptr = param2; if (ptr == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Missing Call\r"); goto SendReply; } if (strcmp(ptr, "ALL") == 0) { struct DEST_LIST * DEST = DESTS; int n = MAXDESTS; while (n--) { if (DEST->DEST_CALL[0] && ((DEST->DEST_STATE & 0x80) == 0)) // Don't delete appl node REMOVENODE(DEST); DEST++; } ClearNodes(); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "All Nodes Deleted\r"); goto SendReply; } ConvToAX25(ptr, AXCALL); if (FindDestination(AXCALL, &Dest) == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not Found\r"); goto SendReply; } if (Dest->DEST_STATE & 0x80) Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "APPL Node - Can't delete\r"); else { REMOVENODE(Dest); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Node Deleted\r"); } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Node Deleted\r"); SendReply: SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID CMDQUERY(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * UserCMD) { // DISPLAY AVAILABLE COMMANDS int n; char * ptr; char ApplList[2048]; char * out = ApplList; CMDX * CMD = &COMMANDS[APPL1]; for (n = 0; n < NumberofAppls; n++) { ptr = &CMD->String[0]; if (*(ptr) != '*') { while (*ptr != ' ') { *(out++) = *(ptr++); } *(out++) = ' '; } CMD++; } *(out) = 0; n = CMDLISTLEN; if (NEEDMH == 0) n -= 7; // Dont show MH Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s%s\r", ApplList, CMDLIST); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } char * FormatMH(MHSTRUC * MH, char Format); VOID MHCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // DISPLAY HEARD LIST int Port = 0, sess = 0; char * ptr, *Context, *pattern; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = NULL; MHSTRUC * MH; int count = MHENTRIES; int n; char Normcall[20]; char From[10]; char DigiList[100]; char * Output; int len; char Digi = 0; // Note that the MHDIGIS field may contain rubbish. You have to check End of Address bit to find // how many digis there are ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) Port = atoi(ptr); if (Port) PORT = GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(Port); if (PORT == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } pattern = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (pattern) _strupr(pattern); // Optional filter MH = PORT->PORTMHEARD; if (MH == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "MHEARD not enabled on that port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (pattern && strstr(pattern, "CLEAR")) { if (Session->Secure_Session) { memset(MH, 0, MHENTRIES * sizeof(MHSTRUC)); SaveMH(); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Heard List for Port %d Cleared\r", Port); } else { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "MH Clear needs SYSOP status\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } } else { if (CMD->String[2] == 'V') // MHV { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "MHeard List %s for Port %d\r", MYNODECALL, Port); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Callsign Last heard Pkts RX via Digi ;) \r"); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "--------- ----------- ------- ------------------------------------------\r"); } else if (pattern) Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Heard List for Port %d filtered by %s\r", Port, pattern); else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Heard List for Port %d\r", Port); } while (count--) { if (MH->MHCALL[0] == 0) break; Digi = 0; len = ConvFromAX25(MH->MHCALL, Normcall); Normcall[len++] = MH->MHDIGI; Normcall[len++] = 0; if (pattern && strstr(Normcall, pattern) == 0) { MH++; continue; } n = 8; // Max number of digi-peaters ptr = &MH->MHCALL[6]; // End of Address bit Output = &DigiList[0]; if ((*ptr & 1) == 0) { // at least one digi strcpy(Output, "via "); Output += 4; while ((*ptr & 1) == 0) { // MORE TO COME From[ConvFromAX25(ptr + 1, From)] = 0; Output += sprintf((char *)Output, "%s", From); ptr += 7; n--; if (n == 0) break; // See if digi actioned - put a * on last actioned if (*ptr & 0x80) { if (*ptr & 1) // if last address, must need * { *(Output++) = '*'; Digi = '*'; } else if ((ptr[7] & 0x80) == 0) // Repeased by next? { *(Output++) = '*'; // No, so need * Digi = '*'; } } *(Output++) = ','; } *(--Output) = 0; // remove last comma } else *(Output) = 0; // if we used a digi set * on call and display via string if (Digi) Normcall[len++] = Digi; else DigiList[0] = 0; // Dont show list if not used Normcall[len++] = 0; ptr = FormatMH(MH, CMD->String[2]); if (CMD->String[2] == 'V') // MHV Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%-10s %-10s %-10d %-30s\r", Normcall, ptr, MH->MHCOUNT, DigiList); else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%-10s %s %s\r", Normcall, ptr, DigiList); MH++; } SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } int Rig_Command(int Session, char * Command); VOID RADIOCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * UserCMD) { char * ptr; if (Rig_Command(Session->CIRCUITINDEX, CmdTail)) { ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)REPLYBUFFER); return; } // Error Message is in buffer ptr = strchr(CmdTail, 13); if (ptr) { int len = (int)(++ptr - CmdTail); memcpy(Bufferptr, CmdTail, len); Bufferptr += len; } SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID SendNRRecordRoute(struct DEST_LIST * DEST, TRANSPORTENTRY * Session); VOID NRRCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * UserCMD) { // PROCESS 'NRR - Netrom Record Route' COMMAND char * ptr, *Context; struct DEST_LIST * Dest = DESTS; int count = MAXDESTS; ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) { UCHAR AXCall[8]; int count; ConvToAX25(ptr, AXCall); strcat(ptr, " "); for (count = 0; count < MAXDESTS; count++) { if (memcmp(Dest->DEST_ALIAS, ptr, 6) == 0 || CompareCalls(Dest->DEST_CALL, AXCall)) { SendNRRecordRoute(Dest, Session); memcpy(Bufferptr, OKMSG, 3); Bufferptr += 3; SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } Dest++; } } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not found\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } int CHECKINTERLOCK(struct PORTCONTROL * OURPORT) { // See if any Interlocked ports are Busy struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = PORTTABLE; struct _EXTPORTDATA * EXTPORT; int n = NUMBEROFPORTS; int ourgroup = OURPORT->PORTINTERLOCK; while (PORT) { if (PORT != OURPORT) { if (PORT->PORTINTERLOCK == ourgroup) { // Same Group - is it busy int i = 0; EXTPORT = (struct _EXTPORTDATA *)PORT; while (i < 27) if (EXTPORT->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[i++]) return PORT->PORTNUMBER; } } PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } return 0; } VOID ATTACHCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * UserCMD) { // ATTACH to a PACTOR or similar port TRANSPORTENTRY * NewSess; struct _EXTPORTDATA * EXTPORT; struct TNCINFO * TNC; int Port = 0, sess = 0; char * ptr, *Context; int ret; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = NULL; struct DATAMESSAGE Message = {0}; int Paclen, PortPaclen; struct DATAMESSAGE * Buffer; ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) Port = atoi(ptr); if (Port) PORT = GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(Port); if (PORT == NULL || PORT->PROTOCOL < 10) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // If attach on telnet port, find a free stream EXTPORT = (struct _EXTPORTDATA *)PORT; if (strstr(EXTPORT->PORT_DLL_NAME, "TELNET")) { int count = EXTPORT->MAXHOSTMODESESSIONS; count--; // First is Pactor Stream, count is now last ax.25 session while (count) { if (EXTPORT->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[count] == 0) { int Paclen, PortPaclen; struct DATAMESSAGE Message = {0}; // Found a free one - use it // See if TNC is OK Message.PORT = count; ret = PORT->PORTTXCHECKCODE(PORT, Message.PORT); if ((ret & 0xff00) == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Error - TNC Not Ready\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // GET CIRCUIT TABLE ENTRY FOR OTHER END OF LINK NewSess = SetupNewSession(Session, Bufferptr); if (NewSess == NULL) return; EXTPORT->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[count] = NewSess; NewSess->Secure_Session = Session->Secure_Session; NewSess->KAMSESSION = count; // Set paclen to lower of incoming and outgoing Paclen = Session->SESSPACLEN; // Incoming PACLEN if (Paclen == 0) Paclen = 256; // 0 = 256 PortPaclen = PORT->PORTPACLEN; if (PortPaclen == 0) PortPaclen = 256; // 0 = 256 if (PortPaclen < Paclen) Paclen = PortPaclen; NewSess->SESSPACLEN = Paclen; Session->SESSPACLEN = Paclen; NewSess->L4STATE = 5; NewSess->L4CIRCUITTYPE = DOWNLINK + PACTOR; NewSess->L4TARGET.PORT = PORT; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); sess = count; // Replace command tail with original (before conversion to upper case Context = Context + (OrigCmdBuffer - COMMANDBUFFER); goto checkattachandcall; memcpy(Bufferptr, OKMSG, 3); Bufferptr += 3; SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } count--; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Error - No free streams on this port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } Message.PORT = 0; ret = PORT->PORTTXCHECKCODE(PORT, Message.PORT); if ((ret & 0xff00) == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Error - TNC Not Ready\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // See if "Attach and Call" (for VHF ports) ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (ptr && strcmp(ptr, "S") == 0) { Session->STAYFLAG = TRUE; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); } if (ptr) { // we have another param // if it is a single char it is a channel number for vhf attach if (strlen(ptr) == 1) { // Only Allow Attach VHF from Secure Applications or if PERMITGATEWAY is set if (EXTPORT->PERMITGATEWAY == 0 && Session->Secure_Session == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry, you are not allowed to use this port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } sess = ptr[0] - '@'; if (sess < 1 || sess > EXTPORT->MAXHOSTMODESESSIONS) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Error - Invalid Channel\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (ptr && strcmp(ptr, "S") == 0) { Session->STAYFLAG = TRUE; ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); } } } if (ret & 0x8000) // Disconnecting { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Error - Port in use\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // Check Interlock. Only ports with a TNC record can be interlocked TNC = PORT->TNC; if (TNC) { // See if any interlocked ports are in use struct TNCINFO * OtherTNC; int i; int rxInterlock = TNC->RXRadio; int txInterlock = TNC->TXRadio; if (rxInterlock || txInterlock) { for (i=1; i<33; i++) { OtherTNC = TNCInfo[i]; if (OtherTNC == NULL) continue; if (OtherTNC == TNC) continue; if (rxInterlock == OtherTNC->RXRadio || txInterlock == OtherTNC->TXRadio) // Same Group { if (OtherTNC->PortRecord->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[0]) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Sorry, interlocked port %d is in use\r", i); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } } } } } if (EXTPORT->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[sess]) { // In use Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Error - Port in use\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // GET CIRCUIT TABLE ENTRY FOR OTHER END OF LINK NewSess = SetupNewSession(Session, Bufferptr); if (NewSess == NULL) return; // if a UZ7HO port, and the uplink is L2 or Uz7HO and multisession, // invert SSID bits if (memcmp(EXTPORT->PORT_DLL_NAME, "UZ7HO", 5) != 0) goto noFlip1; if (EXTPORT->MAXHOSTMODESESSIONS < 2) // Not multisession goto noFlip1; if ((Session->L4CIRCUITTYPE & BPQHOST)) // host goto noFlip1; if ((Session->L4CIRCUITTYPE & PACTOR)) { // incoming is Pactorlike - see if UZ7HO if (memcmp(Session->L4TARGET.EXTPORT->PORT_DLL_NAME, "UZ7HO", 5) != 0) goto noFlip1; else NewSess->L4USER[6] ^= 0x1e; // UZ7HO Uplink - flip } else // Must be L2 uplink - flip NewSess->L4USER[6] ^= 0x1e; // Flip SSID noFlip1: EXTPORT->ATTACHEDSESSIONS[sess] = NewSess; NewSess->KAMSESSION = sess; // Set paclen to lower of incoming and outgoing Paclen = Session->SESSPACLEN; // Incoming PACLEN if (Paclen == 0) Paclen = 256; // 0 = 256 PortPaclen = PORT->PORTPACLEN; if (PortPaclen == 0) PortPaclen = 256; // 0 = 256 if (PortPaclen < Paclen) Paclen = PortPaclen; NewSess->SESSPACLEN = Paclen; Session->SESSPACLEN = Paclen; NewSess->L4STATE = 5; NewSess->L4CIRCUITTYPE = DOWNLINK + PACTOR; NewSess->L4TARGET.PORT = PORT; checkattachandcall: if (ptr) { // we have a call to connect to char Callstring[80]; int len; Buffer = REPLYBUFFER; Buffer->PORT = sess; Buffer->PID = 0xf0; len = sprintf(Callstring,"C %s", ptr); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); while (ptr) // if any other params (such as digis) copy them { if (strcmp(ptr, "S") == 0) { Session->STAYFLAG = TRUE; } else len += sprintf(&Callstring[len], " %s", ptr); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); } Callstring[len++] = 13; Callstring[len] = 0; Buffer->LENGTH = len + MSGHDDRLEN + 1; memcpy(Buffer->L2DATA, Callstring, len); C_Q_ADD(&PORT->PORTTX_Q, (UINT *)Buffer); return; } memcpy(Bufferptr, OKMSG, 3); Bufferptr += 3; SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // SYSOP COMMANDS CMDX COMMANDS[] = { "SAVENODES ",8, SAVENODES, 0, "TELRECONFIG ",4, RECONFIGTELNET, 0, "SAVEMH ",6, SAVEMHCMD, 0, "REBOOT ",6, REBOOT, 0, "RIGRECONFIG ",8 , RIGRECONFIG, 0, "RESTART ",7,RESTART,0, "RESTARTTNC ",10,RESTARTTNC,0, "SENDNODES ",8,SENDNODES,0, "EXTRESTART ",10, EXTPORTVAL, offsetof(EXTPORTDATA, EXTRESTART), "TXDELAY ",3, PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, PORTTXDELAY), "MAXFRAME ",3, PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, PORTWINDOW), "RETRIES ",3, PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, PORTN2), "FRACK ",3,PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, PORTT1), "RESPTIME ",3,PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, PORTT2), "PPACLEN ",3,PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, PORTPACLEN), "QUALITY ",3,PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, PORTQUALITY), "PERSIST ",2,PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, PORTPERSISTANCE), "TXTAIL ",3,PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, PORTTAILTIME), "XMITOFF ",7,PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, PORTDISABLED), "DIGIFLAG ",5,PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, DIGIFLAG), "DIGIPORT ",5,PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, DIGIPORT), "MAXUSERS ",4,PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, USERS), "L3ONLY ",6,PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, PORTL3FLAG), "BBSALIAS ",4,PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, PORTBBSFLAG), "VALIDCALLS ",5,VALNODES,0, "WL2KSYSOP ",5,WL2KSYSOP,0, "STOPPORT ",4,STOPPORT,0, "STARTPORT ",5,STARTPORT,0, "STOPCMS ",7,STOPCMS,0, "STARTCMS ",8,STARTCMS,0, "FINDBUFFS ",4,FINDBUFFS,0, "KISS ",4,KISSCMD,0, "GETPORTCTEXT",9,GetPortCTEXT, 0, #ifdef EXCLUDEBITS "EXCLUDE ",4,ListExcludedCalls,0, #endif "FULLDUP ",4,PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, FULLDUPLEX), "SOFTDCD ",4,PORTVAL, offsetof(PORTCONTROLX, SOFTDCDFLAG), "OBSINIT ",7,SWITCHVAL,(size_t)&OBSINIT, "OBSMIN ",6,SWITCHVAL,(size_t)&OBSMIN, "NODESINT ",8,SWITCHVAL,(size_t)&L3INTERVAL, "L3TTL ",5,SWITCHVAL,(size_t)&L3LIVES, "L4RETRIES ",5,SWITCHVAL,(size_t)&L4N2, "L4TIMEOUT ",5,SWITCHVALW,(size_t)&L4T1, "T3 ",2,SWITCHVALW,(size_t)&T3, "NODEIDLETIME",8,SWITCHVALW,(size_t)&L4LIMIT, "LINKEDFLAG ",10,SWITCHVAL,(size_t)&LINKEDFLAG, "IDINTERVAL ",5,SWITCHVAL,(size_t)&IDINTERVAL, "MINQUAL ",7,SWITCHVAL,(size_t)&MINQUAL, "FULLCTEXT ",6,SWITCHVAL,(size_t)&FULL_CTEXT, "HIDENODES ",8,SWITCHVAL,(size_t)&HIDENODES, "L4DELAY ",7,SWITCHVAL,(size_t)&L4DELAY, "L4WINDOW ",6,SWITCHVAL,(size_t)&L4DEFAULTWINDOW, "BTINTERVAL ",5,SWITCHVAL,(size_t)&BTINTERVAL, "PASSWORD ", 8, PWDCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, "************", 12, APPLCMD, 0, // Apppl 32 is internal Terminal "*** LINKED ",10,LINKCMD,0, "CQ ",2,CQCMD,0, "CONNECT ",1,CMDC00,0, "NC ",2,CMDC00,0, "BYE ",1,BYECMD,0, "QUIT ",1,BYECMD,0, "INFO ",1,CMDI00,0, "VERSION ",1,CMDV00,0, "NODES ",1,CMDN00,0, "LINKS ",1,CMDL00,0, "LISTEN ",3,LISTENCMD,0, "L4T1 ",2,CMDT00,0, "PORTS ",1,CMDP00,0, "PACLEN ",3,CMDPAC,0, "IDLETIME ",4,CMDIDLE,0, "ROUTES ",1,CMDR00,0, "STATS ",1,CMDSTATS,0, "USERS ",1,CMDS00,0, "UNPROTO ",2,UNPROTOCMD,0, "? ",1,CMDQUERY,0, "DUMP ",4,DUMPCMD,0, "MHU ",3,MHCMD,0, // UTC Times "MHL ",3,MHCMD,0, // Local Times "MHV ",3,MHCMD,0, "MHEARD ",1,MHCMD,0, "APRS ",2,APRSCMD,0, "ATTACH ",1,ATTACHCMD,0, "RADIO ",3,RADIOCMD,0, "AXRESOLVER ",3,AXRESOLVER,0, "AXMHEARD ",3,AXMHEARD,0, "TELSTATUS ",3,SHOWTELNET,0, "NRR ",1,NRRCMD,0, "PING ",2,PING,0, "AGWSTATUS ",3,SHOWAGW,0, "ARP ",3,SHOWARP,0, "NAT ",3,SHOWNAT,0, "IPROUTE ",3,SHOWIPROUTE,0, "..FLMSG ",7,FLMSG,0 }; CMDX * CMD = NULL; int NUMBEROFCOMMANDS = sizeof(COMMANDS)/sizeof(CMDX); char * ReplyPointer; // Pointer into reply buffer int DecodeNodeName(char * NodeName, char * ptr) { // NodeName is TABLE ENTRY WITH AX25 CALL AND ALIAS // Copyies 20 byte 20 DECODED NAME IN FORM ALIAS:CALL to ptr // Returns significant length of string int len; char Normcall[10]; char * alias = &NodeName[7]; int n = 6; char * start = ptr; memset(ptr, ' ', 20); len = ConvFromAX25(NodeName, Normcall); if (*(alias) > ' ') // Does alias start with a null or a space ? { while (*(alias) > ' ' && n--) { *ptr++ = *alias++; } *ptr++ = ':'; } memcpy(ptr, Normcall, len); ptr += len; return (int)(ptr - start); } char * SetupNodeHeader(struct DATAMESSAGE * Buffer) { char Header[20]; int len; char * ptr = &Buffer->L2DATA[0]; len = DecodeNodeName(MYCALLWITHALIAS, Header); memcpy (ptr, Header, len); ptr += len; (*ptr++) = HEADERCHAR; (*ptr++) = ' '; return ptr; } VOID SendCommandReply(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, struct DATAMESSAGE * Buffer, int Len) { if (Len == (4 + sizeof(void *))) // Null Packet { ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)Buffer); return; } Buffer->LENGTH = Len; C_Q_ADD(&Session->L4TX_Q, (UINT *)Buffer); PostDataAvailable(Session); } VOID CommandHandler(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, struct DATAMESSAGE * Buffer) { // ignore frames with single NULL (Keepalive) if (Buffer->LENGTH == sizeof(void *) + 5 && Buffer->L2DATA[0] == 0) { ReleaseBuffer(Buffer); return; } if (Buffer->LENGTH > 100) { // Debugprintf("BPQ32 command too long %s", Buffer->L2DATA); ReleaseBuffer(Buffer); return; } InnerLoop: InnerCommandHandler(Session, Buffer); // See if any more commands in buffer if (Session->PARTCMDBUFFER) { char * ptr1, * ptr2; int len; Buffer = Session->PARTCMDBUFFER; // Check that message has a CR, if not save buffer and exit len = Buffer->LENGTH - (4 + sizeof(void *)); ptr1 = &Buffer->L2DATA[0]; ptr2 = memchr(ptr1, 13, len); if (ptr2 == NULL) return; Session->PARTCMDBUFFER = NULL; goto InnerLoop; } } VOID InnerCommandHandler(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, struct DATAMESSAGE * Buffer) { char * ptr1, * ptr2, *ptr3; int len, oldlen, newlen, rest, n; struct DATAMESSAGE * OldBuffer; struct DATAMESSAGE * SaveBuffer; char c; // If a partial command is stored, append this data to it. if (Session->PARTCMDBUFFER) { len = Buffer->LENGTH - (sizeof(void *) + 4); ptr1 = &Buffer->L2DATA[0]; OldBuffer = Session->PARTCMDBUFFER; // Old Data if (OldBuffer == Buffer) { // something has gone horribly wrong Session->PARTCMDBUFFER = NULL; return; } oldlen = OldBuffer->LENGTH; newlen = len + oldlen; if (newlen > 200) { // Command far too long - ignore previous OldBuffer->LENGTH = oldlen = sizeof(void *) + 4; } OldBuffer->LENGTH += len; memcpy(&OldBuffer->L2DATA[oldlen - (sizeof(void *) + 4)], Buffer->L2DATA, len); ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)Buffer); Buffer = OldBuffer; Session->PARTCMDBUFFER = NULL; } // Check that message has a CR, if not save buffer and exit len = Buffer->LENGTH - (sizeof(void *) + 4); ptr1 = &Buffer->L2DATA[0]; // Check for sending YAPP to Node if (len == 2 && ptr1[0] == 5 && ptr1[1] == 1) { ptr1[0] = 0x15; // NAK ptr1[1] = sprintf(&ptr1[2], "Node doesn't support YAPP Transfers"); Buffer->LENGTH += ptr1[1]; C_Q_ADD(&Session->L4TX_Q, (UINT *)Buffer); PostDataAvailable(Session); return; } ptr2 = memchr(ptr1, ';', len); if (ptr2 == 0) { ptr2 = memchr(ptr1, 13, len); if (ptr2 == 0) { // No newline Session->PARTCMDBUFFER = Buffer; return; } } ptr2++; rest = len - (int)(ptr2 - ptr1); if (rest) { // there are chars beyond the cr in the buffer // see if LF after CR if ((*ptr2) == 10) // LF { ptr2++; rest--; } if (rest) // May only have had LF { // Get a new buffer, and copy extra data to it. SaveBuffer = (struct DATAMESSAGE *)GetBuff(); if (SaveBuffer) //`Just ignore if no buffers { SaveBuffer->LENGTH = rest + MSGHDDRLEN + 1; SaveBuffer->PID = 0xf0; memcpy(&SaveBuffer->L2DATA[0], ptr2, rest); Session->PARTCMDBUFFER = SaveBuffer; } } } // GET PACLEN FOR THIS CONNECTION CMDPACLEN = Session->SESSPACLEN; if (CMDPACLEN == 0) CMDPACLEN = PACLEN; // Use default if no Session PACLEN // If sesion is in UNPROTO Mode, send message as a UI message if (Session->UNPROTO) { DIGIMESSAGE Msg; int Port = Session->UNPROTO; int Len = Buffer->LENGTH - (MSGHDDRLEN -1); // Need PID // First check for UNPROTO exit - ctrl/z or /ex if (Buffer->L2DATA[0] == 26 || (Len == 6 && _memicmp(&Buffer->L2DATA[0], "/ex", 3) == 0)) // CTRL/Z or /ex { REPLYBUFFER = Buffer; Session->UNPROTO = 0; memset(Session->UADDRESS, 0, 64); // SET UP HEADER Buffer->PID = 0xf0; ptr1 = SetupNodeHeader(Buffer); memcpy(ptr1, OKMSG, 3); ptr1 += 3; SendCommandReply(Session, Buffer, (int)(ptr1 - (char *)Buffer)); return; } memset(&Msg, 0, sizeof(Msg)); Msg.PORT = Port; Msg.CTL = 3; // UI memcpy(Msg.DEST, Session->UADDRESS, 7); memcpy(Msg.ORIGIN, Session->L4USER, 7); memcpy(Msg.DIGIS, &Session->UADDRESS[7], Session->UAddrLen - 7); memcpy(&Msg.PID, &Buffer->PID, Len); Send_AX_Datagram(&Msg, Len, Port); // Len is Payload - CTL, PID and Data // SendUIModeFrame(Session, (PMESSAGE)Buffer, Session->UNPROTO); ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)Buffer); // Not using buffer for reply return; } memset(COMMANDBUFFER, 32, 80); // Clear to spaces ptr1 = &Buffer->L2DATA[0]; ptr2 = &COMMANDBUFFER[0]; ptr3 = &OrigCmdBuffer[0]; memset(OrigCmdBuffer, 0, 80); n = 80; while (n--) { c = *(ptr1++) & 0x7f; // Mask paritu if (c == 13 || c == ';') break; // CR *(ptr3++) = c; // Original Case c = toupper(c); *(ptr2++) = c; } // USE INPUT MESSAGE _BUFFER FOR REPLY REPLYBUFFER = Buffer; // SET UP HEADER Buffer->PID = 0xf0; ptr1 = SetupNodeHeader(Buffer); ReplyPointer = ptr1; ALIASINVOKED = 0; // Clear "Invoked by APPL ALIAS flag" DoTheCommand(Session); // We also call DotheCommand when we need to reprocess - eg for alias handling } VOID DoTheCommand(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session) { struct DATAMESSAGE * Buffer = REPLYBUFFER; char * ptr1, * ptr2; int n; ptr1 = &COMMANDBUFFER[0]; // n = 10; while ((*ptr1 == ' ' || *ptr1 == 0) && n--) ptr1++; // STRIP LEADING SPACES and nulls (from keepalive) if (n == -1) { // Null command ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)Buffer); return; } ptr2 = ptr1; // Save CMD = &COMMANDS[0]; n = 0; for (n = 0; n < NUMBEROFCOMMANDS; n++) { int CL = CMD->CMDLEN; ptr1 = ptr2; CMDPTR = CMD; if (n == APPL1) // First APPL command { APPLMASK = 1; // FOR APPLICATION ATTACH REQUESTS ALIASPTR = &CMDALIAS[0][0]; } // ptr1 is input command if (memcmp(CMD->String, ptr1, CL) == 0) { // Found match so far - check rest char * ptr2 = &CMD->String[CL]; ptr1 += CL; if (*(ptr1) != ' ') { while(*(ptr1) == *ptr2 && *(ptr1) != ' ') { ptr1++; ptr2++; } } if (*(ptr1) == ' ') { Session->BADCOMMANDS = 0; // RESET ERROR COUNT // SEE IF SYSOP COMMAND, AND IF SO IF PASSWORD HAS BEEN ENTERED if (n < PASSCMD) { //NEEDS PASSWORD FOR SYSOP COMMANDS if (Session->PASSWORD != 0xFFFF) { ptr1 = ReplyPointer; memcpy(ptr1, PASSWORDMSG, LPASSMSG); ptr1 += LPASSMSG; SendCommandReply(Session, Buffer, (int)(ptr1 - (char *)Buffer)); return; } } // VALNODESFLAG = 0; // NOT VALID NODES COMMAND ptr1++; // Skip space CMD->CMDPROC(Session, ReplyPointer, ptr1, CMD); return; } } APPLMASK <<= 1; ALIASPTR += ALIASLEN; CMD++; } Session->BADCOMMANDS++; if (Session->BADCOMMANDS > 6) // TOO MANY ERRORS { ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)Buffer); Session->STAYFLAG = 0; CLOSECURRENTSESSION(Session); return; } ptr1 = ReplyPointer; memcpy(ptr1, CMDERRMSG, CMDERRLEN); ptr1 += CMDERRLEN; SendCommandReply(Session, Buffer, (int)(ptr1 - (char *)Buffer)); } VOID StatsTimer() { struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = PORTTABLE; int sum; while(PORT) { sum = PORT->SENDING / 11; PORT->AVSENDING = sum; sum = (PORT->SENDING + PORT->ACTIVE) /11; PORT->AVACTIVE = sum; PORT->SENDING = 0; PORT->ACTIVE = 0; PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } } extern struct AXIPPORTINFO * Portlist[]; #define TCPConnected 4 VOID AXRESOLVER(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // DISPLAY AXIP Resolver info int Port = 0, index =0; char * ptr, *Context; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = NULL; struct AXIPPORTINFO * AXPORT; char Normcall[11]; char Flags[10]; struct arp_table_entry * arp; ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) Port = atoi(ptr); if (Port) PORT = GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(Port); if (PORT == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } AXPORT = Portlist[Port]; if (AXPORT == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not an AXIP port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "AXIP Resolver info for Port %d\r", Port); while (index < AXPORT->arp_table_len) { arp = &AXPORT->arp_table[index]; if (arp->ResolveFlag && arp->error != 0) { // resolver error - Display Error Code sprintf(AXPORT->hostaddr, "Error %d", arp->error); } else { if (arp->IPv6) Format_Addr((unsigned char *)&arp->destaddr6.sin6_addr, AXPORT->hostaddr, TRUE); else Format_Addr((unsigned char *)&arp->destaddr.sin_addr, AXPORT->hostaddr, FALSE); } ConvFromAX25(arp->callsign, Normcall); Flags[0] = 0; if (arp->BCFlag) strcat(Flags, "B "); if (arp->TCPState == TCPConnected) strcat(Flags, "C "); if (arp->AutoAdded) strcat(Flags, "A"); if (arp->port == arp->SourcePort) Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr,"%.10s = %.64s %d = %-.42s %s\r", Normcall, arp->hostname, arp->port, AXPORT->hostaddr, Flags); else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr,"%.10s = %.64s %d<%d = %-.42s %s\r", Normcall, arp->hostname, arp->port, arp->SourcePort, AXPORT->hostaddr, Flags); index++; } SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID AXMHEARD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { // DISPLAY AXIP Mheard info int Port = 0, index = 0; char * ptr, *Context; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = NULL; struct AXIPPORTINFO * AXPORT; int n = MHENTRIES; char Normcall[11]; ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) Port = atoi(ptr); if (Port) PORT = GetPortTableEntryFromPortNum(Port); if (PORT == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Invalid Port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } AXPORT = Portlist[Port]; if (AXPORT == NULL) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not an AXIP port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "AXIP Mheard for Port %d\r", Port); while (index < MaxMHEntries) { if (AXPORT->MHTable[index].proto != 0) { char Addr[80]; Format_Addr((unsigned char *)&AXPORT->MHTable[index].ipaddr6, Addr, AXPORT->MHTable[index].IPv6); Normcall[ConvFromAX25(AXPORT->MHTable[index].callsign, Normcall)] = 0; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%-10s%-15s %c %-6d %-25s%c\r", Normcall, Addr, AXPORT->MHTable[index].proto, AXPORT->MHTable[index].port, asctime(gmtime( &AXPORT->MHTable[index].LastHeard )), (AXPORT->MHTable[index].Keepalive == 0) ? ' ' : 'K'); Bufferptr[-3] = ' '; // Clear CR returned by asctime } index++; } SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } #pragma pack() extern struct TNCINFO * TNCInfo[41]; extern char WL2KCall[10]; extern char WL2KLoc[7]; BOOL GetWL2KSYSOPInfo(char * Call, char * _REPLYBUFFER); BOOL UpdateWL2KSYSOPInfo(char * Call, char * SQL); VOID WL2KSYSOP(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { char _REPLYBUFFER[1000] = ""; char LastUpdated[100]; char Name[100] = ""; char Addr1[100] = ""; char Addr2[100] = ""; char City[100] = ""; char State[100] = ""; char Country[100] = ""; char PostCode[100] = ""; char Email[100] = ""; char Website[100] = ""; char Phone[100] = ""; char Data[100] = ""; char LOC[100] = ""; BOOL Exists = TRUE; time_t LastUpdateSecs = 0; char * ptr1, * ptr2; SOCKET sock; int Len; char Message[2048]; if (WL2KCall[0] < 33) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Winlink reporting is not configured\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (GetWL2KSYSOPInfo(WL2KCall, _REPLYBUFFER) == 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Failed to connect to WL2K Database\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (strstr(_REPLYBUFFER, "\"ErrorMessage\":")) Exists = FALSE; GetJSONValue(_REPLYBUFFER, "\"SysopName\":", Name); GetJSONValue(_REPLYBUFFER, "\"StreetAddress1\":", Addr1); GetJSONValue(_REPLYBUFFER, "\"StreetAddress2\":", Addr2); GetJSONValue(_REPLYBUFFER, "\"City\":", City); GetJSONValue(_REPLYBUFFER, "\"State\":", State); GetJSONValue(_REPLYBUFFER, "\"Country\":", Country); GetJSONValue(_REPLYBUFFER, "\"PostalCode\":", PostCode); GetJSONValue(_REPLYBUFFER, "\"Email\":", Email); GetJSONValue(_REPLYBUFFER, "\"Website\":", Website); GetJSONValue(_REPLYBUFFER, "\"Phones\":", Phone); GetJSONValue(_REPLYBUFFER, "\"Comments\":", Data); GetJSONValue(_REPLYBUFFER, "\"GridSquare\":", LOC); GetJSONValue(_REPLYBUFFER, "\"Timestamp\":", LastUpdated); ptr1 = strchr(LastUpdated, '('); if (ptr1) { ptr2 = strchr(++ptr1, ')'); if (ptr2) { *(ptr2 - 3) = 0; // remove millisecs LastUpdateSecs = atoi(ptr1); FormatTime3(LastUpdated, LastUpdateSecs); } } if (_memicmp(CmdTail, "SET ", 4) == 0) { if (Exists) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Record already exists in WL2K Database\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // Set New Values. Any other params are values to set, separated by | // ptr1 = strtok_s(&CmdTail[4], ",", &Context); // if (ptr1 == NULL) // goto DoReplace; // strcpy(Name, ptr1); //DoReplace: Len = sprintf(Message, "\"Callsign\":\"%s\"," "\"GridSquare\":\"%s\"," "\"SysopName\":\"%s\"," "\"StreetAddress1\":\"%s\"," "\"StreetAddress2\":\"%s\"," "\"City\":\"%s\"," "\"State\":\"%s\"," "\"Country\":\"%s\"," "\"PostalCode\":\"%s\"," "\"Email\":\"%s\"," "\"Phones\":\"%s\"," "\"Website\":\"%s\"," "\"Comments\":\"%s\",", WL2KCall, WL2KLoc, Name, Addr1, Addr2, City, State, Country, PostCode, Email, Phone, Website, Data); Debugprintf("Sending %s", Message); sock = OpenWL2KHTTPSock(); if (sock) SendHTTPRequest(sock, "api.winlink.org", 80, "/sysop/add", Message, Len, NULL); closesocket(sock); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Database Updated\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (Exists) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "\rWL2K SYSOP Info for %s\r", WL2KCall); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Grid Square: %s\r", LOC); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Name: %s\r", Name); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Addr Line 1: %s\r", Addr1); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Addr Line 2: %s\r", Addr2); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "City: %s\r", City); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "State: %s\r", State); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Country: %s\r", Country); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "PostCode: %s\r", PostCode); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Email Address: %s\r", Email); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Website: %s\r", Website); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Phone: %s\r", Phone); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Additional Data: %s\r", Data); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Last Updated: %s\r", LastUpdated); } else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "No SYSOP record for %s\r", WL2KCall); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } VOID CloseKISSPort(struct PORTCONTROL * PortVector); int OpenConnection(struct PORTCONTROL * PortVector); VOID STOPCMS(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { char _REPLYBUFFER[1000] = ""; char * ptr, * Context; int portno; struct TNCINFO * TNC; struct TCPINFO * TCP; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = PORTTABLE; int n = NUMBEROFPORTS; // Get port number ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) { portno = atoi (ptr); if (portno) { while (n--) { if (PORT->PORTNUMBER == portno) { TNC = TNCInfo[portno]; if (!TNC || !TNC->TCPInfo) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not a Telnet Port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } TCP = TNC->TCPInfo; TCP->CMS = 0; TCP->CMSOK = FALSE; #ifndef LINBPQ CheckMenuItem(TCP->hActionMenu, 3, MF_BYPOSITION | TCP->CMS<<3); SetWindowText(TCP->hCMSWnd, "CMS Off"); #endif Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "CMS Server Disabled\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } } } // Bad port strcpy(Bufferptr, BADPORT); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(BADPORT); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } VOID STARTCMS(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { char _REPLYBUFFER[1000] = ""; char * ptr, * Context; int portno; struct TNCINFO * TNC; struct TCPINFO * TCP; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = PORTTABLE; int n = NUMBEROFPORTS; // Get port number ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) { portno = atoi (ptr); if (portno) { while (n--) { if (PORT->PORTNUMBER == portno) { TNC = TNCInfo[portno]; if (!TNC || !TNC->TCPInfo) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not a Telnet Port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } TCP = TNC->TCPInfo; TCP->CMS = 1; #ifndef LINBPQ CheckMenuItem(TCP->hActionMenu, 3, MF_BYPOSITION | TCP->CMS<<3); #endif CheckCMS(TNC); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "CMS Server Enabled\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } } } // Bad port strcpy(Bufferptr, BADPORT); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(BADPORT); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } VOID STOPPORT(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { char _REPLYBUFFER[1000] = ""; char * ptr, * Context; int portno; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = PORTTABLE; int n = NUMBEROFPORTS; // Get port number ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) { portno = atoi (ptr); if (portno) { while (n--) { if (PORT->PORTNUMBER == portno) { struct KISSINFO * KISS; if (PORT->PORTSTOPCODE) { // Port has Close Routine PORT->PortStopped = TRUE; if (PORT->PORTSTOPCODE(PORT)) Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Port Closed\r"); else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Port Close Failed\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (PORT->PORTTYPE != 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not a KISS Port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (PORT->PORTIPADDR.s_addr || PORT->KISSSLAVE) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not a serial port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } KISS = (struct KISSINFO *) PORT; if (KISS->FIRSTPORT != KISS) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not first port of a Multidrop Set\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } CloseKISSPort(PORT); PORT->PortStopped = TRUE; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Port Closed\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } } } // Bad port strcpy(Bufferptr, BADPORT); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(BADPORT); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } VOID STARTPORT(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { char _REPLYBUFFER[1000] = ""; char * ptr, * Context; int portno; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = PORTTABLE; int n = NUMBEROFPORTS; // Get port number ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) { portno = atoi (ptr); if (portno) { while (n--) { if (PORT->PORTNUMBER == portno) { struct KISSINFO * KISS; if (PORT->PORTSTARTCODE) { // Port has Open Routine PORT->PortStopped = FALSE; if (PORT->PORTSTARTCODE(PORT)) Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Port Opened\r"); else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Port Open Failed\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (PORT->PORTTYPE != 0) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not a KISS Port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (PORT->PORTIPADDR.s_addr || PORT->KISSSLAVE) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not a serial port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } KISS = (struct KISSINFO *) PORT; if (KISS->FIRSTPORT != KISS) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not first port of a Multidrop Set\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } if (OpenConnection(PORT), TRUE) Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Port Opened\r"); else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Port Open Failed\r"); PORT->PortStopped = FALSE; SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } } } // Bad port strcpy(Bufferptr, BADPORT); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(BADPORT); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } #define FEND 0xC0 int ASYSEND(struct PORTCONTROL * PortVector, char * buffer, int count); VOID KISSCMD(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { char _REPLYBUFFER[1000] = ""; char * ptr, * Context; int portno = 0; int cmd = 0, val = 0; struct PORTCONTROL * PORT = PORTTABLE; int n = NUMBEROFPORTS; // Send KISS Command to TNC // Get port number ptr = strtok_s(CmdTail, " ", &Context); if (ptr) { portno = atoi (ptr); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (ptr) { cmd = atoi (ptr); ptr = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &Context); if (ptr) val = atoi (ptr); } } if (portno == 0 || cmd == 0) { strcpy(Bufferptr, BADMSG); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(BADMSG); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } while (n--) { if (PORT->PORTNUMBER == portno) { struct KISSINFO * KISS; UCHAR ENCBUFF[16]; unsigned char * ptr = ENCBUFF; if (PORT->PORTTYPE != 0 && PORT->PORTTYPE != 22) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not a KISS Port\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } KISS = (struct KISSINFO *) PORT; if (KISS->FIRSTPORT != KISS) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Not first port of a Multidrop Set\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } // Send Command *(ptr++) = FEND; *(ptr++) = KISS->OURCTRL | cmd; *(ptr++) = (UCHAR)val; *(ptr++) = FEND; PORT = (struct PORTCONTROL *)KISS->FIRSTPORT; // ALL FRAMES GO ON SAME Q PORT->Session = Session; PORT->LastKISSCmdTime = time(NULL); ASYSEND(PORT, ENCBUFF, 4); Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Command Sent\r"); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } PORT = PORT->PORTPOINTER; } // Bad port strcpy(Bufferptr, BADPORT); Bufferptr += (int)strlen(BADPORT); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return; } VOID FINDBUFFS(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { FindLostBuffers(); #ifdef WIN32 Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Lost buffer info dumped to Debugview\r"); #else Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "Lost buffer info dumped to syslog\r"); #endif SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } VOID FLMSG(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * UserCMD) { // Telnet Connection from FLMSG CLOSECURRENTSESSION(Session); // Kills any crosslink, plus local link ReleaseBuffer((UINT *)REPLYBUFFER); } BOOL CheckExcludeList(UCHAR * Call) { UCHAR * ptr1 = ExcludeList; while (*ptr1) { if (memcmp(Call, ptr1, 6) == 0) return FALSE; ptr1 += 7; } return TRUE; } void ListExcludedCalls(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr, char * CmdTail, CMDX * CMD) { UCHAR * ptr = ExcludeList; char Normcall[10] = ""; UCHAR AXCall[8] = ""; if (*CmdTail == ' ') goto DISPLIST; if (*CmdTail == 'Z') { // CLEAR LIST memset(ExcludeList, 0, 70); goto DISPLIST; } ConvToAX25(CmdTail, AXCall); if (strlen(ExcludeList) < 70) strcat(ExcludeList, AXCall); DISPLIST: while (*ptr) { Normcall[ConvFromAX25(ptr, Normcall)] = 0; Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s ", Normcall); ptr += 7; } *(Bufferptr++) = '\r'; SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); } BOOL isSYSOP(TRANSPORTENTRY * Session, char * Bufferptr) { if (Session->PASSWORD != 0xFFFF) { Bufferptr = Cmdprintf(Session, Bufferptr, "%s", PASSWORDMSG); SendCommandReply(Session, REPLYBUFFER, (int)(Bufferptr - (char *)REPLYBUFFER)); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }