1105 lines
26 KiB
1105 lines
26 KiB
// basic JASON API to BPQ Node
// Authentication is via Telnet USER records or bbs records
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
//#include <windows.h>
#include "cheaders.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bpqmail.h"
#include "httpconnectioninfo.h"
struct MsgInfo * GetMsgFromNumber(int msgno);
BOOL CheckUserMsg(struct MsgInfo * Msg, char * Call, BOOL SYSOP);
char * doXMLTransparency(char * string);
// Constants
#define TOKEN_SIZE 32 // Length of the authentication token
#define TOKEN_EXPIRATION 7200 // Token expiration time in seconds (2 hours)
// Token data structure
typedef struct MailToken {
char token[TOKEN_SIZE + 1];
time_t expiration_time;
struct UserInfo * User;
char Call[10];
int Auth; // Security level of user
struct MailToken* next;
} MailToken;
static MailToken * token_list = NULL;
typedef struct MailAPI
char *URL;
int URLLen;
int (* APIRoutine)(struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session, char * response, char * Rest, int Auth);
int Auth;
} MailAPI;
// Auth defines
#define AuthNone 0
#define AuthUser 1
#define AuthBBSUser 2
#define AuthSysop 4
static int verify_token(const char* token);
static void remove_expired_tokens();
static int request_token(char * response);
static void add_token_to_list(MailToken* token);
static MailToken * find_token(const char* token);
int sendMsgList(struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session, char * response, char * Rest, int Auth);
int sendFwdQueueLen(struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session, char * response, char * Rest, int Auth);
int sendFwdConfig(struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session, char * response, char * Rest, int Auth);
static struct MailAPI APIList[] =
"/mail/api/v1/msgs", 17, sendMsgList, 0,
"/mail/api/v1/FwdQLen", 20, sendFwdQueueLen, AuthSysop,
"/mail/api/v1/FwdConfig", 22, sendFwdConfig, AuthSysop,
static int APICount = sizeof(APIList) / sizeof(struct MailAPI);
#ifndef WIN32
iconv_t * icu = NULL;
void APIConvertTitletoUTF8(char * Title, char * UTF8Title, int Len)
if (WebIsUTF8(Title, (int)strlen(Title)) == FALSE)
// With Windows it is simple - convert using current codepage
// I think the only reliable way is to convert to unicode and back
int origlen = (int)strlen(Title) + 1;
#ifdef WIN32
WCHAR BufferW[128];
int wlen;
int len = origlen;
wlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, Title, len, BufferW, origlen * 2);
len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, BufferW, wlen, UTF8Title, origlen * 2, NULL, NULL);
size_t left = Len - 1;
size_t len = origlen;
if (icu == NULL)
icu = iconv_open("UTF-8//IGNORE", "CP1252");
if (icu == (iconv_t)-1)
strcpy(UTF8Title, Title);
icu = NULL;
char * orig = UTF8Title;
iconv(icu, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); // Reset State Machine
iconv(icu, &Title, &len, (char ** __restrict__)&UTF8Title, &left);
strcpy(UTF8Title, Title);
static MailToken * generate_token()
// Generate a random authentication token
int i;
MailToken * token = malloc(sizeof(MailToken));
for (i = 0; i < TOKEN_SIZE; i++)
token->token[i] = 'A' + rand() % 26; // Random uppercase alphabet character
token->token[TOKEN_SIZE] = '\0'; // Null-terminate the token
token->expiration_time = time(NULL) + TOKEN_EXPIRATION; // Set token expiration time
return token;
// Function to add the token to the token_list
static void add_token_to_list(MailToken * token)
if (token_list == NULL)
token_list = token;
token->next = NULL;
MailToken * current = token_list;
while (current->next != NULL)
current = current->next;
current->next = token;
token->next = NULL;
static void remove_expired_tokens()
time_t current_time = time(NULL);
MailToken* current_token = token_list;
MailToken* prev_token = NULL;
MailToken* next_token;
while (current_token != NULL)
if (current_time > current_token->expiration_time)
// Token has expired, remove it from the token list
if (prev_token == NULL)
token_list = current_token->next;
} else {
prev_token->next = current_token->next;
next_token = current_token->next;
current_token = next_token;
} else {
prev_token = current_token;
current_token = current_token->next;
static MailToken * find_token(const char* token)
MailToken * current_token = token_list;
while (current_token != NULL)
if (strcmp(current_token->token, token) == 0)
return current_token;
current_token = current_token->next;
return NULL;
static int send_http_response(char * response, const char* msg)
return sprintf(response, "HTTP/1.1 %s\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", msg);
int MailAPIProcessHTTPMessage(struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session, char * response, char * Method, char * URL, char * request, BOOL LOCAL, char *Params, char * TokenString)
char * pass = strlop(Params, '&');
int Flags = 0, n;
MailToken * Token;
char Msg[64];
struct UserInfo * User;
int Auth = 0;
if (LOCAL)
Auth = AuthSysop;
// Check if the request is for token generation
if (strcmp(Method, "GET") != 0)
return send_http_response(response, "403 (Bad Method)");
if (_stricmp(URL, "/mail/api/v1/login") == 0)
// Key is in Session->Key
// Signon may have been validated in Node. If Session->Callsign is set
if (Session->Callsign[0] == 0)
// Try BBS logon
User = LookupCall(Params);
if (User)
// Check Password
if (pass[0] == 0 || strcmp(User->pass, pass) != 0 || User->flags & F_Excluded)
return send_http_response(response, "403 (Login Failed)");
strcpy(Session->Callsign, User->Call);
Auth = AuthBBSUser;
if (User->flags & F_SYSOP)
Auth |= AuthSysop;
User = LookupCall(Session->Callsign);
if (User)
Auth = AuthUser;
if (User->flags & F_SYSOP)
Auth |= AuthSysop;
n = sprintf_s(Msg, sizeof(Msg), "API Connect from %s", _strupr(Params));
WriteLogLine(NULL, '|',Msg, n, LOG_BBS);
Token = zalloc(sizeof(MailToken));
strcpy(Token->token, Session->Key);
strcpy(Token->Call, Session->Callsign);
Token->Auth = Auth;
Token->expiration_time = time(NULL) + TOKEN_EXPIRATION; // Set token expiration time
// Return Token
sprintf(response, "{\"access_token\":\"%s\", \"expires_at\":%d, \"scope\":\"create\"}\r\n",
Token->token, Token->expiration_time);
return strlen(response);
// Find Token
if (TokenString[0]) // Token form Auth Header
Token = find_token(TokenString);
Token = find_token(Params); // Token form URL
if (Token != NULL)
// Check if the token has expired
time_t current_time = time(NULL);
if (current_time > Token->expiration_time)
// Token has expired, remove it from the token list
Token = NULL;
if (Token)
Auth |= Token->Auth;
// Determine the requested API endpoint
for (n = 0; n < APICount; n++)
struct MailAPI * APIEntry;
char * rest;
APIEntry = &APIList[n];
if (_memicmp(URL, APIEntry->URL, APIEntry->URLLen) == 0)
rest = &request[4 + APIEntry->URLLen]; // Anything following?
if (rest[0] =='?')
strlop(rest, ' ');
strlop(rest, '&');
Token = find_token(&rest[1]);
if (Token)
strcpy(Session->Callsign, Token->Call);
strcpy(Session->Key, Token->token);
return send_http_response(response, "403 (Invalid Security Token)");
if (APIEntry->Auth)
// Check Level
if ((Auth & APIEntry->Auth) == 0)
return send_http_response(response, "403 (Not Authorized)");
if (rest[0] == ' ' || rest[0] == '/' || rest[0] == '?')
return APIEntry->APIRoutine(Session, response, rest, Auth);
return send_http_response(response, "401 Invalid API Call");
return 0;
int WebMailAPIProcessHTTPMessage(char * response, char * Method, char * URL, char * request, BOOL LOCAL, char *Params)
char * pass = strlop(Params, '&');
int Flags = 0;
MailToken * Token;
// Check if the request is for token generation
if (strcmp(Method, "GET") != 0)
return send_http_response(response, "403 (Bad Method)");
if (_stricmp(URL, "/mail/api/login") == 0)
// user is in Params and Password in pass
struct UserInfo * User;
char Msg[256];
int n;
User = LookupCall(Params);
if (User)
// Check Password
if (pass[0] == 0 || strcmp(User->pass, pass) != 0 || User->flags & F_Excluded)
return send_http_response(response, "403 (Login Failed)");
n=sprintf_s(Msg, sizeof(Msg), "API Connect from %s", _strupr(Params));
WriteLogLine(NULL, '|',Msg, n, LOG_BBS);
Token = generate_token();
Token->User = User;
strcpy(Token->Call, Params);
// Return Token
sprintf(response, "{\"access_token\":\"%s\", \"expires_in\":%d, \"scope\":\"create\"}\r\n",
Token->token, Token->expiration_time);
return strlen(response);
return 0;
// Unauthenticated users can only get bulls.
// Authenticated users may read only that users messages or all messages depending on sysop status
int sendMsgList(struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session, char * response, char * Rest, int Auth)
struct UserInfo * User = LookupCall(Session->Callsign);
int m;
struct MsgInfo * Msg;
char * ptr = response;
int n = NumberofMessages; //LineCount;
char Via[64];
int Count = 0;
struct UserInfo DummyUser = {""};
ptr[0] = 0;
if (User == 0)
n = sprintf(ptr,"{\"msgs\":[\r\n");
ptr += n;
for (m = LatestMsg; m >= 1; m--)
if (ptr > &response[244000])
break; // protect buffer
Msg = GetMsgFromNumber(m);
if (Msg == 0 || Msg->type == 0 || Msg->status == 0)
continue; // Protect against corrupt messages
if (Msg && CheckUserMsg(Msg, User->Call, Auth & AuthSysop))
char UTF8Title[4096];
char * EncodedTitle;
// List if it is the right type
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "{\r\n");
strcpy(Via, Msg->via);
strlop(Via, '.');
// make sure title is HTML safe (no < > etc) and UTF 8 encoded
EncodedTitle = doXMLTransparency(Msg->title);
memset(UTF8Title, 0, 4096); // In case convert fails part way through
APIConvertTitletoUTF8(EncodedTitle, UTF8Title, 4095);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"id\": \"%d\",\r\n", Msg->number);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"mid\": \"%s\",\r\n", Msg->bid);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"rcvd\": \"%d\",\r\n", Msg->datecreated);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"type\": \"%c\",\r\n", Msg->type);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"status\": \"%c\",\r\n", Msg->status);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"to\": \"%s\",\r\n", Msg->to);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"from\": \"%s\",\r\n", Msg->from);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"size\": \"%d\",\r\n", Msg->length);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"subject\": \"%s\"\r\n", UTF8Title);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "},\r\n");
if (response[n] == 0) // No entries
response[strlen(response) - 2] = '\0'; // remove \r\n
strcat(response, "]}\r\n");
response[strlen(response)-3 ] = '\0'; // remove ,\r\n
strcat(response, "\r\n]}\r\n");
return strlen(response);
int sendFwdQueueLen(struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session, char * response, char * Rest, int Auth)
struct UserInfo * USER;
char * ptr = response;
int n;
int i = 0;
int Len = 0;
n = sprintf(ptr,"{\"forwardqueuelength\":[\r\n");
ptr += n;
for (USER = BBSChain; USER; USER = USER->BBSNext)
int Count = CountMessagestoForward (USER);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "{");
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"call\": \"%s\",", USER->Call);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"queueLength\": \"%d\"", Count);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "},\r\n");
if (response[n] == 0) // No entries
response[strlen(response) - 2] = '\0'; // remove \r\n
strcat(response, "]}\r\n");
response[strlen(response)-3 ] = '\0'; // remove ,\r\n
strcat(response, "\r\n]}\r\n");
return strlen(response);
VOID APIMultiStringValue(char ** values, char * Multi)
char ** Calls;
char * ptr = &Multi[0];
*ptr = 0;
if (values)
Calls = values;
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"%s\",", Calls[0]);
if (ptr != &Multi[0])
*(--ptr) = 0;
char * APIConvTime(int ss)
int hh, mm;
static char timebuf[64];
hh = ss / 3600;
mm = (ss - (hh * 3600)) / 60;
ss = ss % 60;
sprintf(timebuf, "\"%02d:%02d:%02d\"", hh, mm, ss);
return timebuf;
int sendFwdConfig(struct HTTPConnectionInfo * Session, char * response, char * Rest, int Auth)
struct UserInfo * USER;
char * ptr = response;
int n = 0;
int i = 0;
int Len = 0;
response[n] = 0;
n = sprintf(ptr, "{\r\n");
ptr += n;
for (USER = BBSChain; USER; USER = USER->BBSNext)
struct BBSForwardingInfo * FWDInfo = USER->ForwardingInfo;
int Count = CountMessagestoForward (USER);
char TO[2048] = "";
char AT[2048] = "";
char TIMES[2048] = "";
char FWD[100000] = "";
char HRB[2048] = "";
char HRP[2048] = "";
APIMultiStringValue(FWDInfo->TOCalls, TO);
APIMultiStringValue(FWDInfo->ATCalls, AT);
APIMultiStringValue(FWDInfo->FWDTimes, TIMES);
APIMultiStringValue(FWDInfo->ConnectScript, FWD);
APIMultiStringValue(FWDInfo->Haddresses, HRB);
APIMultiStringValue(FWDInfo->HaddressesP, HRP);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"%s\": {\r\n", USER->Call);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"queueLength\": %d,\r\n", Count);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"to\": [%s],\r\n", TO);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"at\": [%s],\r\n", AT);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"hrp\": [%s],\r\n",HRP);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"hrb\": [%s],\r\n",HRB);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"times\": [%s],\r\n",TIMES);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"connectScript\": [%s],\r\n",FWD);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"bbsHa\": \"%s\",\r\n", (FWDInfo->BBSHA)?FWDInfo->BBSHA:"");
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"enableForwarding\": %s,\r\n", (FWDInfo->Enabled)?"true":"false");
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"forwardingInterval\": %s,\r\n", APIConvTime(FWDInfo->FwdInterval));
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"requestReverse\": %s,\r\n", (FWDInfo->ReverseFlag)?"true":"false");
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"reverseInterval\": %s,\r\n", APIConvTime(FWDInfo->RevFwdInterval));
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"sendNewMessagesWithoutWaiting\": %s,\r\n", (FWDInfo->SendNew)?"true":"false");
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"fbbBlocked\": %s,\r\n", (FWDInfo->AllowBlocked)?"true":"false");
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"maxBlock\": %d,\r\n", FWDInfo->MaxFBBBlockSize);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"sendPersonalMailOnly\": %s,\r\n", (FWDInfo->PersonalOnly)?"true":"false");
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"allowBinary\": %s,\r\n", (FWDInfo->AllowCompressed)?"true":"false");
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"useB1Protocol\": %s,\r\n", (FWDInfo->AllowB1)?"true":"false");
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"useB2Protocol\": %s,\r\n", (FWDInfo->AllowB2)?"true":"false");
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " \"incomingConnectTimeout\": %s\r\n", APIConvTime(FWDInfo->ConTimeout));
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " },\r\n");
if (response[n] == 0) // No entries
strcpy(response, "{}\r\n");
response[strlen(response)-3 ] = '\0'; // remove ,\r\n
strcat(response, "\r\n}\r\n");
return strlen(response);
"GB7BEX": {
"queueLength": 0,
"forwardingConfig": {
"to": [],
"at": [
"times": [],
"connectScript": [
"PAUSE 3",
"NC 3 !GB7BEX"
"hierarchicalRoutes": [],
"hr": [
"bbsHa": "GB7BEX.#38.GBR.EURO",
"enableForwarding": true,
"forwardingInterval": "00:56:40",
"requestReverse": false,
"reverseInterval": "00:56:40",
"sendNewMessagesWithoutWaiting": true,
"fbbBlocked": true,
"maxBlock": 1000,
"sendPersonalMailOnly": false,
"allowBinary": true,
"useB1Protocol": false,
"useB2Protocol": true,
"sendCtrlZInsteadOfEx": false,
"incomingConnectTimeout": "00:02:00"
"GB7RDG": {
"queueLength": 0,
"forwardingConfig": {
"to": [],
"incomingConnectTimeout": "00:02:00"
# HELP packetmail_queue_length The number of messages in the packetmail queue
# TYPE packetmail_queue_length gauge
packetmail_queue_length{partner="DM4RW"} 0 1729090716916
packetmail_queue_length{partner="G8BPQ"} 3 1729090716916
packetmail_queue_length{partner="GB7BEX"} 0 1729090716916
packetmail_queue_length{partner="GB7BPQ"} 1 1729090716916
packetmail_queue_length{partner="GB7MNS"} 0 1729090716916
packetmail_queue_length{partner="GB7NOT"} 0 1729090716916
packetmail_queue_length{partner="GB7NWL"} 0 1729090716916
packetmail_queue_length{partner="GM8BPQ"} 0 1729090716916
// Stuff send to packetnodes.spots.radio/api/bbsdata/{bbsCall}
callsign* [...]
time* [...]
hroute* [...]
peers [...]
software* [...]
version* [...]
mailQueues [...]
messages [...]
latitude [...]
longitude [...]
locator [...]
location [...]
unroutable [...]
"callsign": "GE8PZT",
"time": "2024-11-25T10:07:41+00:00",
"hroute": ".#24.GBR.EU",
"peers": [
"software": "XrLin",
"version": "504a",
"mailQueues": [],
"messages": [
"to": "TECH@WW",
"mid": "20539_GB7CIP",
"rcvd": "2024-11-24T09:27:59+00:00",
"routing": [
"R:241124/0927Z @:GE8PZT.#24.GBR.EU [Lamanva] #:2315 XrLin504a",
"to": "TNC@WW",
"mid": "37_PA2SNK",
"rcvd": "2024-11-18T21:56:55+00:00",
"routing": [
"R:241118/2156Z @:GE8PZT.#24.GBR.EU [] #:2215 XrLin504a",
"R:241118/2156Z 12456@VE2PKT.#TRV.QC.CAN.NOAM BPQ6.0.24",
"R:241118/2130Z 51539@VE3KPG.#ECON.ON.CAN.NOAM BPQK6.0.23",
"R:241118/2130Z 26087@VE3CGR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24",
"R:241118/2130Z 37521@PA8F.#ZH1.NLD.EURO LinBPQ6.0.24",
"R:241118/2129Z 48377@PI8LAP.#ZLD.NLD.EURO LinBPQ6.0.24",
"R:241118/2129Z @:PD0LPM.FRL.EURO.NLD #:33044 [Joure] $:37_PA2SNK"
"latitude": 50.145832,
"longitude": -5.125,
"locator": "IO70KD",
"location": "Lamanva",
"unroutable": [
"type": "P",
"at": "WW"
"type": "P",
"at": "G8PZT-2"
"type": "P",
"at": "g8pzt._24.gbr.eu"
"type": "P",
"at": "G8PZT.#24.GBR.EU"
"type": "P",
"at": "GE8PZT.#24.GBR.EU"
"type": "P",
"at": "G8PZT.#24.GBR.EURO"
// https://packetnodes.spots.radio/swagger/index.html
// "unroutable": [{"type": "P","at": "WW"}, {"type": "P", "at": "G8PZT.#24.GBR.EURO"}]
char * ViaList[100000]; // Pointers to the Message Header field
char TypeList[100000];
int unroutableCount = 0;
void CheckifRoutable(struct MsgInfo * Msg)
char NextBBS[64];
int n;
if (Msg->status == 'K')
if (Msg->via[0] == 0) // No routing
strcpy(NextBBS, Msg->via);
strlop(NextBBS, '.');
if (strcmp(NextBBS, BBSName) == 0) // via this BBS
if ((memcmp(Msg->fbbs, zeros, NBMASK) != 0) || (memcmp(Msg->forw, zeros, NBMASK) != 0)) // Has Forwarding Info
// See if we already have it
for (n = 0; n < unroutableCount; n++)
if ((TypeList[n] == Msg->type) && strcmp(ViaList[n], Msg->via) == 0)
// Add to list
TypeList[unroutableCount] = Msg->type;
ViaList[unroutableCount] = Msg->via;
extern char LOC[7];
DllExport VOID WINAPI SendWebRequest(char * Host, char * Request, char * Params, char * Return);
#ifdef LINBPQ
extern double LatFromLOC;
extern double LonFromLOC;
typedef int (WINAPI FAR *FARPROCX)();
extern FARPROCX pSendWebRequest;
extern FARPROCX pGetLatLon;
double LatFromLOC = 0;
double LonFromLOC = 0;
void SendBBSDataToPktMapThread();
void SendBBSDataToPktMap()
_beginthread(SendBBSDataToPktMapThread, 0, 0);
void SendBBSDataToPktMapThread()
char Request[64];
char * Params;
char * ptr;
int paramLen;
struct MsgInfo * Msg;
struct UserInfo * ourBBSRec = LookupCall(BBSName);
struct UserInfo * USER;
char Time[64];
struct tm * tm;
time_t Date = time(NULL);
char Peers[2048] = "[]";
char MsgQueues[16000] = "[]";
char * Messages = malloc(1000000);
char * Unroutables;
int m;
char * MsgBytes;
char * Rlineptr;
char * Rlineend;
char * RLines;
char * ptr1, * ptr2;
int n;
#ifndef LINBPQ
if (pSendWebRequest == 0)
return; // Old Version of bpq32.dll
pGetLatLon(&LatFromLOC, &LonFromLOC);
if (ourBBSRec == 0)
return; // Wot!!
// Get peers and Mail Queues
ptr = &Peers[1];
ptr1 = &MsgQueues[1];
for (USER = BBSChain; USER; USER = USER->BBSNext)
if (strcmp(USER->Call, BBSName) != 0)
int Bytes;
int Count = CountMessagestoForward(USER);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"%s\",", USER->Call);
if (Count)
Bytes = CountBytestoForward(USER);
ptr1 += sprintf(ptr1, "{\"peerCall\": \"%s\", \"numQueued\": %d, \"bytesQueued\": %d},",
USER->Call, Count, Bytes);
if ((*ptr) != ']') // Have some entries
ptr--; // over trailing comms
*(ptr++) = ']';
*(ptr) = 0;
if ((*ptr1) != ']') // Have some entries
ptr1--; // over trailing comms
*(ptr1++) = ']';
*(ptr1) = 0;
// Get Messages
strcpy(Messages, "[]");
ptr = &Messages[1];
for (m = LatestMsg; m >= 1; m--)
if (ptr > &Messages[999000])
break; // protect buffer
Msg = GetMsgFromNumber(m);
if (Msg == 0 || Msg->type == 0 || Msg->status == 0)
continue; // Protect against corrupt messages
// Paula suggests including H and K but limit it to the last 30 days or the last 100 messages, whichever is the smaller.
// if (Msg->status == 'K' || Msg->status == 'H')
// continue;
if ((Date - Msg->datereceived) > 30 * 86400) // Too old
tm = gmtime((time_t *)&Msg->datereceived);
sprintf(Time, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d+00:00",
tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec);
// Get Routing
MsgBytes = ReadMessageFile(Msg->number);
RLines = malloc(Msg->length * 2); // Very unlikely to need so much but better safe..
strcpy(RLines, "[]");
ptr2 = &RLines[1];
// Need to skip B2 header if B2 Message
Rlineptr = MsgBytes;
// If it is a B2 Message, Must Skip B2 Header
if (Msg->B2Flags & B2Msg)
Rlineptr = strstr(Rlineptr, "\r\n\r\n");
if (Rlineptr)
Rlineptr += 4;
Rlineptr = MsgBytes;
// We have to process R: lines one at a time as we need to send each one as a separate string
while (memcmp(Rlineptr, "R:", 2) == 0)
// Have R Lines
Rlineend = strstr(Rlineptr, "\r\n");
Rlineend[0] = 0;
ptr2 += sprintf(ptr2, "\"%s\",", Rlineptr);
Rlineptr = Rlineend + 2; // over crlf
if ((*ptr2) == ']') // no entries
ptr2--; // over trailing comms
*(ptr2++) = ']';
*(ptr2) = 0;
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "{\"to\": \"%s\", \"mid\": \"%s\", \"rcvd\": \"%s\", \"routing\": %s},",
Msg->to, Msg->bid, Time, RLines);
if ((*ptr) != ']') // Have some entries?
ptr--; // over trailing comms
*(ptr++) = ']';
*(ptr) = 0;
// Get unroutables
Unroutables = malloc((unroutableCount + 1) * 100);
strcpy(Unroutables, "[]");
ptr = &Unroutables[1];
for (n = 0; n < unroutableCount; n++)
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "{\"type\": \"%c\",\"at\": \"%s\"},", TypeList[n], ViaList[n]);
if ((*ptr) != ']') // Have some entries?
ptr--; // over trailing comms
*(ptr++) = ']';
*(ptr) = 0;
char * ViaList[100000]; // Pointers to the Message Header field
char TypeList[100000];
int unroutableCount = 0;
"unroutable": [{"type": "P","at": "WW"}, {"type": "P", "at": "G8PZT.#24.GBR.EURO"}]
tm = gmtime(&Date);
sprintf(Time, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d+00:00",
tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec);
paramLen = strlen(Peers) + strlen(MsgQueues) + strlen(Messages) + strlen(Unroutables);
Params = malloc(paramLen + 1000);
if (Params == 0)
ptr = Params;
sprintf(Request, "/api/bbsdata/%s", BBSName);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "{\"callsign\": \"%s\",\r\n", BBSName);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"time\": \"%s\",\r\n", Time);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"hroute\": \"%s\",\r\n", HRoute);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"peers\": %s,\r\n", Peers);
#ifdef LINBPQ
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"software\": \"%s\",\r\n", "linbpq");
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"software\": \"%s\",\r\n", "BPQMail");
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"version\": \"%s\",\r\n", VersionString);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"mailQueues\": %s,\r\n", MsgQueues);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"messages\": %s,\r\n", Messages);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"latitude\": %1.6f,\r\n", LatFromLOC);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"longitude\": %.6f,\r\n", LonFromLOC);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"locator\": \"%s\",\r\n", LOC);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"location\": \"%s\",\r\n", ourBBSRec->Address);
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "\"unroutable\": %s\r\n}\r\n", Unroutables);
#ifdef LINBPQ
SendWebRequest("packetnodes.spots.radio", Request, Params, 0);
pSendWebRequest("packetnodes.spots.radio", Request, Params, 0);