// ARDOP Modem Decode Sound Samples #include <math.h> #include "ARDOPC.h" #pragma warning(disable : 4244) // Code does lots of float to int #ifndef TEENSY #define MEMORYARQ #endif #undef PLOTWATERFALL #ifdef PLOTWATERFALL #define WHITE 0xffff #define Tomato 0xffff #define Orange 0xffff #define Khaki 0xffff #define Cyan 0xffff #define DeepSkyBlue 0 #define RoyalBlue 0 #define Navy 0 #define Black 0 #endif #ifdef TEENSY #define PKTLED LED3 // flash when packet received extern unsigned int PKTLEDTimer; #endif //#define max(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)) //#define min(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y)) void SendFrametoHost(unsigned char *data, unsigned dlen); void CheckandAdjustRXLevel(int maxlevel, int minlevel, BOOL Force); void mySetPixel(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned int Colour); void clearDisplay(); void updateDisplay(); VOID L2Routine(UCHAR * Packet, int Length, int FrameQuality, int totalRSErrors, int NumCar, int pktRXMode); void RemoveProcessedOFDMData(); BOOL CheckCRC16(unsigned char * Data, int Length); void DrawAxes(int Qual, const char * Frametype, char * Mode); extern int lastmax, lastmin; // Sample Levels char strRcvFrameTag[32]; BOOL blnLeaderFound = FALSE; int intLeaderRcvdMs = 1000; // Leader length?? extern int intLastRcvdFrameQuality; extern int intReceivedLeaderLen; extern UCHAR bytLastReceivedDataFrameType; extern int NErrors; extern BOOL blnBREAKCmd; extern UCHAR bytLastACKedDataFrameType; extern int intARQDefaultDlyMs; unsigned int tmrFinalID; extern BOOL PKTCONNECTED; extern int LastDemodType; extern int pktRXMode; extern int RXOFDMMode; extern BOOL blnBusyStatus; BOOL blnLastBusyStatus; int BusyCount; short intPriorMixedSamples[120]; // a buffer of 120 samples to hold the prior samples used in the filter int intPriorMixedSamplesLength = 120; // size of Prior sample buffer // While searching for leader we must save unprocessed samples // We may have up to 720 left, so need 1920 short rawSamples[2400]; // Get Frame Type need 2400 and we may add 1200 extern int rawSamplesLength; int maxrawSamplesLength; short intFilteredMixedSamples[3500]; // Get Frame Type need 2400 and we may add 1200 int intFilteredMixedSamplesLength = 0; int MaxFilteredMixedSamplesLength = 0; int intFrameType= 0; // Type we are decoding int LastDataFrameType = 0; // Last data frame processed (for Memory ARQ, etc) char strDecodeCapture[256]; // Frame type parameters int intCenterFreq = 1500; float floatCarFreq; //(was int) // Are these the same ?? int intNumCar; int intSampPerSym; int intBaud; int intDataLen; int intRSLen; int intSampleLen; int DataRate = 0; // For SCS Reporting int intDataPtr; int intDataBytesPerCar; BOOL blnOdd; char strType[18] = ""; char strMod[16] = ""; UCHAR bytMinQualThresh; int intPSKMode; int intSymbolsPerByte = 4; // ARDOP V2 has max 10 carriers and 160 (120 + 40RS) per carrier #define MAX_RAW_LENGTH 163 // Len Byte + Data + RS + CRC I think! #define MAX_RAW_LENGTH_FSK 43 // MAX FSK 32 data + 8 RS // OFDM is MAXCAR * 100 // 10 carrier 16QAM id 10 * 160 #define MAX_DATA_LENGTH MAXCAR * 100 // I think! (OFDM 16QAM) // intToneMags should be an array with one row per carrier. // and 16 * max bytes data (2 bits per symbol, 4 samples per symbol in 4FSK. // but as 600 Baud frames are very long (750 bytes), but only one carrier // may be better to store as scalar and calculate offsets into it for each carrier // treat 600 as 3 * 200, but scalar still may be better // Needs 64K if ints + another 64 for MEM ARQ. (maybe able to store as shorts) // 48K would do if we use a scalar (600 baud, 750 bytes) // Max is 4 carrier, 83 bytes or 1 carrier 762 (or treat as 3 * 253) // Could just about do this on Teensy 3.6 or Nucleo F7 // looks like we have 4 samples for each 2 bits, which means 16 samples per byte. // ARDOP 2 only has one and two carrier FSK modes // Teensy is rather short of RAM, but as we never receive FSK and PSK // at the same time we can use same data area (saves about 20K) int intToneMagsIndex[2]; // Same here int intSumCounts[MAXCAR]; // number in above arrays int intToneMagsLength; unsigned char goodCarriers = 0; // Carriers we have already decoded // We always collect all phases for PSK and QAM so we can do phase correction // Max PSK frame is 83, 4 samples per byte = 332 // Max 16QAM frame is 163, 2 samples per byte = 326 // OFDM frames are shorter, so carriers 11 - 17 could have smaller sample buffers // This is a bit complicated, but allows smaller buffers for the OFDM carriers (Needed for Teensy) //short intPhases[MAXCAR][332] = {0}; short QAMPhases[10][332]; // 6640 bytes short OFDMPhases[MAXCAR - 10][232]; // Need 232 = (PSK2 8 * 29); 15312 short * Phaseptrs[MAXCAR] = {&QAMPhases[0][0], &QAMPhases[1][0], &QAMPhases[2][0], &QAMPhases[3][0], &QAMPhases[4][0], &QAMPhases[5][0], &QAMPhases[6][0], &QAMPhases[7][0], &QAMPhases[8][0], &QAMPhases[9][0], &OFDMPhases[0][0], &OFDMPhases[1][0], &OFDMPhases[2][0], &OFDMPhases[3][0], &OFDMPhases[4][0], &OFDMPhases[5][0], &OFDMPhases[6][0], &OFDMPhases[7][0], &OFDMPhases[8][0], &OFDMPhases[9][0], &OFDMPhases[10][0], &OFDMPhases[11][0], &OFDMPhases[12][0], &OFDMPhases[13][0], &OFDMPhases[14][0], &OFDMPhases[15][0], &OFDMPhases[16][0], &OFDMPhases[17][0], &OFDMPhases[18][0], &OFDMPhases[19][0], &OFDMPhases[20][0], &OFDMPhases[21][0], &OFDMPhases[22][0], &OFDMPhases[23][0], &OFDMPhases[24][0], &OFDMPhases[25][0], &OFDMPhases[26][0], &OFDMPhases[27][0], &OFDMPhases[28][0], &OFDMPhases[29][0], &OFDMPhases[30][0], &OFDMPhases[31][0], &OFDMPhases[32][0]}; short ** intPhases = &Phaseptrs[0]; short QAMMags[10][332]; short OFDMMags[MAXCAR - 10][232]; short * Magptrs[MAXCAR] = {&QAMMags[0][0], &QAMMags[1][0], &QAMMags[2][0], &QAMMags[3][0], &QAMMags[4][0], &QAMMags[5][0], &QAMMags[6][0], &QAMMags[7][0], &QAMMags[8][0], &QAMMags[9][0], &OFDMMags[0][0], &OFDMMags[1][0], &OFDMMags[2][0], &OFDMMags[3][0], &OFDMMags[4][0], &OFDMMags[5][0], &OFDMMags[6][0], &OFDMMags[7][0], &OFDMMags[8][0], &OFDMMags[9][0], &OFDMMags[10][0], &OFDMMags[11][0], &OFDMMags[12][0], &OFDMMags[13][0], &OFDMMags[14][0], &OFDMMags[15][0], &OFDMMags[16][0], &OFDMMags[17][0], &OFDMMags[18][0], &OFDMMags[19][0], &OFDMMags[20][0], &OFDMMags[21][0], &OFDMMags[22][0], &OFDMMags[23][0], &OFDMMags[24][0], &OFDMMags[25][0], &OFDMMags[26][0], &OFDMMags[27][0], &OFDMMags[28][0], &OFDMMags[29][0], &OFDMMags[30][0], &OFDMMags[31][0], &OFDMMags[32][0]}; short ** intMags = &Magptrs[0]; //int Tones[2][16 * MAX_RAW_LENGTH_FSK]; int intToneMags[4][16 * MAX_RAW_LENGTH_FSK] = {0}; // Need one per carrier // We need 5504 bytes for FSK but can overlay on PSK data areas //int * Toneptrs[2] = {(int *)&Tones[0][0], (int *)&Tones[1][0]}; //int ** intToneMags = &Toneptrs[0]; #ifdef MEMORYARQ // Enough RAM for memory ARQ so keep all samples for FSK and a copy of tones or phase/amplitude int intToneMagsAvg[2][332]; //???? FSK Tone averages short intCarPhaseAvg[MAXCAR][332]; // array to accumulate phases for averaging (Memory ARQ) short intCarMagAvg[MAXCAR][332]; // array to accumulate mags for averaging (Memory ARQ) #endif //219 /3 * 8= 73 * 8 = 584 //163 * 4 = 652 // If we do Mem ARQ we will need a fair amount of RAM int intPhasesLen; // Received Frame UCHAR bytData[128 * 80]; // Max OFDM Window int frameLen; int totalRSErrors; // for comparing with CarrierOK const char Good[MAXCAR] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; // All Good const char Bad[MAXCAR] = {0}; // All bad // We need one raw buffer per carrier // This can be optimized quite a bit to save space // We can probably overlay on bytData // If we still have 600 baud modes may need a lot more for first // Note OFDM doesn't need one per carrier so only need 10 UCHAR bytFrameData[10][MAX_RAW_LENGTH + 10]; // Received chars char CarrierOk[MAXCAR]; // RS OK Flags per carrier int RepeatedFrame = 0; // set if this dats frame is a repeat int charIndex = 0; // Index into received chars int SymbolsLeft; // number still to decode int DummyCarrier = 0; // pseudo carrier used for long 600 baud frames UCHAR * Decode600Buffer; BOOL PSKInitDone = FALSE; BOOL blnSymbolSyncFound, blnFrameSyncFound; extern UCHAR bytLastARQSessionID; extern UCHAR bytCurrentFrameType; extern int intShiftUpDn; extern const char ARQSubStates[10][11]; extern int intLastARQDataFrameToHost; // dont think I need it short intRcvdSamples[12000]; // 1 second. May need to optimise float dblOffsetLastGoodDecode = 0; int dttLastGoodFrameTypeDecode = -20000; float dblOffsetHz = 0;; int dttLastLeaderDetect; extern int intRmtLeaderMeasure; extern BOOL blnARQConnected; extern BOOL blnPending; extern UCHAR bytPendingSessionID; extern UCHAR bytSessionID; int dttLastGoodFrameTypeDecod; int dttStartRmtLeaderMeasure; char lastGoodID[11] = ""; int GotBitSyncTicks; int intARQRTmeasuredMs; float dbl2Pi = 2 * M_PI; float dblSNdBPwr; float dblNCOFreq = 3000; // nominal NC) frequency float dblNCOPhase = 0; float dblNCOPhaseInc = 2 * M_PI * 3000 / 12000; // was dblNCOFreq float dblPwrSNPower_dBPrior = 0; float dblPhaseDiff1_2Avg; // an initial value of -10 causes initialization in AcquireFrameSyncRSBAvg int intMFSReadPtr = 0; // reset the MFSReadPtr offset 30 to accomodate the filter delay int RcvdSamplesLen = 0; // Samples in RX buffer float dblPhaseDiff1_2Avg; int intPhaseError = 0; BOOL Acquire2ToneLeaderSymbolFraming(); BOOL SearchFor2ToneLeader4(short * intNewSamples, int Length, float * dblOffsetHz, int * intSN); BOOL AcquireFrameSyncRSB(); BOOL AcquireFrameSyncRSBAvg(); int Acquire4FSKFrameType(); void DemodulateFrame(int intFrameType); void Demod1Car4FSKChar(int Start, UCHAR * Decoded, int Carrier); VOID Track1Car4FSK(short * intSamples, int * intPtr, int intSampPerSymbol, float intSearchFreq, int intBaud, UCHAR * bytSymHistory); VOID Decode1CarPSK(int Carrier, BOOL OFDM); int EnvelopeCorrelator(); int EnvelopeCorrelatorNew(); BOOL DecodeFrame(int chan, int intFrameType, UCHAR * bytData); void Update4FSKConstellation(int * intToneMags, int * intQuality); void Update16FSKConstellation(int * intToneMags, int * intQuality); void Update8FSKConstellation(int * intToneMags, int * intQuality); void ProcessPingFrame(char * bytData); int Compute4FSKSN(); void DemodPSK(); BOOL DemodQAM(); BOOL DemodOFDM(); BOOL Decode4FSKOFDMACK(); void PrintCarrierFlags() { char Msg[128]; if (intNumCar == 1) Debugprintf("MEMARQ Flags %d", CarrierOk[0]); else if (intNumCar == 2) Debugprintf("MEMARQ Flags %d %d", CarrierOk[0], CarrierOk[1]); else { sprintf(Msg, "MEMARQ Flags %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", CarrierOk[0], CarrierOk[1], CarrierOk[2], CarrierOk[3], CarrierOk[4], CarrierOk[5], CarrierOk[6], CarrierOk[7], CarrierOk[8], CarrierOk[9], CarrierOk[10], CarrierOk[11], CarrierOk[12], CarrierOk[13], CarrierOk[14], CarrierOk[15], CarrierOk[16], CarrierOk[17], CarrierOk[18], CarrierOk[19], CarrierOk[20], CarrierOk[21], CarrierOk[22], CarrierOk[23], CarrierOk[24], CarrierOk[25], CarrierOk[26], CarrierOk[27], CarrierOk[28], CarrierOk[29], CarrierOk[30], CarrierOk[31], CarrierOk[32], CarrierOk[33], CarrierOk[34], CarrierOk[35], CarrierOk[36], CarrierOk[37], CarrierOk[38], CarrierOk[39], CarrierOk[40], CarrierOk[41], CarrierOk[42]); Msg[12 + 2 * intNumCar] = 0; Debugprintf(Msg); } } // Function to determine if frame type is short control frame BOOL IsShortControlFrame(UCHAR bytType) { switch (intFrameType) { case DataNAK: case DataNAKLoQ: case ConRejBusy: case ConRejBW: case ConAck: case DISCFRAME: case BREAK: case END: case IDLEFRAME: case DataACK: case DataACKHiQ: return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL IsConReqFrame(UCHAR bytType) { switch (bytType) { case ConReq200: case ConReq500: case ConReq2500: case OConReq500: case OConReq2500: return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // Function to determine if it is a data frame (Even OR Odd) BOOL IsDataFrame(UCHAR intFrameType) { const char * String = Name(intFrameType); if (intFrameType == PktFrameHeader) return TRUE; if (String == NULL || String[0] == 0) return FALSE; if (strstr(String, ".E") || strstr(String, ".O")) return TRUE; return FALSE; } // Subroutine to clear all mixed samples void ClearAllMixedSamples() { intFilteredMixedSamplesLength = 0; intMFSReadPtr = 0; rawSamplesLength = 0; // Clear saved } // Subroutine to Initialize mixed samples void InitializeMixedSamples() { // Measure the time from release of PTT to leader detection of reply. intARQRTmeasuredMs = min(10000, Now - dttStartRTMeasure); //?????? needs work intPriorMixedSamplesLength = 120; // zero out prior samples in Prior sample buffer intFilteredMixedSamplesLength = 0; // zero out the FilteredMixedSamples array intMFSReadPtr = 0; // reset the MFSReadPtr offset 30 to accomodate the filter delay } // Subroutine to discard all sampled prior to current intRcvdSamplesRPtr void DiscardOldSamples() { // This restructures the intRcvdSamples array discarding all samples prior to intRcvdSamplesRPtr //not sure why we need this !! /* if (RcvdSamplesLen - intRcvdSamplesRPtr <= 0) RcvdSamplesLen = intRcvdSamplesRPtr = 0; else { // This is rather slow. I'd prefer a cyclic buffer. Lets see.... memmove(intRcvdSamples, &intRcvdSamples[intRcvdSamplesRPtr], (RcvdSamplesLen - intRcvdSamplesRPtr)* 2); RcvdSamplesLen -= intRcvdSamplesRPtr; intRcvdSamplesRPtr = 0; } */ } // Subroutine to apply 2000 Hz filter to mixed samples float xdblZin_1 = 0, xdblZin_2 = 0, xdblZComb= 0; // Used in the comb generator // The resonators float xdblZout_0[29] = {0.0f}; // resonator outputs float xdblZout_1[29] = {0.0f}; // resonator outputs delayed one sample float xdblZout_2[29] = {0.0f}; // resonator outputs delayed two samples float xdblCoef[29] = {0.0}; // the coefficients float xdblR = 0.9995f; // insures stability (must be < 1.0) (Value .9995 7/8/2013 gives good results) int xintN = 120; //Length of filter 12000/100 void FSMixFilter2500Hz(short * intMixedSamples, int intMixedSamplesLength) { // assumes sample rate of 12000 // implements 27 100 Hz wide sections (~2500 Hz wide @ - 30dB centered on 1500 Hz) // FSF (Frequency Selective Filter) variables // This works on intMixedSamples, len intMixedSamplesLength; // Filtered data is appended to intFilteredMixedSamples float dblRn; float dblR2; float dblZin = 0; int i, j; float intFilteredSample = 0; // Filtered sample if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength < 0) Debugprintf("Corrupt intFilteredMixedSamplesLength"); dblRn = powf(xdblR, xintN); dblR2 = powf(xdblR, 2); // Initialize the coefficients if (xdblCoef[28] == 0) { for (i = 2; i <= 28; i++) { xdblCoef[i] = 2 * xdblR * cosf(2 * M_PI * i / xintN); // For Frequency = bin i } } for (i = 0; i < intMixedSamplesLength; i++) { intFilteredSample = 0; if (i < xintN) dblZin = intMixedSamples[i] - dblRn * intPriorMixedSamples[i]; else dblZin = intMixedSamples[i] - dblRn * intMixedSamples[i - xintN]; //Compute the Comb xdblZComb = dblZin - xdblZin_2 * dblR2; xdblZin_2 = xdblZin_1; xdblZin_1 = dblZin; // Now the resonators for (j = 2; j <= 28; j++) // calculate output for 3 resonators { xdblZout_0[j] = xdblZComb + xdblCoef[j] * xdblZout_1[j] - dblR2 * xdblZout_2[j]; xdblZout_2[j] = xdblZout_1[j]; xdblZout_1[j] = xdblZout_0[j]; //' scale each by transition coeff and + (Even) or - (Odd) //' Resonators 2 and 13 scaled by .389 get best shape and side lobe supression //' Scaling also accomodates for the filter "gain" of approx 60. if (j == 2 || j == 28) intFilteredSample += 0.389f * xdblZout_0[j]; else if ((j & 1) == 0) intFilteredSample += xdblZout_0[j]; else intFilteredSample -= xdblZout_0[j]; } intFilteredSample = intFilteredSample * 0.00833333333f; intFilteredMixedSamples[intFilteredMixedSamplesLength++] = intFilteredSample; // rescales for gain of filter } // update the prior intPriorMixedSamples array for the next filter call memmove(intPriorMixedSamples, &intMixedSamples[intMixedSamplesLength - xintN], intPriorMixedSamplesLength * 2); if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength > MaxFilteredMixedSamplesLength) MaxFilteredMixedSamplesLength = intFilteredMixedSamplesLength; if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength > 3500) Debugprintf("Corrupt intFilteredMixedSamplesLength %d", intFilteredMixedSamplesLength); } // Function to apply 150Hz filter used in Envelope correlator void Filter150Hz(short * intFilterOut) { // assumes sample rate of 12000 // implements 3 100 Hz wide sections (~150 Hz wide @ - 30dB centered on 1500 Hz) // FSF (Frequency Selective Filter) variables static float dblR = 0.9995f; // insures stability (must be < 1.0) (Value .9995 7/8/2013 gives good results) static int intN = 120; //Length of filter 12000/100 static float dblRn; static float dblR2; static float dblCoef[17] = {0.0}; // the coefficients float dblZin = 0, dblZin_1 = 0, dblZin_2 = 0, dblZComb= 0; // Used in the comb generator // The resonators float dblZout_0[17] = {0.0}; // resonator outputs float dblZout_1[17] = {0.0}; // resonator outputs delayed one sample float dblZout_2[17] = {0.0}; // resonator outputs delayed two samples int i, j; float FilterOut = 0; // Filtered sample float largest = 0; dblRn = powf(dblR, intN); dblR2 = powf(dblR, 2); // Initialize the coefficients if (dblCoef[17] == 0) { for (i = 14; i <= 16; i++) { dblCoef[i] = 2 * dblR * cosf(2 * M_PI * i / intN); // For Frequency = bin i } } for (i = 0; i < 480; i++) { if (i < intN) dblZin = intFilteredMixedSamples[intMFSReadPtr + i] - dblRn * 0; // no prior mixed samples else dblZin = intFilteredMixedSamples[intMFSReadPtr + i] - dblRn * intFilteredMixedSamples[intMFSReadPtr + i - intN]; // Compute the Comb dblZComb = dblZin - dblZin_2 * dblR2; dblZin_2 = dblZin_1; dblZin_1 = dblZin; // Now the resonators for (j = 14; j <= 16; j++) // calculate output for 3 resonators { dblZout_0[j] = dblZComb + dblCoef[j] * dblZout_1[j] - dblR2 * dblZout_2[j]; dblZout_2[j] = dblZout_1[j]; dblZout_1[j] = dblZout_0[j]; // scale each by transition coeff and + (Even) or - (Odd) // Scaling also accomodates for the filter "gain" of approx 120. // These transition coefficients fairly close to optimum for WGN 0db PSK4, 100 baud (yield highest average quality) 5/24/2014 if (j == 14 || j == 16) FilterOut = 0.2f * dblZout_0[j]; // this transisiton minimizes ringing and peaks else FilterOut -= dblZout_0[j]; } intFilterOut[i] = (int)ceil(FilterOut * 0.00833333333); // rescales for gain of filter } } // Function to apply 75Hz filter used in Envelope correlator void Filter75Hz(short * intFilterOut, BOOL blnInitialise, int intSamplesToFilter) { // assumes sample rate of 12000 // implements 3 100 Hz wide sections (~150 Hz wide @ - 30dB centered on 1500 Hz) // FSF (Frequency Selective Filter) variables static float dblR = 0.9995f; // insures stability (must be < 1.0) (Value .9995 7/8/2013 gives good results) static int intN = 240; //Length of filter 12000/50 - delays output 120 samples from input static float dblRn; static float dblR2; static float dblCoef[3] = {0.0}; // the coefficients float dblZin = 0, dblZin_1 = 0, dblZin_2 = 0, dblZComb= 0; // Used in the comb generator // The resonators float dblZout_0[3] = {0.0}; // resonator outputs float dblZout_1[3] = {0.0}; // resonator outputs delayed one sample float dblZout_2[3] = {0.0}; // resonator outputs delayed two samples int i, j; float FilterOut = 0; // Filtered sample float largest = 0; dblRn = powf(dblR, intN); dblR2 = powf(dblR, 2); // Initialize the coefficients if (dblCoef[2] == 0) { for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { dblCoef[i] = 2 * dblR * cosf(2 * M_PI * (29 + i)/ intN); // For Frequency = bin 29, 30, 31 } } for (i = 0; i < intSamplesToFilter; i++) { if (i < intN) dblZin = intFilteredMixedSamples[intMFSReadPtr + i] - dblRn * 0; // no prior mixed samples else dblZin = intFilteredMixedSamples[intMFSReadPtr + i] - dblRn * intFilteredMixedSamples[intMFSReadPtr + i - intN]; // Compute the Comb dblZComb = dblZin - dblZin_2 * dblR2; dblZin_2 = dblZin_1; dblZin_1 = dblZin; // Now the resonators for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) // calculate output for 3 resonators { dblZout_0[j] = dblZComb + dblCoef[j] * dblZout_1[j] - dblR2 * dblZout_2[j]; dblZout_2[j] = dblZout_1[j]; dblZout_1[j] = dblZout_0[j]; // scale each by transition coeff and + (Even) or - (Odd) // Scaling also accomodates for the filter "gain" of approx 120. // These transition coefficients fairly close to optimum for WGN 0db PSK4, 100 baud (yield highest average quality) 5/24/2014 if (j == 0 || j == 2) FilterOut -= 0.39811f * dblZout_0[j]; // this transisiton minimizes ringing and peaks else FilterOut += dblZout_0[j]; } intFilterOut[i] = (int)ceil(FilterOut * 0.0041f); // rescales for gain of filter } } // Subroutine to Mix new samples with NCO to tune to nominal 1500 Hz center with reversed sideband and filter. void MixNCOFilter(short * intNewSamples, int Length, float dblOffsetHz) { // Correct the dimension of intPriorMixedSamples if needed (should only happen after a bandwidth setting change). int i; short intMixedSamples[2400]; // All we need at once ( I hope!) // may need to be int int intMixedSamplesLength = 0; //size of intMixedSamples if (Length == 0) return; // Nominal NCO freq is 3000 Hz to downmix intNewSamples (NCO - Fnew) to center of 1500 Hz (invertes the sideband too) dblNCOFreq = 3000 + dblOffsetHz; dblNCOPhaseInc = dblNCOFreq * dbl2Pi / 12000; intMixedSamplesLength = Length; for (i = 0; i < Length; i++) { intMixedSamples[i] = (int)ceilf(intNewSamples[i] * cosf(dblNCOPhase)); // later may want a lower "cost" implementation of "Cos" dblNCOPhase += dblNCOPhaseInc; if (dblNCOPhase > dbl2Pi) dblNCOPhase -= dbl2Pi; } // showed no significant difference if the 2000 Hz filer used for all bandwidths. // printtick("Start Filter"); FSMixFilter2500Hz(intMixedSamples, intMixedSamplesLength); // filter through the FS filter (required to reject image from Local oscillator) // printtick("Done Filter"); // save for analysys // WriteSamples(&intFilteredMixedSamples[oldlen], Length); // WriteSamples(intMixedSamples, Length); } // Function to Correct Raw demodulated data with Reed Solomon FEC int CorrectRawDataWithRS(UCHAR * bytRawData, UCHAR * bytCorrectedData, int intDataLen, int intRSLen, int bytFrameType, int Carrier) { BOOL blnRSOK; BOOL FrameOK; BOOL OK; //Dim bytNoRS(1 + intDataLen + 2 - 1) As Byte ' 1 byte byte Count, Data, 2 byte CRC //Array.Copy(bytRawData, 0, bytNoRS, 0, bytNoRS.Length) if (CarrierOk[Carrier]) // Already decoded this carrier? { // Athough we have already checked the data, it may be in the wrong place // in the buffer if another carrier was decoded wrong. memcpy(bytCorrectedData, &bytRawData[1], bytRawData[0] + 1); // Extra char in case OFDM if (strFrameType[LastDataFrameType][0] == 'O') Debugprintf("[CorrectRawDataWithRS] Carrier %d already decoded Block %d, Len %d", Carrier, bytRawData[1], bytRawData[0]); else Debugprintf("[CorrectRawDataWithRS] Carrier %d already decoded Len %d", Carrier, bytRawData[0]); return bytRawData[0]; // don't do it again } if (strFrameType[intFrameType][0] == 'O') OK = CheckCRC16(bytRawData, intDataLen + 1); else OK = CheckCRC16FrameType(bytRawData, intDataLen + 1, bytFrameType); // As crc can fail also check returned lenght is reasonable if (OK && bytRawData[0] <= intDataLen) // No RS correction needed // return the actual data { memcpy(bytCorrectedData, &bytRawData[1], bytRawData[0] + 1); if (strFrameType[intFrameType][0] == 'O') Debugprintf("[CorrectRawDataWithRS] Carrier %d OK without RS, Block %d Len = %d", Carrier, bytRawData[1], bytRawData[0]); else Debugprintf("[CorrectRawDataWithRS] Carrier %d OK without RS, Len = %d", Carrier, bytRawData[0]); CarrierOk[Carrier] = TRUE; return bytRawData[0]; } // Try correcting with RS Parity FrameOK = RSDecode(bytRawData, intDataLen + 3 + intRSLen, intRSLen, &blnRSOK); if (blnRSOK) {} // Debugprintf("RS Says OK without correction"); else if (FrameOK) {} // Debugprintf("RS Says OK after %d correction(s)", NErrors); else { Debugprintf("[intFrameType] RS Says Can't Correct"); goto returnBad; } if (FrameOK) { if (strFrameType[intFrameType][0] == 'O') OK = CheckCRC16(bytRawData, intDataLen + 1); else OK = CheckCRC16FrameType(bytRawData, intDataLen + 1, bytFrameType); if (OK && bytRawData[0] <= intDataLen) // Now OK - return the actual data { int intFailedByteCnt = 0; if (strFrameType[intFrameType][0] == 'O') Debugprintf("[CorrectRawDataWithRS] Carrier %d OK with RS %d corrections, Block %d, Len = %d", Carrier, NErrors, bytRawData[1], bytRawData[0]); else Debugprintf("[CorrectRawDataWithRS] Carrier %d OK with RS %d corrections, Len = %d", Carrier, NErrors, bytRawData[0]); totalRSErrors += NErrors; memcpy(bytCorrectedData, &bytRawData[1], bytRawData[0] + 1); CarrierOk[Carrier] = TRUE; return bytRawData[0]; } Debugprintf("[CorrectRawDataWithRS] Carrier %d RS says ok but CRC still bad", Carrier); } // return uncorrected data without byte count or RS Parity returnBad: memcpy(bytCorrectedData, &bytRawData[1], intDataLen + 1); CarrierOk[Carrier] = FALSE; return intDataLen; } // Subroutine to process new samples as received from the sound card via Main.ProcessCapturedData // Only called when not transmitting double dblPhaseInc; // in milliradians short intNforGoertzel[MAXCAR]; short intPSKPhase_1[MAXCAR], intPSKPhase_0[MAXCAR]; short intCP[MAXCAR]; // Cyclic prefix offset float dblFreqBin[MAXCAR]; BOOL CheckFrameTypeParity(int intTonePtr, int * intToneMags); void ARDOPProcessNewSamples(int chan, short * Samples, int nSamples) { BOOL blnFrameDecodedOK = FALSE; // LookforUZ7HOLeader(Samples, nSamples); // printtick("Start afsk"); // DemodAFSK(Samples, nSamples); // printtick("End afsk"); // return; if (ProtocolState == FECSend) return; // Append new data to anything in rawSamples memcpy(&rawSamples[rawSamplesLength], Samples, nSamples * 2); rawSamplesLength += nSamples; if (rawSamplesLength > maxrawSamplesLength) maxrawSamplesLength = rawSamplesLength; if (rawSamplesLength >= 2400) Debugprintf("Corrupt rawSamplesLength %d", rawSamplesLength); nSamples = rawSamplesLength; Samples = rawSamples; rawSamplesLength = 0; // printtick("Start Busy"); if (nSamples >= 1024) UpdateBusyDetector(Samples); // printtick("Done Busy"); // it seems that searchforleader runs on unmixed and unfilered samples // Searching for leader if (State == SearchingForLeader) { // Search for leader as long as 960 samples (8 symbols) available // printtick("Start Leader Search"); if (nSamples >= 1200) { if (ProtocolState == FECSend) return; } while (State == SearchingForLeader && nSamples >= 1200) { int intSN; blnLeaderFound = SearchFor2ToneLeader4(Samples, nSamples, &dblOffsetHz, &intSN); // blnLeaderFound = SearchFor2ToneLeader2(Samples, nSamples, &dblOffsetHz, &intSN); if (blnLeaderFound) { // Debugprintf("Got Leader"); dttLastLeaderDetect = Now; nSamples -= 480; Samples += 480; // !!!! needs attention !!! InitializeMixedSamples(); State = AcquireSymbolSync; } else { if (SlowCPU) { nSamples -= 480; Samples += 480; // advance pointer 2 symbols (40 ms) ' reduce CPU loading } else { nSamples -= 240; Samples += 240; // !!!! needs attention !!! } } } if (State == SearchingForLeader) { // Save unused samples memmove(rawSamples, Samples, nSamples * 2); rawSamplesLength = nSamples; // printtick("End Leader Search"); return; } } // Got leader // At this point samples haven't been processed, and are in Samples, len nSamples // I'm going to filter all samples into intFilteredMixedSamples. // printtick("Start Mix"); MixNCOFilter(Samples, nSamples, dblOffsetHz); // Mix and filter new samples (Mixing consumes all intRcvdSamples) nSamples = 0; // all used // printtick("Done Mix Samples"); // Acquire Symbol Sync if (State == AcquireSymbolSync) { if ((intFilteredMixedSamplesLength - intMFSReadPtr) > 960) { blnSymbolSyncFound = Acquire2ToneLeaderSymbolFraming(); // adjust the pointer to the nominal symbol start based on phase if (blnSymbolSyncFound) State = AcquireFrameSync; else { // Rick's Latest code (2.0.3) advances pointer instead of clearing samples // DiscardOldSamples(); // ClearAllMixedSamples(); intMFSReadPtr += 240; // advance the MFSReadPointer one symbol and try to search for leader again. State = SearchingForLeader; return; } // printtick("Got Sym Sync"); } } // Acquire Frame Sync if (State == AcquireFrameSync) { blnFrameSyncFound = AcquireFrameSyncRSB(); // Remove used samples intFilteredMixedSamplesLength -= intMFSReadPtr; if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength < 0) Debugprintf("Corrupt intFilteredMixedSamplesLength"); memmove(intFilteredMixedSamples, &intFilteredMixedSamples[intMFSReadPtr], intFilteredMixedSamplesLength * 2); intMFSReadPtr = 0; if (blnFrameSyncFound) { State = AcquireFrameType; // Have frame Sync. Remove used samples from buffer printtick("Got Frame Sync"); } else if ((Now - dttLastLeaderDetect) > 1000) // no Frame sync within 1000 ms (may want to make this limit a funciton of Mode and leaders) { DiscardOldSamples(); ClearAllMixedSamples(); State = SearchingForLeader; printtick("frame sync timeout"); } /* else if (intPhaseError > 2) { DiscardOldSamples(); ClearAllMixedSamples(); State = SearchingForLeader; printtick("frame sync timeout"); } // else // printtick("no frame sync"); */ } // Acquire Frame Type if (State == AcquireFrameType) { // printtick("getting frame type"); intFrameType = Acquire4FSKFrameType(); if (intFrameType == -2) { // sprintf(Msg, "not enough %d %d", intFilteredMixedSamplesLength, intMFSReadPtr); // printtick(Msg); return; // insufficient samples } if (intFrameType == -1) // poor decode quality (large decode distance) { State = SearchingForLeader; ClearAllMixedSamples(); DiscardOldSamples(); Debugprintf("poor frame type decode"); // stcStatus.BackColor = SystemColors.Control // stcStatus.Text = "" // stcStatus.ControlName = "lblRcvFrame" // queTNCStatus.Enqueue(stcStatus) } else { // Get Frame info and Initialise Demodulate variables // We've used intMFSReadPtr samples, so remove from Buffer // sprintf(Msg, "Got Frame Type %x", intFrameType); // printtick(Msg); blnLastBusyStatus = 1; blnBusyStatus = 1; BusyCount = 10; intFilteredMixedSamplesLength -= intMFSReadPtr; if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength < 0) Debugprintf("Corrupt intFilteredMixedSamplesLength"); memmove(intFilteredMixedSamples, &intFilteredMixedSamples[intMFSReadPtr], intFilteredMixedSamplesLength * 2); intMFSReadPtr = 0; if (!FrameInfo(intFrameType, &blnOdd, &intNumCar, strMod, &intBaud, &intDataLen, &intRSLen, &bytMinQualThresh, strType)) { printtick("bad frame type"); State = SearchingForLeader; ClearAllMixedSamples(); DiscardOldSamples(); return; } if (IsShortControlFrame(intFrameType)) { // Frame has no data so is now complete DrawRXFrame(1, Name(intFrameType)); // See if IRStoISS shortcut can be invoked // prepare for next DiscardOldSamples(); ClearAllMixedSamples(); State = SearchingForLeader; blnFrameDecodedOK = TRUE; Debugprintf("[DecodeFrame] Frame: %s ", Name(intFrameType)); DecodeCompleteTime = Now; goto ProcessFrame; } DrawRXFrame(0, Name(intFrameType)); if (intBaud == 25) intSampPerSym = 480; else if (intBaud == 50) intSampPerSym = 240; else if (intBaud == 55) intSampPerSym = 216; else if (intBaud == 100) intSampPerSym = 120; else if (intBaud == 167) intSampPerSym = 72; else if (intBaud == 600) intSampPerSym = 20; if (IsDataFrame(intFrameType)) SymbolsLeft = intDataLen + intRSLen + 3; // Data has crc + length byte else if (intFrameType == OFDMACK) SymbolsLeft = intDataLen + intRSLen + 2; // CRC but no len else SymbolsLeft = intDataLen + intRSLen; // No CRC if (intDataLen == 600) SymbolsLeft += 6; // 600 baud has 3 * RS Blocks // Save data rate for PTC reporting if (Rate[intFrameType] > 0) DataRate = Rate[intFrameType]; intToneMagsLength = 16 * SymbolsLeft; // 4 tones, 2 bits per set memset(intToneMagsIndex, 0, sizeof(intToneMagsIndex)); charIndex = 0; PSKInitDone = 0; frameLen = 0; totalRSErrors = 0; DummyCarrier = 0; // pseudo carrier used for long 600 baud frames Decode600Buffer = &bytFrameData[0][0]; State = AcquireFrame; // if a data frame, and not the same frame type as last, reinitialise // correctly received carriers byte and memory ARQ fields // if (IsDataFrame(intFrameType) && LastDataFrameType != intFrameType) if (intFrameType == PktFrameHeader || intFrameType == PktFrameData) { memset(CarrierOk, 0, sizeof(CarrierOk)); memset(intSumCounts, 0, sizeof(intSumCounts)); #ifdef MEMORYARQ memset(intToneMagsAvg, 0, sizeof(intToneMagsAvg)); memset(intCarPhaseAvg, 0, sizeof(intCarPhaseAvg)); memset(intCarMagAvg, 0, sizeof(intCarMagAvg)); #endif LastDataFrameType = intFrameType; } else if (LastDataFrameType != intFrameType) { if (strFrameType[LastDataFrameType][0] == 'O') { // OFDM Frame, We know the ISS received the last ack, so can remove any data passed to host. // We need to do that, as new frame block numbers will start from first unacked block. if (intFrameType == OFDMACK) RepeatedFrame = FALSE; RepeatedFrame = FALSE; RemoveProcessedOFDMData(); } Debugprintf("New frame type - MEMARQ flags reset"); memset(CarrierOk, 0, sizeof(CarrierOk)); if (IsDataFrame(intFrameType)) LastDataFrameType = intFrameType; // note that although we only do mem arq if enough RAM we // still skip decoding carriers that have been received; #ifdef MEMORYARQ memset(intSumCounts, 0, sizeof(intSumCounts)); memset(intToneMagsAvg, 0, sizeof(intToneMagsAvg)); memset(intCarPhaseAvg, 0, sizeof(intCarPhaseAvg)); memset(intCarMagAvg, 0, sizeof(intCarMagAvg)); #endif } else { // Repeated frame. OFDM needs to know, as we may have passed data to host. if (IsDataFrame(intFrameType)) RepeatedFrame = TRUE; } PrintCarrierFlags(); } } // Acquire Frame if (State == AcquireFrame) { // Call DemodulateFrame for each set of samples DemodulateFrame(intFrameType); if (State == AcquireFrame) // We haven't got it all yet so wait for more samples return; // We have the whole frame, so process it // printtick("got whole frame"); LastDemodType = intFrameType; if (strcmp (strMod, "4FSK") == 0) Update4FSKConstellation(&intToneMags[0][0], &intLastRcvdFrameQuality); else if (strcmp (strMod, "16FSK") == 0) Update16FSKConstellation(&intToneMags[0][0], &intLastRcvdFrameQuality); else if (strcmp (strMod, "8FSK") == 0) Update8FSKConstellation(&intToneMags[0][0], &intLastRcvdFrameQuality); // PSK and QAM quality done in Decode routines Debugprintf("Qual = %d", intLastRcvdFrameQuality); // This mechanism is to skip actual decoding and reply/change state...no need to decode blnFrameDecodedOK = DecodeFrame(chan, intFrameType, bytData); ProcessFrame: if (!blnFrameDecodedOK) DrawRXFrame(2, Name(intFrameType)); if (intFrameType == PktFrameData) { #ifdef TEENSY SetLED(PKTLED, TRUE); // Flash LED PKTLEDTimer = Now + 200; // for 200 mS #endif return; } if (blnFrameDecodedOK) { // Set input level if supported #ifdef HASPOTS CheckandAdjustRXLevel(lastmax, lastmin, TRUE); #endif if (AccumulateStats) if (IsDataFrame(intFrameType)) if (strstr (strMod, "PSK")) intGoodPSKFrameDataDecodes++; else if (strstr (strMod, "QAM")) intGoodQAMFrameDataDecodes++; else if (strstr (strMod, "OFDM")) intGoodOFDMFrameDataDecodes++; else intGoodFSKFrameDataDecodes++; #ifdef TEENSY if (IsDataFrame(intFrameType)) { SetLED(PKTLED, TRUE); // Flash LED PKTLEDTimer = Now + 400; // For 400 Ms } #endif } else { // Bad decode if (AccumulateStats) if (IsDataFrame(intFrameType)) if (strstr(strMod, "PSK")) intFailedPSKFrameDataDecodes++; else if (strstr(strMod, "QAM")) intFailedQAMFrameDataDecodes++; else if (strstr(strMod, "OFDM")) intFailedOFDMFrameDataDecodes++; else intFailedFSKFrameDataDecodes++; // Debug.WriteLine("[DecodePSKData2] bytPass = " & Format(bytPass, "X")) } skipDecode: State = SearchingForLeader; ClearAllMixedSamples(); DiscardOldSamples(); return; } } // Subroutine to compute Goertzel algorithm and return Real and Imag components for a single frequency bin void GoertzelRealImag(short intRealIn[], int intPtr, int N, float m, float * dblReal, float * dblImag) { // intRealIn is a buffer at least intPtr + N in length // N need not be a power of 2 // m need not be an integer // Computes the Real and Imaginary Freq values for bin m // Verified to = FFT results for at least 10 significant digits // Timings for 1024 Point on Laptop (64 bit Core Duo 2.2 Ghz) // GoertzelRealImag .015 ms Normal FFT (.5 ms) // assuming Goertzel is proportional to N and FFT time proportional to Nlog2N // FFT:Goertzel time ratio ~ 3.3 Log2(N) // Sanity check //if (intPtr < 0 Or (intRealIn.Length - intPtr) < N Then // dblReal = 0 : dblImag = 0 : Exit Sub // End If float dblZ_1 = 0.0f, dblZ_2 = 0.0f, dblW = 0.0f; float dblCoeff = 2 * cosf(2 * M_PI * m / N); int i; for (i = 0; i <= N; i++) { if (i == N) dblW = dblZ_1 * dblCoeff - dblZ_2; else dblW = intRealIn[intPtr] + dblZ_1 * dblCoeff - dblZ_2; dblZ_2 = dblZ_1; dblZ_1 = dblW; intPtr++; } *dblReal = 2 * (dblW - cosf(2 * M_PI * m / N) * dblZ_2) / N; // scale results by N/2 *dblImag = 2 * (sinf(2 * M_PI * m / N) * dblZ_2) / N; // scale results by N/2 (this sign agrees with Scope DSP phase values) } // Subroutine to compute Goertzel algorithm and return Real and Imag components for a single frequency bin with a Hanning Window function float dblHanWin[120]; float dblHanAng; int HanWinLen = 0; float dblHannWin[480]; float dblHannAng; // Subroutine to compute Goertzel algorithm and return Real and Imag components for a single frequency bin with a Hann Window function for N a multiple of 120 void GoertzelRealImagHann120(short intRealIn[], int intPtr, int N, float m, float * dblReal, float * dblImag) { // This version precomputes the raised cosine (Hann or Hanning) window and uses it for any length that is a multiple of 120 samples // intRealIn is a buffer at least intPtr + N in length // N must be 960 to use this function // Hann coefficients are approximated for N>120 but should be close // m need not be an integer // Computes the Real and Imaginary Freq values for bin m // Verified to = FFT results for at least 10 significant digits // Timings for 1024 Point on Laptop (64 bit Core Duo 2.2 Ghz) // GoertzelRealImag .015 ms Normal FFT (.5 ms) // assuming Goertzel is proportional to N and FFT time proportional to Nlog2N // FFT:Goertzel time ratio ~ 3.3 Log2(N) float dblZ_1 = 0.0f, dblZ_2 = 0.0f, dblW = 0.0f; float dblCoeff = 2 * cosf(2 * M_PI * m / N); int i; int intM = N / 120; // No if 120 sample blocks if (HanWinLen != N) //if there is any change in N this is then recalculate the Hanning Window...this mechanism reduces use of Cos { HanWinLen = N; dblHanAng = 2 * M_PI / 120; for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) { dblHanWin[i] = 0.5 - 0.5 * cosf(i * dblHanAng + dblHanAng); } } for (i = 0; i <= N; i++) { if (i == N) dblW = dblZ_1 * dblCoeff - dblZ_2; else if (i < (N / 2)) // ist half of 120 sample block // looks like we use values 0 ti 59 then 59 down to 0 dblW = intRealIn[intPtr] * dblHanWin[(i /intM) % 60] + dblZ_1 * dblCoeff - dblZ_2; else dblW = intRealIn[intPtr] * dblHanWin[59 - ((i /intM) % 60)] + dblZ_1 * dblCoeff - dblZ_2; dblZ_2 = dblZ_1; dblZ_1 = dblW; intPtr++; } *dblReal = 2 * (dblW - cosf(2 * M_PI * m / N) * dblZ_2) / N; // scale results by N/2 *dblImag = 2 * (sinf(2 * M_PI * m / N) * dblZ_2) / N; // scale results by N/2 (this sign agrees with Scope DSP phase values) } void GoertzelRealImagHann960(short intRealIn[], int intPtr, int N, float m, float * dblReal, float * dblImag) { // This version precomputes the raised cosine (Hann or Hanning) window and uses it for any length that is a multiple of 120 samples // intRealIn is a buffer at least intPtr + N in length // N must be a multiple of 120 to use this function // Hann coefficients are approximated for N>120 but should be close // m need not be an integer // Computes the Real and Imaginary Freq values for bin m // Verified to = FFT results for at least 10 significant digits // Timings for 1024 Point on Laptop (64 bit Core Duo 2.2 Ghz) // GoertzelRealImag .015 ms Normal FFT (.5 ms) // assuming Goertzel is proportional to N and FFT time proportional to Nlog2N // FFT:Goertzel time ratio ~ 3.3 Log2(N) float dblZ_1 = 0.0f, dblZ_2 = 0.0f, dblW = 0.0f; float dblCoeff = 2 * cosf(2 * M_PI * m / N); int i; int intM = N / 120; // No if 120 sample blocks if (dblHannWin[479] < 0.5) //if there is any change in N this is then recalculate the Hanning Window...this mechanism reduces use of Cos { dblHannAng = 2 * M_PI / 960; for (i = 0; i < 480; i++) { dblHannWin[i] = 0.5 - 0.5 * cosf(i * dblHannAng + dblHannAng); } } for (i = 0; i <= N; i++) { if (i == N) dblW = dblZ_1 * dblCoeff - dblZ_2; else if (i < (N / 2)) // ist half of 120 sample block // looks like we use values 0 ti 59 then 59 down to 0 dblW = intRealIn[intPtr] * dblHannWin[(i /intM) % 60] + dblZ_1 * dblCoeff - dblZ_2; else dblW = intRealIn[intPtr] * dblHannWin[479 - ((i /intM) % 60)] + dblZ_1 * dblCoeff - dblZ_2; dblZ_2 = dblZ_1; dblZ_1 = dblW; intPtr++; } *dblReal = 2 * (dblW - cosf(2 * M_PI * m / N) * dblZ_2) / N; // scale results by N/2 *dblImag = 2 * (sinf(2 * M_PI * m / N) * dblZ_2) / N; // scale results by N/2 (this sign agrees with Scope DSP phase values) } void GoertzelRealImagHanning(short intRealIn[], int intPtr, int N, float m, float * dblReal, float * dblImag) { // intRealIn is a buffer at least intPtr + N in length // N need not be a power of 2 // m need not be an integer // Computes the Real and Imaginary Freq values for bin m // Verified to = FFT results for at least 10 significant digits // Timings for 1024 Point on Laptop (64 bit Core Duo 2.2 Ghz) // GoertzelRealImag .015 ms Normal FFT (.5 ms) // assuming Goertzel is proportional to N and FFT time proportional to Nlog2N // FFT:Goertzel time ratio ~ 3.3 Log2(N) // Sanity check float dblZ_1 = 0.0f, dblZ_2 = 0.0f, dblW = 0.0f; float dblCoeff = 2 * cosf(2 * M_PI * m / N); int i; if (HanWinLen != N) //if there is any change in N this is then recalculate the Hanning Window...this mechanism reduces use of Cos { HanWinLen = N; dblHanAng = 2 * M_PI / (N - 1); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { dblHanWin[i] = 0.5 - 0.5 * cosf(i * dblHanAng); } } for (i = 0; i <= N; i++) { if (i == N) dblW = dblZ_1 * dblCoeff - dblZ_2; else dblW = intRealIn[intPtr] * dblHanWin[i] + dblZ_1 * dblCoeff - dblZ_2; dblZ_2 = dblZ_1; dblZ_1 = dblW; intPtr++; } *dblReal = 2 * (dblW - cosf(2 * M_PI * m / N) * dblZ_2) / N; // scale results by N/2 *dblImag = 2 * (sinf(2 * M_PI * m / N) * dblZ_2) / N; // scale results by N/2 (this sign agrees with Scope DSP phase values) } float dblHamWin[1200]; float dblHamAng; int HamWinLen = 0; void GoertzelRealImagHamming(short intRealIn[], int intPtr, int N, float m, float * dblReal, float * dblImag) { // intRealIn is a buffer at least intPtr + N in length // N need not be a power of 2 // m need not be an integer // Computes the Real and Imaginary Freq values for bin m // Verified to = FFT results for at least 10 significant digits // Timings for 1024 Point on Laptop (64 bit Core Duo 2.2 Ghz) // GoertzelRealImag .015 ms Normal FFT (.5 ms) // assuming Goertzel is proportional to N and FFT time proportional to Nlog2N // FFT:Goertzel time ratio ~ 3.3 Log2(N) // Sanity check float dblZ_1 = 0.0f, dblZ_2 = 0.0f, dblW = 0.0f; float dblCoeff = 2 * cosf(2 * M_PI * m / N); int i; if (HamWinLen != N) //if there is any cHamge in N this is then recalculate the Hanning Window...this mechanism reduces use of Cos { HamWinLen = N; dblHamAng = 2 * M_PI / (N - 1); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { dblHamWin[i] = 0.54f - 0.46f * cosf(i * dblHamAng); } } for (i = 0; i <= N; i++) { if (i == N) dblW = dblZ_1 * dblCoeff - dblZ_2; else dblW = intRealIn[intPtr] * dblHamWin[i] + dblZ_1 * dblCoeff - dblZ_2; dblZ_2 = dblZ_1; dblZ_1 = dblW; intPtr++; } *dblReal = 2 * (dblW - cosf(2 * M_PI * m / N) * dblZ_2) / N; // scale results by N/2 *dblImag = 2 * (sinf(2 * M_PI * m / N) * dblZ_2) / N; // scale results by N/2 (this sign agrees with Scope DSP phase values) } // Function to interpolate spectrum peak using Quinn algorithm float QuinnSpectralPeakLocator(float XkM1Re, float XkM1Im, float XkRe, float XkIm, float XkP1Re, float XkP1Im) { // based on the Quinn algorithm in Streamlining Digital Processing page 139 // Alpha1 = Re(Xk-1/Xk) // Alpha2 = Re(Xk+1/Xk) //Delta1 = Alpha1/(1 - Alpha1) //'Delta2 = Alpha2/(1 - Alpha2) // if Delta1 > 0 and Delta2 > 0 then Delta = Delta2 else Delta = Delta1 // should be within .1 bin for S:N > 2 dB float dblDenom = powf(XkRe, 2) + powf(XkIm, 2); float dblAlpha1; float dblAlpha2; float dblDelta1; float dblDelta2; dblAlpha1 = ((XkM1Re * XkRe) + (XkM1Im * XkIm)) / dblDenom; dblAlpha2 = ((XkP1Re * XkRe) + (XkP1Im * XkIm)) / dblDenom; dblDelta1 = dblAlpha1 / (1 - dblAlpha1); dblDelta2 = dblAlpha2 / (1 - dblAlpha2); if (dblDelta1 > 0 && dblDelta2 > 0) return dblDelta2; else return dblDelta1; } // Function to interpolate spectrum peak using simple interpolation float SpectralPeakLocator(float XkM1Re, float XkM1Im, float XkRe, float XkIm, float XkP1Re, float XkP1Im, float * dblCentMag, char * Win) { // Use this for Windowed samples instead of QuinnSpectralPeakLocator float dblLeftMag, dblRightMag; *dblCentMag = sqrtf(powf(XkRe, 2) + powf(XkIm, 2)); dblLeftMag = sqrtf(powf(XkM1Re, 2) + powf(XkM1Im, 2)); dblRightMag = sqrtf(powf(XkP1Re, 2) + powf(XkP1Im, 2)); //Factor 1.22 empirically determine optimum for Hamming window // For Hanning Window use factor of 1.36 // For Blackman Window use factor of 1.75 if (strcmp(Win, "Blackman")) return 1.75 * (dblRightMag - dblLeftMag) / (dblLeftMag + *dblCentMag + dblRightMag); // Optimized for Hamming Window if (strcmp(Win, "Hann")) return 1.36 * (dblRightMag - dblLeftMag) / (dblLeftMag + *dblCentMag + dblRightMag); // Optimized for Hamming Window if (strcmp(Win, "Hamming")) return 1.22 * (dblRightMag - dblLeftMag) / (dblLeftMag + *dblCentMag + dblRightMag); // Optimized for Hamming Window return 0; } // Function to detect and tune the 50 baud 2 tone leader (for all bandwidths) Updated version of SearchFor2ToneLeader2 float dblPriorFineOffset = 1000.0f; BOOL SearchFor2ToneLeader3(short * intNewSamples, int Length, float * dblOffsetHz, int * intSN) { // This version uses 10Hz bin spacing. Hamming window on Goertzel, and simple spectral peak interpolator // It requires about 50% more CPU time when running but produces more sensive leader detection and more accurate tuning // search through the samples looking for the telltail 50 baud 2 tone pattern (nominal tones 1475, 1525 Hz) // Find the offset in Hz (due to missmatch in transmitter - receiver tuning // Finds the S:N (power ratio of the tones 1475 and 1525 ratioed to "noise" averaged from bins at 1425, 1450, 1550, and 1575Hz) float dblGoertzelReal[56]; float dblGoertzelImag[56]; float dblMag[56]; float dblPower, dblLeftMag, dblRightMag; float dblMaxPeak = 0.0, dblMaxPeakSN = 0.0, dblBinAdj; int intInterpCnt = 0; // the count 0 to 3 of the interpolations that were < +/- .5 bin int intIatMaxPeak = 0; float dblAlpha = 0.3f; // Works well possibly some room for optimization Changed from .5 to .3 on Rev float dblInterpretThreshold= 1.0f; // Good results June 6, 2014 (was .4) ' Works well possibly some room for optimization float dblFilteredMaxPeak = 0; int intStartBin, intStopBin; float dblLeftCar, dblRightCar, dblBinInterpLeft, dblBinInterpRight, dblCtrR, dblCtrI, dblLeftP, dblRightP; float dblLeftR[3], dblLeftI[3], dblRightR[3], dblRightI[3]; int i; int Ptr = 0; float dblAvgNoisePerBin, dblCoarsePwrSN, dblBinAdj1475, dblBinAdj1525, dblCoarseOffset = 1000; float dblTrialOffset, dblPowerEarly, dblSNdBPwrEarly; if ((Length) < 1200) return FALSE; // ensure there are at least 1200 samples (5 symbols of 240 samples) // if ((Now - dttLastGoodFrameTypeDecode > 20000) && TuningRange > 0) { // this is the full search over the full tuning range selected. Uses more CPU time and with possibly larger deviation once connected. intStartBin = ((200 - TuningRange) / 10); intStopBin = 55 - intStartBin; dblMaxPeak = 0; // Generate the Power magnitudes for up to 56 10 Hz bins (a function of MCB.TuningRange) for (i = intStartBin; i <= intStopBin; i++) { // note hamming window reduces end effect caused by 1200 samples (not an even multiple of 240) but spreads response peaks GoertzelRealImagHamming(intNewSamples, Ptr, 1200, i + 122.5f, &dblGoertzelReal[i], &dblGoertzelImag[i]); dblMag[i] = powf(dblGoertzelReal[i], 2) + powf(dblGoertzelImag[i], 2); // dblMag(i) in units of power (V^2) } // Search the bins to locate the max S:N in the two tone signal/avg noise. for (i = intStartBin + 5; i <= intStopBin - 10; i++) // ' +/- MCB.TuningRange from nominal { dblPower = sqrtf(dblMag[i] * dblMag[i + 5]); // using the product to minimize sensitivity to one strong carrier vs the two tone // sqrt converts back to units of power from Power ^2 // don't use center noise bin as too easily corrupted by adjacent carriers dblAvgNoisePerBin = (dblMag[i - 5] + dblMag[i - 3] + dblMag[i + 8] + dblMag[i + 10]) / 4; // Simple average dblMaxPeak = dblPower / dblAvgNoisePerBin; if (dblMaxPeak > dblMaxPeakSN) { dblMaxPeakSN = dblMaxPeak; dblCoarsePwrSN = 10 * log10f(dblMaxPeak); intIatMaxPeak = i + 122; } } // Do the interpolation based on the two carriers at nominal 1475 and 1525Hz if (((intIatMaxPeak - 123) >= intStartBin) && ((intIatMaxPeak - 118) <= intStopBin)) // check to ensure no index errors { // Interpolate the adjacent bins using QuinnSpectralPeakLocator dblBinAdj1475 = SpectralPeakLocator( dblGoertzelReal[intIatMaxPeak - 123], dblGoertzelImag[intIatMaxPeak - 123], dblGoertzelReal[intIatMaxPeak - 122], dblGoertzelImag[intIatMaxPeak - 122], dblGoertzelReal[intIatMaxPeak - 121], dblGoertzelImag[intIatMaxPeak - 121], &dblLeftMag, "Hamming"); if (dblBinAdj1475 < dblInterpretThreshold && dblBinAdj1475 > -dblInterpretThreshold) { dblBinAdj = dblBinAdj1475; intInterpCnt += 1; } dblBinAdj1525 = SpectralPeakLocator( dblGoertzelReal[intIatMaxPeak - 118], dblGoertzelImag[intIatMaxPeak - 118], dblGoertzelReal[intIatMaxPeak - 117], dblGoertzelImag[intIatMaxPeak - 117], dblGoertzelReal[intIatMaxPeak - 116], dblGoertzelImag[intIatMaxPeak - 116], &dblRightMag, "Hamming"); if (dblBinAdj1525 < dblInterpretThreshold && dblBinAdj1525 > -dblInterpretThreshold) { dblBinAdj += dblBinAdj1525; intInterpCnt += 1; } if (intInterpCnt == 0) { dblPriorFineOffset = 1000.0f; return FALSE; } else { dblBinAdj = dblBinAdj / intInterpCnt; // average the offsets that are within 1 bin dblCoarseOffset = 10.0f * (intIatMaxPeak + dblBinAdj - 147); // compute the Coarse tuning offset in Hz } } else { dblPriorFineOffset = 1000.0f; return FALSE; } } // Drop into Narrow Search if (dblCoarseOffset < 999) dblTrialOffset = dblCoarseOffset; // use the CoarseOffset calculation from above else dblTrialOffset = *dblOffsetHz; // use the prior offset value if (fabsf(dblTrialOffset) > TuningRange && TuningRange > 0) { dblPriorFineOffset = 1000.0f; return False; } dblLeftCar = 147.5f + dblTrialOffset / 10.0f; // the nominal positions of the two tone carriers based on the last computerd dblOffsetHz dblRightCar = 152.5f + dblTrialOffset / 10.0f; // Calculate 4 bins total for Noise values in S/N computation (calculate average noise) ' Simple average of noise bins GoertzelRealImagHamming(intNewSamples, Ptr, 1200, 142.5f + dblTrialOffset / 10.0f, &dblCtrR, &dblCtrI); // nominal center -75 Hz dblAvgNoisePerBin = powf(dblCtrR, 2) + powf(dblCtrI, 2); GoertzelRealImagHamming(intNewSamples, Ptr, 1200, 145.0f + dblTrialOffset / 10.0f, &dblCtrR, &dblCtrI); // center - 50 Hz dblAvgNoisePerBin += powf(dblCtrR, 2) + powf(dblCtrI, 2); GoertzelRealImagHamming(intNewSamples, Ptr, 1200, 155.0 + dblTrialOffset / 10.0f, &dblCtrR, &dblCtrI); // center + 50 Hz dblAvgNoisePerBin += powf(dblCtrR, 2) + powf(dblCtrI, 2); GoertzelRealImagHamming(intNewSamples, Ptr, 1200, 157.5 + dblTrialOffset / 10.0f, &dblCtrR, &dblCtrI); // center + 75 Hz dblAvgNoisePerBin += powf(dblCtrR, 2) + powf(dblCtrI, 2); dblAvgNoisePerBin = dblAvgNoisePerBin * 0.25f; // simple average, now units of power // Calculate one bin above and below the two nominal 2 tone positions for Quinn Spectral Peak locator GoertzelRealImagHamming(intNewSamples, Ptr, 1200, dblLeftCar - 1, &dblLeftR[0], &dblLeftI[0]); GoertzelRealImagHamming(intNewSamples, Ptr, 1200, dblLeftCar, &dblLeftR[1], &dblLeftI[1]); dblLeftP = powf(dblLeftR[1], 2) + powf(dblLeftI[1], 2); GoertzelRealImagHamming(intNewSamples, Ptr, 1200, dblLeftCar + 1, &dblLeftR[2], &dblLeftI[2]); GoertzelRealImagHamming(intNewSamples, Ptr, 1200, dblRightCar - 1, &dblRightR[0], &dblRightI[0]); GoertzelRealImagHamming(intNewSamples, Ptr, 1200, dblRightCar, &dblRightR[1], &dblRightI[1]); dblRightP = powf(dblRightR[1], 2) + powf(dblRightI[1], 2); GoertzelRealImag(intNewSamples, Ptr, 1200, dblRightCar + 1, &dblRightR[2], &dblRightI[2]); // Calculate the total power in the two tones // This mechanism designed to reject single carrier but average both carriers if ratios is less than 4:1 if (dblLeftP > 4 * dblRightP) dblPower = dblRightP; else if (dblRightP > 4 * dblLeftP) dblPower = dblLeftP; else dblPower = sqrtf(dblLeftP * dblRightP); dblSNdBPwr = 10 * log10f(dblPower / dblAvgNoisePerBin); // Early leader detect code to calculate S:N on the first 2 symbols) // concept is to allow more accurate framing and sync detection and reduce false leader detects GoertzelRealImag(intNewSamples, Ptr, 480, 57.0f + dblTrialOffset / 25.0f, &dblCtrR, &dblCtrI); // nominal center -75 Hz dblAvgNoisePerBin = powf(dblCtrR, 2) + powf(dblCtrI, 2); GoertzelRealImag(intNewSamples, Ptr, 480, 58.0f + dblTrialOffset / 25.0f, &dblCtrR, &dblCtrI); // nominal center -75 Hz dblAvgNoisePerBin += powf(dblCtrR, 2) + powf(dblCtrI, 2); GoertzelRealImag(intNewSamples, Ptr, 480, 62.0f + dblTrialOffset / 25.0f, &dblCtrR, &dblCtrI); // nominal center -75 Hz dblAvgNoisePerBin += powf(dblCtrR, 2) + powf(dblCtrI, 2); GoertzelRealImag(intNewSamples, Ptr, 480, 63.0f + dblTrialOffset / 25.0f, &dblCtrR, &dblCtrI); // nominal center -75 Hz dblAvgNoisePerBin = max(1000.0f, 0.25 * (dblAvgNoisePerBin + powf(dblCtrR, 2) + powf(dblCtrI, 2))); // average of 4 noise bins dblLeftCar = 59 + dblTrialOffset / 25; // the nominal positions of the two tone carriers based on the last computerd dblOffsetHz dblRightCar = 61 + dblTrialOffset / 25; GoertzelRealImag(intNewSamples, Ptr, 480, dblLeftCar, &dblCtrR, &dblCtrI); // LEFT carrier dblLeftP = powf(dblCtrR, 2) + powf(dblCtrI, 2); GoertzelRealImag(intNewSamples, Ptr, 480, dblRightCar, &dblCtrR, &dblCtrI); // Right carrier dblRightP = powf(dblCtrR, 2) + powf(dblCtrI, 2); // the following rejects a single tone carrier but averages the two tones if ratio is < 4:1 if (dblLeftP > 4 * dblRightP) dblPowerEarly = dblRightP; else if (dblRightP > 4 * dblLeftP) dblPowerEarly = dblLeftP; else dblPowerEarly = sqrtf(dblLeftP * dblRightP); dblSNdBPwrEarly = 10 * log10f(dblPowerEarly / dblAvgNoisePerBin); // End of Early leader detect test code if (dblSNdBPwr > (4 + Squelch) && dblSNdBPwrEarly > Squelch && (dblAvgNoisePerBin > 100.0f || dblPriorFineOffset != 1000.0f)) // making early threshold = lower (after 3 dB compensation for bandwidth) { // Debugprintf("Fine Search S:N= %f dB, Early S:N= %f dblAvgNoisePerBin %f ", dblSNdBPwr, dblSNdBPwrEarly, dblAvgNoisePerBin); // Calculate the interpolation based on the left of the two tones dblBinInterpLeft = SpectralPeakLocator(dblLeftR[0], dblLeftI[0], dblLeftR[1], dblLeftI[1], dblLeftR[2], dblLeftI[2], &dblLeftMag, "Hamming"); // And the right of the two tones dblBinInterpRight = SpectralPeakLocator(dblRightR[0], dblRightI[0], dblRightR[1], dblRightI[1], dblRightR[2], dblRightI[2], &dblRightMag, "Hamming"); // Weight the interpolated values in proportion to their magnitudes dblBinInterpLeft = dblBinInterpLeft * dblLeftMag / (dblLeftMag + dblRightMag); dblBinInterpRight = dblBinInterpRight * dblRightMag / (dblLeftMag + dblRightMag); #ifdef ARMLINUX { int x = round(dblBinInterpLeft); // odd, but PI doesnt print floats properly int y = round(dblBinInterpRight); // Debugprintf(" SPL Left= %d SPL Right= %d Offset %f, LeftMag %f RightMag %f", x, y, *dblOffsetHz, dblLeftMag, dblRightMag); } #else // Debugprintf(" SPL Left= %f SPL Right= %f, Offset %f, LeftMag %f RightMag %f", // dblBinInterpLeft, dblBinInterpRight, *dblOffsetHz, dblLeftMag, dblRightMag); #endif if (fabsf(dblBinInterpLeft + dblBinInterpRight) < 1.0) // sanity check for the interpolators { if (dblBinInterpLeft + dblBinInterpRight > 0) // consider different bounding below *dblOffsetHz = dblTrialOffset + min((dblBinInterpLeft + dblBinInterpRight) * 10.0f, 3); // average left and right, adjustment bounded to +/- 3Hz max else *dblOffsetHz = dblTrialOffset + max((dblBinInterpLeft + dblBinInterpRight) * 10.0f, -3); // Note the addition of requiring a second detect with small offset dramatically reduces false triggering even at Squelch values of 3 // The following demonstrated good detection down to -10 dB S:N with squelch = 3 and minimal false triggering. // Added rev 11/6/2016 RM if (abs(dblPriorFineOffset - *dblOffsetHz) < 2.9f) { Debugprintf("Prior-Offset= %f", (dblPriorFineOffset - *dblOffsetHz)); // Capture power for debugging ...note: convert to 3 KHz noise bandwidth from 25Hz or 12.Hz for reporting consistancy. Debugprintf("Ldr; S:N(3KHz) Early= %f dB, Full %f dB, Offset= %f Hz: ", dblSNdBPwrEarly - 20.8f, dblSNdBPwr - 24.77f, *dblOffsetHz); dttStartRmtLeaderMeasure = Now; if (AccumulateStats) { dblLeaderSNAvg = ((dblLeaderSNAvg * intLeaderDetects) + dblSNdBPwr) / (1 + intLeaderDetects); intLeaderDetects++; } dblNCOFreq = 3000 + *dblOffsetHz; // Set the NCO frequency and phase inc for mixing dblNCOPhaseInc = dbl2Pi * dblNCOFreq / 12000; dttLastLeaderDetect = dttStartRmtLeaderMeasure = Now; State = AcquireSymbolSync; *intSN = dblSNdBPwr - 24.77; // 23.8dB accomodates ratio of 3Kz BW:10 Hz BW (10Log 3000/10 = 24.77) // don't advance the pointer here dblPriorFineOffset = 1000.0f; return TRUE; } else dblPriorFineOffset = *dblOffsetHz; // always use 1 symbol inc when looking for next minimal offset } } return FALSE; } BOOL SearchFor2ToneLeader4(short * intNewSamples, int Length, float * dblOffsetHz, int * intSN) { // This version uses 12.5 Hz bin spacing. Blackman window on Goertzel, and simple spectral peak interpolator optimized for Blackman // Blackman selected for maximum rejection (about 60 dB) of the other two-tone bin 50 Hz (4 x 12.5 Hz bins) away. // search through the samples looking for the telltail 50 baud 2 tone pattern (nominal tones 1475, 1525 Hz) // Find the offset in Hz (due to missmatch in transmitter - receiver tuning // Finds the S:N (power ratio of the tones 1475 and 1525 ratioed to "noise" averaged from bins at 1425, 1450, 1550, and 1575Hz) float dblGoertzelReal[45]; float dblGoertzelImag[45]; float dblMag[45]; float dblPower, dblPwrSNdB, dblLeftMag, dblRightMag, dblAvgNoisePerBinAtPeak; float dblRealL, dblRealR, dblImagL, dblImagR; float dblMaxPeak = 0.0, dblMaxPeakSN = 0.0, dblMagWindow; int intInterpCnt = 0; // the count 0 to 3 of the interpolations that were < +/- .5 bin int intIatMaxPeak = 0; float dblAlpha = 0.3f; // Works well possibly some room for optimization Changed from .5 to .3 on Rev float dblInterpretThreshold= 1.0f; // Good results June 6, 2014 (was .4) ' Works well possibly some room for optimization float dblFilteredMaxPeak = 0; int intStartBin, intStopBin; int i; int Ptr = 0; float dblAvgNoisePerBin, dblBinAdj1475, dblBinAdj1525, dblCoarseOffset = 1000; float dblOffset = 1000; // initialize to impossible value // This should allow tunning from nominal bins at 1425Hz to 1575Hz +/- 200 Hz tuning range if ((Length) < 1200) return FALSE; // ensure there are at least 1200 samples (5 symbols of 240 samples) // if ((Now - dttLastGoodFrameTypeDecode > 20000) && TuningRange > 0) // { // // this is the full search over the full tuning range selected. Uses more CPU time and with possibly larger deviation once connected. intStartBin = ((200 - TuningRange) / 12.5); intStopBin = 44 - intStartBin; dblMaxPeak = 0; dblMagWindow = 0; dblMaxPeakSN = -100; // Generate the Power magnitudes for up to 56 10 Hz bins (a function of MCB.TuningRange) for (i = intStartBin; i <= intStopBin; i++) { // note Blackman window reduced end effect but looses sensitivity so sticking with Hann window // Test of 4/22/2018 indicated accurate Hann window (960) gives about 1-2 dB more sensitivity than Blackman window GoertzelRealImagHann960(intNewSamples, Ptr, 960, i + 98, &dblGoertzelReal[i], &dblGoertzelImag[i]); dblMag[i] = powf(dblGoertzelReal[i], 2) + powf(dblGoertzelImag[i], 2); // dblMag(i) in units of power (V^2) dblMagWindow += dblMag[i]; } // Search the bins to locate the max S:N in the two tone signal/avg noise. for (i = intStartBin + 4; i <= intStopBin - 8; i++) // ' +/- MCB.TuningRange from nominal { dblPower = sqrtf(dblMag[i] * dblMag[i + 4]); // using the product to minimize sensitivity to one strong carrier vs the two tone // sqrt converts back to units of power from Power ^2 // don't use center 7 noise bins as too easily corrupted by adjacent two-tone carriers dblAvgNoisePerBin = (dblMagWindow - (dblMag[i - 1] + dblMag[i] + dblMag[i + 1] + dblMag[i + 2] + dblMag[i + 3] + dblMag[i + 4] + dblMag[i + 5])) / (intStopBin - (intStartBin + 7)); dblMaxPeak = dblPower / dblAvgNoisePerBin; if (dblMaxPeak > dblMaxPeakSN) { dblMaxPeakSN = dblMaxPeak; dblAvgNoisePerBinAtPeak = max(dblAvgNoisePerBin, 1000.0f); intIatMaxPeak = i + 98; } } dblMaxPeakSN = (dblMag[intIatMaxPeak - 98] + dblMag[intIatMaxPeak - 94]) / dblAvgNoisePerBinAtPeak; dblPwrSNdB = 10.0f * log10f(dblMaxPeakSN); // Check aquelch if ((dblPwrSNdB > (3 * Squelch)) && dblPwrSNPower_dBPrior > (3 * Squelch)) { // Do the interpolation based on the two carriers at nominal 1475 and 1525Hz if (((intIatMaxPeak - 99) >= intStartBin) && ((intIatMaxPeak - 103) <= intStopBin)) // check to ensure no index errors { // Interpolate the adjacent bins using QuinnSpectralPeakLocator dblBinAdj1475 = SpectralPeakLocator( dblGoertzelReal[intIatMaxPeak - 99], dblGoertzelImag[intIatMaxPeak - 99], dblGoertzelReal[intIatMaxPeak - 98], dblGoertzelImag[intIatMaxPeak - 98], dblGoertzelReal[intIatMaxPeak - 97], dblGoertzelImag[intIatMaxPeak - 97], &dblLeftMag, "Hann"); dblBinAdj1525 = SpectralPeakLocator( dblGoertzelReal[intIatMaxPeak - 95], dblGoertzelImag[intIatMaxPeak - 95], dblGoertzelReal[intIatMaxPeak - 94], dblGoertzelImag[intIatMaxPeak - 94], dblGoertzelReal[intIatMaxPeak - 93], dblGoertzelImag[intIatMaxPeak - 93], &dblRightMag, "Hann"); // Weight the offset calculation by the magnitude of the dblLeftMag and dblRightMag carriers dblOffset = 12.5 * (intIatMaxPeak + dblBinAdj1475 * dblLeftMag / (dblLeftMag + dblRightMag) + dblBinAdj1525 * dblRightMag / (dblLeftMag + dblRightMag) - 118); // compute the Coarse tuning offset in Hz if (fabsf(dblOffset) > (TuningRange + 7)) // Was 7 caused tuning problems { dblPwrSNPower_dBPrior = dblPwrSNdB; return False; } // recompute the S:N based on the interpolated bins and average with computation 1 and 2 symbols in the future // Use of Hann window increases sensitivity slightly (1-2 dB) GoertzelRealImagHann120(intNewSamples, 0, 960, intIatMaxPeak + dblOffset / 12.5, &dblRealL, &dblImagL); GoertzelRealImagHann120(intNewSamples, 0, 960, intIatMaxPeak + 4 + dblOffset / 12.5, &dblRealR, &dblImagR); dblMaxPeakSN = (powf(dblRealL, 2) + powf(dblImagL, 2) + powf(dblRealR, 2) + powf(dblImagR, 2)) / dblAvgNoisePerBinAtPeak; // now compute for 120 samples later GoertzelRealImagHann120(intNewSamples, 120, 960, intIatMaxPeak + dblOffset / 12.5, &dblRealL, &dblImagL); GoertzelRealImagHann120(intNewSamples, 120, 960, intIatMaxPeak + 4 + dblOffset / 12.5, &dblRealR, &dblImagR); dblMaxPeakSN += (powf(dblRealL, 2) + powf(dblImagL, 2) + powf(dblRealR, 2) + powf(dblImagR, 2)) / dblAvgNoisePerBinAtPeak; // and a third 240 samples later GoertzelRealImagHann120(intNewSamples, 240, 960, intIatMaxPeak + dblOffset / 12.5, &dblRealL, &dblImagL); GoertzelRealImagHann120(intNewSamples, 240, 960, intIatMaxPeak + 4 + dblOffset / 12.5, &dblRealR, &dblImagR); dblMaxPeakSN += (powf(dblRealL, 2) + powf(dblImagL, 2) + powf(dblRealR, 2) + powf(dblImagR, 2)) / dblAvgNoisePerBinAtPeak; dblMaxPeakSN = dblMaxPeakSN / 3; // average the dblMaxPeakSN over the three calculations // ???? Calc Twice ???? dblMaxPeakSN = (powf(dblRealL, 2) + powf(dblImagL, 2) + powf(dblRealR, 2) + powf(dblImagR, 2)) / dblAvgNoisePerBinAtPeak; dblPwrSNdB = 10 * log10f(dblMaxPeakSN); if (dblPwrSNdB > 3 * Squelch) // This average power now includes two samples from symbols +120 and + 240 samples { //strDecodeCapture = "Ldr; S:N(3KHz) Prior=" & Format(dblPwrSNPower_dBPrior, "#.0") & "dB, Current=" & Format(dblPwrSNdB, "#.0") & "dB, Offset=" & Format(dblOffset, "##0.00") & "Hz " Debugprintf("Ldr; S:N(3KHz) Avg= %f dB, Offset== %f Hz", dblPwrSNdB, dblOffset); dttStartRmtLeaderMeasure = Now; if (AccumulateStats) { dblLeaderSNAvg = ((dblLeaderSNAvg * intLeaderDetects) + dblPwrSNdB) / (1 + intLeaderDetects); intLeaderDetects += 1; } *dblOffsetHz = dblOffset; dblNCOFreq = 3000 + *dblOffsetHz; // Set the NCO frequency and phase inc for mixing dblNCOPhaseInc = dbl2Pi * dblNCOFreq / 12000; // don't advance the pointer here State = AcquireSymbolSync; dttLastLeaderDetect = Now; dblPhaseDiff1_2Avg = 10; // initialize to 10 to cause initialization of exponential averager in AcquireFrameSyncRSBAvg *intSN = round(dblPwrSNdB - 20.8); // 20.8dB accomodates ratio of 3Kz BW: (effective Blackman Window bandwidth of ~25 Hz) return True; } else { return False; } } } dblPwrSNPower_dBPrior = dblPwrSNdB; return FALSE; } // Function to look at the 2 tone leader and establishes the Symbol framing using envelope search and minimal phase error. BOOL Acquire2ToneLeaderSymbolFraming() { float dblCarPh; float dblReal, dblImag; int intLocalPtr = intMFSReadPtr; // try advancing one symbol to minimize initial startup errors float dblAbsPhErr; float dblMinAbsPhErr = 5000; // initialize to an excessive value int intIatMinErr; float dblPhaseAtMinErr; int intAbsPeak = 0; int intJatPeak = 0; int i; // Use Phase of 1500 Hz leader to establish symbol framing. Nominal phase is 0 or 180 degrees if ((intFilteredMixedSamplesLength - intLocalPtr) < 960) return FALSE; // not enough intLocalPtr = intMFSReadPtr + EnvelopeCorrelatorNew(); // should position the pointer at the symbol boundary if (intLocalPtr < intMFSReadPtr) return False; // use negative value of EnvelopeCorrelator to indicate insufficient correlation. // Check 2 samples either side of the intLocalPtr for minimum phase error.(closest to Pi or -Pi) // Could be as much as .4 Radians (~70 degrees) depending on sampling positions. for (i = -2; i <= 2; i++) // 0 To 0 ' -2 To 2 ' for just 5 samples { // using the full symbol seemed to work best on weak Signals (0 to -5 dB S/N) June 15, 2015 GoertzelRealImagHann120(intFilteredMixedSamples, intLocalPtr + i, 240, 30, &dblReal, &dblImag); // Carrier at 1500 Hz nominal Positioning dblCarPh = atan2f(dblImag, dblReal); dblAbsPhErr = fabsf(dblCarPh - (ceil(dblCarPh / M_PI) * M_PI)); if (dblAbsPhErr < dblMinAbsPhErr) { dblMinAbsPhErr = dblAbsPhErr; intIatMinErr = i; dblPhaseAtMinErr = dblCarPh; } } intMFSReadPtr = intLocalPtr + intIatMinErr; Debugprintf("[Acquire2ToneLeaderSymbolFraming] intIatMinError= %d, Leader Length %d mS", intIatMinErr, Now - dttLastLeaderDetect); State = AcquireFrameSync; if (AccumulateStats) intLeaderSyncs++; //Debug.WriteLine(" [Acquire2ToneLeaderSymbolSync] iAtMinError = " & intIatMinErr.ToString & " Ptr = " & intMFSReadPtr.ToString & " MinAbsPhErr = " & Format(dblMinAbsPhErr, "#.00")) //Debug.WriteLine(" [Acquire2ToneLeaderSymbolSync] Ph1500 @ MinErr = " & Format(dblPhaseAtMinErr, "#.000")) //strDecodeCapture &= "Framing; iAtMinErr=" & intIatMinErr.ToString & ", Ptr=" & intMFSReadPtr.ToString & ", MinAbsPhErr=" & Format(dblMinAbsPhErr, "#.00") & ": " intPhaseError = 0; return TRUE; } // Function to establish symbol sync int EnvelopeCorrelator() { // Compute the two symbol correlation with the Two tone leader template. // slide the correlation one sample and repeat up to 240 steps // keep the point of maximum or minimum correlation...and use this to identify the the symbol start. float dblCorMax = -1000000.0f; // Preset to excessive values float dblCorMin = 1000000.0f; int intJatMax = 0, intJatMin = 0; float dblCorSum, dblCorProduct, dblCorMaxProduct = 0.0; int i,j; short int75HzFiltered[720]; if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength < intMFSReadPtr + 720) return -1; Filter75Hz(int75HzFiltered, TRUE, 720); // This filter appears to help reduce avg decode distance (10 frames) by about 14%-19% at WGN-5 May 3, 2015 for (j = 0; j < 360; j++) // Over 1.5 symbols { dblCorSum = 0; for (i = 0; i < 240; i++) // over 1 50 baud symbol (may be able to reduce to 1 symbol) { dblCorProduct = int50BaudTwoToneLeaderTemplate[i] * int75HzFiltered[120 + i + j]; // note 120 accomdates filter delay of 120 samples dblCorSum += dblCorProduct; if (fabsf(dblCorProduct) > dblCorMaxProduct) dblCorMaxProduct = fabsf(dblCorProduct); } if (fabsf(dblCorSum) > dblCorMax) { dblCorMax = fabsf(dblCorSum); intJatMax = j; } } if (AccumulateStats) { dblAvgCorMaxToMaxProduct = (dblAvgCorMaxToMaxProduct * intEnvelopeCors + (dblCorMax / dblCorMaxProduct)) / (intEnvelopeCors + 1); intEnvelopeCors++; } // if (dblCorMax > 40 * dblCorMaxProduct) { Debugprintf("EnvelopeCorrelator CorMax:MaxProd= %f J= %d", dblCorMax / dblCorMaxProduct, intJatMax); return intJatMax; } // else // return -1; } int EnvelopeCorrelatorNew() { // Compute the two symbol correlation with the Two tone leader template. // slide the correlation one sample and repeat up to 240 steps // keep the point of maximum or minimum correlation...and use this to identify the the symbol start. float dblCorMax = -1000000.0f; // Preset to excessive values float dblCorMin = 1000000.0f; int intJatMax = 0, intJatMin = 0; float dblCorSum, dblCorProduct, dblCorMaxProduct = 0.0; int i,j; short int75HzFiltered[960]; if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength < intMFSReadPtr + 960) return -1; Filter75Hz(int75HzFiltered, TRUE, 960); // This filter appears to help reduce avg decode distance (10 frames) by about 14%-19% at WGN-5 May 3, 2015 for (j = 360; j < 600; j++) // Over 2 symbols { dblCorSum = 0; for (i = 0; i < 240; i++) // over 1 50 baud symbol (may be able to reduce to 1 symbol) { dblCorProduct = int50BaudTwoToneLeaderTemplate[i] * int75HzFiltered[120 + i + j]; // note 120 accomdates filter delay of 120 samples dblCorSum += dblCorProduct; if (fabsf(dblCorProduct) > dblCorMaxProduct) dblCorMaxProduct = fabsf(dblCorProduct); } if (fabsf(dblCorSum) > dblCorMax) { dblCorMax = fabsf(dblCorSum); intJatMax = j; } } if (AccumulateStats) { dblAvgCorMaxToMaxProduct = (dblAvgCorMaxToMaxProduct * intEnvelopeCors + (dblCorMax / dblCorMaxProduct)) / (intEnvelopeCors + 1); intEnvelopeCors++; } if (dblCorMax > 40 * dblCorMaxProduct) { Debugprintf("EnvelopeCorrelator CorMax:MaxProd= %f J= %d", dblCorMax / dblCorMaxProduct, intJatMax); return intJatMax; } Debugprintf("EnvelopeCorrelator failed %d", dblCorMax / dblCorMaxProduct); return -1; } // Function to acquire the Frame Sync for all Frames BOOL AcquireFrameSyncRSB() { // Two improvements could be incorporated into this function: // 1) Provide symbol tracking until the frame sync is found (small corrections should be less than 1 sample per 4 symbols ~2000 ppm) // 2) Ability to more accurately locate the symbol center (could be handled by symbol tracking 1) above. // This is for acquiring FSKFrameSync After Mixing Tones Mirrored around 1500 Hz. e.g. Reversed Sideband // Frequency offset should be near 0 (normally within +/- 1 Hz) // Locate the sync Symbol which has no phase change from the prior symbol (BPSK leader @ 1500 Hz) int intLocalPtr = intMFSReadPtr; int intAvailableSymbols = (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength - intMFSReadPtr) / 240; float dblPhaseSym1; //' phase of the first symbol float dblPhaseSym2; //' phase of the second symbol float dblPhaseSym3; //' phase of the third symbol float dblReal, dblImag; float dblPhaseDiff12, dblPhaseDiff23; int i; if (intAvailableSymbols < 3) return FALSE; // must have at least 360 samples to search // Calculate the Phase for the First symbol GoertzelRealImag(intFilteredMixedSamples, intLocalPtr, 240, 30, &dblReal, &dblImag); // Carrier at 1500 Hz nominal Positioning with no cyclic prefix dblPhaseSym1 = atan2f(dblImag, dblReal); intLocalPtr += 240; // advance one symbol GoertzelRealImag(intFilteredMixedSamples, intLocalPtr, 240, 30, &dblReal, &dblImag); // Carrier at 1500 Hz nominal Positioning with no cyclic prefix dblPhaseSym2 = atan2f(dblImag, dblReal); intLocalPtr += 240; // advance one symbol for (i = 0; i <= intAvailableSymbols - 3; i++) { // Compute the phase of the next symbol GoertzelRealImag(intFilteredMixedSamples, intLocalPtr, 240, 30, &dblReal, &dblImag); // Carrier at 1500 Hz nominal Positioning with no cyclic prefix dblPhaseSym3 = atan2f(dblImag, dblReal); // Compute the phase differences between sym1-sym2, sym2-sym3 dblPhaseDiff12 = dblPhaseSym1 - dblPhaseSym2; if (dblPhaseDiff12 > M_PI) // bound phase diff to +/- Pi dblPhaseDiff12 -= dbl2Pi; else if (dblPhaseDiff12 < -M_PI) dblPhaseDiff12 += dbl2Pi; dblPhaseDiff23 = dblPhaseSym2 - dblPhaseSym3; if (dblPhaseDiff23 > M_PI) // bound phase diff to +/- Pi dblPhaseDiff23 -= dbl2Pi; else if (dblPhaseDiff23 < -M_PI) dblPhaseDiff23 += dbl2Pi; if (fabsf(dblPhaseDiff12) > 0.6667f * M_PI && fabsf(dblPhaseDiff23) < 0.3333f * M_PI) // Tighten the margin to 60 degrees { // intPSKRefPhase = (short)dblPhaseSym3 * 1000; intLeaderRcvdMs = (int)ceil((intLocalPtr - 30) / 12); // 30 is to accomodate offset of inital pointer for filter length. intMFSReadPtr = intLocalPtr + 240; // Position read pointer to start of the symbol following reference symbol if (AccumulateStats) intFrameSyncs += 1; // accumulate tuning stats //strDecodeCapture &= "Sync; Phase1>2=" & Format(dblPhaseDiff12, "0.00") & " Phase2>3=" & Format(dblPhaseDiff23, "0.00") & ": " return TRUE; // pointer is pointing to first 4FSK data symbol. (first symbol of frame type) } else { dblPhaseSym1 = dblPhaseSym2; dblPhaseSym2 = dblPhaseSym3; intLocalPtr += 240; // advance one symbol } } intMFSReadPtr = intLocalPtr - 480; // back up 2 symbols for next attempt (Current Sym2 will become new Sym1) return FALSE; } // Function to acquire the Frame Sync for all Frames using exponential averaging int AcquireFrameSyncRSBAvg() { // This new routine uses exponential averaging on the ptr reference leader phases to minimize noise contribution // Needs optimization of filter values and decision thresholds with actual simulator at low S:N and multipath. // This is for acquiring FSKFrameSync After Mixing Tones Mirrored around 1500 Hz. e.g. Reversed Sideband // Frequency offset should be near 0 (normally within +/- 1 Hz) // Locate the sync Symbol which has no phase change from the prior symbol (50 baud BPSK leader @ 1500 Hz) int intLocalPtr = intMFSReadPtr; int intAvailableSymbols = (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength - intMFSReadPtr) / 240; float dblPhaseSym1; //' phase of the first symbol float dblPhaseSym2; //' phase of the second symbol float dblPhaseSym3; //' phase of the third symbol float dblReal, dblImag; float dblPhaseDiff12, dblPhaseDiff23; int i; if (intAvailableSymbols < 3) return FALSE; // must have at least 360 samples to search // Calculate the Phase for the First symbol GoertzelRealImagHann120(intFilteredMixedSamples, intLocalPtr, 240, 30, &dblReal, &dblImag); // Carrier at 1500 Hz nominal Positioning with no cyclic prefix dblPhaseSym1 = atan2f(dblImag, dblReal); intLocalPtr += 240; // advance one symbol GoertzelRealImagHann120(intFilteredMixedSamples, intLocalPtr, 240, 30, &dblReal, &dblImag); // Carrier at 1500 Hz nominal Positioning with no cyclic prefix dblPhaseSym2 = atan2f(dblImag, dblReal); intLocalPtr += 240; // advance one symbol for (i = 0; i <= intAvailableSymbols - 3; i++) { // Compute the phase of the next symbol GoertzelRealImagHann120(intFilteredMixedSamples, intLocalPtr, 240, 30, &dblReal, &dblImag); // Carrier at 1500 Hz nominal Positioning with no cyclic prefix dblPhaseSym3 = atan2f(dblImag, dblReal); // Compute the phase differences between sym1-sym2, sym2-sym3 dblPhaseDiff12 = dblPhaseSym1 - dblPhaseSym2; if (dblPhaseDiff12 > M_PI) // bound phase diff to +/- Pi dblPhaseDiff12 -= dbl2Pi; else if (dblPhaseDiff12 < -M_PI) dblPhaseDiff12 += dbl2Pi; if (dblPhaseDiff1_2Avg > 9) dblPhaseDiff1_2Avg = fabsf(dblPhaseDiff12); // initialize the difference average after a prior detect else dblPhaseDiff1_2Avg = 0.75 * dblPhaseDiff1_2Avg + 0.25 * fabsf(dblPhaseDiff12); // exponential average dblPhaseDiff23 = dblPhaseSym2 - dblPhaseSym3; if (dblPhaseDiff23 > M_PI) // bound phase diff to +/- Pi dblPhaseDiff23 -= dbl2Pi; else if (dblPhaseDiff23 < -M_PI) dblPhaseDiff23 += dbl2Pi; if (fabsf(dblPhaseDiff1_2Avg ) > (0.83333 * M_PI) && fabsf(dblPhaseDiff23) < (0.25f * M_PI)) // Margin ~30 deg and 45 degrees { intLeaderRcvdMs = (int)ceil((intLocalPtr - 30) / 12); // 30 is to accomodate offset of inital pointer for filter length. intMFSReadPtr = intLocalPtr + 240; // Position read pointer to start of the symbol following reference symbol if (AccumulateStats) intFrameSyncs += 1; // accumulate tuning stats //strDecodeCapture &= "Sync; Phase1>2=" & Format(dblPhaseDiff12, "0.00") & " Phase2>3=" & Format(dblPhaseDiff23, "0.00") & ": " // dttLastLeaderSync = Now; dblPwrSNPower_dBPrior = -1000; // Reset the prior Leader power to small value to insure minimum of two symbol passes on next leader detect. return TRUE; // pointer is pointing to first 4FSK data symbol. (first symbol of frame type) } // The following looks for phase errors (which should nomimally be Pi or 180 deg) and counts errors // abandoning search on the second error, Then advancing the main intMFSReadPtr one symbol (240 samples) and returning to SearchingForLeader state. if (fabsf(dblPhaseDiff1_2Avg) < (0.6667 * M_PI) || fabsf(dblPhaseDiff23) < (0.6667 * M_PI)) // Margin 60 deg { intPhaseError += 1; dblPhaseSym1 = dblPhaseSym2; dblPhaseSym2 = dblPhaseSym3; intLocalPtr += 240; // advance one symbol // if (intPhaseError > 1) // This bailout mechanism for sync failure is superior and doesn't make any assumptions about leader length // { // intMFSReadPtr += 240; // advance the MFSReadPointer one symbol and try to search for leader again. // State = SearchingForLeader; // return False; // } } else { // keep searching available samples dblPhaseSym1 = dblPhaseSym2; dblPhaseSym2 = dblPhaseSym3; intLocalPtr += 240; // advance one symbol } } intMFSReadPtr = intLocalPtr - 480; // back up 2 symbols for next attempt (Current Sym2 will become new Sym1) return FALSE; } // Function to Demod FrameType4FSK BOOL DemodFrameType4FSK(int intPtr, short * intSamples, int * intToneMags) { float dblReal, dblImag; int i; if ((intFilteredMixedSamplesLength - intPtr) < 1920) // 8 symbols return FALSE; intToneMagsLength = 8; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { GoertzelRealImagHann120(intSamples, intPtr, 240, 1350 / 50.0f, &dblReal, &dblImag); intToneMags[4 * i] = (int)powf(dblReal, 2) + powf(dblImag, 2); GoertzelRealImagHann120(intSamples, intPtr, 240, 1450 / 50.0f, &dblReal, &dblImag); intToneMags[1 + 4 * i] = (int)powf(dblReal, 2) + powf(dblImag, 2); GoertzelRealImagHann120(intSamples, intPtr, 240, 1550 / 50.0f, &dblReal, &dblImag); intToneMags[2 + 4 * i] = (int)powf(dblReal, 2) + powf(dblImag, 2); GoertzelRealImagHann120(intSamples, intPtr, 240, 1650 / 50.0f, &dblReal, &dblImag); intToneMags[3 + 4 * i] = (int)powf(dblReal, 2) + powf(dblImag, 2); intPtr += 240; } return TRUE; } // Function to compute the "distance" from a specific bytFrame Xored by bytID using 1 symbol parity float ComputeDecodeDistance(int intTonePtr, int * intToneMags, UCHAR bytFrameType, UCHAR bytID) { // intTonePtr is the offset into the Frame type symbols. 0 for first Frame byte 16 = (4 x 4) for second frame byte float dblDistance = 0; int int4ToneSum; int intToneIndex; UCHAR bytMask = 0x30; int j, k; for (j = 0; j <= 3; j++) // over 4 symbols { int4ToneSum = 0; for (k = 0; k <=3; k++) { int4ToneSum += intToneMags[intTonePtr + (4 * j) + k]; } if (int4ToneSum == 0) int4ToneSum = 1; // protects against possible overflow if (j < 3) intToneIndex = ((bytFrameType ^ bytID) & bytMask) >> (4 - 2 * j); else intToneIndex = ComputeTypeParity(bytFrameType ^ bytID); dblDistance += 1.0f - ((1.0f * intToneMags[intTonePtr + (4 * j) + (3 - intToneIndex)]) / (1.0f * int4ToneSum)); bytMask = bytMask >> 2; } dblDistance = dblDistance / 4; // normalize back to 0 to 1 range return dblDistance; } // A function to check the parity symbol used in the frame type decoding BOOL CheckTypeParity(UCHAR bytFrameType) { // Returns True if Parity OK UCHAR bytMask = 0x30; // Look at only 6 bits of data (values only 0 to 63) UCHAR bytParitySum = 3; UCHAR bytSym = 0; int k; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { bytSym = (bytMask & bytFrameType) >> (2 * (2 - k)); bytParitySum = bytParitySum ^ bytSym; bytMask = bytMask >> 2; } return bytParitySum == ((bytFrameType & 0x0C0) >> 6); } // Function to check Parity of frame type bytes UCHAR GetFrameTypeByte(int intTonePtr, int * intToneMags) { // Demodulate the byte pointed to postion of tone PTR and return it UCHAR bytData = 0, bytParity, bytSym; int intIndex = intTonePtr; int j; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { // for each 4FSK symbol (2 bits) in a byte if (intToneMags[intIndex] > intToneMags[intIndex + 1] && intToneMags[intIndex] > intToneMags[intIndex + 2] && intToneMags[intIndex] > intToneMags[intIndex + 3]) bytSym = 3; else if (intToneMags[intIndex + 1] > intToneMags[intIndex] && intToneMags[intIndex + 1] > intToneMags[intIndex + 2] && intToneMags[intIndex + 1] > intToneMags[intIndex + 3]) bytSym = 2; else if (intToneMags[intIndex + 2] > intToneMags[intIndex] && intToneMags[intIndex + 2] > intToneMags[intIndex + 1] && intToneMags[intIndex + 2] > intToneMags[intIndex + 3]) bytSym = 1; else bytSym = 0; if (j < 3) bytData = (bytData << 2) + bytSym; else bytParity = bytSym << 6; intIndex += 4; } return bytData | bytParity; } BOOL CheckFrameTypeParity(int intTonePtr, int * intToneMags) { // Demodulate the byte pointed to postion of tone PTR and check Parity Return True if OK UCHAR bytData = GetFrameTypeByte(intTonePtr, intToneMags); return CheckTypeParity(bytData); } // Function to compute the frame type by selecting the minimal distance from all valid frame types. int MinimalDistanceFrameType(int * intToneMags, UCHAR bytSessionID) { float dblMinDistance1 = 5; // minimal distance for the first byte initialize to large value float dblMinDistance2 = 5; // minimal distance for the second byte initialize to large value float dblMinDistance3 = 5; // minimal distance for the second byte under exceptional cases initialize to large value int intIatMinDistance1, intIatMinDistance2, intIatMinDistance3; float dblDistance1, dblDistance2, dblDistance3; int i; strDecodeCapture[0] = 0; if (ProtocolState == ISS) { bytValidFrameTypes = bytValidFrameTypesISS; bytValidFrameTypesLength = bytValidFrameTypesLengthISS; } else { bytValidFrameTypes = bytValidFrameTypesALL; bytValidFrameTypesLength = bytValidFrameTypesLengthALL; } // Search through all the valid frame types finding the minimal distance // This looks like a lot of computation but measured < 1 ms for 135 iterations....RM 11/1/2016 for (i = 0; i < bytValidFrameTypesLength; i++) { dblDistance1 = ComputeDecodeDistance(0, intToneMags, bytValidFrameTypes[i], 0); dblDistance2 = ComputeDecodeDistance(16, intToneMags, bytValidFrameTypes[i], bytSessionID); if (blnPending) dblDistance3 = ComputeDecodeDistance(16, intToneMags, bytValidFrameTypes[i], 0x3F); else dblDistance3 = ComputeDecodeDistance(16, intToneMags, bytValidFrameTypes[i], bytLastARQSessionID); if (dblDistance1 < dblMinDistance1) { dblMinDistance1 = dblDistance1; intIatMinDistance1 = bytValidFrameTypes[i]; } if (dblDistance2 < dblMinDistance2) { dblMinDistance2 = dblDistance2; intIatMinDistance2 = bytValidFrameTypes[i]; } if (dblDistance3 < dblMinDistance3) { dblMinDistance3 = dblDistance3; intIatMinDistance3 = bytValidFrameTypes[i]; } } Debugprintf("Frame Decode type %x %x %x Dist %.2f %.2f %.2f Sess %x pend %d conn %d lastsess %d", intIatMinDistance1, intIatMinDistance2, intIatMinDistance3, dblMinDistance1, dblMinDistance2, dblMinDistance3, bytSessionID, blnPending, blnARQConnected, bytLastARQSessionID); if (bytSessionID == 0x3F) // ' we are in a FEC QSO, monitoring an ARQ session or have not yet reached the ARQ Pending or Connected status { if (intIatMinDistance1 == intIatMinDistance2 && ((dblMinDistance1 < 0.3) || (dblMinDistance2 < 0.3))) { sprintf(strDecodeCapture, "%s MD Decode;2 ID=H%X, Type=H%X:%s, D1= %.2f, D2= %.2f", strDecodeCapture, bytSessionID, intIatMinDistance1, Name(intIatMinDistance1), dblMinDistance1, dblMinDistance2); Debugprintf("[Frame Type Decode OK ] %s", strDecodeCapture); dblOffsetLastGoodDecode = dblOffsetHz; return intIatMinDistance1; } if ((dblMinDistance1 < 0.3) && CheckFrameTypeParity(0, intToneMags) && IsDataFrame(intIatMinDistance1) ) // this would handle the case of monitoring an ARQ connection where the SessionID is not 0x3F { sprintf(strDecodeCapture, "%s MD Decode;3 ID=H%X, Type=H%X:%s, D1= %.2f, D2= %.2f", strDecodeCapture, bytSessionID, intIatMinDistance1, Name(intIatMinDistance1), dblMinDistance1, dblMinDistance2); Debugprintf("[Frame Type Decode OK ] %s", strDecodeCapture); return intIatMinDistance1; } if ((dblMinDistance2 < 0.3) && CheckFrameTypeParity(16, intToneMags) && IsDataFrame(intIatMinDistance2)) // this would handle the case of monitoring an FEC transmission that failed above when the session ID is = 03F { sprintf(strDecodeCapture, "%s MD Decode;4 ID=H%X, Type=H%X:%s, D1= %.2f, D2= %.2f", strDecodeCapture, bytSessionID, intIatMinDistance1, Name(intIatMinDistance2), dblMinDistance1, dblMinDistance2); Debugprintf("[Frame Type Decode OK ] %s", strDecodeCapture); return intIatMinDistance2; } return -1; // indicates poor quality decode so don't use } sprintf(strDecodeCapture, "%s MD Decode;12 Type1=H%X: Type2=H%X: , D1= %.2f, D2= %.2f", strDecodeCapture, intIatMinDistance1 , intIatMinDistance2, dblMinDistance1, dblMinDistance2); Debugprintf("[Frame Type Decode Fail] %s", strDecodeCapture); return -1; // indicates poor quality decode so don't use } // Function to acquire the 4FSK frame type int Acquire4FSKFrameType() { // intMFSReadPtr is pointing to start of first symbol of Frame Type (total of 8 4FSK symbols in frame type (2 bytes) + 1 parity symbol per byte // returns -1 if minimal distance decoding is below threshold (low likelyhood of being correct) // returns -2 if insufficient samples // Else returns frame type 0-255 int NewType = 0; char Offset[32]; if ((intFilteredMixedSamplesLength - intMFSReadPtr) < (240 * 8)) return -2; // Check for 8 available 4FSK Symbols if (!DemodFrameType4FSK(intMFSReadPtr, intFilteredMixedSamples, &intToneMags[0][0])) { Update4FSKConstellation(&intToneMags[0][0], &intLastRcvdFrameQuality); intMFSReadPtr += (240 * 8); return -1; } intRmtLeaderMeasure = (Now - dttStartRmtLeaderMeasure); dttLastGoodFrameTypeDecode = Now; // Now do check received Tone array for testing minimum distance decoder if (blnPending) // If we have a pending connection (btween the IRS first decode of ConReq until it receives a ConAck from the iSS) NewType = MinimalDistanceFrameType(&intToneMags[0][0], bytPendingSessionID); // The pending session ID will become the session ID once connected) else if (blnARQConnected) // If we are connected then just use the stcConnection.bytSessionID NewType = MinimalDistanceFrameType(&intToneMags[0][0], bytSessionID); else // not connected and not pending so use &FF (FEC or ARQ unconnected session ID NewType = MinimalDistanceFrameType(&intToneMags[0][0], 0x3F); sprintf(Offset, "Offset %5.1f", dblOffsetHz); SendtoGUI('O', Offset, strlen(Offset)); if (NewType >= 0 && IsShortControlFrame(NewType)) // update the constellation if a short frame (no data to follow) Update4FSKConstellation(&intToneMags[0][0], &intLastRcvdFrameQuality); if (AccumulateStats) if (NewType >= 0) intGoodFSKFrameTypes++; else intFailedFSKFrameTypes++; intMFSReadPtr += (240 * 8); // advance to read pointer to the next symbol (if there is one) return NewType; } // Demodulate Functions. These are called repeatedly as samples arrive // and buld a frame in static array bytFrameData // Function to demodulate one carrier for all low baud rate 4FSK frame types // Is called repeatedly to decode multitone modes int Corrections = 0; BOOL Demod1Car4FSK() { int Start = 0; // We can't wait for the full frame as we don't have enough ram, so // we do one character at a time, until we run out or end of frame // Only continue if we have more than intSampPerSym * 4 chars while (State == AcquireFrame) { if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength < ((intSampPerSym * 4) + 20)) // allow for correcrions { // Move any unprocessessed data down buffer // (while checking process - will use cyclic buffer eventually // Debugprintf("Corrections %d", Corrections); // If corrections is non-zero, we have to adjust // number left intFilteredMixedSamplesLength -= Corrections; if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength < 0) Debugprintf("Corrupt intFilteredMixedSamplesLength"); Corrections = 0; if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength > 0) memmove(intFilteredMixedSamples, &intFilteredMixedSamples[Start], intFilteredMixedSamplesLength * 2); return FALSE; } // If this is a multicarrier mode, we must call the // decode char routing for each carrier switch (intNumCar) { case 1: intCenterFreq = 1500; if (CarrierOk[0] == FALSE) // Don't redo if already decoded Demod1Car4FSKChar(Start, bytFrameData[0], 0); break; case 2: intCenterFreq = 1750; if (CarrierOk[0] == FALSE) Demod1Car4FSKChar(Start, bytFrameData[0], 0); intCenterFreq = 1250; if (CarrierOk[1] == FALSE) Demod1Car4FSKChar(Start, bytFrameData[1], 1); break; /* case 4: intCenterFreq = 2250; if (CarrierOk[0] == FALSE) Demod1Car4FSKChar(Start, bytFrameData1, 0); intCenterFreq = 1750; if (CarrierOk[1] == FALSE) Demod1Car4FSKChar(Start, bytFrameData2, 1); intCenterFreq = 1250; if (CarrierOk[2] == FALSE) Demod1Car4FSKChar(Start, bytFrameData3, 2); intCenterFreq = 750; if (CarrierOk[3] == FALSE) Demod1Car4FSKChar(Start, bytFrameData4, 3); break; */ } charIndex++; // Index into received chars SymbolsLeft--; // number still to decode Start += intSampPerSym * 4; // 4 FSK bit pairs per byte intFilteredMixedSamplesLength -= intSampPerSym * 4; if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength < 0) Debugprintf("Corrupt intFilteredMixedSamplesLength"); if (SymbolsLeft == 0) { //- prepare for next // If variable length packet frame header we only have header - leave rx running if (intFrameType == PktFrameHeader) { State = SearchingForLeader; // Save any unused samples if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength > 0 && Start > 0) memmove(intFilteredMixedSamples, &intFilteredMixedSamples[Start], intFilteredMixedSamplesLength * 2); return TRUE; } DecodeCompleteTime = Now; DiscardOldSamples(); ClearAllMixedSamples(); State = SearchingForLeader; } } return TRUE; } // Function to demodulate one carrier for all low baud rate 4FSK frame types void Demod1Car4FSKChar(int Start, UCHAR * Decoded, int Carrier) { // Converts intSamples to an array of bytes demodulating the 4FSK symbols with center freq intCenterFreq // intPtr should be pointing to the approximate start of the first data symbol // Updates bytData() with demodulated bytes // Updates bytMinSymQuality with the minimum (range is 25 to 100) symbol making up each byte. float dblReal, dblImag; float dblSearchFreq; float dblMagSum = 0; float dblMag[4]; // The magnitude for each of the 4FSK frequency bins UCHAR bytSym; static UCHAR bytSymHistory[3]; int j; UCHAR bytData = 0; int * intToneMagsptr = &intToneMags[Carrier][intToneMagsIndex[Carrier]]; intToneMagsIndex[Carrier] += 16; // ReDim intToneMags(4 * intNumOfSymbols - 1) // ReDim bytData(intNumOfSymbols \ 4 - 1) if (intBaud == 100) dblSearchFreq = intCenterFreq + (1.5f * intBaud); // the highest freq (equiv to lowest sent freq because of sideband reversal) else dblSearchFreq = intCenterFreq + (3.0f * intBaud); // the highest freq (equiv to lowest sent freq because of sideband reversal) // Do one symbol for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) // for each 4FSK symbol (2 bits) in a byte { dblMagSum = 0; if (intBaud == 100) { GoertzelRealImag(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start, intSampPerSym, dblSearchFreq / intBaud, &dblReal, &dblImag); dblMag[0] = powf(dblReal,2) + powf(dblImag, 2); dblMagSum += dblMag[0]; GoertzelRealImag(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start, intSampPerSym, (dblSearchFreq - intBaud) / intBaud, &dblReal, &dblImag); dblMag[1] = powf(dblReal,2) + powf(dblImag, 2); dblMagSum += dblMag[1]; GoertzelRealImag(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start, intSampPerSym, (dblSearchFreq - 2 * intBaud) / intBaud, &dblReal, &dblImag); dblMag[2] = powf(dblReal,2) + powf(dblImag, 2); dblMagSum += dblMag[2]; GoertzelRealImag(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start, intSampPerSym, (dblSearchFreq - 3 * intBaud) / intBaud, &dblReal,& dblImag); dblMag[3] = powf(dblReal,2) + powf(dblImag, 2); dblMagSum += dblMag[3]; } else { dblMagSum = 0; GoertzelRealImagHann120(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start, intSampPerSym, dblSearchFreq / intBaud, &dblReal, &dblImag); dblMag[0] = powf(dblReal,2) + powf(dblImag, 2); dblMagSum += dblMag[0]; GoertzelRealImagHann120(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start, intSampPerSym, (dblSearchFreq - 2 * intBaud) / intBaud, &dblReal, &dblImag); dblMag[1] = powf(dblReal,2) + powf(dblImag, 2); dblMagSum += dblMag[1]; GoertzelRealImagHann120(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start, intSampPerSym, (dblSearchFreq - 4 * intBaud) / intBaud, &dblReal, &dblImag); dblMag[2] = powf(dblReal,2) + powf(dblImag, 2); dblMagSum += dblMag[2]; GoertzelRealImagHann120(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start, intSampPerSym, (dblSearchFreq - 6 * intBaud) / intBaud, &dblReal,& dblImag); dblMag[3] = powf(dblReal,2) + powf(dblImag, 2); dblMagSum += dblMag[3]; } if (dblMag[0] > dblMag[1] && dblMag[0] > dblMag[2] && dblMag[0] > dblMag[3]) bytSym = 0; else if (dblMag[1] > dblMag[0] && dblMag[1] > dblMag[2] && dblMag[1] > dblMag[3]) bytSym = 1; else if (dblMag[2] > dblMag[0] && dblMag[2] > dblMag[1] && dblMag[2] > dblMag[3]) bytSym = 2; else bytSym = 3; bytData = (bytData << 2) + bytSym; // !!!!!!! this needs attention !!!!!!!! *intToneMagsptr++ = dblMag[0]; *intToneMagsptr++ = dblMag[1]; *intToneMagsptr++ = dblMag[2]; *intToneMagsptr++ = dblMag[3]; bytSymHistory[0] = bytSymHistory[1]; bytSymHistory[1] = bytSymHistory[2]; bytSymHistory[2] = bytSym; // if ((bytSymHistory[0] != bytSymHistory[1]) && (bytSymHistory[1] != bytSymHistory[2])) { // only track when adjacent symbols are different (statistically about 56% of the time) // this should allow tracking over 2000 ppm sampling rate error // if (Start > intSampPerSym + 2) // Track1Car4FSK(intFilteredMixedSamples, &Start, intSampPerSym, dblSearchFreq, intBaud, bytSymHistory); } Start += intSampPerSym; // advance the pointer one symbol } if (AccumulateStats) intFSKSymbolCnt += 4; Decoded[charIndex] = bytData; return; } extern int intBW; // Function to Demodulate Frame based on frame type // Will be called repeatedly as new samples arrive void DemodulateFrame(int intFrameType) { // Dim stcStatus As Status = Nothing int intConstellationQuality = 0; // ReDim bytData(-1) strRcvFrameTag[0] = 0; switch (intFrameType) { case ConReq200: case ConReq500: case ConReq2500: case OConReq500: case OConReq2500: case PING: case IDFRAME: case PINGACK: case CQ_de: case PktFrameHeader: // Experimental Variable Length Frame case OFDMACK: Demod1Car4FSK(); return; case PktFrameData: // Experimantal Variable Length Frame if (strcmp(strMod, "4FSK") == 0) Demod1Car4FSK(); else if (strcmp(strMod, "16QAM") == 0) DemodQAM(); else DemodPSK(); return; } switch (intFrameType & 0xFE) // Others are even/odd data frames { case D4FSK_500_50_E: case D4FSK_1000_50_E: Demod1Car4FSK(); break; case D4PSK_200_50_E: case D4PSK_200_100_E: case D4PSK_500_50_E: case D4PSK_500_100_E: case D4PSKR_2500_50_E: case D4PSK_2500_50_E: case D4PSK_2500_100_E: DemodPSK(); break; case D16QAM_200_100_E: case D16QAMR_500_100_E: case D16QAM_500_100_E: case D16QAMR_2500_100_E: case D16QAM_2500_100_E: DemodQAM(); break; case DOFDM_200_55_E: case DOFDM_500_55_E: case DOFDM_2500_55_E: DemodOFDM(); break; default: Debugprintf("Unsupported frame type %x", intFrameType); DiscardOldSamples(); ClearAllMixedSamples(); State = SearchingForLeader; intFilteredMixedSamplesLength = 0; // Testing } } int intSNdB = 0, intQuality = 0; BOOL DecodeFrame(int chan, int xxx, UCHAR * bytData) { BOOL blnDecodeOK = FALSE; char strCallerCallsign[10] = ""; char strTargetCallsign[10] = ""; char strIDCallSign[11] = ""; char strGridSQ[20] = ""; char Reply[80]; strRcvFrameTag[0] = 0; //DataACK/NAK and short control frames if (IsShortControlFrame(intFrameType)) // Short Control Frames { blnDecodeOK = TRUE; DrawRXFrame(1, Name(intFrameType)); goto returnframe; } totalRSErrors = 0; if (IsDataFrame(intFrameType)) PrintCarrierFlags(); switch (intFrameType) { case PktFrameHeader: { // Variable Length Packet Frame Header // 6 bits Type 10 Bits Len int Len; int pktNumCar; int pktDataLen; int pktRSLen; frameLen = CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[0][0], bytData, intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 0); if (CarrierOk[0]) { pktRXMode = bytFrameData[0][1] >> 2; pktNumCar = pktCarriers[pktRXMode]; Len = ((bytFrameData[0][1] & 0x3) << 8) | bytFrameData[0][2]; } // Now only using one carrier // else if (CarrierOk[1]) // { // pktRXMode = bytFrameData2[1] >> 5; // pktNumCar = ((bytFrameData2[1] & 0x1c) >> 2) + 1; // Len = ((bytFrameData2[1] & 0x3) << 8) | bytFrameData2[2]; // } else { // Cant decode DiscardOldSamples(); ClearAllMixedSamples(); break; } strcpy(strMod, &pktMod[pktRXMode][0]); // Reset to receive rest of frame pktDataLen = (Len + (pktNumCar - 1)) / pktNumCar; // Round up // This must match the encode settings pktRSLen = pktDataLen >> 2; // Try 25% for now if (pktRSLen & 1) pktRSLen++; // Odd RS bytes no use if (pktRSLen < 4) pktRSLen = 4; // At least 4 SymbolsLeft = pktDataLen + pktRSLen + 3; // Data has crc + length byte State = AcquireFrame; intFrameType = PktFrameData; CarrierOk[1] = CarrierOk[0] = 0; charIndex = 0; frameLen = 0; intPhasesLen = 0; memset(intToneMagsIndex, 0, sizeof(intToneMagsIndex)); intDataLen = pktDataLen; intRSLen = pktRSLen; intNumCar = pktNumCar; PSKInitDone = 0; Debugprintf("Pkt Frame Header Type %s Len %d", strMod, Len); strlop(strMod, '/'); blnDecodeOK = TRUE; return 0; } case PktFrameData: { if (pktFSK[pktRXMode]) { // Need to Check RS frameLen = CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[0][0], bytData, intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 0); if (intNumCar > 1) frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[1][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 1); if (intNumCar > 2) { frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[2][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 2); frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[3][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 3); } } if (memcmp(CarrierOk, Good, intNumCar) == 0) { blnDecodeOK = TRUE; // Packet Data - if KISS interface ias active // Pass to Host as KISS frame, else pass to // Session code // Data in bytData len in frameLen ProcessPktFrame(chan, bytData, frameLen); // else // L2Routine(bytData, frameLen, intLastRcvdFrameQuality, totalRSErrors, intNumCar, pktRXMode); } break; } default: Debugprintf("Unrecognised frame type"); } if (blnDecodeOK) { Debugprintf("[DecodeFrame] Frame: %s Decode PASS, Constellation Quality= %d", Name(intFrameType), intLastRcvdFrameQuality); #ifdef PLOTCONSTELLATION if (intFrameType >= 0x30 && intFrameType <= 0x38) DrawDecode(lastGoodID); // ID or CONREQ else DrawDecode("PASS"); updateDisplay(); #endif } else { Debugprintf("[DecodeFrame] Frame: %s Decode FAIL, Constellation Quality= %d", Name(intFrameType), intLastRcvdFrameQuality); #ifdef PLOTCONSTELLATION DrawDecode("FAIL"); updateDisplay(); #endif } returnframe: if (blnDecodeOK && IsDataFrame(intFrameType)) bytLastReceivedDataFrameType = intFrameType; // if (DebugLog) // if (blnDecodeOK) // Debugprintf("[DecodeFrame] Frame: %s Decode PASS, Constellation Quality= %d", Name(intFrameType), intLastRcvdFrameQuality); // else // Debugprintf("[DecodeFrame] Frame: %s Decode FAIL, Constellation Quality= %d", Name(intFrameType), intLastRcvdFrameQuality); return blnDecodeOK; } // Subroutine to update the 4FSK Constellation void drawFastVLine(int x0, int y0, int length, int color); void drawFastHLine(int x0, int y0, int length, int color); void Update4FSKConstellation(int * intToneMags, int * intQuality) { // Subroutine to update bmpConstellation plot for 4FSK modes... int intToneSum = 0; int intMagMax = 0; float dblPi4 = 0.25 * M_PI; float dblDistanceSum = 0; int intRad = 0; int i, x, y; int yCenter = 0; int xCenter = 0; #ifdef PLOTCONSTELLATION int clrPixel; int yCenter = (ConstellationHeight)/ 2; int xCenter = (ConstellationWidth) / 2; clearDisplay(); #endif for (i = 0; i < intToneMagsLength; i += 4) // for the number of symbols represented by intToneMags { intToneSum = intToneMags[i] + intToneMags[i + 1] + intToneMags[i + 2] + intToneMags[i + 3]; if (intToneMags[i] > intToneMags[i + 1] && intToneMags[i] > intToneMags[i + 2] && intToneMags[i] > intToneMags[i + 3]) { if (intToneSum > 0) intRad = max(5, 42 - 80 * (intToneMags[i + 1] + intToneMags[i + 2] + intToneMags[i + 3]) / intToneSum); dblDistanceSum += (42 - intRad); intRad = (intRad * PLOTRADIUS) / 50; // rescale for OLED (50 instead of 42 as we rotate constellation 35 degrees x = xCenter + intRad; y = yCenter + intRad; } else if (intToneMags[i + 1] > intToneMags[i] && intToneMags[i + 1] > intToneMags[i + 2] && intToneMags[i + 1] > intToneMags[i + 3]) { if (intToneSum > 0) intRad = max(5, 42 - 80 * (intToneMags[i] + intToneMags[i + 2] + intToneMags[i + 3]) / intToneSum); dblDistanceSum += (42 - intRad); intRad = (intRad * PLOTRADIUS) / 50; // rescale for OLED (50 instead of 42 as we rotate constellation 35 degrees x = xCenter + intRad; y = yCenter - intRad; } else if (intToneMags[i + 2] > intToneMags[i] && intToneMags[i + 2] > intToneMags[i + 1] && intToneMags[i + 2] > intToneMags[i + 3]) { if (intToneSum > 0) intRad = max(5, 42 - 80 * (intToneMags[i + 1] + intToneMags[i] + intToneMags[i + 3]) / intToneSum); dblDistanceSum += (42 - intRad); intRad = (intRad * PLOTRADIUS) / 50; // rescale for OLED (50 instead of 42 as we rotate constellation 35 degrees x = xCenter - intRad; y = yCenter - intRad; } else if (intToneSum > 0) { intRad = max(5, 42 - 80 * (intToneMags[i + 1] + intToneMags[i + 2] + intToneMags[i]) / intToneSum); dblDistanceSum += (42 - intRad); intRad = (intRad * PLOTRADIUS) / 50; // rescale for OLED (50 instead of 42 as we rotate constellation 35 degrees x = xCenter - intRad; y = yCenter + intRad; } #ifdef PLOTCONSTELLATION if (intRad < 15) clrPixel = Tomato; else if (intRad < 30) clrPixel = Gold; else clrPixel = Lime; mySetPixel(x, y, clrPixel); #endif } *intQuality = 100 - (2.7f * (dblDistanceSum / (intToneMagsLength / 4))); // ' factor 2.7 emperically chosen for calibration (Qual range 25 to 100) if (*intQuality < 0) *intQuality = 0; else if (*intQuality > 100) *intQuality = 100; if (AccumulateStats) { int4FSKQualityCnts += 1; int4FSKQuality += *intQuality; } #ifdef PLOTCONSTELLATION DrawAxes(*intQuality, shortName(intFrameType), strMod); #endif return; } // Subroutine to update the 16FSK constallation void Update16FSKConstellation(int * intToneMags, int * intQuality) { // Subroutine to update bmpConstellation plot for 16FSK modes... int intToneSum = 0; float intMagMax = 0; float dblDistanceSum = 0; float dblPlotRotation = 0; // Dim stcStatus As Status int intRad; // Dim clrPixel As System.Drawing.Color int intJatMaxMag; int i, j; #ifdef PLOTCONSTELLATION float dblRad; float dblAng; int x, y,clrPixel; int yCenter = (ConstellationHeight - 2)/ 2; int xCenter = (ConstellationWidth - 2) / 2; clearDisplay(); #endif for (i = 0; i< intToneMagsLength; i += 16) // for the number of symbols represented by intToneMags { intToneSum = 0; intMagMax = 0; for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { if (intToneMags[i + j] > intMagMax) { intMagMax = intToneMags[i + j]; intJatMaxMag = j; } intToneSum += intToneMags[i + j]; } intRad = max(5, 42 - 40 * (intToneSum - intMagMax) / intToneSum); dblDistanceSum += (43 - intRad); #ifdef PLOTCONSTELLATION if (intRad < 15) clrPixel = Tomato; else if (intRad < 30) clrPixel = Gold; else clrPixel = Lime; // plot the symbols rotated to avoid the axis intRad = (intRad * PLOTRADIUS) /42; // rescale for OLED dblAng = M_PI / 16.0f + (intJatMaxMag * M_PI / 8); x = xCenter + intRad * cosf(dblAng); y = yCenter + intRad * sinf(dblAng); mySetPixel(x, y, clrPixel); #endif } *intQuality = max(0, (100 - 2.2 * (dblDistanceSum / (intToneMagsLength / 16)))); // factor 2.2 emperically chosen for calibration (Qual range 25 to 100) // *intQuality = max(0, (100 - 1.0 * (dblDistanceSum / (intToneMagsLength / 16)))); // factor 2.2 emperically chosen for calibration (Qual range 25 to 100) if(AccumulateStats) { int16FSKQualityCnts++; int16FSKQuality += *intQuality; } #ifdef PLOTCONSTELLATION DrawAxes(*intQuality, shortName(intFrameType), strMod); #endif } // Subroutine to udpate the 8FSK Constellation void Update8FSKConstellation(int * intToneMags, int * intQuality) { // Subroutine to update bmpConstellation plot for 8FSK modes... int intToneSum = 0; int intMagMax = 0; float dblPi4 = 0.25 * M_PI; float dblDistanceSum = 0; int intRad = 0; int i, j, intJatMaxMag; #ifdef PLOTCONSTELLATION float dblAng; int yCenter = (ConstellationHeight - 2)/ 2; int xCenter = (ConstellationWidth - 2) / 2; unsigned short clrPixel = WHITE; unsigned short x, y; clearDisplay(); #endif for (i = 0; i < intToneMagsLength; i += 8) // for the number of symbols represented by intToneMags { intToneSum = 0; intMagMax = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (intToneMags[i + j] > intMagMax) { intMagMax = intToneMags[i + j]; intJatMaxMag = j; } intToneSum += intToneMags[i + j]; } intRad = max(5, 42 - 40 * (intToneSum - intMagMax) / intToneSum); dblDistanceSum += (43 - intRad); #ifdef PLOTCONSTELLATION if (intRad < 15) clrPixel = Tomato; else if (intRad < 30) clrPixel = Gold; else clrPixel = Lime; // plot the symbols rotated to avoid the axis intRad = (intRad * PLOTRADIUS) /42; // rescale for OLED dblAng = M_PI / 9.0f + (intJatMaxMag * M_PI / 4); x = xCenter + intRad * cosf(dblAng); y = yCenter + intRad * sinf(dblAng); mySetPixel(x, y, clrPixel); #endif } *intQuality = max(0, (100 - 2.0 * (dblDistanceSum / (intToneMagsLength / 8)))); // factor 2.0 emperically chosen for calibration (Qual range 25 to 100) if(AccumulateStats) { int8FSKQualityCnts++; int8FSKQuality += *intQuality; } #ifdef PLOTCONSTELLATION DrawAxes(*intQuality, shortName(intFrameType), strMod); #endif return; } // Subroutine to Update the PhaseConstellation int UpdatePhaseConstellation(short * intPhases, short * intMag, int intPSKPhase, BOOL blnQAM, BOOL OFDM) { // Subroutine to update bmpConstellation plot for PSK modes... // Skip plotting and calculations of intPSKPhase(0) as this is a reference phase (9/30/2014) float dblPhaseError; float dblPhaseErrorSum = 0; int intPSKIndex; float intP = 0; float dblRad = 0; float dblAvgRad = 0; float intMagMax = 0; float dblPi4 = 0.25 * M_PI; float dbPhaseStep; float dblRadError = 0; float dblPlotRotation = 0; int intRadInner = 0, intRadOuter = 0; float dblAvgRadOuter = 0, dblAvgRadInner = 0, dblRadErrorInner = 0, dblRadErrorOuter = 0; int i,j, k, intQuality; #ifdef PLOTCONSTELLATION int intX, intY; int yCenter = (ConstellationHeight - 2)/ 2; int xCenter = (ConstellationWidth - 2) / 2; unsigned short clrPixel = WHITE; clearDisplay(); #endif if (intPSKPhase == 4) intPSKIndex = 0; else intPSKIndex = 1; if (blnQAM) { intPSKPhase = 8; intPSKIndex = 1; dbPhaseStep = 2 * M_PI / intPSKPhase; for (j = 1; j < intPhasesLen; j++) // skip the magnitude of the reference in calculation { intMagMax = max(intMagMax, intMag[j]); // find the max magnitude to auto scale } for (k = 1; k < intPhasesLen; k++) { if (intMag[k] < 0.75f * intMagMax) { dblAvgRadInner += intMag[k]; intRadInner++; } else { dblAvgRadOuter += intMag[k]; intRadOuter++; } } dblAvgRadInner = dblAvgRadInner / intRadInner; dblAvgRadOuter = dblAvgRadOuter / intRadOuter; } else { dbPhaseStep = 2 * M_PI / intPSKPhase; for (j = 1; j < intPhasesLen; j++) // skip the magnitude of the reference in calculation { intMagMax = max(intMagMax, intMag[j]); // find the max magnitude to auto scale dblAvgRad += intMag[j]; } } dblAvgRad = dblAvgRad / (intPhasesLen - 1); // the average radius for (i = 1; i < intPhasesLen; i++) // Don't plot the first phase (reference) { intP = round((0.001f * intPhases[i]) / dbPhaseStep); // compute the Phase and Radius errors if (intMag[i] > (dblAvgRadInner + dblAvgRadOuter) / 2) dblRadErrorOuter += fabsf(dblAvgRadOuter - intMag[i]); else dblRadErrorInner += fabsf(dblAvgRadInner - intMag[i]); dblPhaseError = fabsf(((0.001 * intPhases[i]) - intP * dbPhaseStep)); // always positive and < .5 * dblPhaseStep dblPhaseErrorSum += dblPhaseError; #ifdef PLOTCONSTELLATION dblRad = PLOTRADIUS * intMag[i] / intMagMax; // scale the radius dblRad based on intMagMax intX = xCenter + dblRad * cosf(dblPlotRotation + intPhases[i] / 1000.0f); intY = yCenter + dblRad * sinf(dblPlotRotation + intPhases[i] / 1000.0f); if (intX > 0 && intY > 0) if (intX != xCenter && intY != yCenter) mySetPixel(intX, intY, Yellow); // don't plot on top of axis #endif } if (blnQAM) { // intQuality = max(0, ((100 - 200 * (dblPhaseErrorSum / (intPhasesLen)) / dbPhaseStep))); // ignore radius error for (PSK) but include for QAM intQuality = max(0, (1 - (dblRadErrorInner / (intRadInner * dblAvgRadInner) + dblRadErrorOuter / (intRadOuter * dblAvgRadOuter))) * (100 - 200 * (dblPhaseErrorSum / intPhasesLen) / dbPhaseStep)); // intQuality = max(0, ((100 - 200 * (dblPhaseErrorSum / (intPhasesLen)) / dbPhaseStep))); // ignore radius error for (PSK) but include for QAM if (AccumulateStats) { if (OFDM) { intOFDMQualityCnts[RXOFDMMode] ++; intOFDMQuality[RXOFDMMode] += intQuality; intOFDMSymbolsDecoded += intPhasesLen; } else { intQAMQualityCnts += 1; intQAMQuality += intQuality; intQAMSymbolsDecoded += intPhasesLen; } } } else { intQuality = max(0, ((100 - 200 * (dblPhaseErrorSum / (intPhasesLen)) / dbPhaseStep))); // ignore radius error for (PSK) but include for QAM if (AccumulateStats) { if (OFDM) { intOFDMQualityCnts[RXOFDMMode] ++; intOFDMQuality[RXOFDMMode] += intQuality; intOFDMSymbolsDecoded += intPhasesLen; } else { intPSKQualityCnts[intPSKIndex]++; intPSKQuality[intPSKIndex] += intQuality; intPSKSymbolsDecoded += intPhasesLen; } } } #ifdef PLOTCONSTELLATION DrawAxes(intQuality, shortName(intFrameType), strMod); #endif return intQuality; } // Subroutine to track 1 carrier 4FSK. Used for both single and multiple simultaneous carrier 4FSK modes. VOID Track1Car4FSK(short * intSamples, int * intPtr, int intSampPerSymbol, float dblSearchFreq, int intBaud, UCHAR * bytSymHistory) { // look at magnitude of the tone for bytHistory(1) 2 sample2 earlier and 2 samples later. and pick the maximum adjusting intPtr + or - 1 // this seems to work fine on test Mar 16, 2015. This should handle sample rate offsets (sender to receiver) up to about 2000 ppm float dblReal, dblImag, dblMagEarly, dblMag, dblMagLate; float dblBinToSearch = (dblSearchFreq - (intBaud * bytSymHistory[1])) / intBaud; // select the 2nd last symbol for magnitude comparison GoertzelRealImag(intSamples, (*intPtr - intSampPerSymbol - 2), intSampPerSymbol, dblBinToSearch, &dblReal, &dblImag); dblMagEarly = powf(dblReal, 2) + powf(dblImag, 2); GoertzelRealImag(intSamples, (*intPtr - intSampPerSymbol), intSampPerSymbol, dblBinToSearch, &dblReal, &dblImag); dblMag = powf(dblReal, 2) + powf(dblImag, 2); GoertzelRealImag(intSamples, (*intPtr - intSampPerSymbol + 2), intSampPerSymbol, dblBinToSearch, &dblReal, &dblImag); dblMagLate = powf(dblReal, 2) + powf(dblImag, 2); if (dblMagEarly > dblMag && dblMagEarly > dblMagLate) { *intPtr --; Corrections--; if (AccumulateStats) intAccumFSKTracking--; } else if (dblMagLate > dblMag && dblMagLate > dblMagEarly) { *intPtr ++; Corrections++; if (AccumulateStats) intAccumFSKTracking++; } } // Function to Decode one Carrier of PSK modulation // Ideally want to be able to call on for each symbol, as I don't have the // RAM to build whole frame // Call for each set of 4 or 8 Phase Values int pskStart = 0; VOID Decode1CarPSK(int Carrier, BOOL OFDM) { unsigned int int24Bits; UCHAR bytRawData; int k; int Len = intPhasesLen; UCHAR * Decoded; if (OFDM) Decoded = &bytFrameData[0][0]; // Always uses same buffer else { if (CarrierOk[Carrier]) return; // don't do it again Decoded = &bytFrameData[Carrier][0]; } pskStart = 0; charIndex = 0; while (Len >= 0) { // Phase Samples are in intPhases switch (intPSKMode) { case 2: // process 8 sequential phases per byte (1 bits per phase) for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { if (k == 0) bytRawData = 0; else bytRawData <<= 1; if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 1572 || intPhases[Carrier][pskStart]<= -1572) bytRawData += 1; pskStart++; } Decoded[charIndex++] = bytRawData; Len -= 8; break; case 4: // process 4 sequential phases per byte (2 bits per phase) for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (k == 0) bytRawData = 0; else bytRawData <<= 2; if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 786 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] > -786) { } // Zero so no need to do anything else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 786 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 2356) bytRawData += 1; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 2356 || intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] <= -2356) bytRawData += 2; else bytRawData += 3; pskStart++; } Decoded[charIndex++] = bytRawData; Len -= 4; break; case 8: // Process 8 sequential phases (3 bits per phase) for 24 bits or 3 bytes // Status verified on 1 Carrier 8PSK with no RS needed for High S/N // Assume we check for 8 available phase samples before being called int24Bits = 0; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { int24Bits <<= 3; if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 393 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] > -393) { } // Zero so no need to do anything else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 393 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 1179) int24Bits += 1; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 1179 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 1965) int24Bits += 2; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 1965 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 2751) int24Bits += 3; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 2751 || intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < -2751) int24Bits += 4; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= -2751 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < -1965) int24Bits += 5; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= -1965 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] <= -1179) int24Bits += 6; else int24Bits += 7; pskStart ++; } Decoded[charIndex++] = int24Bits >> 16; Decoded[charIndex++] = int24Bits >> 8; Decoded[charIndex++] = int24Bits; Len -= 8; break; case 16: // Process 2 sequential phases (4 bits per phase) for 1 bytes for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { if (k == 0) bytRawData = 0; else bytRawData <<= 4; if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 196 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] > -196) { } // Zero so no need to do anything else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 196 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 589) bytRawData += 1; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 589 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 981) bytRawData += 2; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 981 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 1374) bytRawData += 3; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 1374 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 1766) bytRawData += 4; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 1766 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 2159) bytRawData += 5; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 2159 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 2551) bytRawData += 6; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 2551 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 2944) bytRawData += 7; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 2944 || intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < -2944) bytRawData += 8; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= -2944 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < -2551) bytRawData += 9; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= -2551 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < -2159) bytRawData += 10; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= -2159 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < -1766) bytRawData += 11; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= -1766 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < -1374) bytRawData += 12; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= -1374 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < -981) bytRawData += 13; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= -981 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < -589) bytRawData += 14; else bytRawData += 15; pskStart ++; } Decoded[charIndex++] = bytRawData; Len -= 2; break; default: return; //???? } } return; } // Function to compute PSK symbol tracking (all PSK modes, used for single or multiple carrier modes) int Track1CarPSK(int floatCarFreq, int PSKMode, BOOL QAM, BOOL OFDM, float dblUnfilteredPhase, BOOL blnInit) { // This routine initializes and tracks the phase offset per symbol and adjust intPtr +/-1 when the offset creeps to a threshold value. // adjusts (by Ref) intPtr 0, -1 or +1 based on a filtering of phase offset. // this seems to work fine on test Mar 21, 2015. May need optimization after testing with higher sample rate errors. // This should handle sample rate offsets (sender to receiver) up to about 2000 ppm float dblAlpha = 0.3f; // low pass filter constant may want to optimize value after testing with large sample rate error. // (Affects how much averaging is done) lower values of dblAlpha will minimize adjustments but track more slugishly. float dblPhaseOffset; static float dblTrackingPhase = 0; static float dblModFactor; static float dblRadiansPerSample; // range is .4188 @ car freq = 800 to 1.1195 @ car freq 2200 static float dblPhaseAtLastTrack; static int intCountAtLastTrack; static float dblFilteredPhaseOffset; if (blnInit) { // dblFilterredPhase = dblUnfilteredPhase; dblTrackingPhase = dblUnfilteredPhase; if (PSKMode == 16) dblModFactor = M_PI / 8; else if (PSKMode == 8) dblModFactor = M_PI / 4; else if (PSKMode == 4) dblModFactor = M_PI / 2; else dblModFactor = M_PI; // 2PSK dblRadiansPerSample = (floatCarFreq * dbl2Pi) / 12000.0f; dblPhaseOffset = dblUnfilteredPhase - dblModFactor * round(dblUnfilteredPhase / dblModFactor); dblPhaseAtLastTrack = dblPhaseOffset; dblFilteredPhaseOffset = dblPhaseOffset; intCountAtLastTrack = 0; return 0; } intCountAtLastTrack += 1; dblPhaseOffset = dblUnfilteredPhase - dblModFactor * round(dblUnfilteredPhase / dblModFactor); dblFilteredPhaseOffset = (1 - dblAlpha) * dblFilteredPhaseOffset + dblAlpha * dblPhaseOffset; if ((dblFilteredPhaseOffset - dblPhaseAtLastTrack) > dblRadiansPerSample) { //Debug.WriteLine("Filtered>LastTrack: Cnt=" & intCountAtLastTrack.ToString & " Filtered = " & Format(dblFilteredPhaseOffset, "00.000") & " Offset = " & Format(dblPhaseOffset, "00.000") & " Unfiltered = " & Format(dblUnfilteredPhase, "00.000")) dblFilteredPhaseOffset = dblPhaseOffset - dblRadiansPerSample; dblPhaseAtLastTrack = dblFilteredPhaseOffset; if (AccumulateStats) { if (OFDM) { intOFDMTrackAttempts++; intAccumOFDMTracking--; } else if (QAM) { intQAMTrackAttempts++; intAccumQAMTracking--; } else { intPSKTrackAttempts++; intAccumPSKTracking--; } } return -1; } if ((dblPhaseAtLastTrack - dblFilteredPhaseOffset) > dblRadiansPerSample) { //'Debug.WriteLine("Filtered<LastTrack: Cnt=" & intCountAtLastTrack.ToString & " Filtered = " & Format(dblFilteredPhaseOffset, "00.000") & " Offset = " & Format(dblPhaseOffset, "00.000") & " Unfiltered = " & Format(dblUnfilteredPhase, "00.000")) dblFilteredPhaseOffset = dblPhaseOffset + dblRadiansPerSample; dblPhaseAtLastTrack = dblFilteredPhaseOffset; if (AccumulateStats) { if (OFDM) { intOFDMTrackAttempts++; intAccumOFDMTracking++; } else if (QAM) // 16QAM" Then { intQAMTrackAttempts++; intAccumQAMTracking++; } else { intPSKTrackAttempts++; intAccumPSKTracking++; } } return 1; } // 'Debug.WriteLine("Filtered Phase = " & Format(dblFilteredPhaseOffset, "00.000") & " Offset = " & Format(dblPhaseOffset, "00.000") & " Unfiltered = " & Format(dblUnfilteredPhase, "00.000")) return 0; } // Function to compute the differenc of two angles int ComputeAng1_Ang2(int intAng1, int intAng2) { // do an angle subtraction intAng1 minus intAng2 (in milliradians) // Results always between -3142 and 3142 (+/- Pi) int intDiff; intDiff = intAng1 - intAng2; if (intDiff < -3142) intDiff += 6284; else if (intDiff > 3142 ) intDiff -= 6284; return intDiff; } // Subroutine to "rotate" the phases to try and set the average offset to 0. void CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(short * intPhase, int intPhaseLength, int intPSKMode) { // A tunning error of -1 Hz will rotate the phase calculation Clockwise ~ 64 milliradians (~4 degrees) // This corrects for: // 1) Small tuning errors which result in a phase bias (rotation) of then entire constellation // 2) Small Transmitter/receiver drift during the frame by averaging and adjusting to constellation to the average. // It only processes phase values close to the nominal to avoid generating too large of a correction from outliers: +/- 30 deg for 4PSK, +/- 15 deg for 8PSK // Is very affective in handling initial tuning error. short intPhaseMargin = 2095 / intPSKMode; // Compute the acceptable phase correction range (+/-30 degrees for 4 PSK) short intPhaseInc = 6284 / intPSKMode; int intTest; int i; int intOffset, intAvgOffset, intAvgOffsetBeginning, intAvgOffsetEnd; int intAccOffsetCnt = 0, intAccOffsetCntBeginning = 0, intAccOffsetCntEnd = 0; int intAccOffsetBeginning = 0, intAccOffsetEnd = 0, intAccOffset = 0; // Note Rev The following phase margin value increased from 2095 (120 deg) to 2793 (160 deg) yielded an improvement in decode at low S:N intPhaseMargin = 2793 / intPSKMode; // Compute the acceptable phase correction range (+/-30 degrees for 4 PSK) intPhaseInc = 6284 / intPSKMode; // Compute the average offset (rotation) for all symbols within +/- intPhaseMargin of nominal for (i = 0; i < intPhaseLength; i++) { intTest = (intPhase[i] / intPhaseInc); intOffset = intPhase[i] - intTest * intPhaseInc; if ((intOffset >= 0 && intOffset <= intPhaseMargin) || (intOffset < 0 && intOffset >= -intPhaseMargin)) { intAccOffsetCnt += 1; intAccOffset += intOffset; if (i <= intPhaseLength / 4) { intAccOffsetCntBeginning += 1; intAccOffsetBeginning += intOffset; } else if (i >= (3 * intPhaseLength) / 4) { intAccOffsetCntEnd += 1; intAccOffsetEnd += intOffset; } } } if (intAccOffsetCnt > 0) intAvgOffset = (intAccOffset / intAccOffsetCnt); if (intAccOffsetCntBeginning > 0) intAvgOffsetBeginning = (intAccOffsetBeginning / intAccOffsetCntBeginning); if (intAccOffsetCntEnd > 0) intAvgOffsetEnd = (intAccOffsetEnd / intAccOffsetCntEnd); //Debugprintf("[CorrectPhaseForOffset] Beginning: %d End: %d Total: %d", //intAvgOffsetBeginning, intAvgOffsetEnd, intAvgOffset); if ((intAccOffsetCntBeginning > intPhaseLength / 8) && (intAccOffsetCntEnd > intPhaseLength / 8)) { for (i = 0; i < intPhaseLength; i++) { intPhase[i] = intPhase[i] - ((intAvgOffsetBeginning * (intPhaseLength - i) / intPhaseLength) + (intAvgOffsetEnd * i / intPhaseLength)); if (intPhase[i] > 3142) intPhase[i] -= 6284; else if (intPhase[i] < -3142) intPhase[i] += 6284; } Debugprintf("[CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset] AvgOffsetBeginning=%d AvgOffsetEnd=%d AccOffsetCnt=%d/%d", intAvgOffsetBeginning, intAvgOffsetEnd, intAccOffsetCnt, intPhaseLength); } else if (intAccOffsetCnt > intPhaseLength / 2) { for (i = 0; i < intPhaseLength; i++) { intPhase[i] -= intAvgOffset; if (intPhase[i] > 3142) intPhase[i] -= 6284; else if (intPhase[i] < -3142) intPhase[i] += 6284; } Debugprintf("[CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset] AvgOffset=%d AccOffsetCnt=%d/%d", intAvgOffset, intAccOffsetCnt, intPhaseLength); } } // Function to Decode one Carrier of 16QAM modulation // Call for each set of 4 or 8 Phase Values short intCarMagThreshold[MAXCAR] = {0}; VOID Decode1CarQAM(int Carrier) { unsigned int intData; int k; float dblAlpha = 0.1f; // this determins how quickly the rolling average dblTrackingThreshold responds. // dblAlpha value of .1 seems to work well...needs to be tested on fading channel (e.g. Multipath) int Threshold = intCarMagThreshold[Carrier]; int Len = intPhasesLen; UCHAR * Decoded = bytFrameData[Carrier]; if (CarrierOk[Carrier]) return; // don't do it again pskStart = 0; charIndex = 0; // We calculated initial mag from reference symbol // use filtered tracking of refernce phase amplitude // (should be full amplitude value) // On WGN this appears to improve decoding threshold about 1 dB 9/3/2016 while (Len >= 0) { // Phase Samples are in intPhases intData = 0; for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { intData <<= 4; if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 393 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] > -393) { } // Zero so no need to do anything else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 393 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 1179) intData += 1; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 1179 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 1965) intData += 2; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 1965 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < 2751) intData += 3; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= 2751 || intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < -2751) intData += 4; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= -2751 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] < -1965) intData += 5; else if (intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] >= -1965 && intPhases[Carrier][pskStart] <= -1179) intData += 6; else intData += 7; if (intMags[Carrier][pskStart] < Threshold) { intData += 8; // add 8 to "inner circle" symbols. Threshold = (Threshold * 900 + intMags[Carrier][pskStart] * 150) / 1000; } else { Threshold = ( Threshold * 900 + intMags[Carrier][pskStart] * 75) / 1000; } intCarMagThreshold[Carrier] = Threshold; pskStart++; } Decoded[charIndex++] = intData; Len -=2; } } // Functions to demod all PSKData frames single or multiple carriers VOID InitDemodPSK() { // Called at start of frame int i; float dblPhase, dblReal, dblImag; intPSKMode = strMod[0] - '0'; PSKInitDone = TRUE; intPhasesLen = 0; if (intPSKMode == 8) dblPhaseInc = 2 * M_PI * 1000 / 8; else dblPhaseInc = 2 * M_PI * 1000 / 4; if (intBaud == 50) intSampPerSym = 240; else intSampPerSym = 120; if (intNumCar == 1) floatCarFreq = 1500; else floatCarFreq = 1400 + (intNumCar / 2) * 200; // start at the highest carrier freq which is actually the lowest transmitted carrier due to Reverse sideband mixing for (i= 0; i < intNumCar; i++) { if (intBaud == 50) { intCP[i] = 0; intNforGoertzel[i] = 240; dblFreqBin[i] = floatCarFreq / 50; } else if (intBaud == 100) { //Experimental use of Hanning Windowing intNforGoertzel[i] = 120; dblFreqBin[i] = floatCarFreq / 100; intCP[i] = 0; } /* if (intBaud == 100 && floatCarFreq == 1500) { intCP[i] = 20; // These values selected for best decode percentage (92%) and best average 4PSK Quality (82) on MPP0dB channel dblFreqBin[i] = floatCarFreq / 150; intNforGoertzel[i] = 80; } else if (intBaud == 100) { intCP[i] = 28; // This value selected for best decoding percentage (56%) and best Averag 4PSK Quality (77) on mpg +5 dB intNforGoertzel[i] = 60; dblFreqBin[i] = floatCarFreq / 200; } else if (intBaud == 167) { intCP[i] = 6; // Need to optimize (little difference between 6 and 12 @ wgn5, 2 Car 500 Hz) intNforGoertzel[i] = 60; dblFreqBin[i] = floatCarFreq / 200; } */ // Get initial Reference Phase GoertzelRealImagHann120(intFilteredMixedSamples, 0, intNforGoertzel[i], dblFreqBin[i], &dblReal, &dblImag); dblPhase = atan2f(dblImag, dblReal); Track1CarPSK(floatCarFreq, strMod[0] - '0', FALSE, FALSE, dblPhase, TRUE); intPSKPhase_1[i] = -1000 * dblPhase; // negative sign compensates for phase reverse after mixing // Set initial mag from Reference Phase (which should be full power) // Done here as well as in initQAM for pkt where we may switch mode midpacket intCarMagThreshold[i] = sqrtf(powf(dblReal, 2) + powf(dblImag, 2)); intCarMagThreshold[i] *= 0.75; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. } } int Demod1CarPSKChar(int Start, int Carrier); void SavePSKSamples(int i); short WeightedAngleAvg(short intAng1, short intAng2); int CheckCarrierPairPSK(int Base, int Dup, int frameLen) { int i, Len; Debugprintf("DemodPSK Carriers %d and %d", Base, Dup); Decode1CarPSK(Base, FALSE); Len = CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[Base][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, Base); if (CarrierOk[Base]) { // No need to decode 2nd CarrierOk[Dup] = 1; // So FrameOk test is passed return Len + frameLen; } Debugprintf("DemodPSK Carrier %d bad, trying %d", Base, Dup); Decode1CarPSK(Dup, FALSE); // Decode Dup carrier Len = CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[Dup][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, Base); // Save as carrier 1 if (CarrierOk[Base]) { CarrierOk[Dup] = 1; // So FrameOk test is passed bytFrameData[Base][0] = Len; memcpy(&bytFrameData[Base][1], &bytData[frameLen], Len); // Any retry will use first copy without new decode return Len + frameLen; } // Try to average phases for the two carriers Debugprintf("DemodPSK both bad, trying average"); for (i = 0; i <intPhasesLen; i++) { intPhases[Base][i] = WeightedAngleAvg(intPhases[Base][i], intPhases[Dup][i]); } // Try decode again on averages Decode1CarPSK(Base, FALSE); Len = CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[Base][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, Base); if (CarrierOk[Base]) CarrierOk[Dup] = 1; // So FrameOk test is passed return Len + frameLen; } void DemodPSK() { int Used[MAXCAR] = {0}, Carrier; int Start = 0, i; int MemARQRetries = 0; // We can't wait for the full frame as we don't have enough RAM, so // we do one DMA Buffer at a time, until we run out or end of frame // Only continue if we have enough samples intPSKMode = strMod[0] - '0'; while (State == AcquireFrame) { if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength < intPSKMode * intSampPerSym + 10) // allow for a few phase corrections { // Move any unprocessessed data down buffer // (while checking process - will use cyclic buffer eventually if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength > 0 && Start > 0) memmove(intFilteredMixedSamples, &intFilteredMixedSamples[Start], intFilteredMixedSamplesLength * 2); return; } if (PSKInitDone == 0) // First time through { if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength < 2 * intPSKMode * intSampPerSym + 10) return; // Wait for at least 2 chars worth InitDemodPSK(); intFilteredMixedSamplesLength -= intSampPerSym; if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength < 0) Debugprintf("Corrupt intFilteredMixedSamplesLength"); Start += intSampPerSym; } // If this is a multicarrier mode, we must call the // decode char routing for each carrier if (intNumCar == 1) floatCarFreq = 1500; else floatCarFreq = 1400 + (intNumCar / 2) * 200; // start at the highest carrier freq which is actually the lowest transmitted carrier due to Reverse sideband mixing Used[0] = Demod1CarPSKChar(Start, 0); if (intNumCar > 1) { intPhasesLen -= intPSKMode; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Used[1] = Demod1CarPSKChar(Start, 1); } if (intNumCar > 2) { intPhasesLen -= intPSKMode; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Used[2] = Demod1CarPSKChar(Start, 2); intPhasesLen -= intPSKMode; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Used[3] = Demod1CarPSKChar(Start, 3); } if (intNumCar > 4) { intPhasesLen -= intPSKMode; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Used[4] = Demod1CarPSKChar(Start, 4); intPhasesLen -= intPSKMode; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Used[5] = Demod1CarPSKChar(Start, 5); intPhasesLen -= intPSKMode; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Used[6] = Demod1CarPSKChar(Start, 6); intPhasesLen -= intPSKMode; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Used[7] = Demod1CarPSKChar(Start, 7); intPhasesLen -= intPSKMode; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Used[8] = Demod1CarPSKChar(Start, 8); intPhasesLen -= intPSKMode; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Used[9] = Demod1CarPSKChar(Start, 9); } if (intPSKMode == 4) SymbolsLeft--; // number still to decode else SymbolsLeft -=3; // If/when we reenable phase correstion we can take average of Used values. // ?? Should be also keep start value per carrier ?? Start += Used[0]; intFilteredMixedSamplesLength -= Used[0]; if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength < 0) Debugprintf("Corrupt intFilteredMixedSamplesLength"); if (SymbolsLeft > 0) continue; // Decode the phases DecodeCompleteTime = Now; // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[0][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); // if (intNumCar > 1) // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[1][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); if (intNumCar > 2) { // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[2][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[3][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); } if (intNumCar > 4) { // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[4][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[5][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[6][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[7][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); } // Rick uses the last carier for Quality intLastRcvdFrameQuality = UpdatePhaseConstellation(&intPhases[intNumCar - 1][0], &intMags[intNumCar - 1][0], strMod[0] - '0', FALSE, FALSE); // prepare for next State = SearchingForLeader; DiscardOldSamples(); ClearAllMixedSamples(); if (strchr(strMod, 'R')) { // Robust Mode - data is repeated (1-2 or 1-6, 2-7, etc if (intNumCar == 2) { frameLen = CheckCarrierPairPSK(0, 1, 0); return; } //Only have 2 or 10 (500 or 2500 modes) frameLen = CheckCarrierPairPSK(0, 5, 0); frameLen = CheckCarrierPairPSK(1, 6, frameLen); frameLen = CheckCarrierPairPSK(2, 7, frameLen); frameLen = CheckCarrierPairPSK(3, 8, frameLen); frameLen = CheckCarrierPairPSK(4, 9, frameLen); return; } // Non -robust frameLen = 0; for (i = 0; i < intNumCar; i++) { Decode1CarPSK(i, FALSE); frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[i][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, i); } // If variable length packet frame header we only have header - leave rx running if (intFrameType == PktFrameHeader) { State = SearchingForLeader; // Save any unused samples if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength > 0 && Start > 0) memmove(intFilteredMixedSamples, &intFilteredMixedSamples[Start], intFilteredMixedSamplesLength * 2); return; } #ifdef MEMORYARQ for (Carrier = 0; Carrier < intNumCar; Carrier++) { if (!CarrierOk[Carrier]) { // Decode error - save data for MEM ARQ SavePSKSamples(Carrier); if (intSumCounts[Carrier] > 1) { Decode1CarQAM(Carrier); // try to decode based on the WeightedAveragePhases MemARQRetries++; } } } if (MemARQRetries) { // We've retryed to decode - see if ok now int OKNow = TRUE; Debugprintf("DemodPSK retry RS on MEM ARQ Corrected frames"); frameLen = 0; for (Carrier = 0; Carrier < intNumCar; Carrier++) { frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(bytFrameData[Carrier], bytData, intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, Carrier); if (CarrierOk[Carrier] == 0) OKNow = FALSE; } if (OKNow && AccumulateStats) intGoodPSKSummationDecodes++; } #endif } return; } // Function to demodulate one carrier for all PSK frame types int Demod1CarPSKChar(int Start, int Carrier) { // Converts intSample to an array of differential phase and magnitude values for the Specific Carrier Freq // intPtr should be pointing to the approximate start of the first reference/training symbol (1 of 3) // intPhase() is an array of phase values (in milliradians range of 0 to 6283) for each symbol // intMag() is an array of Magnitude values (not used in PSK decoding but for constellation plotting or QAM decoding) // Objective is to use Minimum Phase Error Tracking to maintain optimum pointer position // This is called for one DMA buffer of samples (normally 1200) float dblReal, dblImag; int intMiliRadPerSample = floatCarFreq * M_PI / 6; int i; int intNumOfSymbols = intPSKMode; int origStart = Start;; if (CarrierOk[Carrier]) // Already decoded this carrier? { intPhasesLen += intNumOfSymbols; return intSampPerSym * intNumOfSymbols; } for (i = 0; i < intNumOfSymbols; i++) { GoertzelRealImag(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start, intNforGoertzel[Carrier], dblFreqBin[Carrier], &dblReal, &dblImag); // GoertzelRealImagHann120(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start, intNforGoertzel[Carrier], dblFreqBin[Carrier], &dblReal, &dblImag); intMags[Carrier][intPhasesLen] = sqrtf(powf(dblReal, 2) + powf(dblImag, 2)); intPSKPhase_0[Carrier] = -1000 * atan2f(dblImag, dblReal); intPhases[Carrier][intPhasesLen] = (ComputeAng1_Ang2(intPSKPhase_0[Carrier], intPSKPhase_1[Carrier])); /* if (Carrier == 0) { Corrections = Track1CarPSK(floatCarFreq, strMod, atan2f(dblImag, dblReal), FALSE); if (Corrections != 0) { Start += Corrections; if (intCP[i] == 0) GoertzelRealImagHanning(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start, intNforGoertzel[Carrier], dblFreqBin[Carrier], &dblReal, &dblImag); else GoertzelRealImag(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start + intCP[Carrier], intNforGoertzel[Carrier], dblFreqBin[Carrier], &dblReal, &dblImag); intPSKPhase_0[Carrier] = 1000 * atan2f(dblImag, dblReal); } } */ intPSKPhase_1[Carrier] = intPSKPhase_0[Carrier]; intPhasesLen++; Start += intSampPerSym; } if (AccumulateStats) intPSKSymbolCnt += intNumOfSymbols; return (Start - origStart); // Symbols we've consumed } VOID InitDemodQAM() { // Called at start of frame int i; float dblPhase, dblReal, dblImag; intPSKMode = 8; // 16QAM uses 8 PSK dblPhaseInc = 2 * M_PI * 1000 / 8; intPhasesLen = 0; PSKInitDone = TRUE; intSampPerSym = 120; if (intNumCar == 1) floatCarFreq = 1500; else floatCarFreq = 1400 + (intNumCar / 2) * 200; // start at the highest carrier freq which is actually the lowest transmitted carrier due to Reverse sideband mixing for (i= 0; i < intNumCar; i++) { // Only 100 Hz for QAM intCP[i] = 0; intNforGoertzel[i] = 120; dblFreqBin[i] = floatCarFreq / 100; // Get initial Reference Phase GoertzelRealImagHanning(intFilteredMixedSamples, intCP[i], intNforGoertzel[i], dblFreqBin[i], &dblReal, &dblImag); dblPhase = atan2f(dblImag, dblReal); // Set initial mag from Reference Phase (which should be full power) intCarMagThreshold[i] = sqrtf(powf(dblReal, 2) + powf(dblImag, 2)); intCarMagThreshold[i] *= 0.75; Track1CarPSK(floatCarFreq, 8, TRUE, FALSE, dblPhase, TRUE); intPSKPhase_1[i] = 1000 * dblPhase; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. } } int Demod1CarQAMChar(int Start, int Carrier); // Function to average two angles using magnitude weighting short WeightedAngleAvg(short intAng1, short intAng2) { // Ang1 and Ang 2 are in the range of -3142 to + 3142 (miliradians) // works but should come up with a routine that avoids Sin, Cos, Atan2 // Modified in Rev to "weight" averaging by intMag1 and intMag2 (why!!!) float dblSumX, dblSumY; dblSumX = cosf(intAng1 / 1000.0) + cosf(intAng2 / 1000.0); dblSumY = sinf(intAng1 / 1000.0) + sinf(intAng2 / 1000.0); return (1000 * atan2f(dblSumY, dblSumX)); } #ifdef MEMORYARQ void SaveQAMSamples(int i) { int m; if (intSumCounts[i] == 0) { // First try - initialize Sum counts Phase average and Mag Average for (m = 0; m < intPhasesLen; m++) { intCarPhaseAvg[i][m] = intPhases[i][m]; intCarMagAvg[i][m] = intMags[i][m]; } } else { for (m = 0; m < intPhasesLen; m++) { intCarPhaseAvg[i][m] = WeightedAngleAvg(intCarPhaseAvg[i][m], intPhases[i][m]); intPhases[i][m] = intCarPhaseAvg[i][m]; // Use simple weighted average for Mags intCarMagAvg[i][m] = (intCarMagAvg[i][m] * intSumCounts[i] + intMags[i][m]) / (intSumCounts[i] + 1); intMags[i][m] = intCarMagAvg[i][m]; } } intSumCounts[i]++; } void SavePSKSamples(int i) { int m; if (intSumCounts[i] == 0) { // First try - initialize Sum counts Phase average and Mag Average for (m = 0; m < intPhasesLen; m++) { intCarPhaseAvg[i][m] = intPhases[i][m]; } } else { for (m = 0; m < intPhasesLen; m++) { intCarPhaseAvg[i][m] = WeightedAngleAvg(intCarPhaseAvg[i][m], intPhases[i][m]); intPhases[i][m] = intCarPhaseAvg[i][m]; } } intSumCounts[i]++; } #endif int CheckCarrierPair(int Base, int Dup, int frameLen) { int i, Len; Debugprintf("DemodQAMR Carriers %d and %d", Base, Dup); Decode1CarQAM(Base); Len = CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[Base][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, Base); if (CarrierOk[Base]) { // No need to decode 2nd CarrierOk[Dup] = 1; // So FrameOk test is passed Debugprintf("DemodQAMR Returning Len %d", Len); return Len + frameLen; } Debugprintf("DemodQAMR Carrier %d bad, trying %d", Base, Dup); Decode1CarQAM(Dup); // Decode Dup carrier Len = CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[Dup][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, Base); // Save as carrier 1 if (CarrierOk[Base]) { CarrierOk[Dup] = 1; // So FrameOk test is passed bytFrameData[Base][0] = Len; memcpy(&bytFrameData[Base][1], &bytData[frameLen], Len); // Any retry will use first copy without new decode Debugprintf("DemodQAMR Returning Len %d", Len); return Len + frameLen; } // Try to average phases for the two carriers Debugprintf("DemodQAMR both bad, trying average"); for (i = 0; i <intPhasesLen; i++) { intPhases[Base][i] = WeightedAngleAvg(intPhases[Base][i], intPhases[Dup][i]); intMags[Base][i] = (intMags[Base][i] + intMags[Dup][i]) / 2; } // Try decode again on averages Decode1CarQAM(Base); Len = CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[Base][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, Base); if (CarrierOk[Base]) CarrierOk[Dup] = 1; // So FrameOk test is passed Debugprintf("DemodQAMR Returning Len %d", Len); return Len + frameLen; } BOOL DemodQAM() { int Used = 0; int Start = 0; int i, MemARQOk = 0; // We can't wait for the full frame as we don't have enough RAM, so // we do one DMA Buffer at a time, until we run out or end of frame // Only continue if we have enough samples while (State == AcquireFrame) { if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength < 8 * intSampPerSym + 10) // allow for a few phase corrections { // Move any unprocessessed data down buffer // (while checking process - will use cyclic buffer eventually if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength > 0) memmove(intFilteredMixedSamples, &intFilteredMixedSamples[Start], intFilteredMixedSamplesLength * 2); return FALSE; } if (PSKInitDone == 0) // First time through { if (intFilteredMixedSamplesLength < 9 * intSampPerSym + 10) return FALSE; // Wait for at least 2 chars worth InitDemodQAM(); intFilteredMixedSamplesLength -= intSampPerSym; Start += intSampPerSym; } // If this is a multicarrier mode, we must call the // decode char routine for each carrier if (intNumCar == 1) floatCarFreq = 1500; else floatCarFreq = 1400 + (intNumCar / 2) * 200; // start at the highest carrier freq which is actually the lowest transmitted carrier due to Reverse sideband mixing Used = Demod1CarQAMChar(Start, 0); // demods 2 phase values - enough for one char if (intNumCar > 1) { intPhasesLen -= 2; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Demod1CarQAMChar(Start, 1); } if (intNumCar > 2) { intPhasesLen -= 2; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Demod1CarQAMChar(Start, 2); intPhasesLen -= 2; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Demod1CarQAMChar(Start, 3); } if (intNumCar > 4) { intPhasesLen -= 2; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Demod1CarQAMChar(Start, 4); intPhasesLen -= 2; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Demod1CarQAMChar(Start, 5); intPhasesLen -= 2; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Demod1CarQAMChar(Start, 6); intPhasesLen -= 2; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Demod1CarQAMChar(Start, 7); intPhasesLen -= 2; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Demod1CarQAMChar(Start, 8); intPhasesLen -= 2; floatCarFreq -= 200; // Step through each carrier Highest to lowest which is equivalent to lowest to highest before RSB mixing. Demod1CarQAMChar(Start, 9); } SymbolsLeft--; // number still to decode - we've done one Start += Used; intFilteredMixedSamplesLength -= Used; if (SymbolsLeft <= 0) { // Frame complete - decode it DecodeCompleteTime = Now; // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[0][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); // if (intNumCar > 1) // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[1][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); if (intNumCar > 2) { // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[2][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[3][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); } if (intNumCar > 4) { // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[4][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[5][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[6][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); // CorrectPhaseForTuningOffset(&intPhases[7][0], intPhasesLen, strMod); } intLastRcvdFrameQuality = UpdatePhaseConstellation(&intPhases[intNumCar - 1][0], &intMags[intNumCar - 1][0], 8, TRUE, FALSE); // prepare for next so we can exit when we have finished decode DiscardOldSamples(); ClearAllMixedSamples(); State = SearchingForLeader; if (strchr(strMod, 'R')) { // Robust Mode - data is repeated (1-2 or 1-6, 2-7, etc if (intNumCar == 2) { frameLen = CheckCarrierPair(0, 1, 0); return TRUE; } //Only have 2 or 10 (500 or 2500 modes) frameLen = CheckCarrierPair(0, 5, 0); frameLen = CheckCarrierPair(1, 6, frameLen); frameLen = CheckCarrierPair(2, 7, frameLen); frameLen = CheckCarrierPair(3, 8, frameLen); frameLen = CheckCarrierPair(4, 9, frameLen); return TRUE; } // Non -robust Decode1CarQAM(0); frameLen = CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[0][0], bytData, intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 0); if (intNumCar > 1) { Decode1CarQAM(1); frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[1][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 1); } if (intNumCar > 2) { Decode1CarQAM(2); Decode1CarQAM(3); frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[2][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 2); frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[3][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 3); } if (intNumCar > 4) { Decode1CarQAM(4); Decode1CarQAM(5); Decode1CarQAM(6); Decode1CarQAM(7); Decode1CarQAM(8); Decode1CarQAM(9); frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[4][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 4); frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[5][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 5); frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[6][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 6); frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[7][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 7); frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[8][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 8); frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[9][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, 9); } // Check Data if (memcmp(CarrierOk, Good, intNumCar) == 0) return TRUE; // Bad decode if we have Memory ARQ try it #ifdef MEMORYARQ for (i = 0; i < intNumCar; i++) { if (!CarrierOk[i] && intFrameType != PktFrameHeader) { // Decode error - save data for MEM ARQ SaveQAMSamples(i); if (intSumCounts[0] > 1) { MemARQOk = 1; Decode1CarQAM(i); // try to decode based on the WeightedAveragePhases } } } if (MemARQOk == 0) // Havent averaged yet return TRUE; // We've tried to correct - see if it worked Debugprintf("DemodQAM Trying MEM ARQ"); // Non -robust frameLen = 0; for (i = 0; i < intNumCar; i++) { frameLen += CorrectRawDataWithRS(&bytFrameData[i][0], &bytData[frameLen], intDataLen, intRSLen, intFrameType, i); } // Check Data if (memcmp(CarrierOk, Good, intNumCar) == 0) { Debugprintf("DemodQAM MEM ARQ Corrected frame"); intGoodQAMSummationDecodes++; } #endif } } return TRUE; } int Demod1CarQAMChar(int Start, int Carrier) { // Converts intSample to an array of differential phase and magnitude values for the Specific Carrier Freq // intPtr should be pointing to the approximate start of the first reference/training symbol (1 of 3) // intPhase() is an array of phase values (in milliradians range of 0 to 6283) for each symbol // intMag() is an array of Magnitude values (not used in PSK decoding but for constellation plotting or QAM decoding) // Objective is to use Minimum Phase Error Tracking to maintain optimum pointer position // This is called for one DMA buffer of samples (normally 1200) float dblReal, dblImag; int intMiliRadPerSample = floatCarFreq * M_PI / 6; int i; int intNumOfSymbols = 2; int origStart = Start;; if (CarrierOk[Carrier]) // Already decoded this carrier? { intPhasesLen += intNumOfSymbols; return intSampPerSym * intNumOfSymbols; } for (i = 0; i < intNumOfSymbols; i++) { // GoertzelRealImag(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start + intCP[Carrier], intNforGoertzel[Carrier], dblFreqBin[Carrier], &dblReal, &dblImag); GoertzelRealImagHanning(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start + intCP[Carrier], intNforGoertzel[Carrier], dblFreqBin[Carrier], &dblReal, &dblImag); intMags[Carrier][intPhasesLen] = sqrtf(powf(dblReal, 2) + powf(dblImag, 2)); intPSKPhase_0[Carrier] = 1000 * atan2f(dblImag, dblReal); intPhases[Carrier][intPhasesLen] = -(ComputeAng1_Ang2(intPSKPhase_0[Carrier], intPSKPhase_1[Carrier])); /* if (Carrier == 0) { Corrections = Track1CarPSK(floatCarFreq, strMod, atan2f(dblImag, dblReal), FALSE); if (Corrections != 0) { Start += Corrections; // GoertzelRealImag(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start + intCP[Carrier], intNforGoertzel[Carrier], dblFreqBin[Carrier], &dblReal, &dblImag); GoertzelRealImagHanning(intFilteredMixedSamples, Start + intCP[Carrier], intNforGoertzel[Carrier], dblFreqBin[Carrier], &dblReal, &dblImag); intPSKPhase_0[Carrier] = 1000 * atan2f(dblImag, dblReal); } } */ intPSKPhase_1[Carrier] = intPSKPhase_0[Carrier]; intPhasesLen++; Start += intSampPerSym; } if (AccumulateStats) intQAMSymbolCnt += intNumOfSymbols; return (Start - origStart); // Symbols we've consumed } extern int bytQDataInProcessLen; // function to decode one carrier from tones (used to decode from Averaged intToneMags) BOOL Decode1Car4FSKFromTones(UCHAR * bytData, int intToneMags) { // Decodes intToneMags() to an array of bytes // Updates bytData() with decoded /* UCHAR bytSym; int intIndex; ReDim bytData(intToneMags.Length \ 16 - 1) For i As Integer = 0 To bytData.Length - 1 ' For each data byte intIndex = 16 * i For j As Integer = 0 To 3 ' for each 4FSK symbol (2 bits) in a byte If intToneMags(intIndex) > intToneMags(intIndex + 1) And intToneMags(intIndex) > intToneMags(intIndex + 2) And intToneMags(intIndex) > intToneMags(intIndex + 3) Then bytSym = 0 ElseIf intToneMags(intIndex + 1) > intToneMags(intIndex) And intToneMags(intIndex + 1) > intToneMags(intIndex + 2) And intToneMags(intIndex + 1) > intToneMags(intIndex + 3) Then bytSym = 1 ElseIf intToneMags(intIndex + 2) > intToneMags(intIndex) And intToneMags(intIndex + 2) > intToneMags(intIndex + 1) And intToneMags(intIndex + 2) > intToneMags(intIndex + 3) Then bytSym = 2 Else bytSym = 3 End If bytData(i) = (bytData(i) << 2) + bytSym intIndex += 4 Next j Next i Return True End Function ' Decode1Car4FSKFromTones */ return TRUE; } /* ' Function to decode one carrier from tones (used to decode from Averaged intToneMags) Private Function Decode1Car8FSKFromTones(ByRef bytData() As Byte, ByRef intToneMags() As Int32) As Boolean ' Decodes intToneMags() to an array of bytes ' Updates bytData() with decoded Dim bytSym As Byte Dim intThreeBytes As Int32 ReDim bytData(3 * intToneMags.Length \ 64 - 1) Dim intMaxMag As Int32 For i As Integer = 0 To (bytData.Length \ 3) - 1 ' For each group of 3 bytes data byte intThreeBytes = 0 For j As Integer = 0 To 7 ' for each group of 8 symbols (24 bits) intMaxMag = 0 For k As Integer = 0 To 7 ' for each of 8 possible tones per symbol If intToneMags((i * 64) + 8 * j + k) > intMaxMag Then intMaxMag = intToneMags((i * 64) + 8 * j + k) bytSym = k End If Next k intThreeBytes = (intThreeBytes << 3) + bytSym Next j bytData(3 * i) = (intThreeBytes And &HFF0000) >> 16 bytData(3 * i + 1) = (intThreeBytes And &HFF00) >> 8 bytData(3 * i + 2) = (intThreeBytes And &HFF) Next i Return True End Function ' Decode1Car8FSKFromTones ' Function to decode one carrier from tones (used to decode from Averaged intToneMags) Private Function Decode1Car16FSKFromTones(ByRef bytData() As Byte, ByRef intToneMags() As Int32) As Boolean ' Decodes intToneMags() to an array of bytes ' Updates bytData() with decoded tones Dim bytSym As Byte Dim intMaxMag As Int32 ReDim bytData(intToneMags.Length \ 32 - 1) For i As Integer = 0 To bytData.Length - 1 ' For each data byte For j As Integer = 0 To 1 ' for each 16FSK symbol (4 bits) in a byte intMaxMag = 0 For k As Integer = 0 To 15 If intToneMags(i * 32 + 16 * j + k) > intMaxMag Then intMaxMag = intToneMags(i * 32 + 16 * j + k) bytSym = k End If Next k bytData(i) = (bytData(i) << 4) + bytSym Next j Next i Return True End Function ' Decode1Car16FSKFromTones */ // Subroutine to update the Busy detector when not displaying Spectrum or Waterfall (graphics disabled) extern int LastBusyCheck; extern BOOL blnBusyStatus; int intWaterfallRow = 0; void UpdateBusyDetector(short * bytNewSamples) { float dblReF[1024]; float dblImF[1024]; float dblMag[206]; float dblMagAvg = 0; int intTuneLineLow, intTuneLineHi, intDelta; int i; int BusyFlag; if (ProtocolState > DISC) // ' Only process busy when in DISC state return; if (State != SearchingForLeader) return; // only when looking for leader if (Now - LastBusyCheck < 100) return; LastBusyCheck = Now; FourierTransform(1024, bytNewSamples, &dblReF[0], &dblImF[0], FALSE); for (i = 0; i < 206; i++) { // starting at ~300 Hz to ~2700 Hz Which puts the center of the signal in the center of the window (~1500Hz) dblMag[i] = powf(dblReF[i + 25], 2) + powf(dblImF[i + 25], 2); // first pass dblMagAvg += dblMag[i]; } // Not sure about this as we use variable bandwidth frames. For now use 500 intDelta = (500 / 2 + TuningRange) / 11.719f; intTuneLineLow = max((103 - intDelta), 3); intTuneLineHi = min((103 + intDelta), 203); // At the moment we only get here what seaching for leader, // but if we want to plot spectrum we should call // it always BusyFlag = BusyDetect3(dblMag, intTuneLineLow, intTuneLineHi); if (BusyFlag == 0) { if (BusyCount == 0) blnBusyStatus = 0; else BusyCount--; } else { blnBusyStatus = 1; BusyCount = 10; // Try delaying busy off a bit } if (blnBusyStatus && !blnLastBusyStatus) { Debugprintf("BUSY TRUE"); } // stcStatus.Text = "True" // queTNCStatus.Enqueue(stcStatus) // 'Debug.WriteLine("BUSY TRUE @ " & Format(DateTime.UtcNow, "HH:mm:ss")) else if (blnLastBusyStatus && !blnBusyStatus) { Debugprintf("BUSY FALSE"); } blnLastBusyStatus = blnBusyStatus; }