/* Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Andrei Kopanchuk UZ7HO This file is part of QtSoundModem QtSoundModem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QtSoundModem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QtSoundModem. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ // UZ7HO Soundmodem Port by John Wiseman G8BPQ #include "UZ7HOStuff.h" extern int RSID_SABM[4]; extern int RSID_UI[4]; extern int RSID_SetModem[4]; extern int needRSID[4]; extern int needRSID[4]; BOOL useKISSControls = 0; #define FEND 0xc0 #define FESC 0xDB #define TFEND 0xDC #define TFESC 0xDD #define KISS_ACKMODE 0x0C #define KISS_DATA 0 #define QTSMKISSCMD 7 /* unit ax25_l2; interface uses sysutils,classes; procedure frame_optimize(snd_ch,port: byte; var buf: TStringList); procedure analiz_frame(snd_ch: byte; frame,code: string); procedure send_data_buf(snd_ch,port: byte; path: string; nr: byte); procedure add_pkt_buf(snd_ch,port: byte; data: string); procedure set_link(snd_ch,port: byte; path: string); procedure set_unlink(socket: integer; snd_ch,port: byte; path: string); procedure set_chk_link(snd_ch,port: byte; path: string); procedure UpdateActiveConnects(snd_ch: byte); procedure timer_event; procedure rst_values(snd_ch,port: byte); procedure rst_timer(snd_ch,port: byte); function get_free_port(snd_ch: byte; var port: byte): boolean; function get_user_port_by_calls(snd_ch: byte; var port: byte; CallFrom,CallTo: string): boolean; implementation uses ax25,ax25_agw,sm_main,kiss_mode; */ string * make_frame(string * data, Byte * path, Byte pid, Byte nr, Byte ns, Byte f_type, Byte f_id, boolean rpt, boolean pf, boolean cr); void rst_t3(TAX25Port * AX25Sess); TAX25Port * get_user_port(int snd_ch, Byte * path); void analiz_frame(int snd_ch, string * frame, char * code, boolean fecflag); boolean is_last_digi(Byte *path); int is_excluded_call(int snd_ch, unsigned char * path); boolean is_correct_path(Byte * path, Byte pid); void KISS_on_data_out(int port, string * frame, int TX); void ax25_info_init(TAX25Port * AX25Sess); void clr_frm_win(TAX25Port * AX25Sess); void decode_frame(Byte * frame, int len, Byte * path, string * data, Byte * pid, Byte * nr, Byte * ns, Byte * f_type, Byte * f_id, Byte * rpt, Byte * pf, Byte * cr); void ax25_info_init(TAX25Port * AX25Sess); void AGW_AX25_disc(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, Byte mode); void AGW_AX25_conn(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, int snd_ch, Byte mode); int number_digi(char * path); void AGW_AX25_data_in(void * socket, int snd_ch, int PID, Byte * path, string * data); void inc_frack(TAX25Port * AX25Sess) { AX25Sess->clk_frack++; } void rst_frack(TAX25Port * AX25Sess) { AX25Sess->clk_frack = 0; } void inc_t1(TAX25Port * AX25Sess) { AX25Sess->t1++; } void rst_t1(TAX25Port * AX25Sess) { AX25Sess->t1 = 0; } void inc_t3(TAX25Port * AX25Sess) { AX25Sess->t3++; } void rst_t3(TAX25Port * AX25Sess) { AX25Sess->t3 = 0; } void rst_values(TAX25Port * AX25Sess) { AX25Sess->IPOLL_cnt = 0; AX25Sess->hi_vs = 0; AX25Sess->vs = 0; AX25Sess->vr = 0; Clear(&AX25Sess->I_frame_buf); Clear(&AX25Sess->in_data_buf); Clear(&AX25Sess->frm_collector); ax25_info_init(AX25Sess); clr_frm_win(AX25Sess); } void rst_timer(TAX25Port * AX25Sess) { rst_frack(AX25Sess); rst_t1(AX25Sess); rst_t3(AX25Sess); } void upd_i_lo(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, int n) //Update the counter of the first frame in the I-frame buffer { AX25Sess->i_lo = n; } void upd_i_hi(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, int n) //Update last frame counter in I-frame buffer { AX25Sess->i_hi = n; } void upd_vs(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, int n) //Update the counter of the next frame to transmit { AX25Sess->vs = ++n & 7; } void upd_vr(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, int n) //Refresh the counter of the next frame at the reception { AX25Sess->vr = ++n & 7; } void Frame_Optimize(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, TStringList * buf) { // I think this removes redundant frames from the TX Queue (eg repeated RR frames) string * frame; Byte path[80]; string * data = newString(); Byte pid, nr, ns, f_type, f_id, rpt, cr, pf; boolean curr_req, optimize; int i, k; char need_frm[8] = ""; int index = 0; boolean PollRR; boolean PollREJ; PollRR = FALSE; PollREJ = FALSE; curr_req = FALSE; // Check Poll RR and REJ frame i = 0; while (i < buf->Count && !PollREJ) { frame = Strings(buf, i); // TX frame has kiss control on front decode_frame(frame->Data + 1, frame->Length - 1, path, data, &pid, &nr, &ns, &f_type, &f_id, &rpt, &pf, &cr); if (cr == SET_R && pf == SET_P) { if (f_id == S_REJ) PollREJ = TRUE; else if (f_id == S_RR && nr == AX25Sess->vr) PollRR = TRUE; } i++; } // Performance of the REJ Cards: Optional Rej Cards i = 0; while (i < buf->Count) { optimize = TRUE; frame = Strings(buf, i); decode_frame(frame->Data + 1, frame->Length - 1, path, data, &pid, &nr, &ns, &f_type, &f_id, &rpt, &pf, &cr); if (f_id == S_REJ && cr == SET_R) { if ((pf == SET_F && PollREJ) || nr != AX25Sess->vr) { Debugprintf("Optimizer dropping REJ nr %d vr %d pf %d PollREJ %d", nr, AX25Sess->vr, pf, PollREJ); Delete(buf, i); optimize = FALSE; } if (nr == AX25Sess->vr) curr_req = TRUE; } if (optimize) i++; } // Performance Options i = 0; while (i Count) { need_frm[0] = 0; index = 0; k = AX25Sess->i_lo; while (k != AX25Sess->vs) { need_frm[index++] = k + 'A'; k = (++k) & 7; } optimize = TRUE; frame = Strings(buf, i); decode_frame(frame->Data +1 , frame->Length - 1, path, data, &pid, &nr, &ns, &f_type, &f_id, &rpt, &pf, &cr); if (f_id == S_RR) { // RR Cards Methods: Optional RR, F Cards if (cr == SET_R) { if (nr != AX25Sess->vr || ((pf == SET_F) && PollRR) || curr_req) { Debugprintf("Optimizer dropping RR nr %d vr %d pf %d PollRR %d", nr, AX25Sess->vr, pf, PollRR); Delete(buf, i); optimize = FALSE; } } // RR Cards Methods : Optional RR, P Cards if (cr == SET_C) { if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_LINK || AX25Sess->status == STAT_WAIT_ANS) { Debugprintf("Optimizer dropping RR nr %d vr %d pf %d PollRR %d", nr, AX25Sess->vr, pf, PollRR); Delete(buf, i); optimize = FALSE; } } } // I - Cards Methods : Options for I - Cards else if (f_id == I_I) { if (strchr(need_frm, ns + 'A') == 0) { Delete(buf, i); optimize = FALSE; } else { if (nr != AX25Sess->vr) buf->Items[i] = make_frame(data, path, pid, AX25Sess->vr, ns, f_type, f_id, rpt, pf, cr); } } // SABM Applications if (f_id == U_SABM) { if (AX25Sess->status != STAT_TRY_LINK) { Delete(buf, i); optimize = FALSE; } } if (optimize) i++; } } void add_pkt_buf(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, string * data) { boolean found = 0; string * frm; int i = 0; while (i < AX25Sess->frame_buf.Count && !found) { found = compareStrings(Strings(&AX25Sess->frame_buf, i++), data); } if (found) freeString(data); else Add(&AX25Sess->frame_buf, data); } void add_I_FRM(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, Byte * path) { string * data; int i; upd_i_lo(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->vs); while (AX25Sess->in_data_buf.Count > 0 && AX25Sess->I_frame_buf.Count != maxframe[AX25Sess->snd_ch]) { data = duplicateString(Strings(&AX25Sess->in_data_buf, 0)); Delete(&AX25Sess->in_data_buf, 0); Add(&AX25Sess->I_frame_buf, data); } if (AX25Sess->I_frame_buf.Count > 0) { for (i = 0; i < AX25Sess->I_frame_buf.Count; i++) { upd_i_hi(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->vs); upd_vs(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->vs); AX25Sess->hi_vs = AX25Sess->vs; // Last transmitted frame } } } void delete_I_FRM(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, int nr) { int i; i = AX25Sess->i_lo; while (i != nr) { if (AX25Sess->I_frame_buf.Count > 0) { AX25Sess->info.stat_s_pkt++; AX25Sess->info.stat_s_byte += Strings(&AX25Sess->I_frame_buf, 0)->Length; Delete(&AX25Sess->I_frame_buf, 0); } i++; i &= 7; } upd_i_lo(AX25Sess, nr); } void delete_I_FRM_port(TAX25Port * AX25Sess) { string * frame; char path[] = ""; string data= { 0 }; Byte pid, nr, ns, f_type, f_id, rpt, cr, pf; boolean optimize; int i = 0; while (i < AX25Sess->frame_buf.Count) { optimize = TRUE; frame = Strings(&AX25Sess->frame_buf, i); decode_frame(frame->Data, frame->Length, &path[0], &data, &pid, &nr, &ns, &f_type, &f_id, &rpt, &pf, &cr); if (f_id == I_I) { Delete(&AX25Sess->frame_buf, i); optimize = FALSE; } if (optimize) i++; } } void send_data_buf(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, int nr) { int i; boolean new_frames; boolean PF_bit; if (AX25Sess->status != STAT_LINK) return; AX25Sess->IPOLL_cnt = 0; AX25Sess->vs = nr; delete_I_FRM(AX25Sess, nr); // ?? free acked frames // delete_I_FRM_port(AX25Sess); if (TXFrmMode[AX25Sess->snd_ch] == 1) { new_frames = FALSE; if (AX25Sess->I_frame_buf.Count < 2) { add_I_FRM(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->Path); AX25Sess->status = STAT_LINK; new_frames = TRUE; } if (AX25Sess->I_frame_buf.Count > 0) { if (new_frames) { for (i = 0; i < AX25Sess->I_frame_buf.Count; i++) { if (i == AX25Sess->I_frame_buf.Count - 1) PF_bit = SET_P; else PF_bit = SET_F; add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(Strings(&AX25Sess->I_frame_buf, i), AX25Sess->Path, AX25Sess->PID, AX25Sess->vr, ((AX25Sess->i_lo + i) & 7), I_FRM, I_I, FALSE, PF_bit, SET_C)); } } if (!new_frames) { add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(Strings(&AX25Sess->I_frame_buf, 0), AX25Sess->Path, AX25Sess->PID, AX25Sess->vr, AX25Sess->i_lo, I_FRM, I_I, FALSE, SET_P, SET_C)); //SET_P upd_vs(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->vs); } AX25Sess->status = STAT_WAIT_ANS; rst_timer(AX25Sess); } } if (TXFrmMode[AX25Sess->snd_ch] == 0) { add_I_FRM(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->Path); AX25Sess->status = STAT_LINK; if (AX25Sess->I_frame_buf.Count > 0) { for (i = 0; i < AX25Sess->I_frame_buf.Count; i++) { if (i == AX25Sess->I_frame_buf.Count - 1) PF_bit = SET_P; else PF_bit = SET_F; add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(Strings(&AX25Sess->I_frame_buf, i), AX25Sess->Path, AX25Sess->PID, AX25Sess->vr, ((AX25Sess->i_lo + i) & 7), I_FRM, I_I, FALSE, PF_bit, SET_C)); } AX25Sess->status = STAT_WAIT_ANS; rst_timer(AX25Sess); } } } void send_data_buf_srej(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, int nr) { // Similar to send_data_buf but only sends the requested I frame with P set int i = 0; boolean new_frames; boolean PF_bit; if (AX25Sess->status != STAT_LINK) return; AX25Sess->IPOLL_cnt = 0; AX25Sess->vs = nr; delete_I_FRM(AX25Sess, nr); // ?? free acked frames new_frames = FALSE; add_I_FRM(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->Path); AX25Sess->status = STAT_LINK; new_frames = TRUE; if (AX25Sess->I_frame_buf.Count > 0) { if (new_frames) { PF_bit = SET_P; add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(Strings(&AX25Sess->I_frame_buf, i), AX25Sess->Path, AX25Sess->PID, AX25Sess->vr, ((AX25Sess->i_lo + i) & 7), I_FRM, I_I, FALSE, PF_bit, SET_C)); } else { add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(Strings(&AX25Sess->I_frame_buf, 0), AX25Sess->Path, AX25Sess->PID, AX25Sess->vr, AX25Sess->i_lo, I_FRM, I_I, FALSE, SET_P, SET_C)); //SET_P upd_vs(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->vs); } } AX25Sess->status = STAT_WAIT_ANS; rst_timer(AX25Sess); } void write_frame_collector(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, int ns, string * data) { Byte i; char frm_ns; string * frm; boolean found ; boolean need_frm; if (max_frame_collector[AX25Sess->snd_ch] < 1) return; need_frm = FALSE; i = 1; do { if (ns == (AX25Sess->vr + i) & 7) need_frm = TRUE; i++; } while (i <= max_frame_collector[AX25Sess->snd_ch] && !need_frm); if (need_frm) { frm_ns = ns; found = FALSE; i = 0; if (AX25Sess->frm_collector.Count > 0) { do { frm = Strings(&AX25Sess->frm_collector, i); if (frm_ns == frm->Data[0]) found = TRUE; i++; } while (!found && i != AX25Sess->frm_collector.Count); } if (!found) { string * frm = newString(); stringAdd(frm, (char *)&frm_ns, 1); stringAdd(frm, data->Data, data->Length); Add(&AX25Sess->frm_collector, frm); } } } string * read_frame_collector(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, boolean fecflag) { // Look for required frame no in saved frames string * frm; string * data = newString(); int i = 0; boolean found = FALSE; Byte frm_ns; while (i < AX25Sess->frm_collector.Count) { frm = duplicateString(Strings(&AX25Sess->frm_collector, i)); frm_ns = frm->Data[0]; if (frm_ns == AX25Sess->vr) { Delete(&AX25Sess->frm_collector, i); upd_vr(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->vr); mydelete(frm, 0, 1); // Remove vr from front stringAdd(data, frm->Data, frm->Length); found = TRUE; AX25Sess->info.stat_r_pkt++; AX25Sess->info.stat_r_fc++; if (fecflag) AX25Sess->info.stat_fec_count++; AX25Sess->info.stat_r_byte += frm->Length; AX25Sess->frm_win[frm_ns].Length = frm->Length; //Save the frame to the window buffer AX25Sess->frm_win[frm_ns].Data = frm->Data; //Save the frame to the window buffer } i++; } return data; } /////////////////////////// SET-FRAMES ////////////////////////////////// void set_chk_link(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, Byte * path) { boolean b_IPOLL; int len; AX25Sess->status = STAT_CHK_LINK; // if AX25Sess->digi<>'' then path:=path+','+reverse_digi(AX25Sess->digi); b_IPOLL = FALSE; if (AX25Sess->I_frame_buf.Count > 0 && AX25Sess->IPOLL_cnt < 2) { len = Strings(&AX25Sess->I_frame_buf, 0)->Length; if (len > 0 && len <= IPOLL[AX25Sess->snd_ch]) { b_IPOLL = TRUE; AX25Sess->IPOLL_cnt++; } } if (b_IPOLL) add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(Strings(&AX25Sess->I_frame_buf, 0), path, AX25Sess->PID, AX25Sess->vr, AX25Sess->i_lo, I_FRM, I_I, FALSE, SET_P, SET_C)); else add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(NULL, path, 0xF0, AX25Sess->vr, 0, S_FRM, S_RR, FALSE, SET_P, SET_C)); inc_frack(AX25Sess); } // This seems to start a connection void set_link(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, UCHAR * axpath) { if (AX25Sess->status != STAT_LINK) { string nullstring; nullstring.Length = 0; rst_values(AX25Sess); AX25Sess->status = STAT_TRY_LINK; // if (AX25Sess->digi[0] != 0) // path: = path + ',' + reverse_digi(AX25Sess->digi); add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(&nullstring, axpath, 0, 0, 0, U_FRM, U_SABM, SET_NO_RPT, SET_P, SET_C)); inc_frack(AX25Sess); } } #define MODE_OUR 0 void set_try_unlink(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, Byte * path) { string nullstring; nullstring.Length = 0; AX25Sess->status = STAT_TRY_UNLINK; add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(&nullstring, path, 0, 0, 0, U_FRM, U_DISC, SET_NO_RPT, SET_P, SET_C)); inc_frack(AX25Sess); } void set_unlink(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, Byte * path) { if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_UNLINK || AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_LINK || AX25Sess->status == STAT_NO_LINK) { string nullstring; nullstring.Length = 0; // if (AX25Sess->digi[0] != 0) // path: = path + ',' + reverse_digi(AX25Sess->digi); AGW_AX25_disc(AX25Sess, MODE_OUR); if (AX25Sess->status != STAT_TRY_UNLINK) add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(&nullstring, path, 0, 0, 0, U_FRM, U_DISC, SET_NO_RPT, SET_P, SET_C)); AX25Sess->info.stat_end_ses = time(NULL); write_ax25_info(AX25Sess); rst_values(AX25Sess); memset(AX25Sess->corrcall, 0, 10); memset(AX25Sess->mycall, 0, 10); AX25Sess->digi[0] = 0; AX25Sess->status = STAT_NO_LINK; } else set_try_unlink(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->Path); } void set_FRMR(int snd_ch, Byte * path, unsigned char frameType) { //We may not have a session when sending FRMR so reverse path and send Byte revpath[80]; string * Data = newString(); Data->Data[0] = frameType; Data->Data[1] = 0; Data->Data[2] = 1; // Invalid CTL Byte Data->Length = 3; reverse_addr(path, revpath, strlen(path)); add_pkt_buf(&AX25Port[snd_ch][0], make_frame(Data, revpath, 0, 0, 0, U_FRM, U_FRMR, FALSE, SET_P, SET_R)); freeString(Data); } void set_DM(int snd_ch, Byte * path) { //We may not have a session when sending DM so reverse path and send Byte revpath[80]; reverse_addr(path, revpath, strlen(path)); add_pkt_buf(&AX25Port[snd_ch][0], make_frame(NULL, revpath, 0, 0, 0, U_FRM,U_DM,FALSE,SET_P,SET_R)); } /////////////////////////// S-FRAMES //////////////////////////////////// void on_RR(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, Byte * path, int nr, int pf, int cr) { char need_frame[16] = ""; int index = 0; int i; if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_LINK) return; if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_NO_LINK || AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_UNLINK) { if (cr == SET_C) set_DM(AX25Sess->snd_ch, path); return; } if (cr == SET_R) { // Determine which frames could get into the user’s frame buffer. i = AX25Sess->vs; need_frame[index++] = i + '0'; // Debugprintf("RR Rxed vs = %d hi_vs = %d", AX25Sess->vs, AX25Sess->hi_vs); while (i != AX25Sess->hi_vs) { i = (i++) & 7; need_frame[index++] = i + '0'; if (index > 10) { Debugprintf("Index corrupt %d need_frame = %s", index, need_frame); break; } } //Clear the received frames from the transmission buffer. if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_WAIT_ANS) delete_I_FRM(AX25Sess, nr); // We restore the link if the number is valid if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_CHK_LINK || strchr(need_frame, nr + '0') > 0) { rst_timer(AX25Sess); AX25Sess->status = STAT_LINK; send_data_buf(AX25Sess, nr); } } if (cr == SET_C) add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(NULL, path, 0, AX25Sess->vr, 0, S_FRM, S_RR, FALSE, pf, SET_R)); rst_t3(AX25Sess); } void on_RNR(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, Byte * path, int nr, int pf, int cr) { if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_LINK) return; if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_NO_LINK || AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_UNLINK) { if (cr == SET_C) set_DM(AX25Sess->snd_ch, path); return; } if (cr == SET_R) { rst_timer(AX25Sess); if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_WAIT_ANS) delete_I_FRM(AX25Sess, nr); AX25Sess->status = STAT_CHK_LINK; } if (cr == SET_C) add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(NULL, path, 0, AX25Sess->vr, 0, S_FRM, S_RR, FALSE, SET_P, SET_R)); rst_t3(AX25Sess); } void on_REJ(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, Byte * path, int nr, int pf, int cr) { if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_LINK) return; if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_NO_LINK || AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_UNLINK) { if (cr == SET_C) set_DM(AX25Sess->snd_ch, path); return; } if (cr == SET_R) { rst_timer(AX25Sess); AX25Sess->status = STAT_LINK; send_data_buf(AX25Sess, nr); } if (cr == SET_C) add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(NULL, path, 0, AX25Sess->vr, 0, S_FRM, S_RR, FALSE, SET_P, SET_R)); } void on_SREJ(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, Byte * path, int nr, int pf, int cr) { if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_LINK) return; if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_NO_LINK || AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_UNLINK) { if (cr == SET_C) set_DM(AX25Sess->snd_ch, path); return; } if (cr == SET_R) { rst_timer(AX25Sess); AX25Sess->status = STAT_LINK; send_data_buf_srej(AX25Sess, nr); } if (cr == SET_C) add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(NULL, path, 0, AX25Sess->vr, 0, S_FRM, S_RR, FALSE, SET_P, SET_R)); } /////////////////////////// I-FRAMES //////////////////////////////////// void on_I(void * socket, TAX25Port * AX25Sess, int PID, Byte * path, string * data, int nr, int ns, int pf, int cr, boolean fecflag) { string * collector_data; int i; Byte need_frame[16] = ""; int index = 0; { if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_LINK) return; if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_NO_LINK || AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_UNLINK) { set_DM(0, path); return; } if (busy) { add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(NULL, path, PID, AX25Sess->vr, 0, S_FRM, S_RNR, FALSE, pf, SET_R)); return; } // Determine which frames could get into the user’s frame buffer. i = AX25Sess->vs; need_frame[index++] = i + '0'; // Debugprintf("I Rxed vs = %d hi_vs = %d", AX25Sess->vs, AX25Sess->hi_vs); while (i != AX25Sess->hi_vs) { i = (i++) & 7; need_frame[index++] = i + '0'; if (index > 10) { Debugprintf("Index corrupt %d need_frame = %s", index, need_frame); break; } } //Clear received frames from the transmission buffer. if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_WAIT_ANS) delete_I_FRM(AX25Sess, nr); //We restore the link if the number is valid if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_CHK_LINK || strchr(need_frame, nr + '0') > 0) { //We restore the link if the number is valid rst_timer(AX25Sess); AX25Sess->status = STAT_LINK; send_data_buf(AX25Sess, nr); } if (ns == AX25Sess->vr) { //If the expected frame, send RR, F AX25Sess->info.stat_r_pkt++; AX25Sess->info.stat_r_byte += data->Length; if (fecflag) AX25Sess->info.stat_fec_count++; upd_vr(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->vr); AX25Sess->frm_win[ns].Length = data->Length; //Save the frame to the window buffer AX25Sess->frm_win[ns].Data = data->Data; //Save the frame to the window buffer collector_data = read_frame_collector(AX25Sess, fecflag); AGW_AX25_data_in(socket, AX25Sess->snd_ch, PID, path, stringAdd(data, collector_data->Data, collector_data->Length)); add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(NULL, path, 0, AX25Sess->vr, 0, S_FRM, S_RR, FALSE, pf, SET_R)); } else { // If the frame is not expected, send REJ, F if ((AX25Sess->frm_win[ns].Length != data->Length) && memcmp(&AX25Sess->frm_win[ns].Data, data->Data, data->Length) != 0) write_frame_collector(AX25Sess, ns, data); add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(NULL, path, 0, AX25Sess->vr, 0, S_FRM, S_REJ, FALSE, pf, SET_R)); } rst_t3(AX25Sess); } } /////////////////////////// U-FRAMES //////////////////////////////////// void on_SABM(void * socket, TAX25Port * AX25Sess) { if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_UNLINK) { AX25Sess->info.stat_end_ses = time(NULL); write_ax25_info(AX25Sess); rst_values(AX25Sess); memset(AX25Sess->corrcall, 0, 10); memset(AX25Sess->mycall, 0, 10); AX25Sess->digi[0] = 0; AGW_AX25_disc(AX25Sess, MODE_OTHER); Clear(&AX25Sess->frame_buf); AX25Sess->status = STAT_NO_LINK; } if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_LINK) { AGW_AX25_disc(AX25Sess, MODE_OTHER); rst_timer(AX25Sess); rst_values(AX25Sess); Clear(&AX25Sess->frame_buf); AX25Sess->status = STAT_NO_LINK; } if (AX25Sess->status != STAT_NO_LINK) { if ((strcmp(AX25Sess->kind, "Outgoing") == 0) || AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_UNLINK || AX25Sess->info.stat_s_byte > 0 || AX25Sess->info.stat_r_byte > 0 || AX25Sess->frm_collector.Count > 0) { AX25Sess->info.stat_end_ses = time(NULL); AGW_AX25_disc(AX25Sess, MODE_OTHER); write_ax25_info(AX25Sess); rst_timer(AX25Sess); rst_values(AX25Sess); Clear(&AX25Sess->frame_buf); AX25Sess->status = STAT_NO_LINK; } } if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_NO_LINK) { AGW_AX25_conn(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->snd_ch, MODE_OTHER); AX25Sess->vr = 0; AX25Sess->vs = 0; AX25Sess->hi_vs = 0; Clear(&AX25Sess->frm_collector); clr_frm_win(AX25Sess); AX25Sess->status = STAT_LINK; AX25Sess->info.stat_begin_ses = time(NULL); strcpy(AX25Sess->kind, "Incoming"); AX25Sess->socket = socket; if (RSID_SABM[AX25Sess->snd_ch]) // Send RSID before SABM/UA needRSID[AX25Sess->snd_ch] = 1; } add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(NULL, AX25Sess->Path, 0, 0, 0, U_FRM, U_UA, FALSE, SET_P, SET_R)); } void on_DISC(void * socket, TAX25Port * AX25Sess) { if (AX25Sess->status != STAT_NO_LINK) { AX25Sess->info.stat_end_ses = time(NULL); AGW_AX25_disc(AX25Sess, MODE_OTHER); write_ax25_info(AX25Sess); } if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_NO_LINK || AX25Sess->status == STAT_TRY_LINK) set_DM(AX25Sess->snd_ch, AX25Sess->Path); else { add_pkt_buf(AX25Sess, make_frame(NULL, AX25Sess->Path, 0, 0, 0, U_FRM, U_UA, FALSE, SET_P, SET_R)); if (RSID_SABM[AX25Sess->snd_ch]) // Send RSID before SABM/UA needRSID[AX25Sess->snd_ch] = 1; } rst_values(AX25Sess); memset(AX25Sess->corrcall, 0, 10); memset(AX25Sess->mycall, 0, 10); AX25Sess->digi[0] = 0; AX25Sess->status = STAT_NO_LINK; } void on_DM(void * socket, TAX25Port * AX25Sess) { if (AX25Sess->status != STAT_NO_LINK) { AX25Sess->info.stat_end_ses = time(NULL); AGW_AX25_disc(AX25Sess, MODE_OTHER); write_ax25_info(AX25Sess); } rst_timer(AX25Sess); rst_values(AX25Sess); memset(AX25Sess->corrcall, 0, 10); memset(AX25Sess->mycall, 0, 10); AX25Sess->digi[0] = 0; AX25Sess->status = STAT_NO_LINK; } void on_UA(void *socket, TAX25Port * AX25Sess) { switch (AX25Sess->status) { case STAT_TRY_LINK: AX25Sess->info.stat_begin_ses = time(NULL); AX25Sess->status = STAT_LINK; AGW_AX25_conn(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->snd_ch, MODE_OUR); break; case STAT_TRY_UNLINK: AX25Sess->info.stat_end_ses = time(NULL); AGW_AX25_disc(AX25Sess, MODE_OUR); write_ax25_info(AX25Sess); rst_values(AX25Sess); AX25Sess->status = STAT_NO_LINK; memset(AX25Sess->corrcall, 0, 10); memset(AX25Sess->mycall, 0, 10); AX25Sess->digi[0] = 0; break; } rst_timer(AX25Sess); } void on_UI(TAX25Port * AX25Sess, int pf, int cr) { } void on_FRMR(void * socket, TAX25Port * AX25Sess, Byte * path) { if (AX25Sess->status != STAT_NO_LINK) { AX25Sess->info.stat_end_ses = time(NULL); AGW_AX25_disc(AX25Sess, MODE_OTHER); write_ax25_info(AX25Sess); } set_DM(AX25Sess->snd_ch, path); rst_values(AX25Sess); memset(AX25Sess->corrcall, 0, 10); memset(AX25Sess->mycall, 0, 10); AX25Sess->digi[0] = 0; AX25Sess->status = STAT_NO_LINK; } void UpdateActiveConnects(int snd_ch) { int port; users[snd_ch] = 0; for (port = 0; port < port_num; port++) if (AX25Port[snd_ch][port].status != STAT_NO_LINK) users[snd_ch]++; } void timer_event() { int snd_ch, port; void * socket; single frack; Byte active; TAX25Port * AX25Sess; TimerEvent = TIMER_EVENT_OFF; for (snd_ch = 0; snd_ch < 4; snd_ch++) { //reset the slottime timer if (dyn_frack[snd_ch]) { UpdateActiveConnects(snd_ch); if (users[snd_ch] > 0) active = users[snd_ch] - 1; else active = 0; frack = frack_time[snd_ch] + frack_time[snd_ch] * active * 0.5; } else frack = frack_time[snd_ch]; // for (port = 0; port < port_num; port++) { AX25Sess = &AX25Port[snd_ch][port]; if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_NO_LINK) continue; if (snd_status[snd_ch] != SND_TX) //when at the reception if (AX25Sess->frame_buf.Count == 0) //when the transfer buffer is empty inc_t1(AX25Sess); // we consider time of the timer of repeated requests // Wouldn't it make more sense to keep path in ax.25 struct? if (AX25Sess->t1 >= frack * 10 + (number_digi(AX25Sess->digi) * frack * 20)) { if (AX25Sess->clk_frack >= fracks[snd_ch]) { // This disconnects after retries expires rst_frack(AX25Sess); //socket:=get_incoming_socket_by_call(AX25Sess->mycall); set_unlink(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->Path); } switch (AX25Sess->status) { case STAT_TRY_LINK: set_link(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->Path); break; case STAT_TRY_UNLINK: set_try_unlink(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->Path); break; case STAT_WAIT_ANS: set_chk_link(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->Path); break; case STAT_CHK_LINK: set_chk_link(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->Path); break; } rst_t1(AX25Sess); } if (AX25Sess->t3 >= idletime[snd_ch] * 10) { set_chk_link(AX25Sess, AX25Sess->Path); rst_t1(AX25Sess); rst_t3(AX25Sess); } if (AX25Sess->status == STAT_LINK) inc_t3(AX25Sess); } } // KISS ACKMODE //if (snd_status[snd_ch]<>SND_TX) and KISSServ then KISS_send_ack1(snd_ch); } TAX25Port * get_free_port(int snd_ch) { int i; int need_free_port; i = 0; need_free_port = FALSE; while (i < port_num) { if (AX25Port[snd_ch][i].status == STAT_NO_LINK) return &AX25Port[snd_ch][i]; i++; } return FALSE; } TAX25Port * get_user_port(int snd_ch, Byte * path) { TAX25Port * AX25Sess = NULL; int i = 0; int port = 0; while (i < port_num) { AX25Sess = &AX25Port[snd_ch][i]; if (AX25Sess->status != STAT_NO_LINK && memcmp(AX25Sess->ReversePath, path, AX25Sess->pathLen) == 0) return AX25Sess; i++; } return FALSE; } boolean get_user_dupe(int snd_ch, Byte * path) { int i = 0; TAX25Port * AX25Sess; while (i < port_num) { AX25Sess = &AX25Port[snd_ch][i]; if (AX25Sess->status != STAT_NO_LINK && memcmp(AX25Sess->ReversePath, path, AX25Sess->pathLen) == 0) return TRUE; i++; } return FALSE; } TAX25Port * get_user_port_by_calls(int snd_ch, char * CallFrom, char * CallTo) { int i = 0; TAX25Port * AX25Sess = NULL; while (i < port_num) { AX25Sess = &AX25Port[snd_ch][i]; if (AX25Sess->status != STAT_NO_LINK && strcmp(CallFrom, AX25Sess->mycall) == 0 && strcmp(CallTo, AX25Sess->corrcall) == 0) return AX25Sess; i++; } return NULL; } void * get_sock_by_port(TAX25Port * AX25Sess) { void * socket = (void *)-1; if (AX25Sess) socket = AX25Sess->socket; return socket; } void Digipeater(int snd_ch, string * frame) { boolean addr_end, flag_replaced, digi_stop; word crc; char call[16]; Byte * addr = &frame->Data[7]; // Origon int len = frame->Length - 2; // not FCS string * frameCopy; int n = 8; // Max digis if (list_digi_callsigns[snd_ch].Count == 0) return; // Look for first unused digi while ((addr[6] & 1) == 0 && n--) // until end of address { addr += 7; if ((addr[6] & 128) == 0) { // unused digi - is it addressed to us? UCHAR CRCString[2]; memcpy(call, addr, 7); call[6] &= 0x7E; // Mask end of call // See if in digi list int i; for (i = 0; i < list_digi_callsigns->Count; i++) { if (memcmp(list_digi_callsigns->Items[i]->Data, call, 7) == 0) { // for us addr[6] |= 128; // set digi'ed // TX Frames need a KISS control on front frameCopy = newString(); frameCopy->Data[0] = 0; frameCopy->Length = 1; stringAdd(frameCopy, frame->Data, frame->Length - 2); // Exclude CRC addr[6] &= 0x7f; // clear digi'ed from original; // Need to redo crc crc = get_fcs(frameCopy->Data, len); CRCString[0] = crc & 0xff; CRCString[1] = crc >> 8; stringAdd(frameCopy, CRCString, 2); Add(&all_frame_buf[snd_ch], frameCopy); return; } } } } } void analiz_frame(int snd_ch, string * frame, char * code, boolean fecflag) { int port, free_port; Byte path[80]; string *data = newString(); Byte pid, nr, ns, f_type, f_id, rpt, cr, pf; boolean need_free_port; void * socket = NULL; boolean incoming_conn = 0; Byte revpath[80]; int pathlen; Byte * ptr; int excluded = 0; int len; TAX25Port * AX25Sess; // mod_icon_status = mod_rx; len = frame->Length; if (len < PKT_ERR) return; bytes[snd_ch] += frame->Length; // For AGW stats if (AGWServ) AGW_AX25_frame_analiz(snd_ch, TRUE, frame); decode_frame(frame->Data, frame->Length, path, data, &pid, &nr, &ns, &f_type, &f_id, &rpt, &pf, &cr); if (is_excluded_call(snd_ch, path)) excluded = TRUE; // if is_excluded_frm(snd_ch,f_id,data) then excluded:=TRUE; if (excluded) return; if (NonAX25[snd_ch]) { if (AGWServ) AGW_Raw_monitor(snd_ch, frame); if (KISSServ) KISS_on_data_out(snd_ch, frame, 0); } // CRC Collision Check if (!is_correct_path(path, pid)) { // Duff path - if Non-AX25 filter active log and discard if (NonAX25[snd_ch]) { put_frame(snd_ch, frame, "NON-AX25", FALSE, excluded); return; } } put_frame(snd_ch, frame, code, 0, excluded); // Monitor if (!NonAX25[snd_ch]) { if (AGWServ) AGW_Raw_monitor(snd_ch, frame); if (KISSServ) { if (useKISSControls) { // Send a KISS Control frame with frame stats before data frame int len = strlen(code); UCHAR * Control = (UCHAR *)malloc(64); len = sprintf(Control, "%c%cPKTINFO [%s]%c", FEND, (snd_ch) << 4 | QTSMKISSCMD, code, FEND); KISSSendtoServer(NULL, Control, len); } KISS_on_data_out(snd_ch, frame, 0); } } // Digipeat frame Digipeater(snd_ch, frame); if (!is_last_digi(path)) return; // Don't process if still unused digis // Clear reapeated bits from digi path ptr = &path[13]; while ((*ptr & 1) == 0) // end of address { ptr += 7; *(ptr) &= 0x7f; // Clear digi'd bit } // search for port of correspondent AX25Sess = get_user_port(snd_ch, path); // if not an active session, AX25Sess will be NULL if (AX25Sess == NULL) socket = in_list_incoming_mycall(path); else socket = get_sock_by_port(AX25Sess); // link analysis if (AX25Sess == NULL) { // No Session. If socket is set (so call is in incoming calls list) and SABM set up session if (socket == NULL) return; // not for us if (f_id != U_SABM) // Not SABM { // // send DM if P set if (cr == SET_C) { switch (f_id) { case U_DISC: case S_RR: case S_REJ: case S_RNR: case I_I: set_DM(snd_ch, path); break; case U_UI: break; default: set_FRMR(snd_ch, path, f_id); } } return; } // Must be SABM. See if it would duplicate an existing session (but could it - wouldn't that be found earlier ?? if (get_user_dupe(snd_ch, path)) // Not SABM or a duplicate call pair return; AX25Sess = get_free_port(snd_ch); if (AX25Sess == NULL) { // if there are no free ports for connection - beat off Byte Rev[80]; reverse_addr(path, Rev, strlen(path)); set_DM(snd_ch, Rev); return; } // initialise new session AX25Sess->snd_ch = snd_ch; AX25Sess->corrcall[ConvFromAX25(&path[7], AX25Sess->corrcall)] = 0; AX25Sess->mycall[ConvFromAX25(path, AX25Sess->mycall)] = 0; AX25Sess->digi[0] = 0; // rst_timer(snd_ch, free_port); strcpy(AX25Sess->kind, "Incoming"); AX25Sess->socket = socket; Debugprintf("incoming call socket = %x", socket); // I think we need to reverse the path AX25Sess->pathLen = strlen(path); strcpy(AX25Sess->ReversePath, path); reverse_addr(path, AX25Sess->Path, strlen(path)); } // we process a packet on the necessary port memcpy(path, AX25Sess->Path, AX25Sess->pathLen); switch (f_id) { case I_I: on_I(socket, AX25Sess, pid, path, data, nr, ns, pf, cr, fecflag); break; case S_RR: on_RR(AX25Sess, path, nr, pf, cr); break; case S_RNR: on_RNR(AX25Sess, path, nr, pf, cr); break; case S_REJ: on_REJ(AX25Sess, path, nr, pf, cr); break; case S_SREJ: on_SREJ(AX25Sess, path, nr, pf, cr); break; case U_SABM: on_SABM(socket, AX25Sess); break; case U_DISC: on_DISC(socket, AX25Sess); break; case U_UA: on_UA(socket, AX25Sess); break; case U_DM: on_DM(socket, AX25Sess); break; case U_UI: on_UI(AX25Sess, pf, cr); break; case U_FRMR: on_FRMR(socket, AX25Sess, path); break; } }