1240 lines
23 KiB
1240 lines
23 KiB
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "QtTermTCP.h"
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define UCHAR unsigned char
#define MAX_PATH 256
#define WCHAR char
#ifndef WIN32
#define strtok_s strtok_r
typedef unsigned long DWORD;
typedef int BOOL;
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef unsigned short WORD;
#define MAXHOSTS 16
#define TCHAR char
void QueueMsg(Ui_ListenSession * Sess, char * Msg, int Len);
int ProcessYAPPMessage(Ui_ListenSession * Sess, UCHAR * Msg, int Len);
void SetPortMonLine(int i, char * Text, int visible, int enabled);
void AGW_AX25_data_in(void * Sess, UCHAR * data, int Len);
int checkUTF8(unsigned char * Msg, int Len, unsigned char * out);
void DoTermResize(Ui_ListenSession * Sess);
void DecodeTeleText(Ui_ListenSession * Sess, char * page);
int Bells = TRUE;
int StripLF = FALSE;
int LogOutput = FALSE;
int SendDisconnected = TRUE;
int ChatMode = TRUE;
int AutoTeletext = 1;
int MonPorts = 1;
int ListenOn = FALSE;
time_t LastWrite = 0xffffffff;
int AlertInterval = 300;
int AlertBeep = TRUE;
int AlertFreq = 600;
int AlertDuration = 250;
TCHAR AlertFileName[256] = { 0 };
int ConnectBeep = TRUE;
int UseKeywords = TRUE;
QString KeyWordsFile = "Keywords.sys";
char ** KeyWords = NULL;
int NumberofKeyWords = 0;
// YAPP stuff
#define SOH 1
#define STX 2
#define ETX 3
#define EOT 4
#define ENQ 5
#define ACK 6
#define DLE 0x10
#define NAK 0x15
#define CAN 0x18
#define YAPPTX 32768 // Sending YAPP file
int MaxRXSize = 100000;
char BaseDir[256] = "";
unsigned char InputBuffer[1024];
char YAPPPath[MAX_PATH] = ""; // Path for saving YAPP Files
int paclen = 128;
int InputLen; // Data we have already = Offset of end of an incomplete packet;
unsigned char * MailBuffer; // Yapp Message being received
int MailBufferSize;
int YAPPLen; // Bytes sent/received of YAPP Message
long YAPPDate; // Date for received file - if set enables YAPPC
char ARQFilename[200]; // Filename from YAPP Header
unsigned char SavedData[8192]; // Max receive is 4096 is should never get more that 8k
int SaveLen = 0;
void YAPPSendData(Ui_ListenSession * Sess);
char * strlop(char * buf, char delim)
// Terminate buf at delim, and return rest of string
char * ptr = strchr(buf, delim);
if (ptr == NULL) return NULL;
*(ptr)++ = 0;
return ptr;
#ifdef WIN32
char * strcasestr(char *ch1, char *ch2)
char *chN1, *chN2;
char *chNdx;
char *chRet = NULL;
chN1 = _strdup(ch1);
chN2 = _strdup(ch2);
if (chN1 && chN2)
chNdx = chN1;
while (*chNdx)
*chNdx = (char)tolower(*chNdx);
chNdx = chN2;
while (*chNdx)
*chNdx = (char)tolower(*chNdx);
chNdx = strstr(chN1, chN2);
if (chNdx)
chRet = ch1 + (chNdx - chN1);
return chRet;
void GetKeyWordFile()
DWORD FileSize;
char * ptr1, *ptr2;
char * KeyWordFile;
QFile file(KeyWordsFile);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
if (UseKeywords) // Don't need to alert if not being used
QMessageBox msgBox;
msgBox.setText("Keyword File " + KeyWordsFile + " not found");
FileSize = file.size();
KeyWordFile = (char *)malloc(FileSize + 1);
file.read(KeyWordFile, FileSize);
KeyWordFile[FileSize] = 0;
ptr1 = KeyWordFile;
while (ptr1)
if (*ptr1 == '\n') ptr1++;
ptr2 = strtok_s(NULL, "\r\n", &ptr1);
if (ptr2)
if (*ptr2 != '#')
KeyWords = (char **)realloc(KeyWords, (++NumberofKeyWords + 1) * 4);
KeyWords[NumberofKeyWords] = ptr2;
int CheckKeyWord(char * Word, char * Msg)
char * ptr1 = Msg, *ptr2;
int len = (int)strlen(Word);
while (*ptr1) // Stop at end
ptr2 = strcasestr(ptr1, Word);
if (ptr2 == NULL)
return FALSE; // OK
// Only bad if it ia not part of a longer word
if ((ptr2 == Msg) || !(isalpha(*(ptr2 - 1)))) // No alpha before
if (!(isalpha(*(ptr2 + len)))) // No alpha after
return TRUE; // Bad word
// Keep searching
ptr1 = ptr2 + len;
return FALSE; // OK
int CheckKeyWords(UCHAR * Msg, int len)
int i;
if (UseKeywords == 0 || NumberofKeyWords == 0)
return FALSE;
// we need to null terminate Msg, so create a copy
unsigned char * copy = (unsigned char *)malloc(len + 1);
memcpy(copy, Msg, len);
copy[len] = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= NumberofKeyWords; i++)
if (CheckKeyWord(KeyWords[i], (char *)copy))
free (copy);
return TRUE; // Alert
return FALSE; // OK
void ProcessReceivedData(Ui_ListenSession * Sess, unsigned char * Buffer, int len)
int MonLen = 0;
unsigned char * ptr;
unsigned char * Buffptr;
unsigned char * FEptr = 0;
if (Sess->InputMode == 'Y') // Yapp
ProcessYAPPMessage(Sess, Buffer, len);
// See if Teletext data
// We need to identify a viewdata frame. Seems to start
//1e 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a ........ ........
//00000170 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 11 0c 1b
// Page seems to start 1c
// After page get
//1e 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a ........ ........
// 0000049D 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a 11 14 1b 44 1b 5d 1b 43 ........ ...D.].C
// 000004AD 53 65 6c 65 Sele
// 000004B1 63 74 20 69 74 65 6d 20 6f 72 1b 47 2a 70 61 67 ct item or .G*pag
// 000004C1 65 5f 20 3a 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 e_ :
// 000004D1 20 0d 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 ....... ........
// 000004E1 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 11
Buffer[len] = 0;
if (AutoTeletext && (Buffer[0] == 0x1e || Buffer[0] == 0x0c))
if (Sess->TTActive == 0)
Sess->TTActive = 1;
if (Sess->TTActive)
// Feed to Teletext code
// We need to decode a whole page. There is no obvious delimiter so process till data stops.
// Buffer is cleared when next input is sent
if (strlen(&Sess->pageBuffer[0] + len) > 4090)
Sess->pageBuffer[0] = 0; // Protect buffer
strcat(Sess->pageBuffer, (char *)Buffer);
DecodeTeleText(Sess, (char *)Sess->pageBuffer); // Re-decode same data until we get the end
// mbstowcs(Buffer, BufferB, len);
// Look for MON delimiters (FF/FE)
Buffptr = Buffer;
if (Sess->MonData)
// Already in MON State
FEptr = (UCHAR *)memchr(Buffptr, 0xfe, len);
if (!FEptr)
// no FE - so send all to monitor
WritetoMonWindow(Sess, Buffer, len);
Sess->MonData = FALSE;
MonLen = FEptr - Buffptr; // Mon Data, Excluding the FE
WritetoMonWindow(Sess, Buffptr, MonLen);
Buffptr = ++FEptr; // Char following FE
if (++MonLen < len)
len -= MonLen;
goto MonLoop; // See if next in MON or Data
// Nothing Left
ptr = (UCHAR *)memchr(Buffptr, 0xff, len);
if (ptr)
unsigned char telcmd[] = "\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01";
// Try to trap connect to normal Telnet Port
if (memcmp(ptr, telcmd, 6) == 0)
// Buffer contains Mon Data
if (ptr > Buffptr)
// Some Normal Data before the FF
int NormLen = ptr - Buffptr; // Before the FF
if (NormLen == 1 && Buffptr[0] == 0)
// Keepalive
CheckKeyWords(Buffptr, NormLen);
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffptr, NormLen);
len -= NormLen;
Buffptr = ptr;
goto MonLoop;
if (ptr[1] == 0xff)
// Port Definition String
int NumberofPorts = atoi((char *)&ptr[2]);
char *p, *Context;
int i = 1;
TCHAR msg[80];
int portnum;
char delim[] = "|";
int m;
// Save for changes of Window
if (len < 2048)
memcpy(Sess->PortMonString, ptr, len);
// Remove old menu
for (i = 0; i < 65; i++)
SetPortMonLine(i, (char *)"", 0, 0);
p = strtok_s((char *)&ptr[2], delim, &Context);
while (NumberofPorts--)
p = strtok_s(NULL, delim, &Context);
if (p == NULL)
m = portnum = atoi(p);
sprintf(msg, "Port %s", p);
if (m == 0)
m = 64;
if (Sess->portmask & (1ll << (m - 1)))
SetPortMonLine(portnum, msg, 1, 1);
SetPortMonLine(portnum, msg, 1, 0);
MonLen = len; // in case no fe
Sess->MonData = 1;
FEptr = (UCHAR *)memchr(Buffptr, 0xfe, len);
if (FEptr)
Sess->MonData = 0;
MonLen = FEptr + 1 - Buffptr; // MonLen includes FF and FE
WritetoMonWindow(Sess, Buffptr + 1, MonLen - 2);
len -= MonLen;
Buffptr += MonLen; // Char Following FE
if (len <= 0)
goto MonLoop;
// No FE, so rest of buffer is MON Data
if (MonLen)
WritetoMonWindow(Sess, Buffptr + 1, MonLen - 1);
// No FF, so must be session data
if (Sess->InputMode == 'Y') // Yapp
ProcessYAPPMessage(Sess, Buffer, len);
if (len == 1 && Buffptr[0] == 0)
return; // Keepalive
// Could be a YAPP Header
if (len == 2 && Buffptr[0] == ENQ && Buffptr[1] == 1) // YAPP Send_Init
char YAPPRR[2];
// Turn off monitoring
Sess->InputMode = 'Y';
YAPPRR[1] = 1;
SocketFlush(Sess); // To give Monitor Msg time to be sent
QueueMsg(Sess, YAPPRR, 2);
// Check UTF8
CheckKeyWords(Buffptr, len);
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffptr, len);
Sess->SlowTimer = 0;
extern myTcpSocket * VARASock;
extern myTcpSocket * VARADataSock;
extern "C" void SendtoAX25(void * conn, unsigned char * Msg, int Len);
int SendMsg(Ui_ListenSession * Sess, TCHAR * Buffer, int len)
if (Sess->KISSSession)
// Send to ax.25 code
SendtoAX25(Sess->KISSSession, (unsigned char *)Buffer, len);
return len;
else if (Sess->AGWSession)
// Terminal is in AGWPE mode - send as AGW frame
AGW_AX25_data_in(Sess->AGWSession, (unsigned char *)Buffer, len);
return len;
else if (VARASock && VARASock->Sess == Sess)
VARADataSock->write(Buffer, len);
return len;
return SocketSend(Sess, Buffer, len);
void QueueMsg(Ui_ListenSession * Sess, char * Msg, int len)
int Sent = SendMsg(Sess, Msg, len);
if (Sent != len)
Sent = 0;
int InnerProcessYAPPMessage(Ui_ListenSession * Sess, UCHAR * Msg, int Len);
int ProcessYAPPMessage(Ui_ListenSession * Sess, UCHAR * Msg, int Len)
// may have saved data
memcpy(&SavedData[SaveLen], Msg, Len);
SaveLen += Len;
while (SaveLen && Sess->InputMode == 'Y')
int Used = InnerProcessYAPPMessage(Sess, SavedData, SaveLen);
if (Used == 0)
return 0; // Waiting for more
SaveLen -= Used;
if (SaveLen)
memmove(SavedData, &SavedData[Used], SaveLen);
return 0;
extern int VARAEnable;
int InnerProcessYAPPMessage(Ui_ListenSession * Sess, UCHAR * Msg, int Len)
int pktLen = Msg[1];
char Reply[2] = { ACK };
size_t NameLen, SizeLen, OptLen;
char * ptr;
int FileSize;
FILE * hFile;
char Mess[255];
int len;
UCHAR Buffer[2000];
struct stat STAT;
switch (Msg[0])
case ENQ: // YAPP Send_Init
// Shouldn't occur in session. Reset state and process
if (MailBuffer)
MailBufferSize = 0;
MailBuffer = 0;
Mess[0] = ACK;
Mess[1] = 1;
Sess->InputMode = 'Y';
QueueMsg(Sess, Mess, 2);
// Turn off monitoring
mySleep(1000); // To give YAPP Msg time to be sent
return Len;
case SOH:
// HD Send_Hdr SOH len (Filename) NUL (File Size in ASCII) NUL (Opt)
// YAPPC has date/time in dos format
if (Len < Msg[1] + 1)
return 0; // Wait till we have it all
NameLen = strlen((char *)&Msg[2]);
strcpy(ARQFilename, (char *)&Msg[2]);
ptr = (char *)&Msg[3 + NameLen];
SizeLen = strlen(ptr);
FileSize = atoi(ptr);
OptLen = pktLen - (NameLen + SizeLen + 2);
YAPPDate = 0;
if (OptLen >= 8) // We have a Date/Time for YAPPC
ptr = ptr + SizeLen + 1;
YAPPDate = strtol(ptr, NULL, 16);
// Check Size
if (FileSize > MaxRXSize && VARAEnable == 0)
Mess[0] = NAK;
Mess[1] = sprintf(&Mess[2], "File %s size %d larger than limit %d\r", ARQFilename, FileSize, MaxRXSize);
mySleep(1000); // To give YAPP Msg time to be sent
QueueMsg(Sess, Mess, Mess[1] + 2);
len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "YAPP File %s size %d larger than limit %d\r", ARQFilename, FileSize, MaxRXSize);
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffer, len);
Sess->InputMode = 0;
return Len;
// Check that Path is set
if (YAPPPath[0] == 0)
Mess[0] = NAK;
Mess[1] = sprintf(&Mess[2], "%s", "YAPP Receive directory not set");
mySleep(1000); // To give YAPP Msg time to be sent
QueueMsg(Sess, Mess, Mess[1] + 2);
len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "YAPP File Receive Failed - YAPP Receive directory not set\r");
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffer, len);
Sess->InputMode = 0;
return Len;
// Make sure file does not exist
sprintf(MsgFile, "%s/%s", YAPPPath, ARQFilename);
if (stat(MsgFile, &STAT) == 0)
FileSize = STAT.st_size;
Mess[0] = NAK;
Mess[1] = sprintf(&Mess[2], "%s", "File Already Exists");
mySleep(1000); // To give YAPP Msg time to be sent
QueueMsg(Sess, Mess, Mess[1] + 2);
len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "YAPP File Receive Failed - %s already exists\r", MsgFile);
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffer, len);
Sess->InputMode = 0;
return Len;
MailBufferSize = FileSize;
MailBuffer = (UCHAR *)malloc(FileSize);
YAPPLen = 0;
if (YAPPDate) // If present use YAPPC
Reply[1] = ACK; //Receive_TPK
Reply[1] = 2; //Rcv_File
QueueMsg(Sess, Reply, 2);
len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "YAPP Receving File %s size %d\r", ARQFilename, FileSize);
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffer, len);
return Len;
case STX:
// Data Packet
// Check we have it all
if (YAPPDate) // If present use YAPPC so have checksum
if (pktLen > (Len - 3)) // -2 for header and checksum
return 0; // Wait for rest
if (pktLen > (Len - 2)) // -2 for header
return 0; // Wait for rest
// Save data and remove from buffer
// if YAPPC check checksum
if (YAPPDate)
UCHAR Sum = 0;
int i;
UCHAR * uptr = &Msg[2];
i = pktLen;
while (i--)
Sum += *(uptr++);
if (Sum != *uptr)
// Checksum Error
Mess[0] = CAN;
Mess[1] = sprintf(&Mess[2], "YAPPC Checksum Error");
QueueMsg(Sess, Mess, Mess[1] + 2);
len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "YAPPC Checksum Error on file %s\r", MsgFile);
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffer, len);
Sess->InputMode = 0;
return Len;
if ((YAPPLen) + pktLen > MailBufferSize)
// Too Big ??
Mess[0] = CAN;
Mess[1] = sprintf(&Mess[2], "YAPP Too much data received");
QueueMsg(Sess, Mess, Mess[1] + 2);
len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "YAPP Too much data received on file %s\r", MsgFile);
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffer, len);
Sess->InputMode = 0;
return Len;
memcpy(&MailBuffer[YAPPLen], &Msg[2], pktLen);
YAPPLen += pktLen;
if (YAPPDate)
++pktLen; // Add Checksum
// if (YAPPLen == MailBufferSize)
// pktLen = pktLen;
return pktLen + 2;
case ETX:
// End Data
if (YAPPLen == MailBufferSize)
// All received
int Written = 0;
sprintf(MsgFile, "%s/%s", YAPPPath, ARQFilename);
hFile = fopen(MsgFile, "wb");
if (hFile)
Written = (int)fwrite(MailBuffer, 1, YAPPLen, hFile);
if (YAPPDate)
// struct tm TM;
// struct timeval times[2];
The MS-DOS date. The date is a packed value with the following format.
cant use DosDateTimeToFileTime on Linux
Bits Description
0-4 Day of the month (1<>31)
5-8 Month (1 = January, 2 = February, and so on)
9-15 Year offset from 1980 (add 1980 to get actual year)
The MS-DOS time. The time is a packed value with the following format.
Bits Description
0-4 Second divided by 2
5-10 Minute (0<>59)
11-15 Hour (0<>23 on a 24-hour clock)
memset(&TM, 0, sizeof(TM));
TM.tm_sec = (YAPPDate & 0x1f) << 1;
TM.tm_min = ((YAPPDate >> 5) & 0x3f);
TM.tm_hour = ((YAPPDate >> 11) & 0x1f);
TM.tm_mday = ((YAPPDate >> 16) & 0x1f);
TM.tm_mon = ((YAPPDate >> 21) & 0xf) - 1;
TM.tm_year = ((YAPPDate >> 25) & 0x7f) + 80;
Debugprintf("%d %d %d %d %d %d", TM.tm_year, TM.tm_mon, TM.tm_mday, TM.tm_hour, TM.tm_min, TM.tm_sec);
times[0].tv_sec = times[1].tv_sec = mktime(&TM);
times[0].tv_usec = times[1].tv_usec = 0;
MailBufferSize = 0;
MailBuffer = 0;
if (Written != YAPPLen)
Mess[0] = CAN;
Mess[1] = sprintf(&Mess[2], "Failed to save YAPP File");
QueueMsg(Sess, Mess, Mess[1] + 2);
len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "Failed to save YAPP File %s\r", MsgFile);
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffer, len);
Sess->InputMode = 0;
Reply[1] = 3; //Ack_EOF
QueueMsg(Sess, Reply, 2);
len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "Reception of file %s complete\r", MsgFile);
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffer, len);
return Len;
case EOT:
// End Session
Reply[1] = 4; // Ack_EOT
QueueMsg(Sess, Reply, 2);
Sess->InputMode = 0;
return Len;
case CAN:
// Abort
Mess[0] = ACK;
Mess[1] = 5; // CAN Ack
QueueMsg(Sess, Mess, 2);
if (MailBuffer)
MailBufferSize = 0;
MailBuffer = 0;
// May have an error message
len = Msg[1];
if (len)
len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "YAPP Transfer cancelled - %s\r", &Msg[2]);
len = sprintf(Mess, "YAPP Transfer cancelled\r");
Sess->InputMode = 0;
return Len;
case ACK:
switch (Msg[1])
char * ptr;
case 1: // Rcv_Rdy
// HD Send_Hdr SOH len (Filename) NUL (File Size in ASCII) NUL (Opt)
// Remote only needs filename so remove path
ptr = ARQFilename;
while (strchr(ptr, '/'))
ptr = strchr(ptr, '/') + 1;
len = (int)strlen(ptr) + 3;
strcpy(&Mess[2], ptr);
len += sprintf(&Mess[len], "%d", MailBufferSize);
len++; // include null
// len += sprintf(&Mess[len], "%8X", YAPPDate);
// len++; // include null
Mess[0] = SOH;
Mess[1] = len - 2;
QueueMsg(Sess, Mess, len);
return Len;
case 2:
YAPPDate = 0; // Switch to Normal (No Checksum) Mode
// Drop through
case 6: // Send using YAPPC
// Start sending message
return Len;
case 3:
// ACK EOF - Send EOT
Mess[0] = EOT;
Mess[1] = 1;
QueueMsg(Sess, Mess, 2);
return Len;
case 4:
Sess->InputMode = 0;
len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "File transfer complete\r");
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffer, len);
return Len;
return Len;
case NAK:
// Either Reject or Restart
// RE Resume NAK len R NULL (File size in ASCII) NULL
if (Len > 2 && Msg[2] == 'R' && Msg[3] == 0)
int posn = atoi((char *)&Msg[4]);
YAPPLen += posn;
MailBufferSize -= posn;
return Len;
// May have an error message
len = Msg[1];
if (len)
char ws[256];
Msg[len + 2] = 0;
strcpy(ws, (char *)&Msg[2]);
len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "File rejected - %s\r", ws);
len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "File rejected\r");
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffer, len);
Sess->InputMode = 0;
return Len;
len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "Unexpected message during YAPP Transfer. Transfer cancelled\r");
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffer, len);
Sess->InputMode = 0;
return Len;
void YAPPSendFile(Ui_ListenSession * Sess, WCHAR * FN)
int FileSize = 0;
char MsgFile[MAX_PATH];
FILE * hFile;
struct stat STAT;
UCHAR Buffer[2000];
int Len;
strcpy(MsgFile, FN);
if (MsgFile[0] == 0)
Len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "Filename missing\r");
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffer, Len);
if (stat(MsgFile, &STAT) != -1)
FileSize = STAT.st_size;
hFile = fopen(MsgFile, "rb");
if (hFile)
char Mess[255];
// time_t UnixTime = STAT.st_mtime;
// long long ll;
// WORD FatDate;
// WORD FatTime;
// struct tm TM;
strcpy(ARQFilename, MsgFile);
if (MailBuffer)
MailBufferSize = 0;
MailBuffer = 0;
MailBuffer = (UCHAR *)malloc(FileSize);
MailBufferSize = FileSize;
YAPPLen = 0;
fread(MailBuffer, 1, FileSize, hFile);
// Get Date and Time for YAPPC Mode
/* The MS-DOS date. The date is a packed value with the following format.
cant use DosDateTimeToFileTime on Linux
Bits Description
0-4 Day of the month (1<>31)
5-8 Month (1 = January, 2 = February, and so on)
9-15 Year offset from 1980 (add 1980 to get actual year)
The MS-DOS time. The time is a packed value with the following format.
Bits Description
0-4 Second divided by 2
5-10 Minute (0<>59)
11-15 Hour (0<>23 on a 24-hour clock)
memset(&TM, 0, sizeof(TM));
TM.tm_sec = (YAPPDate & 0x1f) << 1;
TM.tm_min = ((YAPPDate >> 5) & 0x3f);
TM.tm_hour = ((YAPPDate >> 11) & 0x1f);
TM.tm_mday = ((YAPPDate >> 16) & 0x1f);
TM.tm_mon = ((YAPPDate >> 21) & 0xf) - 1;
TM.tm_year = ((YAPPDate >> 25) & 0x7f) + 80;
// Note that LONGLONG is a 64-bit value
ll = Int32x32To64(UnixTime, 10000000) + 116444736000000000;
ft.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)ll;
ll >>= 32;
ft.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)ll;
FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st);
FileTimeToDosDateTime(&ft, &FatDate, &FatTime);
YAPPDate = (FatDate << 16) + FatTime;
memset(&TM, 0, sizeof(TM));
TM.tm_sec = (YAPPDate & 0x1f) << 1;
TM.tm_min = ((YAPPDate >> 5) & 0x3f);
TM.tm_hour = ((YAPPDate >> 11) & 0x1f);
TM.tm_mday = ((YAPPDate >> 16) & 0x1f);
TM.tm_mon = ((YAPPDate >> 21) & 0xf) - 1;
TM.tm_year = ((YAPPDate >> 25) & 0x7f) + 80;
Mess[0] = ENQ;
Mess[1] = 1;
QueueMsg(Sess, Mess, 2);
Sess->InputMode = 'Y';
Len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "Sending File %s ...\r", FN);
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffer, Len);
Len = sprintf((char *)Buffer, "File %s not found\r", FN);
WritetoOutputWindow(Sess, Buffer, Len);
void YAPPSendData(Ui_ListenSession * Sess)
char Mess[258];
while (1)
int Left = MailBufferSize;
if (Left == 0)
// Finished - send End Data
Mess[0] = ETX;
Mess[1] = 1;
QueueMsg(Sess, Mess, 2);
if (Left > paclen - 3) // two bytes header and possible checksum
Left = paclen - 3;
memcpy(&Mess[2], &MailBuffer[YAPPLen], Left);
YAPPLen += Left;
MailBufferSize -= Left;
// if YAPPC add checksum
if (YAPPDate)
UCHAR Sum = 0;
int i;
UCHAR * uptr = (UCHAR *)&Mess[2];
i = Left;
while (i--)
Sum += *(uptr++);
*(uptr) = Sum;
Mess[0] = STX;
Mess[1] = Left;
QueueMsg(Sess, Mess, Left + 3);
Mess[0] = STX;
Mess[1] = Left;
QueueMsg(Sess, Mess, Left + 2);