1. COMPILING and INSTALLING To compile and run URONode you will need to have libax25-0.0.4 or newer installed on your system. It should work on any platform where libax25 can be compiled and installed. Note however that it will NOT work with 2.0.x kernels. To install you should first run: ./configure and answer to the questions it makes. ** IF ** this is an ** UPGRADE **: and if you said no to configure running a "make", just type: make; make upgrade This will *not* overwrite your config files, and will freshen up your binaries only. If you told the configure script to make, then all you need to type to upgrade is: make upgrade. ** IF ** this is a new install: If all files needed are present everything should work. Next: make (if you said "no" to the configure script launching it for you) make install make installhelp Optionally you may want to run also: make installconf to install the default configuration files. Note however this copy example files in /usr/local/etc/ax25 but with ".ex". You should rename it by removing ".ex" at the end of filenames. After that you need to edit the configuration files to suit your system. The manual pages for uronode.conf(5) and uronode.perms(5) should give an idea of what to put into these files. The AX25-HOWTO is a must read also. 2. RUNNING URONode is intended to be called from ax25d or inetd. It doesn't need any command line arguments. See the uronode(8) manual page. To run URONode from ax25d, /usr/local/etc/ax25/ax25d.conf should have something like this in it: # AX25 Port ax0 # Belows SSID can not be the same as your netrom node SSID! [N1URO-2 VIA ax0] default * * * * * * - root /usr/local/sbin/uronode uronode # NETROM Port default * * * * * * - root /usr/local/sbin/uronode uronode add uronode as a service in /etc/services: uronode 3694/tcp # Node/URONode packet if you use inetd - /etc/inetd.conf could have something like this in it: # Listen at telnet port -> URONode uronode stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/sbin/uronode uronode if you use xinetd - /etc/xinetd.d/uronode should look like this: service uronode { disable = no socket_type = stream protocol = tcp user = root server = /usr/local/sbin/uronode wait = no instances = 20 }