#!/bin/sh echo -n "Use interactive mode? [Y/n]: "; read answer if [ "$answer" = "Y" -o "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "" ] then NON_INTERACTIVE=0; else NON_INTERACTIVE=1; fi _sleep() { [ "$NON_INTERACTIVE" = 1 ] || sleep "$@" } _whiptail() { [ "$NON_INTERACTIVE" = 1 ] || whiptail "$@" } echo "Cleaning the directory for a fresh configuration..." _sleep 2 make distclean > make.debug [ "$ETC_DIR" ] || ETC_DIR=/usr/local/etc/ax25 [ "$SBIN_DIR" ] || SBIN_DIR=/usr/local/sbin [ "$BIN_DIR" ] || BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin [ "$LIB_DIR" ] || LIB_DIR=/usr/local/lib [ "$DATA_DIR" ] || DATA_DIR=/usr/local/share [ "$MAN_DIR" ] || MAN_DIR=/usr/local/share/man [ "$VAR_DIR" ] || VAR_DIR=/usr/local/var/lib/ax25 echo "Welcome to the configuration utility for URONode. This configure script" echo "will very simply and easily guide you into installling URONode with as" echo "very little trouble as possible. All you need to really do is simply" echo "answer the following questions below properly. If you make a mistake" echo "just break out of it (ctrl+c) and rerun ./configure. Let's get started!" _sleep 1 echo " " _sleep 1 echo -n "you need gcc to build URONode: " GCC=`which gcc` _sleep 2 if [ -e "$GCC" ] then echo -n "saw $GCC... " _sleep 1 echo "GCC found! Congratulations!!" else echo "gcc not found!" echo " " echo "You need this compiler to build URONode." echo "Please install gcc, and rerun this ./configure script." echo "If you have a copy of gcc installed, please insure you have a" echo "symlink by typing as root: ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-#.## /usr/bin/gcc" echo "and rerun ./configure to continue." exit 1 fi _sleep 1 echo -n "you need make to make URONode: " MAKE=`which make` _sleep 2 if [ -e "$MAKE" ] then echo -n "saw $MAKE... " _sleep 1 echo "MAKE found!" else echo "make not found!" echo " " echo "You need this utility to make URONode." echo "Please install make, and rerun this ./configure script." echo "If you have a copy of make installed, please insure you have" echo "it in your path and rerun ./configure to continue." exit 1 fi echo -n "Your machine architecture is: " _sleep 1 ARCH=`uname -m` echo $ARCH _sleep 1 echo -n "Checking for the existence of the Zlib headers... " ZLIB="" HAVEZLIB="#undef HAVE_ZLIB" for zlibdir in /usr/include /usr/local/include do if [ -f $zlibdir/zlib.h ] then echo $zlibdir/zlib.h ZLIB="-lz" HAVEZLIB="#define HAVE_ZLIB 1" fi done if [ -z "$ZLIB" ] then echo "not found." echo " Without Zlib Node will lack compression support" echo " See INSTALL for more information." echo fi # Global protocol definition symbols for programmers that want to conditionally # compile HAVEAX25="#undef HAVE_AX25" HAVEFLEX="#undef HAVE_FLEX" FLEXNET=" " IN="#" HAVENETROM="#undef HAVE_NETROM" HAVEROSE="#undef HAVE_ROSE" HAVEMHEARD="#undef HAVE_JHEARD" HAVEAUTOROUTE="#undef HAVE_AUTOROUTE" HAVETCPIP="#undef HAVE_TCPIP" HAVEMOTD="#undef HAVE_MOTD" MOTDPATH= # echo -n "Include support for the AX.25 protocol ? [Y/n]: "; read answer # if [ "$answer" = "Y" -o "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "" ] if [ "$NON_INTERACTIVE" = 1 ] then echo "$@" | grep -vqe "--without-ax25" else whiptail --title "URONode Options:" --yesno "Support AX25?" 7 22 fi if [ $? -ne 1 ] then HAVEAX25="#define HAVE_AX25 1" fi # # echo -n "Include support for the FlexNet protocol ? [Y/n]: "; read answer # if [ "$answer" = "Y" -o "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "" ] if [ "$NON_INTERACTIVE" = 1 ] then echo "$@" | grep -vqe "--without-flexnet" else whiptail --title "URONode Options:" --yesno "Support FlexNet?" 7 22 fi if [ $? -ne 1 ] then HAVEAX25="#define HAVE_AX25 1" HAVEFLEX="#define HAVE_FLEX 1" FLEXNET="flexd" IN="" fi # # echo -n "Include support for the NetRom protocol ? [Y/n]: "; read answer # if [ "$answer" = "Y" -o "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "" ] if [ "$NON_INTERACTIVE" = 1 ] then echo "$@" | grep -vqe "--without-netrom" else whiptail --title "URONode Options:" --yesno "Support NetRom?" 7 22 fi if [ $? -ne 1 ] then HAVEAX25="#define HAVE_AX25 1" HAVENETROM="#define HAVE_NETROM 1" fi # # echo -n "Include support for the Rose protocol ? [Y/n]: "; read answer # if [ "$answer" = "Y" -o "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "" ] if [ "$NON_INTERACTIVE" = 1 ] then echo "$@" | grep -vqe "--without-rose" else whiptail --title "URONode Options:" --yesno "Support ROSE?" 7 22 fi if [ $? -ne 1 ] then HAVEAX25="#define HAVE_AX25 1" HAVEROSE="#define HAVE_ROSE 1" fi # # echo -n "Include support for MHeard ports listen ? [Y/n]: "; read answer # if [ "$answer" = "Y" -o "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "" ] if [ "$NON_INTERACTIVE" = 1 ] then echo "$@" | grep -vqe "--without-mheard" else whiptail --title "URONode Options:" --yesno "Support MHeard?" 7 22 fi if [ $? -ne 1 ] then HAVEAX25="#define HAVE_AX25 1" HAVEMHEARD="#define HAVE_JHEARD 1" fi # # echo -n "Include support for ax25 AutoRouter ? [Y/n]: "; read answer # if [ "$answer" = "Y" -o "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "" ] if [ "$NON_INTERACTIVE" = 1 ] then echo "$@" | grep -vqe "--without-autorouter" else whiptail --title "URONode Options:" --yesno "Support AutoRouter?" 7 23 fi if [ $? -ne 1 ] then HAVEAX25="#define HAVE_AX25 1" HAVEAUTOROUTE="#define HAVE_AUTOROUTE 1" fi # # echo -n "Include support for TCP/IP functions ? [Y/n]: "; read answer # if [ "$answer" = "Y" -o "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "" ] if [ "$NON_INTERACTIVE" = 1 ] then echo "$@" | grep -vqe "--without-tcpip" else whiptail --title "URONode Options:" --yesno "Support TCP/IP?" 7 22 fi if [ $? -ne 1 ] then HAVETCPIP="#define HAVE_TCPIP 1" HAVEMOTD="#define HAVEMOTD" MOTDPATH='"/etc/ax25/uronode.motd"' fi echo "Creating Makefile" sed -e "s~@FLEXNET@~$FLEXNET~g; \ s~@IN@~$IN~g" Makefile echo "Creating Makefile.include" sed -e "s~@ARCH@~$ARCH~g; \ s~@ETC_DIR@~$ETC_DIR~g; \ s~@LIB_DIR@~$LIB_DIR~g; \ s~@SBIN_DIR@~$SBIN_DIR~g; \ s~@BIN_DIR@~$BIN_DIR~g; \ s~@VAR_DIR@~$VAR_DIR~g; \ s~@DATA_DIR@~$DATA_DIR~g; \ s~@MAN_DIR@~$MAN_DIR~g; \ s~@ZLIB@~$ZLIB~g" Makefile.include echo "Creating config.h" sed -e "s~@ETC_DIR@~$ETC_DIR~g; \ s~@LIB_DIR@~$LIB_DIR~g; \ s~@SBIN_DIR@~$SBIN_DIR~g; \ s~@BIN_DIR@~$BIN_DIR~g; \ s~@VAR_DIR@~$VAR_DIR~g; \ s~@MAN_DIR@~$MAN_DIR~g; \ s~@DATA_DIR@~$DATA_DIR~g; \ s~@HAVEAX25@~$HAVEAX25~g; \ s~@HAVEFLEX@~$HAVEFLEX~g; \ s~@HAVENETROM@~$HAVENETROM~g; \ s~@HAVEROSE@~$HAVEROSE~g; \ s~@HAVEMHEARD@~$HAVEMHEARD~g; \ s~@HAVEAUTOROUTE@~$HAVEAUTOROUTE~g; \ s~@HAVETCPIP@~$HAVETCPIP~g; \ s~@HAVEMOTD@~$HAVEMOTD~g; \ s~@MOTDPATH@~$MOTDPATH~g; \ s~@HAVEZLIB@~$HAVEZLIB~g" config.h echo "Creating dependancy files..." make depend > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Configuration successful!!" _sleep 1 echo "about the authors..." _sleep 3 echo "URONode is a combined effort of years worth of work. Those who's code" echo "is included in this flavor of a linux based node are:" _sleep 1 echo "Brian Rogers N1URO (current maintainer), " _sleep 1 echo "Marius Petrescu YO2LOJ (current team member)," _sleep 1 echo "Bob Tenty VE3TOK (current team member)," _sleep 1 echo "Stefano Noferi IZ5AWZ (AWZNode)" _sleep 1 echo -n "Tomi Manninen OH2BNS, " _sleep 1 echo -n "Alan Cox GW4PTS, " _sleep 1 echo "and Roy Van Zundert PE1RJA" echo "" _sleep 1 echo "Special thanks to: Morgan, sm6tky for his security report" echo "and Barry K2MF for his input on some of my routines and supplying" echo "some source code. If you did not use interactive mode, you must" echo "run make manually." _sleep 1 echo "" #echo -n "Shall I run the make command for you ? [Y/n]: " _whiptail --title "Shall I make URONode?" --yesno "Yes to make or No to exit" 7 30 # if [ "$answer" = "Y" -o "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "" ] if [ "$NON_INTERACTIVE" != 1 -a $? -ne 1 ] then # echo "Making URONode! Please be patient." # _sleep 1 # echo "compile errors will be in make.debug." # echo "" # _sleep 1 # echo "You may not see anything until the process is complete..." _whiptail --title "Making URONODE..." --msgbox "Making. Check make.debug for errors. Hit OK to continue. You may not see anything for a minute..." 10 45 make >> make.debug echo "let's check for binary errors..." _sleep 1 echo -n "nodeusers: " _sleep 1 if [ -x ./nodeusers ]; then echo "SUCCESS!" else echo "FAILED!" fi _sleep 1 echo -n "uronode: " _sleep 1 if [ -x ./uronode ]; then echo "SUCCESS!" else echo "FAILED!" fi _sleep 1 echo -n "axdigi: " _sleep 1 if [ -x ./axdigi ]; then echo "SUCCESS!" fi _sleep 1 echo -n "calibrate: " _sleep 1 if [ -x ./calibrate ]; then echo "SUCCESS!" fi _sleep 1 echo -n "flexd: " _sleep 1 if [ -x ./flexd ]; then echo "SUCCESS!" _sleep 1 else echo "FAILED! - perhaps you didn't want flexnet?" echo "This is not an error if you chose NO to flexnet." echo "This only means the flexnet daemon binary was not found." echo "" echo "Process complete!" echo "" fi _sleep 1 _whiptail --title "URONode" --msgbox "Check the file make.debug if you had errors. If no errors, type: make install (new install) or make upgrade (existing install) and edit your files in /usr/local/etc/ax25/\n\n**WARNING: if you haven't already, add the following to your startup scripts:\n/usr/local/sbin/axdigi & \nto insure cross-port digipeating.\n\nFor help and release news join the forum at\nhttps://www.n1uro.net/forum\n\nEnjoy URONode - 73 de Brian N1URO" 20 50 # echo "Check the file make.debug if you had errors." # echo "If no errors, type: make install or make upgrade" # echo "and edit your files in /etc/ax25/" # echo "**WARNING: if you haven't already, add the following to your" # echo "startup scripts:" # echo "/usr/sbin/axdigi &" # echo "to insure cross-port digipeating." # echo "" # echo "For support and release news join the forum" # echo "at https://www.n1uro.net/forum" # echo "" # echo "Enjoy URONode! 73 de N1URO." fi exit 0