#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "node.h" #include "procinfo.h" #define DEFAULT_POLL_TIME 600 #define MINIMUM_POLL_TIME 300 int poll_time=DEFAULT_POLL_TIME; char flexgate[10]="\0"; char mycall[10]="\0"; char prompt1[1]="\0"; char prompt2[1]="\0"; struct ax_routes *gw; int s; void (*sigterm_defhnd)(int); void read_conf(void) { FILE *fp, *fgt; char buf[1024], line[1024], *cp; int i=0,k; char digipath[AX25_MAX_DIGIS*10]; if ((fp=fopen(FLEXD_CONF_FILE, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "flexd config: Cannot open config file: %s\n", FLEXD_CONF_FILE); exit(1); } if ((fgt=fopen(FLEX_GT_FILE, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "flexd config: Cannot open flexnet gateways file: %s\n", FLEX_GT_FILE); fclose(fp); exit(1); } fputs("addr callsign dev digipeaters\n", fgt); while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { if(*buf=='#' || *buf==' ') continue; /* comment line/empty line */ cp=strchr(buf, '#'); if (cp) *cp='\0'; cp=strtok(buf, " \t\n\r"); if(cp==NULL) continue; /* empty line */ if(strcasecmp(cp,"pollinterval")==0) { /* set poll interval */ cp=strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if(cp==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "flexd config: Poll Interval needs an argument\n"); fclose(fp); fclose(fgt); exit(1); } poll_time=safe_atoi(cp); if (poll_timedigis[k]==NULL) break; strcat(digipath," "); strcat(digipath, gw->digis[k]); } sprintf(line, "%05d %-8s %4s %s\n", i++, gw->dest_call, ax25_config_get_dev(gw->dev), digipath); fputs(line, fgt); } } } fprintf(stderr,"FlexD started.\n"); fclose(fgt); fclose(fp); } int download_dest(char *gateway, char *fname) { FILE *tmp; char buffer[512], port[14], path[AX25_MAX_DIGIS*10]; /* Increased buffer to 512 from 256 - ve3tok 31 Mar, 2016 */ char *addr, *commands[10], *dlist[9]; /* Destination + 8 digipeaters */ fd_set read_fd; int n, addrlen, cmd_send=0, cmd_ack=0, c, k; struct full_sockaddr_ax25 axbind, axconnect; struct timeval tv; gw=find_route(gateway, NULL); if (gw==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "flexd connect: FlexGate %s not found in route file: %s\n", gateway, AX_ROUTES_FILE); return 1; } else { *path='\0'; for(k=0;kdigis[k][0]=='\0') dlist[k+1]=NULL; else dlist[k+1]=gw->digis[k]; } dlist[0]=gw->dest_call; strcpy(port,gw->dev); } if ((addr = ax25_config_get_addr(port)) == NULL) { sprintf(buffer, "flexd connect: invalid AX.25 port name - %s\n", port); write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, strlen(buffer)); return 1; } /* * Open the socket into the kernel. */ if ((s = socket(AF_AX25, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0)) < 0) { sprintf(buffer, "flexd connect: cannot open AX.25 socket, %s\n", strerror(errno)); write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, strlen(buffer)); return 1; } /* * Set our AX.25 callsign and AX.25 port callsign accordingly. */ if (*mycall=='\0') sprintf(buffer, "%s %s", addr, addr); else sprintf(buffer, "%s %s", mycall, addr); ax25_aton(buffer, &axbind); axbind.fsa_ax25.sax25_family = AF_AX25; addrlen=sizeof(struct full_sockaddr_ax25); if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&axbind, addrlen) != 0) { sprintf(buffer, "flexd connect: cannot bind AX.25 socket, %s\n", strerror(errno)); write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, strlen(buffer)); close(s); return 1; } /* * Lets try and connect to the far end. */ addrlen=sizeof(struct full_sockaddr_ax25); axconnect.fsa_ax25.sax25_family = AF_AX25; if (fcntl(s, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { sprintf(buffer, "flexd connect: fcntl on socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, strlen(buffer)); close(s); return 1; } if (ax25_aton_arglist((const char **)dlist, &axconnect) == -1) { sprintf(buffer, "flexd connect: invalid destination callsign or digipeater\n"); write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, strlen(buffer)); close(s); return 1; } if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&axconnect, addrlen) == -1 && errno != EINPROGRESS) { switch (errno) { case ECONNREFUSED: strcpy(buffer, "*** Connection refused - aborting\n"); break; case ENETUNREACH: strcpy(buffer, "*** No known route - aborting\n"); break; case EINTR: strcpy(buffer, "*** Connection timed out - aborting\n"); break; default: sprintf(buffer, "*** Cannot connect, %s\n", strerror(errno)); break; } write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, strlen(buffer)); close(s); return 1; } while (1) { FD_ZERO(&read_fd); FD_SET(s, &read_fd); tv.tv_sec=180; tv.tv_usec=0; k=select(s + 3, &read_fd, NULL, 0, &tv); if (k<1) { /* error or timeout */ break; } if (FD_ISSET(s, &read_fd)) { // int ret, retlen; int ret = 0; int retlen = 0; char *cp; /* See if we got connected or if this was an error */ getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &ret, &retlen); if (ret != 0) { cp = strdup(strerror(ret)); strlwr(cp); sprintf(buffer, "flexd connect: Failure with %s\nError: %s\n", gateway, cp); write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, strlen(buffer)); free(cp); close(s); return 1; } break; } } commands[0]="d\r\n"; commands[1]="q\r\n"; commands[2]=NULL; /* * Loop until one end of the connection goes away. */ if ((tmp=fopen(fname, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "flexd connect: Cannot open temporary file: %s\n", fname); close(s); return 1; } for (;;) { FD_ZERO(&read_fd); FD_SET(s, &read_fd); tv.tv_sec=180; tv.tv_usec=0; k=select(s + 1, &read_fd, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (k<1) { /* error or timeout */ break; } if (FD_ISSET(s, &read_fd)) { if ((n = read(s, buffer, 512)) == -1) break; // if ((n = read(s, buffer, 256)) == -1) break; for(c=0;c') { // if (buffer[c]=='%s' && c")) i++; /* system prompt */ if(i==0) continue; /* skip connect text */ if(*cp=='#' || *cp=='=' || *cp==' ' || *cp=='*' || *cp=='-' || *cp==':') continue; /* comment line/system prompt */ if(strncmp(cp,"73!",3)==0) continue; /* End greeting */ /* CALL SSID-ESID RTT */ do { call=cp; if (call==NULL) break; if (strlen(call)>6) break; if (strchr(call,'-')) break; if (ax25_aton_entry(call,ax)!=0) break; if (!ax25_validate(ax)) break; ssid=strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (ssid==NULL) break; if (!strchr(ssid,'-')) break; rtt=strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); if (rtt==NULL) break; if (atoi(rtt)==0) break; sprintf(line, "%-8s %-5s %6d %05d\n", call, ssid, safe_atoi(rtt), 0); fputs(line, fdst); cp=strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"); } while(cp!=NULL); } fclose(fdst); fclose(tmp); return 0; } int update_flex(void) { char fname[80]; sprintf(fname, "%s/.session.%s", FLEXD_TEMP_PATH, flexgate); if (download_dest(flexgate, fname)==0) parse_dest(flexgate, fname); remove(fname); return 0; } void hup_handler(int sig) { signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); fprintf(stderr, "SIGHUP caught by FlexD, restarting... \n"); read_conf(); update_flex(); signal(SIGHUP, hup_handler); /* Restore hangup handler */ } void alarm_handler(int sig) { signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); update_flex(); signal(SIGALRM, alarm_handler); /* Restore alarm handler */ alarm(poll_time); } void quit_handler(int sig) { signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); unlink(FLEXD_PID_FILE); fprintf(stderr, "FlexD quitting.\n\r"); signal(SIGTERM, sigterm_defhnd); raise(SIGTERM); return; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *pidfile; if (argc > 1) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-h") ==0) { printf("FlexD version %s.\n\r", VERSION); printf("Copywrite (c) 2000-2003 by Roy PE1RJA and Stefano IZ5AWZ\n\r"); printf("Copywrite (c) 2003 - present by Brian Rogers - N1URO.\n\r"); printf("FlexD is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it\n\r"); printf("under the terms of GNU General Public Licence as published\n\r"); printf("by Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n\r"); printf("(at your option) any later version.\n\r"); printf("\n\r"); printf("FlexD comes with NO WARRANTY. Use at your own risk.\n\r"); return 0; } } signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); if (ax25_config_load_ports() == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "flexd error: No AX25 port data configured\n"); return 1; } read_conf(); if (!daemon_start(TRUE)) { fprintf(stderr, "flexd: cannot become a daemon\n"); return 1; } pidfile = fopen(FLEXD_PID_FILE, "w"); fprintf(pidfile, "%d\n", (int)getpid()); fclose(pidfile); update_flex(); signal(SIGHUP, hup_handler); signal(SIGALRM, alarm_handler); sigterm_defhnd = signal(SIGTERM, quit_handler); // if (sigterm_defhnd == SIG_ERR) // sigterm_defhnd = SIG_DFL; alarm(poll_time); for(;;) pause(); return 0; }