#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "node.h" #include "procinfo.h" #include "sysinfo.h" struct cmd *Nodecmds = NULL; void init_nodecmds(void) { add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "?", 1, do_help); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Announce", 1, do_help); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Bye", 1, do_bye); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Escape", 1, do_escape); if (User.ul_type == AF_INET || (User.ul_type == AF_INET6)) { add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "EXit", 1, do_bye); } add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Help", 1, do_help); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Info", 1, do_help); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Quit", 1, do_bye); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Status", 1, do_status); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Version", 1, do_version); #ifdef HAVEMOTD add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Who", 1, do_last); #endif add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "MSg", 2, do_msg); #ifdef HAVE_AX25 add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Connect", 1, do_connect); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Links", 1, do_links); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "INTerfaces", 3, do_ports); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "SEssions", 2, do_sessions); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Users", 1, nuser_list); #ifdef HAVE_FLEX add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Desti", 1, do_dest); #endif #ifdef HAVE_JHEARD add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Jheard", 1, do_jheard); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "JLong", 2, do_jlong); #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETROM add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Nodes", 1, do_nodes); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Routes", 1, do_routes); #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_TCPIP add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Finger", 1, do_finger); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "HOst", 2, do_host); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Ping", 1, do_ping); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "Telnet", 1, do_connect); #endif #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "ZConnect", 1, do_connect); add_internal_cmd(&Nodecmds, "ZTelnet", 1, do_connect); #endif }; void node_prompt(const char *fmt, ...) { if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s} ", NodeId); } if ((User.ul_type == AF_INET) && (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1)) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"\r\n\e[01;31m%s\e[0m@\e[01;34m%s\e[0m:/uronode$ ",User.call, HostName); } if ((User.ul_type == AF_INET) && (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) == -1)) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"\r\n%s@%s:/uronode$ ", User.call, HostName); } if ((User.ul_type == AF_AX25) && (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1)) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"\b\e[01;33m"); } if (User.ul_type == AF_AX25) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s",Prompt); } if ((User.ul_type == AF_ROSE) && (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) == -1)) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"\r-=> "); } if ((User.ul_type == AF_ROSE) && (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1)) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"\r\e[01;35m-=>\e[0m \b"); } if ((User.ul_type ==AF_INET6) && (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) == -1)) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\r\n%s@%s:/uronode6: ",User.call, HostName); } if ((User.ul_type ==AF_INET6) && (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1)) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\r\n\e[01;34m%s\e[0m@\e[01;31m%s:/\e[0m\e[01;33muronode6\e[0m: ",User.call, HostName); } /* axio_flush(NodeIo); */ } void node_logout(char *reason) { #ifdef HAVEMOTD if (User.ul_type == AF_INET) { if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[03;36m"); } axio_printf(NodeIo, "Thank you %s, for connecting to the \n%s URONode packet shell.\n", User.call, HostName); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[0;m"); } } if (User.ul_type == AF_INET6) { if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[03;36m"); } axio_printf(NodeIo, "Thank you %s, for connecting to the \n%s URONode IPv6 packet shell.\n", User.call, HostName); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[0;m"); } } if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo,""); } if (User.ul_type == AF_ROSE) { if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[03;36m"); } axio_printf(NodeIo, "%s, thank you for connecting to the %s\nURONode ROSE network node. Come back again soon, 73!\n", User.call, RoseId); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[0;m"); } } else if ((User.ul_type == AF_FLEXNET) || (User.ul_type == AF_AX25)) { if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[03;36m"); } axio_printf(NodeIo, "%s de %s\n73! ", User.call, FlexId); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[0;m"); } } #endif axio_flush(NodeIo); axio_end_all(); logout_user(); ipc_close(); node_log(LOGLVL_LOGIN, "%s @ %s logged out", User.call, User.ul_name); node_log(LOGLVL_LOGIN, "%s %s", NodeId, reason); free_cmdlist(Nodecmds); Nodecmds = NULL; exit(0); } int do_bye(int argc, char **argv) { node_logout("User hit bye or quit"); return 0; /* Keep gcc happy */ } int do_escape(int argc, char **argv) { int now = 0; if (argc > 1) { EscChar = get_escape(argv[1]); now = 1; } if (EscChar < -1 || EscChar > 255) { if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg("%s} ", NodeId); } node_msg("Invalid escape character: %s", argv[1]); return 0; } if (EscChar == -1) { if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "%s} ", NodeId); } axio_printf(NodeIo,"The escape mechanism is %sdisabled", now ? "now " : ""); if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } return 0; } if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "%s} ", NodeId); } axio_printf(NodeIo,"The escape character is %s%s%c", now ? "now " : "", EscChar < 32 ? "CTRL-" : "", EscChar < 32 ? (EscChar + 'A' - 1) : EscChar); if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } return 0; } int do_help(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *fp; char fname[256], line[256]; struct cmd *cmdp; int i = 0; if (*argv[0] == '?') { /* "?" */ if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "%s} ", NodeId); } if (User.ul_type == AF_INET) { if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[01;37m"); } axio_printf(NodeIo, "Shell "); } if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[01;37m"); } axio_printf(NodeIo,"Commands:"); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[0;m"); } for (cmdp = Nodecmds; cmdp != NULL; cmdp = cmdp->next) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s%s", i ? ", " : "\n", cmdp->name); if (++i == 10) { axio_printf(NodeIo,""); i = 0; } } if (i) axio_printf(NodeIo,""); if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } return 0; } if (argv[1] && strchr(argv[1], '/')) { if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s} ", NodeId); } node_msg("Invalid command %s", argv[1]); return 0; } if (*argv[0] == 'i') { /* "info" */ strcpy(fname, CONF_NODE_INFO_FILE); } else if (*argv[0] == 'a') { /* announcements */ strcpy(fname, CONF_NODE_ANN_FILE); if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { // axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s} ", NodeId); } if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[01;37m"); } if (*argv[0] == 'i') { // axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s - %s \n", VERSION, COMPILING); axio_printf(NodeIo,"System Information:\n"); } else if (*argv[0] == 'a') { // axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s - %s \n", VERSION, COMPILING); // axio_printf(NodeIo,"System Announcements/News:\n"); axio_printf(NodeIo," NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS\n"); axio_printf(NodeIo," -------------------- -------------------- --------------------\n"); } if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[0;m"); } } else if (!argv[1]) { /* "help" */ strcpy(fname, DATA_NODE_HELP_DIR "help.hlp"); } else { /* "help " */ strlwr(argv[1]); snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), DATA_NODE_HELP_DIR "%s.hlp", argv[1]); fname[sizeof(fname) - 1] = 0; } if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { if ((*argv[0] != 'a') || (*argv[0] != 'i')) if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s} ", NodeId); } axio_printf(NodeIo,"No help for command %s", argv[1] ? argv[1] : "help"); if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } return 0; } if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { // axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s} ", NodeId); } if ((*argv[0] != 'a') || (*argv[0] != 'i')) axio_printf(NodeIo,""); else node_msg("Help for command %s", argv[1] ? argv[1] : "help"); while (fgets(line, 256, fp) != NULL) axio_puts(line,NodeIo); fclose(fp); if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } return 0; } int do_host(int argc, char **argv) { struct hostent *h; struct in_addr addr; char **p, *cp; if (argc < 2) { if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s} ", NodeId); } node_msg("Usage: host |"); return 0; } if (inet_aton(argv[1], &addr) != 0) h = gethostbyaddr((char *)&addr, sizeof(addr), AF_INET); else h = gethostbyname(argv[1]); if (h == NULL) { switch (h_errno) { case HOST_NOT_FOUND: cp = "Unknown host"; break; case TRY_AGAIN: cp = "Temporary name server error"; break; case NO_RECOVERY: cp = "Non-recoverable name server error"; break; case NO_ADDRESS: cp = "No address"; break; default: cp = "Unknown error"; break; } node_msg("%s", cp); return 0; } if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s} ", NodeId); } node_msg("Host name information for %s:", argv[1]); axio_printf(NodeIo,"Hostname: %s", h->h_name); axio_puts("\nAliases: ",NodeIo); p = h->h_aliases; while (*p != NULL) { axio_printf(NodeIo," %s", *p); p++; } axio_puts("\nAddress(es):",NodeIo); p = h->h_addr_list; while (*p != NULL) { addr.s_addr = ((struct in_addr *)(*p))->s_addr; axio_printf(NodeIo," %s", inet_ntoa(addr)); p++; } if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } return 0; } int do_ports(int argc, char **argv) { struct proc_ax25 *ax, *ax_list; struct proc_dev *dev, *dev_list; char *cp = NULL; int n, tx, rx; ax_list=read_proc_ax25(); dev_list=read_proc_dev(); if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s} ", NodeId); } if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[01;35m"); } node_msg("Interfaces:"); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[0;m"); } axio_printf(NodeIo,"Name Description QSO RX packets TX packets\n"); axio_printf(NodeIo,"------- ------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- -----------"); while ((cp = ax25_config_get_next(cp)) != NULL) { n=0; if (ax_list) for (ax=ax_list;ax!=NULL;ax=ax->next) { // if (strcmp(ax25_config_get_name(ax->dev), cp)==0 && strcmp(ax->dest_addr, "*")!=0) n++; if (strcmp(ax->dest_addr, "*")!=0 && strcmp(ax25_config_get_name(ax->dev), cp)==0) n++; } tx=0; rx=0; if (dev_list) for (dev=dev_list;dev!=NULL;dev=dev->next) { if (strcmp(dev->interface, ax25_config_get_dev(cp))==0) { tx=dev->tx_packets; rx=dev->rx_packets; } } if (is_hidden(cp) && check_perms(PERM_HIDDEN, 0L) == -1) continue; axio_printf(NodeIo,"\n%-7.7s %-42.42s %4d %11d %11d", cp, ax25_config_get_desc(cp), n, rx, tx); } free_proc_ax25(ax_list); free_proc_dev(dev_list); if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } return 0; } int do_sessions(int argc, char **argv) { struct proc_ax25 *ax_p, *ax_list; #ifdef HAVE_NETROM struct proc_nr *nr_p, *nr_list; #endif char *cp; if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s} %s\n", NodeId, VERSION); } if ((ax_list = read_proc_ax25()) == NULL) { if (errno) node_perror("sessions: read_proc_ax25:", errno); else axio_printf (NodeIo,"No such AX25 sessions actives."); } else { if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[01;33m"); } node_msg("AX.25 Sessions:"); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"\e[0;m"); } axio_printf(NodeIo,"Int. Dest addr Src addr State Unack T1 Retr Rtt Snd-Q Rcv-Q\n"); axio_printf(NodeIo,"------- --------- --------- ------------ ----- ------- ------ --- ----- -----\n"); for (ax_p = ax_list; ax_p != NULL; ax_p = ax_p->next) { if (argc > 1 && strcasecmp(argv[1], "*") && strcasecmp(ax_p->dest_addr, argv[1]) && strcasecmp(ax_p->src_addr, argv[1])) continue; if ((argc < 2) && !strcmp(ax_p->dest_addr, "*")) continue; cp = ax25_config_get_name(ax_p->dev); axio_printf(NodeIo,"%-7s %-9s %-9s ", cp, ax_p->dest_addr, ax_p->src_addr); if (!strcmp(ax_p->dest_addr, "*")) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"Listening\n"); continue; } switch (ax_p->st) { case 0: cp = "Disconnected"; break; case 1: cp = "Conn pending"; break; case 2: cp = "Disc pending"; break; case 3: cp = "Connected "; break; case 4: cp = "Recovery "; break; default: cp = "Unknown "; break; } axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s %02d/%02d %03d/%03d %02d/%03d %3d %5ld %5ld\n", cp, ax_p->vs < ax_p->va ? ax_p->vs - ax_p->va + 8 : ax_p->vs - ax_p->va, ax_p->window, ax_p->t1timer, ax_p->t1, ax_p->n2count, ax_p->n2, ax_p->rtt, ax_p->sndq, ax_p->rcvq); } free_proc_ax25(ax_list); axio_puts("",NodeIo); } #ifdef HAVE_NETROM if ((nr_list = read_proc_nr()) == NULL) { if (errno) node_perror("sessions: read_proc_nr", errno); else axio_printf (NodeIo,"No such NET/ROM sessions actives.\n"); } else { if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[01;36m"); } node_msg("\nNET/ROM Sessions:"); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[0;m"); } axio_printf(NodeIo,"User addr Dest node Src node State Unack T1 Retr Snd-Q Rcv-Q\n"); axio_printf(NodeIo,"--------- --------- --------- ------------ ----- ------- ------ ----- -----"); for (nr_p = nr_list; nr_p != NULL; nr_p = nr_p->next) { if (argc > 1 && strcasecmp(argv[1], "*") && strcasecmp(nr_p->user_addr, argv[1]) && strcasecmp(nr_p->dest_node, argv[1]) && strcasecmp(nr_p->src_node, argv[1])) continue; if ((argc < 2) && !strcmp(nr_p->user_addr, "*")) continue; cp = nr_config_get_name(nr_p->dev); axio_printf(NodeIo,"\n%-9s %-9s %-9s ", nr_p->user_addr, nr_p->dest_node, nr_p->src_node); if (!strcmp(nr_p->user_addr, "*")) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"Listening\n"); continue; } switch (nr_p->st) { case 0: cp = "Disconnected"; break; case 1: cp = "Conn pending"; break; case 2: cp = "Disc pending"; break; case 3: cp = "Connected "; break; case 4: cp = "Recovery "; break; default: cp = "Unknown "; break; } axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s %02d/%02d %03d/%03d %02d/%03d %5ld %5ld", cp, nr_p->vs < nr_p->va ? nr_p->vs - nr_p->va + 8 : nr_p->vs - nr_p->va, nr_p->window, nr_p->t1timer, nr_p->t1, nr_p->n2count, nr_p->n2, nr_p->sndq, nr_p->rcvq); } free_proc_nr(nr_list); } #endif if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } return 0; } int do_routes(int argc, char **argv) { struct proc_nr *nr, *nr_list; struct proc_nr_neigh *nrh, *nrh_list; struct proc_nr_nodes *nrn, *nrn_list; struct proc_ax25 *ap; char *cp, portcall[10]; int link, n; nr_list=read_proc_nr(); nrn_list=read_proc_nr_nodes(); if ((nrh_list = read_proc_nr_neigh()) == NULL) { if (errno) node_perror("do_routes: read_proc_nr_neigh", errno); else if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s} ", NodeId); } axio_printf (NodeIo,"No such routes"); if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } free_proc_nr_neigh(nrh_list); free_proc_nr_nodes(nrn_list); free_proc_nr(nr_list); return 0; } /* if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[01;33m"); } */ if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s} ", NodeId); } if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[01;36m"); } node_msg("Routes:"); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[0;m"); } axio_printf(NodeIo,"Link Intface Callsign Qual Nodes Lock QSO\n"); axio_printf(NodeIo,"---- ------- --------- ---- ----- ---- ---"); strcpy(portcall,nr_config_get_addr(nr_config_get_next(NULL))); if (strchr(portcall, '-')==NULL) strcat(portcall, "-0"); for (nrh = nrh_list; nrh != NULL; nrh = nrh->next) { link=0; n=0; if ((ap = find_link(portcall, nrh->call, nrh->dev)) != NULL && ap->st >= 3) link = 1; if ((ap = find_link(nrh->call, portcall, nrh->dev)) != NULL && ap->st >= 3) link = 2; cp = ax25_config_get_name(nrh->dev); if (nr_list) for (nr=nr_list;nr!=NULL;nr=nr->next) { if (strcmp(nr->dest_node, nrh->call)==0) { n++; } else { if (nrn_list) for(nrn=nrn_list;nrn!=NULL;nrn=nrn->next) { if (strcmp(nrn->call, nr->dest_node)==0) { switch(nrn->w) { case 1: if (nrn->addr1==nrh->addr) n++; break; case 2: if (nrn->addr2==nrh->addr) n++; break; case 3: if (nrn->addr3==nrh->addr) n++; break; } } } } } axio_printf(NodeIo,"\n%c %-7s %-9s %4d %5d %c %4d", link == 0 ? ' ' : '>', cp, nrh->call, nrh->qual, nrh->cnt, nrh->lock == 1 ? '!' : ' ', n); } free_proc_nr_neigh(nrh_list); free_proc_nr_nodes(nrn_list); free_proc_nr(nr_list); free_proc_ax25(ap); if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } return 0; } int do_nodes(int argc, char **argv) { struct proc_nr_nodes *p, *list; struct proc_nr_neigh *np, *nlist; int i = 0; if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s} ", NodeId); } if ((list = read_proc_nr_nodes()) == NULL) { if (errno) node_perror("do_nodes: read_proc_nr_nodes", errno); else axio_printf(NodeIo,"No known nodes"); if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } return 0; } /* "nodes" */ if (argc == 1) { if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[01;36m"); } else if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) == -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, ""); } if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[01;36m"); } node_msg("Nodes:"); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[0;m"); } for (p = list; p != NULL; p = p->next) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%-16.16s %c",print_node(p->alias, p->call),(++i % 4) ? ' ' : '\n'); } if ((User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) && (i % 4) != 0) { node_msg(""); } else if ((User.ul_type != AF_NETROM) && (i % 4) == 0) { } free_proc_nr_nodes(list); return 0; } if ((nlist = read_proc_nr_neigh()) == NULL) { node_perror("do_nodes: read_proc_nr_neigh", errno); if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } return 0; } /* "nodes *" */ if (*argv[1] == '*') { if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[01;36m"); } node_msg("Detailed nodes listing:"); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[0;m"); } axio_printf(NodeIo,"Node Qual Obs Intface Neighbour\n"); axio_printf(NodeIo,"----------------- ---- --- ------- ---------"); for (p = list; p != NULL; p = p->next) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"\n%-16.16s ", print_node(p->alias, p->call)); if ((np = find_neigh(p->addr1, nlist)) != NULL) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%4d %3d %-7s %s",p->qual1,p->obs1,ax25_config_get_name(np->dev),np->call); } else if (p->n > 1 && (np = find_neigh(p->addr2, nlist)) != NULL) { axio_printf(NodeIo," "); axio_printf(NodeIo,"%7d %12d %-7s %s",p->qual2, p->obs2,ax25_config_get_name(np->dev),np->call); } else if (p->n > 2 && (np = find_neigh(p->addr3, nlist)) != NULL) { axio_printf(NodeIo," "); axio_printf(NodeIo,"%7d %12d %-7s %s",p->qual3, p->obs3,ax25_config_get_name(np->dev),np->call); } else if (p->n == 0) axio_puts("",NodeIo); } free_proc_nr_nodes(list); free_proc_nr_neigh(nlist); if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } return 0; } /* "nodes " */ p = find_node(argv[1], list); if (p != NULL) { if (p->n == 0) axio_printf(NodeIo,"Local node without routes: %s", print_node(p->alias, p->call)); else { if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[01;36m"); } node_msg("Routes to: %s", print_node(p->alias, p->call)); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[0;m"); } axio_printf(NodeIo,"Which Qual Obs Intface Neighbour\n"); axio_printf(NodeIo,"----- ---- --- ------- ---------"); if ((np = find_neigh(p->addr1, nlist)) != NULL) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"\n%c %4d %3d %-7s %s",p->w == 1 ? '>' : ' ',p->qual1,p->obs1, ax25_config_get_name(np->dev),np->call); } if (p->n > 1 && (np = find_neigh(p->addr2, nlist)) != NULL) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"\n%c %4d %3d %-7s %s",p->w == 2 ? '>' : ' ',p->qual2, p->obs2, ax25_config_get_name(np->dev),np->call); } if (p->n > 1 && (np = find_neigh(p->addr3, nlist)) != NULL) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"\n%c %4d %3d %-7s %s",p->w == 3 ? '>' : ' ',p->qual3, p->obs3, ax25_config_get_name(np->dev),np->call); } } } else { axio_printf(NodeIo,"No such node"); } free_proc_nr_nodes(list); free_proc_nr_neigh(nlist); if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } return 0; } /* * by Heikki Hannikainen * The following was mostly learnt from the procps package and the * gnu sh-utils (mainly uname). */ int do_status(int argc, char **argv) { int upminutes, uphours, updays; double uptime_secs, idle_secs; double av[3]; unsigned **mem; struct utsname name; time_t t; #ifdef HAVE_AX25 struct flex_dst *fd, *fd_list; struct ax_routes *ar, *ar_list; struct proc_ax25 *ax, *ax_list; #ifdef HAVE_NETROM struct proc_nr *nr, *nr_list; struct proc_nr_nodes *nop, *nolist; struct proc_nr_neigh *nep, *nelist; int n, r, nn; #endif int na, nl, nd; #endif int ma, mu, mf, sa, su, sf; if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s} ", NodeId); } if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[01;37m"); } node_msg("Status:"); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[0;m"); } time(&t); axio_printf(NodeIo,"System time: %s", ctime(&t)); if (uname(&name) == -1) axio_printf(NodeIo,"Cannot get system name\n"); else { axio_printf(NodeIo,"Hostname: %s\n", HostName); axio_printf(NodeIo,"Operating system: %s %s (%s)\n", name.sysname, name.release, name.machine); } /* read and calculate the amount of uptime and format it nicely */ uptime(&uptime_secs, &idle_secs); updays = (int) uptime_secs / (60*60*24); upminutes = (int) uptime_secs / 60; uphours = upminutes / 60; uphours = uphours % 24; upminutes = upminutes % 60; axio_printf(NodeIo,"Uptime: "); if (updays) axio_printf(NodeIo,"%d day%s, ", updays, (updays != 1) ? "s" : ""); if(uphours) axio_printf(NodeIo,"%d hour%s ", uphours, (uphours != 1) ? "s" : ""); axio_printf(NodeIo,"%d minute%s\n", upminutes, (upminutes != 1) ? "s" : ""); loadavg(&av[0], &av[1], &av[2]); axio_printf(NodeIo,"Load average: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n", av[0], av[1], av[2]); axio_printf(NodeIo,"Users: %d node, %d system\n", user_count(), system_user_count()); // if (!(mem = meminfo()) || meminfo("memtotal") == 0) { /* cannot normalize mem usage */ // axio_printf(NodeIo,"Cannot get memory information!\n"); // } else if (load_meminfo()) { ma = meminfo("memtotal"); mu = (meminfo("memtotal") - meminfo("memfree")); mf = meminfo("memfree"); axio_printf(NodeIo,"Memory: Available Used Free perc. Used\n"); axio_printf(NodeIo,"------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------\n"); axio_printf(NodeIo,"Physical: %-7d kB %-7d kB %-7d kB %3d %%\n", ma, mu, mf, (mu*100)/ma); if (meminfo("swaptotal") != 0) { sa = meminfo("swaptotal"); su = (meminfo("swaptotal") - meminfo("swapfree")); sf = meminfo("swapfree"); axio_printf(NodeIo," Swap: %-7d kB %-7d kB %-7d kB %3d %%\n",sa,su,sf,(su*100)/sa); } else axio_printf(NodeIo,"Cannot get swap information or swap not active!\n"); axio_printf(NodeIo," "); } #ifdef HAVE_AX25 #ifdef HAVE_NETROM if ((nolist = read_proc_nr_nodes()) == NULL && errno != 0) node_perror("sessions: read_proc_nr_nodes", errno); n = 0; for (nop = nolist; nop != NULL; nop = nop->next) n++; free_proc_nr_nodes(nolist); if ((nelist = read_proc_nr_neigh()) == NULL && errno != 0) node_perror("sessions: read_proc_nr_neigh", errno); r = 0; for (nep = nelist; nep != NULL; nep = nep->next) r++; free_proc_nr_neigh(nelist); #endif na=0; ax_list=read_proc_ax25(); if (ax_list) for (ax=ax_list;ax!=NULL;ax=ax->next) { if (strcmp(ax->dest_addr, "*")==0) continue; na++; } free_proc_ax25(ax_list); #ifdef HAVE_NETROM nn=0; nr_list=read_proc_nr(); if (nr_list) for (nr=nr_list;nr!=NULL;nr=nr->next) { if (strcmp(nr->dest_node, "*")==0) continue; nn++; } free_proc_nr(nr_list); #endif nl=0; ar_list=read_ax_routes(); if (ar_list) for (ar=ar_list;ar!=NULL;ar=ar->next) { nl++; } free_ax_routes(ar_list); nd=0; fd_list=read_flex_dst(); if (fd_list) for (fd=fd_list;fd!=NULL;fd=fd->next) { nd++; } free_flex_dst(fd_list); axio_printf(NodeIo,"Sockets: Sessions Dest/Nodes Links/Routes\n"); axio_printf(NodeIo,"------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------\n"); axio_printf(NodeIo,"AX25: %-10d %-10d %-10d\n",na,nd,nl); #ifdef HAVE_NETROM axio_printf(NodeIo,"NET/ROM: %-10d %-10d %-10d",nn,n,r); #endif #endif if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } return 0; } int do_version(int argc, char **argv) { if (User.ul_type != AF_NETROM) { if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"\e[01;37mShell : %s\n\e[01;35mHostname : %s\n\e[01;33max25/Flex: %s\n\e[01;36mNetRom : %s\n\e[01;35mRose : %s \e[0;m", VERSION, HostName, FlexId, NodeId, RoseId); return 0; } if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) == -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"Shell : %s\nHostname : %s\nax25/Flex: %s\nNetRom : %s\nRose : %s", VERSION, HostName, FlexId, NodeId, RoseId); return 0; } /* if (User.ul_type != AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "Version : %s\nax25/Flex: %s\nNetRom : %s", VERSION, FlexId, NodeId); return 0; } */ } else axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s} ", NodeId); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI ,0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"\e[01;37m"); } axio_printf(NodeIo,"%s", VERSION); node_msg(""); if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI ,0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"\e[0;m"); } return 0; } int nuser_list(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *f; struct user u; struct tm *tp; struct proc_nr_nodes *np; char buf[80]; long l; axio_puts("",NodeIo); if ((f = fopen(DATA_NODE_LOGIN_FILE, "r")) == NULL) { node_perror(DATA_NODE_LOGIN_FILE, errno); return 0; } if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "%s} ", NodeId); } if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[01;37m"); } if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { /* axio_printf(NodeIo, "\e[0;m%s} %s", NodeId, VERSION); */ axio_printf(NodeIo, "%s", VERSION); } else { axio_printf(NodeIo, "Current users:"); } if (user_count() == 0) { axio_printf(NodeIo, " No users online.\n"); } if (check_perms(PERM_ANSI, 0L) != -1) { axio_printf(NodeIo,"\e[0;m"); } if (user_count() != 0) /* axio_printf(NodeIo,"") */ ; while (fread(&u, sizeof(u), 1, f) == 1) { if (u.pid == -1 || (kill(u.pid, 0) == -1 && errno == ESRCH)) continue; switch (u.ul_type) { case AF_FLEXNET: sprintf(buf, "\nFlexNet (%.9s)", u.call); break; case AF_AX25: sprintf(buf, "\nUplink (%.9s on interface %.10s)", u.call, u.ul_name); break; case AF_NETROM: if ((np = find_node(u.ul_name, NULL)) != NULL) { sprintf(buf, "\nCircuit (%.9s %.18s)", u.call, print_node(np->alias, np->call)); } else { sprintf(buf, "\nCircuit (%.9s %.18s)", u.call, u.ul_name); } break; #ifdef HAVE_ROSE case AF_ROSE: sprintf(buf, "\nROSE (%.9s %.18s)", u.call, u.ul_name); break; #endif case AF_INET: sprintf(buf, "\nTelnet (%.9s @ %.16s)", u.call, u.ul_name); break; case AF_INET6: sprintf(buf, "\nTelnet6 (%.9s @ IPv6)", u.call); break; case AF_UNSPEC: sprintf(buf, "\nHost (%.9s on local)", u.call); break; default: sprintf(buf, "\n?????? (%.9s %.18s)", u.call, u.ul_name); break; } axio_printf(NodeIo,"%-37.37s ", buf); switch (u.state) { case STATE_QUIT: logout_user(); break; case STATE_LOGIN: axio_puts(" -> Logging in",NodeIo); break; case STATE_IDLE: time(&l); l -= u.cmdtime; tp = gmtime(&l); axio_printf(NodeIo," -> Idle (%d:%02d:%02d:%02d)", tp->tm_yday, tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec); break; case STATE_TRYING: switch (u.dl_type) { case AF_FLEXNET: axio_printf(NodeIo," -> Trying (%s)", u.dl_name); break; case AF_AX25: axio_printf(NodeIo," -> Trying (%s on interface %s)", u.dl_name, u.dl_port); break; case AF_NETROM: axio_printf(NodeIo," -> Trying (%s)", u.dl_name); break; #ifdef HAVE_ROSE case AF_ROSE: axio_printf(NodeIo," -> Trying (%s)", u.dl_name); break; #endif case AF_INET: axio_printf(NodeIo," -> Trying (%s:%s)", u.dl_name, u.dl_port); break; default: axio_puts(" -> ???",NodeIo); break; } break; case STATE_CONNECTED: switch (u.dl_type) { case AF_FLEXNET: axio_printf(NodeIo,"<--> FlexNet (%s)", u.dl_name); break; case AF_AX25: axio_printf(NodeIo,"<--> Downlink (%s on interface %s)", u.dl_name, u.dl_port); break; case AF_NETROM: axio_printf(NodeIo,"<--> Circuit (%s)", u.dl_name); break; #ifdef HAVE_ROSE case AF_ROSE: axio_printf(NodeIo,"<--> ROSE (%s)", u.dl_name); break; #endif case AF_INET: axio_printf(NodeIo,"<--> Telnet (%s:%s)", u.dl_name, u.dl_port); break; default: axio_printf(NodeIo,"<--> ???"); break; } break; case STATE_PINGING: axio_printf(NodeIo,"<--> Pinging (%s)", u.dl_name); break; case STATE_EXTCMD: axio_printf(NodeIo,"<--> Extcmd (%s)", u.dl_name); break; } axio_puts("",NodeIo); } if (User.ul_type == AF_NETROM) { node_msg(""); } fclose(f); return 0; }