{{- if not (.Param "hideFooter") }}
{{- end }}
{{- if (not site.Params.disableScrollToTop) }}
{{- end }}
{{- partial "extend_footer.html" . }}
{{/* Load delegate script */}}
{{- $delegate := resources.Get "js/delegate-it.js" }}
{{- if (not site.Params.disableScrollToTop) }}
{{- end }}
{{- /* Base64Email */}}
{{- if (.Param "MaskedEmail") }}
{{- end -}}
{{/* Clear ToC Scroll */}}
{{/* Load mediumZoom script */}}
{{/* It has to be loaded here because of the data-no-instant attribute */}}
{{- $imagezoom := resources.Get "js/medium-zoom.min.js" }}
{{- if .IsPage }}
{{- partial "page_footer.html" . }}
{{- end}}
{{- /* Search */}}
{{- if (eq .Layout `search`) -}}
{{- $fastsearch := resources.Get "js/fastsearch.js" | js.Build (dict "params" (dict "fuseOpts" site.Params.fuseOpts)) }}
{{- $fusejs := resources.Get "js/fuse.basic.min.js" }}
{{- if not site.Params.assets.disableFingerprinting }}
{{- $search := (slice $fusejs $fastsearch ) | resources.Concat "assets/js/search.js" | minify | fingerprint }}
{{- else }}
{{- $search := (slice $fusejs $fastsearch ) | resources.Concat "assets/js/search.js" | minify }}
{{- end }}
{{- else }}
{{- /* InstantClick.js */}}
{{- if (.Param "EnableInstantClick") }}
{{- $instantclick := resources.Get "js/instantclick.js" }}
{{- if hugo.IsProduction }}
{{- $instantclick = minify $instantclick }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end -}}