baseURL: "" title: PaperModX paginate: 5 theme: PaperModX # NOTE remove this line if you copy exampleSite outof hugo-PaperModX themesdir: ../.. enableInlineShortcodes: true enableRobotsTXT: true buildDrafts: false buildFuture: false buildExpired: false enableEmoji: true params: env: production # to enable google analytics, opengraph, twitter-cards and schema. description: "Theme PaperModX -" author: - Reorx mainSections: - docs - posts disableAnchoredHeadings: true images: ["cover.png"] defaultTheme: auto # disableThemeToggle: true ShowShareButtons: true ShowReadingTime: true ShowWordCount: true # disableSpecial1stPost: true displayFullLangName: true ShowPostNavLinks: true ShowBreadCrumbs: true ShowCodeCopyButtons: true ShowToc: true TocOpen: true TocSide: "right" EnableInstantClick: true EnableImageZoom: true commentSystems: disqus: shortname: reorx remark42: url: site: telegramWidget: channel: reorx_share accentColor: "9077e1" limit: 20 defaultCommentSystems: remark42: true profileMode: enabled: false title: PaperModX imageUrl: "#" imageTitle: my image # imageWidth: 120 # imageHeight: 120 buttons: - name: Archives url: /archives/ - name: Tags url: /tags/ homeInfoParams: Title: "PaperModX" Content: | Welcome to demo of hugo's theme PaperModX. - **PaperModX** is a simple but fast and responsive theme with useful feature-set that enhances UX. - PaperModX is based on theme [PaperMod]( To get started, please head to the [Docs](docs). To see examples of different contents, head to [examples tag](tags/example). socialIcons: - name: github-simple url: "" - name: rss-simple url: "index.xml" editPost: URL: "" Text: "Suggest Changes" # edit text appendFilePath: true # to append file path to Edit link # label: # text: "Home" # icon: icon.png # iconHeight: 35 # assets: # favicon: "" # favicon16x16: "" # favicon32x32: "" # apple_touch_icon: "" # safari_pinned_tab: "" # cover: # hidden: true # hide everywhere but not in structured data # hiddenInList: true # hide on list pages and home # hiddenInSingle: true # hide on single page # fuseOpts: # isCaseSensitive: false # shouldSort: true # location: 0 # distance: 1000 # threshold: 0.4 # minMatchCharLength: 0 # keys: ["title", "permalink", "summary", "content"] minify: disableXML: true # minifyOutput: true languages: en: languageName: "English" weight: 1 menu: main: - name: Docs url: /docs/ weight: 1 - name: Tags url: /tags/ weight: 4 - name: Archive url: /archives/ weight: 5 - name: Search url: /search/ weight: 10 - name: "@Author" url: "" params: external: true zh: languageName: ":cn:" languageAltTitle: 中文 weight: 2 title: PaperModX profileMode: enabled: true title: PaperModX # imageUrl: "#" # imageTitle: my image # imageWidth: 120 # imageHeight: 120 subtitle: >
Hugo 主题
☄️ 快速 | ☁️ 流畅 | 📖 可读性 | 📱 响应式 buttons: - name: 文档 url: docs - name: 标签 url: tags menu: main: - name: 文档 url: docs weight: 1 - name: 标签 url: tags/ weight: 4 - name: 归档 url: archives weight: 5 - name: 搜索 url: search/ weight: 10 - name: "@作者" url: "" params: external: true outputs: home: - HTML - RSS - JSON taxonomies: category: categories tag: tags series: series markup: goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true highlight: style: dracula lineNos: false noClasses: false privacy: vimeo: disabled: false simple: true twitter: disabled: false enableDNT: true simple: true instagram: disabled: false simple: true youtube: disabled: false privacyEnhanced: true services: instagram: disableInlineCSS: true twitter: disableInlineCSS: true