285 lines
6.9 KiB
285 lines
6.9 KiB
title: "FAQs"
summary: Frequently Asked Questions
date: 2021-01-20
author: "Aditya Telange"
draft: true
## Intro
- **We'll be using `yml/yaml` format for all examples down below, I recommend using `yml` over `toml` as it is easier to read.**
- You can find any [YML to TOML](https://www.google.com/search?q=yml+to+toml) converters if necessary.
## Override theme template
By Hugo's Lookup Order, you can override any part of a theme that you want. The following is a quick example.
Let's say you wish the `list` was different. All you have to do is copy the `list` template:
And paste it under your own `layouts` folder:
Then you're free to make any changes you want to the `list`.
When Hugo builds your site, your copy of `list.html` will be used instead of the theme's `list.html`.
## Enable Social-Metadata and SEO
These include OpenGraph, Twitter Cards and Schema.
env: production
or set `HUGO_ENV` as "production" in system env-vars
## Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource ... ?
Read about How Subresource Integrity helps: [Subresource_Integrity](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Subresource_Integrity)
Why was the `asset` not loading ? : [How_browsers_handle_Subresource_Integrity](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Subresource_Integrity#How_browsers_handle_Subresource_Integrity)
Set the following in `config.yml`
disableFingerprinting: true
Linked Issues:
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65056585/hugo-theme-not-loading
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65040931/hugo-failed-to-find-a-valid-digest-in-the-integrity-attribute-for-resource
- https://blog.gerardbeckerleg.com/posts/hugo-failed-to-find-a-valid-digest-in-the-integrity-attribute-for-resource/
## Bundling Custom css with theme's assets
- For adding custom css to be bundled inside one minimized css
Create folder in yout project directory as
.(site root)
├── config.yml
├── content/
├── theme/hugo-PaperMod/
└── assets/
└── css/
└── extended/ <---
├── custom_css1.css <---
└── any_name.css <---
All `css` files inside `assets/css/extended` will be bundled !
**Note**: blank.css is just the placeholder so that it doesn't break the theme when no files are present under `assets/css/extended`
Linked Issues:
- [Papermod Theme: How to add custom CSS?](https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/papermod-theme-how-to-add-custom-css/30165)
## Custom Head / Footer
Custom css/js can be added by way mentioned below.
.(site root)
├── config.yml
├── content/
├── theme/hugo-PaperMod/
└── layouts
├── partials
│ ├── comments.html
│ ├── extend_footer.html <---
│ └── extend_head.html <---
└── robots.txt
Create a html page in directory structure as shown above.
Contents of `extend_head.html` will be added to `head` of page.
and contents of `extend_footer.html` will be added to bottom of page.
## Add menu to site
You can add menu entries which will appear in the header of every page.
To do so, add a `menu` section to your site's `config.yml`:
- identifier: categories
name: categories
url: /categories/
weight: 10
- identifier: tags
name: tags
url: /tags/
weight: 20
- identifier: example
name: example.org
url: https://example.org
weight: 30
`name` controls what will be displayed for the menu entry.
`url` sets the URL that the entry points to.
`weight` is used to control the positioning of entries.
For more information on menus, see the [Hugo wiki page](https://gohugo.io/content-management/menus/).
## Pin a Post
Post can be pinned/ displayed top on the list by adding a `weight=<num>` var to page-variables
title: "My Important post"
date: 2020-09-15T11:30:03+00:00
weight: 1
title: "My 2nd Important post"
date: 2020-09-15T11:30:03+00:00
weight: 2
## Adding Custom Favicon(s)
We support the following paths under `/static` directory
and can be added accordingly.
- `favicon.ico`
- `favicon-16x16.png`
- `favicon-32x32.png`
- `apple-touch-icon.png`
- `safari-pinned-tab.svg`
1. Favicon(s) can be generated by [Favicon.io](https://favicon.io)
and can be simply put in `/static` folder.
2. Other way is to add favicon(s) NOT located in `/static` folder.
In site config add the following:
favicon: "<link / absolute url>"
favicon16x16: "<link / absolute url>"
favicon32x32: "<link / absolute url>"
apple_touch_icon: "<link / absolute url>"
safari_pinned_tab: "<link / absolute url>"
- `absolute url` means direct links to external resource: ex. https://web.site/someimage.png
favicon: "/favicon.ico"
favicon16x16: "/favicon-16x16.png"
favicon32x32: "/favicon-32x32.png"
apple_touch_icon: "/apple-touch-icon.png"
safari_pinned_tab: "/safari-pinned-tab.svg"
## Centering image in markdown
Add `#center` after image to center align an image

**When using [`figure`](https://gohugo.io/content-management/shortcodes/) shortcode**
use `align=center` to center image with captions
{{</* figure align=center src="image.jpg" */>}}
## Using Hugo's Syntax highlighter "chroma"
Set hugo's markdown styling in site `config.yml`
noClasses: false
`noClasses` has to be `false` to make highlight color follows the theme.
## Search not working ?
If you are using a CDN to server assets from a different domain, search would break
Why? Take a look at [fastsearch.js#L35](https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/blob/fb4988cfb6d0d6e4e489f17d89f0fa618def3396/assets/js/fastsearch.js#L35).
We fetch the `index.json` (where the search function looks for the keywords typed) one level up of the website `search.min.js` is hosted on.
We have used this insted of assigning `baseURL` so as to work with multilingual websites ex. `example.com/fr/` and websites being placed under a subdirectory ex. `example.com/blog/`.
To fix for _single_ language websites hosting assets from CDN, this you may [override](#override-theme-template) [fastsearch.js#L35](https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/blob/fb4988cfb6d0d6e4e489f17d89f0fa618def3396/assets/js/fastsearch.js#L35) and placing appropriate URL as in
xhr.open("GET", "https://example.com/index.json");
## References
- [Override a Hugo theme](https://zwbetz.com/override-a-hugo-theme/)